Muirhall Teviot north extension to Windy Edge Wind Farm

Wind farm near Hawick heads to inquiry after council objects BBC


NORTH BRITISH WINDPOWER LIMITED overview – Find and update company information – GOV.UK (

The Annals of a Border Club (the Jedforest): And Biographical Notices of the … – George Tancred – Google Books

All EDF or Muirhall has to do in appeal like was done with Windy Edge Wind farm is to have their chosen reporter make the decision, or politicians not make decisions like with O-rings on the Challengers when engineers said they could not hold the temperatures. England is a Cromwellian Dictatorship, and does not listen to the border families. They want to Curse them out as the Bishop of Glasgow, or exterminate and genocide them, like which is happening to borders on the border between Russia and Ukraine.

Russia has a park for moose an American word for the Germans and English it is an elk-elch. They now have the French fire EDF in on the genocide. Maybe a French reporter would like to confirm the final appeal on the Muirhall and EDF wind farms. At least in Germany they have park for Jewish genocide. For peace on the border a park for us genocide Armstrong, Elliot, and Nixon would be nice.  Maybe it will have Nixon calling an Armstrong on the moon.

File:Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth.jpg – Wikipedia

William Elwald-Elliot-Elliott manages land in deed, and as landlord his descendant William Elwald-Ellot-Elliott land holder of Gorrenberry is in on the rescue with Scot(t), Armstrong, and Bell of a Kinmont Willie Armstrong. Do not forget the Bigham (big house) not Brigham (bridge house). Do not let anyone know this but those Grahams, which us Armstrong and Elliott would never marry, like the above it shows the Irving would were in on the rescue.

One does not get to choose their cousins.

Lock the Door Lariston, Lion of Liddesdale.  …

Johnnie Armstrong (Roud 76; Child 169) (


Wind farm battle over Scottish castle

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Robert Bruce Armstrong, copy – facsimile of 1590 Middle & West Scottish March map.

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Johnnie Gilnockie’s Grave (

A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PDF


Figure 5.4 Topographic Map within 10km

Liddesdale Wind Farm. Scoping Report. Figure 5.4. Topographic Map within 10km. 1 … A02) Teviot. C01) Pines Burn. C02) Windy Edge. A03) Faw Side. Site Boundary.

Brigham DNA

Seem to be related to guys in skirts.

Peace On The Border · Steeleye Span

Travel firm AC Group targets Scottish ‘hotbed’  Saturday 29 December 2018

Reivers author ‘would have fought to save Hermitage’

The Southern Reporter – Published: 17:00 Sunday 23 October 2011
BBC newsreader Fiona Armstrong who told us: “Yes, I know of this story and having filmed at Hermitage many times I would not like to see a wind farm there.

With the Clan Armstrong Trust, I set up the Reiver Trail five years ago and that takes in Hermitage. Many people use the trail, especially from abroad when they come to trace their borderland roots, and I fear a wind farm will not add to the magic of the area.

am not against wind farms per se – although I do have some doubts about their efficiency – but they have to be situated in the right place.


Margaret Eliott – Clan Chief;

Margaret Elliot of Stobs-Redheugh, family has the strongest background in Clan Elliot genealogy that I know. Margaret has done so well at chief, I think the daughter would do the best, but the son is next in line.

Both William and Gilbert are of Horsliehill, but Gilbert is Horsliehill-Redheugh, and William is Horsliehill-Gorrenberry. Gavin, a clerk of Horsliehill purchased Stobs, and was second husband to Robert 15 deceased of Larriston-Redheugh wife sister to Buccleuch. Redheugh between 1568 and 1591 adopted a new shield. Gilbert uses the adopted Redheugh shield. Gorrenberry, retains the old shield along with today’s Elwood/Ellwood. In 1500 John Elwald was mayor of York. Elwald is the name base for the Elwald of Yorkshire, and East Anglia, which became Elwold, Elwood, Ellwood.

The previous spelling of the Scottish Angus Ellot; Used on both Horsliehill seals; el lot, a lot where lengths of sides are measured by the sixteenth century Edinburgh, standard for length the el. People who farmed these lots in Angus were called ellot, but their surname at first was spelled Elwald.

Lock the door, Larriston, Lion of Liddesdale;
Lock the door, Larriston, Lowther comes on;
The Armstrongs are flying,…..

No Elliot enjoyed any heritage but Stobs,
A beloved sister to the family of Buckcleugh;

Their chief was a baron of renown, Designed Reid-heugh, which is now called Lariston;  Stobs and Dunlibyre is of the antient kind,

Gilbert’s father of chief Robert or Redheugh then of Larriston, did marry the sister of Buccleuch. A tower between Redheugh, and Hermitage Castle was built at Hartsgrath, for Gilberts mother, where William second son in Larriston became of Hartsgrath, then Dunlibyre. Chief Robert Gilbert’s father married the sister of Buccleuch, and built a tower at Hartgrath for Gilbert’s mother. Gilbert married Buccleuch’s cousin of Harden.

