Pre UK Surname Genealogy Liddesdale 1376 +DNA link

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books


Surnames seemed to be still in development in Liddesdale, in 1376, so naming is in a spectrum, of locality, son of, and applied surname. If a family lived in a certain locality they like a valley, the valley of named after that family. Like the valley with the locality of Croyser, feel locality was up stream from Lariston. Gorrenberry land though did not include Braidley (Broadlee) extended from the Horn of Gorrenberry up to the land of the Nixon, that of Sundhope, and this is a locality of a Northern British Windpower (NWP), supporting Infinis; Windy Edge, because of an old Buccleuch Scot-Ker feud with Redheugh support. To Redheugh it seems land first family second. In 1376 one can see that some families of Liddesdale had surnames and others did not. Some were still identified by where they lived, and who they were the son of.

In 1376 valleys and foresta (wood(s)) are listed mostly by where these families of mainly surnames are located.


locality of Croyser 1376 RB Armstrong Liddesdale History Append (1) RB Armstrong Liddesdale History Append (3) RB Armstrong Liddesdale History Append (4) RB Armstrong Liddesdale History Append (5) RB Armstrong Liddesdale History Append (6) RB Armstrong Liddesdale History Append (7)

Mark Elliott   11/30/2014

DNA U106, Proto-Germanic Migration.

Norman Barony Naming Convention Correlating Y-DNA Used to Find Pre-Surname Northumbria-East Anglia Entry Location.

A barony naming convention would explain why the Normans called it the Battle of Hastings instead of naming it for the battlefield. The battle took place in the Rape (barony) of Hastings on land that was subject to Hastings’ jurisdiction. The Saxons called it the Battle of Senlac according to Orderic Vitalis, after the local name of the place. Senlac means “sandy loch” and would fit the wide, sandy Brede Valley flood plain through which the estuarine Brede River meandered.

Wm de Aliot is where the Eliot name is of southern most England; St German/Port Eliot is an example of this convention.

In 123o there are Elwold in Rye/Rya, near where The Battle of Hastings took place.




Location of Medieval Rye-Rya;

Location of Medieval Rye-Rya

Number of Elliot Families Distribution 1891 Census Data;




Scandinavians were apart of The Battle of Hastings (Rye/Rya), and the Battle of Stamford Bridge near York, 1066, which leads me to believe my Y-DNA, came into the region about this time.

Norman Barony Naming Convention is being used to find the locality in where my Y-DNA line arrives in the British Isles.

Log into Family Tree DNA and click on advanced matches;

Family Tree DNA adv matching 11-9-2014

For basic Y-DNA matches of the Daniel Elliott Grouping, named after Daniel Elliot which made testimony for the Salem Witch Trials 1692.

The following contain M269 which becomes U106 and L21

Dan Group; U106 Proto-Germanic

James D. Watson Craig Venter respectively Scottish and German

Grandma Ilah Spencer Elliott, my father’s Loren Spencer Elliott’s mother, her line a diseased Delbert Spencer was tested (in yellow frame);

 Being R-L48 in tested group, and R-M269>U106>L48 is downstream from U106, the Spencer line is also U106.



Border Reivers matches for M S Elliott 11-9-2014

First check Y-DNA12 only, and leave name blank.

Y-DNA12 with last name blank


Note which surnames are utilized the most;

Example for myself given 12 markers;

12 markers M S Elliott 11-9-2014 Family Tree DNA

Names came out Cave, Dennis, Grisham, and Scarborough. 

Cave M269;

Cave 22 Y-DNA R-M269 11-9-2014


For Cave the count is 22, twelve marker exact matches.

Dennis U106;

Dennis 10 8-R-U106 11-9-2014


For Dennis the count is 10, twelve marker exact matches. 

