15 hours ago
22 hours ago
DNA match with Atkinson, of Magheraboy, County Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation, Ireland helps to insure that my family of Daniel Elliot of Tullykelter, is from there; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Martin-Ellot-of-Braidley-Dand-Ellot-of-Braidley-Dand-Ellot-son-to-Clemmentis-Hob.png (Dand Ellot-Scotland, Daniel Elliot-Ulster)
Yesterday at 9:23pm
Many great granddad knew John Ellot of the [lived on chief’s Redheugh land across Riddall (Hermitage Flue)],’wee Jock Ellot’, and Clementis Hob; ie Clement Crozier’s sister son Robert Elliott, of the (William Ellot’s land live in McPatrickhope) Gorrenberry. Park south of the Hermitage Castle, and Gorrenberry, west of the Hermitage Castle. A poem about John Ellot of the Park. Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm Don’t think granddad Clementis Hobs was not much better; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Clemementis-Hob-hand.jpg One does not get to choose their ancestors, though with ancestors like mine it may give reason to.
Yesterday at 11:09am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3421150?dpr=2&fit=max&h=225&w=590 Do you think people are trying to tell Roberta Estes something. When information is provided by FTDNA, and FTDNA does not follow through on it, what does that say about the quality of information provided? https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Gresham-Grisham-Grissom-12-marker-matches-MSE-1024×678.jpg What does that say about the quality of information Roberta Estes of FTDNA is providing? https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3402301?dpr=2&fit=max&h=621&w=590 FTDNA 101829, and purchased at cost, so the data is mine to apply for my family which I as an Elliott carry the Y-DNA. Note; Graduate mining engineer, UofU 1979, retired instructor, of chemistry and physics, ESL indorsed, Window Rock High School, Ft. Defience, AZ, UNM-Gallup, FORTRAN77, 3rd generation (correction, could not forget grandma Ilah Spencer Elliott), genealogist, after dad his mom, Loren Spencer Elliott and Ilah Spencer. ‘Family Knows Best’. Been kicked off of the Border Reiver FTDNA blog, for doing my family’s history. https://elwald.com/brigham-genealogical-surname-migration-uk-intro/ Roberta Estes, Though a Japanese American, is my hometown’s hero https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-japanese-american-hero-hiroshi-20170703-htmlstory.html , Rootstech is in the third Salt Palace. Three arenas have been built on the site. The second Salt Palace, the first Salt Palace Arena, the Delta Center, and now again another Salt Palace Arena. It should be noted when they built the first Salt Palace area for an ABA team, which was not transferable to the NBA, so they purchased a team from New Orleans called The Jazz. When the first Salt Palace Arena was built a Japanese American community was relocated.
January 2 @ 10:48pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3419273?dpr=2&fit=max&h=380&w=590 https://books.google.com/books?id=DZhYAAAAcAAJ&pg=PA166&dq=Hermitage+Riddall&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3vZrO3ObmAhUECs0KHZ65Ct0Q6AEwAHoECAAQAg#v=onepage&q=Hermitage%20Riddall&f=false https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hermitage+Castle/@55.2560367,-2.7954197,17z/ http://relativelyscottish.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/1590map.jpg https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Riddle?iframe=ycolorized https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/riddill_n_1
Mark Elliott
Yesterday at 9:58am
Yesterday at 9:40am
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:John,1890:Jon,1890:Jonson,1890:Jonsson,1890:Jonsdotter,1890:Johnson Adding ‘Johns’, and taking out ‘John’; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Jonson,1890:Jon,1890:Jonsson,1890:Jonsdotter,1890:Johnson,1890:Johns https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3416982?dpr=2&fit=max&h=435&w=590 https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Finn,1890:Fink,1890:Finck A little bird can get a lot done. People of the British Isles PoBI https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/
January 3 @ 9:36am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3419772?dpr=2&fit=max&h=307&w=590 https://gorrenberry.com/armstrong-fairbairn-elliot-y-dna-link/ https://gorrenberry.com/rich-rucker-clan-armstrong-dna-question/ Rich Rucker has a question! https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/armstrong/about “I thought that Y-DNA was supposed to be so clear, and direct. My surname is Rucker, as was my father’s, his father’s and his father’s. My Y-DNA results, the few hundred I have now after doing the Y-67 test last year, have zero Ruckers and 90+% Armstrongs. I get it that this-isn’t an exact science, but I am getting no where. How does one make progress when there is an undocumented paternity? Folkk must think I am looking for child support of something, but we are talking about an event back in 1830. Advice would be welcomed. Thanks.” https://gorrenberry.com/rich-rucker-clan-armstrong-dna-question/ Rich Rucker and I were kicked off of FTDNA Armstrong. Guess who the Armstrong are paying attention to? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Armstrong https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Armstrong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Eliott https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Elliot https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Armstrong,1890:Elliott,1996:Armstrong,1996:Elliott Armstrong and Elliott have been migrating to Germany. Unlike the people of the the Union Jack, England and it’s puppet Scotland, in their language of English, it seems like the people of the German language, listen to the Armstrong and Elliott. It can be noted in the difference in translation between the English Clan Eliott, and the German Clan Elliot above. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PR1&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false https://historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://elwald.com/schafdieb-aus-dem-norden-englands-die-riding-clans-in-ulster-von-robert-bell/
December 30 @ 8:10pm
Nelson, from Germany (Poland) to Anglican to York to Borders and onto Ulster. http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Nelson https://forebears.io/surnames/nelson https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3414513?dpr=2&fit=max&h=544&w=590 Nelson and Haggard ‘Poncho and Lefty’ (Poncho, attacked New Mexico, USA) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Willie-Nelson-Merle-Haggard-Pancho-Lefty.mp4
December 27 @ 12:47pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3409612?dpr=2&fit=max&h=303&w=590 James M. Irvine, If you could look in on? Rutledge/Routledge http://www.clanroutledge.com/ 170 members https://www.clanroutledge.com/history https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/rutledge/activity-feed “With a combination of diligence, intuition, peer guidance, genealogical awareness and luck rather than a sophisticated knowledge of biology or mathematics I show that 37 STR markers are often quite sufficient to identify genetic families/surname branches, and one or two SNP Panel tests can be a very cost-effective follow-up to take many testees to near the forefront of this exciting application of citizen science.” James M. Irvine https://ggi2013.blogspot.com/2017/10/james-irvine-speaker-profile.html James M. Irvine; AGREE https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/irwin/about https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bonshaw+Tower/@55.0375858,-3.1889507,17z/ He’s from the Scottish-English border region near Irvine Bonshaw Tower (fort in trees). Both he and I have over a century of genealogical experience. I have not seen a better tested group of individuals, and a closer family cluster than what I am looking at above. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/ECS-Daniel-group-history-1.png The only thing I am afraid of is that the administrators do not take advantage of the gold-mine of information given above, and someone steals it right from underneath them. http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Crozier-Surname-Distribution.png http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Localities-of-Nixon-Crozier-Elliot-and-Elliott.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Armstrong-migration-Debatable-to-Fermanagh.jpg https://elwald.com/frieden-an-der-grenze/armstrong-elliott-johnston-fermanagh-surname-distribution-map-3/ https://elwald.com/frieden-an-der-grenze/ Have relatives previous to American Revolution like the German Hammer line. R-U106 is Proto-Germanic, and that is what I am also. The UK people did not seem to utilize information, but those Germans seem to like it. After all the border region fighting of centuries my family went through, and the history of East and West Germany, felt they may understand about “Frieden Ander Grenze’ (Peace on the Border), it seemed to more like translate to the border between neighbors, and since I was doing family history, and border people were still moving of the Scottish-English Border .https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Routledge,1890:Rutledge,1996:Routledge,1996:Rutledge Numbers add up when more Ulster surnames are added; One Johnston in Poland in 1890, but all other basically in West Germany after 1890, this is a migration of Borderers from Ulster to Germany, which have first been exiled from Scotland. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Armstrong,1890:Elliott,1890:Johnston,1890:Irwin,1890:Rutledge,1996:Armstrong,1996:Elliott,1996:Johnston,1996:Irwin,1996:Rutledge https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Bell-distribution-2.jpg Names Armstrong, Crozier, and Bell are among this group, and the Routledge, distribution pattern is among the distribution patterns of the Armstrong, Crozier, and Bell. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Have behaviorally observed that people in authority, not of a pitch-in race of reivers, will try to stop people from pitching-in, and now distributed to where ‘the sun does not set’, and sharing information on the internet, they are no longer separated in their exchanging of knowledge, like was intended with their distribution throughout the world. Lets just observe what happens when people are not lead, but just pitch-in. Guess about the only people which would take us reivers in are those Mulderrig, Gaelic types of Ulster Ireland.
December 24 @ 10:24am
https://books.google.com/books?id=k8hrAAAAMAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=Surnames+of+the+United+Kingdom++by+Henry+Harrison&source=gbs_navlinks_s http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Erwin https://named.publicprofiler.org/
December 23 @ 6:41pm
December 21 @ 1:16pm
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ In Scotland the surname ‘Anderson’, has a close distribution pattern around Hawick (properly pronounced ‘hoik’, where the name of the town formerly spelled ‘Haik’, and the ‘a’ like in ‘strang’, and ‘auld’, ‘lang’, ‘sang’; ‘old long ago’, is properly taken as an ‘o’). The surname ‘Anderson’ has a close distribution pattern with the Scottish single ‘t’ spelling of the surname ‘Elliott’ which then becomes ‘Elliot’, how Daniel Elliot of the Salem Trials in Massachusetts is spelled as ‘Elliot’, but at first came as the Ulster muster of 1630 ‘Ellot’ now in Ulster spelled ‘Elliott’, and the French/English ‘Eliot’, of Puritan Harvard in Harvard judges would put and Havard ‘i’ into the name and spell it as John Eliot (French-English) would influence it’s spelling ‘Ellot’ became ‘Elliot’, and the Ulster, ‘Johnston’ became ‘Johnson’. NOTE; ‘Johnston’ for ‘Johnson’, ‘Ellot’ for ‘Elliott’, ‘Scot’ for ‘Scott’, and ‘Rutledge’ for ‘Routledge’. http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ The BEST for last in memory of Neil, from Langholm, Scotland. For ARMSTRONG; ‘Armstrong, Armestrong, Armstrang, and, Armestrang’. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Albert-Bird-Armstrong-genealogists.png CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG; https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 ‘Robert Bruce Armstrong of Endinburgh, Scotland’; Referenced in CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG; https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PR1&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false
Mark Elliott
December 23 @ 2:50pm
December 23 @ 1:48pm
“With a combination of diligence, intuition, peer guidance, genealogical awareness and luck rather than a sophisticated knowledge of biology or mathematics I show that 37 STR markers are often quite sufficient to identify genetic families/surname branches, and one or two SNP Panel tests can be a very cost-effective follow-up to take many testees to near the forefront of this exciting application of citizen science.” https://ggi2013.blogspot.com/2017/10/james-irvine-speaker-profile.html https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/irwin/activity-feed https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2253271.jpg See names on Robert Bruce Armstrong, introductory page? https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PR1&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Fairbairn-I-M253-Elliott-Viking-add-mix.png Fairbairn – Elwald/Elliott I-M253 add mix, of the https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/17 Sometimes one thinks they are doing well with their genealogy family history, until they come across basing on internal prejudices exploring family in the same region of history, which because of insight from the other end of research I think is superior in bringing about my understanding to my own family history. People are born with the genes they have, I can not be a black female or a Native American which some liberals may hold high in esteem, but a basic copy of my Y-DNA genes can be in a black male, and a basic copy of my mtDNA can be in a Native American female. For the copy of the Y-DNA, and of the mtDNA it is in a single individual and that is myself which happens to have the genetics from both parents. Irvine is mainly Scottish of Bonshaw (fort in trees), of Debatable Land region of Annandale. The Armstrong and Elliot known as the main clans of the Scottish Middle March were also in to the Scottish Western March as the Irvine. James M. Irvine, and I have more than a century of experience in genealogy. It is not by kingly, or Harvard, or educated expert basis our knowledge is from. It is from sharing family information, and realizing THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST about their own family history. James M. Irvine is admin of FTDNA Clan Irwin Surname website. For the true geneticist, it is my hobby and research, to properly see that an accurate path for my Y-DNA is obtained. For those who would like to deter, detain, or redirect me from my pathway; ‘- Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me?’ http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm
December 22 @ 6:37pm
Can you believe those Armstrong marrying a Maguire? Can not give them too difficult of a time since I voted for McGovern. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle Families have various politics, and it becomes a part of the family history, not something to agree or disagree with.
Mark Elliott
December 23 @ 12:35pm
The only state McGovern took was the Catholic leaning state of Massachusetts, where Daniel Ell(i)ot, was ‘transported to as a slave’, for being a Charles II Royalist, https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 in the Cromwellian Civil War, Charles II made king after Cromwell, and Charlesto(w)n, Massachusetts, and Charlesto(w)n, South Carolina are towns on the east coast of the American Colony named for him. The America Colony at the time were strong Charles II, Royalist, not strong Parliamentary, Crown Loyalists, which we would finally string up and tar and feather around 1776. If any hardening happens to the border in Ireland then today’s Tory Loyalists are no better than those in the past. Since my family was transported as today’s Tories say and did not go voluntarily to the American Colony of Massachusetts, it is felt I still have the right to voice my opinion on my homelands. Yes, a half century ago President Nixon, talked to a Neil Armstrong, on the moon. You, Loyalist UK Unionist Tories laugh at that. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4
December 21 @ 11:49pm
If some of you other Reiving types; surnames should be on map in green rectangle, could upload the images to Clan Johnson, Scott, Elliot, Border Reiver, and the Scotland FTDNA blogs would really appreciate it, would like that lady Roberta Estes of FTDNA know, she is the one in the yellow rectangle. Here’s a link to the images; https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&authuser=0&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNS8NwBdOpceo_-2xKBFjwsaDVxxOA%3A1576997917343&source=hp&biw=1280&bih=612&ei=HRT_Xc2jEtS3tAbih6LABQ&q=elliot+ftdna&oq=E&gs_l=img.1.0.35i39l2j0l8.3087.3087..8285…1.0..……0….1..gws-wiz-img.M0hEhSkkn7k Armstrong don’t you want to send a message to Armstrong FTDNA?
Mark Elliott
December 23 @ 12:14pm
If anyone ever needs an image off a FTDNA blog, just click right mouse button, and ‘cut and past’, the link like I have done here with the image above. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3402753?dpr=2&fit=max&h=307&w=590
December 21 @ 11:47pm
Four years ago was writing for Wikipedia. When I was help on a Clan Crozier, article, and felt I was correcting things on Clan Elliot, was kicked off of Wikipedia. Since then created web domain; http://clancrozier.com/ . As one can see writing four years ago for my Elliott family numbers at the time skyrocketed. Could use a bit of help.
December 21 @ 2:12pm
https://historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ ‘Alexandir Armystrand’ 1376 [army strand on the bank of the Liddell (like Scottish, ‘Eric Liddell’; movie; ‘Chariots of Fire’, French Olympics 1924) Water], ‘Amestrang’ Scottish for ‘army strong of Scotland’; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scottish-Clans-Armstrong-BBC-Stewart-kings.mp4 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Albert-Bird-Armstrong-genealogists.png CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG; https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 ‘Robert Bruce Armstrong of Endinburgh, Scotland’; Referenced in CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG; https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PR1&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false
December 21 @ 1:32pm
http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ NOTE; ‘Johnston’ for ‘Johnson’, ‘Ellot’ for ‘Elliott’, ‘Scot’ for ‘Scott’, and ‘Rutledge’ for ‘Routledge’. http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Armstrong, Armestrong, Armstrang, and, Armestrang, County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland 1630 Ulster Muster. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Albert-Bird-Armstrong-genealogists.png CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG; https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 ‘Robert Bruce Armstrong of Endinburgh, Scotland’; Referenced in CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG; https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PR1&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false
December 21 @ 12:48pm
December 21 @ 12:34pm
These are for the Anglicized name ‘Young Bear’, Meskwaki Nation; Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa. The Tanner; Mormon Trading post traders who put a trail down the Grand Canyon, called ‘Shush’, by the Navajo, the Navajo would never call themselves ‘Shush’, because they do not seem to like the name ‘Bear’, but Anglo-Danes seem to. ‘Eddie the Eagle’ Edwards Calgary, Canada, winter Olympics, and the nation he skied for. Though I am kind of partial to the ‘moose’ of the thickets and forest, ‘moose’, an America word not Anglicized for the nation ‘Eddie the Eagle’ skis for they like the Germans call it an ‘elk’. At least there is one thing the Germans and Brits can agreed on, where the Brits do not seem to agree with the Americans on. Wm Penn knew what the American word ‘hominy’, meant, how about it for you Brits?
