Peace On The Border · Steeleye Span

My family chased the Tories the Freedom of Speech silencers out of America. Daniel Elot (Elliott) was a Harvard Cromwellian Puritan slave of the Tory type. These people schooled at Harvard would never think of stopping a shuttle from going into space, when Utah engineers say it was not safe. Measure that silencing of my free speech is still held by Harvard types, and knew they silence an thought they hung me like a witch. Harvard if you know what the top of the queue means then you will know what applied engineering mathematics from Utah can do, and how you been relegated on an American standard to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ancestors, as Salem judges, which story was utilized in The Crucible. Have the Y-DNA of Daniel Elliott which testified in defense of Elizabeth Proctor.

The above are not my people. My people are POW Scot sent to the British Colonies. These are my people.


Crozier / Crosier
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Clan Crozier (crosier, croser, cros, etc.) is one of the border reiving clans of Scotland, along with the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.

Крозье / Крозье
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Клан Крозье (crosier, croser, cros и т.д.) является одним из пограничных кланов Шотландии, наряду с Армстронгами, Эллиотами и Никсонами. Некоторые источники ссылаются на фамилию как на септ клана Армстронгов, но шотландский парламент в 1587 году определил Крозье как клан среднего марша.

Could they have moved when the violence ‘The Troubles’, was going on along the County Fermanagh border? Guess if there is any hardening of the border, people of County Femanagh may want to move to Germany to get away from violence.,1996:McManus,1996:Johnston,1996:Armstrong,1996:Elliott


Torys are in power. Only a sadistic dictatorship would put a border which divides the Armstrong and Elliott again like the border between two genocidal kingdoms of England and Scotland did, by dividing the families members of Armstrong and Elliott family.



The Irish border line: a journey along the edge of the Brexit crisis •Dec 9, 2019

Boris Johnson, On Irish border•Oct 28, 2019

The Brexit deal explained – Irish border issue

Oct 18, 2019

Brexit deal ‘could spark loyalist disorder’ in Northern Ireland, says police chief – BBC Newsnight Oct 24, 2019

A Brexit deal that threatens the union between Great Britain and Northern Ireland could lead to civil disorder by loyalists, the head of the Police Service of Northern Ireland has said.


If your family lived all sides on the same piece of land called Ireland, and someone put a border in keeping your family apart. Would you be mad at your family or those which put the border in? Which group would be for the violence which followed. The group which was against the border in the first place or the group which put it in?

If people voted to leave a group of people, but not to put a fence in after they left, but it was decided to put the fence in anyway, would one call that democracy? Is democracy when people vote on something, but the vote is not followed?

Guardian News
Published on Jul 27, 2019
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson cautioned the European Union that the Irish backstop, which he said was undemocratic, needed to be ditched if they were to strike a Brexit divorce deal. He has repeatedly warned that if the EU continues to refuse to renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement agreed by his predecessor, Theresa May, then he will take Britain out without a deal. His biggest demand is that the most hotly contested element of the Brexit divorce agreement – the Irish border backstop – be struck out of the Withdrawal Agreement, a demand that has angered Ireland and perturbed other EU capitals. ‘If we get rid of the backstop, whole and entire, then we are making a lot of progress,’ Johnson said, when asked if it is was only the Irish border backstop that he wanted changed.

In 1607 my family as a supporter of Catholic Queen Marie Stuart of Scotland, exiled from both kingdoms the Union of the Crown, which exiled or extermination of the Armstrong and Elliott from the borders is represent by the Union Jack. The

Elliott along with the Armstrong, by supporting Charles II, and the local Catholic population as Royalists we fought against Cromwell then transported as slaves to the American Colonies.  Charles II, did become king, which today is a better government then their continuence of a genocidal policy of getting rid of the backstop. These Armstrong and Elliott of County Femanagh, Ireland no longer need a border of violence rapped around them.

