Genealogy Geographic Surname DNA Elliot








Як видно, Маргарет Барна жила в Нью-Джерсі, США, зі своїми бабусею і дідусем. Її дідусь, мій прадід Стефан-Стефан Барна, народився в Галичині, яка була розділена на південно-східну Польщу та західну Україну, де з ви знайдете мою автосомальну ДНК, яку він передав мені, Марку Стівену Елліотту. Хотілося б дізнатися, ким були батьки Маргарет.

Jak widać, Margaret Barna, mieszkała z dziadkami w New Jersey w USA. Jej dziadek mój pradziadek Stephen-Stefan Barna urodził się w Galicji, która została podzielona na południowo-wschodnią Polskę i zachodnią Ukrainę, gdzie znaleźć moje autosomalne DNA, które przekazał mnie, Markowi Stephenowi Elliottowi. Chciałaby wiedzieć, kim byli rodzice Małgorzaty.





Dad, Loren Spencer Elliott had been asked if he and his sister were identical twins. That means they came from the same egg. Only twin sisters or brothers can be identical because they come from the same egg. Since these are two sisters do you think they are identical? Does one look like it may have African ancestry? If the people found by early post Columbian explorers look like those of India, and you did not know there was an America, but thought the spherical earth was small in diameter, because ships at sea would go over the horizon, showing the ocean is not truly flat, would you not refer to these people as being of India?  Mark Stephen Elliott


FTDNA genealogy

Peter Paul Ewald and Rosalind Elsie Franklin are X-ray crystallographers , looking for structure.  In planer for carbon is graphite, but in face center cubic it is a diamond. Synthetic diamonds tend to be more cubic, then octahedrons. MSE

It is sometimes difficult to put up with relations especially if they are from the Scottish side after the Declaration of Arbroath 1320, and tries to write in the English and French languages;

La Prision d’Édimbourg – Walter Scott – Google Books

Google Translate



Lands of Horseliehill and Stobs, Relations of William of Horsliehill, Gavin of Stobs MSE 2013





Charles II | Westminster Abbey    Let’s say it this way: Prince of Wales and the Duke of Buccleuch are cousins.

Admiral Penn, Wm Penn’s father fought on the side of reinstatement of Charles II, which he was paid in a land grant of Pennsylvanian, his son William had a friendship exchanging gifts with the Lena Lenape, indigenous people of the land of what is now Philadelphia the they would live in friendship. Land sharing not ownership was a concept the indigenous population of what became Pennsylvania, could understand. Hominy which goes into posole is a Hispanic-American dish.  The word hominy is not English but as Wm Penn point out of the Lena Lenape. My Y-DNA was Anglican Hamiltonian Royalists of Ulster previously not of either Kingdom of England or Scotland, but of the border like Neil Armstrong which took the first step on the moon, but we the soldiers of the Hermitage Castle follow an Armstrong collective the army of the border which separated the kingdoms of Scotland and England So we evolved as Jewish to Catholic to Anglican to Episcopalian to Methodist. Of free speech which identifies democracy, I follow that of god in all. Mark Stephen Elliott


Genealogía del ADN de Nueva Galicia Nueva España

Of Eliot

Wm de Aliot

Wm de Aliot

Of Elliot

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch

John Elwald of St. Andrews pdf

John & Robert Elwald of York Hexam pdf

Clan Crozier (


Capt John Allen Jr.

Capt. John Allen, Jr., son of John Allen “the dyer” and his first wife Rebecca, bapt. Jan. 7, 1615/6 at St. Martin at Palace parish church in Norwich, England. Capt. Allen followed his 10-year older brother Rev. Thomas Allen (bapt. Aug. 26, 1608) to Charlestown, Mass. by 1640. It is uncertain whether Capt. Allen m. his wife Sarah before crossing the Atlantic Ocean or after he arrived in Charlestown.

Briefly digressing, Capt. Allen’s brother, Rev. Thomas Allen of Norwich, England and Charlestown, Mass., was associate pastor of the Charlestown Church under Rev. Zachariah Symms. He m. 1) circa 1639 in Charlestown, Anna Sadler, widow of Rev. John Harvard, the namesake of Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. and settled Harvard’s estate, which included the bequest that Rev. Harvard’s personal library be given to the then fledgling Harvard College.

Capt John Allen Jr. (1616-1675) – Find a Grave Memorial

Daniel Elliot, likely came back on the ship Rev. Thomas Allen traveled to London on.

Daniel Elliot

On Aug 4, 1682 Boston deed; Daniel Elliot Sr, father of Daniel Elliot Jr of the Salem Testimony,

Alexander sailed to America aboard the Liberty, a ship commanded by Captain John Allen. The liberty landed in Boston. Alexander paid for his passage with a six year bound labor contract with John Cloyes, also called indentured servitude.

Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch


Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch


Global web icon

The book of Scots-Irish family names – FamilySearch

The book of Scots-Irish family names. Title Also Known As: Book of Ulster surnames|Ulster surnames|Scots-Irish family names. Statement of Responsibility: Robert Bell. Authors: Bell, Robert, 1953- (Main Author) Format: Books/Monographs.


Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio, Lidisdail / Auct. Timotheo Pont. – Blaeu Atlas of Scotland, 1654 (

Chronicles of the Armstrongs Ed By James L. Armstrong M.D. 1902 p.77 Elwald


Sketch of Dand Ellot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster (Dand to Daniel –  PDF MSE 10/25/2010

10/25/2010 Bob’s last birthday did not make it to Christmas.

