Robert Elwald; Clan Elliot Chief #1


The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books




United Kingdom Armstrong please pass link to an Elliot;

What’s an Elliott of Clan Elliot?

Clan Crozier-Elwald en wiki Delete;

Basic migration path of my U106 Y-DNA, of my father’s father.

viking-illustration-JenniferFarley migration

The migration follows linguist migration of the language, and the suffix -wald which in German means forest and becomes of the Anglo-Danish language which has influenced and is a part of the Scottish language.

Dictionary of the Scots Language
Dictionar o the Scots Leid

History of Scots to 1700
2. The origins and spread of Scots (CM)

The region which -wald is used as a suffix is;


Michael Hammer University of Arizona FamilyTreeDNA 9th Annual Conference

concerning Y-DNA for Daniel Cluster of Elliott;

M269 to U106 migration Michael Hammer

Above shows basic migration, and below shows pie chart of U106, both show a locality of approximate origins in the are in which the suffix -wald seem to originate in Germany.

U106 Pie Chart migration

y-dna U106 Ro Elwald -ethnoancestry

The family migrates to Norfolk near Crowland/Croyland.

Elliots also called Elwald came from near Crowland to the Border

As above the Elliots earlier were called Elwalds, and came from near Croyland/Crowland to the Border.


Coin of King/Saint Elfwald bones in Hexam Abbey has on the elk head and antlers on the head side.




Elk head and antlers are still on the Elwood/Elwold/Elwald shield today.


Aldano filio Alfwald Alan son of Elfwald

Aldano filo (son of) Alfwald from Ælfwald where it can also be spelled Elfwald/Elfwold ca 1125.

Alan Elfwold of Bec, Norfolk 1249;

Bec Bek Beck-hall in Billingford, Bekke.Bec in Billingford, co. Norfolk, William de BecBec Bek Beck Hall, Norfolk

Alan Elwald Alanus Elfwold 1249 Bec Northfolk

Where Bec, is Billingford;

BEC of Northfolk is at Billingford

The first Robert Elwald of Oulton, Suffolk (corrected from Norfolk 2/4/2017), ca 1290;

Robert Elwald of Oulton 1290

Mapping localities, one can see Bec is close to Oulton, and both are close to Crowland/Croyland;


It should noted that I have found other variants of Elfwald, in Norfolk and Suffolk, (N&S folk/people) East Anglia, which have been referenced. Grantham is of the Graham, (-ham; village), and Crowland/Croyland, The Chronicle of Armstrong along with York, origin point to the Fairbairn (fair/light in complexion, of the Danish bear name, in Denmark some people were just named bear)(Osborne married into the Normans, a bear of almost which complexion, like a polar bear Dane), and Elfwald (elf is like the Danish elg/elk (moose) and ulf the Danish wolf, but means elf in English, a used because of the elg, and ulf no longer of Anglia).

Robert and father move on to Rimington, Lancashire where there is listed to be a mill;

Rimington Remyngton Mill Lancashire


On can see ca 1305 in Rimington, Robert Elwald is the son of Alan, and he has a pledge from the Danish community of Jarrow.

Robert Elwald of Remyngton Rimington, Lancashire, son of Alan




Robert Elwald 10 the beginnings of Redheugh;


Arthur Eliott father to the present clan chief is a genealogical family historian, of  high regard, the best in his day, and the above on Robert Elwald 10, I can not began to improve on.

Mark Elliott   4/16/2015

Arthur Eliott and mom showing properly the two origins of the name Elliott;Arthur-Eliott-i-insertion1

Has been an excellent standard in the origins of the Elliot name variants for decades.

Arthur Eliott ahead of his time in 1986, showing that the only serious contention remaining in the origin of the Liddesdale Elliot, is that of the fairly common old Northumbrian christain name of Elwold or Elwald, but at the time lacking evidence, to make such a conclusion.


Mark Elliott         4/17/2015

Using Minimums;

No body has done a better research on the Daniel Elliot Cluster; U106 Y-DNA linked to Daniel Elliot which left testimony in The Salem Witch Trials, then Robert P. Elliott of which our Y-DNA are apart of.

