Northumberland FTDNA










The Annals of a Border Club: George Tancred 1899 p.149

A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PFD



Kuta R-FT41761 Big-Y, FTDNA Polish, seemed to get stopped at this brick wall by SNPs in Ukraine, also, but as you can see a Bennett Greenspan seemed to get into the Ukraine. One would think he would help others to break through this ‘brick wall’. Is it the sampling of the Ukrainians causing the difficulties?
Mark Elliott
September 8 @ 9:12am


For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott


Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
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Though they kicked me off site;

Uploads from Mark Stephen Elliott on Wikitree

ancestors Daniel Elliot 1637-1704?


More of line.

I. Andrew (Dand) Ellot of Liddesdale accused in the slaughter of Hugh Douglas, referred to as Cowie of Gorrenberry, because it was a story used when he came down from Baillie in Teviodale, to Gorrenberry east of the Hermitage Castle in Liddesdale, to visit his second son Robert Ellot from Hob Elwode, adopt syster’s son of Clement Croser, known as Clementis Hob, and helped the family, the Gorrenberry family make up a Cowie story, so they could explain the sounds made by him working during the night in which he became known as The Cowie of Gorrenberry. It is felt he lived in Teviotdale with Gilbert, referred to Dandis Gib, which was Gilbert of the Goldern Garties, which became of the Gilbert of Stobs line.

Andrew (Dand) has sons Andrew and Robert;
II. Andrew (Dand the Cow) Ellot, Burgess of Selkirk.
Robert (Clementis Hob, a Hob taking in by mother’s brother Clement Crosar) living with Archibald (Archie Keen) Ellot, younger brother to Gavin the Clark (Clerk).

Robert has sons, Robert and Andrew.
III. Robert Baillie to Sir John Hamilton of Armagh, his family likely died in the Irish Revolt of 1642, though he had a son Robert which surveyed land.
Andrew (Dand) Ellot of Liddesdale became Daniel Elliott of Somerville married to a Hamilton, of Tullykelter Castle.

Daniel Elliott of Tullykelter has sons;
IV. William with son William,
Gavin Gawon

Robert has sons;
V. Robert of now Portsmonth, Maine.
Daniel Elliot of Otter Neck (Saxonville-north Framingham) then Boston, who has son is Daniel Elliot of the Salem Testimony.


From Google search; “Daniel Elliot of Scotland”  10/8/2017

Sketch of Dand Elliot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster – Elwald
Sketch of Dand Elliot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster. Connecting the dots is difficult to do, and there will be some interpolation to put the family through.

Daniel Ellot-Elliot Salem, Boston, Scotland 6/18/2015 – Gorrenberry
Mar 23, 2015 – Daniel Elliot innkeeper of Boston 1704;. (noted; in The History of Danvers, there is a Daniel Elliot of the Danver’s Militia which died in 1690, this …

Daniel Elliott 1610 Ulster likely Catholic then Anglican – Gorrenberry 27, 2015 – Name Daniel in Ulster evolved from an alias of the Scottish border name, Andrew for St Andrew, which had an alias of Dan; became the Irish …

Alexander Gordon, Individual Contract with Master John Cloise ……
Dec 4, 2014 – DANIEL GORDON, was born at Exeter, Rockingham, New ….. in the late English wars with Scotland, and with many more prisoners brought into ….. The Y-DNA of our Daniel Elliot line is unusual among Elliots making up only …

Tullykelter Castle – Wikipedia
Tullykelter Castle is a castle located in Northern Ireland. In 1616 Archbishop Malcolm Hamilton … James Somerville is of Cambusnethan in Ayrshire, Scotland. … James and Elizabeth took the Oath of Supremacy, but a lessee Daniel Elliot who …

10/8/2017 MSE



Tentative family tree structure.

Dand (alias for Andrew) had sons;

Andrew (Dan the Cowie) Burgess of Selkirk.

Clementis Hobs (Clement Crosar-Crozier’s living on Gledstane land of Stobs sister’s son Robert Ellott)

Clementis Hobs had sons;

Robert Ellot Bailee to Sir John Hamilton of Armagh, likely died in Irish Rebellion of 1641.

Andrew Ellot alias Dand became Daniel Ell(i)ott of Tullykelter on James Somerville land, in 1610 Tyrone muster, son James Somerville, estate owner of Tullykelter of Monea Castle muster is in 1630, along with a Robert Ellot, son of Daniel Ell(i)ot, it is this Robert Ellot which is felt to name his first son Robert of Maine-Portmouth, NH, after himself, and his second son Daniel after his father, and normal progression in naming. Robert indentured to the Cutt family of NH-ME, building houses. Daniel indentured to the Stone family of Cambridge.


MSE 11/7/2023



PoBI Viking settlement in England by Jane Kershaw & Ellen C. Royrvik


LivingDNA 45% on Viking measurement. Mark Stephen Elliott, New Mexico, USA.









The history of the Brigham family; a record of several thousand descendants of Thomas Brigham the emigrant, 1603-1653 : Brigham, Willard Irving Tyler, 1859-1904 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Muirhall Castle Hermitage wind farm

Muirhall Heritage Castle (Windy Edge) wind farm





Tower of Sark – Cumbrian and other border Churchyards (,_Dumfriesshire,_Scotland_Genealogy

Crozier / Crosier
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Clan Crozier (crosier, croser, cros, etc.) is one of the border reiving clans of Scotland, along with the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.

Крозье / Крозье
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Клан Крозье (crosier, croser, cros и т.д.) является одним из пограничных кланов Шотландии, наряду с Армстронгами, Эллиотами и Никсонами. Некоторые источники ссылаются на фамилию как на септ клана Армстронгов, но шотландский парламент в 1587 году определил Крозье как клан среднего марша.

Для мормонов генеалогия – это расширение семьи после жизни. Хотя и иудеи, и мормоны чувствуют себя избранными, у мормонов есть миссионеры, никому не выгодно их похищать.
Хотя программы-вымогатели работают на корпорациях, корпорации могут иметь структурный сдерживающий фактор для потребителя, владеющего своими собственными данными и применяющегося в качестве инструмента для поиска семьи.

SNP с повторяющимися выборочными ветвями различной длины мои в ложном математическом смысле делают университетских профессоров, которые считаются авторитетами, но для Y-ДНК это та, которая несет Y-ДНК, которая знает их семейную линию. Евреи не вступали в брак много, это J-M172 и J-M276, которые находятся вдоль англо-шотландской границы и в северной Ирландии, являются арабскими линиями Y-ДНК, евреи являются ответвлением. В генеалогии использование более одного браузера по вашему выбору для сравнения является хорошей техникой.

Участвовал в индивидуальном старте на 50 км на зимних Олимпийских играх 2002 года в штате Юта.

Mormonism’s Troubled Legacy | The New Yorker

Бесплатные семейно-исторические и генеалогические записи —


Телефонный разговор с астронавтами «Аполлона-11» на Луне 20 июля 1969 Г.Р-690714 20.07.1969 1м:14с 252 слова

Привет, Нил и Базз, я говорю с вами по телефону из Овальной комнаты в Белом доме, и это, безусловно, должен быть самый исторический телефонный звонок, когда-либо сделанный из Белого дома. Я просто не могу сказать вам, как мы все гордимся тем, что вы сделали.Для каждого американца это должен быть самый гордый день в нашей жизни, и для людей во всем мире, я уверен, что они тоже присоединятся к американцам в признании того, какой это огромный подвиг. Благодаря тому, что вы сделали, небеса стали частью человеческого мира, и когда вы говорите с нами из Моря Спокойствия, это вдохновляет нас удвоить наши усилия, чтобы принести мир и спокойствие на землю.В один бесценный момент во всей истории человечества все люди на этой земле поистине едины – один в своей гордости за то, что вы сделали, и один в наших молитвах о том, чтобы вы благополучно вернулись на землю.

АСТРОНАВТ АРМСТРОНГ. Благодарю Вас, г-н Председатель. Для нас большая честь и привилегия быть здесь, представляя не только Соединенные Штаты, но и людей мирных наций, людей с видением будущего. Для нас большая честь иметь возможность участвовать здесь сегодня. ПРЕЗИДЕНТ. Спасибо вам большое, и я с нетерпением жду, все мы с нетерпением ждем встречи с вами на «Хорнете» в четверг. АСТРОНАВТ АРМСТРОНГ. Спасибо. Г-н Председатель, мы с нетерпением ожидаем этого.


Папа видел, как Никсон (с черными волосами) баллотируется в президенты против Кеннеди. Никсон проиграл Кеннеди, но Кеннеди получил деньги на лунную программу отправки человека на Луну к концу десятилетия (к 1970 году).

In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.

Beccleuch warden of West March, Duke of Buccleuch of the Bauld (Bold) Buccleuch, has his home in Langholm, Scotland the hometown of Neil Armstrong.

Armystand 1396 (army-stand along Liddel Water), Armestrang (Arme-strang army-strong, strang and lang are strong and long in Scottish Auld and Bauld are Old and Bold in Scottish, like in Robert Burns ‘Auld Lang Syne’, ‘Old Long Since’.

References;(in the public domain) The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects by Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 page 218-9

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1883 page 65 Chronicles of the

Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902

id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PA65&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Chronicles of the

Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902

Search the Muster Rolls (

Mark Elliott
2 minutes ago
click right to enlarge in new tab First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County William Glendinning Towne and lands of Holliwood Lord Viscount Clannaboyes Down Little are numerous. Report on A1 Clade / R-L193 Report on A1 Clade / R-L193. Page 1 of 15. 1/11/2011. Introduction. The R-L21 haplogroup (ISOGG: R1b1b2a1a2f) contains a distinct cluster of individuals … Surname adoption took place for Little on Liddel Water and Glendinning (glen in valley) in Glendinning Farm, Scotland, took the R-L193 from the same Y-DNA group, and surname adoption from John Elwald rector of Kirkandrews c.1423 since he brought a surname to region was taken by the Elwald/Elwold/Elwould/Elwood to become Ellot from also the same Y-DNA R-L193 grouping, at time of surname adoption.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
33 minutes ago click right to enlarge in new tab A new Iowa addition to the Daniel Elliot Y-DNA line. Reason to do family history with Y-DNA as an app.
Mark Elliott
June 11 @ 8:12pm
Examine the surnames which carry, R-U106, and you find Bell, Elliott, Scott, and Johnston (Ulster spelling) among them. The mathematical 2nd generation down the Y-DNA genealogists doing the genealogy. Would like someone to say I am incorrect so it can tell you level of knowledge. This is Y-DNA R-U106 sampling analyze for those which may not realize it.
Belinda Dettmann
June 12 @ 4:36pm
R-U106 formed in western Europe about 4800 years before present and about 25% of Europeans belong to that haplogroup. The ancient line of Elliotts is R-L21>L513>L193 so definitely not R-U106. These R-U106 testers in the Border Reivers group do not all come from the same family.
Mark Elliott
Yesterday at 12:02pm
Various surnames like Elliott is a merged surname. The line of chiefs, Margaret is the 29th, the first ten which I seem to branch in at about the 9th with William Elwald of Gorrenberry, my many great. Many genealogists have web search ‘Google DNA’ because the true genetics genealogists do not those which tested uncapable are of the nature that genealogy is not shared, and not of a biological nature which a migratory history is contained in the Y-DNA therefore the one which carries the Y-DNA has to be accepted as and expert on that line, or it becomes the Rev Parris, and Judge Hathorne of Harvard witch hanging notoriety, which falsify the math to support a ‘status quo’ of establish history based on dictators such of Puritan Cromwell which genocide the Irish, and exported Hamiltonian Anglican Royalists as my family to the American Colony of Massachusetts as and indentured slave to these Harvard ‘status quo’ Puritans. As a Quaker I practice and insure my free speech. The Harvard types which do not accept the concept that ‘The Family Knows Best’, are self-denigrating, the ones which believe that family history though it may make alterations in nation state history and go against those which use ‘position’ in silencing people where in genealogy that belongs to those of the family and with Y-DNA in the would of DNA that belongs to the purchaser, and holder of the DNA, especially not the admin. Admin can be very destructive in an individual following their Y-DNA, the true scientists if they want to determine the migration patterns, in which shows mammals will retract there paths, and I feel the bullheaded ones retract their migration by what is in their Y-DNA history.,_Nixon,_Armstrong_and_Elwood_1583.jpg Elwald becomes Elwold becomes Elwood, Ellot, for the Scottish name. The Middle March Clan are Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier. Nixon talked to and Armstrong when he placed his step on the moon by phone. These people do not need to correct their history to match accurate application of applied DNA, other are doing it not. With long term planner, background in measuring behavior being kick off of FTDNA blogs, I know which ones are not genealogical blogs, and if someone called information coming from a family member a lie, I know they are not a genealogist. Not all Y-DNA in a given surname blog is alike. R-L193 is said to cover by James V. Elliott, less than half the Elliott. James M. Irvine was able to equate I-M253 (Viking) to Fairbairn, which is of the Fair Bear story out of Germany, onto the borders County Fermanagh, then America.×532.jpg Being a genealogist it takes a lot of documentation to go back as far as I have, Have been doing it since Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs was chief father of our 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh who has been chief for over thirty years. Those Havard types thinking they can determine family for others, did not recognize my research I have been putting into websites, domains I own, where I also administer. Figure that way the admin, and operator which is myself would not kick me off. They are, and, with no ads, sharing family DNA info like my father did went he printed a distributed. People over the decade plus have been taking advantage of the information provide except those Harvard types which feel support of the nation state ‘status quo’, by silencing as symbolized in Harvard grads hanging witches in Salem. Have if they think I am lying and ignore me in the traditional manner when they ignored my many great as verified by the Y-DNA Daniel Elliott, when he referenced the accusers ‘out of sport’ is the reason they accused the Harvard Grads accepted it as I hope they will accept me in my research today, because I want the genetic scientist, and family history which will web search ‘Brigham DNA’ to utilize centuries of research between the chief and I on our families. Redheugh, and Gorrenberry with Scott and Bell were in on the rescue of Kinmont willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle.
Belinda Dettmann
Yesterday at 3:51pm
Mark your DNA does not agree with your family history, so the history is wrong, not the DNA. You are R-U106>>S16361. The Ancient Elliott line is R-L21>>L193.
Mark Elliott
31 minutes ago
R-L193 is of the Elliot-Glendenning-Little-Sinclair grouping but was introduced by the St. Clare-St. Cair-Sinclair as genealogical records show. Elliott itself is a merged name. Am of the Anglo-Saxon, Elwald merged into Elwold-Elwood-Ellot (Angus Scotland). Ellot (Angus Scotland) + Eliot (Breton France) = Elliot After the Battle of Hastings, Danish-Saxon name like the Armstrong-Elliot and today the Hermitage Castle were demonized. It is of the nature of those of Harvard, and Norman values to not understand that the family especially on the Y-DNA tracing because many mammals an those referred to as ‘bulls’, can trace their migration history, but this is not acceptable by an authoritarian, when genealogy is family sharing information. If one is providing genealogical references in genealogy other genealogists snap them up which has been shown by the image queque for images from and Can image search Google ‘FTDNA Elliot’ or use link. Try and see for yourself. The family knows best, DNA if one Googles ‘Brigham DNA’, will find it is a tool of the genealogists. It is easy when one is doing genealogy to tell if one is reading documented presented material, or if one behaviorally does not research line as a research genealogist, and makes conclusions on information derived by silencing the family genealogists.
Mark Storey
June 10 @ 6:12pm
I think this project activity feed has been hijacked. I have seen the same material in several other projects and the author was removed. It is a shame as it makes it difficult to stay.
Belinda Dettmann
June 10 @ 8:55pm
I don’t want to cut off communication with our member, as he has been removed from most other sites. He is extremely irritating and argumentative but occasionally he has something useful to say. Let me know if you can’t stand it.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
June 5 @ 8:03am
click right to show enlarged image in new tab The Scott, and Elliot are Saxon of Scotland-Northumberland, in 1320 a border was placed across them. Lands of Redheugh were acquired in the late fifteenth century by the Saxon surname Elwald. Though Buccleuch towards time of Border Pacification, like to deny the existence of Elwald Elliot, and that the Gorrenberry line died off both for the Stewards which was married as third husband to a James Hepburn (Northumberland name), which acquired the estate of Bothwell, from the Douglas related also to the Scot, near Glasgow therefore was referred to by his estate name as Bothwell. At the time of Pacification the Redheugh branches and Gorrenberry said Redheugh was the land of the Elliot. Margaret Eliott of Stobs-Redheugh is the 29th clan chief, with the line being transferred from the Buccleuch hated Redheugh-Hamilton family to Stobs being the chieftain line. It is not question that the Hamilton-Gorrenberry-line, is considered dead, and the Elwald name also. When people kick me off these blogs they are symbolic in people feeling that position in society such as being a duke or king is more important then that of genealogy in which the family is the most knowledgeable, where they pitch-in their family information and puzzle it together to find family. The data which I purchased belongs to the consumer, whether in a survey of concerns of the People Freeway Model Cities region of Salt Lake City, Utah, included in the region if the Family History Library which I directed the ground work directed by the board, mainly by it’s president. Also did the ground work for a data drilling program for gypsum of National Gypsum in the Harper, Texas region. To censor me from a blog, is not different then trying to claim jump on a claim the chief and I are of the third generation researching and teaching people about. Yes, am a retired math-science-computer instructor of AZ/NM with an ESL English as a Second Language endorsement background, Purchasing a produce and as a consumer having it denied, is like denying People Freeway use of the data they collected, or National Gypsum being denied use of there drill data, it is stealing from the consumer.
Belinda Dettmann
June 5 @ 3:30pm
Mark, your Y-DNA result is more important than family legend. You match some Elliotts so there is no doubt you belong to a branch of that family. I suspect you got kicked off sites because you were too rude and argumentative to be endured any longer. Stick to facts rather than politics and get a BigY700 test.
Belinda Dettmann
June 9 @ 7:10pm
I agree you are argumentative. Stick to DNA. and get a BigY700 test.
darren reeddarren reed
June 6 @ 8:41am
Finally got my big y results
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
June 3 @ 11:57am
The Scottish and Irish Origenes maps are now FREE to view online Inbox Tyrone Bowes Ph.D.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
May 31 @ 10:36am
click right to enlarge image in new tab Page -72- Malcolm, being acquainted with their purpose, addressed them with great kindness and assured them of a welcome and a safe residence in his dominion. They accordingly proceeded on the voyage. and Malcolm on his return finding them arrived made good all his engagements and took to wife Margaret the sister of Edgar. It is not only probable but there is considerable evidence that many of these people settled (Boece) about Liddesdale, where the Hendersons of Cockburn, the Elwalds of Schaw, and the Armstrongs had lands, given to them by Malcolm after the battle of Birnam Wood. The Danes had boasted that they would keep their Yule at York. William kept his Yule there instead, while the English for miles around wandered starving in the snow. He gave away the lands of Edwin and Morcar to his liegemen; but not Waltheorf’s, because he loved Waltheorf and wanted to maintain his friend- ship. (Kingsley.) Ellot shield from Cavers Charter chest. The c1566 the Redheugh-Larriston shield has and Edinburgh Scotland standard of length on the bend called as Elwald-Ellot were sometimes called Elwand, a ‘wand’ a standard Scottish ‘el’ in length. In English Imperial measurement a a bit over 37 inches which put a Scottish pike six els in length called a ‘fall’, at two English ‘feet’ longer than the English pikes as a ‘rod/pole’ five and a half English yards in length. The Elwald/Edwand were know by their knowledge of measurement, like a surveyor was called an ‘elwandis’. In English measurement 16½ ft for an English pike where a Scottish pike was 18½ ft, two feet longer. Allan Scott May 11 @ 6:58pm Cavers Castle Located near Hawick in the Borders Built by the Balliol Family in the 1200’s it was later passed on to the Douglas Clan. If i was in a Position to Buy Cavers i would do so. Yes, Cavers is a large part of my family’s history.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
May 24 @ 10:59am
click right to enlarge in new tab During extermination of Armstrong and Elliott from the Borderlands, Buccleuch was question the validity of the Redheugh-Larriston Sasine. William Elwald of Gorrenberry was there. The son of David Buccleuch, Walter was there. ‘Angus’ is Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’, Angus whose heart is in a Chapel in Douglas next to James Douglas which carried the heart of Robert the Bruce, never made it to Jerusalem, but is buried at Melrose Abby. People which write books agreed with the norm. Which James Stewart wrote one on the Elliots; The Scott hid Andrew ‘Dand the Cowie’, father to Clementis Hobs, up north. He would come to visit Clementis Hobs (i.e. Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott), at Gorrenberry. Being a fugitive accused in the slaughter of Hugh Douglas the family made up a ‘Cowie’ story to protect them from the sounds he made. Today unlike the Armstrong which are unvanquished to the Stewart-(Scottish Ministry), I do not exist, my Y-DNA was in America, when the ‘Cowie’ died, and those related to it were also in America. So guess those which kicked me off their sites are killing the ‘Cowie’, which there family perceives does not exist. Been censored from Wikipedia. Without the poem like the chief’s father presented in German Wikipedia “The double L and single T Descent from Minto and Wolflee, The double T and single L Mark the old race in Stobs that dwell. The single L and single T The Eliots of St Germans be, But double T and double L, Who they are nobody can tell.” Does not have the Elliot surname poem. Does Does The poem is standard for any Elliot related to the clanship. Not to included shows extreme censorship by a Armstrong-Elliot surname genocide and exile kingdom, which destroyed the towers of the Armstrong-Elliot along the borderlands and are not destroying our ancestral history which would not be acceptable to place wind farms near archeological inheritance of indigenous Americans like near Pueblo Benito of which where the Zuni ancestors lived, in America. It is easy for ‘historians’, to kill off genetics and genealogy, by their position by having others do their dirty work, or if the referred to someone as a liar to do it without witnesses. Those which do not utilize extensive documentation especially for myself considering the number of generations I am going back it is needed. Silencing or claim jumping is the destructive to both the science of genetics, and the history of the family. It is the false scientist-genealogist which kicks out the ‘in-law’, searching for family. It is the true scientist that realize that my research may be a great benefit to genetics as applied to the family. If biological being can travel their DNA history then it is likely the one carrying the Y-DNA traveling down their family history being the most accurat. It is noted that the Union-Jack is the genocidal flag of the surname Armstrong and Elliott, like the Swastika is the genocidal flag of the Jews. How well can one analysis the Y-DNA if they do not carry that Y-DNA line, and they post the flag which still today is exterminating and desecrating their ancestral heritage like the Scottish Ministry the Stewart types which have vanquished my Y-DNA being of Gorrenberry.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
May 24 @ 10:21am Allan Scott May 11 @ 6:58pm Cavers Castle Located near Hawick in the Borders Built by the Balliol Family in the 1200’s it was later passed on to the Douglas Clan. If i was in a Position to Buy Cavers i would do so “A reporter found it would have “no unacceptable environmental impacts” and ruled it could proceed.” Scott and Balliol having R-Y97241 Y-DNA Cyril Leslie Garfield Scott Haplogroup R-Y97241 510220 Guy de Balliol b abt 1022 Normandie, France R-Y97241 The Duke of Buccleuch in supporting preservation of the Borderlands, which my family was exiled from in 1607, moved to Tullykelter, then indentured to the American Colonies c.1651 indentured Royalist slave to Cromwellian Puritans, which is better than be Irish, which were geocide. It is the Stuart-Stewart Scottish Ministry through their reporter which is desiccating THE HERMITAGE CASTLE, the home of Clan Elliot, unlike James VI/I which felt it should be preserved along with the Duke of Buccleuch. To follow through as the Scottish Stewart Ministry Reports went against the Border People in further genocide, to destroy the Hermitage Castle by industrial desecration, is why the Armstrong support the Duke of Buccleuch, and of England the Duke of Northumberland. The Scotts of the Border support it’s historical preservation, both in England and Scotland.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
May 20 @ 9:13am
click right to enlarge in new tab Allan Scott Armstrong, Bell, Ellot, and Scott were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Prison in 1596. Scrope took Kinmont Willie on a day of truth (peace), and we got him back.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
May 15 @ 10:27am
Belinda Dettmann Yesterday at 5:23pm Mark I suggest you do the BigY700 test. to see exactly where you fit on the Y-tree. Did extra testing, though 23andME took me to R-S16361, paid $39 for FTDNA to get the SNP. Did extra SNP testing through YSEQ which put be down to S-A6722. Having a degree in mining engineering from the U of Utah where the largest pre-internet data base of genealogical materials is contained and still not online, in the Salt Lake City, Utah Family History Library ascribe myself to long term planning an uniformitarianism, avid hiker of the grand canyon with demonstrates this.×811.jpg Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: Background and Sources – US .. Sep 27, 2015 — Arthur Miller’s The Crucible: Background and Sources. R b rt . rt n … wife) by one Daniel Elliott suggests that initially, at least, not everyone. Whatever perverse motives may have subsequently prompted the adult citizens of Salem to cry “witch” upon their neighbors, the initiators of the Salem misfortune were young girls like Abigail Williams who began playing with spirits simply for the “sport” of it, as a release from an emotionally oppressive society. A portion of the actual trial testimony given in favor of Elizabeth Proctor (John Proctor’s wife) by one Daniel Elliott suggests that initially, at least, not everyone accepted the girls’ spectral visions without question: “the testimony of Daniel Elliott, aged 27 years or thereabouts, who testifieth and saith that I being at the house of lieutenant Ingersoll on the 28 of March, in the year 1692, there being present one of the afflicted persons which cried out and said, there’s Goody Proctor. William Raiment being there present, told the girl he believed she lied, for he saw nothing; then Goody Ingersoll told the girl she told a lie, for there was nothing; then the girl said that she did it for sport, they must have some sport. 12” 12. Levin, Salem, p. 64. Like my many great Daniel Elliot refugee from the Salem Trials, by Harvard grads, is testimony of Elizabeth Proctor, as expressed by a Galicia Jew, Arthur Millers, dealing with McCarthyism. It is felt that these educated people in position have been incorrect by trying to silence me. John Hathorne (descendent to Nathaniel), Rev Samuel Parris, and Senator McCarthy self disintegrated. Try to be as accurate on things as my ancestors and my professions of behavior science, engineering, and math-science-computer instructor retired, as a second generation on the Y-DNA genealogist, with a chief compatible of Redhuegh where genealogy is passed from grandma to father to ourselves. With people kicking me off these posts which can not even recognize the value of retaining sig figs in TIP calculations. The way many blogs have destroyed genetic information given the Big Y700 is only good to those which would destroy the scientific genealogical information in support of destroying true genetic genealogy, to support status quo history by forcing the numbers to conform to it by silencing me from the use of them, an extortion of the data product from me the buyer, destroying the prospect of family and national history to conform to the genetic genealogy. If I allow these historians of status quo distorting the math and science like those Havard qrads of the Salem Trials. Note, Increase Mather president of Harvard was involved in these trials and their procedure of silencing not by hanging witches still exist to this day. The data is for the buyer, not for those which want to ‘hang witches’.
Belinda Dettmann
May 15 @ 2:48pm
The advantage of getting the BigY test at FTDNA is that your matches can see the relationship and benefit from the results. YSEQ tests don’t do that.
Belinda Dettmann
May 15 @ 8:38pm
A Big Y700 is an exploratory test, it targets a wide region of the Y chromosome and just say “read as much as you can”. You will get a number of private (unnamed) variants that might be added to the Y-tree if another BigY match comes up with one or more of these.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
May 10 @ 4:47pm 1320 Declaration of Abroath drew a border across Northumbria, with King Robert the Bruce and the Douglas until the 16th century when the Monarchies became you had your Border Reivers. It was these related monarchies which wanted to get rid of the borderers, which were created with the border.×532.jpg
Allan Scott
May 11 @ 6:58pm
Cavers Castle Located near Hawick in the Borders Built by the Balliol Family in the 1200’s it was later passed on to the Douglas Clan. If i was in a Position to Buy Cavers i would do so.
Lynne Brown
May 15 @ 1:01pm
My great grandfather Robert Edgar and wilsons came from Hawick a textile town he was a stocking knitter I have Kerrs Home Fouglas Turnbull Scott and Elliot Renwick in mybtree a true border heritage leading to the Stewart’s I love the borders !!! Going again in sept Traquair castle is my favourite ,
Lynne Brown
May 15 @ 1:04pm
I think the Edgars descend from Dunbar Carrick cospatrick ?
Mark Elliott
May 17 @ 9:53am
The Traquair Steward (Stuart), only have ‘hot air’, when it comes to protecting the borderlands archeological history from ‘wind farms’. The Duke of Buccleuch, on the Langholm, Scottish side is trying to preserve the archeological history of the borderlands along with the Duke of Northumberland, which has a Northumberland National Park on the English side, has been a supporter. Duke of Buccleuch married into that Kerr family of Fernihirst. The Fernihirst-Kerr chieftain and Cefford-Duke of Roxburghe of Floors Castle near Kelso, are known to be in conflict. The Duke of Buccleuch wife is find but it is her relatives which I feel are the problems. Example of a ‘hot air’ Steward on a Borderlands National Park. Iain Stewart MP This is my message to him what anElliot thinks of the husband to a Steward which once owned ‘Hermitage Castle’; are James Hepburn, called Bothwell; Note; Park is on the other side of the Hermitage Water from Redheugh where the 29th chief Margaret Eliott resides; Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? Place name Hepburn of Northumberland; Hepburn, Alnwick, Northumberland, UK,+Alnwick+NE66+4EG,+UK/@55.5146653,-1.9004363,15z/ Bothwell, and estate near Glasgow acquired from the Douglas family; Bothwell, Glasgow, UK;,+Glasgow,+UK/@55.8073474,-4.0866528,14z/ Ælfwald I of Northumbria He was buried at Hexham Abbey where he was considered a saint.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
May 13 @ 10:26am
Belinda Dettmann
May 13 @ 5:23pm
Mark I suggest you do the BigY700 test. to see exactly where you fit on the Y-tree.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
May 10 @ 4:37pm
click right to open in enlarged new tab Though the Gilbert (Gib) Ellot of Stobs was on the Buccleuch ‘good list’, my family ended up banished from both kingdoms in Ireland. Today’s 29th chief Margaret Eliott is of Stobs-Redheugh. She must have a ‘steel bonnet’, and think of me as a wanted ‘vagabond’ from the US West. The Elliot Clan by Newcastleton Primary School | Scots Language Project 2018 Relations with Scotland dropped when the James V of Scotland hung the Armstrong, and Elliot. Lori Watson – Johnnie Armstrang (passed on for the literate in ballad-song) Family did not have good relations with the third husband of Marie Queen of Scots, James Hepburn, known as Bothwell; The Buccleuch was in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle. ballads of the Border Reivers.
Glen Foster
May 11 @ 6:12am
I see my gentle and kind ancestor Sir John Forster mentioned in there. My Foster/Forsters where plentiful in Northumberland and Forrester’s where in Scotland.
Mark Elliott
May 11 @ 11:47am
George Forstar seems to be witness at time Elwald-Elliot obtain lands of Redheugh. The 29th chief Margaret Eliott now lives at Redheugh, this is what her father Sir Arthur Eliott says about the name Elliot in his book;
Diana BurnsDiana Burns has a question!
April 4 @ 1:15pm
Are there any descendants out there of the Green, Parker or Laverick families of Bedlington? I have a NPE in my family and the father of my great great grandmother may have emigrated to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 
Suzanne Cairns
September 15 @ 11:45am
Just joined this group very new to the whole DNA thing and to be honest I definitely dont understand all the science stuff but very much looking forward to trying to connect with others. I uploaded my DNA results from another taken through another website and still trying to work out how I find how matches link in to me – My maternal line seems to have started in the Northumberland region and gradually moved North over the years into Scotland (I was born in Edinburgh).
Belinda Dettmann
October 14 @ 1:56pm
Try the Advanced matches tool within the Family Finder section to see if you have matches within this project
Pamela Morris
March 27 @ 11:26am
HI Belinda how do you use that tool this dna stuff is so confusing to me, lol. Plus how do you know which surname goes back all the way to a certain country/ thank you for help. Also one more thing, my 4th great grandma, Victoria Burnell was born in Canada, name of town is St. Ann de Nois . Her birth year is 1808, there was no date or month on her headstone so how would i know the month and date she was born/
Pamela Morris
March 27 @ 11:28am
sorry computer ugh, but like i was saying her headstone had no dates or month on it just year so how would i know if it would be her or not?
Michael Hoffenback has a question!
December 1 @ 1:21am
Belinda Dettmann
February 5 @ 2:54pm
Use your email.
Michael Hoffenback
December 1 @ 1:22am
Michael Hoffenback from Sweden how do I get the email adress to B366253 von Schmittou?
László Varsányi
December 1 @ 1:28am
Sorry my poor English, I can not speak the languages, but maybe you understand it. If you have YDNA matches with it, you will see your email address in your match. If you do not have matches with him, you can ask the project administrator to contact him and ask him to give you his email address.
Belinda Dettmann
December 1 @ 4:06pm
Ask me offline.
Michael Hoffenback has a question!
December 1 @ 1:20am
Glen FosterGlen Foster
November 12 @ 8:36am
Glen Foster – Kit No. 919766. Hurrah! Got the results of my Big Y-700 today. Confirmed Haplogroup is J-BY49214. Now I guess someone will do a review of the results??? If so, who?? Thanks 🙂
Belinda Dettmann
November 12 @ 3:25pm
Ask your J2 admins for comments. As far as I can tell you have several Big Y surname matches, but the SNP count in your BigY Block section indicates a VERY old line of J-M172 (J2).
Glen Foster
November 12 @ 3:33pm
Thanks Belinda Dettmann. So far I see 3 to 4 matches at this level and lineage that goes back to Northern Ireland around 4300 BC.
Glen Foster
November 15 @ 6:21pm
FTDNA updated my haplogroup to J-BY183898 . Appears my family may have arrived during the Norman Conquest.
Glen FosterGlen Foster
August 22 @ 6:57am
Glen Foster Kit No. 919766 – just ordered the Big Y-700 Test. Hoping to finally break through some DNA/genealogy barriers. Looking forward to the results!!
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 16, 2020 @ 11:21am
Glen Foster August 14 @ 7:40am “Does not appear that I officially joined this group. Glen Foster – Kit No. 919766, J-M172. I have been advised that the NEVGEN tool predicts I am 100% FGC45722. I also have DNA connections to folks in the BY49214 haplogroup. I appear to be linked to the Northumberland area via the Foster/Forster line. Would like to expand my genealogical/DNA links to this area.” Glen what you said above is correct. As far as being a ‘lab rat’ to pseudo scientists of the Harvard type as justices which silence witches in Salem, my many great testifying in defense of Elizabeth Proctor, who lived because with child, but husband John was hung in Salem , MA as a witch,Y-DNA verified. A tactic and technique utilized by FTDNA admin by is Harvard witch trial silencing. Bennett Grenspan main founder of FTDNA has been doing genealogy as long as I since 1965. He has J-267 Y-DNA, as do the border Graham. From the borders Scott and Montgomery carry your J-M172, it is of ‘Ancient Rome’, and you are likely of a people which DNA wise with the Robson of the border guarded the English side first as Hadrian’s Wall then as the English-Scottish, but when exiled went with family to county Fermanagh, Monaghan near where my line moved to;, of the Daniel Elliot line. Proper science and genealogy is never done through silencing free speech. Society becomes regimental, like the Harvard grads silencing people as witches by hanging them, and applying their principals to today’s FTDNA feeds and referencing as science. It is science of a superior race like that of Adolph Hitler.
Glen Foster
August 16, 2020 @ 3:22pm
I found the link to Robson, didn’t know about it. Thanks Mark. Never made any sense to me when you where being chastised for helping!
Mark Elliott
August 16, 2020 @ 4:35pm
Foster, Forster, Forstar, Forest, Forester, and Forrester are variant names originating in Germany and may be beyond eastward. Examples;,1890:Frost,1890:Forster Look towards Clones, Monaghan, for Foster, and Johnston(e), Maguire/McGuire. As I recall a 1963 surname map of County Fermanagh; Short history on how we ended up in Fermanagh from the Scottish Borders;
Glen FosterGlen Foster
August 14, 2020 @ 7:40am
I am sure taking the Big 700 test would help me in my overall genealogy/DNA research. Are there any specific SNP tests that would help with my genealogy research, that would point me to others with the same paternal line? If there are any, would they be included in the Big 700 test?
Belinda Dettmann
August 14, 2020 @ 3:24pm
The Big Y 700 test includes all the SNPs that can be tested on the Y chromosome at present. Specific SNP Pack tests have not been updated recently so the Big Y test is your best bet. Several of your 111-marker matches have tested for individual SNPs or for Big Y so you would have a good chance of matching them.
Glen FosterGlen Foster
August 14, 2020 @ 7:43am
Does not appear that I officially joined this group. Glen Foster – Kit No. 919766, J-M172. I have been advised that the NEVGEN tool predicts I am 100% FGC45722. I also have DNA connections to folks in the BY49214 haplogroup. I appear to be linked to the Northumberland area via the Foster/Forster line. Would like to expand my genealogical/DNA links to this area.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
July 24, 2020 @ 8:28pm
Steel Bonnets In Debatatable Lands with George Macdonald Fraser and Eric Robson Covers the borderlands which are a part of Northumberland. Gail Andrews Hardy, Belinda Dettmann, Darcee Vanmullekom, and Jesse Elliott; covers the Graham estates on the English side of the border.
Mark Elliott
August 9, 2020 @ 3:57pm
As I recall, Stonegarthside (Scottish; Stanegarthsyde), is of the Fo(r/e)ster. The Graham placed a fish ‘garth’, on the Esk stopping the salmon from going up stream into Scotland. That and Berwick being English, taking a trade port away from the Scots, became quite controversial. The ‘garth’ is built from ‘stone’; so saying ‘stone fish garth side of Liddel Water’.
Jesse ElliottJesse Elliott
June 28, 2020 @ 4:35pm
Has anyone else watched the last kingdom series on Netflix? Northumberland is often involved as the main character is from there. What I’ve enjoyed is they way they have depicted battle scenes of the times,it is timed around the Danelaw period). None of the silly malees of individual fights and the hero’s running around cutting down everyone in sight. Well ok, there is some of that. It’s Hollywood. But a lot of strategy and tactics is at least addressed. Shield walls with a lot of pushing and shoving. Most of the killing done after one side tries to retreat. This correlates to a lot of the historical accounts.
Carolyn Bowman has a question!
June 16, 2020 @ 5:33pm
I am researching my THOMPSONs from the Berwick/Wooler area. Thomas Thompson b.1780. He left for Canada and died there in 1852. It has been said that his wife died sometime before he left. No other info. Any help is appreciated. 
Mark Elliott
June 16, 2020 @ 7:40pm
SHAKY but may correlate; Ancroft and Thornton in Berwick/Wooler region, less than five miles apart. Baptism Ann Straker listed as mother of William, and wife of Thomas. 1792–1855 04 Nov 1792 Ancroft,Northumberland,England Birth of Son William Thompson(1823–1892) about 1823 • Tornton (Thornton), Northumberland, England

