FTDNA Ireland mtDNA


FTDNA Greenspan – Elwald

Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch



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The book of Scots-Irish family names – FamilySearch

The book of Scots-Irish family names. Title Also Known As: Book of Ulster surnames|Ulster surnames|Scots-Irish family names. Statement of Responsibility: Robert Bell. Authors: Bell, Robert, 1953- (Main Author) Format: Books/Monographs.

Daniel Elliot (1637–1704)   FamilySearch


Discover life events, stories and photos about Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) of Tullykelter, County Fermanagh, Ireland … English and Scottish: variant of Elliott .


Alma’s-mom’s; mtDNA H27a 16129A; 16316G; 263G; 315.1C

For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott


Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757

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Though they kicked me off site;

Uploads from Mark Stephen Elliott on Wikitree

ancestors familysearch.org Daniel Elliot 1637-1704?



Alma’s-mom’s; mtDNA H27a 16129A; 16316G; 263G; 315.1C

Alma’s-mom’s; mtDNA H27a 16129A; 16316G; 263G; 315.1C – Elwald


https://www.familytreedna.com/public/clanmaclean?iframe=yresults   for McClain DNA

2015 Family Tree DNA 11th International Conference – The Best Yet | DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy (dna-explained.com)

Correction; Archibald Bell the Cat, killing Spens of Kilspindie.

Kilspindie Castle | Aberlady | The Castles of Scotland, Coventry | Goblinshead

29th Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, obtained from Archibald Bell the Cat. Families seem to like to fight.

20181107, Wednesday, November 7, 2018, Boston, MA, USA, Brigham Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Research Institute held their annual Discover Brigham campus-wide research day on Wednesday November 7, 2018.


Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757

Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information

Accepting my standards, are Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, FamilyTree.com, familysearch.org, and gedmatch.com [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data
M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme Gedcom#4997456] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing https://elwald.com/, and https://gorrenberry.com/, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot

In silencing by hanging Salem Witches, or in McCarthyism, blacklisting Jewish playwrights for being communists. In the behavior of science and long-term planning, it is felt I am being kicked out for ‘intentionally adding false information’, the concept of witch hanging and blacklisting was silencing. Owning and operating, elwald.com, gorrenberry.com and clancrozier.com, it is the owner operator which does the silencing.  Don’t think I have been silenced. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott 2-19-2023

Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell


The reason I present the screen is that different people get different screens. In genealogy on needs to research in the language of their ancestors or find someone who can. They are looking for new information which ties into their family lines. To teach technique though I try to use other families, on techniques of family. One is for the best research biased towards their own family.

Причина, по которой я представляю экран, заключается в том, что разные люди получают разные экраны. В генеалогии нужно исследовать язык своих предков или найти кого-то, кто может. Они ищут новую информацию, которая связана с их семейными линиями. Обучать технике хотя я стараюсь использовать другие семьи, на техники семьи. Одним из них является лучшее исследование, предвзятое к своей собственной семье.

Яркая долина





Download Portable ScreenHunter Free 5.1.147 (softpedia.com)

Вождь Малкольм Макгрегор, как и Роб Рой Макгрегор, на обложке книги, как генетически викинги, имеет рыжие волосы.

  douglashistory.ning.com  May 10, 2013
A Hawick Word Book is not a book that one reads from cover to cover, – there are over 2000 pages – but once started on an entry, it is hard not to stop reading further. Nor is it actually a book – yet. Publlshed online as a pdf, Douglas uses names found in Hawick, a Scottish Borders town, to share with us the history of the region.

douglashistory.ning.com 10 мая 2013 г.
Книга Слова Хавика Дугласа Скотта – Дуглас …
Книга Хавика – это не книга, которую читают от корки до корки, – есть более 2000 страниц – но как только вы начали с записи, трудно не перестать читать дальше. И на самом деле это не книга – пока. Опубликованный в Интернете в формате pdf, Дуглас использует имена, найденные в Хавике, шотландском пограничном городе, чтобы поделиться с нами историей региона. https://douglashistory.ning.com/profiles/blogs/a…

A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott – The Douglas Archives (ning.com)


Crozier / Crosier
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Clan Crozier (crosier, croser, cros, etc.) is one of the border reiving clans of Scotland, along with the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.

Крозье / Крозье
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Клан Крозье (crosier, croser, cros и т.д.) является одним из пограничных кланов Шотландии, наряду с Армстронгами, Эллиотами и Никсонами. Некоторые источники ссылаются на фамилию как на септ клана Армстронгов, но шотландский парламент в 1587 году определил Крозье как клан среднего марша.