Information supplied;



Haplogroup-R1b-S21 U106


As one can see in the above data Germany is the minimum, though there is a group seemly note taking the minimum an leading towards Frisia.

One answer to this has been;

 The Frisian Myth Of R U106

It is felt that a great number of those carrying U106 may have migrated through Frisia on the way to the British Islands.

Next excellent set of data provided by Robert P. Elliott and felt to be in high demand by analysis of Y-DNA of the Daniel Elliot cluster is;


Can not under estimate the outstanding research done by RP Elliott;

On Elliott origins;

2012 RP Elliott on Elliott origins


An excellent write up from the Norman Breton English Welsh on to Scotland perspective, by Keith Elliot Hunter;


Also this excellent information on the Breton Eliot, can be found at;

It should be noted;

Search engine bias by adding a 2 to elliot;

search engine Elliot history bias by adding a 2


and see for yourself.

QuintusPentillus of Clan Eliott Wikipedia linking to;

Can anyone figure out who QuintusPentillus is?

MSE  1/14/2016


Changed Elliot history

Try links;

Of above;

Link provided by above;

Now link from giving today’s modified history;

MSE   4/15/2016


Below gives numbers and shows even today commonality in name usage among the Elliot, Elliott, Armstrong and Fairbairn. For Elliot name of Elwald-Ellot, Scandinavian origins, the only female name is Margaret, the one the Clan Elliot chief, Margaret Eliott has.

The UK Elliott is of Wm de Aliot/Eliot, Norman southern France migration north into the St German/Port Eliot region, the Briton/Breton Eliot which Kieth Elliot Hunter as an excellent historian has been able to establish.




The US Elliott, likely since the United States has established their independence from England longer than New Zealand, Canada, and Australia, they had a longer length of time to add an extra “t” to their Elliot name of Scottish origins. The first Puritan Elliot of the Parliamentarians which established Harvard spelled their name as John Eliot did from southeast England but readily added extra “l” and or an extra “t” to the name.

The US Elliott are of the Anglo-Danish origins of Elwald-Ellot, which is establish by the first Robert Elwald of Norfolk, East Anglia, in the thirteenth century.

As presented quite well by they father of the Clan Chief which established The Clan Elliot Society, that the Elliott name has dual origins, the one which Keith Elliot Hunter has established, and the one which the Armstrong-Fairbairn (bear) and the Elwald (elk/moose) have as James Lewis Armstrong MD editor of The Chronicles of The Armstrong as a collective of the research of many Armstrong-Fairbairn, which is still going on today have been able to establish, along with the documentary expertise of Robert Bruce Armstrong in his history of Liddesdale and the border region; which has been able to extract an present documents as close to anyone in there original format, without judging content.

Map shows the Norman (Britan/Breton) Eliot, and the Anglo-Danish Elwald-Ellot entry into the British Isles;



It should be noted there is a Briton/Breton element of the Elliott name which most the English Elliott are from, which Keith Elliot Hunter has done a lot of research and is the foremost historian on the subject. A concept I learned from him is that Normany is Norwegian, and it helped me established the migration of the pre-surname Ker line, though it is felt that the surname may have been first establish in the swamp area were elk (moose) would like it, maybe be a John  Ker, Hunter of Swinhope  swin(e) wild boar, hope (valley) in the valley of the wild boar south of York.

Give the migration paths of the Elwald and Ker, and the migration of U106 DNA and the migration paths of the Dane it leads me to believe that the U106 is the DNA of the Danes.

With Gresham, Norfolf , N&S Cave, East Riding Yorkshire, and North Riding, matching my U106 exactly at 12 markers, plus Aliot of south France distribution and Eliot of North France distribution, shows me that the name Eliot is of Wm de Aliot southern France and influenced ca1650 in accordance to Arthur Eliott of the “i” being inserted into the Scottish name Ellot and retention of this name still exists in the border lands and is the density the strongest is the parish of Castleton, where the town of Hawick has a strong showing of these Elliot also.

