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The book of Scots-Irish family names – FamilySearch

The book of Scots-Irish family names. Title Also Known As: Book of Ulster surnames|Ulster surnames|Scots-Irish family names. Statement of Responsibility: Robert Bell. Authors: Bell, Robert, 1953- (Main Author) Format: Books/Monographs.



A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott




Kuta R-FT41761 Big-Y, FTDNA Polish, seemed to get stopped at this brick wall by SNPs in Ukraine, also, but as you can see a Bennett Greenspan seemed to get into the Ukraine. One would think he would help others to break through this ‘brick wall’. Is it the sampling of the Ukrainians causing the difficulties?
Mark Elliott
September 8 @ 9:12am


For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott


Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
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Though they kicked me off site;

Uploads from Mark Stephen Elliott on Wikitree

ancestors familysearch.org Daniel Elliot 1637-1704?


More of line.

I. Andrew (Dand) Ellot of Liddesdale accused in the slaughter of Hugh Douglas, referred to as Cowie of Gorrenberry, because it was a story used when he came down from Baillie in Teviodale, to Gorrenberry east of the Hermitage Castle in Liddesdale, to visit his second son Robert Ellot from Hob Elwode, adopt syster’s son of Clement Croser, known as Clementis Hob, and helped the family, the Gorrenberry family make up a Cowie story, so they could explain the sounds made by him working during the night in which he became known as The Cowie of Gorrenberry. It is felt he lived in Teviotdale with Gilbert, referred to Dandis Gib, which was Gilbert of the Goldern Garties, which became of the Gilbert of Stobs line.

Andrew (Dand) has sons Andrew and Robert;
II. Andrew (Dand the Cow) Ellot, Burgess of Selkirk.
Robert (Clementis Hob, a Hob taking in by mother’s brother Clement Crosar) living with Archibald (Archie Keen) Ellot, younger brother to Gavin the Clark (Clerk).

Robert has sons, Robert and Andrew.
III. Robert Baillie to Sir John Hamilton of Armagh, his family likely died in the Irish Revolt of 1642, though he had a son Robert which surveyed land.
Andrew (Dand) Ellot of Liddesdale became Daniel Elliott of Somerville married to a Hamilton, of Tullykelter Castle.

Daniel Elliott of Tullykelter has sons;
IV. William with son William,
Gavin Gawon

Robert has sons;
V. Robert of now Portsmonth, Maine.
Daniel Elliot of Otter Neck (Saxonville-north Framingham) then Boston, who has son is Daniel Elliot of the Salem Testimony.


From Google search; “Daniel Elliot of Scotland”  10/8/2017

Sketch of Dand Elliot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster – Elwald
Sketch of Dand Elliot of Scotland to Daniel Elliot of Ulster. Connecting the dots is difficult to do, and there will be some interpolation to put the family through.

Daniel Ellot-Elliot Salem, Boston, Scotland 6/18/2015 – Gorrenberry
Mar 23, 2015 – Daniel Elliot innkeeper of Boston 1704;. (noted; in The History of Danvers, there is a Daniel Elliot of the Danver’s Militia which died in 1690, this …

Daniel Elliott 1610 Ulster likely Catholic then Anglican – Gorrenberry
https://gorrenberry.com/daniel-elliott-1610-ulster-likely-catholic-then-aglican/Jul 27, 2015 – Name Daniel in Ulster evolved from an alias of the Scottish border name, Andrew for St Andrew, which had an alias of Dan; became the Irish …

Alexander Gordon, Individual Contract with Master John Cloise …
Dec 4, 2014 – DANIEL GORDON, was born at Exeter, Rockingham, New ….. in the late English wars with Scotland, and with many more prisoners brought into ….. The Y-DNA of our Daniel Elliot line is unusual among Elliots making up only …

Tullykelter Castle – Wikipedia
Tullykelter Castle is a castle located in Northern Ireland. In 1616 Archbishop Malcolm Hamilton … James Somerville is of Cambusnethan in Ayrshire, Scotland. … James and Elizabeth took the Oath of Supremacy, but a lessee Daniel Elliot who …

10/8/2017 MSE



Tentative family tree structure.

Dand (alias for Andrew) had sons;

Andrew (Dan the Cowie) Burgess of Selkirk.

Clementis Hobs (Clement Crosar-Crozier’s living on Gledstane land of Stobs sister’s son Robert Ellott)

Clementis Hobs had sons;

Robert Ellot Bailee to Sir John Hamilton of Armagh, likely died in Irish Rebellion of 1641.