Robert Elliott Obituary, Urbandale, IA :: Iles Funeral Homes


When a surname changes over the centures how should it be recorded? – WikiTree G2G  by anonymous 

Bec; An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248).[5] Humanistiska vetenskaps-samfundet; Lund, Louise Vinge C.W.K. Gleerup. vol. 72-74 p. 22

Rimington, History
The village was listed in the Domesday Book as “Renistone”. The name Boulton (Bolton) is listed in land deeds of 1302,[3] and Robert Elwald son of Alan listed 1304.[4] Calendar of Close Rolls, Vol 1302-7

Braidlee-Brailey Burn is between Dod Hill and The Hermitage Castle.

Though the Duke of Buccleuch, knows this land quite well, would question how well the Scottish Government, may a say a puppet of the English, and the Wind Farm industry, because they think a reporter is a land’s man. 29th Chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh has and elwand, a Scottish standard of measurement on her shield. Elwood-Elwand-Ellot-Elliot-Eliott are Clan variant names. Am an Elwand of Gorrenberry, which measures. Did work as a mine engineer, but the Scottish government thinks that more than The Duke of Buccleuch, that a reporter knows more about land, and their reporter overturned the discission of not building Windy Farm, and name utilized by the English French but Scottish only in name wind farm industry. The heart of Robert never did make it to Jerusalem. If your government does not preserve this land into a National Park like the Duke of Northumberland, then without question they are a government of corporate English wind farms.

Mark Stephen Elliott December 30, 2023.

Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? (

Mary Stewart Marie Stuart Queen of Scots (


Sketch of Dand Ellot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster (Dand to Daniel –  PDF MSE 10/25/2010

10/25/2010 Bob’s last birthday did not make it to Christmas.

Robert Elliott Obituary, Urbandale, IA :: Iles Funeral Homes

When a surname changes over the centures how should it be recorded? – WikiTree G2G  by anonymous 

Bec; An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248).[5] Humanistiska vetenskaps-samfundet; Lund, Louise Vinge C.W.K. Gleerup. vol. 72-74 p. 22

Rimington, History
The village was listed in the Domesday Book as “Renistone”. The name Boulton (Bolton) is listed in land deeds of 1302,[3] and Robert Elwald son of Alan listed 1304.[4] Calendar of Close Rolls, Vol 1302-7




Redheugh – Larriston sasine/deed 5th Century

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books


James Donald Elliott, and I are the closest Daniel of Salem, MA-Tullykelter,  Co. Maguire-Fermanagh, Ireland, because we both branch from the sixth son, Comfort Elliot. Louis Mark Elliott of husband S.A. has son buried near her at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mt. Ayr (Ayr, of Robert Burns), Iowa, USA, named William Comfort Elliott. In 37 markers we are one off.

Though my religious society welcomed Catholics, to the Quaker State, which they governed, DNA wise I’m proud to say, that I’m a descendant of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the longest living signer and only Catholic to sign The Declaration of Independence, his cousin was first U.S. Bishop. Since it is by DNA and not family lineage do not feel the Catholics share my pride.

Mark Stephen Elliott

Redheugh – Larriston sasine/deed 5th Century



Daniel Elliot 1637-1704 Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland to Boston, MA,

Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch


The Aug 4, 1682 Boston deed: Daniel Elliot Sr, father of Daniel Elliot Jr of the Salem Testimony, was a document discovered by Melanie Hollett of the Daniel Elliot group.

Daniel Elliot 1637-1704 Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland to Boston, MA,

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch

Crosser-Crozier 1587 Middlemarch


For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott


Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
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Though they kicked me off site;

Uploads from Mark Stephen Elliott on Wikitree

ancestors Daniel Elliot 1637-1704?

Daniel Elliot, Salem by Loren S. Elliott – Elwald





Steel Bonnets In Debatatable Lands with George Macdonald Fraser and Eric Robson cut A 51min

Steel Bonnets In Debatatable Lands with George Macdonald Fraser and Eric Robson cut B 50min

Redheugh – Larriston sasine/deed 5th Century

A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PDF



Buccleuch R-L21 Y-DNA into Scotland


Gorrenberry lands






Kuta R-FT41761 Big-Y, FTDNA Polish, seemed to get stopped at this brick wall by SNPs in Ukraine, also, but as you can see a Bennett Greenspan seemed to get into the Ukraine. One would think he would help others to break through this ‘brick wall’. Is it the sampling of the Ukrainians causing the difficulties?
Mark Elliott
September 8 @ 9:12am


For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott


Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
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Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information

Though they kicked me off site;

Uploads from Mark Stephen Elliott on Wikitree

ancestors Daniel Elliot 1637-1704?


More of line.

I. Andrew (Dand) Ellot of Liddesdale accused in the slaughter of Hugh Douglas, referred to as Cowie of Gorrenberry, because it was a story used when he came down from Baillie in Teviodale, to Gorrenberry east of the Hermitage Castle in Liddesdale, to visit his second son Robert Ellot from Hob Elwode, adopt syster’s son of Clement Croser, known as Clementis Hob, and helped the family, the Gorrenberry family make up a Cowie story, so they could explain the sounds made by him working during the night in which he became known as The Cowie of Gorrenberry. It is felt he lived in Teviotdale with Gilbert, referred to Dandis Gib, which was Gilbert of the Goldern Garties, which became of the Gilbert of Stobs line.