December 21 @ 12:04pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Anderson,1890:Andersen,1890:Ander,1890:Anders https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Johnson,1890:Johnsen,1890:John,1890:Johns https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Johnston,1890:Johnsone,1996:Johnston,1996:Johnstone JOHNSON not to get mixed up with JOHNSTON (Ulster) from JOHNSTONE (Scotland), place names of; JOHNSTONE Castle, or JOHNSTONE of Parish Church of Scotland. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Johnstone+Castle,+Johnstone+PA5+0SP,+UK/@55.8222722,-4.5193377,15z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Johnstone+Parish+Church+and+Churchyard/@55.2007892,-3.4181058,14z/ The Irwin, Johnston, and Rutledge, are of Ulster, or from Ulster, in a greater manner than Y-DNA ever can be used to say that. Having Y-DNA plus surname distribution patterns support each other makes the case much strong on who is in the Y-DNA surname line. It is like having relatives sharing and searching in family history supporting each other.
December 18 @ 1:08am
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Johnston,1890:Johnstone,1996:Johnston,1996:Johnstone One Johnston in now Poland in 1890, but all other Johnston(e), mainly old West Germany in 1996 Johnston(e) is a locality name in western border region of Scotland.
December 17 @ 11:18pm
December 17 @ 10:02pm
Debatable Lands likely developed their surnames later then most of the British Isle. It is said that if you match many of a surname at twelve markers it most likely goes beyond when the surname was adopted. The adoption from a surname grouping Annandale-Dumfrieshires, some became ‘Byers’ and others became ‘Irvine’. No your of Ulster with name Irvine. Name ‘Irvine’ is not found in 1630 Ulster mustered http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ but is found in the 1610 Muster in Tyrone; a John IRVINE; http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html
December 17 @ 8:48pm
James M. Irvine, Think those ‘Brigham’ BYU Brigham Young University, Church of Latter Day Saint people called Mormons are on to us. They give the school a name of an Anglo-Border Reiver, what can we expect? Don’t tell them I will be in great trouble, but I graduated from the U of U, University of Utah, December 1979, SLC Salt Lake City, Utah UT. That is where the FHL Family History Library is of the LDS Latter Day Saints, which also have a website; https://www.familysearch.org/ Don’t tell those Mormons, but when you enter the doors of the FHL, like Border Reivers, you just pitch in and share your research. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3396966?dpr=2&fit=max&h=196&w=590
December 16 @ 11:20am
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ It should be noted if your are with your Y-DNA a ‘Johnston(e)’ of Argyll, matching those Mc/Mac, highlander names (for matches search beginnings, ‘Mc’&’Mac’ the ‘Mc’ leaning Presbyterian, and the ‘Mac’ leaning Catholic) the name may be first seeded to the region, and people with surnames of Scots Gaelic, may have Anglicize to the name Johnston(e), with the ‘t’ in it. Though the Armstrong, Elliott, and Johnston are of North Ireland, and there is an ‘Elliott’ Unionist, of Fermanagh-Tyrone, Ulster Ireland, my family fought on and intermarried those ‘rebellious’ Irish Catholic, against Cromwell, the Tory’s seem to laugh at them being ‘transported as slaves to the colonies’, bet a half century ago, as US President Nixon watched an Armstrong with the Gaelic name Neil; put the first step on the moon; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4 In 1776 my ancestors knew what to do with Tory’s. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/For-people-who-would-like-to-create-a-borderof-violence-for-Ireland..jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Clan-Johnston.mp4 The main branch of are the Scottish Johnstone in Annandale, with less in Castle Johnstone region near to Glasgow. The Johnston(e) ‘hotspot’ map shows this plus the Johnston spelled name, in Ulster. The first name was the Anglo English name no the Prime is not genealogically one of these, ‘Johnson’, (The pres’ mom is Gaelic has ‘red hair’ to show for it; https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-38648877) meaning; “son of John”, which arrived in America with the earlier English. Many from Ulster with the ‘Johnston’ spelling in America would change the name to ‘Johnson’ without the ‘t’. The reason this is included because the ‘Johnson’, “the son of John”, seems to dominate America thinking towards the way they think of genealogy, when it is most likely most to America, arrived from Ulster, mainly County Fermanagh, Anglican-Episcopalian, to America, and the precepts of the genealogy to America is being drowned out by the first aboard English spelling not from the Scottish place name ‘Johnstone’ in Annandale, but from ‘Johnson’, “being the son of John”. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Johnstone+Castle,+Johnstone+PA5+0SP,+UK/@55.8222602,-4.5193377,15z/ In Annandale; Johnstone Parish Church and Churchyard https://www.google.com/maps/place/Johnstone+Parish+Church+and+Churchyard/@55.2086852,-3.4233025,15.27z/ https://elwald.com/clan-johnson-johnston-johnstone-ftdna-y-dna/ https://www.atavus.org/public/dna/johnston/start DNA Genealogy for Johnstons of Irish and Scottish ancestry
December 16 @ 11:04am
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Routledge/@55.0144244,-2.8629755,15z/ Rout, Rowt, v.2 https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/rout_v_2 “[ME rute (Cursor M.), routen (a1350), ‘in part at least’ (OED) f. OF router, arrouter, f. route Rout n.1] a. intr. To join a group. b. To join an armed band; to assemble under arms. c. tr. To ride over as an armed band. —” plus ‘ledge’; A ledge which people met to assemble under arms. https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/rutledge/about/background
December 16 @ 9:48am
December 15 @ 11:34pm
The Mormons of ‘Brigham’ (Brigham Young University), sure beats Harvard when it comes to languages, genealogy, and genetic genealogy hands down. James, just was accumulating too much material in the genealogical research, thanks for your help also. It’s great to have ‘Brigham’ on board.
December 15 @ 6:44pm
Thanks for; James M. Irvine, Irwin-Fairbairn-Elliott I-M253 link match-up. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/7 Chronicles of the Armstrongs; 1902 ed by Armstrong, James Lewis MD https://www.familytreedna.com/public/fairbairn?iframe=ycolorized https://www.familytreedna.com/public/elliott?iframe=ycolorized
December 14 @ 7:40pm
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …, Volume 1 By Robert Bruce Armstrong 1883 https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PR1&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false Scottish Arms, Being a Collection of Armorial Bearings A, Volume 1 Robert Riddle Stodart 1881 https://books.google.com/books?id=2rHAedBhH9wC&dq=Stodart%27s%20Scottish%20Arms&source=gbs_similarbooks
December 8 @ 8:33pm
The Elliott, Irwin, Farris and Fairbairn matches http://dnasurnames.info/lineages/spelliottexploration.htm Compiler: Lorna Henderson, Waikanae, New Zealand Website or Lineage FeedbackSite updated on 4 May 2018 at 11:56:47 PM
December 2 @ 10:28pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Armstrong,1996:Elliott,1996:Nixon,1996:Crozier https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Armstrong https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Elliot https://elwald.com/schafdieb-aus-dem-norden-englands-die-riding-clans-in-ulster-von-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC.mp4
Mark Elliott
December 6 @ 8:50pm
Note, are of West Germany and Berlin, then of East Germany, this migration into western Germany if today’s population is used to determine Y-DNA, it would through the locality to the west. For Ewald 1890 and 1996; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ewald,1996:Ewald
December 6 @ 10:47am
Images moving forward since a couple of days ago. Being check up on by Carl Finch. As a second generation genealogist, father printed family history and passed it out previous to web, no the importance of being able to pass out information on genealogy freely. Create own, and operated elwald.com and gorrenberry.com. Note German FTDNA is being monitor by a Mormon. Been kicked off it. Neither the Church of Latter Saints or Family Tree DNA, have control over what I share from my own domains, and it is doubtful that the owner/operator is going to kick me off like FTDNA has done. Part of purchasing the Y-DNA is to exchange genealogical information, where I been kicked off the blog I am not allowed to do that. Since the Y-DNA is being purchased for family genealogy, and when someone gets kicked off a blog for sharing information, then that blog is now no longer viable as a genealogical blog, and all those kicked off of FTDNA blogs are deserving of refunds, or a policy should be establish not to kick out the in-laws, of not kicking people off of these FTDNA blogs so they can express themselves freely, in order to get proper family history genealogical results. Many people because mainly of James M. Irvine’s administration, have been acquiring information from this activity blog, and information which I uploaded to it that was from him. He is that good of admin, and this group is lucky to have him. In my case like in American football, because I am carrying the ball; my Y-DNA back in time people want to kick me out of the game.
December 4 @ 10:36am
When I Google search images, images which I upload from activity feeds come up. James M. Irvine being a top genealogist, letting up load to this site, some of these images show up a lot, and the major image in the green rectangle of James M. Irvine with my additional commits comes up a lot. To me I feel it is going to come up as a major discovery. It is listed as an Elliot-Fairbairn NPE, where there seems to be a great number of Elliot-Fairbairn matches. The Fairbairn-Armstrong is felt not to be a DNA match as their strong arm story may indicate. If you Google Image search ‘Fairbairn FTDNA’, in images you will see how important James M. Irvine’s research is to the surname Fairbairn. It is felt my Y-DNA did not traveled by itself into the region of the borders, but with an “I-” admix, where the “Viking” I-M253 is found among many border clans. With as Jame M. Irvine has found the Fairbairn, and Elliot, which live in the Scottish end of Danish Northumbria, there is a match. Though my Y-DNA R-U106 is rare and found among the ‘Daniel Cluster’, and to some ‘Elwald’ which the Armstrong describe as the ‘elk (moose) of the forest’, is not a line excepting Chief Margaret Eliott, and myself, it is felt as in the ‘Fair Bear’ story says the ‘elk and bear’ are siblings of the same mother. Finding matching ‘I-M253’ for the Elliot and Fairbairn indicates this Danish Y-DNA supporting the Fair Bear story out of Denmark. Searching images ‘FTDNA Mormon’, getting responses from the Finch FTDNA activity feed. Upload those images and matched a single individual in that group uniquely. The Mormon, because of offering their church to their ancestors are top researchers. It is felt hobbyist researchers like James and I may have more directions of movement in our research since it does not involve, baptism into a church of our ancestors. The guy I conversed with was an excellent researcher, where the pink squares indicates a direction he and the Mormons may be going with material I uploaded to Finch FTDNA activity feed. Hopefully the above is more understandable. If not I will again try to clarify the parts you may not understand. That is the school teacher part of me. Happens a lot a is the norm for math and science classes, so your comment is highly appreciated. Since a lot of Mormons grow up with genealogy, their knowledge base on the subject is high. Been using the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah, and it in family history which is being shared. Never over the half century using the library did a Mormon ever had indication to try to convert me within the library, it is a share genealogical experience. Because it is felt people which have a base knowledge of genealogy, and family history a lot of them being Mormon, Latter Day Saints, I created this link; https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/ in hoping people who have done genealogy-family history which know the standards many Mormons have in family history research will be also be ones which may utilize the link. With my research I am attempting to go back many generations which the numbers along a generations line doubles every generation you go back. Though the call it a kilo byte, a kilo meaning 1,000 it is actually 2 to the 10th 1,024 byte, but a 1,000 for 10 generations, a 1,000,000 for 20 generations, and a 1,000,000,000 for 30 generations, now you may be understanding why I am handling so much material. The pink rectangles are family research going back in time (first one and the two on the Finch family), so I am really appreciating the help as indicated above which I am getting from The Mormons. Genealogy is more of a sharing of information, and trying to get view points from many different angle. The direct family member(s) gets to finalize the information. In genealogy your search for information from family stories, and it is not always what you want to find. If you search for disinformation you are not doing family history-genealogy. Sometimes other people give another angle, and since this is family history, the best angles usually come from the opposite sex. https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/ Brigham, means ‘bridge home’, and there is a Brigham in Yorkshire. Brigham is in Utah is short for BYU, Brigham Young University a Mormon school in Provo, Utah south of Salt Lake, named after the second President of The Church of Latter Day Saints. Because of it’s religious family basis, feel that BYU is the best school for genealogy in the world. Note because of it’s religious foundation many people may have difficulties attending and I would include myself in that group, but that does not change it from being the top school in family history – genealogy. Since this is a genealogical blog, can guarantee if you run into a high level researcher, could likely be Mormon, and could likely, like the one from the Finch blog, be reading this. Young is a name used to address younger, also in the like Young John, Young Robin, but did get applied as a surname. Reivers pitch-in and Mormons pitch-in, have you figured out yet what kind of name Brigham Young is, and why I trust these Mormons with my family history? Though many Mormons, have a strong knowledge of genealogy, and it is genealogy which should proceed DNA, like putting the horse in front of the buggy, it is felt for The Mormons it may have ramifications of ‘Temple Duty’, where others like myself with some which are Mormons have it as a hobby. The base genealogy which has been established by The Church of Latter Day Saints needs to be done then the DNA applied. Now it is autosomal showing the acceptance by The Church of Latter Day Saints, and to really make autosomal useful one has to seed in a family tree as a GED-match file, then watch your matches turn into leaves and branches growing from this seed, from DNA matches, with GED-family-match files attached. Note; Genealogist, Reivers, and Mormon, as far as the genealogy, it is pitching in. Been kicked off blogs, but people are using information they think is important. It kind of reminds me of how the Reivers which lived on land between two kingdoms must have been. The FTDNA allowing admins to kick people off, is not genealogy. Kick someone off, and people will still find family to share information with. Not the same information for family group. One can not stop families sharing their stories and family history, and the kingdoms of England and Scotland could not stop the border people which must of just pitched-in, and for genealogy, and border reiving don’t care about religion or politics, except if it helps to find family, you just pitch to find family.
Richard Irwin
December 5 @ 12:24pm
While I applaud your enthusiasm for whatever’ it is you are selling , do you think you might look again at what you have written and perhaps clarify its meaning for us poor mortals. Richard Irwin
Unlike You like this
November 29 @ 11:17am
Sir James Douglas the Black Knight of Liddesdale, carried The Heart of Robert the Bruce, there on the shield of Sir James Douglas there is no heart. His heart is next to Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Angus, fifth Earl of Angus, and known as Angus, passed lands to the tenth chief of Clan Elliot, a Robert Elwald the family squire. Walter of Edshaw the son of David of Buccluech (Duke of Buccluech), and Ker of Cessford (Duke of Roxburghe), plus Ker from around the Kelso region were to verify the sasine/deed. It should be noted that Cessford’s brother (Kerr Clan Chief) was there it this is felt to be the Ker of recently built Castle Ferniherst; https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29%2C_Redheugh%2C_Larriston%2C_Hartsgarth.jpg https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00f44kn
November 29 @ 11:12am
November 29 @ 11:11am
November 28 @ 8:07pm
https://forebears.io/surnames/maguire https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/mag-uidhir/about https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/mcguire/about Armstrong wrote the Maguire, and myself an Elwold/Elwald Elliott into their Fair Bear (Fairbairn-Elliott I-M253) Story out of County Fermanagh. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Albert-Bird-Armstrong-genealogists.png https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 The Irwin may have decided to fight the Maguire, but it is felt the Armstrong and Ellot had better things to do. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3239454?dpr=2&fit=max&h=521&w=590
November 25 @ 9:07am
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Elliot https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Armstrong Opportunities should be available in our homelands, the Scottish-English Borders but in the early seventeenth century it was the Ulster Plantation Co Fermanagh, now it seems to be Germany. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Elliott,1996:Armstrong Guess where there are Armstrong there are also Elliott, seems it can not be helped, plus there were already Erwin there, plus more came between 1890 and 1996. http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Elliott is spelled Ellot, https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Ellot-now-Elliott-c.1630-Ulster-muster-Co-Fermangh.jpg (Note ‘Gawen Ellot’, should be spelled ‘Gawon Ellot’, after the surname ‘McGawon’, found in County Fermanagh), and Armstrong is spelled, Armstrong, Armestrong Armstrang, and Armestrang County Fermanagh 1630. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Armstrong-Armestrong-Armstrang-Armestrang-Fermanagh-1630.png
November 25 @ 2:11am
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Erwin,1996:Erwin https://forebears.io/surnames/erwin N Ireland 402 Belfast region. England 356 Germany 297 Scotland 131
November 24 @ 1:50pm
http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ James M. Ivine Found this; FTDNA Mag-Uidhir (Maguire/McGuire) Chiefs, Princes, and Kings to Fermanagh They are really nice and seem to be open to what I have to say. Did you know that an Armstrong married a Mag-Udhir (Maguire) princes in 1650. If they treated those Armstrong as royality you could only imagine how well they treated us Irwin and Ellot. https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/mag-uidhir/activity-feed
November 16 @ 11:03am
EU states used for 2019, Scotland, Norway, US estimated source, but two significant digits at most accurate. Also needed is consideration in proportion of population tested.