Andrew Ellot alias Dand became Daniel Ell(i)ott of Tullykelter on James Somerville land, in 1610 Tyrone muster, son James Somerville, estate owner of Tullykelter of Monea Castle muster is in 1630, along with a Robert Ellot, son of Daniel Ell(i)ot, it is this Robert Ellot which is felt to name his first son Robert of Maine-Portmouth, NH, after himself, and his second son Daniel after his father, and normal progression in naming. Robert indentured to the Cutt family of NH-ME, building houses. Daniel indentured to the Stone family of Cambridge.

MSE 11/7/2023






PoBI Viking settlement in England by Jane Kershaw & Ellen C. Royrvik


LivingDNA 45% on Viking measurement. Mark Stephen Elliott, New Mexico, USA.



Elliot Chief receives a tribute to her grandmothers at Greenville, SC

Forty-eight Elliot Clan Society members participated in the Chief ís Dinner on Saturday evening during the Greenville Games.

During dinner, Elliot Clan Society member and South Carolina re-enactor, William Grissop, of Travelers Rest, South Carolina delivered a moving tribute to the Chief – honoring her Scottish Border and Southern Grandmothers. The Elliot Chief descends from a line of hereditary Chiefs back to the time of Robert the Bruce in the 1300s in Scotland. Through her Atlanta-born paternal grandmother, she also descends from many early South Carolina families who settled in that state before the American Revolutionary War. Here are the words Mr. Grissop shared with Margaret Elliott of Redheugh: Margaret Eliott is a daughter of the Scottish Borders, that fabled land that produced the men known as the Border Reivers or the Steel Bonnets. They were indeed men of steel. It need not be doubted that these men of steel sprang from, married and fathered women of steel. To even read casually of the Border history would make one wonder what sort of women were these who mothered, married and supported these men, the Steel Bonnets. These were strong women, resilient women, loving women. Were it not so, we of the Elliot Clan would not be here today. Our Chief, Margaret Elliott, is blood and sinew of these people. She is also blood and sinew of another proud line of strong women. Chief Margaret is also a Southern Girl! Her paternal grandmother was bornin Georgia and other grandmothers were born in South Carolina and Tennessee. (Being a native South Carolinian with much Georgia blood flow ing through my veins, I can readily state that this is about as much glory as one person can stand!) These women of the South have proven their glorious worth over the years.

Section B Bethís Newfangled Family Tree August 2008 Page 3



Use to using a different format, but the above is and example of lands, including an insert-map showing Braidlee, from Anglo-Saxon Broadlee, meaning a valley broad on the leeward side. Wolflee also Anglo-Saxon, meaning the valley of the wolf. Yes, there were wolfs in the region. They introduced them around here and the Navajo grandmas shoot them for going after their sheep. Put chief Margaret Eliott raised in Stobs, but of Redheugh, in the same category if Scotland decides to reintroduce wolfs. Her husband seems to have a Polish wolfish type surname.

Though I may observe him, do not want to make any distinctive moves. Past British Army MI6 you know, but on the same family side.

May have bumped elbows on an Armstrong in the Aberdeenshire region. Finding that Eliott-Elliot may have land connection with Douglas-In-graham in region. Those Graham they are English an seem to not want to claim Armstrong-Elliot as family. Maybe the Nixon and Crozier seem to have English connections they find more acceptable.

Kind of like staying in the Forest with the Fosters, they are English and seem to be not offended to be related to Armstrong and Elliot, from the English side like those Grahams. It is the Hunter and wolf, for they are predators of the elk-moose, I must watch out for.

The Crozier seem to be Saxon along with the Thorleehope (valley of Thor, god of lightning Thunder Valley). A couple of Crozier seem to match their Y-DNA and are not R-L193. It seem like if you are not R-L192 and are R-U106, Anglo-Saxon they like to silence and exterminate you.  Mark Stephen Elliott


Daniel as a forename is not popular in Scotland. Many great in accordance with Douglas Scott of BC, Canada, Dand Ellot was banished from both Kingdoms in 1607, then shows up as Daniel Elliott, in Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, as part of the Somerville Estate in-law to the Monea Hamilton. Names Somerville, and Ellott show up in 1610 Tyrone Muster, and a generation later in the Co. Fermanagh, Muster. James Somerville shows up in bother musters. 1610 James Somerville had son 1630 Somerville. Scots alias nickname for Andrew is Dand, Irish English it becomes Daniel from surname of Daniel-M’Daniel it may be obtained. Ellot family of Tullykelter were Anglican but nomally Catholic, from forenames show this, even the name in 1610 Ulster Muster of Co. Fermanagh, Marke Ellot shows this. Before 1650 the Scots used Ellot not Elliot with the Norman ‘i’. Daniel Elliott name in 1692 Salem Trials was spelled Elot, the ‘i’ was added likely because of a John Eliot (Eliot Hall Harvard) which came over on the Mayflower. Had a relative to a George Soul who’s ancestor those Armstrong may have melted in lead at Ninestanerig, 9 stone ridge. Did not seem to care much for this Soulis either. The Douglas and Armstrong seem to like, and this Douglas Scott who is from BC, Canada is active with the Hoik-Hawick Archaeological Society, and has this younger brother who is active also, and sings Scottish Ballads with this group called Scocha (Scott-Chapman), do not know being an elk-moose if I care for his middle name of Hunter, though I think he also is weary of the hunter.