Andrew (Dand) has sons Andrew and Robert;
II. Andrew (Dand the Cow) Ellot, Burgess of Selkirk.
Robert (Clementis Hob, a Hob taking in by mother’s brother Clement Crosar) living with Archibald (Archie Keen) Ellot, younger brother to Gavin the Clark (Clerk).

Robert has sons, Robert and Andrew.
III. Robert Baillie to Sir John Hamilton of Armagh, his family likely died in the Irish Revolt of 1642, though he had a son Robert which surveyed land.
Andrew (Dand) Ellot of Liddesdale became Daniel Elliott of Somerville married to a Hamilton, of Tullykelter Castle.

Daniel Elliott of Tullykelter has sons;
IV. William with son William,
Gavin Gawon

Robert has sons;
V. Robert of now Portsmonth, Maine.
Daniel Elliot of Otter Neck (Saxonville-north Framingham) then Boston, who has son is Daniel Elliot of the Salem Testimony.


From Google search; “Daniel Elliot of Scotland”  10/8/2017

Sketch of Dand Elliot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster – Elwald
Sketch of Dand Elliot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster. Connecting the dots is difficult to do, and there will be some interpolation to put the family through.

Daniel Ellot-Elliot Salem, Boston, Scotland 6/18/2015 – Gorrenberry
Mar 23, 2015 – Daniel Elliot innkeeper of Boston 1704;. (noted; in The History of Danvers, there is a Daniel Elliot of the Danver’s Militia which died in 1690, this …

Daniel Elliott 1610 Ulster likely Catholic then Anglican – Gorrenberry 27, 2015 – Name Daniel in Ulster evolved from an alias of the Scottish border name, Andrew for St Andrew, which had an alias of Dan; became the Irish …

Alexander Gordon, Individual Contract with Master John Cloise ……
Dec 4, 2014 – DANIEL GORDON, was born at Exeter, Rockingham, New ….. in the late English wars with Scotland, and with many more prisoners brought into ….. The Y-DNA of our Daniel Elliot line is unusual among Elliots making up only …

Tullykelter Castle – Wikipedia
Tullykelter Castle is a castle located in Northern Ireland. In 1616 Archbishop Malcolm Hamilton … James Somerville is of Cambusnethan in Ayrshire, Scotland. … James and Elizabeth took the Oath of Supremacy, but a lessee Daniel Elliot who …

10/8/2017 MSE



Tentative family tree structure.

Dand (alias for Andrew) had sons;

Andrew (Dan the Cowie) Burgess of Selkirk.

Clementis Hobs (Clement Crosar-Crozier’s living on Gledstane land of Stobs sister’s son Robert Ellott)

Clementis Hobs had sons;

Robert Ellot Bailee to Sir John Hamilton of Armagh, likely died in Irish Rebellion of 1641.

Andrew Ellot alias Dand became Daniel Ell(i)ott of Tullykelter on James Somerville land, in 1610 Tyrone muster, son James Somerville, estate owner of Tullykelter of Monea Castle muster is in 1630, along with a Robert Ellot, son of Daniel Ell(i)ot, it is this Robert Ellot which is felt to name his first son Robert of Maine-Portmouth, NH, after himself, and his second son Daniel after his father, and normal progression in naming. Robert indentured to the Cutt family of NH-ME, building houses. Daniel indentured to the Stone family of Cambridge.

MSE 11/7/2023



For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott


Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
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Though they kicked me off site;

Uploads from Mark Stephen Elliott on Wikitree

Elliot Chief receives a tribute to her grandmothers at Greenville, SC

Forty-eight Elliot Clan Society members participated in the Chief ís Dinner on Saturday evening during the Greenville Games. During

dinner, Elliot Clan Society member and South Carolina re-enactor, William Grissop, of Travelers Rest, South Carolina delivered a moving tribute to the Chief – honoring her Scottish Border and Southern Grandmothers. The Elliot Chief descends from a line of hereditary Chiefs back to the time of Robert the Bruce in the 1300s in Scotland. Through her Atlanta-born paternal grandmother, she also descends from many early South Carolina families who settled in that state before the American Revolutionary War. Here are the words Mr. Grissop shared with Margaret Elliott of Redheugh: Margaret Eliott is a daughter of the Scottish Borders, that fabled land that produced the men known as the Border Reivers or the Steel Bonnets. They were indeed men of steel. It need not be doubted that these men of steel sprang from, married and fathered women of steel. To even read casually of the Border history would make one wonder what sort of women were these who mothered, married and supported these men, the Steel Bonnets. These were strong women, resilient women, loving women. Were it not so, we of the Elliot Clan would not be here today. Our Chief, Margaret Elliott, is blood and sinew of these people. She is also blood and sinew of another proud line of strong women. Chief Margaret is also a Southern Girl! Her paternal grandmother was bornin Georgia and other grandmothers were born in South Carolina and Tennessee. (Being a native South Carolinian with much Georgia blood flow ing through my veins, I can readily state that this is about as much glory as one person can stand!) These women of the South have proven their glorious worth over the years.

Section B Bethís Newfangled Family Tree August 2008 Page 3

Video Player




Redheugh-Larriston-Hartsgarth-Liddesdale sassine-dead from Archibald ‘Bell the Cat Douglas’ V earl of Angus.