In 1776 family rebelled in America against such a government, and now I truly understand why.  Prime Minister Johnson, would understand why also if his name was instead spelled Johnston.      Sincerely  Mark Stephen Elliott

Neil Armstrong’s Last Name Posed a Problem in his Ancestral Scottish Hometown
Apr 15, 2019 Ian Harvey

The Tory’s Day of Judgment (Library of Congress)

No-deal Brexit: Tony Blair warns of ‘devastating’ consequences for peace in Northern Ireland
Speaking to Sky News’ Sophy Ridge, the former Labour Party leader says no one could “responsibly” propose a no-deal Brexit.
Sunday 10 February 2019, UK


Map from

Clan Forrester clan map jpg (more complete)

The Elliots : the story of a border clan : a genealogical history
by Eliott of Stobs, Dora, Lady; Eliott of Stobs, Arthur, Sir, 1915- joint author 1974

29th chief, Margaret Eliott, Redheugh-Stobs, daughter of Arthur and granddaughter to Dora;

Irish border issue: ‘Peace is not guaranteed’ Duration: 00:31 2/4/2019 Ireland peace broker George Mitchell warns violence is possible if a hard border returns to the island.

Nicola Sturgeon plots her own power grab as she uses Brexit to demand a fresh wave of devolution for Scotland
The voice of your constituency against wind farms in the Middle Shires and next to The Hermitage Castle in Scotland are being ignored.  The voice of the people of Scotland for a Scottish Border National Park of Peace with England are being ignored also by Nicola Sturgeon.

People’s vote Brexit rally draws 1 million marchers

Guardian News
Published on Mar 23, 2019

Only a dictator would not support a Borders English-Scotland National Peace Park, they would support Scottish ownership of a wind farm company in which they can desecrate the lands of the Middle Shires set aside to remember the families of borders which were genocide there in the manner which Hitler genocide the Jews.

How can Nicola Sturgeon listen to Armstrong, Elliot, and Johnston on a Brexit Border if she does not listen to them on the Scottish Border?

BBC News South Scotland Windy Edge wind farm appeal succeeds 9 June 2016
A wind farm rejected by a council as “incongruous and anachronistic” has been approved on appeal.
The nine-turbine Windy Edge project south of Hawick has been given the green light by a Scottish government reporter.
Scottish Borders Council rejected the plans about a year ago due to concerns over its effect on the landscape.
A reporter found it would have “no unacceptable environmental impacts” and ruled it could proceed.
The project attracted more than 300 letters of opposition, along with more than 100 in support of the scheme. Planning officials recommended refusal and councillors voted by six to two to reject the proposals. Supporters of the scheme claimed the turbines would have less of an impact on the landscape than forestry, and that it would help combat climate change. Now the Scottish government reporter has decided the project can go ahead. He concluded the development “would not impact on the setting” of the nearby Hermitage Castle and chapel.

When a Scottish government reporter makes a decision which should have been made by an independent archaeologist, it is indicated that the decision was fixed, or the Scottish Government is not being administered at a democratic contingency representative governmental level.


Hermitage Castle Homeplace Clan Elliot t-shirt

For the Scottish Government to place a wind farm next to The Hermitage Castle is still following the policies of James VI of Scotland which became James I of England; He ordered all places of strength to be demolished.


Nicola Sturgeon;

In the United States, we are celebrating Saint Patrick chasing snakes from his land with his CROZIER. My ancestors, who lived on the Scottish side of the border, were the army that kept Scotland an independent kingdom of England and supported the Catholic Queen Mary of Scots.

We were genocide of Mary’s son James, who was confiscated by the Protestants of Catholic Queen Mary of Scotland. This genocide is a mid-March family, Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier. Land genocide due to the industrialization of a wind farm licensed by the Kingdom of Scotland, now with Union Jack has a flag that resembles the genocide of the Nazis and a symbol of the genocide of the Jews.

Even James VI. From Scotland, including James I of England, who believed in preserving this buffer zone of peace, our home countries should remain as Middle Shires. However, the Scottish government still had to go one step further to place a wind farm near Elliott’s Clan home’s The Hermitage Castle.

The Elliott, and I as an Elliott am following the Armstrong, and were soldiering The Hermitage Castle at the time Scotland was a separate kingdom from England. The Middle March are a family of Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, as the chief said we are a law unto ourselves, a law which family supersedes kingdom, and it is family we trust in words, kingdoms we only trust in actions. If the kingdoms actions are desecrating our Elliott, home place, The Hermitage Castle, we defend it with the Armstrong this time jumping to help us. We are not loyal to any kingdom which attacks our home The Hermitage Castle. Family of Armstrong, Nixon, and Crozier, come especially before a kingdom of a flag of genocide, that of The Union Jack.