History Ireland

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Maguire Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)

McGuire Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)


Finch finch-fink FTDNA DNA – Elwald

Mofras, who visited California in 1840.[6] The name of the fort is said to derive from the Russian word rus or ros, the same root as the word “Russia” (Pоссия, Rossiya)[7] and not from Scottish “Ross”. According to William Bright, “Ross” is a poetic name for a Russian in the Russian language.[8]

Нынешнее название Форт-Росс впервые появляется на французской карте, опубликованной в 1842 году Эженом Дюфло де Мофрасом, который посетил Калифорнию в 1840 году. Название форта, как говорят, происходит от русского слова rus или ros, того же корня, что и слово «Россия» (Pоссия, Россия), а не от шотландского «Ross». По словам Уильяма Брайта, «Росс» — это поэтическое название русского языка в русском языке.

The Russian language is split character with development to the colonial America and being picked up by indigenous population to the east. Ros, and Los are forms of this migration.

Русский язык носит расколотый характер с развитием до колониальной Америки и подхвачен коренным населением на востоке. Рос и Лос являются формами этой миграции.

YSEQ I2a M423 panel Aktualizacja 11 marzec 2016
Firma testowanie YSEQ DNA jest obecnie oferuje zaktualizowaną testu I2a M423 panel, który obejmuje najnowsze istotne wspólne SNP związane z oddziału Dynarskie z haplogrupy I2a M423. To jest bardzo ekscytujące, ponieważ podkreśla moją A7358 SNP. Zwiększy to szansę na odkrycie innych w tej nowej gałęzi drzewa Y DNA I2a.

Jeśli zastosujemy schemat drzewa widać moją drogę klad być: M423> F3145 (zamiennik L621) > CTS10936 > CTS10228 > S17250 > Y3548 > Y4882 > A7358

Jeśli wyniki wskazują STR jesteś częścią tej haplogrupy lub jeśli pozytywny wynik tej haplogrupy lub subclade downstream to pomoże Ci określić ostatnią uznaną SNP terminala dół od ciebie, jeśli nie ma żadnych. Panel M423 jest dostępny tutaj . Najedź i wybierz obraz, aby zobaczyć powiększoną wersję. (Odpowiedzialność- nie ponosi interes finansowy w YSEQ lub jakiegokolwiek innego genetycznego firmy badawcze. Usługi są uznawane jedynie jako punkt zainteresowania genealogii genetycznej).



Mark Elliott Family Tree DNA kit number 101829 Daniel Elliot Cluster first 12 markers;
14 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29





SWP No. 106: Elizabeth Proctor – New Salem – Pelican (virginia.edu)

https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/259/mode/2up?q=year+1593&view=theater https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/327/mode/2up?q=Maguire https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Jon,1890:John,1890:Johns,1890:Johnsen,1890:Johnsson,1890:Johnson https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ander,1890:Anders,1890:Andersen,1890:Anderson,1890:Andersson


In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.

Beccleuch warden of West March, Duke of Buccleuch of the Bauld (Bold) Buccleuch, has his home in Langholm, Scotland the hometown of Neil Armstrong.

Armystand 1396 (army-stand along Liddel Water), Armestrang (Arme-strang army-strong, strang and lang are strong and long in Scottish Auld and Bauld are Old and Bold in Scottish, like in Robert Burns ‘Auld Lang Syne’, ‘Old Long Since’.

References;(in the public domain) The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects by Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 page 218-9 https://archive.org/details/historyofenniski00trimrich/page/218/mode/2up

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1883 page 65 https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PA65&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Chronicles of the

Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/259/mode/2up

id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&pg=PA65&source=gbs_toc_r&cad=4#v=onepage&q&f=false Chronicles of the

Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis 1902 https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/259/mode/2up

Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com)

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Maguire-Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map-1.jpg (2273×2006) (gorrenberry.com)

https://ridni.org/karta/%D0%97%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9 Ukrainian surname distribution map for Зелений (Ukrainian for Green). (Zelenyy, Зелений) Polish is Zielony.

Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com)

Like for Smith there is Smith-Smyth-Smithe, Routledge-Rutledge, Curuthers-Caruthers, Johnson-Johnstone-Johnston, Scot-Scott, Elliott-Ellot, some examples.