So Larriston of Redheugh feuded with the Armstrong, as they went flying. Do I need to spell out the genealogy on Buccleuch’s sister, and Gilbert. What do you think the relations between the Larriston-Redheugh chief, the Armstrong and Gilbert’s father were.

Pedigree/tree which survived Stobs 1720 fire;


The ELLOT CLAN Dora Hopkins, Margaret’s grandmother’s genealogy.

Who they are nobody can tell;
Robert Bell dichtete in The Book of Scots-Irish Family Names hinzu: For double L and double T (Elliott), the Scots should look across the sea!

Liddesdale Heritage Association


As the UK Parliament says about my ancestors; Transported as slaves to The Colonies. 

Exclusive: UN ruling puts future of UK wind farms in jeopardy Tribunal warns that the Government acted illegally by denying public participation, Tuesday 27 August 2013 19:54 BST
The United Nations Economic Commission Europe has declared that the UK flouted Article 7 of the Aarhus Convention, which requires full and effective public participation on all environmental issues and demands that citizens are given the right to participate in the process.

When James VI of Scotland, became James I of England, indigenous populations of Armstrong, and Ellot and other reivers were genocide by living in the borderlands, which were being cleared to make way for a Middleshires.

Ballad of Johnnie Armstrong

The Elwalds (Ellots) and Armstrangs did convene;
They were a gallant companie—
“We‘ll ride and meit our lawful king,
And bring him safe to Gilnockie.

The appeal of Hermitage Castle (Windy Edge) Wind Farm, by the Scottish Government, was in the same honest fashion the Scottish government gave to Johnie Armstrong – Gilnockie at Carlinrigg.



*Johnie Armstrong



But INFINIS has been approved by, a reporter appointed by Scottish Ministers.

Approving INFINIS, for MUIRHALL, to build the HERMITAGE CASTLE wind farm, which is referred by an obscure locality name  WINDY EDGE wind farm, by people of the wind farm industry, inclusive likely of the Scottish Ministry. The name HERMITAGE CASTLE is a better known locality name. Only people bought and paid for by corporations trying to industrialize the region would use an obscure name such as WINDY EDGE.

Walking in the Southern Uplands: 44 best hill days in southern Scotland
Ronald Turnbull – 2014 –
With notes on points of interest along the way as well as on transport and accommodation, the guide gives all the information walkers need.

Dod Hill/Fell (above)

The land above is my families, which in 1541 as Elwald of Gorrumberry, ancestral land.  In 1376, the Groves of trees have place names. It is felt the those which were to become Elwald, were living in these forrest groves, with personal names and by 1541 had surnames of Elwald, then about 1560 Ellot, then about 1650 Elliot.

The US National Park Service would not allow a wind farm to be seen along with it’s antiquities at Chaco Canyon.

These are ancestral lands to the Zuñi, and other indigenous American Nations, of isolated linguistic languages.  The United States Government had been protecting the national historical archaeological antiquity of Chaco Canyon for more than a century.


Hermitage Castle – Statement of Significance

Richard Scott of Buccleuch,

Sure do not want him to speak out for me, though he would be honest and truthful, because in the position he is in there, are people who do not want to believe him, and this is why I would not want Richard Scott of Buccleuch to speak out for me. His wife would do a better job of it.

Richard Scott, of Buccleuch said, NOTHING SHORT OF VANDALISM, and they began to think it was his castle he is trying to protect, not the HERMITAGE CASTLE, by Historical Scotland, which is a historical antiquity to the United Kingdom and ancestors of Border People of this region, displace to north England, Scotland, and Ireland and, around the world.

The Border Antiquities of England and Scotland:by Walter Scott 1817


Buccleuch is in support of the proper location for wind farms;,_10th_Duke_of_Buccleuch
The Duke is a trustee of the Royal Collection Trust, President of the Georgian Group and an Honorary Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Has a strong background in preservation and land management, yet the Scottish Ministries pick a reporter.   Though, my family came through Scotland and always seem to claim Scottish Heritage, with the government bestowed upon my family in the past, and the type of protection it is giving towards my families historical ancestral antiquities, today I claim that I am of German ancestry.

Renovation, was done with the support Buccleuch family. Today it would be at an extreme cost.


It was easy to model the Infinis appeal after the North British Windpower appeal, to realized it would go through in the same fashion.