Mark Stephen Elliott

IRWIN Family Tree DNA results

Happy 57th Steve Irwin  2/22/2019 MSE


ie Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, Crozier, Little, Batson, Thompson, Irwin, Bell, Johnston, Glendinning, Routledge, Henderson, and not the Scots of Branxholm and Buccluech in Teviotdale, but the Scotts of Ewesdale.

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …, Volume 1

By Robert Bruce Armstrong

have similar Y-DNA, because name adoption of various names where abstracted and adopted when these people were of the Scottish Borderlands. They are the people which were on the side of Catholic Queen Mary of Scotland, and are on the side of Catholic, EU Ireland, not a Scotland married to an English with the genocide style of a Nazi swastika flag, the is still in the process of genocide to the homelands of the people by out right dictatorial industrialization, supper imposing upon their continuancy which are overwhelmingly against these wind farms on the sacred home lands of Borderers their industrialization, and even placing an wind farm next to the greatest archaeological historical monument home to my Clan that of The Elliott, with a 29th chief Margaret Eliott living a short distance to the south at Redheugh, THE HERMITAGE CASTLE.

haben ähnliche Y-DNA, weil die Namensübernahme verschiedener Namen abstrahiert und angenommen wurde, als diese Leute zu den schottischen Borderlands gehörten. Das sind die Leute, die sich auf der Seite der katholischen Königin Mary von Schottland befanden, und auf der Seite der katholischen, EU-Irland, nicht eines Schottlands, das mit einem Engländer verheiratet ist, der im Genozid-Stil einer Hakenkreuzfahne der Nazis ist. Das ist immer noch im Prozess Völkermord an den Heimatländern des Volkes durch die richtige diktatorische Industrialisierung, ein Abendessen, das ihre Kontinuität auferlegt, die überwältigend gegen diese Windparks in den heiligen Heimatländern der Borderers Industrialisierung ist, und sogar einen Windpark neben dem größten archäologischen Denkmalhaus platziert Zu meinem Clan, dem von The Elliott, mit einer 29. Häuptling Margaret Eliott, die in Redheugh, südlich von Redheugh, lebte, THE HERMITAGE CASTLE



Nicola Sturgeon;

In den Vereinigten Staaten feiern wir den Heiligen Patrick, der mit seinem CROZIER Schlangen aus seinem Land jagt.

Meine Vorfahren, die auf der schottischen Seite der Grenze lebten, waren die Armee, die Schottland ein unabhängiges Königreich von England hielt und die katholische Königin Mary of Scots unterstützte.

Wir waren Völkermord an Marias Sohn James, der von den Protestanten der katholischen Königin Mary of Scotland konfisziert wurde. Dieser Genozid ist eine Familie Mitte März, Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon und Crozier. Landvölkermord durch die Industrialisierung eines vom Königreich Schottland lizenzierten Windparks, jetzt mit Union Jack hat eine Flagge, die dem Völkermord an den Nazis ähnelt und ein Symbol für den Völkermord an den Juden.

Sogar James VI. Aus Schottland, einschließlich James I von England, der daran glaubte, diese Pufferzone des Friedens zu erhalten, sollten unsere Heimatländer als Middle Shires bleiben. Die schottische Regierung musste jedoch noch einen Schritt weitergehen, um einen Windpark in der Nähe des Elliott-Clanheims The Hermitage Castle zu platzieren.

Der Elliott und ich als Elliott folgen dem Armstrong und waren Soldat der Eremitage Castle zu dieser Zeit, als Schottland ein von England getrenntes Königreich war. Der mittlere März ist eine Familie von Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon und Crozier, wie der Häuptling sagte, wir seien ein Gesetz für uns, ein Gesetz, das die Familie an die Stelle des Königreichs setzt, und es ist eine Familie, der wir auf Worte vertrauen. Wenn die Aktionen des Königreichs unser Elliott, die Heimat der Eremitage, entweihen, verteidigen wir es mit dem Armstrong, um dieses Mal zu springen, um uns zu helfen. Wir sind keinem Königreich treu, das unser Haus The Hermitage Castle angreift. Die Familie von Armstrong, Nixon und Crozier kommt besonders vor dem Reich der Fahne des Genozids, des Union Jack.