Mark Elliott
November 17 @ 6:59pm
NPE – ELLIOT (1) / FAIRBAIRN 161010 Irwin Hiram Irwin, b1815 illinois US d1890 arkansas US Scotland I-M253 72309 Irwin Andrew Irwin 1789 Nashville, TN Unknown Origin I-M253 N235617 Irwin Andrew Irwin (Erwin) b.1784 and d. 1854 NI I-Z141 339641 Parker Unknown Origin I-M253 312307 Elliott James Elliott , born 1800 to1805 Ireland I-M253 NPE – ELLIOT (2) IN21376 James Rev John Leslie Ireland R-M269 163590 Irvine Unknown Origin R-M269 N43896 Irvine Scotland R-M269 Elliot 3 101829 Elliott Elwald de Schinkel Germany R-S16361 Nipper A name most likely from the Cloppenburg, district of Germany. https://forebears.io/surnames/nipper https://www.google.com/maps/place/49661+Cloppenburg,+Germany/@52.8593947,7.8942772,11z/ Am from Germany also in ‘Elliot 3’, but not ‘I1’, am R1b-U106. DNA and surname words such as ‘Wolf’, ‘Bear’, and ‘Elk’. With background in genealogy about the same as James M. Irvine, we both together have over a century of genealogical, research, to ask why someone is in this blog, is a question I never asked, even though there are Germans. Argyll, North Carolina, FTDNA blog, no admin, but I am the Co-Admin, never thought of asking such a question. https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/argyll-colony-north-carolina/activity-feed Guess I don’t feel I have enough scientific, mathematical (retired from teaching both) or as a second generation genealogist, enough experience to ask someone such a question. Just figure they themselves researching their own family history know better than I do. Though the surname ‘Nipper’ appears in the Cloppenburg region of Germany, I do not want you to answer the question you just asked me because I feel you know better why you should be in this group then I do. As far as the I-M253, and the R-U106, are concerned it is felt like today that in the past the Y-DNA traveled as an add mix. That my line traveled as Saxon from North Germany to East Anglia Germany, may some of those Cloppenburg, Nipper traveled into England also. The Armstrong said the Elk and the Bear are of the same mother, Elke, Bear, and Wolf are surnames, where the Elwald-Elliott are of the elk (moose), and the Fairbairn are of the Fair Bear or Bear, and James M. Irvine has found the the I-M253 Fairbairn (bear), matches an likely add mix the I-M253 Elliot (elk-moose). This story travels from Germany to England to the Borders onto County Fermanagh where there are a lot of Irwin, basically the migration path of a lot of Armstrong and some Elwald-Ellwood-Ellot-Elliot. For the Irvine it is felt that it has place name identity in the Annan-Dumfries region giving surname identity, but like the I-M253 in the above example migrated also with the story of the Fair Bear. If you were an odd ball I-M253 or I-U106, would you like to be vanquished and left out. For me I want to be unvanquished like the Armstrong. It should be noted that Y-DNA applied to family history, is more useful over greater spans of time, where greater distances are some times migrated from Germany through England to the Borders, onto County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland then into the American Colonies, then over a short span of time in the Debatable land region. It is best to see where the Armstrong came from and where they went, then to stay stagnate as Armstrong for a short period of time in the Debatable Lands region. Using DNA to figure out this genealogy can be a lot like using a metre/yard/ell to measure the width of a hair. Similar in a manner of figuring when FTDNA gets their answers to the nearest hundredths of a percent in TIP calculation. Gave usable numbers for the I-M253 so they can realize their more likely place of being is Scotland and Ireland, next would be Scandinavian. So as it has be perceived that they could be ‘Vikings’, the numbers oriented towards the ‘per capita’ certainly indicate this as a likely possibility.
Mark Elliott
November 17 @ 8:06pm
It should be noted that my DNA seemed like such an odd ball, and I did not want to be excluded, created a link; https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/ on my own domain. Figure since I own the domain, admin the domain, when I put my publication on the domain that the owner and or the admin will not kick me off the domain. It seems people with a genetic-genealogical background are taking an interest in what is being published. Russell Nipper, it may answer a lot more then you really wanted to know about my family history, but others which want to pursue their family history back in time may learn from what I have learned from researching my Y-DNA back in time.
Ken Irvine
November 20 @ 9:46am
Russell Nipper I have had the same thoughts- I also get confused- everyone else must understand all this but hearing about the elliott name has not helped me at all with my Irvine research- thank you for voicing my thoughts- ken’s wife Ardith Irvine
Mark Elliott
November 20 @ 10:07am
Your DNA resources: https://www.gedmatch.com/ A269034 Mark Stephen Elliott NM6772478 Mark Elliott Your Family Trees (Also known as GEDComs) below: 9502169 2019-06-17 American 9087233 2018-09-16 Andrew
November 10 @ 8:00pm
November 10 @ 5:56pm
https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Scottish-Clans-12-18-Clan-ArmstrongCoBishops-Curse.mp4 http://www.bbc.co.uk/cumbria/features/2003/07/restoration/the_curse.shtml Know I have been into difficulties posting things which do not pertain to the Irvine, but to notorious Clans like the Armstrong and Elliot. Here I am afraid is another Elliot posting. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ballads-of-the-Border-Reivers..mp4
November 5 @ 1:45pm
https://gorrenberry.com/elliot-glendinning-r-l193-sub-l513/ Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm
Russell Nipper
November 6 @ 9:02pm
is there an irwin name clan project?
Mark Elliott
November 8 @ 11:22am
It may not seem like it but the Irwin-Elliot-Fairbairn, I-M253 are interlinked in the region a great finding by James M. Irvine. There is a story of the elk (moose) – Elliott, being related to the Fairbairn Fairy Bear – Bear. This gives evidence of it. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Fairbairn-I-M253-Elliott-Viking-add-mix.png https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3212428?dpr=2&fit=max&h=363&w=590 https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3227966?dpr=2&fit=max&h=538&w=590 Since the Elliot migrated with the Irwin/Irvine of the borders, it is not to say that in some cases that they did not migrate together to the borders. https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/fairbairn/499/ Where Did The Fairbairns Come From? By Thomas Fairbairn March 12, 2010 at 02:04:40 P.S. According to recent DNA Testing, The Armsrongs are not related to the Fairbairns. This is according to Lorna Henderson. Someday we will have our own clan, without being part of the Armstrong clan.
November 3 @ 11:38am
www.namenforschung.net/en/dfd/dictionary/list/ Grünberg; grün berg (green mountain) https://www.google.com/maps/place/Grünberg,+09573+Augustusburg,+Germany/@50.8275203,13.1001976,15z/ Also in Germany a Grünwald; grün wald (green forest) There is an Eichwalde, Germany https://www.google.com/maps/place/15732+Eichwalde,+Germany/@52.3147977,13.6059118,10.65z/ in the Berlin region where the elch/elk are coming into Germany from Berlin. Elch wald; elk (moose) forest.
November 3 @ 11:16am
One can have the same haplogroup, and the same surname and not match in the Y-DNA matches. For the name Elliott for instance, because it has been shown to be Breton French of ‘Eliot’, Angus Scot of ‘Ellot’, and Anglican of ‘Elwald’ (rare), but the People of the British Isles https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org has shown that Anglican are a broad part of the DNA of the British Isles (in red). R-U106, is known to be Proto-Germanic, of Europe. If the branch takes place way downstream of my R-S16361 SNP in Europe in the R-U106, and the Elliott is of the Norman French Eliot/Elliott, and I being of the Anglo Elwald/Elliott, then when we arrive as Breton-Eliot, and Anglo-Elwald having the same downstream R-U106, with our names merging into the surname Elliott, we would not likely have the same Y-DNA marker matches. It should be noted, that I match R-L21 Gresham of Norfolk, near Bec where my Y-DNA arrived in East Anglia, many exactly for the first 12 markers. The split I feel would be at the R1b-P312 where it splits into R-L21 and R-U106, sharing the same markers at that point, which the ones which became Gresham migrated due northwest to east Anglia, and my DNA migrated northeast to where the moose (elk), are coming in these days from Poland into Germany just east of Berlin, then to the Danish-north German border, then on to East Anglia with my Viking add mix, including I-M253 and I-M223. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/people-of-the-british-isles-project-and-viking-settlement-in-england/54E19CAFF9AC2BEB39EAEC826BEDBC63
October 28 @ 9:21am
https://www.scotsman.com/news-2-15012/guy-hewitt-barbados-remembers-scots-heritage-on-st-andrew-s-day-1-4304565 To think my family ended up in Massachusetts, with those Cromwellian Puritans, and we could have ended up in sunny Barbados.
October 28 @ 9:07am
https://fairbairnsall.blogspot.com/2016/ modified for Robinson and Scott. “CALLING ALL FAIRBAIRNS” http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Nixon-with-Crozier-Elliott.jpg
October 28 @ 9:01am
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://forebears.io/forenames/ Elliott as opposed to Elliot hot spot, just south of border. Name progression for Elwald-Ellot-Elliot chieftain Robert>Rob>Robin>Young Robin Robinson and Scott have sizable numbers in England and for Scott, Scotland. next upload, deals with calling all Fairbairn. Can not quite put this together. Hot spot distribution for Robinson, looks like English Northumbria, for Scott, Scottish Northumbria.
October 26 @ 7:03pm
Slaves/indentures known to ‘labor in American Colonial ship’, Example Alexander Gordon. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 John Cloise/Cloyse, father of Daniel Elliot’s (many great) father-in-law Peter Cloyse. Yes, Peter’s wife seem to treat Alexander to hard labor oR record would have not been made. Library Of Congress Public Domain Archive https://loc.getarchive.net/media/the-torys-day-of-judgment-e-tisdale-del-et-sculpt
October 23 @ 1:47pm
https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 https://named.publicprofiler.org/ “DNA Testing, The Armsrongs are not related to the Fairbairns. This is according to Lorna Henderson. Someday we will have our own clan, without being part of the Armstrong clan.” https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/fairbairn/499/ Armystand (1376 army strand on Scottish side of Liddel), Armestrang (Scottish for army strong), then after border pacification Armstrong. Recognized by the Bruce, and Douglas, as being The Strong Army of Scotland. When relatives where on both thrones of both kingdoms, that of England and Scotland, Armstrong genocide began, with a policy of exterminating those with the surname Armstrong, and its ‘army strong’ variants. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scottish-Clans-Armstrong-BBC-Stewart-kings.mp4 (Anna Groundwater commentary less than a half minute long) The Scottish Middle March, 1573-1625: Power, Kinship, Allegiance https://books.google.com › books Anna Groundwater – 2010 FOUND INSIDE – PAGE 23 “Power, Kinship, Allegiance Anna Groundwater … the Middle March’s geographical location on the frontier between two periodically hostile kingdoms affected its political, administrative, social, … England and Scotland, 1100–1300′,..”
October 23 @ 1:23pm
October 20 @ 9:12pm
October 20 @ 12:30pm
Armstrong, Scott, Elliott (Gorrenberry and Copshaw, not Stobs), Bell, and Graham were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle. http://clangrahamsociety.org/files/BorderGrahams&Rossadown.pdf https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Ballads of the Border Reivers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BydA73Isw_U https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/HISTORY-HUNTERS-Kinmont-Willie-Armstrong.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/ballad-kinmont-willie/ Among the first four surnames do not know which one was the worst. “Armstrong, Elliot, Graham, Irvine,…” What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers By GRAHAM HEATHCOTE FEB. 11, 1996 12 AM ASSOCIATED PRESS CARLISLE, England — Ever suspected that your ancestors were robbers who terrorized the border between England and Scotland? Armstrong, Elliot, Graham, Irvine, Johnstone, Kerr, Maxwell, Nixon and Scott were among the families who rode, feuded, fought and plundered over the border area for 350 years. All the family names of the Border Reivers, whose first allegiance was to their family’s surname, are on a list kept in Carlisle, on the English side of the border. From the 14th to the 17th centuries, the border was a turbulent place. Raiders stole cattle and women, burned homes and farms and killed rivals without mercy. From surviving documents such as court and property records and tenure agreements, researchers have identified 74 family names from that region in the 16th and 17th centuries. Some names have changed over the years: Johnstone becoming Johnson, for example. Reive, meaning to plunder or rob, comes from the dialect of the Scottish Lowlands and borders. “The folk memory of the Reivers has passed away, but their stories survive in the border ballads,” said David Clarke, senior curator of Tullie House Museum. “We have music about them and [the novelist Sir Walter] Scott collected a lot about them and put them into his novels.” The museum has made an audio-visual show about Reivers the centerpiece of a $7.5-million restoration. The bell that rang to warn Carlisle townspeople of raids is in the museum. Images of galloping horse riders, lookouts, panic-stricken settlers and torched homes and forts are projected on a 30-foot screen. Voices intone the fear of women waiting for raids: “The Reivers are riding to take what we stole from them that had been ours before.” The border with Scotland is nine miles north of Carlisle, but in Reiver times it wasn’t so definite. “North of Carlisle were the debatable lands, territory which was declared to belong to neither Scotland nor England,” Clarke said. “The Reivers operated on both sides of the border. “It was peat moss and bog country, a huge tract of wet and desolate moorland at the head of the Solway Firth,” he said. “You had to know your way around it or you would have got lost and died. Nowadays it’s mostly quarried for peat or drained for farming. “Carlisle is a border city and changed hands between the English and Scots several times in the Middle Ages, so the museum took up the Reivers as a very interesting episode,” he said. “It’s become one of our main attractions.” Clarke said the Reiver story is still little known despite George MacDonald Fraser’s novel, “The Steel Bonnets.” Fraser was astonished by the Reiver connections he saw in a photograph of Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon and evangelist Billy Graham together at Nixon’s inauguration. Johnson’s visage and figure were straight from Dumfriesshire, where everyone was familiar with such lined and leathery faces, large heads and rangy, rather loose-jointed frames, Fraser said. The Graham features were less common but still familiar, while Nixon was the perfect example of the Anglo-Scottish frontier: blunt, heavy features, dark complexion, burly body and an air of dour hardness. Fraser said all three heads would fit perfectly under a steel bonnet. “The Reivers were thieves, but warriors as well, and without allegiance to anyone outside their clan. Any English or Scottish king going to war here needed the Reivers on his side,” said Chris Dobson, a Carlisle city official. He said the Reivers were eventually repressed, deported, killed or compelled to emigrate under threat of imprisonment and that many ended up in Ireland. Haydn Charlsworth specializes in researching family histories around Carlisle and has traced Reiver connections for American clients. “Once you get back to the 16th century, it’s pretty difficult to make strong links, but the Armstrongs are well documented, and the Johnstones,” Charlsworth said. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 https://books.google.com/books/about/The_History_of_Liddesdale_Eskdale_Ewesda.html?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Clan-Johnston.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Maguire-Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map-1.jpg Armstrong and Maguire marrying of Ulster Plantation, County Fermanagh, Ireland. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3296539?dpr=2&fit=max&h=856&w=590 I Remain Unvanquished!: The Incredible 1,000-year History of the Armstrong Family by William Stephenson publisher; Great Northern Pulp & Paper Group Limited, 1989 – Canada – 183 pages “Men who carried arms were liable to be called up by the sheriff so there are records of them.” Visitors can get a “Reivers Car Trail” leaflet in Carlisle to guide them through 80 miles of Reiver country. It describes one of the most unspoiled and splendid parts of Britain as it was in 1590, just after the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Towers, churches and castles are still there, though often only as ruins, and so are banks and ditches, remnants of Roman forts built more than 1,200 years before when nearby Hadrian’s Wall was the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire. Reivers by Name The 74 family names in surviving documents about the Border Reivers: Archbold, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Burns, Carleton, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carrs, Carruthers, Chamberlain, Charlton, Charleton, Collingwood, Crisp, Croser, Crozier, Cuthbert, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunne, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Graham, Gray, Hall, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hume, Irvine, Irving, Johnstone (Johnson), Kerr,Laidlaw, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Milburn, Musgrove, Nixon, Noble,Ogle, Oliver,Potts, Pringle,Radcliffe, Reade, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rutherford,Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Taylor, Trotter, Turnbull, Wake, Watson, Wilson, Woodrington, Yarrow, Young Associated Press https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1996-02-11-mn-34692-story.html
October 20 @ 11:52am
James M. Irvine NPE distribution surnames. To show that the surname concentration ‘hot spots’ likely did not move much in relation to surnames which James M. Irvine show have NPE.