History students’ Pammel Court exhibition brings back memories


History students’ Pammel Court exhibition brings back memories

Do not remember living at Pammel Court. Temporary housing was not so temporary, could remember  riding through there, with family, dad would be driving, and it is felt mom told me we once lived in the housing. Feel there was fuel oil tanks, for heating. Mark S. Elliott. The hair style for the man above is called a ‘flat top’. During WWII dad was on a  ‘CVE’ ‘flat top’ (air craft carrier).



1257. @B[Mark Stephen ELLIOTT] [11] [858. Loren S. 10, Mark 9,
A.W. 8, Sherburn 7, Comfort 6, John 5, Jonathan 4, 3, Daniel 2,
1] was born 22 Oct 1949 in the Greene Co Hospital, Jefferson, IA.
He was named to honor his grandfathers. He is ambidextrous. He
graduated from Roosvelt High School in Des Moines in 1968, having
attended grade schools in Manson and Sioux City, IA, and Topeka,
KS. He was involved in the Boy Scout program in Sioux City and
Topeka. He lettered his senior year in high school in wrestling.
He graduated with B.S. degree in history and economics from the
University of Wyoming in Laramie. While he was there he became a
member and resided in The TKE Fraternity. He joined an outdoor
club and heavily involved in mountain climbing and cross country
skiing. He scaled Devil’s Tower and several peaks in the Grand
Teton Range including the @I[Grand]. As of 1985 he had given up
Mountain climbing but still participated in cross country skiing,
back packing, and fishing. He worked for a short time in a trona
mine owned by FMC Corporation near Green River, WY, and became
interested in mining engineering. He returned to school at the
University of Utah in Salt Lake City and obtained a BS degree in
mining engineering in 1978. He was employed as a mining engineer
by National Gypsum in Shoals, Indiana, from 1979-83. He married
on 28 Feb 1978 in Salt Lake City, Utah, to @P[Mary Lou WATSON].
She was born in 1950 in Winston-Salem, NC. They were divorced in
1983 and had no children. Mark returned to school in 1983 to the
University of Indiana in Bloomington, IN, where he had resided
since 1979. He has been involved in a fellowship teaching and
working on a master’s degree in mathematics and computer science.
He took his practice teaching assigment the first five months of
1985 on an Indian Reservation near the Four Corners, located in
New Mexico. The summer of 1985 he was back at the University of
Indiana in school and teaching part time. The fall of 1985 he
accepted a job teaching in junior high at Crownpoint, New Mexico,
with 68 of his 69 students being native Americans. Crownpoint is
part of the Gallup school system. In 1986-87 he taught math and
computer science on the Zuni Indian Reservation south of Gallup.
He later taught in Sanders, AZ, and in 1995 was teaching in
Window Rock, AZ. He also taught a couple of college credit
courses at night in Gallup, NM. While in Indiana, he became a
member of the @I[Friends] Church. At a meeting in Gallup he met
Susan. On 27 Jun 1987 he married @P[Susan Roberta WARREN] in a
`Friends Ceremony’ in the Sacred Heart Retreat south of Gallup.
She was born in Johnson City, TN, 5 Mar 1955, and the daughter of
Hugh and Eloise WARREN of Garden City, SC. She served in the Air
Force and graduated from the University at Johnson City, TN. In
1987 she was a nutritionist working with the various Indian
tribes near Gallup. In 1989 she accepted the Home Economist
position for the county with office located in Gallup. In 1993
she accepted a position in Chinle in NE Arizona, employed by the
Federal Government in the health department working with the
Navajo Indians. She and Mark purchased a home in Gallup in 1987.
Mark has much interest in genealogy and his family history and
has made contributions searching libraries in Salt Lake City and

By dad Loren Spencer Elliott

How family members are being successful at family history; 

Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied

The family knows best.
Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family.
Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws, though you may want to.
Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history.
If the family’s history is done properly one does not get to pick their ancestors.
When a person lets say MrX, on FTDNA MrX surname blog, says something about his family tree, and MZ says he is a liar, because MZ administrates the FTDNA blog, who is most likely correct MrX or MZ?
People need another point of view, and the family tree can not exist without males and females, because that is what it takes to make a family tree.
For instance the males carry the Y-DNA. To put a female MZ, in charge of FTDNA blogs MrA-MrY, with the power of kicking people out of the blog anyone she likes to is that genealogy or Corporate Profit Making?
Can a person be kicked out of their family tree?
Say two people of the same family have a disagreement on a point. One of the two researchers the other person’s position, and find it to be correct also. The other does not. Who has gained knowledge of the family tree, and is acting in the manner of a true family historian/genealogist?
Needs no commit.
Family History as opposed to History, to identify individuals, has to utilize more documentation on the subject manner then History alone. When one goes back thirty generations, that generational line mathematically has more than a billion autosomal DNA ancestors, but only one female mtDNA ancestor, and one male Y-DNA ancestor, which all it takes to produce the next generation. For me to be kicked off of FTDNA blogs shows that FTDNA is a corporate money making machine and does not care anything about families except in profit dollars, for putting they say to much online. It is minute, in amount, it is the others which are not putting enough online which is where the complaint should be made.

DNA U106, Proto-Germanic Migration.