Mark Stephen Elliott



For this city (Londonderry-Derry town of English Protestants, and Irish Catholics) in Northern Ireland, Brexit is a big headache
March 19, 2018 · 10:15 AM EDT By Matthew Bell



Border Reivers have no leaders because leaders get hung. They pitch-in, search and sort out information. If you are to have their support, they must be supported first, not a desecration of the homeland by industrialization, which as a Middle Shires are meant to be protected, since the genocide or force movement from the region of the Scottish Border families which once lived there. For Scotland to not be enslaved by England, they need to recognize and support their formal army which kept the two kingdoms apart. These families are a family first, nation second. If their families are being denigrated, by a nation, they will not help that nation, but pitch-in and become a nation onto themselves, of a people spread around the world by England. It is easy to border cross with the internet, and intercommunication, is already going on between families of former Reivers, between the many nations they were sent to.  They are documenting and sharing information about their families. They are the genealogists which want to again invade the borderlands of Scotland and England, and Ulster and Ireland to find their family homeland preserved along with their histories, so they can find themselves. Can assure these people are better than the Red Coats, England sent to what became the US. They do not want to return to their historical lands after they have been desecrated by industrialization. It is recognized only a government which is pursuant in past policies of James VI, of Scotland, James I of England to exterminate these people from their border homelands, would go a step further and even in the procedure of the genocide of the borderer’s homeland, is to exterminate the preservation of these land by industrialization. For a government which does that deserves to be enslaved by the larger English government.


Apologize, but this is the best example I could find. It is known that he is a Texan invading Ulster, instead, of someone maybe of another western state invading the Scottish Borderlands. Hope he did not cause too much of a stress on Ulster.


‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

1583 Middle March Clans of Armstrong, Ellot-Elliot-Ellwood, Crosier-Crozier, and Nixon in 1659 Ulster, County Fermanagh Census;



Some were hung, some sent away
To Ireland and the low countries
Great was the price they had to pay
God bless their memory
And god bless you and me

Einige wurden aufgehängt, andere weggeschickt
nach Irland und in die niedrigen Länder
Toll war der Preis, den sie bezahlen mussten
Gott segne ihr Gedächtnis
Und Gott segne dich und mich


Steeleye Span 
Published on Nov 8, 2014
Provided to YouTube by Entertainment One Distribution US

Frieden an der Grenze



[Rick Kemp]. Steeleye Span recorded their bass player Rick Kemp’s song for their album Back in Line.

Peace On The Border · Steeleye Span

Steeleye Span

Would use Youtube link (showing album cover), Steeleye Span, but it is causing problems.

Album Back in Line



Peace On The Border      

After the riding we dispersed
We drifted home in twos and threes
Through cold and rain we spat and cursed
This ancient war of families


Clan Armstrong Scotland’s ClansSeries 1 Episode 1 of 6 BBC

Margaret Elliot (correct spelling of 29th chief of Redheugh-Stobs is Eliott) talks about how the

BBC Four Smailholm Tower (above) and the Border Reivers

Reivers were opportunists who were a law unto themselves. (Broadcast: 8/5/2008)

Last statement of BBC Smailholm Tower presentation; …..the most famous even reached the moon; Neil Armstrong.



Armies past and then returned
They killed and raped, they stole and burnt
So from the cradle we have learnt
To be as hard as stone
And learned to stand alone


Clan Armstrong Scotland’s ClansSeries 1 Episode 1 of 6 BBC

Rowanburn, UK


They are gone now, the killing and disorder
They’re just ghosts now, the brigand and marauder
And we give thanks for peace on the border
We give thanks for peace on the border

(Armstrong tartan piece said to be left on moon; by guess who; hint Neil Alden Armstrong)


Cloak and dagger, crime on crime
Anarchy in the borderlands
The king’s men came with a valentine
To break to power of the border clans


Langholm of Clan Armstrong’s Castle, and where the Bauld (Scottish for ‘bold’) Buccleuch now lives is the Scottish Border Home of Neil Alden Armstrong, BBC News.

