FTDNA Greenspan – Elwald Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Fairy Bear: Internet Archive FTDNA Greenspan – Elwald https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/LTWJ-FQQ/daniel-elliot-1637-1704 Daniel Ellot Elliot Tullykelter & Salem…
- Home
- ‘This is the Place’ genealogy; Elliott, Rush, Spencer, Franklin, with DNA applied.
- “Schafdieb aus dem Norden Englands”: Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
- * Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear-Fair Beorn)
- * Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear-Fair Beorn)
- *Jock o’ the Side-Mangerton
- *The Ballad of Kinmont Willie
- *The Death of Parcy Reed (Crozier)
- *The Reprisal-1549 Ker Kerr Carr Clan
- Alan Alani Allen Surname Migration
- Alexander Gordon & Daniel Elliot, Ulster to Maine c.1650
- Aliot to Eliot
- Allot Ellot
- Ander Anders Andersen Anderson Andersson, autosomal DNA, yDNA, family tree genetic genealogy
- Anglo-Proto-Germanic, I-M223, I-M253, & R-U106 Elliott Y-DNA
- Archie Elwald to Ellot to Elliot Gorrenberry
- Argyll Colony uploads
- Armstrong Fairbairn
- Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear)
- Armstrong Fairbairn Elliot Y-DNA link
- Armstrong letter; 1/1/2015
- Armstrong, Elliot, Crozier, Nixon, Johnson, Graham; Ulster-Scot.
- Arthur Eliott; the inserted “i” in Ellot
- Ælfwald Aelfwald Alfwald Elfwald
- Barbados POW Schotten 1650
- Barbados-POW Scots 1650
- Barton DNA Polish origins ?
- Barton; Lancashire to America
- Bear-Fairbairn, Elk-Elwald, & Wolf-Louman
- Bearing the Cross of Milnholm
- Boston Irish DNA FTDNA
- Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied
- BRIGHAM This is the Place; DNA
- Brigham; this is the place for applying DNA to genealogy.
- Buccleuch and Redheugh; Buck & Maggie
- Buccleuch on Windy Edge (Hermitage Castle) wind farm UK
- Buccleuch R-L21 Y-DNA into Scotland
- Buie of Jura Y-DNA SNP BY13651 uploads
- BYU Brigham DNA – Gorrenberry (2022) MSE
- Cessford, Ferniehirst, Redheugh and Scot Gov playing the border.
- Chasing my Y-DNA part 30
- Chronicles of Armstrong; A Collective.
- Clan Crozier
- Clan Johnson Johnston Johnstone Johansen Johansson info
- Clement’s Hob, ie Robert Elliott, Clement Crozier’s sister’s son.
- Clementis Hobs of Stobs
- Cockburn, Dunbar, Coker, Haddington, Longton, FTDNA DNA
- Crowland-Croyland, possible localities of Alfwold Elwald Ellot Elliot origins.
- Crozier Censored
- Cumbria; Elwold,Elwould,Elwood,Ellwood,Ellot
- Daniel Elliott 1610 Ulster likely Catholic then Anglican
- David Westfield, Greenville, SC, Turnpike Road GA, Polk Co, TN
- DNA Migrates With Language.
- Douglas, Douglass, Elliot, Elliott applied DNA family history.
- Dunbar & Cockburn Y-DNA U106 to S5750 near Scottish localities.
- Dunbar and Cockburn R-U106 & S5750 Y-DNA SNP
- Elliot-Gordon fought in Battle of Worcester 1651
- Elliot, Glendinning, & Little; R-L193 sub of L513
- ELLIOTs of England and Scotland
- Elwood Ellwood
- For Our Fathers of Stobs
- Freedom of Speech
- Frieden an der Grenze
- FTDNA Ireland yDNA
- FTDNA Border Reivers
- FTDNA Boston Irish
- FTDNA East Anglia
- FTDNA Germany
- FTDNA Glendinning
- FTDNA Greenspan Blankfeld Behar Hammer Estes Walsh
- FTDNA Irvine Irwin
- FTDNA Irwin March 2020
- FTDNA R-L513 and Subclades
- FTDNA Ryedale Yorkshire to Roxburghshire
- FTDNA Wilson
- FTDNA Yorkshire
- Genealogically locating Young Brigham
- Genealogie Geographischer Name DNA Elliot
- Genealogy by dad; Loren S. Elliott
- Genealogy Geographic Surname DNA Elliot
- George Lawerence 1638 & Elizabeth Crispe 1636
- Gorrenberry Crest, Coat-of-Arms
- Gorrenberry Elliot, Elwood, Ellwood, and Edwards arms
- Gorrenberry Elwald Ellot Family Tree
- Gorrenberry lands
- Graham Grantham “Ancient Roman” J-M267 DNA
- Hambleton Buckinghamshire, Hamilton Cadzow, Hammelton Ulster, DNA
- Hermitage Action Group INFORMATION
- Hermitage Chronicles; Armstrong (Fairbairn) Elwald
- Irwin FTDNA January 2020
- John Elwald 1418 Rector of St Andrews; Conn, McConnell, McCall DNA Kirkinner Carnesmole
- John Johns Johnsen Johnson Johnsson Johnston Johnstone, autosomal DNA, yDNA, family tree genetic genealogy
- Kettlewell-Howden Linclonshire to Lothian
- Kirkpatrick Humphrey Calhoun FTDNA
- Liddel Water Armystrand to Armstrong
- Liddel, Liddell, Little, Lyttle, Lyddell
- locus 1376 is locality
- MacManus Belfast Co Down & Antrim to McManus Co Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland
- MacNeill McNeil Argyll Cape Fear North Carolina
- Mag-Uidhir McGruire Maguire Fermanagh Ulster FTDNA DNA uploads.
- Maine, Wells, Littlefield Cloyes genealogy.
- Migrating with “Fairy Bear” (Fairbairn)
- Muirhall Castle Hermitage wind farm
- Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm
- Northumberland FTDNA
- on Elliots; Bretons+ Keith Elliot Hunter
- Peace is No Border
- Peace On The Border · Steeleye Span
- peace-on-the-border-·-steeleye-span
- Pre UK Surname Genealogy Liddesdale 1376
- Proto-Germanische R-U106 Haplogroup DNA Elwald-Elliot
- Reiver Surnames to Northumbria
- Reiver, Surname Adopted on Location.
- Rev Wm F & Jemima Signor Mark 50th 1892
- Rich Rucker, Clan Armstrong DNA, Frage
- Robert Elwald migration 1305-1367
- Robert Elwald; Clan Elliot Chief #1
- Rutherford surname origins the Scottish Borders.
- Saga av febjörn; Elioth, Ellioth, Elliot, Ewald
- St. Andrews (Andreas), Protogermanische Sprachentwicklung
- Stobs
- Support the Clan Armstrong Trust
- Surname, via forename, by adding “s”&”son”
- The Border Blue Tartans
- Thompson Thomson Clan genealogy info
- Today, I’m Clan Armstrong
- UK Armstrong, with Buccleuch, Kinmont & Gorrenberry what more?
- Ulster for FTDNA uploads.
- Vaus, Vause, Vance, R-L193, from Anglican to the Borders
- What’s an Elliott of Clan Elliot?