October 19 @ 2:37am
October 18 @ 9:13am
Ken Irvine has a question! 4 hours ago “Does anyone know why so many of my husbands y matches have the last name byers. His name is Ken Irvine kit #433672 ” 433672 Irvine James Irvine b. Northern ireland Northern Ireland R-BY3690 Irvine of Northern Ireland appears today in County Down along with Byers, also County Fermanagh, where in c1630 muster the name Irwin was used; http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County David Irwin Lordship of Duffrin Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Edward Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down John Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Cuthbert Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down David Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Adam Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down William Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Robert Irwin Towne and lands of Holliwood Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down David Irwin Towne and lands of Holliwood Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Only the Irvine/Irvin, can verify this statement is that the name Irvine, may have been predominate from around Bonshaw Tower. This is felt near where the Byirs/Byers are from. https://maps.nls.uk/view/00000402#zoom=5&lat=4081&lon=4005&layers=BT https://named.publicprofiler.org/ In order for this to be a qualified answer James M. Irvine needs to give response, not because he is the admin, because he is of the Irvine, Y-DNA, line and carries the surname Irvine. To qualify the answer more it would be appreciative if Peter Irvine co-Admin gives response also, along with Kent Irvin. My response not being an Irvine, is that the Byers and Irvine lived near each other in Annandale. When the surnames Byers, and Irvine were adopted it was from the same Y-DNA pool, where given similar Y-DNA, some adopted Byers, from place name locality, others of Bonshaw Tower became Irvine, therefore today carrying similar Y-DNA, and having matches among them. Bonshaw Syd (the side with the fort in the trees). Byirs/Byers. Bryid kirk likely; Byirs Church. A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700) https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/byre Byre, n. Also: bire, biir; byr, byir, byer, bayre. [Northern e.m.E. byre, bire (1521), OE. býre (rare), possibly related to búr Bour n.] 1. A cow-house or cattle-house. GedMatch A269034
Mark Elliott
October 18 @ 7:51pm
First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County David Byers Lourgg Mr Archdall Fermanagh Richard Byers Omy Sir P. Crosby Tyrone Andrew Byers Lordship of Duffrin Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down John Byers great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Thomas Byers great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Andrew Byers Towne and lands of Holliwood Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Counties Fermanagh, and Tyrone have plenty of ‘Irwin’ also. ‘Byrrens’, is just west of ‘Bonshau B.’ (Scottish; ‘brig’/English; ‘bridge’ like ‘rig’&’ridge’) , on above map. The ‘Byers’ and ‘Irwin’ in County Down, Ulster Plantation of 1630, seem to live on the Landlord-Estate of ‘Lord Viscount Clannaboyes’.
October 18 @ 6:04am
“Does anyone know why so many of my husbands y matches have the last name byers. His name is Ken Irvine kit #433672 ”
October 15 @ 9:34am
October 11 @ 12:45pm
https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/McManus_-1.jpg Muster Roll c1630 The RJ Hunter Collection. First Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County John Parker Loughty Lady Waldrune Cavan Dominick Parker Loughty Lady Waldrune Cavan Nicholas Parker Loughty Lady Waldrune Cavan Dominck Parker Castleraine Bishop of Kilmore Cavan John Parker Castleraine Bishop of Kilmore Cavan William Parker Castleraine Bishop of Kilmore Cavan Robert Parker Oneallane A. Cope Armagh William Parker Oneallane A. Cope Armagh William Parker Oneallane A. Cope Armagh Robert Parker Oneallane A. Cope Armagh Thomas Parker ONeallan F. Satcheuerall Armagh Thomas Parker Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County John mcManus Rapho R. Harrington Donegal Donnell mcManus Eneshone Lord Chichester Donegal First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County William Crawford Magheraboy Mrs Hammelton Fermanagh George Crawford Tyrkenedy Lord Hasting’s churchlands Fermanagh First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County William Edwards Omy Lord Hastings Tyrone Morgan Edwards Dungannon Lord Primate of Armagh Tyrone John Edwards R. Melvin Down Note; name Johnston is second to Maguire in Co Fermanagh and was not included above, because of the large number of names in the search; http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Place here since McManus of SC, are searching this activity feed. This information is felt important to those of SC, USA to find family. With them I am listed as ‘Pending’, so it is felt these families still needed to receive this vital genealogical information. Admin of site is highly associated to Wikitree which refers; For making corrections to site; by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott WikiTree Barbara (Breece) Roesch (b. 1940s) | WikiTree FREE Family … https://www.wikitree.com › wiki › Breece-42 Barbara (Breece) Roesch is an active member of WikiTree. … I became interested in genealogy in 1993 first with the Hough surname from a DAR membership … Biography · BREECE · HOUGH-HUFF Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Clan_Elliot Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018 Intended for: Elliott-11757 Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information Accepting my standards, are Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, FamilyTree.com, familysearch.org, and gedmatch.com [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme Gedcom#4997456] Gedcom#9502169 (over 4,000 in data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony. Both Wikitree and Wikipedia utilize this link which is outright form of digital censorship; http://www.electricscotland.com/webclans/dtog/elliot2.html http://www.electricscotland.com/webclans/dtog/elliot.html where this one is not without the “2” Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing https://elwald.com/, and https://gorrenberry.com/, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot Both the Wikitree and Wikipedia site the manner of which they are written are indicative of being strongly influenced to the point of control by historian, not of the Elliott surname. When I wrote and was not censor for writing for Wikipedia readership on Clan Elliot Wikipedia went up over ten times. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Clan-Eliott-stats1.jpg With my fathers standards which were passed on to me, I would not make this clam of anyone doing this; “Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information”, yet Wikitree had made this claim about Clan Elliott, the Elliott and I myself, without using the recognizable standard, which I use extensively and that is documentation. Wikitree, or anyone claiming to be a Wikitree genealogist, or anyone referencing Wikitree, the information because of standards passes from father who was a top US Elliot genealogist, to his son which I would disagree with him he thought was a better genealogist, anyone referencing, or claiming to be a Wikitree genealogist because of the statement made about generations of Elliot research, there inform is consider irrelevant unless like I have done proper documentation is supplied to support it. A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme Also on Ancestry.com, MyHeritage.com, Familytree.com with DNA, and a 4,000+tree. https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/argyll-colony-north-carolina/activity-feed May know something about Scots, at least highland Scots of Argyll migrating to NC, since my line is from County Fermanagh, to the Carolinas also including South Carolina. Haven’t been trying to become Admin, because I would not kick anyone off anyway, figure people searching family do better speaking for themselves. Guess may be the Jones, the Johnsons, the Macquires, must now better than and Elliott about clan Elliott, as far as Wikitree is concerned, which gives you the type of results they are acquiring that by aristocratic authority of kingdoms, not of Elliott family American input, which never was of either kingdom, because family being exiled from the Borderlands in 1607.
Russell Nipper
October 11 @ 4:53pm
so what happen to the irwin clan again?
Like Ray Irwin Kit #432871 likes this
Mark Elliott
October 11 @ 5:07pm
Mark Elliott
October 11 @ 5:10pm
Like the Armstrong marrying Maguire, the Irwin and Ellot, married, McManus. The Royalist, of Armstrong, Elliot, and Irwin, fought Cromwell, allied to the Irish. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/For-people-who-would-like-to-create-a-borderof-violence-for-Ireland-294×300.jpg https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3296532?dpr=2&fit=max&h=861&w=590 https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3296539?dpr=2&fit=max&h=856&w=590 I Remain Unvanquished!: The Incredible 1,000-year History of the Armstrong Family William Stephenson Great Northern Pulp & Paper Group Limited, 1989 – Canada – 183 pages http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County Andrew Irwin Magherstafeny & Clankelly James, Lord Ballfowre Fermanagh John Irwin Magherstafeny & Clankelly James, Lord Ballfowre Fermanagh David Irwin Magherstafeny & Clankelly James, Lord Ballfowre Fermanagh John Irwin Lourgg Mr Archdall Fermanagh George Irwin Lourgg Mr Archdall Fermanagh John Irwin Lourgg Mr Archdall Fermanagh George Irwin Lourgg Mr Archdall Fermanagh William Irwin Lourgg Sir G. Lowther Fermanagh James Irwin Lourgg Sir G. Lowther Fermanagh Francis Irwin Lourgg Sir G. Lowther Fermanagh Christopher Irwin Lourgg Mr Flowerdew Fermanagh John Irwin Lourgg Mr Flowerdew Fermanagh Francis Irwin Lourgg Mr Flowerdew Fermanagh John Irwin Clankelly E. Hatton, Archdeacon of Ardagh Fermanagh James Irwin Tyrkenedy Lord Hasting’s churchlands Fermanagh George Irwin Lurgg L. Blennerhasset’s churchlands Fermanagh Richard Irwin Lurgg L. Blennerhasset’s churchlands Fermanagh The R. J. Hunter Collection May be the Irwin do not stand up for family in family history.
October 6 @ 6:28pm
The name Scott, earlier was written as ‘le Scot’ or ‘the Scot’, meaning in and early case from Scotland, since the word was where the Gaelic Scot, is spoken. It eventually dropped the ‘le’ then became the surname ‘Scot’, and a ‘t’ was added to become ‘Scott’. ‘Fitz Scott’ at the top of the Sir Walter Scott tree is the ‘son of a Scot’. Today where the Scott of Buccleuch live in Langholm, had been a Scot Gaelic speaking region at one time. Burns has two meanings, one derived from ‘bear’, with Danish influence, the other a burn, is a stream, but it is felt that Burns like in Robert Burns is derived from an early form of bear. Mt. Ayr, IA, USA is where my Elliott family is from, named after where Robert Burns that of ‘Ayr’ is from. Robert Burns Scottish wrote in the Scottish language, and Walter Scott, Scottish wrote mainly in English, but the French also. To search the 1630 Ulster muster for the surnames Scott, and Elliott, one to properly do so must spell them ‘Scot’, and ‘Ellot’, with a single ‘t’, and no ‘i’. http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/
October 6 @ 1:31pm
It seems to be people who are hitting on this activity site and going over to McManus_SE, is what is bringing McManus_SE FTDNA higher on the Google search queue, for a search of ‘Brigham DNA’.
October 6 @ 12:58pm
October 4 @ 12:59am
http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Most common spelling in Ulster muster of 1630 is; Conningham, then Coningham, and then Cunningham, near Irwing (IE Irwin/Irvine), in Scotland, likely why similarities between Cunnigham, and Irvine variants maybe showing. Cunningham David Austin Cunningham, b. 1850 PA, d. 1937 PA, USA R-BY3690
October 3 @ 7:25pm
It is felt that the Ancient Roman J-M.DNA came up from the south. The J-M172 from the Montgomery of Montgomeryshire, and the J-M267 from the Graham of Grantham. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montgomeryshire https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Montgomery?iframe=yresults https://gorrenberry.com/graham-grantham-ancient-roman-j-m267-dna/ https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Graham?iframe=yresults The Scott surname also has a lot of J-M172; https://www.familytreedna.com/public/ScottDNAproject?iframe=yresults Like
September 29 @ 12:35am
Difficult to believe.
September 24 @ 7:12pm
https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/ James M. Irvine, I will attempt to explain what is happening. There is a school in Utah, called Brigham Young University. A school of the faith of the Latter Day Saints, offers membership to their deceased ancestors from this world, and grow-up with genealogy as part of their life. James your an excellent genealogists, but being a grad of the University of Utah, hate to admit it, Brigham likely has the best school of genealogy, and resources made available to their students. Felt like I was getting pestered by them with my research so since others were criticizing me decided to let these good genealogically oriented Brigham people in on it. They are a big help, not a hindrance. Added some things as I can remember to the McManus-SE FTDNA site of South Carolina. Hope you have not been talking to Alasdair Macdonald, we have to keep other things I been doing low keyed. Best Wishes, Mark Elliott P.S. like, James Irvine, and Mark Elliott, Brigham Young is a good Border Reiving name. (‘McManus-SE FTDNA site’, should read ‘McManus FTDNA’ 10/6/2019)
September 21 @ 10:36am
Redheugh and Larriston, are lands given to Robert Elwald 10, by Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas 5th Earl of Angus referred to as ‘Angus’, in the later part of the 15th Century. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29%2C_Redheugh%2C_Larriston%2C_Hartsgarth.jpg https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/stell_n_1 Transcribed by Teena http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html Cathy Carley, Having difficulty with the surname mainly spelled “Steele” which varied little over time, putting it with the Saxon name in my line ‘Elwald’, in the Cottingham-York, “ONorthumb. stelle (once, 1099-1128),” East Riding, Yorkshire region. Finding in this group; “Michael STELL, b. 1530, d. 9 Feb 1589 England” where ‘Stell’, is more like the ‘Stelle’, spelling of Germany, though the name ‘Steele’, has similarities to it. On the English side of the Border it seems though the name ‘Steele’ is prevalent that it is spelled also ‘Steele’. There are a number of Germans carrying the Y-DNA, so it is felt that the word ‘stelle’, which produced the names ‘Steele’, ‘Stell’, ‘Steel’, migrated with the Anglo-Saxons, to Anglia, Yorkshire, the Scottish Borders, onto Ulster then The Colonies with the Border Elwald-Ellott. It is basically felt to mean a place name, meaning a narrowing in a stream or river, where, fish can be trapped.
September 20 @ 10:25am
September 20 @ 6:17am
September 20 @ 6:16am
Dedication this to and Albert Bird Armstrong, who volunteered his time in dedication of Armstrong, in the upper floors of The Church of Latter Day Saints offices, where the genealogical library was kept. This dedicated to a top genealogists which want to offer their belief to their ancestors, but Albert Bird Armstrong did not bring attention to the Book of Mormon, but to a more important book to me which has my Elwald genealogical line in it; THE CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG, ed by James Lewis Armstrong MD, and made it available to all Armstrong which wanted a copy. Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 Albert Bird Armstrong, Jr BIRTH 30 May 1900 DEATH 22 Jan 1973 (aged 72) https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/38734448/albert-bird-armstrong BURIAL Redwood Memorial Cemetery West Jordan, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA ARMSTRONG – Funeral services for Albert Bird Armstrong Jr…. In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.
September 19 @ 6:55pm
https://www.libraryireland.com/gregg/gregg-volume.pdf https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/ DIAHAN SOUTHARD APRIL 2, 2015 DNA Reveals UK Genetic Roots https://www.yourdnaguide.com/ydgblog/2018/10/19/ancestor-reconstruction A new DNA study details the origins of UK residents of European ancestry. Here’s why this matters to your genetic genealogy (even if that’s not your heritage).