Addition research done by RP Elliott;

It is quite common for U106 research to state Frisia, but if one runs the numbers an lets the computer do the calculation, the correction of interpretation is up to the analysed.  As an applied mathematician/scientist, in my research when it calls for the minimum, though outside information may incorporate a bias, the minimum must be taken.

Y-DNA RP Elliott



Dixon son of Dick (Richard).

Dixon, Dickson, and Nixon son of Nick (Nicolas).

From Forebears;

Dixon surname distribution

Dickson surname distribution

Nixon surname distribution


Seems old Northumbria included in above.





Though felt like in Robert Burns the name came from a geographic topographic feature and stream burn, but corrected by the Armstrong.

The Armstrong – Fairbairn Link

By DeWitt Armstrong and Donald Fairburn. From The Milnholm Cross Newsletter, Summer 1991, Vol. III No.4. This was the newsletter of The Clan Armstrong Trust and is now called The Milnholm Cross and Trust Topics.  The Clan Armstrong Trust helped start the Armstrong Clan Society. Also in The Armstrong Chronicles, August, 2005.

First paragraph;

Why is Fairbairn, or Fairburn, a sept of the Armstrong Clan? The answer lies buried deep in the past. So few are the written records surviving from eight or ten centuries ago that our best clues come from oral legend. As with the border Ballads, however, folk legends passed down through untold generations may prove more reliable than written history.

In between paragraph;

Spelling was picturesquely variable in the Middle Ages, and later, too. Bjorn, Biorn, Beorn, Barne, Barne, Burn, and Bairn could equally be used for the same person, even though in Denmark Bjorn meant ‘bear’ and in Scotland Bairn meant ‘child’. We could hardly be so foolish as to assert that no Fairbairn in Scotland by the 1500s, say, owed his surname to the juvenile handsomeness of some forbearer. But we do believe that the Border landholder Thomas Fairbarne who sued in a North Tynedale court in 1279 derived his name from Earl Siward’s grandson Siward Barn. Further research into records of the region, we feel, may well turn up still earlier Fairbarns, however spelled

Last paragraph;

So these two legends, of Armstrong descent from Siward through Siward Barn (or the Fair), and of Fairbairn renamed Armstrong by a rescued king, strike us as simply two sides of the same coin. To date, each new discovery has tended to reinforce this opinion, to support the ancient conviction that Armstrongs and Fairburns (or Fairbairns) are the same stock. Short of the Pearly Gate we are not likely to know for sure, but let the search go on!

Editor Milton: There are, as you probably know, other theories as to our name origin.
That is part of the Armstrong-Fairbairn-Fairburn-Burn naming, and the name Armstrong also ranks low in the above. On the border the Ellot/Elliot lived among the Armstrong and are felt to migrate into the region with the followers of Siward Fairbairn.


The name Eliot above is represented of all common measurable variants of Eliot which in greater numbers would be Elliot,  and much greater in number Elliott. Eliot has and origin of Wm de Aliot of southern France and Elliot has and Elwald-Ellot origin of Germanic Anglo Danish, and in the England the name Elliott would be of the Eliot St German English origin, and the Plantations of England Elliott would have an Scottish border Elliot origin.




Also as Robert Elwald of Rimington, Lancashire, migrated up from Lancashire to the Borders.

 Want to know where the Elchwald came from ask an Elch/Elk(moose).

 It is said that the Ker/Kerr are about one third left-handed. So here are migration patterns of the Elwald and Kerr on a left-handed map;

left handed percents

Kerr Clan Origins


The crest below has an European elk (moose) on it, an animal of the marshlands, and on the east coast of today’s England previous to draining the marshes there were a lot of mash land.


Kerr Crest


When the Angles and Saxons invaded Britain from their continental homes, they were familiar with both Alces alces (the ‘elk’ of European English and the ‘moose’ of North American English) and Cervus elaphus (the ‘red deer’ of European English and the ‘elk’ of North American English) and applied those designations to members of the same two species which were also present in Great Britain. By about AD 900 Alces alces was extinct in Great Britain [but the word was still used because the English were familiar with the animal in continental Europe].