My Y-DNA SNP FTDNA#101829, Yseq#4069 M269>U106>S12025>FGC12040>S16361>A6722 If you could use above format, it may help.

Proto-Germanic R-U106 haplogroup DNA Elwald-Elliot

Norman Barony Naming Convention Correlating Y-DNA Used to Find Pre-Surname Northumbria-East Anglia Entry Location.

A barony naming convention would explain why the Normans called it the Battle of Hastings instead of naming it for the battlefield. The battle took place in the Rape (barony) of Hastings on land that was subject to Hastings’ jurisdiction. The Saxons called it the Battle of Senlac according to Orderic Vitalis, after the local name of the place. Senlac means “sandy loch” and would fit the wide, sandy Brede Valley flood plain through which the estuarine Brede River meandered.

Wm de Aliot is where the Eliot name is of southern most England; St German/Port Eliot is an example of this convention.

In 123o there are Elwold in Rye/Rya, near where The Battle of Hastings took place.




Location of Medieval Rye-Rya;

Location of Medieval Rye-Rya

Number of Elliot Families Distribution 1891 Census Data;




Scandinavians were apart of The Battle of Hastings (Rye/Rya), and the Battle of Stamford Bridge near York, 1066, which leads me to believe my Y-DNA, came into the region about this time.

Norman Barony Naming Convention is being used to find the locality in where my Y-DNA line arrives in the British Isles.

 Son of  Loren Spencer Elliott; Mark Stephen Elliott;


Of Daniel Group (Gorrenberry) of Germany;

Basic genealogy done by father Loren S. ;

genealogy by dad; Loren S. Elliott


Log into Family Tree DNA and click on advanced matches;

Family Tree DNA adv matching 11-9-2014

For basic Y-DNA matches of the Daniel Elliott Grouping, named after Daniel Elliot which made testimony for the Salem Witch Trials 1692.

The following contain M269 which becomes U106 and L21

Dan Group; U106 Proto-Germanic

James D. Watson Craig Venter respectively Scottish and German




First check Y-DNA12 only, and leave name blank.

Y-DNA12 with last name blank


Note which surnames are utilized the most;

Example for myself given 12 markers;

12 markers M S Elliott 11-9-2014 Family Tree DNA

Why do I match men with different surnames?

There are two reasons you may have a Y-DNA match with someone with a different surname.

It may be that your connection is from a time before surnames were in common use. This is especially likely for groups where surnames were often not adopted until the most recent 100 to 200 years, for example, Scandinavians and Jewish populations.

Another reason for surnames not to match is that there has been a surname change in genealogical times. That could be in either your match’s or your own line.

The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.

If you continue to match others outside your surname at the Y-DNA37, Y-DNA67, and Y-DNA111 marker level, then there is likely to have been a surname change within the genealogical time-frame. Common causes for this include deliberate name changes and adoptions. For those matches at a higher number of markers (Y-DNA37, Y-DNA67, and Y-DNA111), contacting your matches is the best way to learn more.

 Names came out Cave, Dennis, Grisham, and Scarborough. 

Cave M269;

Cave 22 Y-DNA R-M269 11-9-2014


For Cave the count is 22, twelve marker exact matches.

Dennis U106;

Dennis FTDNA results  matching; Dennis Group 01

Dennis 10 8-R-U106 11-9-2014


Cave has also French origins so an 1881 distribution map is not shown.

For Dennis the count is 10, twelve marker exact matches. 

The surname Dennis, unlike the surnames Gresham, Cave, and Scarborough does not have geographic locality, but the surname distribution map shows Dennis covers these or near regions of the locations of Gresham, Cave, and Scarborough;

Dennis surname distribution map 1881

Dennis surname distribution for Anglia-Lincolnshire, Yorkshire region seems to correlate well with the localities of Scandinavian place names. added 6/26/2017

Grisham, Gresham, Grissom L21;

For Gresham the count is 7, twelve marker exact matches.



For Grisham the count is 4, twelve marker exact matches.

Gresham 7 6-R-L21


Gresham surname distribution 1881

The locality of the Gresham in 1881 did not migrate far in the UK from it’s origins of Gresham.

Grissom 7 4-M269 11-9-2014

For Grissom the count is 7, twelve marker exact matches.

4+7+7=18 total hits for Grisham variants.

Scarborough U106;

Scarborough 8 5-R-U106 11-9-2014

For Scarborough the count is 8, twelve marker exact matches.

Scarborough suname distribution 1881

The UK Scarborough in 1881 have not migrated far from it’s origins of Scarborough.

Cave 22, Dennis 10, Grisham variants 18, and Scarborough 8.

Updated Data 2/1/2017 MSE

Gresham+Grisham+Grissom=28 estimated weighted to Cave as 24

Gresham-Grisham-Grissom FTDNA results.

Cave is 23

Scarborough is 8 but estimated weighting to Cave is 12

Scarborough FTDNA results

Location map on North Sea;

2/2/2017 MSE

above graphic added 8/24/2018 MSE

added 4/29/2019 MSE

Proto-Germanic R-U106 haplogroup DNA Elwald-Elliot


U106 P311 M269 grouping

Scarborough (U106) North Yorkshire is like my surname Elliott goes north, and it’s geograpic location is the furthest north,  N&S Cave (M268) East Riding, Yorkshire could go anywhere the three geographic localities are but is in the center,  Gresham (L21) Norfolk, origins.