The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects : Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming :

Internet ArchiveChronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

named – Map your surname across the UK (publicprofiler.org)

Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Saxton-1579.jpg (4062×3183) (gorrenberry.com)

View map: Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio, Lidisdail / Auct. Timotheo Pont. – Blaeu Atlas of Scotland, 1654 (nls.uk)

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Albert Bird Armstrong Jr. (1900-1973) – Find a Grave Memorial

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


Though my family as recorded down many lines descended from Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the longest living signer of the Declaration of Independence cousin to John Carroll first bishop of the United States. Because my family is not Catholic or descendants thereof not Catholic, and likely an autosomal DNA connection, the question is would the Catholic Church accept DNA as verification of my relation to Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and first cousin first United States Bishop, or will they silence as anti-scientist (genetics is a science) or anti-family historians (genealogists) do is utilize silencing in the manner of Salem witch hanging judges.



Carroll Family

There were a great many more Founding Fathers, however, even if their names are not so familiar as the above. Several of those lesser-known men who played key roles in the creation of the United States of America were Catholics. Chief among them were three members of the Carroll family of Maryland: Charles Carroll, the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence; his cousin Daniel Carroll; and Daniel Carroll’s brother John Carroll, who became America’s first Catholic bishop.

Catholic Founding Fathers – The Carroll Family CHARLES CARROLL CARTER



Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell

Воры овец с севера Англии в Ольстер, Ирландия Роберт Белл

Though purchased from Family Tree DNA Y-DNA 111 marker test. SNP to R-S16361, full mtDNA testing. Am product purchaser, not allow to login to access it. The data belong to the ones which purchased. To be blocked from accessing, and not cleaning the FTDNA blogs from all that was added, and my DNA from the FTDNA data base, and not receiving a refund, Family Tree DNA has performed DATA theft. For all customers their access is not guaranteed to data paid from by the customer, including the submittal of the DNA.  Family Tree DNA has taken access to my DATE away from me.  A firm which preforms data theft can they be trusted with your data?

In Pennsylvania, Catholics hold a majority in the US Government, as State based on the concept of religious freedoms. In Des Moines, Iowa that Catholics south of Grand on the east side of 42nd Street, park in the parking lot of the Quakers on the west side. Though Charles II became Catholic on his death bed, my brother married to a Doyle refused to. Wife’s family were Catholic, she was raised Methodist. My family as Anglican fought against Cromwell on the side of the Catholics. The Catholics and Anglicans intermarried in Co Fermanagh, Ireland, but urbanized Catholics and Presbyterians, which I refer to as the Mc-Mac have brought their battlefield to the Irish Border and could very easily do so in the future. Am of the Middle March Clans, Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, we were the ones which stood up for Queen Marie Stuart, The Queen of Scots, who was behead by Elizabeth I to keep England Protestant, plus her child James was taken by the Scottish Protestants which may make the EU-UK border another battlefield. Of the Border Reiver Pagans who are after extermination off the English-Scottish Border or exiled to Maguire-Fermanagh Co, Ireland though wants peace it still can become a UK battlefield.

Could the Catholic Church ask Rev William Nolan Archbishop of Glasgow, to extend his curse upon use Reivers of the Middle March, they Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier (the staff St. Patrick used to chase snakes out of Ireland). Since President Richard M. Nixon (raised Quaker), was noted to be the biggest liar, I am trying to top him since he pulled the troops out of Vietnam and opened trade to China, and many other things towards peace. It would be with great honor if I can top him among the Catholics of today as being a greater liar. May be as quarter of the world listen when Nixon talk to an Amstrong on the moon about peace on earth, maybe instead of calling us liars, they may want to believe in the Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier, which support peace on the border, a on the border which they intermarried the Catholics, the EU-UK border. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott

How King Charles II’s line made it back into the Royal Family – History of Royal Women

Google поддерживается корпоративными рекламодателями, такими как MyDNA, которые могут влиять на действия поисковой системы.

MyDNA не хочет, чтобы ДНК показывала, что Кромвели истребляли ирландцев или изгоняли Армстронга и Эллиотта в графство Фермана Армстронг и Эллиотт. Отослать их, как британских тори, смеющихся над ними, как над рабами, в американские колонии.
MyDNA Австралии с изображением Юнион Джека ирландского Кромвеля. MyDNA не является допустимым источником для шотландско-ирландских исследований.

