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Crozier; Croyser, Crosyer, Cros, Cross

FTDNA Border Reivers   John-Elwald.pdf   File:Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth.jpg – Wikipedia Elliot Chief receives a tribute to her grandmothers at Greenville, SC Forty-eight Elliot Clan Society members participated in the Chief ís Dinner

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Proto-Germanic R-U106 haplogroup DNA Elwald-Elliot

  FTDNA Greenspan – Elwald Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch     John Elwald of St. Andrews pdf John & Robert Elwald of York Hexam pdf Clan Crozier ( Sketch of Dand Ellot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster (Dand

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William Elliot Baptist Maine to Charleston SC

  Southern England and Scotland, is of the Kittery, Maine group. fbc_history_brochure In 1699, the present lot was donated to the Church by William Elliot…….. William Elliot finding is the son of Elizabeth Cutt Elliot Wetherick, family of Kittery

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Gorrenberry Tree

Draft 1 Gorrenberry Tree Gorrenberry Family Tree Addition; Archeis Hob (Robert Ellot)   Given addition correction and adjustment 7/21/2015 Given from George Francis Scott Elliot;   Shows a Robin (Robert) is the father of Gavin. Given from; Arthur Francis Augustus

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Pre-Union ca 1600 Scottish Border Army, (, ) for 1881 it will show that the ancestors of the Pre-Union Scottish Border Army are still at their location to defend the border, in 1881 and are likely still there today. Names taken from RP Elliott research, minimums

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Once Upon A Time-Hermitage Castle

There was a great border army, keeping the destruction of London out of Scotland; This army was displace to new frontiers around the world, and even one made his first steps out of the world; on the moon. This army

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Buccleuch thanks for supporting Clan Armstrong Trust

Note; Windy Edge wind farm scheme rejected 29 June 2015 BBC From the section South Scotland Wind turbines Councillors have refused plans for a wind farm south of Hawick due to concerns over its landscape impact. Infinis UK wanted to

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Daniel Elliot; Otter Neck-Salem Village to End

FTDNA Greenspan – Elwald Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch     “The introduction of an ‘i’ into the name ‘Ellot’ was, without doubt, unfortunate. It immediately confused th Clan with the weL-known English Norman family of St. Germains, settled in

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20 Wessex Questions by Lowell Armstrong

20 Question of Anglo-Saxon Wessex History, by Lowell Armstrong 1. Cerdic who was known as Vreichvras or Breichbras {Strongarm} and is attributed with being the 6th century king most likely to be identified as Geoffrey’s Arthur, and his descendents were

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Daniel Ellot-Elliot Salem, Boston, Scotland 6/18/2015

Andrew Eliot of Beverly de Aliot (& correction 11/22/2013)   Though we have Breton (Norman) DNA representing 43% of Elliott, at standard behavior science it needs to be 95%. This is indicative the type of math being used. My R-U106

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