Castillo de Tullykelter , Fermanagh and Omagh Podcast – Loquis
A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PDF
Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
Brigham DNA Gorrenberry google images
My family chased the Tories the Freedom of Speech silencers out of America. Daniel Elot (Elliott) was a Harvard Cromwellian Puritan slave of the Tory type. These people schooled at Harvard would never think of stopping a shuttle from going into space, when Utah engineers say it was not safe. Measure that silencing of my free speech is still held by Harvard types, and knew they silence an thought they hung me like a witch. Harvard if you know what the top of the queue means then you will know what applied engineering mathematics from Utah can do, and how you been relegated on an American standard to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ancestors, as Salem judges, which story was utilized in The Crucible. Have the Y-DNA of Daniel Elliott which testified in defense of Elizabeth Proctor.
The above are not my people. My people are POW Scot sent to the British Colonies. These are my people.
- Как уже знает президент российского КГБ, когда политики и репортеры не понимают смертельного удара человека, создающего стабильный гелий из двух водородов, нет ядерного паритета, достигнутого политиками, которые полагаются на репортеров, а не на инженеров.
Google images FTDNA 101829
Три из пяти женщин, организовавших съезд в Сенака-Фолс, были квакерами. Будьте счастливы, эти дамы не верят в крещение.
Прилежные навыки этих мормонских бабушек Я не хочу ошибаться, потому что мои генеалогические исследования могут навлечь на меня массу неприятностей. Как вы думаете, почему Юта и Вайоминг заняли первое место в голосовании среди женщин. Мы, жители Запада, в которых есть буква «Y», не хотим иметь проблем с теми, у кого ее нет.
Хорошие квакеры подобны евреям, которые не крестят. Представьте себе все проблемы, которые у меня могли быть с женщинами-квакерами.
Квакерские дамы самые большие повстанцы.
May consider other spellings for Crozier.
First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County
John Croser Magherboy G. Hume Fermanagh
George Courser Magherbuy Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William Grocer Magherbuy Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William Grocer Dungannon Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone
File:Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth.jpg – Wikipedia
Tower of Sark – Cumbrian and other border Churchyards (,_Dumfriesshire,_Scotland_Genealogy
It is easy to distinguish between the Norman-Cromwellian Eliot of the ‘i’ they have a tendency to silence free speech. Those are the ones which would silence people symbolized by Puritan Harvard Judges during the Salem Witch Trials, of Senator McCarthy Blacklisting Jewish playwrights for being Communists. This would be the symbolized by the genetic genealogy of WWII when extermination was used in the production of a superior race.
Family genealogists know that the family knows best, and both genealogists and scientists share information looking for new and unique solutions, in the finding of family.
The double L and single T Descent from Minto and Wolflee,
The double T and single L Mark the old race in Stobs that dwell.
The single L and single T The Eliots of St Germains be,
But double T and double L, Who they are nobody can tell.
Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
Our Elliot Ancestors of New England by Loren Spencer Elliott
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family
by Marshall E. Lignian
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family Marshall E. Lignian to jpg
Couldn’t I’ve have been related to these Quaker Elliott, instead of those Baptists Elliot? One does not get to choose their ancestors; you’re born with them. Mark Stephen Elliott
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (
Felt since I have been excluded by a number of FTDNA sites by a particular administrator, and my family is of Tullykelt ulster;
Thought I would make these Ulster Plantation Uploads to people, that does not have acess to them through Ulster History, Family Tree DNA.
Tullykelter Castle is a castle located in Northern Ireland. In 1616 Archbishop Malcolm Hamilton of Monea Castle granted land for the castle to James Somerville, and his wife Elizabeth, believed to be the daughter of Thomas Hamilton of Brimhill. They had a daughter who married the Archbishop’s third son Captain John.[1]
Tullykelter (from the Irish Tulaigh Chealtchair) is in a townland in the Monea area carrying its name on a hilltop about a mile southwest of Monea Castle in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Tullykelter Castle is now in ruins with heavy overgrowth which makes inspection very difficult. It has two main floors 60 by 20 feet on the inside.[2]
James and Elizabeth (Hamilton) Somerville
James Somerville was of Cambusnethan in Ayrshire, Scotland. James and Elizabeth by leasing land to the native Irish broke the agreement of land ownership, which caused the land which he leased to be forfeited. James and Elizabeth took the Oath of Supremacy, but a lessee, Daniel Elliot, who was given the position of “caulter” (purchaser-accountant, with the title of the Tullycaulter of Tullykelter) did not take the Oath of Allegiance, a type of loyalty oath for his position.
Ulster Journal of Archaeology, Volume 1 pg 206
Tullykelter Castle, Co. Fermanagh by D.M. Waterman, Archaeological Survey of Northern Ireland
Fühlte mich, als ich von einer Reihe von FTDNA-Sites von einem bestimmten Administrator ausgeschlossen wurde, und meine Familie stammt aus Tullykelt ulster;
Dachte, ich würde diese Ulster Plantation Uploads für Leute machen, die keinen Zugriff auf sie durch Ulster History, Family Tree DNA haben.
Tullykelter Castle (irisch Caisleán Thulaigh Chealtchair) ist eine Burgruine etwa 1,6 km südwestlich von Monea Castle im Townland Tullykelter (irisch Tulaigh Chealtchair) im nordirischen County Fermanagh. Im Jahre 1616 gewährte der anglikanische Erzbischof von Cashel, Malcolm Hamilton, James Somerville und seiner Gattin Elizabeth Land, um eine Burg zu bauen. Elizabeth Somerville soll die Tochter von Thomas Hamilton aus Brimbill gewesen sein. Sie hatten eine Tochter, die den dritten Sohn des Erzbischofs, Captain John Hamilton, heiratete.[1]
1 Architektur
2 James und Elizabeth (Hamilton) Somerville
3 Weblinks
4 Einzelnachweise
Tullykelter Castle liegt oben auf einem Hügel südlich von Monea Castle. Es ist heute eine Ruine, die stark von Pflanzen überwuchert ist. Das rechteckige Gebäude hat zwei Stockwerke und eine Grundfläche von 18,2 Meter × 6,0 Meter.[2]
James und Elizabeth (Hamilton) Somerville
James Somerville stammt aus Cambusnethan im schottischen Ayrshire. Er und seine Gattin verpachteten das Land an gebürtige Iren, womit sie die Vereinbarung über den Landbesitz brachen. Damit war für sie das Land, das sie verpachtet hatten, verloren. James und Elizabeth legten den Suprematseid ab, aber ein Pächter, Daniel Elliot, dem man die Position eines Einkäufers und Buchhalters gab, legte nicht den Fahneneid, eine Art Treueeid für seine Position als Einkäufer und Buchhalter, ab.
Ulster Journal of Archaeology: Beschreibung, Vol. 22, 1959, (englisch)
Ulster Journal of Archaeology. Heft 1. S. 206
D. M. Waterman: Tullykelter Castle, Co. Fermanagh in Archaelogogical Survey of Northern Ireland.
“Schafdieb aus dem Norden Englands”: Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
Sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-England-the-Riding-Clans-in-Ulster-by-Robert-Bell (2)
1/30/2020 MSE