It should be noted to have these sizable numbers in geographic name groups, indicates all names are likely beyond applied surnames, and the ones which are mapped, names which are used, their families are likely from the corresponding given localities, and this information would be of value to those names listed knowing the their origins is from and geographic-surname; Norman barony location, which is now a town or city.

Different surnames are likely beyond genealogical data, and previous to surname adoption.

different surnames

M Elliott     11/9/2014

Personal to surname evolution corresponding to my Y-DNA grouping.

U106 Y-DNA along with name changes personal then surname

pre El- sufix -wald migration


Though the map above seems to weight towards Frisia, excellent calculations by Robert P. Elliott  of my Y-DNA  group show that Germany by far holds the minimum.

 Regions of likelihood for people carrying Y-DNA of Daniel Elliot who testified in Salem to be from;



Thank you, Robert P. Elliott for more information, though chose to alter name of cluster to the Dan Cluster, feel the name is more extensive and takes away from the witch trials Daniel.   Dan is a nickname for Daniel, and an alias for Andrew which it is felt the name evolved from.

The name Andrew Elwald appears as a witness when Robert Elwald receives land of Redheugh and Lariston.  Most used name by the Elliott and Armstrong families is John, and a John Elwald was rector of St Andrews University 1418, and became rector of Kirkandrews (kirk; church) in the region of the debatable lands in 1423. It is the cross of St Andrews on the Scottish flag, and St Andrews is a Scandinavian saint mentored by St John, where forms of Johnson, and Anderson are popular Scandinavian names.

Though it is feel this is Robert’s (Bob’s) choice, I would rather call it after Andrew (Dan), and Daniel (Dan) the Dan Cluster.

Dan Cluster DNA U106 S12025



Robertson; son of Robert (Scandinavian convention), Gordon, and Alexander Gordon on ship with Daniel Elliot to the American Plantation ca 1652,  Osborne one of my Quaker lines out of North Carolina, a Sarah Osborne, of of the earlier witches executed in Salem, likely of the Osborne; Beverly Quaker furniture makers, also a Borne/Osborne name associated with the Fairbairn/Armstrong Clans.

Robert Elwald of Remington 1305 father Alan pledge of Jarum

Allen/Alan; Alan a surname found in Liddesdale in 1376 along with Alexandir Armystrand. Alanus Elfwoldus a Latin form of Alan Elwald found in Bec, Norfolk, East Anglia, 1248.  It is felt that and son of Elfwald named Alan likely to Elfwald as a surname then became Alan Elfwald.  In the same pattern for example a John the son of this same Alan could have became John Alan, and later John Allen.

As one can see that ca 1305, Robert Elwald of Rimington, Lancashire is the son of Alan, with a pledge Francis de (of) Jarum, the old Anglo-Saxon community of Jarrow.

An previous forming of the surname Alan Elfwald is likely from Alan son of Elfwald which may have been developing in the Croyland/Crowland region around 1125.

Aldano filio Alfwald Alan son of Elfwald

12-marker exact matches map for MS Elliott;

displaced borderers


Newer one  6/1/2015;

R-U106 for MSE


Elliot surname distribution, shows localities of Briton, France, and Denmark.

Elliot name distributionDNA


Viking Expansion from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Scandinavian map Danish Norse


U106 Proto-Germanic;

U106 proto-germanic


Pre-Migration of Pro-Germanic Tribes;

Protp-Germanic, pre-migration period


Suffix -wald -walde (forest);

map google-

Sch- -heide -wald Berlin Germany map

Dual localities of entry to the basis of the name Elliot into the British Isles.


Elfwald/Elwald Anglo-Danish, and Wm de Aliot, Breton Eliot a completely different branch of the Elliot line.

Arthur Eliott clan chief and mother’s origins of the name which became Elliot;


 Arthur Eliott’s only remaining serious contention of the origins of the border name Elliot;

Only serious contention Arthur Eliott

Branches merged with the inserted “i” about 1650.


1 Step in 25 from Rothenburg, Germany d 1514;



Some of the Indigenous “Celtic” can be referred to as migritory Anglo-Saxon Danish R1b, which migrated around the North Sea and are referred to as North Sea Celtic N.S.C.

Germanic Anglo-Danish Border Reiver

 Distribution of Primary Germanic Dialectical Groups;



Armstrong-Fairbairn, are Elwald correct;

Locality and Correlation of Armstrong to the Dan Group, of Elliott;

Mark Elliott, Lowell Armstrong Y-DNA


Ælfwald/Aelfwald, Alfwald, Elwald matches Northumberland Armstrong.


Chronicles of the Armstrongs (a collection)
edited by James Lewis Armstrong MD 1902

Chronicles of the Armstrongs (1)



 King Elgwalt, German-Danish;





Fairy Bear (Fairbair) Migration;

Family seems to be migrating with the legend of the Fairy Bear.




Early Elwald/Elwold East Anglia

Scandinavian Patronymic Naming Convention;

The majority of surnames are derived from the name of a male ancestor. These evolved from pre-existing non-permanent naming customs whereby an individual was identified by reference to a male ancestor or ancestors. Some example are: Bedo ap Batho ap Heylin (Welsh: Bedo, son of Batho, son of Heylin), which would become Bedo Batho; Lars Andersen (Scandianvian), Andrew MacDonald (Scottish: Andrew son of Donald) and Henry fil. Grimbald (English: Henry son of Grimbald). Such names are essentially the name of the father, sometimes with a suffix or prefix to denote the name as a patronym. For example, Armenian patronyms typically end in -ian, Polish patronyms end in -ski and Irish patronyms begin with Fitz-.