Belinda Dettmann

April 3, 2020 @ 2:29pm
There is an authoritative summary of the Border Grahams at sourced from the Library of Ireland.
Jesse Elliott
April 3, 2020 @ 7:16pm
My immigrant was Arthur Graham from Fermanaugh. His family history was defiantly Sottish.i like the idea he may have descended from that Arthur of Netherby that was transplanted in 1606. I’d like to find out more about him & his descendants though.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
April 4, 2020 @ 4:02am
I’m showing an Arthur Graham the son of Walter Netherby Graham, born 1575 in Netherby, Cumberland, Scotland, and died 2 Nov 1635 in Gargunnock, Stirlingshire, Scotland; and Sibil Bell, born about 1555 in Largo, Fife, Scotland, and died about 1630 also in Largo, Fife, Scotland. Walter is my 10th great grandfather through his son Richard Graham. Richard’s son changed his name to Grimes because the Grahams had been outlawed.
darcee vanmullekom
April 13, 2020 @ 12:54pm
Interesting, I wondered when the exact time frame the Grahams were outlawed but didn’t some remained?
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
June 7, 2020 @ 9:39am
Actually, I believe they were outlawed a couple of times. Once was from about 1476 to 1492 because of the actions of one “Long Will” Graham (William de Graham). The other time was when the Earl of Cumberland wanted the Graham lands in from 1603 to 1606. In 1606 the Grahams were exiled to Roscommon, Ireland. Roscommon had deteriorated to where it was almost unlivable so the Grahams changed their names and went back to Scotland.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
June 5, 2020 @ 2:42pm
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
April 8, 2020 @ 2:01pm
Listen to the chief though she may think of me as a wild west US ‘vagabond’; To Derek James Stewart ‘Wha daur Meddle wi Me?’ Mark Stephen Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
April 6, 2020 @ 11:03am A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700) Riddil(l, v. Also: ryddill, rid(d)le. [ME and e.m.E. ridle(n (Ancr. R.), rydelyn (Prompt. Parv.), riddle (1570); Riddil(l n.2] tr. 1. To sift or refine by passing through a riddle. fig., with personal object, after Luke xxii 31 (see also Nisbet, after Purvey).,+Melrose+TD6+9JP,+UK/@55.5090501,-2.7729008,15z/,+Kelso+TD5+8QX,+UK/@55.4833322,-2.3920878,15z/,+UK/@54.1981063,-1.1221973,10z/ Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws, though you may want to.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
April 3, 2020 @ 7:01pm “‘Gowan’, from the ‘McGowan’ from the area which I carry Y-DNA from;” Gowan and El(l)wood-Ewold-Ewald, have similar surname migration patterns within region, so pre-surname from similar Y-DNA gives McGowan in my Y-DNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Belinda Dettmann
March 31, 2020 @ 2:16pm
Bell, Nixon, Carr, Scott
Mark Elliott
March 31, 2020 @ 4:39pm
Clan Nixon between Chieftain Land of Redhuegh and Larriston, at place name Steele. Sasine 1484-, with Scot(t), and Ker (Kerr/Carr), assisting with Wm of Gorrenberry, to pass Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas fifth Earl of Angus of the ‘Angus’ Douglas, lands of Redheugh and Larriston onto the Elwald (ie Ellot/Eliott) Lands disputed years later, Stobs obtained then Redhuegh reobtained where the chief now lives. Bells, Elliots, Scotts, and Armstrongs, in on rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle. Today’s Duke of Buccluech, is married into to the Kerr house of Fernihirst. Admin FTDNA Clan Irwin, James M. Irvine of Bonshaw (fort among trees) Tower. History saids, died off with the ‘Cowie’, though Y-DNA in New England at the time. If people think I been vaquished, but can make myself a good ‘Cowie’, at times.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
March 27, 2020 @ 10:52pm
Sharon Anderson, David Rey In England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 Save this record and choose the information you want to add to your family tree David Rey Name David Rey David Rey In England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 Gender Male Birth June 6 1803 Christening June 12 1803 Corbridge, Northumberland, England Father David Rey Mother Lily Mc Gregor Indexing Project (Batch) Number P00131-1 System Origin England-ODM GS Film number 0962713 IT 3 Elizabeth Ray In England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975 Save this record and choose the information you want to add to your family tree Name Elizabeth Ray Gender Female Christening Nov 17 1805 Haydon Bridge, Northumberland, England Father David Ray Mother Elizabeth Gregg Indexing Project (Batch) Number P00254-1 System Origin England-ODM GS Film number 94994 Though it is not possible if you think regimental English, and do not think Scottish Borders for name origins; that ‘Ray’ is for ‘Rey’, ‘Gregg’ is for ‘Mc Gregor’, and ‘Elizabeth’ is for ‘Lily’. Considering birth of David and Elizabeth are less than three years apart. Also that; Corbridge and Haydon Bridge, are less then 10 miles apart.
Sharon AndersonSharon Anderson
March 27, 2020 @ 9:30pm
I live in Australia and my ancestor by the name of Elizabeth Ray came from Haydon Bridge, Northumberland. Elizabeth was given a one way ticket to Australia arriving here in 1823. Elizabeth’s parents were David Ray and Elizabeth Gregg.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
March 27, 2020 @ 1:14pm
Margaret Eliott, 29th clan Elliot chief Redheugh-Stobs with her husband, Christopher P. Wilkins. John Wilkinson, chief married a Wilkins, but think our chief and it is likely Belinda Dettmann would agree, that I am some sort of ‘vagabound’; Like
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
March 11, 2020 @ 7:34am
Came across this in Wikipedia while doing some research on William I of Scotland: “William attempted to purchase Northumbria from Richard in 1194, as he had a strong claim over it. However, his offer of 15,000 marks (£9,750) was rejected due to wanting the castles within the lands, which Richard was not willing to give.[6]” [6] Gillingham, John (2000). Richard. p. 272. ISBN 0-300-09404-3.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
March 9, 2020 @ 10:22am
How family members are being successful at family history; 1. The family knows best. Those which do not realize ‘The Family Knows Best’, and circumvent the family, makes a huge amount of difficulties by causing the true genealogists to correct the information back to what the family first said. 2. Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family. Though you may not think that which is coming from the opposite sex correct, the answers to what you said is reflective one and can with little skill decipher from the language, needed family information. 3. Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws, though you may want to. FTDNA is not a genealogical site because they are allowing administrators to kick out the in-laws. 4. Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history. Families in their research seem to aim their research into specific region of research, giving to each other in the same family answers seemly conflicting, but so close they both come out as being correct. 5. If the family’s history is done properly one does not get to pick their ancestors. Self explanatory.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
February 23, 2020 @ 6:34am
Thought you all might like this excerpt about Corbridge, Northumberland. It is from Mark Turnbull’s book “Allegiance of Blood”. “In January 1644, when King Charles I and his Parliament were at war, the royalists were fairly secure in the north. The balance of power changed dramatically when 21,000 Scottish soldiers marched over the border in support of Parliament and laid siege to Newcastle. The River Tyne became a watery border, behind which the outnumbered royalists attempted to hold back the tide. The Scots arrived in Corbridge looking for a crossing over the Tyne, and in response Sir Marmaduke Langdale and a force of royalists were sent to stop them from striking south across the bridge. On 19th February 1644, Langdale, with 25 troops of cavalry and 400 musketeers, met the Scots just outside of Corbridge on Red House Haugh (see photograph). However, Langdale’s cavalry were repulsed by the Scottish lancers. Commanded by Lord Balgonie and Lord Kirkcudbright, the Scots had fewer troops, yet made three successful charges, pushing the royalists back each time and taking 100 prisoners. The relentless advance of the Scots was only arrested when Langdale’s musketeers joined the fray, but the Yorkshireman had one other surprise up his armoured sleeve. A royalist detachment of ten troops under Colonel Robert Brandling had been sent along the southern bank of the river, and now they crossed the bridge and entered Corbridge with the intention of attacking the Scot’s rear. This best laid of plans went amiss when, ironically, Langdale’s main force finally got the better of the Scots and sent them scattering back towards Corbridge – Brandling’s detachment, far from possessing the element of surprise as they had expected, were shocked to see the Scots hurtling towards them. Brandling rode ahead of his men and challenged any one of his opponents to singular combat. Lieutenant Elliott accepted, but after exchanging pistol fire and riding at one another, Brandling’s horse stumbled, and he was taken prisoner when Elliott unceremoniously pulled him off his steed. Following this disheartening moment, Brandling’s men were vanquished and some driven into the Tyne where they drowned. The victory left the Scots free to cross the river and led to the King’s loss of the north following the royalist defeat in July 1644 at the battle of Marston Moor, near York.”
Mark Elliott
March 3, 2020 @ 10:26am
70, first wife, dunked for of LDS, she likely not now of that church. Of Society of Friends-Quaker. Quaker ranchers, Friendly to Utes, of southwest Colorado. Heard cattle on Ute rights land, and discovered Mesa Verde. 1847 Brigham ‘This is the Place’, The Great Salt Lake Valley, where the Family History Museum is built. Seneca Falls, New York Frederick Douglas of Rochester, New York spoke at women’s rights convention where Elizabeth Cady Stanton said women should have right to vote. Lucretia Mott; Quaker, attended with her. Between Rochester and Seneca Falls, New York, is the first president of The Church of Later Day Saint’s farm. Graduate of the University of Wyoming 1972, my hero JP of Sweetwater County, Wyoming, Esther Hobart Morris, first to bring a continence of women’s rights to vote into the world. Second to consider was the second president of The Church of Later Day Saints, but had to many wifes for the US Government to considered, but Later Day Saint women were of the first in states of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming in the world to vote. Also Herbert Hoover, raised Quaker, with VP Charles Curtis of Caw ancestry, was born in Iowa, and a western graduate mine engineer, like myself, he from Stanford, and I from University of Utah, in 1979, with interest of my father in genealogy of a trip, to Salem, MA 1965 when I was 15. Record of utilizing microfilm, LDS Church office building previous to Family History Library in 1972. Upon entering the library, you have your professionals, but when it comes to the ladies the Mormon, men and myself know it is ‘yes mam’, though those Mormon men try to look like they are the genealogical authorities they are not. BRIGHAM (Brigham Young University BYU), is the only four year genealogical program in the United States, are producing ladies with a high understanding of how to apply genetic DNA to genealogy. They are doing it right putting the horse in front of the carriage, the genealogy is first and only, but DNA is another tool genealogist can use to find family. Been a long time doing genealogy, but have worked as a mine engineer, and a secondary and university teacher of math, science, and computers, and am as the DNA Guide Team, independent as a family genealogist of corporations. Just web search ‘BRIGHAM DNA’ or link; Was at the University of Wyoming when 14 black players were kicked off the University of Wyoming football team for the policy of The Church of Later Day Saints not allowing blacks into the priesthood, which they do now, so as a Quaker since the Mormon men know the ladies are the best genealogists, but with a little outside assistance, am honor to be an assistant in this region to The Church of Latter Day Saints, to help the men of that church allow the ladies in proper fashion, as they did wanted them to vote, to officially be the main experts which they are in the area of genetic genealogy.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
March 5, 2020 @ 9:22am
Actually, Utah women had to give up the right to vote in order for Utah to become a state. Of course, they got it back. I’ve been doing genealogy for almost 60 years.
Mark Elliott
March 5, 2020 @ 10:16pm
They have a display on it in the museum west side of Temple Square north of The Family History Library. The women of Wyoming did not give up the vote from my understanding, though under consideration, to become a state. May not have been doing it for 60 years, but dad introduced my family history strongly visiting Salem, MA in 1965. Web search “Brigham DNA”, and click on top one. Should give you some example of my background, and family history.
Mark Elliott
March 7, 2020 @ 7:17pm
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 This article will probably help anyone researching Scottish ancestors: A lot of young LDS ladies are taking a high interest right now then the young LDS men, and are taking extra schooling in area genealogy which Y-DNA is to be applied. Though the men have the Y-DNA, the ladies not so much a bias on the Y-DNA because they do not carry. They start as early as Gail Andrews Hardy, and gain applied knowledge along the way. The men though they are taking so called leadership rolls, most know that genealogy does not have leadership, but is where individuals share information as Gail Andrews Hardy does. So they the Mormons know the ladies are to have the rolls of family history within the family. It helps to have someone help from outside with a different value orientation, but having almost the experience of Gail Andrews Hardy to help see it through.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
March 2, 2020 @ 10:10am
Douglas Young Yesterday at 1:07am “Hello. I am Douglas Young the Clan Young Society historian. I am an I-M223 and it is the 3rd largest haplogroup of our clan members. My ancestors are from the Stonehaven area of Scotland and I have them back to David Young of the farm Montgoldrum. I have a copy of his will from 1636 and we estimate he was born about 1585.” Dand (alias Andrew) Ellot exiled to Ulster, Ireland 1607. Though the answer to the genocide of Armstrong, is to silence an Elliott to censor him out which I expect will be done by what goes entirely against being valid in the genealogical family history, but valid in monarchical James VI-I, and Harvard witch hangings to silence is to kick me off this blog because I speak of history of my family; My family is not today’s United Kingdom, of a monarchical genocide of my true family of Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, of the Scottish Middle March families, of with one first stood on the moon, and another spoke by phone as president to him. Ancestors of Royalists like the Young of Stonehave, strung up an tarred feathered Tories in 1776; If any hardening on the County Fermanagh, border, those Tories still deserved to be strung up adn tarred an feathered. Young is a border name, and used to denote a Young John in the American Appalachians.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
March 3, 2020 @ 9:11am
Most of my Young lines are in Lanarkshire and Clackmannshire, with one in Perthshire in the early 1600s.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
February 29, 2020 @ 7:19am
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
January 30, 2020 @ 6:10am
FYI: I just got word that Family Search has 557,993 new records from England, Northumberland, Parish Registers, 1538-1950. This was part of an almost 19 million record release in December.
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
December 2, 2019 @ 9:50am
If anyone knows of any Hinson/Hanson or Pedersen/Peterson lines in Northumberland, please comment below, preferably with a means to contact them. Many thanks.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
January 19, 2020 @ 9:17am
I’ve got a Hanson, but she’s in Yorkshire.
Alicia BakerAlicia Baker
December 20, 2019 @ 7:38am
Help IDing Parents of Lee Hudspeth BIRTH 22 FEB 1893 • Vandalia, Audrain, Missouri, USA DEATH 13 FEB 1965? Married Jennie Idyll Biggerstaff + 1903–1987 BIRTH 31 MAY 1903 • Illinois DEATH 22 AUG 1987 • Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA. Children are Shirley, Phyllis, George, Roberta. Brothers are Fred and Herman.
Mark Elliott
December 20, 2019 @ 8:40am
Jennie Idyel Hudspeth (born Biggerstaff), 1903 – 1987 Jennie Idyel Hudspeth was born on May 31 1903, in Illinois, United States, to Charles Biggerstaff and Minnie Mae Biggerstaff. Jennie had 7 siblings: Minnie Genvieve Biggerstaff, Frank Sidney Biggerstaff, Ronald Eugene Biggerstaff, Vera Earnestine Biggerstaff, Rupert A Biggerstaff, Annie Velma Biggerstaff and Robert Biggerstaff. Jennie married Lee Hudspeth on June 23 1932, at age 29 in Morganfield, Union, Kentucky, United States. Jennie lived in 1910, in Crouch Township, Hamilton, Illinois, United States. She lived in 1920, in Crouch Township, Hamilton, Illinois, United States. She lived in 1935, in Alton, Madison, Illinois, United States. She lived in 1940, in Belle Prairie City, Crouch Township, Hamilton, Illinois, United States. Jennie passed away on August 22 1987, at age 84. She was buried in 1987, in East Alton, Madison, Illinois, United States. 4 of 20 records
Alicia Baker
December 31, 2019 @ 8:32pm
Thank you Mr. Elliott. I found Lee’s parents and updated my tree with those relatives. Happy to share 🙂
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
December 12, 2019 @ 6:57pm
Though do not think out 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, has considered anymore raids done towards Hexham lately. The Elliot, and Nixon, consider Northumberland a part of there Border Homelands. Since my many great Clement’s Hob (Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliot) was exiled from both Kingdoms, in 1607, never considered the kingdoms represented by the Union-Jack as home, but do consider the Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier as family. Had difficulties with a Nixon about a half century ago, when he tried to get rid of an Armstrong on the moon. The heart of Sir James Douglas is next to the heart of ‘Angus’ Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas who passed the lands of Redheugh and Larriston, to chieftain Robert Elwald in the fifteenth century and now our 29th chief Margaret lives on them.,_St_Bride%27s_Church,_Douglas,_South_Lanarkshire.jpg The Elliot Clan by Newcastleton Primary School | Scots Language Project 2018, Mar 24, 2018 Margaret Eliott, likely thinks I am some sort of ‘vagabound’.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
November 10, 2019 @ 9:40pm Belinda Dettman, Take my research seriously. It is over a thousand years of migration from near Berlin, to where I live in the New Mexico Corner, of the Four Corners. Upload images to the web, they become in demand. Belinda, who do you think owns and operates . Following in the footsteps of dad which dot matrix printed and passed out his publications. When you Google Images for ‘Northumberland FTDNA’, it seems like some of what I uploaded to the web is in demand. Don’t think you have to be concerned about my demand. A lot of people have went to and from Northumberland, and are interested in migrations in and out of it. Belinda Dettmann 6 hours ago This is the Northumberland geographic project. If your Elliotts do not come from Northumberland, or the Scottish Borders, your entries may be of less general interest.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
November 10, 2019 @ 11:34am
Considering where the Dettmann are from, taking a big chance showing a picture of my relatives to the admin. Basically, some of the older adopted names are from animals, and the Wolf is an example. Like the wolf, man is also a predator of the elk (moose). It is said that the moose are following ancient trails to get to their ancient lands in Germany east of Berlin, where the ‘wald’, German for forest is. The only thing I can figure out is that the bull/father elk/moose, retains it’s historical history down it’s Y-DNA of the fathers, and the cow/mothers elk/moose, retains it’s historical history down it’s mtDNA of the mothers. That way they can get together and produce autosomal combo calf. To get a name such as Elwald/Elliot of Proto-Germanic R-U106 Y-DNA, which refers to as ‘elk (moose) of the forest’, there has to it seems to be ‘elk (moose) in the forest’, where that surname came from. The closest German name I have been able to find near the name ‘Elwald’, is the name ‘Ewald’, and there is a concentration of the surname ‘Ewald’, where the elk (moose) are crossing over from Poland into Germany.
Belinda Dettmann
November 10, 2019 @ 3:25pm
This is the Northumberland geographic project. If your Elliotts do not come from Northumberland, or the Scottish Borders, your entries may be of less general interest.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
John Wilkinson
November 4, 2019 @ 5:20pm
Thanks Mark, yes I’ve seen that graphic. A guy over on Anthrogenica has broken it down into even more discrete locale densities. Not definitive but certainly intriguing and generally supports the hypothesis.
Mark Elliott
November 4, 2019 @ 7:52pm
Kind of figured it was repeat info. Article runs a later time 1000-1100 from Viking add mix. Am figuring this is the time which my Y-DNA crossed with the I-Viking admix. James M. Irvine admin in the FTDNA Clan Irwin surname has found a strong link between I-M253 Fairbairn and Elliott, where the Fair bairn and Elliot Elwald elk (moose) of the forest of the Armstrong Chronicles. In accordance with the ‘Fair Bear’, story this is showing by Y-DNA I-M253 that the ‘Bear’ (Fairbairn), and ‘Elk’ (Elliot) are related. James M. Irvine admin to FTDNA Clan Irwin surname, has a great statement I’m finding accurate; “With a combination of diligence, intuition, peer guidance, genealogical awareness and luck rather than a sophisticated knowledge of biology or mathematics I show that 37 STR markers are often quite sufficient to identify genetic families/surname branches, and one or two SNP Panel tests can be a very cost-effective follow-up to take many testees to near the forefront of this exciting application of citizen science. James M. Irvine” James M. Irvine; AGREE Just found this today; Y-DNA Haplogroup R-U152 in Britain: Proposed Link to the 5th Century Migration of the Angle and Jute Tribes from Jutland and Fyn, Denmark (Hypothesis B) David K. Faux Put my R-U106 in north Germany near Kiel., the Elwald de Schinkel.
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
November 4, 2019 @ 2:12pm
Prompted by one of my Y67 match’s confirmation that his line traces to Denmark, and also by the fact that I know of a group of Wilkinsons in Coquetdale in Northumberland from at least the late 1300s, I decided to research the Viking history in Northumbria. I found this website which is pretty informative. But most interesting to me was this passage fairly early on: “For seven decades the Vikings would continue raiding the coast of Britain and it seemed inevitable that they would eventually launch a full scale invasion of our shores. This is precisely what occurred in the year 866, when a huge army of Danes invaded East Anglia from their well established bases in the Low Countries of the Continent. They arrived under the leadership of Ivar the Boneless and his brothers, Halfdene and Hubba and after camping the winter, turned their attention to Northumbria.” Two things are interesting to me as U152>L2>Z367>L20. First, obviously that these were Danish Vikings since my match traces to Denmark (I know of at least two other unrelated L20s who also trace to Denmark). Second, that they launched the invasion from strongholds in “the Low Countries”, i.e. what is now Netherlands and Belgium. This is worth noting because there are pockets of U152 that are in the 20% and higher range in these areas. In my opinion this adds to the possibility that my paternal line arrived with these Danes. Although, as previously noted by Dr. Faux in his research and analysis, if the Jutland Cimbri of the classical era were also U152>L20, then its possible we were already there as Brittonic Celts too. We know of at least two ancient Viking remains that were recently confirmed U152>L20. A Viking connection to these subclades undoubtedly exists. The question remains, are the Vikings my paternal line’s vector into the British Isles? Only additional testing will get us the answers we seek. Hopefully more of the lines who remained in the old country will test as well.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Belinda Dettmann
October 23, 2019 @ 3:12pm
Where did you get elk of the forest from? I think that’s rubbish.
Mark Elliott
October 23, 2019 @ 9:16pm In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Latter Day Saints are raised on genealogy; Is of The Church of Latter Day Saints. When I met Albert Bird Armstrong in the collections of The Church of Latter Day Saints Office Building, in Salt Lake City, Utah, before 1973 and before construction of The Family History Library, he made reference to The Chronicles of the Armstrong. By Robert Bruce Armstrong of Edinburgh, Scotland. If the Armstrong were genocide from their border homelands then those responsible for this genocide would think what they publish as rubbish. That would be quite natural. They would censor out those which support such ‘rubbish’ like an Elliott, by denying free speech on the manner. The second president of The Church of Latter Saints, Brigham Young has an Anglo-Border name and am getting a lot of support for; a link I built on applying DNA to Family History, of which I use my own family as an example.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
October 24, 2019 @ 6:57am
I find your reference to Alford interesting. My line goes back: Lowell King Andrews, Willard Albert Andrews, Samuel Franklin Andrews, Ambrose Andrews and Hannah Phelps, Jacob Phelps, Jacob Phelps and Abigail Alvord, Benedict Alford, Jeremiah Alford, Benedict Alford, Thomas Alford, William Alford, Alexander Alford, John Alford, Thomas Alford, John Alford (1430 in Somerset, England).
Mark Elliott
October 24, 2019 @ 7:32pm
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