“Mallory, J. P., and D. Q. Adams. 2006 [forthcoming]. The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and The Proto-Indo-European World. Oxford: Oxford University Press.”


Map shows early marsh/swamp land;

Angle-Saxon swampland


It is felt that the Ker/Kir which became Kerr surname is likely a seed of John Ker, Hunter of Swinhope (valley of the wild boar). Where Swinhope is and area of swampland, and Ker is  felt to have it’s origins in Norway or meaning people of the swampland, an this would be an ideal environment for elk (moose), because they like swampland.

Swinhope map





U106 Y-DNA  distribution map showing Elwald/Ellot and Ker/Kerr migration patterns with the above may indicate that;

R-106 is the Y-DNA of the Danes;


Relations of Scot, Ker, Armstrong and Elwald/Ellot;

Scott Kerr Armstrong Elwold Elwood mullet cresent star moon

Ker, Scot air symbol. They all use a mullet star, the Scot and Armstrong use the crescent moon. Redheugh, and the Scot use a band, and the Kerr and Elwald/Ellot pre-Redheugh shield use a chevron.

Kerr surname distribution;




Ker migration by name. From Kerr Hall south of the border to Kerhopefoot, up Kerhope on the border, and Kerheugh north of the border.

Ker Hall Hope Heugh migration

King Elgwalt;

Chronicles of the Armstrong, James Lewis Armstrong MD editor;





The name on shield Elgwalt is of a Anglo-Danish-German king.


Elk (moose) and Robert P. know the family came from Poland to Germany.


Robert had found someone from Poland with the surname Elgiet, where elg means;


elk (moose), and the Kerr and the elk (moose) seem to know;


They will swim a river from Poland to go to the extent of their region into German around Berlin. So it is felt that the elk (moose) know that they come from Poland to go to German, and the Elchwald (elk of the forest) likely migrated with these good eating moose, like some natives of the Americas on the plains would migrate with their food stock the buffalo. Buffalo and elk (moose) can be chased down by man as supply a lot of good food stock, and easier to kill than an American elk (big deer).

This may have trained the Elchwald for chasing down kye (cattle) on the Borders.

Mark Elliott     4/19/2015

 If one does not believe in the Fairy Bear and is a tree huger, the Linde tree lives a long time, and is found in Germany and the United Kingdom, unlike the elk/moose.

The Lindermann name is close to the Daniel Cluster in Y-DNA U106.


Surname distribution for Ewald and Lindemann are similar;

Ewald-Elwald-U106-surname-distributions-1 (1)Lindemann-U106-surname-distributions-1

There is even a Lindenwald forest in the region;



This seems to be close to the area where U106 is mapped from and where the Polish elk (moose) are going to.


They seem to live many years and one is named a Forester Linde, where Forstar-Forest-Forester is a border surname.

Wið færstice is an Old English medical text surviving in the collection known now as Lacnunga.(10th, or 11th Century)

“Stod under linde, under leohtum scylde”,

The word “linde” for the tree has been around a long time.


With Norse language usage.


The linde tree still today is found on the migratory pathways of the first Robert Elwald;



Mark Elliott     4/27/2015


Allen/Alan of U106 DNA



1125 Aldano filio Alfwald (Alan son of Elfwald)


Aldano filio Alfwald Alan son of Elfwald


1248 Alanus Elfwoldus (Alan Elfwald)


Alan Elwald Alanus Elfwold 1249 Bec Northfolk


1305 Alan Elfwald/Elwald father to Robert Elwald of Rimington.



1376 Alani-Alan surname in Liddesdale

Alani 1376


Mark Elliott   4/28/2015

Dad, asked Germany? Son, said yes. 8-25-2013;