Video Player


ftdna ulster heritage – Bing images

Ulster for FTDNA uploads. – Gorrenberry

Britain and Ireland SNP & Surname Mapper (scaledinnovation.com)

«Горнило» () — пьеса американского драматурга Артура Миллера 1953 года. Это театрализованная и частично беллетризованная история судебных процессов над салемскими ведьмами, которые проходили в колонии Массачусетского залива в 1692-93 годах. Миллер написал пьесу как аллегорию маккартизма, когда правительство Соединенных Штатов преследовало людей, обвиняемых в том, что они коммунисты. Миллер был допрошен Комитетом Палаты представителей по антиамериканской деятельности в 1956 году и осужден за неуважение к Конгрессу за отказ идентифицировать других присутствующих на встречах, на которых он присутствовал.

Биография Ранние годы
Миллер родился 17 октября 1915 года в Гарлеме, в нью-йоркском районе Манхэттен, вторым из трех детей Августы (Барнетт) и Исидора Миллера. Миллер был евреем и польско-еврейского происхождения. Его отец родился в Радомысль-Вельках, Галиция (тогда часть Австро-Венгрии, ныне Польша) ,..


Ваше имя пользователя или IP-адрес были заблокированы лидером WikiTree.
Начало блока: 21:01, 14 мая 2018
Предназначено для: Elliott-11757

Подозрение на нарушение: умышленное добавление ложной информации

Следует отметить, что когда Wikitree исключил семью, а затем использует загрузки, которые я предоставил, они больше не могут рассматриваться специально для расширения моей семьи Elliott Y-DNA действительным генеалогическим сайтом.


Америка, похоже, вернулась в эпоху маккартизма. Когда они обвиняли евреев и заносили их в черный список как коммунистов или пуритан Массачусетса в повешении ведьм, чтобы заставить их замолчать.



The reason I present the screen is that different people get different screens. In genealogy on needs to research in the language of their ancestors or find someone who can. They are looking for new information which ties into their family lines. To teach technique though I try to use other families, on techniques of family. One is for the best research biased towards their own family.

Причина, по которой я представляю экран, заключается в том, что разные люди получают разные экраны. В генеалогии нужно исследовать язык своих предков или найти кого-то, кто может. Они ищут новую информацию, которая связана с их семейными линиями. Обучать технике хотя я стараюсь использовать другие семьи, на техники семьи. Одним из них является лучшее исследование, предвзятое к своей собственной семье.

Crozier / Crosier
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Clan Crozier (crosier, croser, cros, etc.) is one of the border reiving clans of Scotland, along with the Armstrongs, Elliots, and Nixons. Some sources cite the surname as a sept of the Armstrong clan, but the Scottish Parliament in 1587 identified the Croziers as a middle march clan.

Крозье / Крозье
Clan Crozier – Clan Crozier
Клан Крозье (crosier, croser, cros и т.д.) является одним из пограничных кланов Шотландии, наряду с Армстронгами, Эллиотами и Никсонами. Некоторые источники ссылаются на фамилию как на септ клана Армстронгов, но шотландский парламент в 1587 году определил Крозье как клан среднего марша.

History Ireland

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Maguire Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)

McGuire Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)


click right to enlarge image into new tab https://ancestors.familysearch.org/en/LVQQ-G9F/benjamin-carr-1592-1672 Ferniehurst Castle! Built for left-handers, how many of this group or are left-handed? Not, a close cousin like the ones in this group.
john carr
Yesterday at 8:25pm
Thank you for this post Mark.
Mark Elliott
9 hours ago
Feel name of group above given Scandinavian and matching mine somewhat from ‘Ælwald’ with variants ‘Aelwald’, ‘Alwald’ and ‘Elwald’ with variant ‘Elwold’, is ‘Kjær’ with variants ‘Kjaer’,’Kjar’ and ‘Kjer’. .https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Kjar,1890:Kjaer,1890:Kjer https://www.google.com/maps/place/3294+Kj%C3%A6r,+Norway/@58.9800027,9.9357436,13z/ https://forebears.io/surnames/kj%C3%A6r https://forebears.io/surnames/kjaer https://surnames.behindthename.com/name/kjae32r The name Kjaer, is on the Danish side of the border, where the name Ewaldsen with the Danish ending “-sen”(son of), is on the German side of the border. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ewaldsen,1890:Kjaer My most distance ancestor I have of Schinkel, Germany. https://www.google.com/maps/place/24214+Schinkel,+Germany/@54.3575822,9.9100792,13z/ Could for a grouping of ‘Ker’ Y-DNA, be Danish ‘Kjer’ or ‘Kier’ (Keir)? https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Kier,1890:Kjer https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ewaldsen,1890:Ewald Marsh Moose? https://wildaboutdenmark.com/a-wild-moose-has-been-observed-in-denmark-for-the-first-time-in-almost-20-years/ In order to have a (moose of the woods) ‘Ælfwald’ surname there has to be a (marsh moose) ‘Kjær’, name because moose (American) – elk (English-German). These ‘moose’ are border reivers, besides invading Berlin out of Poland, they are also invading Denmark. https://abcnews.go.com/International/elks-make-dangerous-comeback-germany/story?id=17173306