A Hawick Word Book Douglas Scott.pdf (ubc.ca)




The history of the Brigham family; a record of several thousand descendants of Thomas Brigham the emigrant, 1603-1653 : Brigham, Willard Irving Tyler, 1859-1904 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


BYU, I do have the ‘Y’ in me.

Robert Elwald 1484 receiving Redheugh-Larriston land from ‘Bell the…

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis

Ellots of Redheugh

History students’ Pammel Court exhibition brings back memories – Link MagazineLink Magazine (iastate.edu)

Pomery-Pomeroy, Cave, Gresham-Grisham-Grissom, Scarborough-Scorborough, Dennis, Elwald-Ellwood-Elliot-Elliott, Daniel Ellot marker Salem cluster first 12 markers.




May consider other spellings for Crozier.
First Name        Surname    Barony/Lands       Landlord/Estate County
John                    Croser        Magherboy            G. Hume Fermanagh
George                Courser      Magherbuy            Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William               Grocer        Magherbuy           Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William               Grocer        Dungannon          Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone

‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell History Ireland

Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? (rampantscotland.com)

May consider other spellings for Crozier.
First Name        Surname    Barony/Lands       Landlord/Estate County
John                    Croser        Magherboy            G. Hume Fermanagh
George                Courser      Magherbuy            Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William               Grocer        Magherbuy           Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William               Grocer        Dungannon          Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › File:Sasine_deed_148…
redheugh sasine from en.wikipedia.org
This has landholders Ker, Scot, Elwald, Gladstanis, which helped with ownership of the land Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth, and others to be transfer to Robert …


It is easy to distinguish between the Norman-Cromwellian Eliot of the ‘i’ they have a tendency to silence free speech. Those are the ones which would silence people symbolized by Puritan Harvard Judges during the Salem Witch Trials, of Senator McCarthy Blacklisting Jewish playwrights for being Communists. This would be the symbolized by the genetic genealogy of WWII when extermination was used in the production of a superior race.

Family genealogists know that the family knows best, and both genealogists and scientists share information looking for new and unique solutions, in the finding of family.

Arthur Eliott; the inserted “i” in Ellot

The double L and single T Descent from Minto and Wolflee,

The double T and single L Mark the old race in Stobs that dwell.

The single L and single T The Eliots of St Germains be,

But double T and double L, Who they are nobody can tell.



A Ukrainian and a Russian moved to my hometown of Gallup and became friends. A Ukrainian math teacher, she was my colleague in teaching mathematics in high school and university. We, Elliott, know a good lady, Ukrainian, married to Elliott.

Украинка и русский переехали в мой родной город Гэллап и подружились. Украинский учитель математики, она была моей коллегой по преподаванию математики в средней школе и университете. Мы, Эллиот, знаем хорошую даму, украинку, замужем за Эллиотом.



If the German Funrock can become Y-DNA Fivecoats, can the German Elks, become Y-DNA Moose?

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive


Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

Что американский астронавт, побывавший на Луне, увидел в Советском Союзе? (ФОТО) – Узнай Россию (rbth.ru)

ELLIOTTLoren.pdf (electricscotland.com)

LOREN SPENCER ELLIOT – Mount Ayr Record News (mtayrnews.com)

Image 313 of Biographical and historical record of Ringgold and Decatur counties, Iowa.


НАШИ ПРЕДКИ НОВОЙ АНГЛИИ Лорен Спенсер Эллиотт (папа)


Кройдон и (Ханна КЛОЙЗ), дочь Питера и Ханны [ЛИТТЛТОН] КЛОЙЗ, были
вышла замуж в 1686 году в Салеме, штат Массачусетс. Дэниел, Элизабет и Мэри перечислены в
записи Первой церкви Салема, Массачусетс, в ноябре 1681 года как дети Марии
ЛАМБЕРТ ЭЛИОТ. Было отмечено, что «Wheatland читается так же, VII, 127.
были рыбаки и моряки: ср. Перли II, 236″.