Dad, asked Germany, Son, said yes. 8-25-2013

Clan Elliot 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redhuegh-Stobs

1. Alan Elfwald of Norfolk, E Anglia ca 1250.
2. Robert Elwald of Norfolk/Rimington, West Riding Yorkshire, Northumbria (Lancashire) 1304.
3. Robert 2
4. Robert 3
5. Robert 4
6. Robert 5
7. Robert 6
8. Robert 7
9. Robert 8
10. Robert 9
11. William Elwald of Gorrenberry
12. Robert Elwald (Archeis Hob) of Gorrenberry (adopted by uncle Archibald)
13. Andrew (Dand the Cowie) Elwald of Horsleyhill
14. Robert Elwald of Stobs/Gorrenberry (Clementis Hobs)
15. Dan-Daniel Ellot/Elliot/Elliott of Scotland/Tullykelter Fermanagh
16. Robert Ellot Tullykelter
17. Daniel Ellot/Elliot of Ulster/Massachusetts
18. Daniel Elliot Salem Trials
19. Johnathan Sr
20. Johnathan Jr
21. John
22. Comfort
23. Sherburn Amando
24. Amando Wilcox
25. Mark
26. Loren Spencer
27. Mark S. Elliott

Mark S. Elliott    7/25/2015

It should be noted;

Clan Chief Margaret Eliott, is 29th of the name (Robert) Elwald-Ellot-Elliot (short time)-now Eliott.

Mark S. Elliott is 27th of the name (Robert Elwald-Ellot-Elliott (short time) -Ellot-Ellet (short time)-Elliot-Elliott

Added 2/4/2018  It should be noted that Margaret Elliott the 29th chief, meaning of the first son until Margaret, he generational sequence is about 27 yrs. With my line taking a first so for above nine generations my sequence is about 29 years. FTDNA uses a sequence of 30 yrs for their tip calculator, which seems about right, if you are not using the first son as the sequence for your family line.

At Robert Elwald 10th of Redheugh, next brother William Elwald of Gorrenberry, there was a split, at the time of the Redheugh deed. So the Mark Elliott family is of Gorrenberry.

Margaret up to this chief the family went by the first son. For Mark at the time of Robert Elwald 10th the family did not necessarily go by the first son, so the over all time between generations is shorter for Margaret then Mark.

With the aristocrats even prone to produce sons every generation, is is almost impossible to do so, but for children born in the forties, the father always has a father through recorded time.

So for Mark following the line of the father there is always another father passing down similar characteristics. It is like the marsh dwelling bull elk returning to around Berlin, but Mark may be half as smart and twice as bulled headed as them.

Mark S. Elliott     12/18/2015


Slaughter of Hassidene (Hassendean);


William Elwald of Gorrenberry, was one of the first with landholders, Scot of Edschaw, son of Buccleuch, and Ker of Cessford (Roxburghe), to see that Robert Elwald becomes of Redheugh, Lariston and Hartsgarth with other lands.


William Elwald of Gorrenberry and it is felt brother Robert receiving lands of Gorrenberry rode under the stag’s head of King/St Elwald, bones in Hexam Abbey. After receiving these lands the Robert Elwald of Redheugh the tenth Chief line until Gilbert of Stobs, created a shield with and elwand on the bend, and at times the Elwald were referred to as Elwand, meaning a people who do things by measurement, since and Elwand is the Edinburgh standard of length in the 16th century.


Archibald (Archie Kene) son to Gavin the Baillie to Bothwell lived. They said he was to young to be decapitated. The older brother to Gilbert; William Ellot bastard son to the deceased Robert of Redheugh, was decapitated.  Gilbert joined Buccleuch later on, but named his first son William, it is felt in remembrance of his older brother. Son of Gilbert and Margaret Fendy, the grandson in which Gavin acquired Stobs for from the Gladstanis, estate.

Slaughter of Hassidene (1) Slaughter of Hassidene (2)

Mark S. Elliott  8/10/2015

Robert Elwald name migration

MSE   11/25/2015

6/7/2018 MSE

2/18/2019 MSE

Clan Elliot 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redhuegh-Stobs

3/4/2020 MSE

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5 comments on “Robert Elwald; Clan Elliot Chief #1

    Im a bit confused. Why after alan are there only 9 roberts and not 10. Theres a break with william elwald of gorrenberry. It talks about robert the 10th doesnt make sense.