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Maguire-Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map-1.jpg (2273×2006) (gorrenberry.com)

Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com)

Like for Smith there is Smith-Smyth-Smithe, Routledge-Rutledge, Curuthers-Caruthers, Johnson-Johnstone-Johnston, Scot-Scott, Elliott-Ellot, some examples.




The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects : Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming :

Internet ArchiveChronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

named – Map your surname across the UK (publicprofiler.org)

Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Saxton-1579.jpg (4062×3183) (gorrenberry.com)

View map: Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio, Lidisdail / Auct. Timotheo Pont. – Blaeu Atlas of Scotland, 1654 (nls.uk)

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Albert Bird Armstrong Jr. (1900-1973) – Find a Grave Memorial

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


Though my family as recorded down many lines descended from Charles Carroll of Carrollton, the longest living signer of the Declaration of Independence cousin to John Carroll first bishop of the United States. Because my family is not Catholic or descendants thereof not Catholic, and likely an autosomal DNA connection, the question is would the Catholic Church accept DNA as verification of my relation to Charles Carroll of Carrollton, and first cousin first United States Bishop, or will they silence as anti-scientist (genetics is a science) or anti-family historians (genealogists) do is utilize silencing in the manner of Salem witch hanging judges.



Carroll Family

There were a great many more Founding Fathers, however, even if their names are not so familiar as the above. Several of those lesser-known men who played key roles in the creation of the United States of America were Catholics. Chief among them were three members of the Carroll family of Maryland: Charles Carroll, the only Catholic signer of the Declaration of Independence; his cousin Daniel Carroll; and Daniel Carroll’s brother John Carroll, who became America’s first Catholic bishop.

Catholic Founding Fathers – The Carroll Family CHARLES CARROLL CARTER



In Pennsylvania, Catholics hold a majority in the US Government, as State based on the concept of religious freedoms. In Des Moines, Iowa that Catholics south of Grand on the east side of 42nd Street, park in the parking lot of the Quakers on the west side. Though Charles II became Catholic on his death bed, my brother married to a Doyle refused to. Wife’s family were Catholic, she was raised Methodist. My family as Anglican fought against Cromwell on the side of the Catholics. The Catholics and Anglicans intermarried in Co Fermanagh, Ireland, but urbanized Catholics and Presbyterians, which I refer to as the Mc-Mac have brought their battlefield to the Irish Border and could very easily do so in the future. Am of the Middle March Clans, Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, we were the ones which stood up for Queen Marie Stuart, The Queen of Scots, who was behead by Elizabeth I to keep England Protestant, plus her child James was taken by the Scottish Protestants which may make the EU-UK border another battlefield. Of the Border Reiver Pagans who are after extermination off the English-Scottish Border or exiled to Maguire-Fermanagh Co, Ireland though wants peace it still can become a UK battlefield.

Could the Catholic Church ask Rev William Nolan Archbishop of Glasgow, to extend his curse upon use Reivers of the Middle March, they Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier (the staff St. Patrick used to chase snakes out of Ireland). Since President Richard M. Nixon (raised Quaker), was noted to be the biggest liar, I am trying to top him since he pulled the troops out of Vietnam and opened trade to China, and many other things towards peace. It would be with great honor if I can top him among the Catholics of today as being a greater liar. May be as quarter of the world listen when Nixon talk to an Amstrong on the moon about peace on earth, maybe instead of calling us liars, they may want to believe in the Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier, which support peace on the border, a on the border which they intermarried the Catholics, the EU-UK border. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott

How King Charles II’s line made it back into the Royal Family – History of Royal Women

ftdna ulster heritage – Bing images

Ulster for FTDNA uploads. – Gorrenberry



Britain and Ireland SNP & Surname Mapper (scaledinnovation.com)