The surname Dennis, unlike the surnames Gresham, Cave, and Scarborough does not have geographic locality, but the surname distribution map shows Dennis covers these or near regions of the locations of Gresham, Cave, and Scarborough;

Dennis surname distribution map 1881


Grisham, Gresham, Grissom L21;

Grisham 4 2-R-M264 11-9-2014


For Grisham the count is 4, twelve marker exact matches.

Gresham 7 6-R-L21

For Gresham the count is 7, twelve marker exact matches.

Grissom 7 4-M269 11-9-2014

For Grissom the count is 7, twelve marker exact matches.

4+7+7=18 total hits for Grisham variants.

Scarborough U106;

Scarborough 8 5-R-U106 11-9-2014

For Scarborough the count is 8, twelve marker exact matches.


Cave 22, Dennis 10, Grisham variants 18, and Scarborough 8.

U106 P311 M269 grouping

Scarborough (U106) North Yorkshire is like my surname Elliott goes north, and it’s geograpic location is the furthest north,  N&S Cave (M268) East Riding, Yorkshire could go anywhere the three geographic localities are but is in the center,  Gresham (L21) Norfolk, origins.



It should be noted to have these sizable numbers in geographic name groups, indicates all names are likely beyond applied surnames, and the ones which are mapped, names which are used, their families are likely from the corresponding given localities, and this information would be of value to those names listed knowing the their origins is from and geographic-surname; Norman barony location, which is now a town or city.

Different surnames are likely beyond genealogical data, and previous to surname adoption.

different surnames

M Elliott     11/9/2014

Personal to surname evolution corresponding to my Y-DNA grouping.

U106 Y-DNA along with name changes personal then surname

pre El- sufix -wald migration


Though the map above seems to weight towards Frisia, excellent calculations by Robert P. Elliott  of my Y-DNA  group show that Germany by far holds the minimum.

 Regions of likelihood for people carrying Y-DNA of Daniel Elliot who testified in Salem to be from;



Thank you, Robert P. Elliott for more information, though chose to alter name of cluster to the Dan Cluster, feel the name is more extensive and takes away from the witch trials Daniel.   Dan is a nickname for Daniel, and an alias for Andrew which it is felt the name evolved from.

The name Andrew Elwald appears as a witness when Robert Elwald receives land of Redheugh and Lariston.  Most used name by the Elliott and Armstrong families is John, and a John Elwald was rector of St Andrews University 1418, and became rector of Kirkandrews (kirk; church) in the region of the debatable lands in 1423. It is the cross of St Andrews on the Scottish flag, and St Andrews is a Scandinavian saint mentored by St John, where forms of Johnson, and Anderson are popular Scandinavian names.

Though it is feel this is Robert’s (Bob’s) choice, I would rather call it after Andrew (Dan), and Daniel (Dan) the Dan Cluster.

Dan Cluster DNA U106 S12025



Robertson; son of Robert (Scandinavian convention), Gordon, and Alexander Gordon on ship with Daniel Elliot to the American Plantation ca 1652,  Osborne one of my Quaker lines out of North Carolina, a Sarah Osborne, of of the earlier witches executed in Salem, likely of the Osborne; Beverly Quaker furniture makers, also a Borne/Osborne name associated with the Fairbairn/Armstrong Clans.

Robert Elwald of Remington 1305 father Alan pledge of Jarum

Allen/Alan; Alan a surname found in Liddesdale in 1376 along with Alexandir Armystrand. Alanus Elfwoldus a Latin form of Alan Elwald found in Bec, Norfolk, East Anglia, 1248.  It is felt that and son of Elfwald named Alan likely to Elfwald as a surname then became Alan Elfwald.  In the same pattern for example a John the son of this same Alan could have became John Alan, and later John Allen.

As one can see that ca 1305, Robert Elwald of Rimington, Lancashire is the son of Alan, with a pledge Francis de (of) Jarum, the old Anglo-Saxon community of Jarrow.

12-marker exact matches map for MS Elliott;

displaced borderers

Elliot surname distribution, shows localities of Briton, France, and Denmark.