It was taken for granted given a “reporter” that the appeal for Windy Edge Hermitage Castle would follow in the same manner as Fallago Rig, North British Windpower NBW.

A historical golf course such as St. Andrews should have it’s environment, like the Hermitage Castle protected from the view of wind farms.


But the construction of a golf course in itself can be an intrusion on lands of indigenous peoples; Crisis
CANADA; In 1959, the town approved the development of a private nine-hole golf course, the Club de golf d’Oka, on a portion of the disputed land. The Mohawk suit filed against the development did not succeed. Construction also began on a parking lot and golf greens adjacent to the Mohawk cemetery.

The wind turbines, do not impact new construction in the same fashion as they would impact historical antiquities such as; the St Andrews Golf Course or the Hermitage Castle.

3/18/2018 MSE


US President Theodore Roosevelt protected US archaeological historical antiquities more than a century ago, but had difficulties with corporate powers controlling the media, and driving out of honest public officials.

President Theodore Roosevelt signed the US Antiquities Act of 1906, which protected for the world Chaco Canyon National Monument, of the United States National Park System, which attracts, people to the region from all over the world, and protects for indigenous nations of peoples with in today’s United States, such as the people of Zuñi, and other people of indigenous pre-Columbia communities,  which build with stone such as Acoma‘s Sky City, and Hopi‘s Old Oraibi. Yes, there are pueblos (towns) in the Southwest United States, that were here before Columbus, first landed, and are still inhabited.

Above shows that Chaco Canyon has been protecting, ancestral land of indigenous Americans, living today, for all people around the world to see, but my ancestral lands have been proposed to be desecrated by corporate profits and industrialization. They would be the lands of THE HERMITAGE CASTLE.

3/19/2018 MSE


EDF’s Fallago Rig


EDF’s (formally NBW’s) Fallago Rig Windfarm;

EDF is a firm which supports as the UN does effective community input, and it is felt they do not support media and control of governmental officials, along with destruction of historical archaeological antiquities of the UK in placement of wind turbines near them. Muirhall, if they wish to be approved for a wind turbine matrix, in the region what is known as Windy Edge (Hermitage Castle), am sure that EDF will support a proper approval system as the UN has specified. added 4/12/2018

3/19/2018 MSE

Iain Hunter Scott (Scocha)

Archaeological, Historical, Scottish Clan groups, and tourist groups dependent upon preservation of the historical, archaeological, environment of THE HERMITAGE Castle.

Historic Environment Scotland

Hermitage Castle & Mary, Queen of Scots – Marie Stuart Society

Hermitage Castle | Elliot Clan Society

Hermitage Castle | Canmore

Hermitage Castle | Newcastleton | The Castles of Scotland, Coventry

Hermitage Castle – The Douglas Archives


Map of Elliot Territory


4/17/2018 MSE

For the Elliots;


By Walter Scott

The Border Elliots and the Family of Minto  By George Francis Scott Elliot page 309

For the Elliots brave and worthy men,

Have been oppressed as any name I ken,

For in my own time I have seen so much odds,

No Elliot enjoyed any heritage but Stobs,

A beloved sister to the family of Buckcleugh;

Yet in the border-side the Elliots did remain,

Since King Robert the First, they with him from Angus came,

The town of Elliot was their antiquitie,

Which stands in Angus in the foot of Glenshie;

With brave King Robert they hither came,

Which is three hundred and eighty years agone;

In West Tiviotdale these gentlemen did dwell,

There were twelved great families, I heard my good-sir tell;

Their chief was a baron of renown, Designed Reid-heugh, which is now called Lariston;

Stobs and Dunlibyre is of the antient kind,

Cobshaw, Brugh, Prickinhaugh and Gorrinberrie’s gone,

Yet there’s more Elliots by other stiles that supplied their room;

Erckletown (Arkleton) it was long out of the Elliots’ name,

But now it is returned to the self-same again; Elliot of Bewlies (Bewlie),

some say, he’s not a gentleman;

But I protest they do him wrong to his ninth generation.

note; Haik on map is pronounce “hoik”, and now spelled Hawick.

Nearby Minto Tower (Turnbull’s Fatlips Castle) renovation.