September 19 @ 2:26pm
September 18 @ 7:58pm
September 17 @ 7:18pm
https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/ https://www.familytreedna.com/public/fairbairn?iframe=yresults https://www.familytreedna.com/public/border_reiver_dna?iframe=yresults https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/ScreenHunter_413-Jan.-22-17.20.jpg https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/31 https://elwald.com/carruthers-i-m253-y-dna/ https://gorrenberry.com/armstrong-fairbairn-m253-y-dna/
September 17 @ 7:14pm
September 17 @ 10:53am
Brigham (bridge home, of East Riding, Yorkshire), Young (Border way of naming Young Dand ‘Ellot’), of the Later Day Saints, has opened to the public, and surname search of immigrants. “The Immigrant Ancestors Project, sponsored by the Center for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University, uses emigration registers to locate information about the birthplaces of immigrants in their native countries, which is not found in the port registers and naturalization documents in the destination countries. Volunteers working with scholars and researchers at Brigham Young University are creating a database of millions of immigrants based on these emigration registers.” http://immigrants.byu.edu/ They also find, FTDNA as surnames are concerned search tool quite useful. Note there are about ten thousand people named ‘Brigham’, as opposed to about a million named ‘Young’, so many more ‘Young’, than ‘Brigham’, are found in FTDNA groups https://forebears.io/surnames https://www.familytreedna.com/group-project-search?sType=ew&Searchname2=Brigham&search=Brigham https://www.familytreedna.com/group-project-search?sType=ew&Searchname2=Brigham&search=Young https://www.familytreedna.com/group-project-search?sType=ew&Searchname2=Brigham&search=Irwin
September 15 @ 11:57am
Bear related to Elk (moose) as in Danish-Germanic Fairbairn story through I-M253 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/9 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7a4c/5dba342577158a33410cfafaf0eae3e8540c.pdf
September 14 @ 2:10pm
http://clancrozier.com/clan-nixon/ These are Larriston, Elliot, 29th chief Margaret Eliott is now of Redheugh. Lands first in later part of fifteenth century Robert Elwald (Elwald>Ellot ie Elliot cheiftain Redheugh-Stobs Eliott) of Redheugh and Larriston. Towards the end of the sixteenth century the Redheugh Ellot chieftain had moved to his lands of Larriston. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29%2C_Redheugh%2C_Larriston%2C_Hartsgarth.jpg
September 14 @ 2:08pm
September 13 @ 7:52am
A great statement ‘2 decimal places (e.g. 96.73%) misleading:’ With FTDNA, not making the number of measured years per generation available shows their understanding of mathematics. The above shows that James M. Irvine, has a strong understanding of the mathematics when it is being applied to genealogical research. Numbers am familiar with are 30 and 25 years a generation. At 30±5 and at 25±2½, but will be utilizing a higher more mathematically precise at the units digit e.g. 27±½. For the mathematics to be correct the precision of the answer can not be more than the precision of the input. To get an answer such as 96.73% is mathematically correct, this shows the level of mathematical knowledge which FTDNA is utilizing.
September 10 @ 8:11pm
Ulster muster 1630 RJ Hunter Collection. Note; no muster Erwin in Co Down. First Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County David Irwin Lordship of Duffrin Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Edward Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down John Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down CuthbertIrwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down David Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Adam Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down William Irwin great Ardes Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Robert Irwin Towne&lands Holliwood Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down David Irwin Towne&lands Holliwood Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Downo So likely from the Irwin of Co. Down, came the Erwin of Co. Down.
September 10 @ 8:12am
September 10 @ 7:09am
September 10 @ 6:54am
The ‘People of the British Isles’ project and Viking settlement in England Jane Kershaw & Ellen C. Røyrvik https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7a4c/5dba342577158a33410cfafaf0eae3e8540c.pdf Danish, northern Northumbria; the Scottish Border region.
September 10 @ 12:11am
https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/17 The I-M253, apart of my Viking-Danish admix the Elkwald ie Elliot of the woods Germany), are related to the I-M253 Fairbairn.
September 9 @ 7:24am
song writer Rick Kemp; https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=6&v=YV-1hoiO6x8 Lyrics After the riding we dispersed, we drifted home in twos and threes. through cold and rain we spat and cursed, this ancient war of families. Armies past and then returned, they killed and raped, they stole and burnt. so from the cradle we have learnt, to be as hard as stone. and learned to stand alone. They are gone now, the killing and disorder, they’re just ghosts now, the brigand and marauder. and we give thanks for peace on the border, we give thanks for peace on the border. Cloak and dagger, crime on crime, anarchy in the borderlands. the king’s men came with a valentine, to break to power of the border clans. Some were hung, some sent away, to Ireland and the low countries. great was the price they had to pay, god bless their memory, and god bless you and me. The broken towers that stand today, stand for peace and order. reminding us until the day, that we need no more borders. Source: Musixmatch Songwriters: Rick Kemp Peace on the Border lyrics © Peermusic (Uk) Ltd. https://forebears.io/surnames/kemp#meaning (1) Place name in Holland. Enclosed ground. (2) Old German word for a Fighter (Kempe). Hence also Kampf. https://www.google.com/maps/place/6045+XB+De+Kemp,+Netherlands https://named.publicprofiler.org/ concentration East Anglia
September 8 @ 4:38pm
September 8 @ 3:47pm
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Dana Leeds https://www.danaleeds.com/ https://www.gripitt.org/instructors/ (Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh Providing In-Depth Exploration of Genealogical Topics and Hands-on Learning) “Dana Leeds has been researching for more than twenty years and has a background in education and biology. In 2018 she developed an innovative method for visually sorting DNA matches into groups which became the basis for automated methods such as Genetic Affair’s AutoCluster and DNAGedcom’s Collins’ Leeds Method 3D. This innovation also led to speaking engagements at both i4GG’s International Genetic Genealogy Conference and RootsTech as well as additional opportunities. Dana has attended GRIP four times including last year’s Advanced Genetic Genealogy course. She is thrilled to be a member GRIP’s faculty for the first time this summer.”
September 7 @ 10:04am
https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ballads-of-the-Border-Reivers..mp4 Etched in floor near the name Elliot, in an underpass near Carlisle Castle. List of Border Reiver Surnames A list of Border surnames from both sides of the border include: https://englandsnortheast.co.uk/border-reivers/ Anderson, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Blackadder, Bromfield, Burns, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carr, Carruthers, Charlton, Collingwood, Cranston, Craw, Croser, Crozier, Curwen, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunn, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Gilchrist, Glendenning, Graham, Gray, Hall, Harden, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hodgson, Hume, Hunter, Irvine, Jamieson, Jardine, Johnstone, Kerr, Laidlaw, Latimer, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Medford, Middlemass, Milburn, Mitford, Moffat, Musgrave, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reed, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rowell, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Stamper, Stapleton, Stokoe, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Thompson, Thomson, Trotter, Turnbull, Turner, Wake, Wilkinson, Wilson, Witherington, Yarrow, Young. Anderson made the top of the list, before Armstrong even. Anderton, Name with ‘ton’, is a place name. Like Johnston(e), a predominately a place name in north of Annan, and just north of Lockerbie, Scotland. The name Anderton, is from just northwest of Bolton, England, Lancashire, was West Riding Yorkshire of Danish Northumbria. ‘-ton’, toun/town, or a farmstead, has a Google Map name in the given locality; https://www.google.com/maps/place/Anderton,+UK/@53.611685,-3.1379588,9z/ It also shows in County Lancashire as ‘de Anderton’, like William de Anderton. William of Anderton, becoming William Anderton. https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&hl=en&q=%22de+Anderton%22 Surname census concentration of the name is shown in region also, with https://named.publicprofiler.org/ giving a surname ‘hot spot’ at locality.
September 3 @ 12:40pm
September 1 @ 6:21am
September 1 @ 6:20am
August 31 @ 9:03pm
August 30 @ 10:52am
https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about Can not believe this, can anyone believe this, I a have ended up with a ‘guide team’, of genetic genealogists, out of Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA. And, believe me they do their genetic genealogy religiously. Can not seem to get away with anything. They seem to know about this Brigham Young, who’s an Anglo-Border Reiver like myself. Know how these ladies can be because I’m sure our 29th Chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh wears a steel bonnet and refers to me as some sort of wild ‘vagabond’ from the western USA. https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/ Do you know what the DNA Guide Teams saids, “You Can Do DNA”. ‘Brigham’ (bridge home), is a place in England, once Danish, East Yorkshire, of Northumbria, where there is a concentration of people with the surname ‘Brigham’. https://elwald.com/brigham-genealogical-surname-migration-uk-intro/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Brigham,+Driffield+YO25+8JW,+UK/ Brigham Young, of his people in 1847, a long trip west pulling carts, found that ‘This is the Place’, the valley of The Great Salt Lake, and for over 30 years it has been the place for the ‘Family History Library’. were likely the largest data base of world wide genealogical materials previous to the web (now also https://www.familysearch.org/en/), were placed from the upper floors of the Church of Later Day Saint’s office building on the east side of Temple Square to the new Family History Building on the west side of Temple Square in Salt Lake City Utah. Researchers of the library, religious-family-hobbyist-profession and others setting high standards for research in family history. The number one standard in order to even be consider doing family research, is that the FAMILY KNOWS BEST. https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/ Brigham Young must have known from the early pioneers how to laid things out. The state is surveyed off a point on the southeast corner of Temple Square, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA excepting the region nearest it’s high point of Kings Peak.
August 28 @ 12:32pm
Rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle 1596. Ulster muster 1630; First Surname Barony Landlord/Estate County William Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Andrew Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Robert Ellot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh John Ellot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Archball Young Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Adam Young Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Alexander Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh John Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh James Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Ralph Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Walter Scot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/HISTORY-HUNTERS-Kinmont-Willie-Armstrong.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ballads-of-the-Border-Reivers..mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/HISTORY_IRELAND_Winter1994_pgs.25-29.pdf https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Die-Riding-Clans-in-Ulster-von-Robert-Bell.pdf Ignore the name ‘Bighames’ above because it is too much like ‘Brigham’. The Fews https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fews (like Co Fermanagh has an EU/Brexit border) “…based on the territory of the O’Neills of the Fews.” “…settled mostly by Scots with names such as McClelland, Sterritt, Morrow, Hamilton and Atkinson during the Plantation of Ulster.”
August 27 @ 8:54pm
August 24 @ 4:17pm
Brigham FTDNA Google image search. The ones crossed out I did not upload. The ones in the squares are because of FTDNA Irwin this blog site. This is page 2.
August 24 @ 4:16pm
All of the above were uploaded by Mark Stephen Elliott. Should be noted that James M. Irvine, and I have together over a century of genealogical experience. (Brigham ‘eat your hearts out’). James M. Irvine, and I Mark Stephen Elliott are descendants of border reivers. Where the Irvine/Irwin migrated the Ell(i)ot(t), also migrated, mainly to Ulster, and onto the English Colonies. There is a school, in Utah based on the doctrine of The Later Day Saints, that believes in offering their belief to their ancestors. They by far, though DNA corporations are being operated in a manner to make profit, are a school, a superior school of genealogical research which anyone can find, based on genetic, language, family research, and many other schools in supporting research into family history. https://www.familysearch.org/en/ is an extension of the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utan, and many other Family History Centers, in the USA, and around the world, which the Church of Later Day Saints, the Mormons share as genealogical family research is meant to be shared with the world. They know like border reivers know when they went on forays to pitch-in and share concepts. note; Brigham Young of Brigham Young University, Brigham, in Anglo-Scots means ‘bridge home’, and Young is a borderers way of indicating someone is a young version of likely there father. Like ‘young’ John, or ‘young’ Brigham. A whole university of superior genealogical skill, is based on a name which is that of a ‘border reiver’. For Google image search ‘Brigham FTDNA’, this school like the borderers sure knows how to pitch-in ‘putting your shoulder to the wheel’, and going back 30 generations representing in a mathematical sense ‘2 to the 30th’ (binary) over a billion ancestors, I certainly can use the help.
August 23 @ 7:26pm
Even drawing from my sites, James M. Irvine rates top 3. May have embellished the graphics to put information across, but they are still from James M. Irvine. Though some may not seem to pertain to Irwin per-say, as you can see in above graphic, there are people pulling the graphics off this site.
August 23 @ 7:13pm
August 20 @ 2:53pm
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/people-of-the-british-isles-project-and-viking-settlement-in-england/54E19CAFF9AC2BEB39EAEC826BEDBC63 Irvinestown, on Fermanagh map below. (left of #2. Johnston distribution graphic)
Mark Elliott
August 23 @ 7:09pm
Russell Nipper “what ever happen to the stuff about irwins?” Good question, really had to stretch for this one. Obviously Irvinestown is after the Irvine/irwin. Which migrated from the debatable lands onto the Ulster Plantation with the Armstrong, Johnston, and Elliot. Comes from a place name, in the same region, Johnstone is of a place name in the Debatable lands region.
Russell Nipper has a question!
August 23 @ 6:58pm
“what ever happen to the stuff about irwins? ”
Like James (Jim) Argo likes this
August 20 @ 3:10pm
August 17 @ 9:25pm
If your name is spelled; 1. Maguire, 2. Johnston, 3. Armstrong, 4. McManus, and 5. Elliot (pre-American Revolution of 1776), then you most likely came to America from County Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation, Ireland. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ “…‘principal names’ throughout the settlement Armstrong, Johnston, Elliott, Irvine, Graham, Nixon, Crozier, Bell, Kerr. And nowhere in the census(1659) are they more concentrated than in Fermanagh.” If your name is spelled ‘Irwin’, one of the many name variation for this site, then it also most likely migrated from the Ulster Plantation. It should be noted, that the Ulster Fermanagh Royalists, fought for Anglican, Charles II, against Cromwell. https://fermanaghherald.com/2018/07/fermanagh-will-be-county-worst-affected-by-brexit/
August 17 @ 10:03am
Archaeology-Anthropology video; Time Team History Hunters (1998-9) – Episode 5 – Scottish Border and Related Ballads (Liddesdale) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Time-Team-History-Hunters-1998-9-Episode-5-Scottish-Border-and-Related-Ballads-Liddesdale.mp4 42 minutes
August 17 @ 9:18am
http://www.elliotclan.com/history/early-history-elliot-clan/ Mark Elliott May 9, 2019 at 1:58 pm # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peregrine_Eliot,_10th_Earl_of_St_Germans https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Port_Eliot Genealogy of the Eliot family – Page 9 https://books.google.com/books?id=OWLUUfQxSVkC William Smith Porter – 1854 – ?Read – ?More editions SIR WILLIAM DE ALIOT, A. D. 1066. Tradition traces back the ancestry of the Eliots of England, to the time of the landing of William the Conqueror on the shores of England, in the year 1066. The following extracts exhibit the evidence, and the .. William de (of) Aliot. Both localities of Aliot are in southern France. Name moves to north Breton France it becomes Eliot. An ‘i’ was inserted into the Angus ‘Ellot’ name about 1650, at the time a parliamentarian Sir John Elliot died in the tower of London, by a William Ellot son of Gilbert Ellot of ‘The Golden Garters’, and father to Sir Gilbert Eliott, first Baronet of Stobs, the 29th chief Margaret Elliot a direct descendant of the Redheugh Gilbert Ellot of ‘The Golden Gaters’ line now lives in Redheugh. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Aliot/@44.4937352,-0.3047138,15z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Aliot,+64290+Gan,+France/@43.2070331,-0.3999208,15z/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Arthur-Eliott-i-insertion1.png Sir Author Eliott of Redheugh-Stobs father to present chief. Kieth, I want to thank you for giving space for the St. Germans, Eliot of the Port Eliot region to develop their page on Wikipedia. They brought the Aliot, name as Eliot to Breton and St. Germans. As the chief’s father says, they are a different group of Elliot(t), and would carry a different Y-DNA, from the border Elliot as described by the well referenced Robert Bell of Ulster, by both the Armstrong and Elliott Clans. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/HISTORY_IRELAND_Winter1994_pgs.25-29.pdf Did not think I could get it past my “brother-in-law” Kieth Elliot Hunter. Family went to a lot of trouble to resettle those ‘prized’ Hunters, from Tyndale, England into Scotland around 1540; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Hunter-brother-in-law-1024×553.jpg
August 16 @ 2:39pm
John Grame (ie Graham) and George Fostar (ie Foster), are listed on the 1497 Robert Elwald (ie Ellot/Elliot), receiving lands of Redheugh an Larriston https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29%2C_Redheugh%2C_Larriston%2C_Hartsgarth.jpg Anna Groundwater (her writing in above graphic); https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scottish-Clans-Armstrong-BBC-Stewart-kings.mp4 added 8/16/2019
August 12 @ 8:10pm
BBC-Scotland’s Clans Main content Clan Armstrong Scotland’s ClansSeries 1 Episode 1 of 6 Clan Armstrong. Paul Murton reveals the turbulent history of the families who lived on the border with England and the raiding tradition that was part of this violent society. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Scottish-Clans-12-18-Clan-ArmstrongConverted.mp4 29 minutes Books; Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n13 History of Liddesdale, Robert Bruce Armstrong https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PR1&source=gbs_selected_pages&cad=3#v=onepage&q&f=false Archaeology-Anthropology video; Time Team History Hunters (1998-9) – Episode 5 – Scottish Border and Related Ballads (Liddesdale) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Time-Team-History-Hunters-1998-9-Episode-5-Scottish-Border-and-Related-Ballads-Liddesdale.mp4 42 minutes BBC – Ballads of Border Reivers https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ballads-of-the-Border-Reivers..mp4 Less than 5 minutes
August 10 @ 1:46pm
August 8 @ 2:56pm
It is hope this “German”, “Danish”, “Anglo-Saxon”, “Scottish”, “Ulster-Fermanagh”, “American”, story supported and brought to my attention by a suit dressed volunteer, in a newly built Family History Library, on the west side of Temple Square, not in the old upper floors of The Church of Later Day Saints office building just north of The Hotel Utah, architect on the northern side has the surname of a family which traveled to Salt Lake with someone of a great Scottish Border name Brigham Young, ‘brig’, for ‘bridge’ like ‘rig’ for ‘ridge’, Scottish, ‘ham’ for ‘home’, this Anglo-Saxon is a ‘bridge’ for ‘home’, that which takes place in The Family History Library, Salt City, Utah, in other words in my Scottish a ‘BRIGHAM’. The volunteer, of the Family History Library, who brought THE CHRONICLES to my attention was surnamed; ARMSTRONG. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/31 https://books.google.com/books/about/The_History_of_Liddesdale_Eskdale_Ewesda.html?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ https://gorrenberry.com/armstrong-fairbairn-m253-y-dna/ https://elwald.com/brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with-dna-applied/
July 31 @ 9:39am
Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study https://sites.google.com/a/clanirwin.org/dnastudy/ An example of an excellent in progress Clan DNA Study. It may be Steve(n) Irwin, Rush, and Young, but Stephen (OK Stephanie), is strong in both the kingdoms, of Scotland, and England, and on the borders and into the Ulster Plantation and beyond.