October 23, 2019 @ 2:08pm “DNA Testing, The Armsrongs are not related to the Fairbairns. This is according to Lorna Henderson. Someday we will have our own clan, without being part of the Armstrong clan.” Armystand (1376 army strand on Scottish side of Liddel), Armestrang (Scottish for army strong), then after border pacification Armstrong. Recognized by the Bruce, and Douglas, as being The Strong Army of Scotland. When relatives where on both thrones of both kingdoms, that of England and Scotland, Armstrong genocide began, with a policy of exterminating those with the surname Armstrong, and its ‘army strong’ variants. (Anna Groundwater commentary less than a half minute long) The Scottish Middle March, 1573-1625: Power, Kinship, Allegiance › books Anna Groundwater – 2010 FOUND INSIDE – PAGE 23 “Power, Kinship, Allegiance Anna Groundwater … the Middle March’s geographical location on the frontier between two periodically hostile kingdoms affected its political, administrative, social, … England and Scotland, 1100–1300′,..”
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
October 20, 2019 @ 4:31pm
Armstrong, Scott, Elliott (Gorrenberry and Copshaw, not Stobs), Bell, and Graham were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle. Ballads of the Border Reivers. Among the first four surnames do not know which one was the worst. “Armstrong, Elliot, Graham, Irvine,…” What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers By GRAHAM HEATHCOTE FEB. 11, 1996 12 AM ASSOCIATED PRESS CARLISLE, England — Ever suspected that your ancestors were robbers who terrorized the border between England and Scotland? Armstrong, Elliot, Graham, Irvine, Johnstone, Kerr, Maxwell, Nixon and Scott were among the families who rode, feuded, fought and plundered over the border area for 350 years. All the family names of the Border Reivers, whose first allegiance was to their family’s surname, are on a list kept in Carlisle, on the English side of the border. From the 14th to the 17th centuries, the border was a turbulent place. Raiders stole cattle and women, burned homes and farms and killed rivals without mercy. From surviving documents such as court and property records and tenure agreements, researchers have identified 74 family names from that region in the 16th and 17th centuries. Some names have changed over the years: Johnstone becoming Johnson, for example. Reive, meaning to plunder or rob, comes from the dialect of the Scottish Lowlands and borders. “The folk memory of the Reivers has passed away, but their stories survive in the border ballads,” said David Clarke, senior curator of Tullie House Museum. “We have music about them and [the novelist Sir Walter] Scott collected a lot about them and put them into his novels.” The museum has made an audio-visual show about Reivers the centerpiece of a $7.5-million restoration. The bell that rang to warn Carlisle townspeople of raids is in the museum. Images of galloping horse riders, lookouts, panic-stricken settlers and torched homes and forts are projected on a 30-foot screen. Voices intone the fear of women waiting for raids: “The Reivers are riding to take what we stole from them that had been ours before.” The border with Scotland is nine miles north of Carlisle, but in Reiver times it wasn’t so definite. “North of Carlisle were the debatable lands, territory which was declared to belong to neither Scotland nor England,” Clarke said. “The Reivers operated on both sides of the border. “It was peat moss and bog country, a huge tract of wet and desolate moorland at the head of the Solway Firth,” he said. “You had to know your way around it or you would have got lost and died. Nowadays it’s mostly quarried for peat or drained for farming. “Carlisle is a border city and changed hands between the English and Scots several times in the Middle Ages, so the museum took up the Reivers as a very interesting episode,” he said. “It’s become one of our main attractions.” Clarke said the Reiver story is still little known despite George MacDonald Fraser’s novel, “The Steel Bonnets.” Fraser was astonished by the Reiver connections he saw in a photograph of Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon and evangelist Billy Graham together at Nixon’s inauguration. Johnson’s visage and figure were straight from Dumfriesshire, where everyone was familiar with such lined and leathery faces, large heads and rangy, rather loose-jointed frames, Fraser said. The Graham features were less common but still familiar, while Nixon was the perfect example of the Anglo-Scottish frontier: blunt, heavy features, dark complexion, burly body and an air of dour hardness. Fraser said all three heads would fit perfectly under a steel bonnet. “The Reivers were thieves, but warriors as well, and without allegiance to anyone outside their clan. Any English or Scottish king going to war here needed the Reivers on his side,” said Chris Dobson, a Carlisle city official. He said the Reivers were eventually repressed, deported, killed or compelled to emigrate under threat of imprisonment and that many ended up in Ireland. Haydn Charlsworth specializes in researching family histories around Carlisle and has traced Reiver connections for American clients. “Once you get back to the 16th century, it’s pretty difficult to make strong links, but the Armstrongs are well documented, and the Johnstones,” Charlsworth said. Armstrong and Maguire marrying of Ulster Plantation, County Fermanagh, Ireland. I Remain Unvanquished!: The Incredible 1,000-year History of the Armstrong Family by William Stephenson publisher; Great Northern Pulp & Paper Group Limited, 1989 – Canada – 183 pages “Men who carried arms were liable to be called up by the sheriff so there are records of them.” Visitors can get a “Reivers Car Trail” leaflet in Carlisle to guide them through 80 miles of Reiver country. It describes one of the most unspoiled and splendid parts of Britain as it was in 1590, just after the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Towers, churches and castles are still there, though often only as ruins, and so are banks and ditches, remnants of Roman forts built more than 1,200 years before when nearby Hadrian’s Wall was the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire. Reivers by Name The 74 family names in surviving documents about the Border Reivers: Archbold, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Burns, Carleton, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carrs, Carruthers, Chamberlain, Charlton, Charleton, Collingwood, Crisp, Croser, Crozier, Cuthbert, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunne, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Graham, Gray, Hall, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hume, Irvine, Irving, Johnstone (Johnson), Kerr,Laidlaw, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Milburn, Musgrove, Nixon, Noble,Ogle, Oliver,Potts, Pringle,Radcliffe, Reade, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rutherford,Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Taylor, Trotter, Turnbull, Wake, Watson, Wilson, Woodrington, Yarrow, Young Associated Press
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
October 20, 2019 @ 6:40pm
I have Armstrongs from Durham, England, and from Ireland; Bells from Edinburgh and Fife; Carleton from Lincolnshire; Carnabys from Halton Castle and Northumberland; Carrs from Yorkshire; Carruthers from Dumfries-shire; Chamberlain from Wessex and Wexford; Charltons from Apley Castle in Shropshire, Cambridgeshire, and Cheshire; Charleton from Shropshire; Crisp from Surrey; Crozier from Surrey and Bedfordshire; Cuthbert from Ayrshire; Dacre from Naworth Castle in Cumberland, Northumberland, Norfolk, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Herefordshire, and Sussex; I think I’ve got most of them.
Mark Elliott
October 20, 2019 @ 7:01pm
Armstrong, Bell, Carr, and Crozier, has strong linking to Elliott. Looking from the English side of the border easier to spot. Families are of the border region, when the border is identified it puts them on both sides. Can utilized ‘hot spot’ locality software to see how well it identifies localities. Area you describe the Curruther at, most are I-M253 Y-DNA. For Crozier which lived near the Larriston Elliot at Ricarton Descended from a most notorious border reiver; Clementis Hobs (ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott). Go way back with the Armstrong Basically you have Anglican-Borderers. Did not relate well to kingdom, but better to border families. Need to behave yourself on this site, if you do not they may send you to Liddesdale like Hobbie Noble, to live among those notorious Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier of the Scottish Middle March.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
October 21, 2019 @ 5:55am
Mark, if you had a map of Scotland with all the clans listed on it, I could throw a dart at it blindfolded and hit a clan that I’m related to. However, it was kind of thrilling when I went to Scotland in 2005, I’m in Dumfries and Galloway riding in a “King” bus (my father’s mother was a King, though her line was from Ireland when a truck bearing the Armstrong name (my dad was born in Armstrong, Illinois) came tootling down the road. I figured I was in a “friendly” neighborhood.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
October 8, 2019 @ 7:59am
If anyone on here is in Northumberland and knows any Wilkinsons in Northumberland, please pass my email on to them. I know there were Wilkinsons in Coquetdale at least as of late 1300s. I was reading through Northumbrian history and was interested to learn that for a time Northumbria extended all the way north into Lothian and included Edinburgh. Lothian would have been part of the Celtic Old North prior to that. My one non-family Wilkinson match (Y37, all the further he tested) traces to East Lothian. He’s not refined his haplogroup past M269, so I don’t know if he’s also U152>L20. Assuming that he is, and assuming our lines converge in Lothian somewhere before 1700, the question becomes were we pre-Anglo Saxon Celts (U152 presumably implies that, presumably La Tene Votadini tribe assuming the line remained in that region) or were we an uncommon U152 Anglo Saxon (or later Dane) line? There were Wilkinsons in the Border counties and Lothians in Scotland at least as of the 1500s too. Did they migrate from Northumbria or vice versa? Hopefully further research and maybe some ancient DNA will eventually solve the mystery.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23, 2019 @ 3:51pm
FTDNA 12 marker matches “The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.” LINQUISTICS ‘becc’ – Bosworth–Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary › … a beck, brook. v. bec. … becc. Morphological Analysis. Wordclass: Noun. Gender: Masculine, Feminine, Neuter. This might be a link to, a part of or a variant of … ARCHAEOLOGY a brook? It is moated with records going to c1250 GRESHAM Norfolk ‘ham’ home is definitely a place name also ‘moated’ at Gresham Castle goes back to c1250. Major matches with a major place locality of Gresham Castle. North and South Cave along with Scorborough, borough from ‘burgh’ as properly pronounced in Edinburgh means a ‘fortress on a mound’. Lindbergh, means lind (found in Beowulf) trees on a hill, place name also. Definitely at time of place name adoption, which would be about eight centuries ago, integrating Y-DNA. Is FTDNA not a viable way to find family history. Today it is not because though FTDNA may say words, they do not support people which go by their words, and numbers distribution. To me this is a corporation due to fail, if they do not go by what they say, and delete people from blogs which are using their information and number to find genealogically the line of their father’s father. People at Brigham (BYU Brigham Young University), know genealogy because Latter Day Saints, Mormons grew up with it like I did as a second generation genealogist. This link which I created; They are hitting on because; Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied .. Bing search ‘Brigham DNA’ When someone is trying to help you, which has a strong knowledge base, to kick them out can easily become self destructive. Am myself applying my findings on how to utilize and integrate Y-DNA into genealogy, and other experience family historians are gaining value from my research, it is those which believe in those admins which kicked me off their blogs which are loosing out.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24, 2019 @ 7:56am
My 12th great grandfather, James Gresham (1512-1526) came from Norfolk, England through his son Paul Gresham (1530- ? ) from Rutland, England.
Mark Elliott
September 24, 2019 @ 9:08am
Since only about one sixth of those tested by FTDNA with the Gresham surname do not match my first twelve markers, it is most likely especially being from Norfolk that your ancestor matched my first twelve markers as far as the Y-DNA is concerned., and his surname came from a place in Norfolk called Gresham, where there is a moated castle of about the early fourteenth century called Gresham Castle. Bec/Becc/Beck (Anglo-Saxon for ‘brook’) is nearby, also from that era and is moated. “An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248).[5]” (my many great)
Belinda Dettmann
September 24, 2019 @ 3:14pm
Forget about 12-marker matches if those people do not match you at higher levels. A 12-marker match on its own just means you are related about 3000 years ago, or more.
Mark Elliott
September 24, 2019 @ 4:46pm 12/12 29 times 30 years a generation is 870 years. 2020-870=1230, at the time of the Elwald Elliot of East Anglia. In accordance to FTDNA web site. Why do I match men with different surnames? …. “The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.” With stating related beyond adoption of surnames, plus; Gresham, Norfolk, North and South Cave, and ‘de Scorborough’ likely evolving into Scarborough, an showing numerous matches with more then half the ones test with those surnames, and FTDNA showing graphically that at 29 generations at 95%, which the chief is vikings carrying my R-U106 Y-DNA recorded at 29 generations, plus recorded history of the Chronicles of the Armstrong of the Elwald Elliot of Crowland-Croyland, of the Fenlands. With largest percent of matches leaning towards Gresham, and -ham meaning home and home is the place, and Elwald later found in Cottingham and York in the fifteenth, century, and Robert Elwald chieftain 10 receiving lands of Redheugh and Larriston, with the 29th chief living on Redheugh lands, this is certainly if Y-DNA is ever valid to be utilized as a tool, and not a product of destruction by those FTDNA which have published the given standards which my premises are based on just to try to usurp my family in line Y-DNA findings will show that utilizing FTDNA Y-DNA as a source for genealogy, does not have validity except in the course of corporate profit making. If info given by FTDNA is not correct than how can someone get correct results by testing with FTDNA? If it is not most definite by standards of genealogy, linguistics, archaeology, and genetic DNA that my Y-DNA came in from the North Sea, as Proto-Germanic R-U106, then this shows the level on knowledge FAMILY TREE has on the genealogical genetics of a Y-DNA member of the family migrating ones own DNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23, 2019 @ 9:10pm
Am related to Carl Finch. Match him exactly in twenty-five markers. The names you find are Finn, Finnie, Finrock, and Finch. The Finch is from Fitzherbert, it is likely that the names began from the region of Fenlands referred to as the Fenns, many islands, drained in 1650 at the time of Cromwell. So Fenns became the surname Finn, which became in some cases Finch, Finnie, and may be with question Finrock, and the Chronicles of the Armstrong have the Elwald -Elliot, located at Crowland (Croyland) of the Fenns.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24, 2019 @ 7:15am
Finn also has strong ties to Ireland.
Mark Elliott
September 24, 2019 @ 11:39am
Frequency of the surname ‘Finn’, is much much higher in Ireland than England. In 2014 England 1:6,620 as opposed to Ireland 1:850. In Irish ‘finn’ means ‘me’, in Scots Gaelic ‘we are’. Likely independent surname development then that of being from the East Anglia ‘Fenns’.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24, 2019 @ 2:50pm
In Ireland it can also refer to people believed to be descended from Finn McCool.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 24, 2019 @ 9:40am
It is time for families to get back together again, which have been separated by border pacification. These families should first include Dukes of; Northumberland, Buccleuch, and Roxburghe ‘Ker’, along with a brother family Ferniehirst ‘Kerr’. Families displaced around the world want to return to their ancestral homelands to find a sense of self. Need a Borders Peace Park to protect the home place of Clan Elliott, The Hermitage Castle from industrial destruction.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23, 2019 @ 12:55pm John Wilkinson 20 minutes ago “Thanks Mark. I know how to name search FF matches. I was just wondering if there are any known autosomal markers identified in recent study that could be searched for in individual FTDNA results, regardless of surname, they may be there but I cant find them.” How family members are being successful at family history; 1.The family knows best. 2.Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family. 3.Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws (Xs), though you may want to. 4.Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history. 5.If the family’s history is done properly one does not get to pick their ancestors. The ladies presented themselves at Roots Tech in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2015. In 2020 it is in Salt Lake City, Utah; FTDNA is not as oriented as these ladies being Latter Day Saints, going to Brigham Young University. Do not tell those Mormons this but Brigham Young is an Anglo-Scottish Borderer name. One does not put the cart ahead of the horse, meaning the genealogy comes first like in the many established autosomal sites, like ‘the guide team’, and in genealogy; YOU CAN DO DNA, it is not rocket science. FTDNA have to realize that their SNP subclades are beginning to reach into genealogical time for some researchers, which are going back far in time with their Y-DNA. The prehistoric does not cut it for genealogy, of the ‘so called’ DNA experts, the ones which share family knowledge with families, then applying DNA, are circumventing these DNA ‘experts’. Until they realize the first statement ‘family knows best’, they will never be able to do family history-genealogy. The Guide Team started with family history-genealogy, the family, and are now putting the genetics to it. FTDNA can destroy their own future, even though the numbers are there to integrate them into family history, when family history is being done they allow their felt to be ‘superior’ knowledge base supersede and smother the family history which is being developed, not becoming integrated into that which has properly been successful in finding history of families for centuries. Been for my own family able to integrate FTDNA Y-DNA, with place names, and census surname concentrations of Y-DNA quite successfully. Some FTDNA blogs have excluded me from doing so. The guide team which has done the Roots Tech video in 2015, going cross corporate, and showing advantages among the different autosomal corporations, have done it quite successfully. If FTDNA drops the prehistoric, and the superseding of family information, but integrates their Y-DNA test into the family data base it is felt going downstream, but a cluster not testing a “Big-Y”, but just testing the SNPs which are in time reaching further into genealogical time I feel they will be much more successful with family genealogists using Y-DNA. Roots Tech 2020 is again in Salt Lake City, Utah;
Belinda Dettmann
September 23, 2019 @ 3:15pm
It is true that Y-DNA tests like BigY are beginning to find SNPs that occurred in genealogical time, but in general there is very little help within the Y-Line from Family Finder matches if the relationship is beyond fourth cousin, or 5 generations.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24, 2019 @ 8:07am
To do proper genealogy, you need all the different DNA types as well as the paper trails to verify it. Yes, DNA is a foundation, but if all you know is your surname and you get back 500 years, you could have a couple thousand people with your surname to which you are related, but which one is your direct ancestor? That is where the paper trail comes in. I have found people who were 5th to remote cousins with Family Finder, and I have multiple connections with them. The record so far is 13 separate connections ranging from 7th great grandparents to 23rd great grandparents. All FF said was that we were related.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23, 2019 @ 9:33pm
To have a link I built come to the very top of 1.9 million results in a Bing search of ‘Brigham DNA’. If the Brigham (BYU) DNA people are hitting that link, what does it say about someone which doesn’t, are they really a family research genealogist? Yes, FTDNA Y-DNA is quite useful in the hands of a genealogist, integrated with other tools which they have developed, but not to the ones which kick people off their blogs for doing family history.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23, 2019 @ 9:17pm
Daniel Cluster, a Y-DNA branch point for Daniel Elliot which left testimony Salem Trials, 28 Mar 1692. With SNP testing the others are on the first son, and I am of the sixth son. The Brigham people are all ready on to this one. If on; Today Y-DNA is quite useful in genealogy, but in order to do genealogy one must share, and not refer to one as a liar and kicking that one out of FTDNA blogs.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23, 2019 @ 8:43pm
Genealogy is sharing of family history, and from my perspective it seems like the ones without the Y-DNA are better at doing this. Because the ones with the Y-DNA, try to supersede, I beginning to feel like I am stuck with a pot of gold I am trying to share but sometimes no one wants it. Thought their is this Lucio Gomes from Brazil, using an English translator, to translate from Portuguese to be in the English FTDNA blogs. Has indigenous South American blood in him. You will find that he has been in the Dunbar activity feed with a cowboy admin near Dallas. This is part what we came up with;×533.jpg Both our families fought against Cromwell, his at The Battle of Dunbar, and ended up in Brazil, and mine in the Battle of Worcester and ended up in Massachusetts Colony ‘transported as Scottish POW slaves’. Dunbar has been through many battles, therefore the surname Dubar is dispersed, the Cockburn, adopting their surname from the same Y-DNA pool are not dispersed like the Dunbar, because they did not go through the battles the Dunbar did. This is just one small example of the use of Y-DNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23, 2019 @ 6:51pm In 1977, the Elliot Clan Society was formed by the Clan’s late hereditary Chief, Sir Arthur Eliott, 11th Baronet of Stobs and Laird of Redheugh, the ancient seat of the Clan Chiefs.Our present Chief is Sir Arthur’s daughter, Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, the 29th Elliot Clan Chief. The primary purposes of this Society, which is headquartered in Redheugh, are to preserve the history and traditions of the Clan, and to promote a spirit of kinship among its members. In the words of Sir Arthur, “the tie is essentially a family one, transcending national boundaries and disregarding distinctions of age, sex, wealth or status. Thus our Clan Society is more than a club and more even than what is generally understood by a ‘Society’. It is above all, a family association and has been formed for those of us who feel that this ancient tie is of special interest and value to our modern world.” Takes a lot of research to go 29 generations down my Y-DNA. At 29 generations markers 12/12, 25/25, and 37/37 all rang the same, and goes to when the Elwald-Eliott chieftain began, and around the last time the Vikings came into England.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 22, 2019 @ 4:54pm
John, ” I’ve done Family Finder too so my autosomal is in FTDNA dbase.” The shorter the number of letters the better, as long as it comes down to one page. Like for Wilkinson, W, Wi, or then Wil. Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 19 hours ago I’ve got Elliot and Elliott from Ireland, Scotland and England. John Wilkinson 3 hours ago Mark, I’ve done Family Finder too so my autosomal is in FTDNA dbase. Is there any way a person compare their personal autosomal to the regional autosomals in this study? Triangulation? Just trying to figure out if this can be leveraged as a means of narrowing the footprint of where to look for leads in general, which might help narrow focus on the Y line too. John, Advance matches has quite a bit but does not seem what you are asking for. Gail Andrews Hardy T124143, and I A269034 also utilize a free service called
John Wilkinson
September 23, 2019 @ 12:22pm
Thanks Mark. I know how to name search FF matches. I was just wondering if there are any known autosomal markers identified in recent study that could be searched for in individual FTDNA results, regardless of surname, they may be there but I cant find them.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 19, 2019 @ 7:03pm DIAHAN SOUTHARD APRIL 2, 2015 DNA Reveals UK Genetic Roots A new DNA study details the origins of UK residents of European ancestry. Here’s why this matters to your genetic genealogy (even if that’s not your heritage). Note; The Scottish-English border, cuts across Northumberland families an their Northumberland autosomal DNA in the PoBI People of the British Isles UK rationalized study. Garrett Hellenthal – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI project 43:02
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 21, 2019 @ 6:06am
I saw this the other day and mentioned it on another site. Any site that focuses on the British Isles will benefit from this study.
Mark Elliott
September 21, 2019 @ 8:22am Tell where the Scots border names of Johnston(e), Armstrong, and Ellio(t) went to. Since Andrew alias ‘Dand’ Ellot (IE Co, Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation, Daniel Elliott) of The Borders which included Liddesdale, and Northumberland, was exiled from both kingdoms in 1607, I am more from Northumberland/Liddesdale a Borderer, then either of the kingdoms.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 21, 2019 @ 9:45pm
I’ve got Elliot and Elliott from Ireland, Scotland and England.
John Wilkinson
September 22, 2019 @ 1:33pm
Mark, I’ve done Family Finder too so my autosomal is in FTDNA dbase. Is there any way a person compare their personal autosomal to the regional autosomals in this study? Triangulation? Just trying to figure out if this can be leveraged as a means of narrowing the footprint of where to look for leads in general, which might help narrow focus on the Y line too.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 21, 2019 @ 10:33am
