Migrating with “Fairy Bear” (Fairbairn)

Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied

The stories of the “Fairy Bear” are written in THE CHRONICLES OF THE ARMSTRONG” ed by James Lewis Armstrong;

Crowland-Croyland, possible localities of Alfwold Elwald Ellot Elliot origins.


St Andrew’s cross and the heart of Robert de Bruce (Douglas Clan symbol);

johnston_arms_blazon_ by_wh

Johnston Family
Scandinavian Ancestors






One can see a basic migration trail in The Stories of the “Fairy Bear” coming from southern German to Denmark then on to Yorkshire.




In the story you have elk(moose) which became deer in Northumbria (no elk(moose)). Bear which seemed to stay bear, and wolf. The elk known as Elwald (of Elgwalt-Elfwald), the bear of Fairbairn (fair Beorn), and the wolf of Loumain (felt extinct).

It is the migration of the elk (Elwald), and the bear (Fairbairn), leaving out the wolf (Loumain), which will be of basic concern.



As one can see the elk(moose), and the bear of the saxony forest near today’s Berlin, Germany are friends.




The region of the elk and wolf are nearby.

The DNA of the writter M. Elliot shows a person who died in 1510, one step in 25 markers away is in this region;


This region is were the suffix -wald; meaning forest is used a lot.



Robert P. Elliott has done excellent research on studying Y-DNA of what is called the Daniel Modal (group) stemming from similar Y-DNA based on today’s name Elliott, of Daniel Ellet/Elliot who left testimony in 1692 for the Salem Witch Trials, which today still holds high acceptability, and these are some results he has been able to obtain for our group.








History wiki/Clan_Kerr
Origins of the clan
The name Kerr is rendered in various forms such as Kerr, Ker, Carr and Carre. The name stems from the Old Norse kjrr which means marsh dweller, and came to Scotland from Normandy, the French settlement of the Norsemen.

An elk (moose) is a marsh dweller and there were a lot of marshes near York. Though elk (moose) are extinct in the United Kingdom, a deer stag in many cases is felt to replace the elk (moose).


As one can see the most likely nation of the above to be from is Germany.Area of the start of the Fairy Bear Stories.This is were the migration of the elk(moose), of the high German wald (forest) with the bear will begin.

  1. Area of the start of the Fairy Bear Stories.
  2. Area which -wald is used as a suffix
  3. Area of Y-DNA connection d 1510 in twenty-five one step off.
  4. Area in which the elk(moose), and the bear of the forest are found.
  5. Area in which Y-DNA evidence shows the Daniel modal the group in which my Y-DNA is from to be likely Germany.
  6. Area in Germany which elk (moose) today are returning to.




Low German Elwald takes a southern migration path were the Elwold/Elwould end up becoming the Ellwood of Cumbria.


Though some may say “weald” means ruler, it also means forest. Where “wald” is high German, and it is felt migration from southern Germany in the use of “-wald” as a suffix in Elwald came from high German traveling north of Hamburg, though some high Germans traveled through low German to the west of Hamburg and basically became the name Elwold where the low German “-wold” became in England the English “-wood” meaning small forest or woods.

Ellwood-name-map Brampton

Above shows the basic migration path of the Norfolk Elwold to Cumbria, England Ellwood.


It should be noted that DSL is an excellent source, and the link gives a migration of the languages in Scotland, and the Anglo-Danish Scandinavian language, which is felt to migrate north to where Scotland became located is shown in their link.

Dictionary of the Scots Language
Dictionar o the Scots Leid


The Danish Elwald path which traveled along with the Fairbairn in goes north, of Hamburgh.

M Elliott  11/14/2014


This shows that Elgwalt/Elfwald (elg/moose), and Beorjn/Beorn (bear), could have the same parentage.

boern elg Fairbairn Elwald

Bjørn Elg Bear Elg

In Norway, you can get away with being called a bear—Bjørn–or even an elk (moose)—Elg.