July 31 @ 9:37am
“Dedication (made by James V. Elliott instrumental in this excellent Y-DNA site) This web page is dedicated to my grandfather, John Elliott, whom I never knew. He was born in Drumhome Parish, County Donegal, Ireland in 1878, the son of James Elliott and Isabella Graham (an Elliott marrying a Graham?). He worked in road construction for his brother, Robert Elliott, before emigrating to the United States in 1904.” note; Robert and James, names of my brothers. Elliott (And Border Reivers) DNA Project https://sites.rootsweb.com/~gallgaedhil/ People of Drumhome Parish, County Donegal, James V. Elliott’s ancestors stay in the EU, where my ancestors of Tullykelter, County Fermanagh, UK https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle end up with Brexit.
July 30 @ 12:24pm
https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/yorkshire/activity-feed http://www.ldsliving.com/The-Surprising-Reason-Steve-Young-Didn-t-Serve-a-Mission/s/82995 László Varsányi, After Steve Young, became a famous American football player, he did visit schools. As a teacher of science did see him at Window Rock High School (Window Rock, the capitol of the Navajo Nation) which is in Fort Defiance, Arizona (Navajo ‘Tséhootsooí’), Arizona. The land which the high school was on bordered New Mexico on the east. Navajo are indigenous Athabaskan language based, and Y-DNA based C-DNA. Navajo of the southwest as the Dineh in Canada, phonetically call themselves da-neigh meaning ‘the people’. The Quakers never did parade around Richard Millhous Nixon. In genealogy to do it properly one does not get to throw out the in-laws.
July 26 @ 11:18pm
As far as genealogy is concerned this has gone viral; https://www.rootstech.org/video/you-can-do-dna Meet the Your DNA Guide Team https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about LEEDS METHOD in using autosomal DNA to find ancestry; Also their presentation of the Leeds Method; (Ancestry’s Colored Bars) https://www.yourdnaguide.com/leeds-method i4GG 2018 Conference speaker “Dana Leeds worked with DNA at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in the early 1990s while earning a degree in biology education. While helping with a case of unknown parentage in the summer of 2018, Dana developed an innovative method for sorting DNA matches that has proven helpful to those researching brick wall ancestors as well as those working with unknown parentage cases.” The Leeds Method with Ancestry’s Colored Dots May 19, 2019 Dana Leeds; https://www.danaleeds.com/the-leeds-method-with- Group has shown interest so thought I would publish it. These ladies sure shine when it comes to genetic genealogy.
July 25 @ 5:38pm
101829 Elwald de Schinkel Germany R-S16361; https://www.familytreedna.com/public/scarborough?iframe=yresults https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/DNA-distributions..jpg 101829 Elliott Germany R-S16361; https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Gresham_Grissom?iframe=yresults Gresham Castle, Norfolk http://www.heritage.norfolk.gov.uk/record-details?MNF6620-Gresham-Castle http://www.gatehouse-gazetteer.info/English%20sites/1959.html 101829 Germany R-S16361; https://www.familytreedna.com/public/CaveFamilyHistorySocietyDNA?iframe=yresults North and South Cave, East Riding Yorkshire https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Cave https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Cave All of the above information is except map localities is information presented to me by FTDNA to utilize for my genealogical research. The 29th (29 generations) chief is Margaret Eliott, and through research branch into her at Robert Elwald 9 of 10. Information given to me by FTDNA, is that at 29 generations matching 12 markers exactly is the same as matching 37 markers exactly. Do I take the information provided by FTDNA being totally incorrect? FTDNA FAQ states that having many exact markers at the 12 marker level goes extends beyond adoption of surnames. Do I take the information provided by FTDNA being totally incorrect? Place or locality names are known way to find were the name originated, when it correlates with another standard, census surname density, the the correctness of surname is insured. Since my surname Elwald of Proto-Germanic Y-DNA R-U106, has a strong Norfolk, genealogical locality, along with Scandinavian density, and FTDNA East Anglia Y-DNA density. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Norfolk-Suffolk-1.png https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Bec-Beck-Hall-is-very-close-to-Gresham-Castle-in-Norfolk-England..jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Elwald-of-Schinktlef.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_Hall “An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248).” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rimington History -“The village was listed in the Domesday Book as ‘Renistone’. The name Boulton (Bolton) is listed in land deeds of 1302, and Robert Elwald son of Alan listed 1304.” https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/U106-1024×494.jpg https://www.familytreedna.com/public/east_anglia?iframe=yresults https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/PoBI-Viking-settlement-in-England-by-Jane-Kershaw-Ellen-C.-Royrvik.pdf Not accepting research with a strong foundation shows why the non-Y-DNA people are doing the superior research as far as family genealogy is concerned.
July 22 @ 3:05pm
Malcolm MacGregor, with wife Fiona Armstrong, and Christopher P. Wilkens with wife Margaret Eliott https://elwald.com/armstrong-gilnockie-and-tower/ https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/
July 22 @ 10:02am
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Question; Are there any Irvine-Jamieson Y-DNA matches? https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Jamieson_Y-DNA_Project?iframe=yresults
July 22 @ 10:00am
July 22 @ 9:58am
Jameson, in 1630 is a strong name in Counties Antrim and Down, Ulster, Ireland, and one Thomas Jamison is found in County Down. Today with a surname census concentration program, one can see that the name Jamison is found strongly in Antrim and Down, were the name Jameson is found on the English side of the Scottish Border, then Dumfrieshire, and slightly in Co. Fermanagh and Armagh of Ulster, Ireland. Where Jamieson is found migrating into Aberdeenshire, finding similar to what is found of the Irvine surname, of Bonshaw Tower on Scottish borders.
July 22 @ 9:57am
It had been noted that Johnston, of Ulster, and Johnstone of Scotland are variants of place name of Johnstown, which became Johnson in US. So why not Jamison, Jameson, and Jamieson, be from a place name of Jamestown, Scotland. Found it near Glenndinning, a locality the Glendenning and Ellot/Elliot are from, a place known as Jamestown, on the Glendinning River.
June 13 @ 11:31am
June 3 @ 2:51pm
László Varsányi, Seems like not being allowed to post to FTDNA Germany. Web browser search engine indicates this is a demanded post of mine. Elwald (elk of the forest-Anglo), Kerr (elk of the marsh-Nomandy). Feel with more testing likely SNP, may indicate how far back the branching took place, and did it happen to the Saxon Tribe in Germany?
June 2 @ 2:31pm
http://named.publicprofiler.org https://www.google.com/maps/place/Brigham,+Driffield+YO25+8JW,+UK/@54.2033302,-1.4898224,6.99z/ This is for the people of the Later Day Saints, which are researching for ancesters. The people of County Yorkshire, UK which realize that a lot of their surnames are from place names in the region such as ‘Brigham’. The people of the north end of Danish Northumbria, which ended up in the Border Region of Scotland, when in 1320 a border was placed between Scotland, and England. And, the people who came over from Germany-Denmark to Danish Anglia. With a name like Brigham Young, likely a Border Scot.
February 25, 2019 @ 2:11pm
Irvine, not as much as a Y-DNA seed, but a surname seed. Have R-U106 rare among Elliott, but finding it likely more so carried a surname seed of Elwald, not a Y-DNA seed. For the region the thirteenth century, would be early for surname development. Irvine being of this early populace to have a surname, the surname would be adopted by others when they felt a surname was needed. Just a note; Clan Elliot chieftain twenty-nine, Margaret Eliott of Redheugh-Stobs, is descended from a family of highly qualified genealogists. http://home.kpn.nl/pu6qs9/ellot_clan.htm https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Arthur-Eliott-i-insertion1.png Family of the American English Colony spelled it without an “i” at times in the 17th century, then ‘Elliot’ then added a “t” about the time of the American Revolution. Eliot (Breton, France) + Ellot (Angus, Scotland) = Elliot Eliot from a place name of William de Aliot of southern France. Ellot, from farmers in Angus which farmed el-lot; in the 16th century a land ‘lot’, measured on each side with the standard Edinburgh ‘el’, longer than an English ‘yard’, but shorter than a French ‘metre’. These ‘ellot’ where brought to Liddesdale by the Douglas, Earls of Angus to soldier The Hermitage Castle. Today in America, if the name is spelled ‘Elliot’ it should be considered most likely from Scotland through Ulster. At the time of the Robert the Bruce, and the Douglas, the Reiver families were considered the Scottish army of the Stewart Kings. http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scottish-Clans-Armstrong-BBC-Stewart-kings.mp4?_=3 Names arriving in America, as ‘Irwin’ or ‘Johnston’ spellings are almost certain to arrive from Ulster, Ireland.
Like László Varsányi likes this
Mark Elliott
June 1 @ 9:09am
‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ In photo-copy PDF form. http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/HISTORY_IRELAND_Winter1994_pgs.25-29.pdf
Russell Nipper
May 28 @ 8:25pm
does james ever do the irwin analyst anymore, The six months posting?
David Ervin
May 28 @ 8:31pm
Looks like he updated the DNA study site in May.
Like Brother Irvine likes this
David Ervin
May 28 @ 8:31pm
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May 28 @ 11:03am
An answer I have given, to Johannes Weyers of the German FTDNA group. Shows the importance of understanding word meaning genealogy to find family. JOHANNES WEYERS 9 hours ago @mark !! We do not always have to prove the origin of the word “the” or ” German ” . Their are lots of origins of documents that are often conflicting . We all try to scratch and find those of value and in the process too often even prove ourselves wrong . Like Mark Elliott 1 hour ago JOHANNES WEYERS In order for Elwald to be of the Fairbiarn I-M253 (Fair Bear) story in the genealogy of the children of the bear, ‘wolf’, and ‘elk’, the ‘elk’ can not be a big deer. It has to be a ‘moose’, what the English and German call an ‘elk’. Because Elwald is derived from ‘moose of the forest’. Since the ‘american elk’ is only in the forest, the name created a branch, family. The ‘moose’ in English and German ‘elk’, has a branch family in the genealogy of the family tree. It is the ‘moose/elk’ of the thickets and marsh. Never have seen an ‘American elk’ in the marshes-thicket, but have seen an ‘English-German elk’ in the marshes-thicket. Y-DNA by Robert P. Elliott, of our Daniel Elliot, of Salem cluster shows the Ker(r) to be a in the group of the closest matches by surname. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/2210825?dpr=2&fit=max&h=324&w=590 Image address showing ‘elk’ on the crest of the Kerr arms.; https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQg3I3LAEyX4jy3CdXxqtNcQ7vVeSLUJbvk1h9Uqt37-hXCI3JERg Clan Kerr – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Kerr Clan Kerr /kɜːr/ ( About this sound listen) is a Scottish clan whose origins lie in the Scottish … The name stems from the Old Norse kjarr which means marsh dweller, and came to Scotland from Normandy, the French settlement of the … (note; the People of British Isles PoBI autosomal DNA study excluding surnames groups, the Anglo-Saxon, of the ‘elk of the forest’ DNA, with the Norman DNA, of the ‘elk of the marsh’, are in the same DNA grouping.) The Ker(Cessford, Duke of Roxborghe of Floors Castle near Kelso, Scotland), Kerr(Ferniehirst, Chief of Clan Kerr a Tory, Lady Buccleuch), and Carr(adult accuser in the Salem Witch trials). Carr, a lady in this blog brought to my attention, her awards for the DAR Daughters of the American Revolution, and reminded me the pride my family that they took place in “stringing up those Tories”, especially when they laugh at “transporting the Scots as slaves to The Colonies”. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 It was my family being transported, for being Royalists, like the Loyalists to the crown, but ninety years earlier. For me to get the language of my genealogy correct for my particular family is very important, but in order to do proper genealogy you better get it correct for your own family. The only family I basically have to utilize as a model for other families is my own. It is the mechanics which I am trying to teach. Like, the one who has done the genealogy and carries the Y-DNA, is most likely 100% in being correct. Listen to the ladies, ‘the Carr with the DAR awards’, do not kick out the ‘in-laws’, allow for ‘freedom of speech’, something I feel “The Americans”, need to learn from “The Europeans”, because they “The Europeans”, are beating “The Americans”, at their own game. Of course there are in America people from Europe including the UK.
Like László Varsányi likes this
May 24 @ 5:41pm
https://www.familytreedna.com/public/fairbairn?iframe=yresults P.S. According to recent DNA Testing, The Armsrongs are not related to the Fairbairns. This is according to Lorna Henderson. Someday we will have our own clan, without being part of the Armstrong clan. Tom Fairbairn https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/fairbairn/499/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/PoBI-Viking-settlement-in-England-by-Jane-Kershaw-Ellen-C.-Royrvik.pdf https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Cruddas?iframe=yresults Though the Armstrong and Fairbairn are linked by Strong Arm, of Fairbairn, they do not seem to match the Elliott, like the I-M253 Elliott match the Fairbairn. The Armstrong, have been a good resource for me. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n7 https://books.google.com/books/about/The_History_of_Liddesdale_Eskdale_Ewesda.html?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ They are accepting of my pre-1500, Elwald name for Elliot. It is felt that to my R-U106 the I-M253 seems like it is part of a Danish-Viking add mix, and in the Chronicles, it seems as though the Fairbairn, are a branch of the Bear family, and I am a branch of the Elk (Moose) family. Evolving names like Kinmont to Kinmouth/Kinmont, and finding they are few Kinmount these days. Early name Alexandir Armystrand, 1376, indicates that the name is derived from Armystrand, and ‘army strand’ along the Liddel Water. Found the name in ‘Armestrang’ form, which I feel means the ‘army strong’, or ‘strong army for Scotland’, a standing army along the more conflicted part of the borderlands. Feel for Robert the Bruce, and the Douglas they were known as the ‘army strong of Scotland’, but with family on thrones of Scotland and England, no longer were accepted as the army of Scotland. The Elliot soldier their home place The Hermitage Castle. Armstrong were the major force on in the borderlands. Note they are a pitch-in army, and army which can not be lead, if you share values because it is their collective which determines direction, the results can be beneficial.
May 20 @ 3:58pm
It is felt that the border people, the non or small landholders fought for Catholic, Mary Stuart Queen of Scots. The large land holders Cessford (Duke of Roxborghe, Ker), Fernihirst (Kerr), and Buccleuch (Scott), going with her son Protestant, James VI of Scotland which became James I of England also, were able to retain the lands which they owned. The large landholders did not support him because he was Protestant, but were able retain administration of their lands for people left in the borders. note; Home/Hume family were helping with the resettlement from the borders to County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. These large landholders realize it is their families which go on living in the region, where others have moved on. It is felt relation to names listed which fought for Mary Queen of Scots, may compare in some ways to Y-DNA results which administrator James Irvine is receiving.