Redheugh and Larriston, are lands given to Robert Elwald 10, by Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas 5th Earl of Angus referred to as ‘Angus’, in the later part of the 15th Century. Transcribed by Teena Cathy Carley, Having difficulty with the surname mainly spelled “Steele” which varied little over time, putting it with the Saxon name in my line ‘Elwald’, in the Cottingham-York, “ONorthumb. stelle (once, 1099-1128),” East Riding, Yorkshire region. Finding in this group; “Michael STELL, b. 1530, d. 9 Feb 1589 England” where ‘Stell’, is more like the ‘Stelle’, spelling of Germany, though the name ‘Steele’, has similarities to it. On the English side of the Border it seems though the name ‘Steele’ is prevalent that it is spelled also ‘Steele’. There are a number of Germans carrying the Y-DNA, so it is felt that the word ‘stelle’, which produced the names ‘Steele’, ‘Stell’, ‘Steel’, migrated with the Anglo-Saxons, to Anglia, Yorkshire, the Scottish Borders, onto Ulster then The Colonies with the Border Elwald-Ellott. It is basically felt to mean a place name, meaning a narrowing in a stream or river, where, fish can be trapped.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 20, 2019 @ 6:20am
Dedication this to and Albert Bird Armstrong, who volunteered his time in dedication of Armstrong, in the upper floors of The Church of Latter Day Saints offices, where the genealogical library was kept. This dedicated to a top genealogists which want to offer their belief to their ancestors, but Albert Bird Armstrong did not bring attention to the Book of Mormon, but to a more important book to me which has my Elwald genealogical line in it; THE CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG, ed by James Lewis Armstrong MD, and made it available to all Armstrong which wanted a copy. Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 Albert Bird Armstrong, Jr BIRTH 30 May 1900 DEATH 22 Jan 1973 (aged 72) BURIAL Redwood Memorial Cemetery West Jordan, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA ARMSTRONG – Funeral services for Albert Bird Armstrong Jr…. In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 17, 2019 @ 3:51pm
The Battle of Otterburn (Border Reiver Ballad) 1,856 views•Published on Feb 24, 2019 “Two Northumbrian/Scottish Borders tunes, the first the border ballad “The Battle of Otterburn” by June Tabor from her album “An Echo of Hooves” and a tune on the Borthumbrian smallpipes by Kathryn Tickell titled “Our Kate” set alongside a variety of images inspired by the Border Reiver. Best viewed full-screen and in 1080p.” The Black Douglas – The Corries Sir James 2nd Earl of Douglas at the Battle of Otterburn 1388 Sir James Douglas’ heart burial (left) in Old St. Bride’s Church, Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland next to the heart of Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas, fifth earl of Angus which passed his land of Redheugh, and Larriston, to Robert Elwald 10, family squire and chief of Clan Elwald (IE Elwald-Ellot-Elliot) ‘Angus’, Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas fifth Earl of Angus; passing land to Robert Elwald 10.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 17, 2019 @ 10:44am
Brigham (bridge home, of East Riding, Yorkshire), Young (Border way of naming Young Dand ‘Ellot’), of the Later Day Saints, has opened to the public, surname search of immigrants. “The Immigrant Ancestors Project, sponsored by the Center for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University, uses emigration registers to locate information about the birthplaces of immigrants in their native countries, which is not found in the port registers and naturalization documents in the destination countries. Volunteers working with scholars and researchers at Brigham Young University are creating a database of millions of immigrants based on these emigration registers.” They also find, FTDNA as surnames are concerned search tool quite useful. Note there are about ten thousand people named ‘Brigham’, as opposed to about a million named ‘Young’, so many more ‘Young’, than ‘Brigham’, are found in FTDNA groups Northumberland group; “152 Brigham 6”, but lists no Young.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 11:22am We been separated because of Border Pacification (genocide), making of the Middle Shires, and the United Kingdom, for over four centuries. THE ELLIOTS in SELKIRK Ellots recorded as BURGESSES, BAILLIES and COMMISIONERS of SELKIRK have been listed. DATES RANGING BETWEEN Andrew (alias Dandie, or Dandie of the Cow) 21/3/1565 – 2/5/1591
Belinda Dettmann
September 1, 2019 @ 4:46pm
Mark, the Border Elliotts are from the line of R-L21>S193. As you are from R-U106>S16361 it is likely that your Elliott line comes through a female Elliott, whose partner was killed in battle. In other words you do not descend from the Elliott Border chiefs in direct male line.
Mark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 6:08pm
First of all you are referencing R-L21>L193, where abover 37% of the Elliot of the Redheugh-Larriston region are from, but I am from Gorrenberry and definitely note not of the chieftain Redhuegh line which branched off at Robert Elwald 9. Robert Elwald 10 acquired the lands of Redheugh and Larriston which contain the R-L193 DNA, likely brought down by the Douglas from Angus, migration to the valley of Glendinning where the R-L193 Glendinning, and Little are from in accordance with James V. Elliott Clade A-1 study. Gorrenberry is not of Redheugh, that is why Gorrenberry did not adopt the Redheugh shield/arms of 1566. Redheugh is the chieftain line, not Gorrenberry.
Mark Elliott
September 2, 2019 @ 12:45pm
Jesse Elliott
September 13, 2019 @ 12:21pm
I agree Mark. Scott of Satchells mentions 12 great families. If they were all of the same DNA line I would think he would say ONE great family. I’m sure there was a lot of intermarrying amongst them but there had to be several Y-DNA lines. Lot of I haplogroup Elliotts also.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 13, 2019 @ 8:14am
A great statement ‘2 decimal places (e.g. 96.73%) misleading:’ With FTDNA, not making the number of measured years per generation available shows their understanding of mathematics. The above shows that James M. Irvine, has a strong understanding of the mathematics when it is being applied to genealogical research. Numbers am familiar with are 30 and 25 years a generation. At 30±5 and at 25±2½, but will be utilizing a higher more mathematically precise at the units digit e.g. 27±½. For the mathematics to be correct the precision of the answer can not be more than the precision of the input. To get an answer such as 96.73% is mathematically correct, this shows the level of mathematical knowledge which FTDNA is utilizing.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
 1 Comment
Mark Elliott
September 2, 2019 @ 8:09am
THE GUIDE TEAM, and I know that genealogy is not rocket science. YOU CAN DO DNA. FTDNA showed me that their mathematics was incorrect, with their TIP calculator, by using measured 30 years a generation, a number which has only one significant digit, and coming up with percents to the nearest hundredth, which is mathematically impossible. In genealogy, if you give me information, on top is THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST. Next one needs a different perspective, and to make family one must listen to the sex opposite of you. That especially goes in genealogy. Genealogy, is based on multiple estimations. For my DNA, for the surnames, Gresham (Grisham, Grissom), Cave, and Scarborough (likely Scorborough, UK, but Scarborough, UK is close enough), am matching the first twelve markers. These are places along the North Sea which Scandinavians came into. The Normans and Scandinavians fought at Hastings carrying similar autosomal DNA, in accordance to the PoBI project. As with the Church of Latter Day Saints, two philosophies exist, one of kings with kings in authority, and one of borderers which just pitch in. Similar to the difference between their first and second president, of the Church of Later Day Saints. Brigham Young is the border reiver. For genealogy it is a pitch-in and a sharing, when authority intervenes, or ‘in-laws’ are kicked out it does not work. Now people you are sharing information among family these are the ones doing genealogy. With all surnames people are likely to be from different regions. With ‘Gresham’ (Grisham, Grissom), most likely from Gresham, Norfolk, East Anglia, England. With ‘Cave’, also having French origins, not so much. With ‘Scarborough’, it could be ‘Scorborough’ also which is closer to ‘Cave’, but both are in the same region. Over time there will be some NPE, among them. Y-DNA reaches way back in time, and the SNP are beginning to reach into the era of genealogical researchers like you and I. On the first marker a ’14’ is rare, and there are higher proportions of first marker 14’s for Gresham, Norfolk, and Scarborough. Gresham is a place name it ends with ‘ham’, and Scarborough, is a place name it ends with ‘borough’ originally ‘burgh’, as in Edinburgh, but pronounce the same. Cave is likely a place name after a family, of Cave, likely a Norman name, and could by also a place name in France, but those ending in ‘ham’, and ‘borough’, are of names originating in the today’s England. So for people who have a first marker ’14’, and match the first twelve markers with mine for the names Gresham, Cave, and Scarborough, when their surname adoption came about they were from that locality, like Cottingham. Webster’s ‘cot’, a small house or Brigham, a ‘bridge house’. It should be noted the name is sometimes written “John de Doe” where ‘de’ means of, and in time is dropped, the name then becomes “John Doe”. If searching names as in Google Books, one may search “de Doe”, if it exists in that manner, try to find it on a map, the recent ones first, then older ones. If the mapping locality corresponds with census concentration data software, then it likely originate in that locality. Brigham and Cottingham are localities of East Riding, Yorkshire and show ‘hot spots’ at their respective localities, so I can say if you have the surname Brigham or Cottingham, and are Y-DNA matching on the first twelve markers a number of people with that surname then you are certainly most likely from that locality. If your Cave relatives, match my first 12 Y-DNA markers then they received their surname from the region of N&S Cave, East Riding Yorkshire.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 2, 2019 @ 1:45pm
My closest Cave is my 10th great grandmother, Mary Cave (1556-1593), daughter of my 11th great grandfather, Anthony Cave (1517-1558). Anthony lived and died in Buckinghamshire, England. Mary was born in Buckinghamshire and died in Essex. She married Jerome Weston.
Mark Elliott
September 2, 2019 @ 3:21pm
No Y-DNA trail then?
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 2, 2019 @ 5:57pm
No, just atDNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 11:44pm
0. Elwald de Schinckel . . 1. Alan Elfwald of Norfolk, E Anglia ca 1250. 2. Robert Elwald of Norfolk/Rimington, West Riding Yorkshire, Northumbria (Lancashire) 1304. 3. Robert 2 4. Robert 3 5. Robert 4 6. Robert 5 7. Robert 6 8. Robert 7 9. Robert 8 10. Robert 9 11. William Elwald of Gorrenberry 12. Robert Elwald (Archeis Hob) of Gorrenberry (adopted by uncle Archibald) 13. Andrew (Dand the Cowie) Elwald of Horsleyhill 14. Robert Elwald of Stobs/Gorrenberry (Clementis Hobs) 15. Dan-Daniel Ellot/Elliot/Elliott of Scotland/Tullykelter Fermanagh 16. Robert Ellot Tullykelter 17. Daniel Ellot/Elliot of Ulster/Massachusetts 18. Daniel Elliot Salem Trials 19. Johnathan Sr 20. Johnathan Jr 21. John 22. Comfort Elliott 23. SA (Sherburn Amando) 24. AW (Amando Wilcox) 25. Mark 26. Loren Spencer 27. Mark Stephen Chiefs line is based on 1st, except chief 29, Margaret is an only child, therefore 29, to my 27, and figure she is my 17th cousin twice removed.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 8:53pm Am the lab rat, share my data-documentation with the genealogical genetic scientists to see what they can come up with. The ones who accuse people of the family from outside the family as liars, especially with the math-science, computer, engineering applied also in and instructional English as a Second Language to worldwide languages, and those indigenous to the Americans, plus at the center of archaelogical-anthropological America southwest. Can not allow not allow witch hunting authorities to hang the scientific genetic accuracy, that which is most accurate by hanging it making it into a lie. BY MEASUREMENT, NOT WORDS.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 8:22pm
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 6:21pm
Brigham Young and I Mark Elliott are irritated to extremely poor standards in genealogy. All of the above graphics were uploaded by me and are being shared by Brigham genealogists. Instead of in Google Images ‘Brigham DNA’, this time it is ‘Brigham FTDNA’.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 6:14pm
Belinda Dettmann 1 hour ago Mark, the Border Elliotts are from the line of R-L21>S193. As you are from R-U106>S16361 it is likely that your Elliott line comes through a female Elliott, whose partner was killed in battle. In other words you do not descend from the Elliott Border chiefs in direct male line. You are not a genealogist, because you will not go to Google Images and put in “Brigham DNA”. You will not read the links which go with the first four images, and you will refer to a second generation genealogist-engineer, who has been doing genealogy for more than a half century as a lair about ones own Y-DNA line, when the first rule of genealogy in order to even be considered a genealogist the family is correct. Dad’s research was FTDNA correct to 28 Mar 1692, record of Daniel Elliott of the Salem Witch trials. Yet if I am today to present results most accurately, someone will say of not my family who has not worked in the applied world as a math science, computer, engineering fields as and engineer, instructor at secondary and university level, and as with the authorities of the witch trials did with Daniel’s testimony make a lie out of the truth. By doing this at the time of Daniel Elliot, nineteen innocent people were hung and one was crushed. Genetic-genealogists, from/of Brigham Young University are scrutinizing the data-documentation I have shared and will come to there own results, like highly qualified people in the genetic genealogical sciences do.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Belinda Dettmann
August 31, 2019 @ 6:21pm
St Andrew was the patron saint of Scotland long before 1890. The names Anders and Andrew can be found all over northwest Europe from earliest times.
Mark Elliott
August 31, 2019 @ 6:37pm
Above gives a map locality for Anders to have a census concentration at the southern part of the border in both Germany and Poland. Anders is the base prefix for names Andersen, Anderson, and Andersson. Andersen showing strength in Denmark. It is felt with surname adoption it is kind of like putting a drop of food die in water, the concentration is likely near where it began, though it spreads all over northwest Europe, like the above shows for Anders.
Belinda Dettmann
September 1, 2019 @ 4:00pm
Please keep comments to Northumberland subjects, not all over NW Europe.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 3:29pm
Autosomal testing company comparisons. YOU CAN DO DNA
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 3:28pm
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 1:50pm
The Redheugh shield/arms adopted about 1566 the ‘elwand’. An elwand is a standard sixteenth century measurement of lenght, which name is biblical, but many christian nations would have an elwand of various length, England 45 imperial inches, and Scotland a hair more not being on the English standard than 37 inches. The belt of Orion is noted to be the “king’s ell/eln/el”. Guess the king of England was fatter than the king of Scotland. The Elwald split, Gorrenberry to Ulster at time of Border Pacification (genocide), for a genocidal flag “The Union Jack”, which has separated our family like borders have separated them for over four centuries. Then ‘transported as slaves to the colonies’ Hamiltonian POW Royalist Charles II, Scots fighting the forces of Cromwell at Worcester, in the Cromwellian Civil. Those Tories trying to make a border in Ireland, my patriotic rebellious ancestors would around 1776 just string them up. The “elwand” symbolizes the Elwald of Redheugh and Gorrenberry, and says, ‘by measurement, not by words’.
Mark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 3:06pm
Fitting to my line which supported Queen Marie Stuart of Scotland at Langholm 1569 with a bunch of other reivers of the West and Middle Scottish Marches, and were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong, with the Bells, from Carlisle Castle with Auld Walt of Harden in 1596. That Scrope took him on a truth day and Kinmont Willie needed to be rescue, so he could live out his days in his tower on the River Sark, near the Scots Dike, and be buried in Morton Kirk (church) cemetery there.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 2:47pm
Pedigree viewer from Ancestry. Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 38 minutes ago “Hi Mark, I ran our kits and came up with two small matches on Chromosomes 7 and 12 at 250 SNPs and 3 cMs. When I dropped it down to 200 SNPs and 2 cMs there were matches all over the place, multiples on several. The only Chromosomes that didn’t have matches were 5, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, and 22. These matches are so small that if they are really matches and not just genetic noise, they would be very very far back.” Still in a state of learning. How does that Gail compare to the above? Both Gedmatch and Ancestry, use autosomal DNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 31, 2019 @ 8:33am Ulster First Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County Gilbert Hardy Dungannon Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 1, 2019 @ 9:17am
My ex-husband’s family came from Derbyshire, England.
Mark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 10:25am
Comparing Kit A269034 (*lawismarkellot) [Migration – F2 – A] and T124143 (Gail Hardy) [Migration – F2 – T] now shared match found. at
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 1, 2019 @ 2:07pm
Hi Mark, I ran our kits and came up with two small matches on Chromosomes 7 and 12 at 250 SNPs and 3 cMs. When I dropped it down to 200 SNPs and 2 cMs there were matches all over the place, multiples on several. The only Chromosomes that didn’t have matches were 5, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, and 22. These matches are so small that if they are really matches and not just genetic noise, they would be very very far back.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 11:10am
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 11:07am On the Elwald/Ewald shields above there are horizontal red and white stripes.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1, 2019 @ 10:46am
Number one in genealogy ‘THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST’, number two for the men in genealogy ‘LISTEN TO THE LADIES’; Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 1 hour ago “My Andrews supposedly goes back to Andrew I Arpad, King of Hungary.” Name, Mark Stephen Elliott, Stephen after Stephen Peter Barna. Barna are found highly concentrated in Hungry. Predecessor;,_King_of_Hungary Amstrong are number one allies to Elwald-Elliott. Striped vertically or horizontal shields are uncommon. Lines of Redheugh-Stobs Ellot Gilbert (Gib) line, split with Gorrenberry-Stobs Ellot Andrew (Dan) at time of Scottish-English Border Pacification (genocide). Maybe that is why I can not seem to keep those Armstrong away. My Saxon Elwald line has been ‘vanquished’, but not by the Armstrong. Trying to make it become ‘unvanquished’, like the Armstrong.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 31, 2019 @ 9:29am
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 1, 2019 @ 9:19am
My Andrews supposedly goes back to Andrew I Arpad, King of Hungary.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 31, 2019 @ 1:00pm The Proto-Germanic R-U106 DNA traveled with the German Language, carrying the words of the ‘Fair Bear’; of the ‘Wolf’, ‘Elk’ (moose in America), and ‘Bear’ (pronounced the same in Germany, but spelled; Bär) with them. Map above shows that people of Northuberland may not have migrated northward of the border language, but onto Ulster.
Gary BradleyGary Bradley has a question!
August 30, 2019 @ 12:09pm
Any Broadley or Bradley descendants here? 
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
August 31, 2019 @ 7:28am
I have some Bradleys but only one line from England, Wiltshire and Essex. The rest are from Pennsylvania.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 30, 2019 @ 8:57pm
Gary Bradley 2 hours ago Yes, you are well informed. My Bradley/Broadley family is from Yorkshire, but I am looking for a Northumberland and Scottish connection. Given most claim England and Ireland. 1630 muster and present day distribution shows Ireland, though some Bradley migrated to Scotland, if you are beyond the UK in a former English Colony then your family stepping off point to that colony likely from Ulster, North(ern) Ireland.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 30, 2019 @ 1:40pm
Gary Bradley, A lot of times the name Broadley, will evolve into Bradley, which is likely in your case, but there is a name locality near Broadley called Bradley, but others in England such as a North Bradley down south, so this leads me to believe since you brought it foreword the name originate from Broadley. Broadley, Whitworth, UK, fits the description and locality. If you are matching by Y-DNA people with the name Broadley, then most likely your name was Broadley of this locality, because it is most likely that the name would take away a letter ‘o’ than add it. Broadley is from the Anglo-Broadlee, which means a valley broad on the lee-leeward east side and steep on the windward west side this is the locality Broadley is located in.
Gary Bradley
August 30, 2019 @ 6:52pm
Yes, you are well informed. My Bradley/Broadley family is from Yorkshire, but I am looking for a Northumberland and Scottish connection.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 30, 2019 @ 9:22am
50 years ago when a Nixon was president, an Armstrong stood on the moon. Armstrong, Elliot, and Nixon along with Crozier are of the Scots Middle March.
John Wilkinson
August 30, 2019 @ 12:57pm
I like that graphic. Is it publicly available in decent resolution?
Mark Elliott
August 30, 2019 @ 1:51pm
Borders;,picture_200754.htm Northumberland;,picture_200753.htm About the best resolution I am able to find. From a site on the artist.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 28, 2019 @ 12:35pm
John Wilkinson helped me with this one; Rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle 1596, which included Buccleuch (Scot adopted later the name Scott), Bell, Ellot (Elliot adopted c.1650), and Armstrong. Ulster muster 1630; First Surname Barony Landlord/Estate County William Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Andrew Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Robert Ellot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh John Ellot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Archball Young Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Adam Young Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Alexander Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh John Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh James Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Ralph Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Walter Scot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Ignore the name ‘Bighames’ above because it is too much like ‘Brigham’.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 28, 2019 @ 12:46pm
August 27, 2019 @ 12:01pm
August 27, 2019 @ 12:02pm
from John Cyril’s keepsakes given to me by my mother, mtDNA
August 27, 2019 @ 11:59am
August 27, 2019 @ 12:01pm
my grandfather, John Cyril Bailey, more on
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 23, 2019 @ 7:56pm
A list of Border Reiver surnames from both sides of the border include: Anderson, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Blackadder, Bromfield, Burns, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carr, Carruthers, Charlton, Collingwood, Cranston, Craw, Croser, Crozier, Curwen, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunn, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Gilchrist, Glendenning, Graham, Gray, Hall, Harden, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hodgson, Hume, Hunter, Irvine, Jamieson, Jardine, Johnstone, Kerr, Laidlaw, Latimer, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Medford, Middlemass, Milburn, Mitford, Moffat, Musgrave, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reed, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rowell, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Stamper, Stapleton, Stokoe, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Thompson, Thomson, Trotter, Turnbull, Turner, Wake, Wilkinson, Wilson, Witherington, Yarrow, Young.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 23, 2019 @ 5:37pm
It is bad enough to be a descendant of a notorious Liddesdale Border reiver Clementis Hobs, what is worst is being referred to as an elk (moose) of the woods. At least these days the elk (moose) seem to be invading Berlin.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 23, 2019 @ 2:38pm
When ‘Declaration of Abroath c.1320’ the border was place, it was place between existing families. These families had loyalties to each other more so than their respective kingdoms. The borderlands were a self governing body onto themselves, and the border dukes Buccleuch, Cessford (Roxburghe), and Northumberland, sustained the land. Today they still try to protect the land, instead of subdividing it. It is felt that Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland is doing the best job of it so far, but he is one of singularity on the English side of the border, where Buccleuch and Roxburghe are on the Scottish side of the border. All these families are interconnected through marriages. Previous to a border pacification and a United Kingdom, these families were the main managers of the borderlands. Though the Duke of Northumberland is doing a good job on his side of the border in preservation of the lands for borderers, the Dukes of Buccleuch, and Roxburghe, have to deal with the Scottish Ministry, which would like to own a wind farm corporations, and destroy any concept of a National Scottish Peace Park in conjunction with the Northumberland National Park on the English side of the border. As more and more people around the world search their genealogy, and find they are of border families, and at border pacification, the making of the Middle Shires was intended for preservation of both sides of the border, these families tracing their lines will not wonder whether the Duke of Northumberland is preserving the English side of the border but will be concerned about the desecration, of their ancestral lands by the Scottish Ministry, not allowing the Dukes of Buccleuch and Roxburghe to protect their lands for ancestors returning to visit from abroad to their family homelands.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 20, 2019 @ 1:09pm “If anyone has a line on Wilkinson border reiver affiliation with any of the larger border clans, please let me know and post source.” John Wilkinson, From the English Side of the border. The Hunter and Thom(p)son rode with the Nixon, which where of the Scottish Middle March; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier. Just a bunch of Middle March borderers no matter which side of the border you lived on. More like families than clans.