Fiona Armstrong BBC, on Neil Alden Armstrong’s visit to his claimed hometown, of Langholm, Scotland, just after his death.


Some were hung, some sent away
To Ireland and the low countries
Great was the price they had to pay
God bless their memory
And god bless you and me



The broken towers that stand today
Stand for peace and order
Reminding us until the day
That we need no more borders

5/15/2018 MSE

A giant leap for an ‘Ulsterman’… 

Distant Irish relatives mourn moonwalker Neil Armstrong

Armstrong, Armestrong, Armstrang, Armestrong, Ellot, Johnston, and Scot for Scott in c.1630, County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland muster.

Surname landscape in the county of Fermanagh [Brian S. Turner] – FHL

To be able to utilize Y-DNA, as in family genealogical history research, it needs to be integrated with other resources, and the Family History Library, and, is an excellent way to obtain these resources.

By Robert Bell;


Succession for County Fermanagh to become County Maguire. If all members of the above five surnames voted for it, it would certainly be in a majority.  The family Maguire, Johnston, Armstrong, McManus, and Elliott, can show the two kingdoms, we are just getting tire of you dictating to us, and not representing the constituency, by becoming County Maguire of Ireland. See you have McGovern in the county. Though dad took me to see candidate Nixon when he first ran against Kennedy, too young to vote back then. Dad is felt to vote for Nixon, but I voted McGovern, the second time he ran, and won the presidency. They are speaking hot air and not giving the facts. Get rid of them and Brexit.

The genocide our families of the Border of Scotland and England. Their Cromwellian Dictatorial Governments, Scotland a pawn of England, laugh as transporting my family which fought as Royalists for Stewart King Charles II , supporting those McManus and Maguire, which Cromwell went through Ireland and genocide, and they refer to their government, which dictates and does not follow the wishes of the way their constituency votes a democracy. A democracy is the Borderland previous to Border Genocide, which many know what is was like as the Irish do also to be transported as slaves to the colonies. The kingdoms which united transported their democracy to America, especially those Hamilton which fought on the side of Charles II, like Alexander to the West Indies.

When we were Ellot (spelling in c.1630 Ulster muster) on the borders, could we married those English women.

Could you imagine marrying a Graham. Guess those Graham got better after their move to Ulster.


‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

Family came over from Tullykelter on the Cromwellian Plan. The British Parliamentary Cromwellian Plan which seem to meet with their approval;

The Scots they are laughing about transported as slaves to the colonies; fought for Charles II, and were not brought back to  Scotland, to a home in the borderlands, in which their ancestors were exterminated from or elsewhere. They do not know that it isn’t the EU that is a dictatorship, because a dictatorship like Hitler’s Germany laughed at Jews being slaves, and they are doing the same laughing a the minority Scots as being slaves. Who’s really the dictatorship?


Guess it must be all right for the Tories to laugh at Scots being transported as slaves, because the Germans used to laugh at the Jews being slaves.







Easy to see that those which voted for Brexit in Northern Ireland, did not have a border with Northern Ireland.


BBC-Royals, rebels and religion: Scotland and the road to Union

BBC-Was Oliver Cromwell the father of British democracy?

What bothers me is that the ones which in Northern Ireland voted for Brexit are not Brittish but Ulster, Scots of Scotland. The Scots voted against Brexit. It should be noted that the Londonderry British in Northern Ireland voted for staying with the EU. In Northern Ireland only those counties which do not have a border with Northern Ireland voted from Brexit. If one were to allow those which voted for the EU in Northern Ireland stay in the EU, and put the border along where the ones which voted for Brexit, and have another vote on the new border with the EU, those which voted against the EU are likely to vote for it. Those Ulster Scots are not British, when they act that way they remind me and likely the Germans of Nazis. It seems though the constituencies of both Northern Ireland and Scotland voted for the EU, it is felt the heads of these two governments are not standing strong on the sides of their constituencies, in proposition that North Ireland and Scotland stay in the EU. This is indicative of not independent governments from England, but puppet governments of England. Similar sort of dictatorship as one would expect from a Cromwellian Parliamentarian Government.