1257. @B[Марк Стивен ЭЛЛИОТТ] [11] [858. Лорен С. 10, Марк 9,
А.В. 8, Шерберн 7, Утешение 6, Иоанн 5, Джонатан 4, 3, Даниил 2,
1] родился 22 октября 1949 года в больнице Грин Ко, Джефферсон, штат Айова.
Он был назван в честь своих дедов. Он двуличный.

Лорен Спенсер Эллиотт (папа)

MyDNA из Австралии. Они летят на Юнион Джек, который осуществил геноцид людей, живших между королевствами Англии и Шотландии. Сослан на сегодняшнюю границу ЕС и Великобритании в Ирландию. 1776 Звезда и Полосы, 49-я звезда – наш самый большой штат, Гавайи – 50-й штат. Аляска куплена у царя России. В то время это не считалось удачной покупкой. Россия сегодня может подумать, что ее украли. Мой дед купил свою ферму по ценам времен Великой депрессии. Его сестры думали, что их брат украл семейную ферму.




1257. @B[Mark Stephen ELLIOTT] [11] [858. Loren S. 10, Mark 9,
A.W. 8, Sherburn 7, Comfort 6, John 5, Jonathan 4, 3, Daniel 2,
1] was born 22 Oct 1949 in the Greene Co Hospital, Jefferson, IA.
He was named to honor his grandfathers. He is ambidextrous. He
graduated from Roosvelt High School in Des Moines in 1968, having
attended grade schools in Manson and Sioux City, IA, and Topeka,
KS. He was involved in the Boy Scout program in Sioux City and
Topeka. He lettered his senior year in high school in wrestling.
He graduated with B.S. degree in history and economics from the
University of Wyoming in Laramie. While he was there he became a
member and resided in The TKE Fraternity. He joined an outdoor
club and heavily involved in mountain climbing and cross country
skiing. He scaled Devil’s Tower and several peaks in the Grand
Teton Range including the @I[Grand]. As of 1985 he had given up
Mountain climbing but still participated in cross country skiing,
back packing, and fishing. He worked for a short time in a trona
mine owned by FMC Corporation near Green River, WY, and became
interested in mining engineering. He returned to school at the
University of Utah in Salt Lake City and obtained a BS degree in
mining engineering in 1978. He was employed as a mining engineer
by National Gypsum in Shoals, Indiana, from 1979-83. He married
on 28 Feb 1978 in Salt Lake City, Utah, to @P[Mary Lou WATSON].
She was born in 1950 in Winston-Salem, NC. They were divorced in
1983 and had no children. Mark returned to school in 1983 to the
University of Indiana in Bloomington, IN, where he had resided
since 1979. He has been involved in a fellowship teaching and
working on a master’s degree in mathematics and computer science.
He took his practice teaching assigment the first five months of
1985 on an Indian Reservation near the Four Corners, located in
New Mexico. The summer of 1985 he was back at the University of
Indiana in school and teaching part time. The fall of 1985 he
accepted a job teaching in junior high at Crownpoint, New Mexico,
with 68 of his 69 students being native Americans. Crownpoint is
part of the Gallup school system. In 1986-87 he taught math and
computer science on the Zuni Indian Reservation south of Gallup.
He later taught in Sanders, AZ, and in 1995 was teaching in
Window Rock, AZ. He also taught a couple of college credit
courses at night in Gallup, NM. While in Indiana, he became a
member of the @I[Friends] Church. At a meeting in Gallup he met
Susan. On 27 Jun 1987 he married @P[Susan Roberta WARREN] in a
`Friends Ceremony’ in the Sacred Heart Retreat south of Gallup.
She was born in Johnson City, TN, 5 Mar 1955, and the daughter of
Hugh and Eloise WARREN of Garden City, SC. She served in the Air
Force and graduated from the University at Johnson City, TN. In
1987 she was a nutritionist working with the various Indian
tribes near Gallup. In 1989 she accepted the Home Economist
position for the county with office located in Gallup. In 1993
she accepted a position in Chinle in NE Arizona, employed by the
Federal Government in the health department working with the
Navajo Indians. She and Mark purchased a home in Gallup in 1987.
Mark has much interest in genealogy and his family history and
has made contributions searching libraries in Salt Lake City and

By dad Loren Spencer Elliott

Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)



Kerr Ferniehirst of Duchess of Buceuch.

Goodman of Gorrenberry of William Elwald-Ellot-Elliot.


People who exclude family members from the family tree and refer to them as liars, can not consider themselves genetic genealogists, if the are they are of the Adolph Hitler type, they may consider themselves as Harvard Historians of the type which hung my ancestors as witches, of the ones of McCarthyism, of my youth which black listed  Jewish playwrights as communists during the early part  of the Cold War.