John Wilkinson
August 21, 2019 @ 9:43am
Yes, have seen that too. Would love to make linkage back to these colorful hooligans, but so far it seems like the closest I get it a Wilkinson with no known genealogical connection who traces to Yester, Scotland in early 1700s. I presume he is from a parallel branch off a predecessor ancestor of both his line and mine descended from Thomas Wilkinson in Antrim (~1700, though he may have been born in Scotland). I have a number of low level Elliot/t matches too, interestingly.
John Wilkinson
August 21, 2019 @ 9:45am
“England and Scotland, 1286-1603” by Andy King and Claire Etty. Page 158. Referencing Wilkinson/Rede/Hedley in 1498. Affiliation with Reed makes senses as the next vale over from Coquetdale (where I know there was a family of Wilkinsons at least by late 1300s) is Redesdale if my memory serves me correctly.
Mark Elliott
August 23, 2019 @ 11:18am
John Wilkinson; “Yes, have seen that too. Would love to make linkage back to these colorful hooligans, …” “Affiliation with ‘Reed’ makes senses ..” Are you so sure about above because; The Death of Parcy Reed “Thieves of Liddesdale Thair is ane callit Clementis Hob Fra ilk puire wyfe reiffis thair wob And all the laif Quhat ever thay haif The devill ressaif thairfoir his gob.” “Clementis Hobs”, (ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott)..
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 20, 2019 @ 1:58pm “If anyone has a line on Wilkinson border reiver affiliation with any of the larger border clans, please let me know and post source.” John Wilkinson, We the Armstrong, Elliott, and Crozier, are just a bunch of trouble makers.
John Wilkinson
August 21, 2019 @ 9:38am
Yes, I have the book! There’s a Wilkinson or two in there who reived as well.
Thomas LengererThomas Lengerer
August 17, 2019 @ 9:06am
Hello Group!
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
June 6, 2019 @ 9:57am
If anyone has a line on Wilkinson border reiver affiliation with any of the larger border clans, please let me know and post source. A friend on FTDNA said he thought he recalled a book on the Border Reviers that identified the affiliation. I’ve read through about 8 books on the Borderers and can’t find the affiliation (despite the Wilkinson name appears on some lists), though I do know that there is a reference to a cluster of Wilkinsons in the ward of Coquetdale (near Alnwick and Rothbury). Thanks.
Belinda Dettmann
June 6, 2019 @ 3:43pm
Wilkinson is a name from the English side of the Border but I don’t recall an affiliation with any of the more turbulent Border Reiver names. These days it is most commonly found in Westmoreland, Durham and Cumberland. My Wilkinsons came from Durham.
John Wilkinson
June 7, 2019 @ 8:01am
Thanks Belinda. Your Wilkinson line may hail all the way back to the Wilkinsons from Robert de Wintona’s line. If my memory serves, he ended up around Durham after leaving his lands in Wales as King William’s directive to pacify the North. Yes, I was pretty sure they were English Middle March. A couple folks on the Border Reivers project provided the following: On page 64 of The Steel Bonnets by George MacDonald Fraser he references the Wilkinson’s as a border reiver family on the English side of the Middle March. He does not seem to lump them in with the more “troublesome” clans. “England and Scotland, 1286-1603” by Andy King and Claire Etty. Page 158. Referencing Wilkinson/Rede/Hedley in 1498. Affiliation with Reed makes senses as the next vale over from Coquetdale is Redesdale if my memory serves me correctly. Belinda, if any of your Wilkinson males have Y tested could you let me know what projects they are on and their Y haplogroup? On Wilkinson site there are probably a dozen different Yhaplos. It’s clear that several independent lines adopted it as a surname, presumably shortly after the Norman Conquest. I have speculated that my line may have migrated to lowland Scotland (my two strongest YSTR matches trace to Lothian and Aberdeen) from the Borders, but for now it is just hypothesis. Knowing what Yhaplos are in the Westmoreland, Durham and Cumberland Wilkinsons would be helpful. But even they my be genetically unrelated amongst themselves.
Belinda Dettmann
June 11, 2019 @ 5:19pm
My Wilkinson male relatives are a fair way back up my tree, and I am not in contact with any male Wilkinsons from this line. If I find any I will certainly ask them to test their Y-DNA. My ggg grandfather Thomas Wilkinson was born in Sunderland, Durham in 1799, and died in Victoria, Australia in 1881. I descend from his daughter Louisa Wilkinson (1822-1902). I have lots of cousins from that line but no male Wilkinsons, that I can recall.
John Wilkinson
June 12, 2019 @ 6:47am
Understand Belinda, thank you.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
February 8, 2019 @ 8:30am
I just got my mtDNA results back. My Haplogroup is H1b1-T16362C, which means I match one person here, I think. Wheeee!
Kelly Starr
May 27, 2019 @ 8:33pm
This is my Dad’s group, which goes back to the Tynemouth area. Looking at your tree, your maternal line seems to go to Switzerland though? Did some of the Swiss family migrate to the Northumberland region?
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
May 28, 2019 @ 7:44am
They very easily could have. This line is several thousand years old so there could be members of it all over.
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
May 23, 2019 @ 1:44pm
If possible, can one of the administrators please pass my contact information on to the MacBeth fellow (kit #B75726) who lists his MDKA as Anders Gyldenstierne b. 1380 Denmark, d. 1433? The reason I ask is he and kit #548140 have the same terminal SNP (BY69018) on the U152 project. Kit #548140 shows no name or MDKA. Please have Mr. MacBeth contact me to compare notes at Kit #548140 and I are presently grouped in the same Big Tree L20 sub-branch along with a Carroll and another unknown. Unfortunately Mr. MacBeth has not uploaded his results to the Big Tree, but given the terminal SNP is the same, he too would have to plot in the same location, wouldn’t he? On the U152 Project (screened for Y111 only) my only non-familial Big Y 700 match is sandwiched between Mr. MacBeth, Kit #548140 and myself. Another interesting aspect is that Mr. MacBeth’s MDKA indicates a linkage to the name Pedersen. I have a Y67 distance 3 match named Pedersen that I’ve never been able to make contact with. Perhaps there is a connection between all of us. Thanks.
Belinda Dettmann
May 23, 2019 @ 6:05pm
I will try to contact him on your behalf, John.
John Wilkinson
May 24, 2019 @ 6:52am
Thank you!!
John Wilkinson
May 24, 2019 @ 9:03am
Mr. MacBeth emailed me, thank you!!
Belinda Dettmann
May 24, 2019 @ 4:23pm
That’s great! Well done, both of you.
Paul WilkersonPaul Wilkerson has a question!
August 21, 2017 @ 11:21am
I am completely working from a theory and light DNA evidence right now. However, I would like to correspond with any Wilkinson/Wilkerson people who are closely linked to Northumberland or County Durham. 
 1 Comment
Paul Wilkerson
August 26, 2017 @ 6:20pm
What is interesting to us is that we have the Scottish Modal L1065 marker but with an English surname. I do see Wilkinson show up as a surname in the Scottish populations and near the border. Perhaps the name shifted to Wilkerson in America. That is what I would like to explore.
Belinda Dettmann
August 27, 2017 @ 5:23pm
Paul, I found your entry in The Big Tree, and as you have no shared SNPs below Z16325 it looks as though you belong to a very old sub-branch of R-L1065. Wilkinson/Wilkerson is a Border name, so shared between Scots and English. Wilkerson is a phonetic variant of Wilkinson, and could well have been the spelling used by immigrants to North America.
John Wilkinson
November 5, 2018 @ 6:14am
I’ve seen reports as well that McQuilkin or variants are more or less interchangeable with Wilkinson in Islay, Kintyre and Rathlin. Paul, I know you know that from our conversations, but just FYI for others.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
May 23, 2019 @ 2:01pm
I’ve got a whole bunch of Wilkinsons in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, but only one from Durham, and one from Kent, England. None from Scotland
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
April 29, 2019 @ 6:49am
Hello folks, FYI, update on Big Y results. My and my paternal uncle’s Big Y 700 results have finally identified our terminal SNP. It is FT20578 (downstream of R-L20). I am confident that we are descended from John Wilkinson b. ~1725 in Antrim Ireland and died 1788 in Chatham County North Carolina. We believe John’s father was a Thomas Wilkinson born ~1700 possibly in Antrim, possibly elsewhere in Ireland or Scotland. If any other males on this project believe you are also descended from John from Chatham, you could refine your Y testing on FTDNA by requesting a custom test for just that SNP. I think it’s less than $100 to do so. If any one matches that SNP, then we are definitely descendants of a common patriarch, either John or some other patriarch somewhere back before 1700.
James von SchmittouJames von Schmittou
November 6, 2018 @ 9:24am
Hi Belinda, I got my results back for that one advanced snp test. came back as L2. Should I do the big y at this point or more advanced packs? not sure what’s best at this point…
Belinda Dettmann
November 6, 2018 @ 12:53pm
Hi Jim. As you have no relatives above 25 markers I suspect you might be in a new and undiscovered subclade of R-L2. If that is the case you would be better off taking the Big Y test as that is just the next stage in a continuing process. Once you have tested for Big Y we will know what mutations define your haplo
Mark Elliott
3 hours ago Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 9 hours ago Maybe so, but what you are showing is the name distribution in Europe, i.e., Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Luxembourg. DNA travels with language, the names, which carry the Y-DNA are Anglo-Saxon, like the name Ewald/Elwald for me which has R-U106 a proto-germanic DNA. The name ‘John’ is used predominately on the Scottish-English border. Anglo-Saxon place name localities correlate well where the name ‘John’ is utilized as a forname. Before people having two or more names they had a single one, which evolved into forenames and surnames. With these names traveled the Y-DNA. Mine with the Anglo-Saxon variant of Elwald, given the meaning of ‘elk (moose) of the forest’. It seem like it is with some indigenous American Nations names of what wildlife are names after like ‘wolf’, ‘bear’, and ‘elk (moose)’ were also utilized by the Anglo-Saxon, indigenous European people. The migration of the name coincides with the individual, called ‘John’ or ‘Wolf’, and that correlation seems to correlate well with European Anglo-Saxon, name places. Has shown strong support in their studies that People of the British Isles have a strong percent of Anglo-Saxon in them.
Belinda Dettmann
30 minutes ago
This is not relevant to the Northumberland DNA project, as it is far too general and takes up a lot of space. Future posts of this type will be deleted.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Yesterday at 7:37pm,1890:John,1890:Will,1890:David ‘John’ number one preferred forename among Armstrong-Elliot(t).
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
15 hours ago
How does this pertain to Northumberland?
Mark Elliott
13 hours ago
“The Kingdom of Northumbria was a medieval Anglian kingdom in what is now Northern England and south-east Scotland. The name derives from the Old English Norþan-hymbre meaning “the people or province north of the Humber”, which reflects the approximate southern limit to the kingdom’s territory, the Humber Estuary.” Wikipedia Before Roxburghshire, and Northumberland the name was Danish ‘Northumbria’. At this time the name ‘John’ was likely utilized as a personal name without surname, which came up from today’s southern Poland-Germany region, where the Anglo-Saxon have traveled out of. So the personal of ‘John’, became not a surname, but the promenade for names in the northern region of Northumbria (Lotia-Northumberland), and when the border between the Kingdoms of England and Scotland was placed it was placed across families utilizing the name ‘John’ as a personal name then a forename.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
12 hours ago
Maybe so, but what you are showing is the name distribution in Europe, i.e., Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Austria, Luxembourg.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23 @ 9:03pm
Another example; In this case unique to their surname, these Anderson, Gordon, and Grant are related, likely adopted there surnames near the same time and place. Though it is felt the Anderson name migrated through East Anglia, the Grant surname is from Grantham, and the Gordon surname came from an estate/barony, on the Scottish side of the border likely Lochinvar (lake inward?), with a castle on an island, under water because it became a dammed reservoir. But they the Anderson, Gordon, and Grant are related.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24 @ 7:50am
My Anderson connection is through my 8th great grandfather Thomas Reynard Anderson (1640-1690) in Charles City, Virginia, through his son Henry. My Gordon connection is through my 13th and 15th great grandfather, George Gordon (1430-1501), my 16th great grandfather, William Gordon (1440- ? ), my 15th great grandfather, John Gordon (1445-1517), my 13th great grandfather, James Gordon (1500-1547), and my 14th great grandfather, Robert Gordon (1475-1525), These are on different lines. My Grant connection is through my 10th great grandfather, John Grant (1573-1640), and my 11th great grandfather, George Grant (1534-1596).
Lynda Crackett
February 11 @ 4:49am
Mark, Are you aware that Anderson is a Scandinavian patronymic, so there are thousands of unrelated Anderson families in Northumberland and elsewhere.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
January 30 @ 6:10am
FYI: I just got word that Family Search has 557,993 new records from England, Northumberland, Parish Registers, 1538-1950. This was part of an almost 19 million record release in December.
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
December 2 @ 9:50am
If anyone knows of any Hinson/Hanson or Pedersen/Peterson lines in Northumberland, please comment below, preferably with a means to contact them. Many thanks.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
January 19 @ 9:17am
I’ve got a Hanson, but she’s in Yorkshire.
Alicia BakerAlicia Baker
December 20 @ 7:38am
Help IDing Parents of Lee Hudspeth BIRTH 22 FEB 1893 • Vandalia, Audrain, Missouri, USA DEATH 13 FEB 1965? Married Jennie Idyll Biggerstaff + 1903–1987 BIRTH 31 MAY 1903 • Illinois DEATH 22 AUG 1987 • Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA. Children are Shirley, Phyllis, George, Roberta. Brothers are Fred and Herman.
Mark Elliott
December 20 @ 8:40am
Jennie Idyel Hudspeth (born Biggerstaff), 1903 – 1987 Jennie Idyel Hudspeth was born on May 31 1903, in Illinois, United States, to Charles Biggerstaff and Minnie Mae Biggerstaff. Jennie had 7 siblings: Minnie Genvieve Biggerstaff, Frank Sidney Biggerstaff, Ronald Eugene Biggerstaff, Vera Earnestine Biggerstaff, Rupert A Biggerstaff, Annie Velma Biggerstaff and Robert Biggerstaff. Jennie married Lee Hudspeth on June 23 1932, at age 29 in Morganfield, Union, Kentucky, United States. Jennie lived in 1910, in Crouch Township, Hamilton, Illinois, United States. She lived in 1920, in Crouch Township, Hamilton, Illinois, United States. She lived in 1935, in Alton, Madison, Illinois, United States. She lived in 1940, in Belle Prairie City, Crouch Township, Hamilton, Illinois, United States. Jennie passed away on August 22 1987, at age 84. She was buried in 1987, in East Alton, Madison, Illinois, United States. 4 of 20 records
Alicia Baker
December 31 @ 8:32pm
Thank you Mr. Elliott. I found Lee’s parents and updated my tree with those relatives. Happy to share 🙂
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
December 12 @ 6:57pm
Though do not think out 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, has considered anymore raids done towards Hexham lately. The Elliot, and Nixon, consider Northumberland a part of there Border Homelands. Since my many great Clement’s Hob (Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliot) was exiled from both Kingdoms, in 1607, never considered the kingdoms represented by the Union-Jack as home, but do consider the Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier as family. Had difficulties with a Nixon about a half century ago, when he tried to get rid of an Armstrong on the moon. The heart of Sir James Douglas is next to the heart of ‘Angus’ Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas who passed the lands of Redheugh and Larriston, to chieftain Robert Elwald in the fifteenth century and now our 29th chief Margaret lives on them.,_St_Bride%27s_Church,_Douglas,_South_Lanarkshire.jpg The Elliot Clan by Newcastleton Primary School | Scots Language Project 2018, Mar 24, 2018 Margaret Eliott, likely thinks I am some sort of ‘vagabound’.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
November 24 @ 9:53pm
Though in the past the Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier were concentrated around Larriston on the Scottish side of the border, but today they seem to be concentrated in or near Northumberland.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
November 10 @ 9:40pm Belinda Dettman, Take my research seriously. It is over a thousand years of migration from near Berlin, to where I live in the New Mexico Corner, of the Four Corners. Upload images to the web, they become in demand. Belinda, who do you think owns and operates . Following in the footsteps of dad which dot matrix printed and passed out his publications. When you Google Images for ‘Northumberland FTDNA’, it seems like some of what I uploaded to the web is in demand. Don’t think you have to be concerned about my demand. A lot of people have went to and from Northumberland, and are interested in migrations in and out of it. Belinda Dettmann 6 hours ago This is the Northumberland geographic project. If your Elliotts do not come from Northumberland, or the Scottish Borders, your entries may be of less general interest.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
November 10 @ 11:34am
Considering where the Dettmann are from, taking a big chance showing a picture of my relatives to the admin. Basically, some of the older adopted names are from animals, and the Wolf is an example. Like the wolf, man is also a predator of the elk (moose). It is said that the moose are following ancient trails to get to their ancient lands in Germany east of Berlin, where the ‘wald’, German for forest is. The only thing I can figure out is that the bull/father elk/moose, retains it’s historical history down it’s Y-DNA of the fathers, and the cow/mothers elk/moose, retains it’s historical history down it’s mtDNA of the mothers. That way they can get together and produce autosomal combo calf. To get a name such as Elwald/Elliot of Proto-Germanic R-U106 Y-DNA, which refers to as ‘elk (moose) of the forest’, there has to it seems to be ‘elk (moose) in the forest’, where that surname came from. The closest German name I have been able to find near the name ‘Elwald’, is the name ‘Ewald’, and there is a concentration of the surname ‘Ewald’, where the elk (moose) are crossing over from Poland into Germany.
Belinda Dettmann
November 10 @ 3:25pm
This is the Northumberland geographic project. If your Elliotts do not come from Northumberland, or the Scottish Borders, your entries may be of less general interest.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
John Wilkinson
November 4 @ 5:20pm
Thanks Mark, yes I’ve seen that graphic. A guy over on Anthrogenica has broken it down into even more discrete locale densities. Not definitive but certainly intriguing and generally supports the hypothesis.
Mark Elliott
November 4 @ 7:52pm
Kind of figured it was repeat info. Article runs a later time 1000-1100 from Viking add mix. Am figuring this is the time which my Y-DNA crossed with the I-Viking admix. James M. Irvine admin in the FTDNA Clan Irwin surname has found a strong link between I-M253 Fairbairn and Elliott, where the Fair bairn and Elliot Elwald elk (moose) of the forest of the Armstrong Chronicles. In accordance with the ‘Fair Bear’, story this is showing by Y-DNA I-M253 that the ‘Bear’ (Fairbairn), and ‘Elk’ (Elliot) are related. James M. Irvine admin to FTDNA Clan Irwin surname, has a great statement I’m finding accurate; “With a combination of diligence, intuition, peer guidance, genealogical awareness and luck rather than a sophisticated knowledge of biology or mathematics I show that 37 STR markers are often quite sufficient to identify genetic families/surname branches, and one or two SNP Panel tests can be a very cost-effective follow-up to take many testees to near the forefront of this exciting application of citizen science. James M. Irvine” James M. Irvine; AGREE Just found this today; Y-DNA Haplogroup R-U152 in Britain: Proposed Link to the 5th Century Migration of the Angle and Jute Tribes from Jutland and Fyn, Denmark (Hypothesis B) David K. Faux Put my R-U106 in north Germany near Kiel., the Elwald de Schinkel.
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
November 4 @ 2:12pm
Prompted by one of my Y67 match’s confirmation that his line traces to Denmark, and also by the fact that I know of a group of Wilkinsons in Coquetdale in Northumberland from at least the late 1300s, I decided to research the Viking history in Northumbria. I found this website which is pretty informative. But most interesting to me was this passage fairly early on: “For seven decades the Vikings would continue raiding the coast of Britain and it seemed inevitable that they would eventually launch a full scale invasion of our shores. This is precisely what occurred in the year 866, when a huge army of Danes invaded East Anglia from their well established bases in the Low Countries of the Continent. They arrived under the leadership of Ivar the Boneless and his brothers, Halfdene and Hubba and after camping the winter, turned their attention to Northumbria.” Two things are interesting to me as U152>L2>Z367>L20. First, obviously that these were Danish Vikings since my match traces to Denmark (I know of at least two other unrelated L20s who also trace to Denmark). Second, that they launched the invasion from strongholds in “the Low Countries”, i.e. what is now Netherlands and Belgium. This is worth noting because there are pockets of U152 that are in the 20% and higher range in these areas. In my opinion this adds to the possibility that my paternal line arrived with these Danes. Although, as previously noted by Dr. Faux in his research and analysis, if the Jutland Cimbri of the classical era were also U152>L20, then its possible we were already there as Brittonic Celts too. We know of at least two ancient Viking remains that were recently confirmed U152>L20. A Viking connection to these subclades undoubtedly exists. The question remains, are the Vikings my paternal line’s vector into the British Isles? Only additional testing will get us the answers we seek. Hopefully more of the lines who remained in the old country will test as well.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Belinda Dettmann
October 23 @ 3:12pm
Where did you get elk of the forest from? I think that’s rubbish.
Mark Elliott
October 23 @ 9:16pm In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Latter Day Saints are raised on genealogy; Is of The Church of Latter Day Saints. When I met Albert Bird Armstrong in the collections of The Church of Latter Day Saints Office Building, in Salt Lake City, Utah, before 1973 and before construction of The Family History Library, he made reference to The Chronicles of the Armstrong. By Robert Bruce Armstrong of Edinburgh, Scotland. If the Armstrong were genocide from their border homelands then those responsible for this genocide would think what they publish as rubbish. That would be quite natural. They would censor out those which support such ‘rubbish’ like an Elliott, by denying free speech on the manner. The second president of The Church of Latter Saints, Brigham Young has an Anglo-Border name and am getting a lot of support for; a link I built on applying DNA to Family History, of which I use my own family as an example.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
October 24 @ 6:57am
I find your reference to Alford interesting. My line goes back: Lowell King Andrews, Willard Albert Andrews, Samuel Franklin Andrews, Ambrose Andrews and Hannah Phelps, Jacob Phelps, Jacob Phelps and Abigail Alvord, Benedict Alford, Jeremiah Alford, Benedict Alford, Thomas Alford, William Alford, Alexander Alford, John Alford, Thomas Alford, John Alford (1430 in Somerset, England).
Mark Elliott
October 24 @ 7:32pm
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
October 23 @ 2:08pm “DNA Testing, The Armsrongs are not related to the Fairbairns. This is according to Lorna Henderson. Someday we will have our own clan, without being part of the Armstrong clan.” Armystand (1376 army strand on Scottish side of Liddel), Armestrang (Scottish for army strong), then after border pacification Armstrong. Recognized by the Bruce, and Douglas, as being The Strong Army of Scotland. When relatives where on both thrones of both kingdoms, that of England and Scotland, Armstrong genocide began, with a policy of exterminating those with the surname Armstrong, and its ‘army strong’ variants. (Anna Groundwater commentary less than a half minute long) The Scottish Middle March, 1573-1625: Power, Kinship, Allegiance › books Anna Groundwater – 2010 FOUND INSIDE – PAGE 23 “Power, Kinship, Allegiance Anna Groundwater … the Middle March’s geographical location on the frontier between two periodically hostile kingdoms affected its political, administrative, social, … England and Scotland, 1100–1300′,..”
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
October 20 @ 4:31pm