Armstrong surname distribution of Langholm Scotland to Co Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland of Border Reiver ancestry of Neil Alden Armstrong;

German genealogy of Ulster, Border Reiver, Neil Alden Armstrong.

Deutsche Genealogie von Ulster, Border Reiver, Neil Alden Armstrong.

Family Tree & Genealogy Tools for Neil Alden Armstrong – Wikitree

Two excellent sources for Neil Alden Armstrong genealogy and family history;

Reference for Neil Alden Armstrong’s early Armstrong history. Highly recognized by the Armstrong for their history;

“I REMAIN UNVANQUISHED!”, by William Stephenson

It is felt that I likely met Albert Bird Armstrong while researching the Salt City, Utah Later Day Saint, Family History Library. Could recall meeting an individual volunteer in a suit named badge surname Armstrong, which asked not if I was familiar with The Book of Mormon, but The Chronicles of the Armstrong, since I am Elliott.

Would assist dad Loren Spencer Elliott in his genealogical research. A shared hobby between father and son. Dad typed the above on onion skin paper.


(republication photo copy by: Clan Armstrong Trust, 1992)


Though James Lewis Armstrong is a Medical Doctor (MD), maybe Robert Bruce Armstrong did one better. He wrote about  the harp, for the Irish, and the Scottish Highlanders.

A history renowned of; for the people of Liddesdale and the surrounding region. Use by all that need a highly qualified record of documentation of border people for genealogical purposes, and would be an excellent source to utilized to research down Neil Alden Armstrong, surname line.

The History of Liddesdale…, Vol.1, By Robert Bruce Armstrong

I’m Borderer and defending the Hermitage Castle; of the Middle March Clans; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier.

Ich bin ein Borderer (nein Ich bin ein Berliner) und verteidige die Hermitage Castle; der Middle March Clans; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon und Crozier.

Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm

‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

9/15/2018 MSE

“Schafdieb aus dem Norden Englands”: Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell

9/29/2018 MSE

Frieden an der Grenze

Frieden an der Grenze

[Rick Kemp]

Steeleye Span nahm den Song ihres Bassisten Rick Kemp für ihr Album Back in Line auf. Und John Wright, Linda Adams, Ross Kennedy, Graham Pirt, Janet Russell und Maddy Prior sangen Peace on the Border on the Fellside Recordings Album Fyre and Sworde: Songs of the Border Reivers


Steeleye Span singen Frieden an der Grenze

Nach dem Reiten zerstreuten wir uns
Wir trieben zu zweit und zu dritt nach Hause
Durch Kälte und Regen spuckten und fluchten wir
Dieser alte Krieg der Familien

Armeen vorbei und dann zurückgekehrt,
Sie haben getötet und vergewaltigt, sie haben gestohlen und verbrannt
Wir haben also aus der Wiege gelernt
So hart wie Stein sein
Und lernte alleine zu stehen

Chor (nach jedem Vers):
Sie sind jetzt weg, das Töten und die Unordnung
Sie sind jetzt nur Geister, der Brigant und Maurauder
Und wir danken für den Frieden an der Grenze
Wir danken für den Frieden an der Grenze

Umhang und Dolch, Verbrechen im Verbrechen,
Anarchie in den Grenzgebieten
Die Männer des Königs kamen mit einem Valentinsgruß
Um an die Macht der Grenzclans zu brechen

Einige wurden aufgehängt, andere weggeschickt
nach Irland und in die niedrigen Länder
Toll war der Preis, den sie bezahlen mussten
Gott segne ihr Gedächtnis
Und Gott segne dich und mich

Die zerbrochenen Türme, die heute stehen
Stehen Sie für Frieden und Ordnung
Erinnert uns bis zum Tag
Dass wir keine Grenzen mehr brauchen.


11/22/2018 MSE


Borders National Park;

Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.

Feasibility study for a proposed Scottish Borders National Park

Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park

Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park 

Only if the Scottish Minister is supporting peace on the Scottish Borders, they have already made it known of their support of a Scottish Borders National Park. Otherwise they are supporting desecration of the region called the Middle Shires by wind farms, where the feasibility drops in it becoming a Scottish Armstrong National Park a Peace Park, joined with the already existing English Northumberland National Park

Moon walker Neil Armstrong celebrated in Langholm, Scotland – The Guardian The most difficult place to be recognised is in one’s own home town, I consider this, now, my home town.