    • says:

      Your are right there are 10 and more Robert’s, name begins to take of the Angus Ellot, name in the Liddesdale region. Robert 10, receives the land of Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgrath, and others, from Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’, Douglas, fifth earl of Angus. The Douglas brought people from the ellots (fields) of Angus to soldier The Hermitage Castle. It was not until Robert Elwald 10 (family squire to Archibald Douglas) was infeft (received) the lands of Redheugh and Larriston (Superior/Over, and Inferior/Nether), that the line was first know as being of Redheugh, then moved onto Larriston, and know of Larriston. Robert Elwald 10 of Redheugh, not of the Gorrenberry line, and we are of William Elwald of Gorrenberry, brother to Robert Elwald 10 which served in Robert Elwald 10 receiving the lands of Redheugh and Larriston.

      The Gorrenberry line goes from Robert Elwald 9 to William Elwald of Gorrenberry, brother to Robert Elwald 10.

      It has been said that the Redheugh line was of Gorrenberry, and this can be taken as correct, until they received the land of Redheugh at the end of the fifteenth century then they became Redheugh, and when they moved off there Redheugh lands towards end of the sixteenth century onto their Larriston lands, Redheugh then became also of Larriston.

    • says:

      Robert Elwald had a brother, named William. It seems like they named the first son Robert then the next William.
      This has created a lot of confusion for the lines of Elwald, but is is felt that his brother William, lived on land acquired from Archibald Douglas 5th Earl of Angus and that was Larriston. William Elwald would be brother to Robert Elwald 9, owning lands of Gorrenberry, but as a landholder helped with the proceedings with the Scot, and Ker brothers the acquisition, of the chieftains lands of Redheugh and Larriston, with notification of transfer to the Douglas, Scot(t), of Buccleuch, the Ker(r) of Cessford (Roxburgh now Floors), maybe brother of the house of Ferniehirst. These acquisitions of lands of Redheugh and Lariston, by the family line of Roberts was brother into question by the Buccleuch, at the time of border pacification. The Elwald/Ellot, concurred on the transfer of these lands from Archibald Douglas. Today in the borders this sasine/deed is still being question. Many of the people which would contested it were exterminated at time of Border Pacification or Exiles, and many went to Ireland, County Fermanagh, and are of both sides of the Brexit/EU border today. Some moved to West Germany during the period of THE TROUBLES, and the Low Countries. They are intermarried along this EU/BREXIT border and THE TROUBLES are brought to them where their homes become the battlefield between the Irish Catholic Urbanized “Mac-” of Derry, and Belfast and the Union Presbyterian based “Mc-” which were Catholic of LondonDerry, and Belfast. So instead of having their families of intermarried Irish/Border Scots destroyed and exterminated like James VI of Scotland becoming James I of England with a border to escape from their families dying out of this violence brought into this region from both sides of this border the make new homes in Europe.

  2. Lily Ellis-Ramsey says:

    I think I’m a direct ancestor or the Sir Elwalds/Elliotts and was wondering if you could help me figure out who Robert Elwald (1385-1410 9th chief) father was and any further back? I discover my ancestors using and have done a DNA test. I’m really interested to search even further back.
    Thank you

    • says:

      The Elwald/Ellot/Elliot were not ‘Sir’ of the aristocracy, until the son of Wm Ellot/Elliot/Eliott of Stobs, Sir Gilbert of Stobs. The way a Pacification/Genocide was to make parts of these clans into aristocrats. Am extremely happy the daughter of Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs is chief because this means the chieftain is not in the hands of an aristocrat. She has made more than an excellent chief and I hope her daughter becomes the next chief. The line I am of was exile in 1607 moved to Co Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation, previous to the Elwald/Ellot/Elliot/Eliott ever having a chief which was a ‘Sir’. Today the Tory’s are in Parliament, and my ancestors strung up and tarred and feather Tory’s which supported aristocrats and my ancestors getting rid of the aristocrats created a free nation around 1776.

      Sir Arthur father to the chief and his mother were excellent family historians, and likely that is why the present day 29th chief is in the know. Sir Arthur has stated there Robert Elwald 10 was the tenth chief of the same name. Today’s chief Margaret Eliott is the first in 29 chiefs not to have Y-DNA, and I am mighty grateful for that.

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