Armstrong, Scott, Elliott (Gorrenberry and Copshaw, not Stobs), Bell, and Graham were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle. Ballads of the Border Reivers. Among the first four surnames do not know which one was the worst. “Armstrong, Elliot, Graham, Irvine,…” What’s in a Name? Allegiance, for Border Reivers By GRAHAM HEATHCOTE FEB. 11, 1996 12 AM ASSOCIATED PRESS CARLISLE, England — Ever suspected that your ancestors were robbers who terrorized the border between England and Scotland? Armstrong, Elliot, Graham, Irvine, Johnstone, Kerr, Maxwell, Nixon and Scott were among the families who rode, feuded, fought and plundered over the border area for 350 years. All the family names of the Border Reivers, whose first allegiance was to their family’s surname, are on a list kept in Carlisle, on the English side of the border. From the 14th to the 17th centuries, the border was a turbulent place. Raiders stole cattle and women, burned homes and farms and killed rivals without mercy. From surviving documents such as court and property records and tenure agreements, researchers have identified 74 family names from that region in the 16th and 17th centuries. Some names have changed over the years: Johnstone becoming Johnson, for example. Reive, meaning to plunder or rob, comes from the dialect of the Scottish Lowlands and borders. “The folk memory of the Reivers has passed away, but their stories survive in the border ballads,” said David Clarke, senior curator of Tullie House Museum. “We have music about them and [the novelist Sir Walter] Scott collected a lot about them and put them into his novels.” The museum has made an audio-visual show about Reivers the centerpiece of a $7.5-million restoration. The bell that rang to warn Carlisle townspeople of raids is in the museum. Images of galloping horse riders, lookouts, panic-stricken settlers and torched homes and forts are projected on a 30-foot screen. Voices intone the fear of women waiting for raids: “The Reivers are riding to take what we stole from them that had been ours before.” The border with Scotland is nine miles north of Carlisle, but in Reiver times it wasn’t so definite. “North of Carlisle were the debatable lands, territory which was declared to belong to neither Scotland nor England,” Clarke said. “The Reivers operated on both sides of the border. “It was peat moss and bog country, a huge tract of wet and desolate moorland at the head of the Solway Firth,” he said. “You had to know your way around it or you would have got lost and died. Nowadays it’s mostly quarried for peat or drained for farming. “Carlisle is a border city and changed hands between the English and Scots several times in the Middle Ages, so the museum took up the Reivers as a very interesting episode,” he said. “It’s become one of our main attractions.” Clarke said the Reiver story is still little known despite George MacDonald Fraser’s novel, “The Steel Bonnets.” Fraser was astonished by the Reiver connections he saw in a photograph of Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon and evangelist Billy Graham together at Nixon’s inauguration. Johnson’s visage and figure were straight from Dumfriesshire, where everyone was familiar with such lined and leathery faces, large heads and rangy, rather loose-jointed frames, Fraser said. The Graham features were less common but still familiar, while Nixon was the perfect example of the Anglo-Scottish frontier: blunt, heavy features, dark complexion, burly body and an air of dour hardness. Fraser said all three heads would fit perfectly under a steel bonnet. “The Reivers were thieves, but warriors as well, and without allegiance to anyone outside their clan. Any English or Scottish king going to war here needed the Reivers on his side,” said Chris Dobson, a Carlisle city official. He said the Reivers were eventually repressed, deported, killed or compelled to emigrate under threat of imprisonment and that many ended up in Ireland. Haydn Charlsworth specializes in researching family histories around Carlisle and has traced Reiver connections for American clients. “Once you get back to the 16th century, it’s pretty difficult to make strong links, but the Armstrongs are well documented, and the Johnstones,” Charlsworth said. Armstrong and Maguire marrying of Ulster Plantation, County Fermanagh, Ireland. I Remain Unvanquished!: The Incredible 1,000-year History of the Armstrong Family by William Stephenson publisher; Great Northern Pulp & Paper Group Limited, 1989 – Canada – 183 pages “Men who carried arms were liable to be called up by the sheriff so there are records of them.” Visitors can get a “Reivers Car Trail” leaflet in Carlisle to guide them through 80 miles of Reiver country. It describes one of the most unspoiled and splendid parts of Britain as it was in 1590, just after the defeat of the Spanish Armada. Towers, churches and castles are still there, though often only as ruins, and so are banks and ditches, remnants of Roman forts built more than 1,200 years before when nearby Hadrian’s Wall was the northernmost frontier of the Roman Empire. Reivers by Name The 74 family names in surviving documents about the Border Reivers: Archbold, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Burns, Carleton, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carrs, Carruthers, Chamberlain, Charlton, Charleton, Collingwood, Crisp, Croser, Crozier, Cuthbert, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunne, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Graham, Gray, Hall, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hume, Irvine, Irving, Johnstone (Johnson), Kerr,Laidlaw, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Milburn, Musgrove, Nixon, Noble,Ogle, Oliver,Potts, Pringle,Radcliffe, Reade, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rutherford,Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Taylor, Trotter, Turnbull, Wake, Watson, Wilson, Woodrington, Yarrow, Young Associated Press
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
October 20 @ 6:40pm
I have Armstrongs from Durham, England, and from Ireland; Bells from Edinburgh and Fife; Carleton from Lincolnshire; Carnabys from Halton Castle and Northumberland; Carrs from Yorkshire; Carruthers from Dumfries-shire; Chamberlain from Wessex and Wexford; Charltons from Apley Castle in Shropshire, Cambridgeshire, and Cheshire; Charleton from Shropshire; Crisp from Surrey; Crozier from Surrey and Bedfordshire; Cuthbert from Ayrshire; Dacre from Naworth Castle in Cumberland, Northumberland, Norfolk, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Herefordshire, and Sussex; I think I’ve got most of them.
Mark Elliott
October 20 @ 7:01pm
Armstrong, Bell, Carr, and Crozier, has strong linking to Elliott. Looking from the English side of the border easier to spot. Families are of the border region, when the border is identified it puts them on both sides. Can utilized ‘hot spot’ locality software to see how well it identifies localities. Area you describe the Curruther at, most are I-M253 Y-DNA. For Crozier which lived near the Larriston Elliot at Ricarton Descended from a most notorious border reiver; Clementis Hobs (ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott). Go way back with the Armstrong Basically you have Anglican-Borderers. Did not relate well to kingdom, but better to border families. Need to behave yourself on this site, if you do not they may send you to Liddesdale like Hobbie Noble, to live among those notorious Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier of the Scottish Middle March.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
October 21 @ 5:55am
Mark, if you had a map of Scotland with all the clans listed on it, I could throw a dart at it blindfolded and hit a clan that I’m related to. However, it was kind of thrilling when I went to Scotland in 2005, I’m in Dumfries and Galloway riding in a “King” bus (my father’s mother was a King, though her line was from Ireland when a truck bearing the Armstrong name (my dad was born in Armstrong, Illinois) came tootling down the road. I figured I was in a “friendly” neighborhood.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
October 8 @ 7:59am
If anyone on here is in Northumberland and knows any Wilkinsons in Northumberland, please pass my email on to them. I know there were Wilkinsons in Coquetdale at least as of late 1300s. I was reading through Northumbrian history and was interested to learn that for a time Northumbria extended all the way north into Lothian and included Edinburgh. Lothian would have been part of the Celtic Old North prior to that. My one non-family Wilkinson match (Y37, all the further he tested) traces to East Lothian. He’s not refined his haplogroup past M269, so I don’t know if he’s also U152>L20. Assuming that he is, and assuming our lines converge in Lothian somewhere before 1700, the question becomes were we pre-Anglo Saxon Celts (U152 presumably implies that, presumably La Tene Votadini tribe assuming the line remained in that region) or were we an uncommon U152 Anglo Saxon (or later Dane) line? There were Wilkinsons in the Border counties and Lothians in Scotland at least as of the 1500s too. Did they migrate from Northumbria or vice versa? Hopefully further research and maybe some ancient DNA will eventually solve the mystery.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23 @ 3:51pm
FTDNA 12 marker matches “The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.” LINQUISTICS ‘becc’ – Bosworth–Toller Anglo-Saxon Dictionary › … a beck, brook. v. bec. … becc. Morphological Analysis. Wordclass: Noun. Gender: Masculine, Feminine, Neuter. This might be a link to, a part of or a variant of … ARCHAEOLOGY a brook? It is moated with records going to c1250 GRESHAM Norfolk ‘ham’ home is definitely a place name also ‘moated’ at Gresham Castle goes back to c1250. Major matches with a major place locality of Gresham Castle. North and South Cave along with Scorborough, borough from ‘burgh’ as properly pronounced in Edinburgh means a ‘fortress on a mound’. Lindbergh, means lind (found in Beowulf) trees on a hill, place name also. Definitely at time of place name adoption, which would be about eight centuries ago, integrating Y-DNA. Is FTDNA not a viable way to find family history. Today it is not because though FTDNA may say words, they do not support people which go by their words, and numbers distribution. To me this is a corporation due to fail, if they do not go by what they say, and delete people from blogs which are using their information and number to find genealogically the line of their father’s father. People at Brigham (BYU Brigham Young University), know genealogy because Latter Day Saints, Mormons grew up with it like I did as a second generation genealogist. This link which I created; They are hitting on because; Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied .. Bing search ‘Brigham DNA’ When someone is trying to help you, which has a strong knowledge base, to kick them out can easily become self destructive. Am myself applying my findings on how to utilize and integrate Y-DNA into genealogy, and other experience family historians are gaining value from my research, it is those which believe in those admins which kicked me off their blogs which are loosing out.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24 @ 7:56am
My 12th great grandfather, James Gresham (1512-1526) came from Norfolk, England through his son Paul Gresham (1530- ? ) from Rutland, England.
Mark Elliott
September 24 @ 9:08am
Since only about one sixth of those tested by FTDNA with the Gresham surname do not match my first twelve markers, it is most likely especially being from Norfolk that your ancestor matched my first twelve markers as far as the Y-DNA is concerned., and his surname came from a place in Norfolk called Gresham, where there is a moated castle of about the early fourteenth century called Gresham Castle. Bec/Becc/Beck (Anglo-Saxon for ‘brook’) is nearby, also from that era and is moated. “An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248).[5]” (my many great)
Belinda Dettmann
September 24 @ 3:14pm
Forget about 12-marker matches if those people do not match you at higher levels. A 12-marker match on its own just means you are related about 3000 years ago, or more.
Mark Elliott
September 24 @ 4:46pm 12/12 29 times 30 years a generation is 870 years. 2020-870=1230, at the time of the Elwald Elliot of East Anglia. In accordance to FTDNA web site. Why do I match men with different surnames? …. “The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.” With stating related beyond adoption of surnames, plus; Gresham, Norfolk, North and South Cave, and ‘de Scorborough’ likely evolving into Scarborough, an showing numerous matches with more then half the ones test with those surnames, and FTDNA showing graphically that at 29 generations at 95%, which the chief is vikings carrying my R-U106 Y-DNA recorded at 29 generations, plus recorded history of the Chronicles of the Armstrong of the Elwald Elliot of Crowland-Croyland, of the Fenlands. With largest percent of matches leaning towards Gresham, and -ham meaning home and home is the place, and Elwald later found in Cottingham and York in the fifteenth, century, and Robert Elwald chieftain 10 receiving lands of Redheugh and Larriston, with the 29th chief living on Redheugh lands, this is certainly if Y-DNA is ever valid to be utilized as a tool, and not a product of destruction by those FTDNA which have published the given standards which my premises are based on just to try to usurp my family in line Y-DNA findings will show that utilizing FTDNA Y-DNA as a source for genealogy, does not have validity except in the course of corporate profit making. If info given by FTDNA is not correct than how can someone get correct results by testing with FTDNA? If it is not most definite by standards of genealogy, linguistics, archaeology, and genetic DNA that my Y-DNA came in from the North Sea, as Proto-Germanic R-U106, then this shows the level on knowledge FAMILY TREE has on the genealogical genetics of a Y-DNA member of the family migrating ones own DNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23 @ 9:10pm
Am related to Carl Finch. Match him exactly in twenty-five markers. The names you find are Finn, Finnie, Finrock, and Finch. The Finch is from Fitzherbert, it is likely that the names began from the region of Fenlands referred to as the Fenns, many islands, drained in 1650 at the time of Cromwell. So Fenns became the surname Finn, which became in some cases Finch, Finnie, and may be with question Finrock, and the Chronicles of the Armstrong have the Elwald -Elliot, located at Crowland (Croyland) of the Fenns.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24 @ 7:15am
Finn also has strong ties to Ireland.
Mark Elliott
September 24 @ 11:39am
Frequency of the surname ‘Finn’, is much much higher in Ireland than England. In 2014 England 1:6,620 as opposed to Ireland 1:850. In Irish ‘finn’ means ‘me’, in Scots Gaelic ‘we are’. Likely independent surname development then that of being from the East Anglia ‘Fenns’.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24 @ 2:50pm
In Ireland it can also refer to people believed to be descended from Finn McCool.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 24 @ 9:40am
It is time for families to get back together again, which have been separated by border pacification. These families should first include Dukes of; Northumberland, Buccleuch, and Roxburghe ‘Ker’, along with a brother family Ferniehirst ‘Kerr’. Families displaced around the world want to return to their ancestral homelands to find a sense of self. Need a Borders Peace Park to protect the home place of Clan Elliott, The Hermitage Castle from industrial destruction.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23 @ 12:55pm John Wilkinson 20 minutes ago “Thanks Mark. I know how to name search FF matches. I was just wondering if there are any known autosomal markers identified in recent study that could be searched for in individual FTDNA results, regardless of surname, they may be there but I cant find them.” How family members are being successful at family history; 1.The family knows best. 2.Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family. 3.Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws (Xs), though you may want to. 4.Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history. 5.If the family’s history is done properly one does not get to pick their ancestors. The ladies presented themselves at Roots Tech in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2015. In 2020 it is in Salt Lake City, Utah; FTDNA is not as oriented as these ladies being Latter Day Saints, going to Brigham Young University. Do not tell those Mormons this but Brigham Young is an Anglo-Scottish Borderer name. One does not put the cart ahead of the horse, meaning the genealogy comes first like in the many established autosomal sites, like ‘the guide team’, and in genealogy; YOU CAN DO DNA, it is not rocket science. FTDNA have to realize that their SNP subclades are beginning to reach into genealogical time for some researchers, which are going back far in time with their Y-DNA. The prehistoric does not cut it for genealogy, of the ‘so called’ DNA experts, the ones which share family knowledge with families, then applying DNA, are circumventing these DNA ‘experts’. Until they realize the first statement ‘family knows best’, they will never be able to do family history-genealogy. The Guide Team started with family history-genealogy, the family, and are now putting the genetics to it. FTDNA can destroy their own future, even though the numbers are there to integrate them into family history, when family history is being done they allow their felt to be ‘superior’ knowledge base supersede and smother the family history which is being developed, not becoming integrated into that which has properly been successful in finding history of families for centuries. Been for my own family able to integrate FTDNA Y-DNA, with place names, and census surname concentrations of Y-DNA quite successfully. Some FTDNA blogs have excluded me from doing so. The guide team which has done the Roots Tech video in 2015, going cross corporate, and showing advantages among the different autosomal corporations, have done it quite successfully. If FTDNA drops the prehistoric, and the superseding of family information, but integrates their Y-DNA test into the family data base it is felt going downstream, but a cluster not testing a “Big-Y”, but just testing the SNPs which are in time reaching further into genealogical time I feel they will be much more successful with family genealogists using Y-DNA. Roots Tech 2020 is again in Salt Lake City, Utah;
Belinda Dettmann
September 23 @ 3:15pm
It is true that Y-DNA tests like BigY are beginning to find SNPs that occurred in genealogical time, but in general there is very little help within the Y-Line from Family Finder matches if the relationship is beyond fourth cousin, or 5 generations.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 24 @ 8:07am
To do proper genealogy, you need all the different DNA types as well as the paper trails to verify it. Yes, DNA is a foundation, but if all you know is your surname and you get back 500 years, you could have a couple thousand people with your surname to which you are related, but which one is your direct ancestor? That is where the paper trail comes in. I have found people who were 5th to remote cousins with Family Finder, and I have multiple connections with them. The record so far is 13 separate connections ranging from 7th great grandparents to 23rd great grandparents. All FF said was that we were related.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23 @ 9:33pm
To have a link I built come to the very top of 1.9 million results in a Bing search of ‘Brigham DNA’. If the Brigham (BYU) DNA people are hitting that link, what does it say about someone which doesn’t, are they really a family research genealogist? Yes, FTDNA Y-DNA is quite useful in the hands of a genealogist, integrated with other tools which they have developed, but not to the ones which kick people off their blogs for doing family history.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23 @ 9:17pm
Daniel Cluster, a Y-DNA branch point for Daniel Elliot which left testimony Salem Trials, 28 Mar 1692. With SNP testing the others are on the first son, and I am of the sixth son. The Brigham people are all ready on to this one. If on; Today Y-DNA is quite useful in genealogy, but in order to do genealogy one must share, and not refer to one as a liar and kicking that one out of FTDNA blogs.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23 @ 8:43pm
Genealogy is sharing of family history, and from my perspective it seems like the ones without the Y-DNA are better at doing this. Because the ones with the Y-DNA, try to supersede, I beginning to feel like I am stuck with a pot of gold I am trying to share but sometimes no one wants it. Thought their is this Lucio Gomes from Brazil, using an English translator, to translate from Portuguese to be in the English FTDNA blogs. Has indigenous South American blood in him. You will find that he has been in the Dunbar activity feed with a cowboy admin near Dallas. This is part what we came up with;×533.jpg Both our families fought against Cromwell, his at The Battle of Dunbar, and ended up in Brazil, and mine in the Battle of Worcester and ended up in Massachusetts Colony ‘transported as Scottish POW slaves’. Dunbar has been through many battles, therefore the surname Dubar is dispersed, the Cockburn, adopting their surname from the same Y-DNA pool are not dispersed like the Dunbar, because they did not go through the battles the Dunbar did. This is just one small example of the use of Y-DNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 23 @ 6:51pm In 1977, the Elliot Clan Society was formed by the Clan’s late hereditary Chief, Sir Arthur Eliott, 11th Baronet of Stobs and Laird of Redheugh, the ancient seat of the Clan Chiefs.Our present Chief is Sir Arthur’s daughter, Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, the 29th Elliot Clan Chief. The primary purposes of this Society, which is headquartered in Redheugh, are to preserve the history and traditions of the Clan, and to promote a spirit of kinship among its members. In the words of Sir Arthur, “the tie is essentially a family one, transcending national boundaries and disregarding distinctions of age, sex, wealth or status. Thus our Clan Society is more than a club and more even than what is generally understood by a ‘Society’. It is above all, a family association and has been formed for those of us who feel that this ancient tie is of special interest and value to our modern world.” Takes a lot of research to go 29 generations down my Y-DNA. At 29 generations markers 12/12, 25/25, and 37/37 all rang the same, and goes to when the Elwald-Eliott chieftain began, and around the last time the Vikings came into England.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 22 @ 4:54pm
John, ” I’ve done Family Finder too so my autosomal is in FTDNA dbase.” The shorter the number of letters the better, as long as it comes down to one page. Like for Wilkinson, W, Wi, or then Wil. Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 19 hours ago I’ve got Elliot and Elliott from Ireland, Scotland and England. John Wilkinson 3 hours ago Mark, I’ve done Family Finder too so my autosomal is in FTDNA dbase. Is there any way a person compare their personal autosomal to the regional autosomals in this study? Triangulation? Just trying to figure out if this can be leveraged as a means of narrowing the footprint of where to look for leads in general, which might help narrow focus on the Y line too. John, Advance matches has quite a bit but does not seem what you are asking for. Gail Andrews Hardy T124143, and I A269034 also utilize a free service called
John Wilkinson
September 23 @ 12:22pm
Thanks Mark. I know how to name search FF matches. I was just wondering if there are any known autosomal markers identified in recent study that could be searched for in individual FTDNA results, regardless of surname, they may be there but I cant find them.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 19 @ 7:03pm DIAHAN SOUTHARD APRIL 2, 2015 DNA Reveals UK Genetic Roots A new DNA study details the origins of UK residents of European ancestry. Here’s why this matters to your genetic genealogy (even if that’s not your heritage). Note; The Scottish-English border, cuts across Northumberland families an their Northumberland autosomal DNA in the PoBI People of the British Isles UK rationalized study. Garrett Hellenthal – The Genetic History of the United Kingdom: the POBI project 43:02
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 21 @ 6:06am
I saw this the other day and mentioned it on another site. Any site that focuses on the British Isles will benefit from this study.
Mark Elliott
September 21 @ 8:22am Tell where the Scots border names of Johnston(e), Armstrong, and Ellio(t) went to. Since Andrew alias ‘Dand’ Ellot (IE Co, Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation, Daniel Elliott) of The Borders which included Liddesdale, and Northumberland, was exiled from both kingdoms in 1607, I am more from Northumberland/Liddesdale a Borderer, then either of the kingdoms.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 21 @ 9:45pm
I’ve got Elliot and Elliott from Ireland, Scotland and England.
John Wilkinson
September 22 @ 1:33pm
Mark, I’ve done Family Finder too so my autosomal is in FTDNA dbase. Is there any way a person compare their personal autosomal to the regional autosomals in this study? Triangulation? Just trying to figure out if this can be leveraged as a means of narrowing the footprint of where to look for leads in general, which might help narrow focus on the Y line too.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 21 @ 10:33am
Redheugh and Larriston, are lands given to Robert Elwald 10, by Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas 5th Earl of Angus referred to as ‘Angus’, in the later part of the 15th Century. Transcribed by Teena Cathy Carley, Having difficulty with the surname mainly spelled “Steele” which varied little over time, putting it with the Saxon name in my line ‘Elwald’, in the Cottingham-York, “ONorthumb. stelle (once, 1099-1128),” East Riding, Yorkshire region. Finding in this group; “Michael STELL, b. 1530, d. 9 Feb 1589 England” where ‘Stell’, is more like the ‘Stelle’, spelling of Germany, though the name ‘Steele’, has similarities to it. On the English side of the Border it seems though the name ‘Steele’ is prevalent that it is spelled also ‘Steele’. There are a number of Germans carrying the Y-DNA, so it is felt that the word ‘stelle’, which produced the names ‘Steele’, ‘Stell’, ‘Steel’, migrated with the Anglo-Saxons, to Anglia, Yorkshire, the Scottish Borders, onto Ulster then The Colonies with the Border Elwald-Ellott. It is basically felt to mean a place name, meaning a narrowing in a stream or river, where, fish can be trapped.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 20 @ 6:20am
Dedication this to and Albert Bird Armstrong, who volunteered his time in dedication of Armstrong, in the upper floors of The Church of Latter Day Saints offices, where the genealogical library was kept. This dedicated to a top genealogists which want to offer their belief to their ancestors, but Albert Bird Armstrong did not bring attention to the Book of Mormon, but to a more important book to me which has my Elwald genealogical line in it; THE CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG, ed by James Lewis Armstrong MD, and made it available to all Armstrong which wanted a copy. Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 Albert Bird Armstrong, Jr BIRTH 30 May 1900 DEATH 22 Jan 1973 (aged 72) BURIAL Redwood Memorial Cemetery West Jordan, Salt Lake County, Utah, USA ARMSTRONG – Funeral services for Albert Bird Armstrong Jr…. In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 17 @ 3:51pm