During the time Daniel Elliott my many great and biological Y-DNA great the Harvard educated which Puritans which silenced people by hanging them as witches. Today they really could not be using the same techniques, because to be and US American people as the indigenous ones of Russia DNA for seeking and searching of traditional scientists, genealogists, and Quakers. The Harvard Puritan also considered those traditional Quakers witches. It these people as not Union Jack Tories, but US Constitution Americans, they believe in freedom of religion and speech, it is by behavior one can tell whether people are genealogists, or scientists. Using behavior measurement is referred to as being behavioral scientist. On who refers to another as a liar, and silences them is not a genealogist or scientist. Though people would like to kick people out of their family. If it is done with genetic geology, and you share the same DNA they are family. To find other family one must not also kick out the in-laws though a lot of people would like to. Figure those which thought they silenced me, would not like the Grand MOMS, check my links, which gave me a lot of time to feed the internet with images containing text, the search engines go to fast to pick-up text, and Google doing to many Ads which slants their genealogical searching outcome. The genealogist will go to browsers not capitalistic ad based, and influenced by corporate profits.

The computer does not know who are owners at first of the dot coms. After awhile images coming from particular dot coms as shared on other sites. For Google the advertisers are influencing the outcome. With genealogy, to find new family, one must find new information, and that does not come from within, but without. The conquers are of the ‘status quo’, unify to write the history, but the refugees migrate the DNA. Family histories not the unified histories of dictatorial conquerors, the history from the grandmas is the more accurate history.

Thanks for help from the Jewish founders of Family Tree DNA, and Facebook and their Jewish Brazilian Portuguese speaking analytically oriented co-founders, for setting up Family Tree DNA with published data bases, With long term planning as dad was in being a Watershed Planning Engineer for the Soil Conservation Service, US Dept of Agriculture of the Dept of Interior, could plan decades in advance, given some life span likelihood, though younger brothers are deceased, folks live to 92.

Knowing people likely would kick me out of the blogs, ownership and operations of my own domains, I would be the one in charge of kicking myself off of elwald.com, gorrenberry.com, and clancrozier.com. Though people may say a single person can not and own three links at age 72, the computer does not know who in particular is one the computer. There are sure a lot of students from BYU Brigham Young University, the only school, (it is not Harvard), which I know has a four year program in genealogy. Strong school of nursing (genetics), language (surname entomology), has a student body which the men called RM’s (returned missionaries) have traveled worldwide, even go to the Gallup, NM, Ceremonial, which out next is our hundredth, and these young men will be welcomed because Gallup, the most patriot small town in United State, besides like all US Americans those Union-Jack Tories may not believe, we believe in freedom of speech and religion.

В то время Дэниел Эллиотт, мой большой великий и биологический Y-ДНК великий Гарвард, воспитал пуритан, которые заставили людей замолчать, повесив их как ведьм. Сегодня они действительно не могли использовать те же приемы, потому что быть и американским американским народом, как коренные жители России ДНК для поиска и поиска традиционных ученых, генеалогов и квакеров. Пуританин из Гарварда также считал этих традиционных квакеров ведьмами. Именно эти люди как не юнион-джек тори, а американцы Конституции США, они верят в свободу вероисповедания и слова, именно по поведению можно сказать, являются ли люди генеалогами или учеными. Использование измерения поведения называется поведенческим ученым. О том, кто называет другого лжецом, и замалчивает его, не является генеалогом или ученым. Хотя люди хотели бы выгнать людей из их семьи. Если это сделано с генетической геологией, и вы разделяете одну и ту же ДНК, они являются семьей. Чтобы найти другую семью, нельзя также выгонять родственников мужа, хотя многие люди хотели бы этого. Фигура тем, кто думал, что они заставили меня замолчать, не понравились бы Великие МАМЫ (матери мормонских сыновей), Проверьте мои ссылки, что дало мне много времени, чтобы накормить Интернет изображениями, содержащими текст, поисковые системы быстро переходят к подбору текста, а Google делает со многими объявлениями, которые искажают их генеалогический результат поиска. Генеалог перейдет к браузерам, не основанным на капиталистической рекламе и зависящим от корпоративных прибылей.

Компьютер не знает, кто является владельцами поначалу доткомов. Через некоторое время изображение, поступающее от определенных доткомов, как и на других сайтах. Для Google рекламодатели влияют на результат. С генеалогией, чтобы найти новую семью, нужно найти новую информацию, которая приходит не изнутри, а извне. Завоеватели имеют «статус-кво», объединяются, чтобы писать историю, но беженцы мигрируют ДНК. Семейные истории не единые истории диктаторских завоевателей, история от бабушек является более точной историей.