Elliot name distributionDNA


Viking Expansion from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Scandinavian map Danish Norse


U106 Proto-Germanic;

U106 proto-germanic


Pre-Migration of Pro-Germanic Tribes;

Protp-Germanic, pre-migration period


Suffix -wald -walde (forest);

map google-

Sch- -heide -wald Berlin Germany map

Dual localities of entry to the basis of the name Elliot into the British Isles.


Elfwald/Elwald Anglo-Danish, and Wm de Aliot, Breton Eliot a completely different branch of the Elliot line.

Arthur Eliott clan chief and mother’s origins of the name which became Elliot;


 Arthur Eliott’s only remaining serious contention of the origins of the border name Elliot;

Only serious contention Arthur Eliott

Branches merged with the inserted “i” about 1650.


1 Step in 25 from Rothenburg, Germany d 1514;



Some of the Indigenous “Celtic” can be referred to as migritory Anglo-Saxon Danish R1b, which migrated around the North Sea and are referred to as North Sea Celtic N.S.C.

Germanic Anglo-Danish Border Reiver

 Distribution of Primary Germanic Dialectical Groups;



Armstrong-Fairbairn, are Elwald correct;

Locality and Correlation of Armstrong to the Dan Group, of Elliott;

Mark Elliott, Lowell Armstrong Y-DNA


Ælfwald/Aelfwald, Alfwald, Elwald matches Northumberland Armstrong.


Chronicles of the Armstrongs (a collection)
edited by James Lewis Armstrong MD 1902

Chronicles of the Armstrongs (1)



 King Elgwalt, German-Danish;





Fairy Bear (Fairbair) Migration;

Family seems to be migrating with the legend of the Fairy Bear.




Early Elwald/Elwold East Anglia

Scandinavian Patronymic Naming Convention;

The majority of surnames are derived from the name of a male ancestor. These evolved from pre-existing non-permanent naming customs whereby an individual was identified by reference to a male ancestor or ancestors. Some example are: Bedo ap Batho ap Heylin (Welsh: Bedo, son of Batho, son of Heylin), which would become Bedo Batho; Lars Andersen (Scandianvian), Andrew MacDonald (Scottish: Andrew son of Donald) and Henry fil. Grimbald (English: Henry son of Grimbald). Such names are essentially the name of the father, sometimes with a suffix or prefix to denote the name as a patronym. For example, Armenian patronyms typically end in -ian, Polish patronyms end in -ski and Irish patronyms begin with Fitz-.

Patronymic surnames are indistinguishable from clan surnames, which may be assumed by subjects of a clan leader.

Patronymic Surnames dominate Danish naming conventions;

Names such as Anderson; son of Andrew, McDouglas, son of Douglas, and Fitzgerald the son of Gerald, follow this convention, and the Mc, Mac, and the -son, are likely Scandinavian names.

The names beginning with Æ such as Ælfwald is also Scandinavian, because Æ, is Scandinavian Character.

Scandinavians also, like people today one may call some wolf, bear, or elk(moose), in Scandinavian these names would be used as personal names pre-surname adoption and would be; Ulf (wolf), Bjørn (bear), or Elg (elk/moose). Like Ulf the son of Alvald of Suthcreek (Ulf the son of Alwald/Elwald of South Creake, Norfolk, East Anglia 13301340).



Location of Alwald/Elwald name variants in East Anglia.

Alanus Elwoldus of Bec 1248

Bec (Norfolk) (Hospital of S. Thomas at Billingford). Wm de Bec

Johannes Eluald John Elwald Ulf of South Creake, Norfolk

Norfolk Suffolk


Place-Names of Scandinavian Origins;

Scandinavian place name map




Heading to Germany;

Shows closeness of relation of the Daniel (Dan) Cluster especially to Eliot, Ker, Burn, and Dixon variants, thanks again Robert P. for bringing forth, and graphic popular with the Armstrong-Fairbairn.



Hermitage Castle’s Infinis’ Windy Edge


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