Cobshaw, Brugh, Prickinhaugh and Gorrinberrie’s gone John of Cobshaw (Copshaw), lived on the north end of Copshawholme (Newcastleton, first Castle Town now Old Castleton built near the Liddel Castle). The north end has a cup/cop of trees (shaw), where the south end is a flatten bank where the Milnholm (miln/mill) Cross a fourteenth century christian burial cross of an Alexandir Armistrand (amry strand along Liddel Water) Jr. John of Copshaw as 1590 map shows the he moved north previous to family extermination due to border pacification (genocide). Line no longer around, Prickinhaugh, is across from the Redheugh to Lariston Ellot, where brother’s family of Martin Ellot, moved their from Braidley, and they were exterminated during border pacification (genocide). The Y-DNA of the Daniel Elliott group is only found in the US. When the Cowie died they thought all us Gorrenberry Ellot were deceased. That would be complete extermination of my line also;


It should be noted;

No Elliot enjoyed any heritage but Stobs,

A beloved sister to the family of Buckcleugh (Buccleuch);

Today’s family Margaret Eliott’s 29th clan chief of Redheugh-Lariston-Stobs living at Redheugh, has both the blood of Redheugh-Lariston, and Buccleuch in her.

(Some Ellot chief living in Lariston, feuded with the Armstrong, and played around on Buccleuch’s sister.  Of course Redheugh and Buccleuch, wanted to kill each other). Lesson to be had; do not feud with the Armstrong and/or play around on the sister of the Bauld Buccleuch.



Lock the door, Larriston, Lion of Liddesdale;
Lock the door, Larriston, Lowther comes on;
The Armstrongs are flying,…..

*Lock the door Lariston

I’ve Mangerton, Gorranberry, Raeburn, and Netherby,

In 1484 and 1489, Willielmo Elwaldo (ie William Elwald/Elliot), was at the chief Robert Elwald (ie Elliot) receiving the land of Redheugh, Lariston and others. In 1607, my line of Gorrenberry, was banished from both kingdoms, living on land of the Hamilton-Somerville Family related to Robert of Redheugh-Lariston, in Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland.

Buccleuch rejected Redheugh-Lariston’s ownership of the property over protest of William Ellot of Gorrenberry, William Ellot of Prickenhaugh, Robert Ellot of Braidlie and others. Robert of Redheugh living on his lands in Lariston, across from Prickenhaugh, lost these lands, to the Bauld Buccleuch, though he was properly infeft with them. Though the Prickenhaugh, Braidlie, Copshaw line of Ellot were exterminated as a part of Border Pacification-Genocide, along with the Armstrong; others and those of Gorrenberry, exist with our R-U106 Y-DNA live in what is now the USA. The family which took our lands and made a Barony of Gorrenberry of the lands of Gorrenberry, and Braidley. I wonder who they could be?

Martin Ellot was living of the Braidlie, but William Ellot was of Gorrenberry.

5/6/2018 MSE

Scions of the Elliots and the Scotts lived at various times here. The Brownie of Goranberry, a helpful supernatural being which cleaned the building nightly, was reputed to live in the tower with one of the Elliots.

The history of the Hermitage Valley is very much tied up with that of Hermitage Castle which lies to the east of Gorrenberry. The history of this important national monument and the lands around it have been reported in a fascinating monograph by Professor Richard Oram of Stirling University (Report of Hermitage Castle).

Gorrenberry Belties, are felt better, than Buccleuch Belties, but I have a bias.

5/11/2018 MSE

Calendar of Border Papers

Armytage (Hermitage), Ellot (Elliot), Lyddall/Lyddisdall (Liddesdale), Bradley/Brandley (Braidlie), Whethough (Whitehaugh), Copshawe (cup of trees north end of Newcastleton), Steele (stream cut between Redheugh and Larriston), Thornesope (Thorleeshope, the valley of Thor-thunder up from Larriston), grayne (grain of; men with Martyn Ellot), clarke (clerk).

The grayne of Martyn Eliot of the Bradley hyghe in the Lyddall :-:M:artyn
Ellot of the Bradley; Sime Eliot his sonne; Gowan Ellot called the Clarke; Hobbe Eliot his brother; Arche Eliot his brother; Joke Ellot called Copshawe ; John Eliot of Thornesope; Will Ellot of the Steele; Dand Ellot of the Brandley; John Eliot of the same Seme Eliot of Hardin. All theise Ellotes and manie more of them are at Robin Ellotes comaundment and dwell betwixt the Armytage in Lyddisdall and Whethough towre=-fewe of them marryed with Englishe women.

In of the Bradley, as opposed to of Bradley, indicates leasing as opposed to ownership.

Keith Elliot Hunter  – Elliot Clan Historian.

Martin Eliot (Ellot) of Bradley hygh in the Liddall [high on the Liddell-(Liddesdale) Water, not in Teviotsdale]. Martin Ellot is included in the Ellots of Liddesdale.

at Robin Ellotes comaundment and dwell betwixt the Armytage in Lyddisdall and Whethough towre

Between the Hermitage (Armytage) in Liddesdale and Whitehaugh Tower of the Armstrongs.

Martin Ellot, brother to Redheugh-Lariston, lived in Braidlie just west of The Hermitage Castle.

5/22/2018 MSE


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