Спасибо за помощь еврейским основателям Family Tree DNA, а также Facebook и их еврейским бразильским португалоязычным аналитически ориентированным соучредителям, за создание Family Tree DNA с опубликованными базами данных, с долгосрочным планированием, поскольку отец был инженером по планированию водораздела для Службы сохранения почв, Департамент сельского хозяйства США Департамента внутренних дел, может планировать десятилетия вперед, учитывая некоторую вероятность продолжительности жизни, хотя младшие братья умерли, люди доживают до 92 лет.

Зная, что люди, вероятно, вышвырнут меня из блогов, владения и операций моих собственных доменов, я буду отвечать за то, чтобы избавиться от elwald.com, gorrenberry.com и clancrozier.com. Хотя люди могут сказать, что один человек не может и владеет тремя ссылками в возрасте 72 лет, компьютер не знает, кто в частности является одним из компьютеров. Наверняка есть много студентов из Университета УБЯ имени Бригама Янга, единственной школы, (это не Гарвард), которая, как я знаю, имеет четырехлетнюю программу по генеалогии. Сильная школа сестринского дела (генетика), языка (энтомология фамилий), имеет студенческий корпус, который люди под названием RM’s (вернувшиеся миссионеры) путешествовали по всему миру, даже ходят в Gallup, NM, Ceremonial, который следующий является нашим сотым, и эти молодые люди будут приветствоваться, потому что Гэллап, самый патриотический маленький городок в Соединенных Штатах, к тому же, как и все американцы США, эти юнион-джек тори могут не верить, мы верим в свободу слова и религии.

Результаты ДНК MyHeritage – русский. + GedMatch + FTDNA Иван Ветлугин

The extra ‘t’ was added in America, at the time ancestors may have strung up and tar-and-feathered Tory Loyalists. Need to apologize for the American immigrants after our revolution of 1776 for not allowing me free speech. Figured since then Tory Loyalists must have moved back to America after the revolution. We do not string up and tar and feather these Tory types anymore. Though there is one blonde hair Tory with German ancestry of England, may not mine seeing it done to.