May 20 @ 1:12pm
https://www.GEDmatch.com Frank Warner, (group may be interest to this posting made to FTDNA Germany) A269034 Mark Stephen Elliott (lawismarkellot) Andrew ‘Dand’ Daniel ELLIOT GEDmatch Ref: 9087233 : I324 Born: Gorrenberry, Roxburghshire, Scotland Died: Tullykelter, Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle Family rode with Armstrong. Neil (Gaelic) Alden (Anglo) Armstrong (Scottish; Armestrang-army strong of Scotland). Claims Langholm, Scotland the home of (Bauld) Buccleuch Estates. At 50th anniversity of Neil putting first step on moon; Ancestral Home of the Clan Armstrong Press Release; Gilnockie Tower – Anniversary Weekend. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Gilnockie-Tower-Anniversary-Weekend-Press-Release-Short.pdf https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/HISTORY_IRELAND_Winter1994_pgs.25-29.pdf
March 18 @ 5:27pm
March 18 @ 3:54pm
https://gorrenberry.com/geographic-surname-dna-correlation/ Do not know why people are having such a difficult time with it. Distribution shows that with my Y-DNA people were exterminated on Scottish-English Border. It is lucky Dan Ellot of Scotland was banished from both kingdoms in 1607 and became Daniel Elliott (then Ellot again as more Border Ellot entered region) of Ulster (Northern Ireland), the line would have been genocide if he had stayed on the border. The name formed from the same Y-DNA grouping as the Greham, of Norfolk, at the same time as a previous name of Elwald which evolved into Ellot, in Liddesdale, Scotland about the time of the Reformation.
March 18 @ 2:23pm
March 17 @ 7:18pm
https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Old+Schoolhouse+-+Glendinning+Farm+Cottages/@55.2582802,-3.1049838,14z/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A1-Clade-Report-1.pdf Thorslieshope. (valley of the Norse God of Thunder, meaning thunder valley), of the Ellot-Elliot is up the Liddlel from Crosar-Crozier Ricarton and Ellot Lariston, and across the Liddel from Hudshouse (fortified house), of the Crosar-Crosier, and may be a place of the R-L193 Y-DNA association of the R-L193 Crozier to the Ellot of Thorslieshope which moved to Meikledale.
March 17 @ 7:16pm
March 17 @ 11:20am
During border pacification, the border clans went with Mary Queen of Scotts, the major landholders the dukes went with her protestant son which was now also King of England besides Scotland. Really did they have a choice if their estates were to survive. Landholders like my family of Gorrenberry, lost their lives and had their pele tower destroyed, along the border lands, though it is believed this happened after my granddad Dand Ellot of Scotland, was banished from both kingdoms in 1607, and moved on Ulster Plantation, first acquired by the Hamilton family. On one have the dukes where clearing their land for a James, Middle Shire, and on the other hand assisting the move onto the Ulster Plantation. What I feel lady Buccleuch is dealing with it the concept that the historians want to blame her husband. Hate to say this but the Bauld Buccleuch is one of us, and needs our protection. In order for the clans to survive and proffer they need land stewards, and the Duke of Buccleuch, and Duke of Cessford, now Roxburghe are them. Though through inter-married seem to be fighting the need to unify, then to unify the Scottish Borders with the English Borders of the Duke of Northumberland. Their families, though many Scott and Kerr encircle the world are likely as they have in the past be a part of the region, and have a strong knowledge of land preservation. The need to form a collision, unifying and preserving these borderlands for their families and the families of the borders which want to return and visit their family’s homeland.
Mary White
March 17 @ 2:40pm
The Iowa connection is interesting bc I was born in Iowa and I am searching for my birth father’s family. Edward G. Irwin. The world can seem so small sometimes.
Mark Elliott
March 17 @ 6:34pm
Last September went to my 50th graduation class reunion of Roosevelt, High School, Des Moines, Iowa. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L94V-NNZF?i=981&cc=1923888 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GRZX-N2T?i=72&cc=1810731 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QSQ-G9MY-SFZM?i=38&cc=2000219 https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/philly/obituary.aspx?pid=1908969
March 16 @ 11:17am
https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scottish-Clans-Armstrong-BBC-Stewart-kings.mp4?_=7 The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1 Robert Bruce Armstrong published by D. Douglas, 1883 Page i https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&source=gbs_navlinks_s http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/JA-Time-Team-History-Hunters-1998-9-Episode-5-Scottish-Border-and-Related-Ballads-Liddesdale.mp4?_=2 (In video a 1992 photo copy by the Clan Armstrong Trust on Armstrong History is used.) Now as one can see in public domain of Google Books. James M. Irvine, can you begin to see why you are obtaining all those NPE, it is because the surnames are drawn from the same region near the same time. If this is a related book to the above as indicated it must be a good one for the Irvine-Irwin genealogist. Muniments of the Royal Burgh of Irvine: Miscellaneous muniments. Council book of Irvine. Excerpts from burgh accounts Ayrshire and Galloway archæological association, 1891 – Irvine (Scotland) https://books.google.com/books?id=9tcsAAAAYAAJ&source=gbs_similarbooks Like
March 16 @ 11:07am
James M. Irvine, can you begin to see why you are obtaining all those NPE, it is because the surnames are drawn from the same region near the same time. These are the families which supported Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland.
Mary White
March 15 @ 8:57pm
Hello I am adopted and I just found out my birth father’s name was Edward G. Irwin. I went to the internet to search and found three possible matches to that name and the right age. There one with the most other common factors passed a few years ago and I have tried contact his relatives on facebook but nobody has replied yet. I was hoping maybe you could help me on here? He would have been born about 1927-31′ and lived most of not all of his childhood near Philadelphia. And he was also said to be or have been in the Navy but the guy’s who obit I found that I thought was forsure him made no mention of the Navy service? But it was in a catholic church which he also wanted me raise as. I was born in Des Moines Iowa and he was here just before I was born atleast long enough to have his car stored by my mom for some reason to were he had to repay for storage fee then the sheriff would return the car.
March 14 @ 9:29am
Shows that today Douglas and Elliot are concentrated near Hawick- Cavers, Stobs, and Fatlips (once Ellot). Middle March Clans of Armstrong, Elliot, Nixon, and Crozier, Hermitage Castle passed from Douglas Earls of Angus is of Hepburn. Glendinning-Little-Elliot likely for a lot of them adopted R-L193 Y-DNA (A-1 Clade Report, James V. Elliott Border Reiver DNA, Crozier, have R-L193 felt of the Larriston bit up the Liddel Ellot-Crosar) in region. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Crozier_and_Elliot_in_Upper_Liddesdale_Blaeu_1654_map-1.jpeg At time of Douglas in region the Armystrand-Armistrang-Armystrong were the army of the Douglas, and Scotland, and the Elwald-Ellot soldiered The Hermitage Castle of the Douglas Earls of Angus. Note; Irvine, is close to Gilnockie on map. Carruthers related to the Bruce. Receiving support from Douglas, Carruthers, and Irwin-Irvine. Figure it out are the Armstrong supporting me? After that fiasco at Carlin Rig they do not like to visually stick their necks out. Ellot rode with them. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A1-Clade-Report-1.pdf https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Reiver-Trail-Magaret-Eliott-chief.mp4?_=1 There is also a dream team of notorious ladies helping out; Margaret Eliott of Redhuegh-Stobs, Clan Elliot chief 29th, Lady MacGreggor, Fionna Armstrong, do not tell the Bauld Buccluech this after the notorious Clan Elliot chief, and Lady MacGreggor of the Rob Roy, MacGreggor, is I figure the most notorious of them all, Elizabeth Kerr Scott, known as the notorious Lady Buccleuch. Have to listen to the ladies when one is doing genealogy, else you loose half your family tree. Trying to tell the Bauld Buccleuch that it was the Gorrenberry Ellot, and not the Stobs Ellot which were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle in 1596. Elizabeth the Queen of England did not care for it much. Stobs line of Ellot was not around at the time. Richard Scott of Buccleuch Estates, now in Langholm, the ancestral home of Neil Alden Armstrong and all the rest of those freebooter Armstrong, has me pinned down about right. Just a big trouble maker, guess that is what a border reiver of the Middle March is.
February 27, 2019 @ 11:56am
Horsleyhill-Horslie hill has two different Ellot shields. Gilbert Ellot’s of Horsliehill’s shield is of Redheugh, and William Ellot Horsliehill shield is the previous shield retained by the Gorrenberry line, of William O’ Gorrenberry, which lived over Gorrenberry, on the Bothwell lease at Braidliehope, but was the owner of the Gorrenberry land as indicated by his name William Ellot goodman of Gorrenberry. Goodman just means land owner. These are the my ancestors which as my dad did an I have once did managed land, and for Bothwell and his estate, of Braidley, which the Ellot residing on which were soldiering The Hermitage Castle. Gavin of Horsliehill of the Gorrenberry family married the widow of Robert 15 (correction from 16 3/1/2019), and took in Gilbert as a step-son, that is why the different shields. During border pacification, Buccleuch sided with Protestant son James of Catholic Queen Mary. The landholders of Buccleuch, Ferniehirst, and Cessford, in order to retain the land they stewarded had to support James. Robert of the chieftain line wanted to kill Buccleuch, so Buccleuch started a realignment of the chief’s line to Stobs purchase by the Gorrenberry line. Wanted the line to have Buccleuch lineage, so a large dowry was offered for Gilbert to marry a cousin of Buccleuch, but land was to be passed to first son named Willaim. Normal naming sequence would be Gilbert. At first William was a Parliamentarian which supported Sir James Eliot (note spelling) which died in the tower of London, so he changed the spelling of ‘Ellot’ to ‘Elliot’, then he started as other Anglican Scots at the time to support the Hamilton and Charles II. He then changed the spelling form ‘Elliot’ to ‘Eliott’, for the Stobs line. To save his estate which went on to his first son Sir Gilbert the first Baronet of Stobs, he hung himself committing suicide. The Redhuegh line became aristocratic, which I do not have in me. For me the best thing which happened is for a daughter to become chief, and better yet if her daughter also becomes chief it will take the aristocracy away from the chieftain, which needs to happen to be genealogically of a border family.
February 27, 2019 @ 11:10am
It is felt with the Irwin links, I need to explain the shield. Being of the Society of Friends, a convinced Quaker, not birth right, like president Nixon, I do not care for shields, called arms. The shield is to indicate that I am from the “vanquished” to many that I am of the Elwald-Gorrenberry line, so may be someday I can become like the Armstrong “unvanquished”. Many are publishing that the Elwald line does not exist. “The elk-head and antlers stood for the names…Elwald,…Elliot;..” https://archive.org/stream/chroniclesofarms00arms#page/77/mode/2up Chronicles of the Armstrongs; ed by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 Today I am an Armstrong, though the chief knows I exist, Clan Armstrong the Unvanquished knows I exist also. The 15th (correction from 16th) chief took on a new shield in 1566, this one is the previous shield. Family lived in Gorrenberry between the Armstrong to the west and Martin Ellot, chief’s Robert’s brother living on land of Bothwell of Braidley between Gorrenberry, and The Hermitage Castle. We rode for Martin who rode for his older brother Robert. This Robert feuded with the Armstrong, and played around on his wife, which was a sister to the Bauld Buccleuch. Robert 15th (correction from 16th) moved from Redheugh to his land of Larriston, and built a tower for his mistress for Slaughtree, on land just north of Redheugh, called Hartsgarth. After that a curse seemed to follow this family line. Should have known you do not play around on Buccleuch sister and feud with the Armstrong. (16th, married a Hamilton is the brother of Gilbert ‘of golden garters’, grandfather to Sir Gilbert). Hamilton widow and Buccleuch did not get along, but feel they helped my grandfather Dand Ellot of Scotland-Daniel Elliott of Ulster Plantation get moved to Ulster on land of Hamilton family, acquired by Somerville relations, by 1610. Added 3/1/2019 Robert 15 of Lariston, Gilbert ‘golden garters’, maried Margaret ‘Fending’ Scott of Harden, son William inherited Stobs, land, next is Sir Gilbert, giving chieftain line a realignment to Stobs, with aristocracy. It should be noted that Buccleuch was obtaining land during this period of border pacification, and wanted to past land on to part of Clan Elliot, plus to secure the chieftain he needed to support an Eliott. The people of estates supported Protestant James, son of Catholic Mary, to retain estates, but Buccleuch aloud for good reason support of the Stobs line, to put it in favor of the new United Kingdom, which because of contentions with Robert of Redheugh-Larriston, he felt he could not. Gorrneberry, not Stobs as Buccleuch supports was in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong. As the Douglas family in loosing power wrote, that Stobs was in on the killing of Cessford. The promotion of an Elliot killing Cessford likely did not happen. This was from the Douglas point of view loosing power, to create conflict between Buccleuch and Cessford now Duke of Roxburghe. Lock the door, Lariston, lion of Liddesdale, Lock the door, Lariston, Lowther comes on. The Armstrongs are flying, the widows are crying, Castletown is burning and Oliver is gone! It is felt he also did not get along well with the Ferniehirst Ker. Since the shield-arms were close to the arms of Ferniehirst at the time he changed them, and went with the arms with a ‘elwand’ on the bend. Elwald-Ellot were at times called Elwand, which was a ‘el”wand’, a ‘wand’ a standard Edinburgh ‘el’ in length. In Germany my Y-DNA matches the name ‘Rücker’, which means ‘regulator’, which also has to do with measurement. ‘Gilbert’ is not the son of Buccleuch’s sister, and therefore was offered a large dowry to marry a cousin of Buccleuch from Harden a Mary ‘Fendy’ Scott. Gilbert is the descendant of the chieftain line, along with our present chief Margaret an only child. Therefore though I do genealogy, I am not of the chieftain line but of the vanquished Elwald-Gorrenberry line, and descended from Andrew (Dandie the Cowie) first son Andrew ‘Dandie the Cow’, Burgess of Selkirk. Second son whom I am descended from lived with Archie ‘Keen’ (sharp) Ellot in Gorrenberry is Clementis Hobs (ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott), which the Cowie would go to visit in Gorrenberry. So, I am a directed descendant of “The Cowie of Gorrenberry”, which is an Andrew (Dandie) Ellot, a fugitive. Makes the genealogy though a bit interesting, but one does not get to choose their relatives. So I am trying to gain some sort of existence, to become unvanquished like the Armstrong.
February 27, 2019 @ 9:17am
February 25, 2019 @ 1:34pm
The Borderers as opposed to Buccleuch, Ferniehirst and Cessford which stood up for the Protestant son James, of Catholic Queen Mary Stuart of Scotland, we stood up for Mary Queen of Scots, who was beheaded, by cousin virgin Queen Elizabeth, of England. When Queen Elizabeth, died James became king of both kingdoms, England and Scotland. The distribution shows, he did not likely removed anyone from the Borderlands, but the English army would kill and rape, with him making laws against borderers, they Irvine variants moved to northeast Scotland, and the Ulster Plantation. Finding the Catholic Gaelic “Mac-“, becoming Presbyterian “Mc-” migrating eastward, from their northwest localities, and to American, some to the North Carolina Argyll Colony of about 1740. Remember Saint Ninian of Whitethorne and name the Ninian Elwald-Elliot, converted the Pics of the region near Glasgow, to Christianity. The Pics moved to northeast Scotland where people feel they are from today. If James Irvine is finding Y-DNA lines between Irvine of near Bonshaw, and Aberdeen, this is the way I feel the migration went. Gordon, is another name which is known to migrate this direction. It is felt that Irvine, Scotland is a place name locality. The Irvines and their kin: revised by the author in Scotland, … https://books.google.com/books?id=sGtVAAAAMAAJ 1908 FOUND INSIDE – PAGE 63 William de Irvine (1260-1333), the 1st laird of Drum was King Robert Bruce’s armor-bearer, and accompanied him in prosperity and adversity during his endeavors to recover his kingdom from Edward I. of England, until the victory of … Dictionary of National Biography https://books.google.com/books?id=lScJAAAAIAAJ Sir Leslie Stephen – 1892 FOUND INSIDE – PAGE 47 1), royalist, was descended from William de Irvine, who was armour-bearer to Robert Bruce, and was rewarded for his devoted services by a grant of the forest of Drum, Aberdeenshire, at that time part of a royal forest. A grandson of William de … William de (ie of) Irvine, the “de” is dropped the name becomes William Irvine, a surname instead of a place name. The above show that William of Irvine, acquired Drum, which shows that the place name of the Irvine is in the Drum region.