Patronymic surnames are indistinguishable from clan surnames, which may be assumed by subjects of a clan leader.

Patronymic Surnames dominate Danish naming conventions;

Names such as Anderson; son of Andrew, McDouglas, son of Douglas, and Fitzgerald the son of Gerald, follow this convention, and the Mc, Mac, and the -son, are likely Scandinavian names.

The names beginning with Æ such as Ælfwald is also Scandinavian, because Æ, is Scandinavian Character.

Scandinavians also, like people today one may call some wolf, bear, or elk(moose), in Scandinavian these names would be used as personal names pre-surname adoption and would be; Ulf (wolf), Bjørn (bear), or Elg (elk/moose). Like Ulf the son of Alvald of Suthcreek (Ulf the son of Alwald/Elwald of South Creake, Norfolk, East Anglia 13301340).



Location of Alwald/Elwald name variants in East Anglia.

Alanus Elwoldus of Bec 1248

Bec (Norfolk) (Hospital of S. Thomas at Billingford). Wm de Bec

Johannes Eluald John Elwald Ulf of South Creake, Norfolk

Norfolk Suffolk


Place-Names of Scandinavian Origins;

Scandinavian place name map



Good resource on the origins of the Scottish language showing part of it has a Anglo-Danish-Scandinavian migration from regions of York-Northfolk (northern East Anglia);

Dictionary of the Scots Language
Dictionar o the Scots Leid

History of Scots to 1700
2. The origins and spread of Scots (CM)

Heading to Germany;

Shows closeness of relation of the Daniel (Dan) Cluster especially to Eliot, Ker, Burn, and Dixon variants, thanks again Robert P. for bringing forth, and graphic popular with the Armstrong-Fairbairn.




Elliot, Elliott, Armstrong and Fairbairn seem to utilized the same similar forenames;



Two groups which could use support;

Hermitage Action Group

Hermitage Action Group – Clan Armstrong Trust

revised 2/20/2015

 Bell, Scott & Johnston  U106

Listing of some of the U106 for Bell, Scott and Elliott from Family Tree DNA dot Com. Border Reiver DNA project.
Scott, Bell, Elliott U106 Y-DNA


Bell and Scott surname distributions.

Bell surname distribution U106Scott surname distribution UK



Surname distribution with U106 Y-DNA is indicative the migration of the Scot/Scott and Bell surname and its migration could be from the southeast to the North of Germanic Anglo origins.


Johnston surname distribution 1881

Mark S. Elliott   3/4/2015

Now have officially been tested positive for R-U106;

tested positive R-U106

MSE  5/29/2015

The Above Supports;

The Elliot who took on Bothwell
Published Date: 13:13 Monday 06 July 2009 The Southern Reporter
By Walter Elliot

My own theory is that we have been here in the
Northumbrian/ Borders region since Anglo-Saxon settlers
came across from northern Germany in the 5th to 8th
centuries. I base this on the fact that most of the 36 early
ways of spelling the name are Anglo-Saxon — Aelwold,
Ellwald, Elaund, Elwaird etc. The name continued written as
‘Elwalde’ with its variations into the 1500s when it became
Elyot, Eliot and Ellote. There are no recognisable Gaelic
spellings and only one Dalliot. I rest my case, but everybody
will continue to believe as they wish anyway.



James V. Elliott of Border Reiver DNA has been involved in this excellent report;

A1 Clade Report

A1 Clade Elliot surname origins

Elwald Ellwood Ellot Elliot migration

MSE 8/5/2015

1. Alan Elfwald of Norfolk, E Anglia ca 1250 (near Gresham)
2. Robert Elwald of Norfolk/Rimington, Lancashire.
3. Robert 2
4. Robert 3
5. Robert 4
6. Robert 5
7. Robert 6
8. Robert 7
9. Robert 8
10. Robert 9
11. William Elwald of Gorrenberry
12. Robert Elwald (Archeis Hob) of Gorrenberry (adopted by uncle Archibald)
13. Andrew (Dand the Cowie) Elwald of Horsleyhill
14. Robert Elwald of Stobs/Gorrenberry (Clementis Hobs)
15. Dan-Daniel Ellot/Elliot/Elliott of Scotland/Tullykelter Fermanagh
16. Robert Ellot Tullykelter
17. Daniel Ellot/Elliot of Ulster/Massachusetts
18. Daniel Elliot Salem Trials
19. Johnathan Sr
20. Johnathan Jr
21. John
22. Comfort
23. Sherburn Amando
24. Amando Wilcox
25. Mark
26. Loren Spencer
27. Mark S. Elliott

Mark Elliott   the 27th generation (2015-1250)/26 is about 30 years per generation.
“Why do I match men with different surnames?
There are two reasons you may have a Y-DNA match with someone with a different surname. It may be that your connection is from a time before surnames were in common use. This is especially likely for groups where surnames were often not adopted until the most recent 100 to 200 years, for example, Scandinavians and Jewish populations. Another reason for surnames not to match is that there has been a surname change in genealogical times. That could be in either your match’s or your own line.
The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.”