Mark Elliott
36 minutes ago
Mark Elliott
28 minutes ago
Belong to this same group of Elks, admin by Roberta Estes. With R-U106 Anglo-Saxon, Proto-Germanic, R-U106 Y-DNA, my R-U106 seems to originated in the Ukraine, of the family where the family gained the Germanic, name of Elke, in America, they would utilize the surname Moose. It split and went towards Schinkel, Germany, where we were the El(k)wald, or ‘moose of the woods’. Part of the clan went north to Norway they were the ‘moos of thickets’ then to Normandy. Met again a Stamford Bridge, Yorkshire and The Battle of Hastings, in a family feud. The Normans won that one so the Anglo-Saxon, of East Anglia, started having surnames, and taking Norman names such as Robert and William. Alan Elfwald, East Anglia did not have elk/moose, so they used ‘elf’ instead of ‘elk’, and our split with the ‘moose of the thickets’, we developed a chieftain line starting with Robert Elwald 1, going to Robert Elwald 10, then Robert Ellot, with and influx of Ellot which the Earls (Douglas) of Angus brought down from Angus to soldier the Hermitage Castle. These came from farmers on el-lots, land measured with compass and line-of-sight LOS, and a pike of six Edinburgh standard ‘el’s in length. They called this land ‘ellot’ (quadrilateral field with sides measured in Scottish els), and the people which came from the drainage/dale ‘Ellotdale’ where referred to as Ellot. Now it is the Elliot Flu which drains the region. It was not until a half century after the borders Armstrong and Ellot, were Pacified extermination and exile of Armstrong and Elliot did the Norman ‘i’ form Aliot of South France get inserted into the name which became Elliot. Today the 29th chief is Margaret Eliott (Stobs family spelling) she lives on land obtained in late fifteenth century from the last Douglas, Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ fifth Earl of Angus to own the land. Sasine/Deed; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg Our 29th chief is Margaret lives on Redheugh land and as chiefs do teaches the history of the clan (family). https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-Elliot-Clan-by-Newcastleton-Primary-School-Scots-Language-Project-2018-1.mp4
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
9 hours ago
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
16 hours ago
Myra Orr https://www.google.com/maps/place/Richhill+Quaker+Meeting+House/@54.3710513,-6.550698,17z/ Thanks for correcting me on Rush to Ruth. Key seems to be name Williamson. See what I can do. Suggested contact; https://rodneywilliamson.org/ 143 Dobbin Road, Richhill, Armagh, Northern Ireland, BT61 9LW (07710) 871949 info@rodneywilliamson.org Likely a relation. If anyone would know about the Williamson of Richhill/Ballyhagen he would.
Myra Orr
15 hours ago
Thank you!
Myra Orr
22 hours ago
Hello, My mtDNA mother was Ruth, born 1720, near Armagh. She married WIlliam Delap. I think she MAY have been the daughter of John Williamson who married Sarah Winter in 1698 in Ballyhagen, Armagh. If any in this group connect with this Ruth or perhaps Sara Winter Williamson, I would love to hear from you………… Thanks! Myra in Virginia, USA
Mark Elliott
19 hours ago
http://www.therjhuntercollection.com/resources/muster-rolls-c-1630/search-muster-rolls/ found Winter, Williamson, and Delap, but no Rush. Few Rush show south of Belfast using; https://named.publicprofiler.org/ The Orr surname seems to be in the same region Armagh/Down.
Myra Orr
18 hours ago
Ruth was her first name. I don’t know if Williamson was her nee surname or not…The Friends papers in Ballyhagen evidently cannot clear that up. She and her husband immigrated to the Carlisle, Penn. area mid-1700’s.
Myra Orr
18 hours ago
Thank you for looking!
Mark Elliott
16 hours ago
Rush is a Quaker line I am related to so likely read Ruth as Rush.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
January 7 @ 10:47am
Maurice Gleeson, Am a big troublemaker from Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, to the American Colonies. An Anglican Hamiltonian Royalist POW indentured slave of the Cromwellian Civil War. Enslaved to those Cromwellian Puritans in the Puritanical American Colony of Massachusetts. First troubles makers are those dang Armstrong. They sure can lead the Elliott into big big trouble; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Lori-Watson-Johnnie-Armstrang.mp4. Do you know they in 1650 married a Maguire princess and start have those Black Irish Armstrong. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/259/mode/2up?q=Maguire&view=theater In 1693 that dang Bauld Buccleuch lead us Armstrong and Elliott to support the Johnston(e) in a feud against the Maxwell. That is why the surnames in numbers in Co. Fermanagh, once Co. Maguire are listed as Maguire, Johnston, Armstrong, McManus, and Elliott. Descended from the biggest thieves in Liddesdale; Clementis Hobs (i.e. Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott). https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Clementis-Hob-The-Thieves-of-Liddisdail-Ulster.jpg Been kicked off of; FTDNA Ireland yDNA twice; As a genealogist we like to keep copies; https://gorrenberry.com/ftdna-ireland-ydna/ If you want to find out about me, just Google/Bing ‘Brigham DNA’.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
January 7 @ 10:15am
PREVIEW: Getting Started in Genetic Genealogy May 24, 2016 Mitochondrial DNA exact matches only. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/PREVIEW-Getting-Started-in-Genetic-Genealogy.mp4?_=1 Diahan Southard You Can Do DNA – Christi Lynn Jacobsen, Dana Leeds, Diahan Southard https://www.rootstech.org/video/you-can-do-dna
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
January 6 @ 3:08pm
RSRS Results; 101829 Pauline Croak b Abt 1798 Ireland H27a 16093C, 16129A, 16316G, 16519C 263G, 315.1C DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy Discovering Your Ancestors – One Gene at a Time Roberta J. Estes The CRS and the RSRS https://dna-explained.com/2012/07/15/the-crs-and-the-rsrs/ The Nicolas Copernicus grave mystery. A dialog of experts. January 2015 Publisher: Polish Academy of Arts and SciencesEditor: Michał KokowskiISBN: 978-83-7676-196-1 Authors: Michal Kokowski https://www.researchgate.net/publication/302996196_The_Nicolas_Copernicus_grave_mystery_A_dialog_of_experts
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
January 6 @ 2:42pm
Mark Elliott
January 6 @ 2:50pm
Dad’s Y-DNA entered the English American Colonies, being a Scots Hamiltonian Anglican Royalist POW indenture slave to Cromwellian Puritans, such that were schooled at Havard College at the time, around 1650. Auto-somal DNA is only good for about two cencuries so his results would be mainly in America. Mom’s results show up in the autosome in her mother from the Ryan line of Ireland which also carries the mtDNA, her father’s from the Barna line, of Galicia which once was apart of the Hungarian Empire. Barna means Brown in Hungarian. Now apart of Poland. The Eastern part of Galicia is not in the Ukraine.
Mark ElliottMark Elliott
January 6 @ 2:38pm
My H27a mtDNA came through my mom’s mom a Ryan, a descendant of Ireland.
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