Angle Beorn Elwald (1)

The following shows that Alfwald is a viable spelling for Elfwald/Elwald.


Algwald Elfwald (1)Algwald Elfwald (2)

Algwald Elfwald (3)



Danish elg can become English elf, since England had no elg/elk/moose.




1/22/2015  MSE






Gives region which my Y-DNA came into by correlating 12 exact markers to names which give geographic localities of Scarborough, N&S Cave, and Gresham.

Northumbria DNA Danish map



Two groups which could use support;

Hermitage Action Group


Hermitage Action Group – Clan Armstrong Trust

Only serious contention Arthur Eliott

The only serious contention remaining, which is favoured by some modern historians, ascribes the surname to the fairly common old Northumbrian christain name of Elwold or Elwald.

The Elliots; The Story of a Border Clan, Arthur Eliott 1986




They Elliots (Elwald/Ellot) were ancient neighbors of Mangerton, and sprund, as did the Armstrongs, from Northumbria…….
Chronicles of the Armstrongs (1902), James Lewis Armstrong MD


Gives statistical comparison between the Elliot, Elliott, Armstrong and Fairbairn.

The Scottish (Northumbria) Elliot name rates in Ireland.

Elliott, Armstrong and Fairbairn share the to four forenames of John, David, Robert and James. Like the early Elwald name (1230) it seems like John is still the most popular among Elliot, Elliott, Armstrong, and Fairbairn.

Elliot Elliott Armstrong and Fairbairn12/18/2014

Liddell Top Fornames11/14/2015

Top 5 for Liddell is the same for Elliott, top 4 is the same as Fairbairn and Armstrong for the forename.

Liddell is a name which comes from the river Liddel.

Armstrong surname distribution map 1881 Liddell surname distribution 1881 Little on Liddel surname distribution 1881

Chronicles-of-Armstrong-shields-1 Chronicles-of-Armstrong-shields-2

Liddell (Little), and Armstrong; 1376 Armystrand, an army strand along the Liddel Water, 1541 Armistrang, an army (which is) strong, now Armstrong, an arm strong.  The Liddell and Armstrong, are from along the Liddel Water. Fairbairn is represented, a surname found on the east border.

Fairbairn surname distribution 1881

It is felt given surname distribution, the origins of Liddell (Water), and Armystrand (army along Liddel Water), and Fairbairn being a group of people the Armstrong originated from, and a surname taken by those along the east border not on Liddel, on can see these families Liddell, Armstrong, and Fairbairn have strong links.

11/14/2015 MSE







The Cowie is originally from Germany.

The Cowie’s DNA indicates Germany;

The cowie is a stag, of the forest, and surname ends with the suffix “wald” with means;


As one can see wald means forest where the cowie lives.

The Cowie strongly matches a Y-DNA from a forest near Berlin.


This is a region in which a lot of Cowies today are heading back to their ancient homeland;



In the ancient homeland the Cowie made friends with a bear.


In the forest (wald) of Saxony.

The map shows the region of these wald;

Sch- -heide -wald Berlin Germany map

around Berlin.

The Cowie and the Fairbear are friends and the Fair Bear Story included them;

The elk (moose) and bear, are two of the three children, which the third includes the wolf. The elk does not care for the wolf so the elk (Cowie) migrates with Fair Bear.


The Fair Bear, and the Elk moved up to Denmark, then onto Northumbria;


The Elwald elk of the forest took on the stag head as a symbol at the top of their crest after leaving Germany. In Germany the name Ewald in Northumbria the name Elwald.