Mark S. Elliott    7/25/2015

Robert son of Nicholas Stuteville, they had land of Gresham, Cottingham (near Cave), and Scarborough.

Nic of Forest in Liddel father of Robt (1)

Nic of Forest in Liddel father of Robt (2)

Nic of Forest in Liddel father of Robt (3)

Wake Stuteville Bourne, Lincoln Co Scarborough Caste, Cottingham Co, York, Liddel Strength

MSE  4/23/2016

Barony of Bourne the Danish Bear

It is found that for Gresham (Grisham & Grissom), Cave (North& South), and Scarborough the these are localites today on the North Sea of England, which previous to England ca 1320, the land in these regions was own by the Stuteville family. The Stuteville family own land in the Barony of Bourne (Dannish for bear), about 10mi/16km southeast of Grantham formally Graham. The border Graham are found with towersin the Debateble lands of the Stuteville family, that of Nicholas Stuteville’s forest, an their Liddle Strenght Castle (The Mote/Moat). Grisham (Grisham and Grissom), Cave of de Cave, married to a Stuteville, and Scarborough, of the first marker a 14, in a strong group share the next twelve markers, indicating the same DNA grouping pre-surname, shared the Gresham-Cave-Scarbourgh land of the Stuteville family.

Referrences in the following graphics;

Grisham Elwald

Wake Stuteville Bourne, Lincoln Co Scarborough Caste, Cottingham Co, York, Liddel StrengthNic of Forest in Liddel father of Robt (2)Nic of Forest in Liddel father of Robt (3)Wake Stuteville Bourne, Lincoln Co Scarborough Caste, Cottingham Co, York, Liddel Strength

Scarborough Castle

Stuteville own land of Gresham, of N&S Cave and married Cave, and of Scarborough, at the time which a group liven on or near Stuteville, land descended from the same father would  adopt their names from their respective localities of Gresham, Cave and Scarborough.

Migrating  towards Nicolas Stuteville’s forest and castle The Mote/Moat.



Mark S. Elliott 4/24/2016

Gresham-Grisham-Grissam FTDA;

Gresham Grisham Gissom DNA

Scarborough FTDA;

Scarborough 12 marker match ups

“de (of) Scarburgh” pronounce Scarborough, like Edinburgh pronounce Edinborough, but “de Scarburgh” became a surname spelled “Scarborough”, like it sounded.

Showing that Gresham and Scarborough are named from their respective localities in the UK, and pre-surname likely of land of the same owner de Stuteville family.

Mark S. Elliott 4/28/2016

Barony of Borne (the Danish Bear)

Barony of Bourne, which in Danish means bear, known to be a progeny of the Armstrong; the Bourne, fair skin Fairbourne, light or white skin Osbourne, the Bourne family, in which many of the Danish aspect of Fairbairn, evolved to the name Armstrong. Barony of Bourne, own lands of Gresham, Cave, Scarborough, on the North Sea along with Liddel Strength Castle; The Mote, in the Debatable lands region, on and previous to the English-Scottish Border. The Cave, Wake and Stutville were related by marriage, and people of the same Y-DNA base previously to acquiring surnames lived at these respective localities, and acquired the surname of the locality they lived at, with my surname it was the son of and Elfwald and the surname became Elwald. Utilizing Y-DNA twelve mark matches was able to find relation to people named after these localities, and was able to find the family being near Gresham.

Barony of Bourne, and Croyland map

Mark Elliott 4/28/2016

Of in 1 off in 25 from Germany, and 2 off in 25 between Bec, Norfolk, and Rimington, now Lancashire.

Quebbemann, of Germany one marker off in 25;

1 in 25 Quebbemann (1) 1 in 25 Quebbemann (2)

Brook 2 off in 25 on migratory pathway between Norfolk, and today’s Lancashire.

2 in 25 Brook (1) 2 in 25 Brook (2)

Gledhill 2 off in 25 on migratory pathway between Norfolk, and today’s Lancashire.

2in 25 for Gedhill (1) 2in 25 for Gedhill (2) 2in 25 for Gedhill (3)

MSE  4/28/2016

Named Public Profiler

UK surname concentrations;







10/11/2016 MSE

Land info;

Barony of Bourne (Bjorn) Lincolnshire; Liddel Strength-The Mote, Cave-Cottingham East Riding Yorkshire, Gresham Norfolk, and Scarborough Durham.



Correction in investigation;

It is felt the location of the Scarborough, is likely that of “de Scorborough” becoming Scorborough, and changing to Scarborough. This is given the census concentration of Scarborough, is closer to Scorborough, East Riding, then Scarborough, Norte Yorkshire, and closer to Cave and Cottingham region where in am closely match by Y-DNA.

MSE  5/26/2017

Gresham-Grisham-Grissam FTDA;

Gresham Grisham Gissom DNA

Scarborough FTDA;

Scarborough 12 marker match ups

Showing that Gresham and Scarborough are named from their respective localities in the UK, and pre-surname likely of land of the same owner de Stuteville family.

10/7/2017 MSE

Cave, Gresham, Scarborough, surname, location, history, Y-DNA


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One comment on “Genealogy Geographic Surname DNA Elliot
  1. Kaye Grisham-Sass says:

    I did my brother’s DNA which is related to Andrew Nd Troy Grisham yet I did not see on chart. Very interesting pinpointing the area in England.

    My brother is James Mauris “Pete” Grisham and his kit is 342725.


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