A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PDF
Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
Brigham DNA Gorrenberry google images
Borders National Park
Scottish Borders National Park
Campaign for a Scottish Borders National Park
Photos from the Scottish Borders
Ask yourself who gets to pocket the wind farm money, and who gets to pocket the tourist money.
Great name; Neil Alden Armstrong Scottish Borders National Park.
Once a contractor has been approved, government wise it does not carry to a new contractor. Once INFINIS has been approved, the government of Scotland if honest has to require approval also from the new contractor MUIRHALL. Without approval it is considered consumer “bait and switch”.
The honest people of today’s Scottish government will support an approval procedure for, Muirhall Windy Edge, with a majority determining the outcome, not a single individual, in a dictatoral sense. Approved appeals such as North British Windpower NBW Fallago Rig, and Infinis Windy Edge, felt to be fixed by Scottish government officials; those officials will not show support for a non-fixed approval system, because they already know that if the approval system is not fixed that Windy Edge Wind Farm will not be approved.
When the outcome becomes fixed then public participation is denied.
Exclusive: UN ruling puts future of UK wind farms in jeopardy Tribunal warns that the Government acted illegally by denying public participation, Tuesday 27 August 2013 19:54 BST
Ask oneself; has a Scottish Border Wind Farm been repealed without an accepted appeal?
Denholm drop in session re wind farms | Lilliesleaf, Ashkirk & Midlem …
Oct 9, 2017 – Greencoat Uk Wind . Operational 10 turbines (121.5 m high). Windy Edge ..
Application approval to increase height is a way around trying to show that they are not approved. Only wind farm corporate industrially paid government officials would approve height increase.
Denholm drop in session re wind farms
Denholm village – Oct 12th 6-8pm (2017) in the small village hall
Denholm, Hawick Google map
Dear all
There are so many different wind farms being targeted at this area “Carpet Bombing”, it is becoming very confusing as to what actually is the state of play with the multitude of applications.
Windy Edge ..Muirhall Consented 9 turbines (110 and 125m high) .. Likely to see an application to increase the height
It was INFINIS, not Muirhall which was consented the 9 turbines.
From BBC; Windy Edge wind farm appeal succeeds 9 June 2016
Scot Gov Approves INFINIS Windy Edge of Hermitage Castle, BUT NOT MUIRHALL
Exclusive: UN ruling puts future of UK wind farms in jeopardy Tribunal warns that the Government acted illegally by denying public participation, Tuesday 27 August 2013 19:54 BST
The United Nations Economic Commission Europe has declared that the UK flouted Article 7 of the Aarhus Convention, which requires full and effective public participation on all environmental issues and demands that citizens are given the right to participate in the process.
When James VI of Scotland, became James I of England, indigenous populations of Armstrong, and Ellot and other reivers were genocide by living in the borderlands, which were being cleared to make way for a Middleshires.
Rowanburn, Scotland Borders
Appeal, Hike, Preservation, and History, all destroyed by MUIRHALL (Windy Edge), and Scot’s Gov.
MUIRHALL no Appeal;
UK Armstrong, with Buccleuch, Kinmont & Gorrenberry what more?
MUIRHALL no Preservation;
Comment from Theodore Roosevelt which utilized the Antiquities Act of 1906, showing big United States corporations controlling public media.
MUIRHALL no History;
Martin Ellot of Bradley
Scots (Scottish Government overriding in a corporate dictatorial sense the wishes of their border constituency the Scottish Border Council SBC) to allow INFINIS Windy Edge wind farm to industrially encroach, on a major border icon known through out the world.
Eskdale & Liddesdale Advertiser;
Windy Edge not place for turbines says council
Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at 9:57AM
Hermitage Castle’s MUIRHALL’ Windy Edge
For more than a century, the United States National Park Service US NPS has been protecting their historical heritage from industrial encroachment such as; wind farms.
The United States of the English American Plantation, for it’s citizens indigenous and otherwise and people of the world, preserves and protect historical heritage of their indigenous antiquities.
Scots (Gov) allow Windy Edge
The Scot’s and English Governments, want to destroy the heritage, to complete the holocaust of border peoples still living in their border homelands, by gradual industrial destruction of the greatest symbol of homeland heritage-history to those borders living in English Plantations; Ulster, Canada, United States, New Zealand, Barbados, South Africa and so on; which is that of the Hermitage Castle by Infinis Windy Edge wind farm. A system of displacement which is still in survival by both kingdoms when granddad Clementis Hob son Dand (alias for Andrew) Ellot was abolished from them ca 1608, and became Daniel Elliott, of Tullykelter, Fermanagh, Ulster. Things have not changed for the English or Scottish Kingdoms when it comes to border people. Their historical history is holocaust-ed and not to be and not considered to be one of the parts which makes for a United Kingdom.
Scot Gov Approves INFINIS Windy Edge of Hermitage Castle, but Muirhall has not been approved.
6/12/2016 MSE rev 10/03/2017
Added 6/18/2016

Wonder how I knew the reporter would go against the contingency of Scotland and the people of the border. When Cessford, Ferniehirst, and Redheugh, are corporate MI6, and of Fallago Rig North British Windpower NBW was approved, it did not take much knowledge that the same Scottish (question if it is really a Scottish Government when it is supporting industrial destruction of a archaeological Scottish historical antiquity), bought off government would use dictatorial methods of in an appeal that would have not gone through otherwise to get approval;
Muirhall will build without approval, only if the Scottish Government has been purchased by the wind farm industry.
11/1/2017 MSE
Michael Ancram former of the Scottish Kerr Clan (Ferniehirst) former TORY party chairman and formerly North British Windpower NBW. It should be noted dated 12-3-2017, that though the Ancram related to the Kerr and felt to hold the chieftain, but as more it is felt as in interim.
What the Tory Party thinks of the Scots; My granddad was indentured to the American Colonies for fighting for Charles II.
12/1/2017 MSE