German Ewald and Robert Elwald crest comparisons.

elk head and antlers Elwald Hunters and Foresters hunting-horn

The Cowie had 12-marker matches with a number of people from Scarborough, N&S Cave, and Gresham, which gave and approximate locality of entering Northumbria near where and at the time the Fair Bear also entered;

Northumbria DNA Danish map


In the migration for Germany to Denmark to Yorkshire to the Borders the name basically evolve from the German  elk(moose) to the Danish elg(moose) and in Yorkshire where there were not any moose the name became elf(elf) then the “f” was dropped an is became a measured piece of land an el/ell (el Edinburgh standard in length similar to an Imperial yard or French metre). Though in those days spelling varied, but this is the conceptual change for the spelling, and the names Elgwald/Elfwald/Elwald referred to king and is a saint with bones buried in Hexam Abbey, Northumberland.

Then the Cowie proceeded towards his home in the region of the Armytage (Hermitage Castle), in the area down the Hermitage of trees called Shawis, and the region north of the castle where there is a hill referred to as Lawis.

Cowie moved up the Hermitage from the Castle to a place just called THE HORN;

Gorrenberry horn fort

Gorrenberry at the Horn

or Gorrenberry. The topographical location name Gorrenberry,  like Cowie is of Germanic orgins;

Germanic Toponymicon Southern Scotland Gorrenberry

Nearby Braidley/Broadlee (Anglicized form) is;


When they United both kingdoms of England and Scotland about 1607 they took Gorrenberry away from Cowie, banished him from both kingdoms, and the only place Cowie had left to go was the Ulster Plantation.



It should be noted that the Elwald (elk/moose) did not care for the Loumaine (wolf), though latter on because of the being no elk/moose and bear in Fermanagh the story went that the bear was eating the elk (moose), though some bear do eat elk/moose it is felt most do not. So in Liddesdale it is know that the Loumaine (wolf) ate the Elwald (elk/moose), and the Elwald wanted to do something about it. The Elwald knew that no one knew much about the Elwald (elk/moose), and Fairbairn (bear) in the Liddesdale region because they were still today considered extinct species.

So, they wanted to approach an old Scandinavian god, where Scandinavia still  has bear and elk(moose), so they went to where this god stayed in the valley out of the wind. They went to Thorleehope; the valley in which Thor stayed out of the wind, an old home of the Elwald (elk/moose), across the Liddel from Slaughtree (willow trees), and near where the Martin Elwald/Ellot family would live until it was banished at the time of the Union, at Hueghhouse (house on slope) in this region.

A good friend of the Elwald meant with them who came up from the borders and managed woodlands he was a forester; Forst/Frost/Forster/Forstar/Forest/Forester, and he had good friends from the other side of the border which were hunters (Hunter), and could kill off the Loumaines and send them into extinction. The Elwald (elk/moose), Fairbairn (bear), and Crosar (Crozier; cross bearers to show the the bear and the elk were not followers of Thor) asked the Forstar, woudn’t the Huner kill them. The Forstar said, “The Hunter thinks Elwald are extinct and will not go after them”.

So the Elwald thought they could draw the Loumaine into a valley which the Loumaine (wolf) like to be  in,  it is called Wolfhopelee, in Northern Liddesdale where this was successfully done. After that the Loumaine (wolf) became extinct, and the Elwald hid under another name that of Ellot so the Hunter could not any longer find them. The Hunter could never figure out how the Elwald became Ellot, though the Ellot lived as the Elwald did and the Elliot today do around the Hermitage Castle. So they were then forever safe from the Hunter.

At least the Fair Bear traveled with Cowie.



Fair Bear is part of the unvanquished ;


And Cowie is also hoping to be Unvanquished but for now;

I remain vanquished


Though Cowie misses his Gorrenberry home, Cowie has made a freind in New Mexico, which likes to protect his forest (wald) from fires.

Elk (moose) are rare in New Mexico, USA;
moose in New Mexico





E Anglia Norfolk Elfwald Elwald



Northfolk Anglia Elfwald Elwald Alan Robert


Clan Elliot does not recognize the Elwald line. Elwald/Ellot (elk/moose), wants to become a sept of their brother the Armstrong (bear);

Armstrong Elwald

Mark Elliott   3/23/2015

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