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Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch



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The book of Scots-Irish family names – FamilySearch

The book of Scots-Irish family names. Title Also Known As: Book of Ulster surnames|Ulster surnames|Scots-Irish family names. Statement of Responsibility: Robert Bell. Authors: Bell, Robert, 1953- (Main Author) Format: Books/Monographs.

Daniel Elliot (1637–1704)   FamilySearch


Discover life events, stories and photos about Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) of Tullykelter, County Fermanagh, Ireland … English and Scottish: variant of Elliott .
Mark Elliott
21 minutes ago
Thomas Little, Laird of Meikldaila, dyed in April 27,1963. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Meikledale+Lodge/@55.2252327,-3.0829775,10.5z/data=!4m8!3m7!1s0x487d6928da2d6db3:0x3629054a82531122!5m2!4m1!1i2!8m2!3d55.22889!4d-2.99028?hl=en&authuser=0 Jan Van Kort 4 hours ago I read that chronicle about the Armstrongs, a-bunch of grifters all in America. Traveling religious con-men(watch “Leap of Faith”). Know some admins, may want to get rid of ‘Jan Van Kort’, he has an odd ball J-M172 Y-DNA doesn’t seem to match well with the Little. Besides his name is ‘Van Kort’, not Little. He’s Dutch how can he be a ‘Little’. People utilized people’s differences, it is only a luxury a society can regiment itself, and expect to survive and not fall. Yes, ‘Jan Van Kort’ is family. ‘van kort’, ‘from small’, or Little, which received their name from the Liddel Water, like Eric Liddell, the Scotsman in ‘Chariots of Fire’, France’s 1924 Olympics, UKs running star. In the Debatable Lands the name Little (Liddel), originated with the ‘army strong’ of Scotland. The I-M253 Fairbairn are related to the Elliot, a part of a Danish-Anglo Germanic add mix. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Fairbairn-I-M253-Elliott-Viking-add-mix.png The Armstrong applying themselves as a shared collective the way genealogy needs to be done to get it correct, got it correct. There are R=L193 Little, Elliot, and Glendinning of Glendinning/Glendowin, which acquired there surname likely from a St Clare (St Clair)/ Sinclare (Sinclair), Y-DNA seed coming up from Suffolk, East Anglia to the region. https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Old+Schoolhouse+-+Glendinning+Farm+Cottages/@55.2530267,-3.1060402,17z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bradfield+St.+Clare,+Bury+Saint+Edmunds,+UK/@52.1855944,0.7807657,14z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Clare,+Sudbury,+UK/@52.0259509,0.3323021,9.67z/
Mark Elliott
1 hour ago
Robert Bruce Armstrong, of Edinburgh, Scotland. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13/mode/2up Also publish on Highland and Irish harps; https://www.wirestrungharp.com/library/rba_harps/ Jan Van Kort 4 hours ago I read that chronicle about the Armstrongs, a-bunch of grifters all in America. Traveling religious con-men(watch “Leap of Faith”). It should be noted, even though a reference may be edited by James L. Armstrong MD, containing many Armstrong and various documents, the Armstrong have been in expression of though an ideas been genocide. People read what they want to read. To nation states the thought of the Union-Jack to Armstrong and Elliott, getting the same as the Swastika to the Jews, is a thought of free speech which would be silenced from Harvard Puritan Cromwellian and genocide James I types along with Hitler’s Nazis is unthinkable. The history is right so a superior race status quo type of science not the science of a James Stewart Bell, or a Joyce Bell Burnell but the science of silencing not sharing like that of Hitler or which hanging Harvard Judges, is the type which silence free speech from these feeds. Not reading a Robert Bell which gives some history of what happened to Armstrong, Elliott, and the Little also; https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Just because my family were thieves, it is genocide to steal one’s family history, and it is not family which are stolen if only goods are taken.
Mark Elliott
Mark Elliott
2 hours ago
Mark Elliott
2 hours ago
http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html Glendinning, and Mikidale, Blaeu 1654 map. Van Kort, Blaeu is Dutch. https://maps.nls.uk/view/00000400#zoom=5&lat=3690&lon=5085&layers=BT Jan Van Kort 3 hours ago “I read that chronicle about the Armstrongs, a-bunch of grifters all in America.” Not the Joseph Putnam, but his wife, Anne Carr, who lost children at child birth, like Daniel Elliot, wife a Hannah Cloyse Elliot, loss a young one about 2 at child birth. The Carr, and you Van Kort of the Little are family. Anne died young without marriage, Noting, even though my family was refugees would not wish upon them. It is the witch hanging school of Harvard Puritan Judges, which silence speech much in the fashion as corporate profit making FTDNA admin, will silence people from the activity feeds and call it family history/genealogy, when it is a prerequisite to free states, and genealogy that people speak free in the activity feeds without censorship. These FTDNA along as people can not enter and exit freely, and speak freely, like with the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, these feeds are not in finding family but are distorting family histories in the way profit making owners of FTDNA wants the history to come out to support a society which Hitler was making for Germany. Without free speech and freedom to enter and exit then knowledge is not gain. Though being a descendant of a notorious border reiver, am having a great deal of fun reiving the genealogical family history data entwined in the data with corporate policy to constrain the Harvard Puritan types which are trying though by the nature of genealogy and true genealogist because like me they just step past any constraints am like a kid in a candy shop with no one there, get to the genealogical information first.