THE BIG QUESTION IS; Do the Scottish Ministers only in words, and not in actions support peace along the Scottish-English Border?

July 20, 1969, Nixon as president watches an Armstrong putting the first step on the moon.

Family Tree & Genealogy Tools for Richard Milhous Nixon – Wikitree

The Friendly Persuasion

NLS Blaeu Atlas of Scotland, 1654 Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio, Lidisdail

Will Trump Be Nixon in China? By ANDREW PRESTON June 11, 2018

Though likely would be shortened to Armstrong National Park, which would be inclusive of a people (Borderers) from both sides of the border.

Would be a great name for it.

12/4/2018 MSE rev

Neil Armstrong – in the Scottish Parliament on 25th October 2012.

Willie Coffey Scottish National Party
With great pleasure, I offer a few words in memory of Commander Neil Alden Armstrong, who died in August this year.

As everyone surely knows, Commander Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon on 20 July 1969. From that moment, he became a hero to not only the American people, but the people of the world. His carefully prepared line:

“That’s one small step for (a) man; one giant leap for mankind”,

which he said as he stepped from the ladder of the lunar module on to the moon’s powdery surface, is surely one of the most significant and enduring quotations in human history. It announced that we, as a species, had made the first journey from earth to another world.

Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio in America in 1930. He was the oldest of three children and was of Scottish and German ancestry. I have no doubt that other members will reflect on his family connections with Langholm. I have watched a clip of the 1972 ceremony, and it is possible to see the sense of pride that Neil Armstrong had in his Scottish roots when he accepted an invitation, only three years after the landing, to become a freeman of the muckle toon.


Neil Armstrong – am 25. Oktober 2012 im schottischen Parlament.

Willie Coffey Scottish National Party
Mit großer Freude möchte ich ein paar Worte zum Gedenken an Commander Neil Alden Armstrong aussprechen, der im August dieses Jahres verstorben ist.

Wie jeder sicher weiß, war Commander Armstrong der erste Mann, der am 20. Juli 1969 den Mond betrat. Von diesem Moment an wurde er zum Helden nicht nur für das amerikanische Volk, sondern für das Volk der Welt. Seine sorgfältig vorbereitete Linie:

„Das ist ein kleiner Schritt für (einen) Mann; ein großer Schritt für die Menschheit”,

was er sagte, als er von der Leiter des Mondmoduls auf die pulverige Oberfläche des Mondes trat, ist sicherlich eines der bedeutendsten und beständigsten Zitate der Menschheitsgeschichte. Es gab bekannt, dass wir als Spezies die erste Reise von der Erde in eine andere Welt unternommen hatten.

Neil Armstrong wurde 1930 in Ohio in Amerika geboren. Er war das älteste von drei Kindern und war von schottischer und deutscher Abstammung. Ich habe keinen Zweifel, dass andere Mitglieder über seine familiären Beziehungen zu Langholm nachdenken werden. Ich habe mir einen Clip der Zeremonie von 1972 angesehen, und es ist möglich, den Stolz zu sehen, den Neil Armstrong auf seine schottischen Wurzeln hatte, als er drei Jahre nach der Landung einer Einladung folgte, ein Freeman des Muckle Toon zu werden.


1/19/2018 MSE

Wind farm battle over Scottish castle

1/28/2019 MSE

Hopsrig gets Scottish appeal lift-off

Buccleuch Energy wins right to build 42MW project in Dumfries and Galloway
29 January 2019

Scottish ministers have given the green light to Buccleuch Energy’s 42MW Hopsrig wind farm in Dumfries and Galloway.

BBC-Wind farm near Langholm approved on appeal 29 January 2019

A council’s refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by officials has been overturned on appeal.

As expected; the Scottish Government, is enslaved by the wind farm industry and does not follow the wishes of it’s constituency.

1/30/2019 MSE


Muirhall Energy Ltd, is a Scottish firm regulated by the Scottish Ministerial Government.