The Battle of Otterburn (Border Reiver Ballad) 1,856 views•Published on Feb 24, 2019 “Two Northumbrian/Scottish Borders tunes, the first the border ballad “The Battle of Otterburn” by June Tabor from her album “An Echo of Hooves” and a tune on the Borthumbrian smallpipes by Kathryn Tickell titled “Our Kate” set alongside a variety of images inspired by the Border Reiver. Best viewed full-screen and in 1080p.” The Black Douglas – The Corries Sir James 2nd Earl of Douglas at the Battle of Otterburn 1388 Sir James Douglas’ heart burial (left) in Old St. Bride’s Church, Douglas, Lanarkshire, Scotland next to the heart of Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas, fifth earl of Angus which passed his land of Redheugh, and Larriston, to Robert Elwald 10, family squire and chief of Clan Elwald (IE Elwald-Ellot-Elliot) ‘Angus’, Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas fifth Earl of Angus; passing land to Robert Elwald 10.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 17 @ 10:44am
Brigham (bridge home, of East Riding, Yorkshire), Young (Border way of naming Young Dand ‘Ellot’), of the Later Day Saints, has opened to the public, surname search of immigrants. “The Immigrant Ancestors Project, sponsored by the Center for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University, uses emigration registers to locate information about the birthplaces of immigrants in their native countries, which is not found in the port registers and naturalization documents in the destination countries. Volunteers working with scholars and researchers at Brigham Young University are creating a database of millions of immigrants based on these emigration registers.” They also find, FTDNA as surnames are concerned search tool quite useful. Note there are about ten thousand people named ‘Brigham’, as opposed to about a million named ‘Young’, so many more ‘Young’, than ‘Brigham’, are found in FTDNA groups Northumberland group; “152 Brigham 6”, but lists no Young.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 11:22am We been separated because of Border Pacification (genocide), making of the Middle Shires, and the United Kingdom, for over four centuries. THE ELLIOTS in SELKIRK Ellots recorded as BURGESSES, BAILLIES and COMMISIONERS of SELKIRK have been listed. DATES RANGING BETWEEN Andrew (alias Dandie, or Dandie of the Cow) 21/3/1565 – 2/5/1591
Belinda Dettmann
September 1 @ 4:46pm
Mark, the Border Elliotts are from the line of R-L21>S193. As you are from R-U106>S16361 it is likely that your Elliott line comes through a female Elliott, whose partner was killed in battle. In other words you do not descend from the Elliott Border chiefs in direct male line.
Mark Elliott
September 1 @ 6:08pm
First of all you are referencing R-L21>L193, where abover 37% of the Elliot of the Redheugh-Larriston region are from, but I am from Gorrenberry and definitely note not of the chieftain Redhuegh line which branched off at Robert Elwald 9. Robert Elwald 10 acquired the lands of Redheugh and Larriston which contain the R-L193 DNA, likely brought down by the Douglas from Angus, migration to the valley of Glendinning where the R-L193 Glendinning, and Little are from in accordance with James V. Elliott Clade A-1 study. Gorrenberry is not of Redheugh, that is why Gorrenberry did not adopt the Redheugh shield/arms of 1566. Redheugh is the chieftain line, not Gorrenberry.
Jesse Elliott
September 13 @ 12:21pm
I agree Mark. Scott of Satchells mentions 12 great families. If they were all of the same DNA line I would think he would say ONE great family. I’m sure there was a lot of intermarrying amongst them but there had to be several Y-DNA lines. Lot of I haplogroup Elliotts also.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 13 @ 8:14am
A great statement ‘2 decimal places (e.g. 96.73%) misleading:’ With FTDNA, not making the number of measured years per generation available shows their understanding of mathematics. The above shows that James M. Irvine, has a strong understanding of the mathematics when it is being applied to genealogical research. Numbers am familiar with are 30 and 25 years a generation. At 30±5 and at 25±2½, but will be utilizing a higher more mathematically precise at the units digit e.g. 27±½. For the mathematics to be correct the precision of the answer can not be more than the precision of the input. To get an answer such as 96.73% is mathematically correct, this shows the level of mathematical knowledge which FTDNA is utilizing.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
 1 Comment
Mark Elliott
September 2 @ 8:09am
THE GUIDE TEAM, and I know that genealogy is not rocket science. YOU CAN DO DNA. FTDNA showed me that their mathematics was incorrect, with their TIP calculator, by using measured 30 years a generation, a number which has only one significant digit, and coming up with percents to the nearest hundredth, which is mathematically impossible. In genealogy, if you give me information, on top is THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST. Next one needs a different perspective, and to make family one must listen to the sex opposite of you. That especially goes in genealogy. Genealogy, is based on multiple estimations. For my DNA, for the surnames, Gresham (Grisham, Grissom), Cave, and Scarborough (likely Scorborough, UK, but Scarborough, UK is close enough), am matching the first twelve markers. These are places along the North Sea which Scandinavians came into. The Normans and Scandinavians fought at Hastings carrying similar autosomal DNA, in accordance to the PoBI project. As with the Church of Latter Day Saints, two philosophies exist, one of kings with kings in authority, and one of borderers which just pitch in. Similar to the difference between their first and second president, of the Church of Later Day Saints. Brigham Young is the border reiver. For genealogy it is a pitch-in and a sharing, when authority intervenes, or ‘in-laws’ are kicked out it does not work. Now people you are sharing information among family these are the ones doing genealogy. With all surnames people are likely to be from different regions. With ‘Gresham’ (Grisham, Grissom), most likely from Gresham, Norfolk, East Anglia, England. With ‘Cave’, also having French origins, not so much. With ‘Scarborough’, it could be ‘Scorborough’ also which is closer to ‘Cave’, but both are in the same region. Over time there will be some NPE, among them. Y-DNA reaches way back in time, and the SNP are beginning to reach into the era of genealogical researchers like you and I. On the first marker a ’14’ is rare, and there are higher proportions of first marker 14’s for Gresham, Norfolk, and Scarborough. Gresham is a place name it ends with ‘ham’, and Scarborough, is a place name it ends with ‘borough’ originally ‘burgh’, as in Edinburgh, but pronounce the same. Cave is likely a place name after a family, of Cave, likely a Norman name, and could by also a place name in France, but those ending in ‘ham’, and ‘borough’, are of names originating in the today’s England. So for people who have a first marker ’14’, and match the first twelve markers with mine for the names Gresham, Cave, and Scarborough, when their surname adoption came about they were from that locality, like Cottingham. Webster’s ‘cot’, a small house or Brigham, a ‘bridge house’. It should be noted the name is sometimes written “John de Doe” where ‘de’ means of, and in time is dropped, the name then becomes “John Doe”. If searching names as in Google Books, one may search “de Doe”, if it exists in that manner, try to find it on a map, the recent ones first, then older ones. If the mapping locality corresponds with census concentration data software, then it likely originate in that locality. Brigham and Cottingham are localities of East Riding, Yorkshire and show ‘hot spots’ at their respective localities, so I can say if you have the surname Brigham or Cottingham, and are Y-DNA matching on the first twelve markers a number of people with that surname then you are certainly most likely from that locality. If your Cave relatives, match my first 12 Y-DNA markers then they received their surname from the region of N&S Cave, East Riding Yorkshire.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 2 @ 1:45pm
My closest Cave is my 10th great grandmother, Mary Cave (1556-1593), daughter of my 11th great grandfather, Anthony Cave (1517-1558). Anthony lived and died in Buckinghamshire, England. Mary was born in Buckinghamshire and died in Essex. She married Jerome Weston.
Mark Elliott
September 2 @ 3:21pm
No Y-DNA trail then?
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 2 @ 5:57pm
No, just atDNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 11:44pm
0. Elwald de Schinckel . . 1. Alan Elfwald of Norfolk, E Anglia ca 1250. 2. Robert Elwald of Norfolk/Rimington, West Riding Yorkshire, Northumbria (Lancashire) 1304. 3. Robert 2 4. Robert 3 5. Robert 4 6. Robert 5 7. Robert 6 8. Robert 7 9. Robert 8 10. Robert 9 11. William Elwald of Gorrenberry 12. Robert Elwald (Archeis Hob) of Gorrenberry (adopted by uncle Archibald) 13. Andrew (Dand the Cowie) Elwald of Horsleyhill 14. Robert Elwald of Stobs/Gorrenberry (Clementis Hobs) 15. Dan-Daniel Ellot/Elliot/Elliott of Scotland/Tullykelter Fermanagh 16. Robert Ellot Tullykelter 17. Daniel Ellot/Elliot of Ulster/Massachusetts 18. Daniel Elliot Salem Trials 19. Johnathan Sr 20. Johnathan Jr 21. John 22. Comfort Elliott 23. SA (Sherburn Amando) 24. AW (Amando Wilcox) 25. Mark 26. Loren Spencer 27. Mark Stephen Chiefs line is based on 1st, except chief 29, Margaret is an only child, therefore 29, to my 27, and figure she is my 17th cousin twice removed.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 8:53pm Am the lab rat, share my data-documentation with the genealogical genetic scientists to see what they can come up with. The ones who accuse people of the family from outside the family as liars, especially with the math-science, computer, engineering applied also in and instructional English as a Second Language to worldwide languages, and those indigenous to the Americans, plus at the center of archaelogical-anthropological America southwest. Can not allow not allow witch hunting authorities to hang the scientific genetic accuracy, that which is most accurate by hanging it making it into a lie. BY MEASUREMENT, NOT WORDS.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 8:22pm
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 6:21pm
Brigham Young and I Mark Elliott are irritated to extremely poor standards in genealogy. All of the above graphics were uploaded by me and are being shared by Brigham genealogists. Instead of in Google Images ‘Brigham DNA’, this time it is ‘Brigham FTDNA’.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 6:14pm
Belinda Dettmann 1 hour ago Mark, the Border Elliotts are from the line of R-L21>S193. As you are from R-U106>S16361 it is likely that your Elliott line comes through a female Elliott, whose partner was killed in battle. In other words you do not descend from the Elliott Border chiefs in direct male line. You are not a genealogist, because you will not go to Google Images and put in “Brigham DNA”. You will not read the links which go with the first four images, and you will refer to a second generation genealogist-engineer, who has been doing genealogy for more than a half century as a lair about ones own Y-DNA line, when the first rule of genealogy in order to even be considered a genealogist the family is correct. Dad’s research was FTDNA correct to 28 Mar 1692, record of Daniel Elliott of the Salem Witch trials. Yet if I am today to present results most accurately, someone will say of not my family who has not worked in the applied world as a math science, computer, engineering fields as and engineer, instructor at secondary and university level, and as with the authorities of the witch trials did with Daniel’s testimony make a lie out of the truth. By doing this at the time of Daniel Elliot, nineteen innocent people were hung and one was crushed. Genetic-genealogists, from/of Brigham Young University are scrutinizing the data-documentation I have shared and will come to there own results, like highly qualified people in the genetic genealogical sciences do.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
Belinda Dettmann
August 31 @ 6:21pm
St Andrew was the patron saint of Scotland long before 1890. The names Anders and Andrew can be found all over northwest Europe from earliest times.
Mark Elliott
August 31 @ 6:37pm
Above gives a map locality for Anders to have a census concentration at the southern part of the border in both Germany and Poland. Anders is the base prefix for names Andersen, Anderson, and Andersson. Andersen showing strength in Denmark. It is felt with surname adoption it is kind of like putting a drop of food die in water, the concentration is likely near where it began, though it spreads all over northwest Europe, like the above shows for Anders.
Belinda Dettmann
September 1 @ 4:00pm
Please keep comments to Northumberland subjects, not all over NW Europe.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 3:29pm
Autosomal testing company comparisons. YOU CAN DO DNA
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 3:28pm
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 1:50pm
The Redheugh shield/arms adopted about 1566 the ‘elwand’. An elwand is a standard sixteenth century measurement of lenght, which name is biblical, but many christian nations would have an elwand of various length, England 45 imperial inches, and Scotland a hair more not being on the English standard than 37 inches. The belt of Orion is noted to be the “king’s ell/eln/el”. Guess the king of England was fatter than the king of Scotland. The Elwald split, Gorrenberry to Ulster at time of Border Pacification (genocide), for a genocidal flag “The Union Jack”, which has separated our family like borders have separated them for over four centuries. Then ‘transported as slaves to the colonies’ Hamiltonian POW Royalist Charles II, Scots fighting the forces of Cromwell at Worcester, in the Cromwellian Civil. Those Tories trying to make a border in Ireland, my patriotic rebellious ancestors would around 1776 just string them up. The “elwand” symbolizes the Elwald of Redheugh and Gorrenberry, and says, ‘by measurement, not by words’.
Mark Elliott
September 1 @ 3:06pm
Fitting to my line which supported Queen Marie Stuart of Scotland at Langholm 1569 with a bunch of other reivers of the West and Middle Scottish Marches, and were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong, with the Bells, from Carlisle Castle with Auld Walt of Harden in 1596. That Scrope took him on a truth day and Kinmont Willie needed to be rescue, so he could live out his days in his tower on the River Sark, near the Scots Dike, and be buried in Morton Kirk (church) cemetery there.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 2:47pm
Pedigree viewer from Ancestry. Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 38 minutes ago “Hi Mark, I ran our kits and came up with two small matches on Chromosomes 7 and 12 at 250 SNPs and 3 cMs. When I dropped it down to 200 SNPs and 2 cMs there were matches all over the place, multiples on several. The only Chromosomes that didn’t have matches were 5, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, and 22. These matches are so small that if they are really matches and not just genetic noise, they would be very very far back.” Still in a state of learning. How does that Gail compare to the above? Both Gedmatch and Ancestry, use autosomal DNA.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 31 @ 8:33am Ulster First Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County Gilbert Hardy Dungannon Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 1 @ 9:17am
My ex-husband’s family came from Derbyshire, England.
Mark Elliott
September 1 @ 10:25am
Comparing Kit A269034 (*lawismarkellot) [Migration – F2 – A] and T124143 (Gail Hardy) [Migration – F2 – T] now shared match found. at
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 1 @ 2:07pm
Hi Mark, I ran our kits and came up with two small matches on Chromosomes 7 and 12 at 250 SNPs and 3 cMs. When I dropped it down to 200 SNPs and 2 cMs there were matches all over the place, multiples on several. The only Chromosomes that didn’t have matches were 5, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, and 22. These matches are so small that if they are really matches and not just genetic noise, they would be very very far back.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 11:10am
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 11:07am On the Elwald/Ewald shields above there are horizontal red and white stripes.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
September 1 @ 10:46am
Number one in genealogy ‘THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST’, number two for the men in genealogy ‘LISTEN TO THE LADIES’; Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 1 hour ago “My Andrews supposedly goes back to Andrew I Arpad, King of Hungary.” Name, Mark Stephen Elliott, Stephen after Stephen Peter Barna. Barna are found highly concentrated in Hungry. Predecessor;,_King_of_Hungary Amstrong are number one allies to Elwald-Elliott. Striped vertically or horizontal shields are uncommon. Lines of Redheugh-Stobs Ellot Gilbert (Gib) line, split with Gorrenberry-Stobs Ellot Andrew (Dan) at time of Scottish-English Border Pacification (genocide). Maybe that is why I can not seem to keep those Armstrong away. My Saxon Elwald line has been ‘vanquished’, but not by the Armstrong. Trying to make it become ‘unvanquished’, like the Armstrong.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 31 @ 9:29am
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
September 1 @ 9:19am
My Andrews supposedly goes back to Andrew I Arpad, King of Hungary.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 31 @ 1:00pm The Proto-Germanic R-U106 DNA traveled with the German Language, carrying the words of the ‘Fair Bear’; of the ‘Wolf’, ‘Elk’ (moose in America), and ‘Bear’ (pronounced the same in Germany, but spelled; Bär) with them. Map above shows that people of Northuberland may not have migrated northward of the border language, but onto Ulster.
Gary BradleyGary Bradley has a question!
August 30 @ 12:09pm
Any Broadley or Bradley descendants here? 
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
August 31 @ 7:28am
I have some Bradleys but only one line from England, Wiltshire and Essex. The rest are from Pennsylvania.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 30 @ 8:57pm
Gary Bradley 2 hours ago Yes, you are well informed. My Bradley/Broadley family is from Yorkshire, but I am looking for a Northumberland and Scottish connection. Given most claim England and Ireland. 1630 muster and present day distribution shows Ireland, though some Bradley migrated to Scotland, if you are beyond the UK in a former English Colony then your family stepping off point to that colony likely from Ulster, North(ern) Ireland.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 30 @ 1:40pm
Gary Bradley, A lot of times the name Broadley, will evolve into Bradley, which is likely in your case, but there is a name locality near Broadley called Bradley, but others in England such as a North Bradley down south, so this leads me to believe since you brought it foreword the name originate from Broadley. Broadley, Whitworth, UK, fits the description and locality. If you are matching by Y-DNA people with the name Broadley, then most likely your name was Broadley of this locality, because it is most likely that the name would take away a letter ‘o’ than add it. Broadley is from the Anglo-Broadlee, which means a valley broad on the lee-leeward east side and steep on the windward west side this is the locality Broadley is located in.
Gary Bradley
August 30 @ 6:52pm
Yes, you are well informed. My Bradley/Broadley family is from Yorkshire, but I am looking for a Northumberland and Scottish connection.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 30 @ 9:22am
50 years ago when a Nixon was president, an Armstrong stood on the moon. Armstrong, Elliot, and Nixon along with Crozier are of the Scots Middle March.
John Wilkinson
August 30 @ 12:57pm
I like that graphic. Is it publicly available in decent resolution?
Mark Elliott
August 30 @ 1:51pm
Borders;,picture_200754.htm Northumberland;,picture_200753.htm About the best resolution I am able to find. From a site on the artist.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 28 @ 12:35pm
John Wilkinson helped me with this one; Rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle 1596, which included Buccleuch (Scot adopted later the name Scott), Bell, Ellot (Elliot adopted c.1650), and Armstrong. Ulster muster 1630; First Surname Barony Landlord/Estate County William Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Andrew Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh George Bell Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Robert Ellot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh John Ellot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Archball Young Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Adam Young Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Alexander Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh John Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh James Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Ralph Scot Fewes Sir A. Atchison Armagh Walter Scot Fewes J. Hammelton Armagh Ignore the name ‘Bighames’ above because it is too much like ‘Brigham’.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 28 @ 12:46pm
August 27 @ 12:01pm
August 27 @ 12:02pm
from John Cyril’s keepsakes given to me by my mother, mtDNA
August 27 @ 11:59am
August 27 @ 12:01pm
my grandfather, John Cyril Bailey, more on
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 23 @ 7:56pm
A list of Border Reiver surnames from both sides of the border include: Anderson, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Blackadder, Bromfield, Burns, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carr, Carruthers, Charlton, Collingwood, Cranston, Craw, Croser, Crozier, Curwen, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunn, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Gilchrist, Glendenning, Graham, Gray, Hall, Harden, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hodgson, Hume, Hunter, Irvine, Jamieson, Jardine, Johnstone, Kerr, Laidlaw, Latimer, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Medford, Middlemass, Milburn, Mitford, Moffat, Musgrave, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reed, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rowell, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Stamper, Stapleton, Stokoe, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Thompson, Thomson, Trotter, Turnbull, Turner, Wake, Wilkinson, Wilson, Witherington, Yarrow, Young.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 23 @ 5:37pm
It is bad enough to be a descendant of a notorious Liddesdale Border reiver Clementis Hobs, what is worst is being referred to as an elk (moose) of the woods. At least these days the elk (moose) seem to be invading Berlin.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 23 @ 2:38pm
When ‘Declaration of Abroath c.1320’ the border was place, it was place between existing families. These families had loyalties to each other more so than their respective kingdoms. The borderlands were a self governing body onto themselves, and the border dukes Buccleuch, Cessford (Roxburghe), and Northumberland, sustained the land. Today they still try to protect the land, instead of subdividing it. It is felt that Ralph Percy, 12th Duke of Northumberland is doing the best job of it so far, but he is one of singularity on the English side of the border, where Buccleuch and Roxburghe are on the Scottish side of the border. All these families are interconnected through marriages. Previous to a border pacification and a United Kingdom, these families were the main managers of the borderlands. Though the Duke of Northumberland is doing a good job on his side of the border in preservation of the lands for borderers, the Dukes of Buccleuch, and Roxburghe, have to deal with the Scottish Ministry, which would like to own a wind farm corporations, and destroy any concept of a National Scottish Peace Park in conjunction with the Northumberland National Park on the English side of the border. As more and more people around the world search their genealogy, and find they are of border families, and at border pacification, the making of the Middle Shires was intended for preservation of both sides of the border, these families tracing their lines will not wonder whether the Duke of Northumberland is preserving the English side of the border but will be concerned about the desecration, of their ancestral lands by the Scottish Ministry, not allowing the Dukes of Buccleuch and Roxburghe to protect their lands for ancestors returning to visit from abroad to their family homelands.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 20 @ 1:09pm “If anyone has a line on Wilkinson border reiver affiliation with any of the larger border clans, please let me know and post source.” John Wilkinson, From the English Side of the border. The Hunter and Thom(p)son rode with the Nixon, which where of the Scottish Middle March; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier. Just a bunch of Middle March borderers no matter which side of the border you lived on. More like families than clans.
John Wilkinson
August 21 @ 9:43am
Yes, have seen that too. Would love to make linkage back to these colorful hooligans, but so far it seems like the closest I get it a Wilkinson with no known genealogical connection who traces to Yester, Scotland in early 1700s. I presume he is from a parallel branch off a predecessor ancestor of both his line and mine descended from Thomas Wilkinson in Antrim (~1700, though he may have been born in Scotland). I have a number of low level Elliot/t matches too, interestingly.
John Wilkinson
August 21 @ 9:45am
“England and Scotland, 1286-1603” by Andy King and Claire Etty. Page 158. Referencing Wilkinson/Rede/Hedley in 1498. Affiliation with Reed makes senses as the next vale over from Coquetdale (where I know there was a family of Wilkinsons at least by late 1300s) is Redesdale if my memory serves me correctly.
Mark Elliott
August 23 @ 11:18am
John Wilkinson; “Yes, have seen that too. Would love to make linkage back to these colorful hooligans, …” “Affiliation with ‘Reed’ makes senses ..” Are you so sure about above because; The Death of Parcy Reed “Thieves of Liddesdale Thair is ane callit Clementis Hob Fra ilk puire wyfe reiffis thair wob And all the laif Quhat ever thay haif The devill ressaif thairfoir his gob.” “Clementis Hobs”, (ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott)..
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
August 20 @ 1:58pm “If anyone has a line on Wilkinson border reiver affiliation with any of the larger border clans, please let me know and post source.” John Wilkinson, We the Armstrong, Elliott, and Crozier, are just a bunch of trouble makers.
John Wilkinson
August 21 @ 9:38am
Yes, I have the book! There’s a Wilkinson or two in there who reived as well.
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