Mark Elliott
April 27 @ 8:57am
Jan Van Kort 1 hour ago “you been busy, almost every article I’ve read in the past week mentions Huguenots. Why? They don’t list names or reference to one Huguenot, yet there it is. Huguenots fled France from the St. Bartholomew massacre in 1572. They were Calvanists, extremists, like to burn witches. The Reivers were non-religious, might assume a religion just to fit in” See this Philip English, he’s not really English he’s French Huguenot, but built an Episcopalian Church. Family Royalists, and the Anglican-Episcopalian Chapel would be of Royalists. Search Results Web results Philip English – Salem Witch Trials http://salem.lib.virginia.edu/people/english.html Philip English is an interesting figure in the Salem witch trials because his … in 1714 when he gave money to help erect an Anglican church in a nearby town. A Genealogical Register of the First Settlers of New …books.google.com › books John Farmer – 1829 – ‎Massachusetts ELLIOTT, “ANDREW, Beverly, came from Somersetshire, was admitted … Mercy, daughter of Samuel Shattuck, 9 Dec, 1680, and was lost at Cape Sables, from on board a ship, belonging to Philip English, while returning to N. E. 12 Sept. 1688 … Note; Puritan, Somersetshire of the French/English Aliot/Eliot. Samuel Shattuck, a Quaker travel to England to allow Quakers, into the Colony of Massachusetts. Those Quakers can be a bunch of ‘free speeking’, genealogical trouble makers anyway they should be kept out of all genealogical family history feeds for presenting genealogical documentation anyway, that is how you get the truth out of family history. Philip English built churches for my type of people, Those Hamiltonian Anglican Border Reiving Charles II, Royalists, enslaved by Puritanical Cromwellian Harvard Educated, people silencing Mary Dyer by hanging her in Boston Commons, and silencing witches by hanging them, but retaining their Harvard positioning, even today in silencing refugees of the Salem Trials. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Radical-Origins-Early-Mormon-Converts-David-and-Daniel-Elliot.jpg A lot of them Mormons which are raised in genealogy, and know to get genealogy right it has to be put in the hands of family. It is criminal thief to take a person’s money for DNA data, then refer to that person as a liar, an to utilize, the process of science of the School of Harvard of Cromwellian Puritans, of Cotton Mather, to censor out ‘free speech’, and carrying act which Harvard judges did in hanging the ‘free speech’, of the witches, and the ‘free religion’ of the Quakers. Yes, Jan Van Kort, the Huguenots, Philip English, and Garbriel Bernon, of the (New) Oxford, MA Plantation in the American Colony, where good to refugees of the Salem Trial, Philip English being one himself, of the Town and Elliot families in Oxford, MA. Descended from Samuel Barton, like a brother to Daniel Elliot, is Oxford, MA most foremost ancestor, Clara Barton, instrumental in the founding of the American Red Cross. Samuel, like Daniel also testified for Elizabeth Proctor. Elizabeth Proctor’s story during the witch trials was made into a play by Arthur Miller, “The Crucible”, a play which put in concerned the freedom of speech during the fifties of the ‘black listing’, of certain play rights and other’s being referred to a communists during the early part of the Cold War. A lot of Armstrong became Quaker, at least one became Mormon; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Albert-Bird-Armstrong-genealogists.png Chronicles of the Armstrongs; ed by Armstrong, James Lewis MD,1902 (on Little/Liddel); https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/29/mode/2up
Jan Van Kort
5 hours ago
I read that chronicle about the Armstrongs, a-bunch of grifters all in America. Traveling religious con-men(watch “Leap of Faith”). My mother’s family were Putnam, the same involved in the witch trial. Been reading up on it, absolutely sickening. Cotton Mather should have been hung, the Putnam girls seriously spanked. Even Alice Baxter/Lake is another ancestor, and so is James Lewis (came here before the revolution and Mormonism(almost left an m out)). You leave someone contemplating their naval too long (Quaker prayer-house) and you’re going to get un-expected results. Squire Boone had to move from PA, he was the Quaker leader and his daughter Hannah allowed John Stewart to stay the night and quaker tongues got to wagging, and maybe Elizabeth Ann Stewart begat(my 6thggm). But that doesn’t get to Huguenots as Littles in the “New World” or the “Old World”. Or as to why it’s even mentioned in the summaries to the Clans. The Puritans of Salem weren’t made up of Clans for the most part. The Putnams were English with German roots, mostly. Even today, they’re Lutheran, Evangelical or Mormon, can’t make up their minds. Except my branch.
Mark Elliott
Jan Van Kort
April 27 @ 7:31am
you been busy, almost every article I’ve read in the past week mentions Huguenots. Why? They don’t list names or reference to one Huguenot, yet there it is. Huguenots fled France from the St. Bartholomew massacre in 1572. They were Calvanists, extremists, like to burn witches. The Reivers were non-religious, might assume a religion just to fit in
Mark Elliott
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