A government that supersedes the wishes if it’s constituency is a despotic government.

Lets see if Brexit is created against the wishes of it’s people with a hard border, which in the past was noted for conflict. If so it will identify the UK as an English Kingdom which governs against the wishes of Ulster-Northern Ireland, and not Scotland because it is a pawn a puppet government of England, installing wind farms where they are not wanted and desecrating the lands of people which they genocide in the borderlands, and today do not have a saying about the ancestral land they had to move off of or be killed if they stayed upon it. The hard border is to be placed around these border family pushed off the Scottish-English border, where they now live in County Fermanagh, Ulster, Northern Ireland.

To ancestors of border reivers how does the Union Jack, differ from the Swastika Flag?

1/3/2019 MSE

Germany lost WWII, and has parks of peace for people they genocide. The Border Reivers supported Catholic, Mary Queen of Scots, which was beheaded, and son James, taken raised by the Scottish Protestants. When Queen Elizabeth of England died leaving no heir to the English throne, James VI king of Scotland, became also became James I of England, and utilized the English army to exterminate the Border Reivers which acted as the Scottish army. This was a genocide of those on the Scottish side of the Borders. The Kingdom became United, as symbolized by their flag the Union Jack. Since they are the winners, the Scottish Government as with the Scottish Kingdom is now of England, and acts in a fashion of the English army to genocide the archaeological history, by having a wind farm place next to a castle my ancestors for the grain (support) of Martin Ellot (Angus-Scots spelling), brother to Robert of Redheugh-Larriston, soldiered for James Bothwell and Mary Queen of Scots. The English winners get to persist with their genocide of the sacred lands of my ancestors, by industrializing going out of there way to place a wind farm next to The Hermitage Castle on a land which even James VI of Scotland as James I of England thought should be preserved for peace as a Middle Shires.

The Scottish Middle March, 1573-1625: Power, Kinship, Allegiance
by Anna Groundwater pub. Boydell & Brewer, 2010 – History – 236 pages

2/1/2019 MSE


22/2019 MSE

National park for the Borders ‘will help to safeguard region’
Boosts for tourism, jobs, wildlife and monuments if area becomes third of its kind, say campaigners

Mark Macaskill  September 10 2017, 12:01am,
The Sunday Times

A looming economic crisis in the Scottish Borders could be avoided by the creation of a national park that would put the region on the world map, it is claimed.

A study has highlighted the challenges facing Borders residents, including an ageing demographic, a shrinking working-age population and lower-than-average incomes. Designating about 400 square miles of the Borders as a national park would boost tourism and income, create jobs and protect wildlife, the study concludes.

The report is the latest milestone for campaigners who believe the Scottish Borders could emulate the success of Scotland’s two national parks — Cairngorms, and Loch Lomond and the Trossachs — which attract millions of visitors each year. ….


Nationalpark für die Grenzen “wird dazu beitragen, die Region zu schützen”
Steigert für Tourismus, Arbeitsplätze, Tierwelt und Denkmäler, wenn die Region zur dritten ihrer Art wird, sagen Aktivisten

Mark Macaskill 10. September 2017, 12:01 Uhr,
Die Sunday Times

Eine drohende Wirtschaftskrise in den Scottish Borders könnte durch die Schaffung eines Nationalparks vermieden werden, der die Region auf die Weltkarte setzt, wird behauptet.

Eine Studie hat die Herausforderungen der Bewohner von Borders aufgezeigt, darunter eine demografische Alterung, eine schrumpfende Bevölkerung im erwerbsfähigen Alter und ein unterdurchschnittliches Einkommen. Die Errichtung von etwa 400 Quadratkilometern der Grenzen als Nationalpark würde den Tourismus und das Einkommen steigern, Arbeitsplätze schaffen und die Tierwelt schützen, so die Studie.

Der Bericht ist der jüngste Meilenstein für Aktivisten, die glauben, dass die Scottish Borders den Erfolg der beiden Nationalparks Schottlands – Cairngorms und Loch Lomond und der Trossachs – nachahmen können, die jedes Jahr Millionen von Besuchern anziehen. ….

2/21/2019 MSE

3/23/2019 MSE


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