Like Ray Irwin Kit #432871 likes this
February 24, 2019 @ 11:38am
February 22, 2019 @ 12:59pm
The book of ULSTER SURNAMES by Robert Bell; Irwin also Erwin page 102 Certainly do not think the publisher minds me posting this here. Since I have been making recommendation to the book, it seems it is difficult to find a used copy below $4 these days. “And by 1659, in Pender’s … For census, they are listed as ‘principal names’ throughout the settlement Armstrong, Johnston, Elliott, Irvine, Graham, Nixon, Crozier, Bell, Kerr. And nowhere in the census are they more concentrated than in Fermanagh.” Robert Bell of Ulster, highly referenced by Armstrong and Elliott, as a strong authority on Ulster surname history. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-England-the-Riding-Clans-in-Ulster-by-Robert-Bell.pdf Had to do something for Steve Irwin’s fifty-seventh birthday. Happy Birthday Steve Irwin.
Like Ray Irwin Kit #432871 and Steve Erwin like this

February 22, 2019 @ 11:49am
February 18, 2019 @ 5:13pm
http://named.publicprofiler.org/ Previously County Maguire and it’s surname is number one in County, MacManus four, Johnston two, Armstrong three and Elliott five. Clones is in the news (for me Youtube), because of the many border crossings it has. The EU-Brexit border is on the northeast side, southwest side, and southeast side. The northeast border is part of Ulster (north Ireland). My dad’s family of Mt. Ayr (of Robert Burns), Iowa, USA are Methodists. Religious evolution, Catholic to Anglican-Episcopalian then Methodist. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 As the Parliament states, since family was on the side of the Anglican, Charles II, and the Anglican Family of Hamilton, ancestors were “transported as slaves to the colonies”. http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-map-1024×904.png
February 18, 2019 @ 5:11pm
February 3, 2019 @ 7:40pm
http://www.irishmanuscripts.ie/digital/censusofireland1659/index.html Shows by 1659 we have the Ulster, Fermanagh spellings of Armstrong, Crozier, not yet Elliott from 1630 muster Ellot, Gramham, Irwin, Johnston, Mountgomery, Nixson (may be misspelling from Nixon of 1630 muster), Noble and Scott (1630 muster spelled Scot). Seems to be the gang which lived together along the Scottish Borders. Name spellings help a lot in America, because if you find your family named spelled, Crozier, Irwin, or Johnston, in American, plus Elliot with a single ‘t’, now spelled mainly like in Ulster with a double ‘tt’, you most likely migrated to the American Colony from Ulster. For Armstrong, Crozier, Elliot and Nixon of the Middle March, most likely if in the seventeenth century from County Fermanagh, and likely goes for Johnston with a ‘t’ also. With a name like Daniel and Gowan, among my family line in Ulster, it is most likely we married the local Irish, and the fights with the Irish was in the family. Note; McGuire, is Maguire today, a major surname in County Fermanagh. Do not know the reliability, but sure comes close to today’s spellings which ended up in America. Noble is in the Fermanagh 1630 Census and is strong for the name in the county today. If for an Irwin, if your family is in America, living with people of the given names then likely you came to America from County Fermanagh. Also on the borders the border Scots married those English Grahams. No one tells a border Scot who to marry.
Like Ray Irwin Kit #432871 likes this
January 31, 2019 @ 10:11am
Hi – New member here – I’m assuming that this group is mostly for DNA discussions and general origins of Irwins. So is there a Facebook group or other forum of discussion about Irwins that you can point me to? I am looking for possible information about my way-back Irwin line (7th ggf, 8th ggf, 9th ggf) in the 1600’s – mid 1700’s in Counties Cavan and Leitrim, Ireland. Thanks. Kathi (daughter of Gordon)
Mark Elliott
January 31, 2019 @ 10:17am
http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Name; George Irwin Barony/Lands; Clanky Landlord/Estate; J.(John) Hammelton (Hamilton) County; Cavan in c. 1630 Ulster muster.
Ray Irwin Kit #432871
February 2, 2019 @ 7:16am
Welcome Gordon. On FB there are two but neither will help with your 8th gff or later. ancestors. but good information re the Clan. Clan Irwin and Clan Irvine.
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December 26, 2018 @ 7:53am
Ray Irwin, James Irvine, may inform you that sometimes, experience genealogists could be in error. Note that the perspective I have is from the US. Border people seem to have ballads; Peace On The Border · Steeleye Span ‘Some were hung, some sent away To Ireland and the low countries Great was the price they had to pay God bless their memory’ The low countries are inclusive of Belgium. This means that at the time of Border Pacification, your line instead of migrating to Ulster, is likely to migrate directly to the ‘low countries’, Belgium from my understanding is a ‘low country’. Produced this link; https://gorrenberry.com/peace-on-the-border-%C2%B7-steeleye-span/ Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott
Ray Irwin Kit #432871
December 28, 2018 @ 11:42am
I am not sure of your point or why it was addressed to me. My 4th great grand father Robert Irwin Born about 1775 was born in Ireland as reported on the 1850 US census. I have no information before that so any number of migrations could have occurred before that. I will break through that wall someday somehow.
Mark Elliott
December 29, 2018 @ 6:32pm
Forgot that it has been awhile back that you did at one time informed me of above. Am finding that people of the Scottish Borders migrated off them at border pacification, and it seems like I am finding associations it seems with Germany. It seems like a sort of border-German compatibility. Feel this has a Anglo-Saxon-Scandinavian orientation. Being from America, it has been strong noted, an indicated strongly by my Y-DNA, a migration from the Borders, and it is felt at the time of Border Pacification. Granddad Andrew (Dan) Ellott, of Scotland banish from both kingdoms 1607 became Daniel Elliott of Tullykelter, Fermanagh, Ulster a lessee about 1610, and by ballad is indicating migration to “Low Countries”, trying to comprehend it there was any migration at this time to those countries. Of course in US we do not use “Low Countries” in our lexicon, but look it up on the web referring to some countries near Belgium. Though finding my migration is from Saxon, but by the time it seems to the R-U106 reach the borders, very few are with me, and into America makes it unique. kit#101829, almost like for the Y-DNA generalist this from UK this migration through a kind of gauntlet does not exist for the R-U106. Though a good percent of R-U106 is in East Anglia. Do claim add mix of I-M223, and I-M253 which migrated with me, and see this group has a few, and some I-M253 which match Elliott, which seem to match Fairbairn also, which am fairly sure these would be apart of my add mix. Feel this later Danish-Viking add mix is liking of my affiliation. https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/54E19CAFF9AC2BEB39EAEC826BEDBC63/S0003598X16001939a.pdf/people_of_the_british_isles_project_and_viking_settlement_in_england.pdf May pertain to the NPE – ELLIOT (1) / FAIRBAIRN I-M253 of this group also.
Ray Irwin Kit #432871
January 1, 2019 @ 7:29am
I do not remember where or when but I read of some Rievers being sent to the low countries ( Belgium) to fight for some king against someone. I also read of Scottish sailors going to what is now Germany to sail as mercenaries. Let us face it our ancestors where a very brave and determined lot..
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Mark Elliott
January 1, 2019 @ 8:33pm
Though much is not written on the history, this is felt to be about the finest short write-up referenced by Clan Elliot and accepted by Armstrong, from and Ulster point of view; https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Graphic helps to verify above history; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-map.png About the finest search RJ Hunter collection on the about 1600 Ulster muster; http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ Armstrong, Armstrang, Armestrang, and Armstrong, Scot, Ellot, Johnston, and Irwin. This is a good program showing census concentrations; http://named.publicprofiler.org/ If always help to check if surname is a place name by using a mapping program. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Carrutherstown,+Dumfries+DG1+4LA,+UK/@55.0341222,-3.4128667,15z/ Or sometimes search in quotes “de (surname)”, this will take one back to time of surname beginning to be adopted John de Trenton, can become John Trenton for instance. If place locality census concentration matches surname place name, with surname having a concentration of similar Y-DNA then without the NPE have likely locality of surname. Found this especially with the name Carruthers, with concentrations at Carrutherstown (old 1654 Blaeu map Karruthers https://maps.nls.uk/view/00000402#zoom=5&lat=4693&lon=5597&layers=BT ), Scotland, carrying an I-M253. This is most uncommon for other surnames, because of the variations in localities, Y-DNA, and not having a place name like the name Elliott. Note; James M. Irvine has done correlation on the name Carruthers also, with NPEs. NPE – CARRUTHERS 29391 Irvine William IRVINE 1791-1875 Scotland I-M253
December 30, 2018 @ 7:48am
Brother Irvine
November 13, 2018 @ 3:42pm
Interesting, thanks for posting. My Irvines were Presbyterians in Killyleagh, Co Down. Within Ireland it seems that Presbyterians were predominantly in Co Downs & Antrim and their churches were built there very early in Plantation days.
May 20, 2018 @ 11:19am
http://forebears.io/surnames/Erwin http://named.publicprofiler.org/ http://worldnames.publicprofiler.org https://gorrenberry.com/ervin-erwin-irwin-ivin-irvine-irving/ Likelihood if you have the name Erwin, live in America, and family line is Presbyterian, then likelihood of being from Counties Antrim and Down, of Ulster, Ireland approaches 100%.
Robert Ervin
August 27, 2018 @ 3:55pm
Surname Ervin, 2x great grandfather married at Presbyterian Church located at 634 Pine St., Phila., Pa.
August 23, 2018 @ 10:23am
http://named.publicprofiler.org/ Irwin in 1630 Ulster muster rolls http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/
August 23, 2018 @ 9:57am
DSL http://www.dsl.ac.uk/ Dictionary of the Scots Language Dictionar o the Scots Leid Boun, Bown, ppl. a. Also: bon(e, boune, bowne, bowin. [ME. boun(e, bown(e, bon(e, early bun(e, ON. bún-, búenn, p.p. of búa to make ready. Chiefly, and in early use exclusively, in verse.] 1. Of persons: Ready or prepared for some action. Freq. const. with prep. (for, to) or with infinitive, and in the phrase to make (oneself) boun. (See also reddy boun s.v. Reddy a.) S(c)haw, n.1 Also: s(c)hawe, s(c)hau, sha; sheau; (saw(e, scawe). Pl. also schais. [ME and e.m.E. shawe (a1300), also in earlier use as a place-name element, OE sc(e)aga.] 1. A small wood; a copse; a grove (in DOUG., usu. one sacred to a deity); a thicket. In early use as a territorial designation; passing into the surname Schaw. See also myr tre schaw Myr tre and wode schaw. Also attrib. with land and wode. I. 1. An area of trees, smaller than a forest, a stretch or piece of woodland. Freq. in charters in lists itemising the pertinents of an estate. Also proverb. b. A particular, named, wood; the name of a wood. c. In place-names. d. In personal names. See also Grene wod(e n., Hainit ppl. adj. and Hare adj.1 3 b. def. art. (1) A TOWER IN THE TREES, WHERE PEOPLE OF THE TOWER “MAKE READY” Hope the Irving, and Irwin are ready for this one; https://gorrenberry.com/muirhall-hermitage-castle-wind-farm/ PERTHSHIRE, UK; Though found the Roman (J- DNA) Grantham-Graham up from Grantam to the borders, the Danish Græme seemed to travel from Fife, near Pethshire. There seems to be a Gaelic Gromley Graham, likely out of Tyndale, Ulster Scotland which seems to be speaking out a lot these days on sites; FTDNA Scotland, and FTDNA Border-Reiver which I am from Gorrenberry Scotland, and descended from the notorious border Reiver, Clementis Hob, have been kicked off of. See they seemly in Scotland and for the Border Reivers, their descendants are not being allowed to speak out for themselves, on the FTDNA Scotland and Border Reiver sites. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/irwin/default.aspx?section=yresults Variants mixed.
August 23, 2018 @ 12:24am
Like Clifford Irwin likes this
May 20, 2018 @ 5:00am
Old name spellings of Irvine, Scotland on 1654 Blaeu map.
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Clifford Irwin
August 22, 2018 @ 3:16pm
I have an original of Annandale with Bonshaw etc places marked:>) Totally fate that it was found in Penrith as I just left visiting Bonshaw
James Irvine
May 22, 2018 @ 5:49am
Last week I changed our Study’s profile within FTDNA’s website, which opened this new forum.
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Ray Irwin Kit #432871
May 24, 2018 @ 6:12am
I am glad you did James.
Clarisse (Lane) Irvine
May 23, 2018 @ 2:11pm
Newbie here, and have a question. We recently got the DNA results back and I am curious why my 4 closet matches are sub-grouped into different unknowns? Is this due to mutations or where we branch off genetically? Thanks!!
James Irvine
May 22, 2018 @ 5:50am
Please note that various administrative features of our Study’s website at www.clanirwin-dna.org are currently being updated in light of FTDNA’s new arrangements and the entry into force of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation on 25 May. In particular I have posted our Study’s provisional Privacy Statement, “provisional” pending our digesting FTDNA’s imminent Privacy Statement and revised Guidelines for Group Project Administrators. I have also posted guidance on FTDNA’s new tools for managing your FTDNA account. Some of these tools do not become fully operative till 25 May. Standby for updates. James Irvine 22 May 2018
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May 20, 2018 @ 5:10am
Know that the administrators have done excellent research in the project. Hope people do not mine, since there seems to be little response to this feed that I post some graphics, they should appear under photos, in hopes to get some responses.
May 20, 2018 @ 4:58am
James Irvine FTDNA presentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glsxj5LBzo4
May 20, 2018 @ 4:57am
James Irvine FTDNA presentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glsxj5LBzo4
May 20, 2018 @ 4:56am
James Irvine FTDNA presentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glsxj5LBzo4
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For Philip Grass;
My family chased the Tories the Freedom of Speech silencers out of America. Daniel Elot (Elliott) was a Harvard Cromwellian Puritan slave of the Tory type. These people schooled at Harvard would never think of stopping a shuttle from going into space, when Utah engineers say it was not safe. Measure that silencing of my free speech is still held by Harvard types, and knew they silence an thought they hung me like a witch. Harvard if you know what the top of the queue means then you will know what applied engineering mathematics from Utah can do, and how you been relegated on an American standard to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ancestors, as Salem judges, which story was utilized in The Crucible. Have the Y-DNA of Daniel Elliott which testified in defense of Elizabeth Proctor.
The above are not my people. My people are POW Scot sent to the British Colonies. These are my people.
FTDNA Blankfled – Google Search

FTDNA Blankfield – Bing Search
The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Armstrong Fairbairn I-M253 Y-DNA – Gorrenberry
FTDNA Irwin Clan Surname – Elwald
Crozier / Crosier
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Clan Crozier (crosier, croser, cros, etc.) is one of the border reiving clans of Scotland, along with the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.
Крозье / Крозье
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Клан Крозье (crosier, croser, cros и т.д.) является одним из пограничных кланов Шотландии, наряду с Армстронгами, Эллиотами и Никсонами. Некоторые источники ссылаются на фамилию как на септ клана Армстронгов, но шотландский парламент в 1587 году определил Крозье как клан среднего марша.
History Ireland
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Maguire Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)
McGuire Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)
ftdna ulster heritage – Bing images
Ulster for FTDNA uploads. – Gorrenberry
FTDNA Irwin photos
FTDNA Irwin activity feed
Steel Bonnets In Debatatable Lands with George Macdonald Fraser and Eric Robson
The Irwin Surname Paperback – March 25, 2020
by James M Irvine (Author)
See all formats and editions
1 Used from $22.55
4 New from $17.99
The Irwin Surname – its Origins, Diaspora and Early Branches James M. Irvine
Popularly spelt today as Ervin, Erwin, Irvin, Irvine, Irving, Irwin and Urwin, this surname was used by early Scottish kings (allegedly), the armor-bearer of Robert the Bruce, the author of Rip van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, one of the first two men to attempt to summit Mount Everest, and the eighth man on the moon. The name has been given to towns, rivers and mountains in Scotland, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia and Antarctica, and even an asteroid. Tradition claims that all those born with the surname and descended from a single ancestor, but DNA tests show that today there are over 40 unrelated branches of the surname.
This is the first book to be published that makes a comprehensive record of the traditions, homesteads, heraldry, DNA, early records, chiefs and tartans associated with the surname, and to analyse its origins, spelling, pronunciations and principal migrations. The genealogies of the main branches of the name are refined and updated, including radical re-appraisals of the early Barons of Drum ad Lairds of Bonshaw. The book includes mini-biographies of the principal genealogists who have researched these branches, together with extensive lists of distinguished bearers of the surname, Irwin place-names, armorials, and transcripts and lists of early contemporary references.
elwand Elwald Ellot links;