1257. @B[Mark Stephen ELLIOTT] [11] [858. Loren S. 10, Mark 9,
A.W. 8, Sherburn 7, Comfort 6, John 5, Jonathan 4, 3, Daniel 2,
1] was born 22 Oct 1949 in the Greene Co Hospital, Jefferson, IA.
He was named to honor his grandfathers. He is ambidextrous. He
graduated from Roosvelt High School in Des Moines in 1968, having
attended grade schools in Manson and Sioux City, IA, and Topeka,
KS. He was involved in the Boy Scout program in Sioux City and
Topeka. He lettered his senior year in high school in wrestling.
He graduated with B.S. degree in history and economics from the
University of Wyoming in Laramie. While he was there he became a
member and resided in The TKE Fraternity. He joined an outdoor
club and heavily involved in mountain climbing and cross country
skiing. He scaled Devil’s Tower and several peaks in the Grand
Teton Range including the @I[Grand]. As of 1985 he had given up
Mountain climbing but still participated in cross country skiing,
back packing, and fishing. He worked for a short time in a trona
mine owned by FMC Corporation near Green River, WY, and became
interested in mining engineering. He returned to school at the
University of Utah in Salt Lake City and obtained a BS degree in
mining engineering in 1978. He was employed as a mining engineer
by National Gypsum in Shoals, Indiana, from 1979-83. He married
on 28 Feb 1978 in Salt Lake City, Utah, to @P[Mary Lou WATSON].
She was born in 1950 in Winston-Salem, NC. They were divorced in
1983 and had no children. Mark returned to school in 1983 to the
University of Indiana in Bloomington, IN, where he had resided
since 1979. He has been involved in a fellowship teaching and
working on a master’s degree in mathematics and computer science.
He took his practice teaching assigment the first five months of
1985 on an Indian Reservation near the Four Corners, located in
New Mexico. The summer of 1985 he was back at the University of
Indiana in school and teaching part time. The fall of 1985 he
accepted a job teaching in junior high at Crownpoint, New Mexico,
with 68 of his 69 students being native Americans. Crownpoint is
part of the Gallup school system. In 1986-87 he taught math and
computer science on the Zuni Indian Reservation south of Gallup.
He later taught in Sanders, AZ, and in 1995 was teaching in
Window Rock, AZ. He also taught a couple of college credit
courses at night in Gallup, NM. While in Indiana, he became a
member of the @I[Friends] Church. At a meeting in Gallup he met
Susan. On 27 Jun 1987 he married @P[Susan Roberta WARREN] in a
`Friends Ceremony’ in the Sacred Heart Retreat south of Gallup.
She was born in Johnson City, TN, 5 Mar 1955, and the daughter of
Hugh and Eloise WARREN of Garden City, SC. She served in the Air
Force and graduated from the University at Johnson City, TN. In
1987 she was a nutritionist working with the various Indian
tribes near Gallup. In 1989 she accepted the Home Economist
position for the county with office located in Gallup. In 1993
she accepted a position in Chinle in NE Arizona, employed by the
Federal Government in the health department working with the
Navajo Indians. She and Mark purchased a home in Gallup in 1987.
Mark has much interest in genealogy and his family history and
has made contributions searching libraries in Salt Lake City and
By dad Loren Spencer Elliott

Sometimes people inherit genealogical problems from their ancestors. Genealogically who’s Lemuel biological mother? Can DNA be used? It is about to today’s maximum time for auto-somal DNA. Would a DNA combination as a genealogical tool be useful?

Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)

Having difficulties, there is this young lady that decides, to translate the Russian and write it into a Vietnamese love story . Those Mormons send missionary abroad, and she could be a granddaughters of one of these MOMS (mothers of Mormon sons) but in the Grand sense of the word. If I mistreat a granddaughter, I get the boot from one of these Grand MOMS. It is all right if I give their daughters a difficult time, and the daughters of these daughters the granddaughters are in full agreement. The biggest difficulty I have with that is that these daughter-mothers ganged up into a team, called a DNA Guide Team, plus I am in agreement with them You Can Do DNA.

Appreciate the support I am getting from the Russians. The biggest problem I am having with them they seem to insist on using English, and I am sometimes having to translate the English back into Russian. Do not know if learning English from Sir Walter Scott is a good idea. Though the Stobs family married into the Harden Scott and received a good dowry, but George Fox had a convinced Friend-Quaker of the Harden family 1657, after my Elliot family was in the Colony of Massachusetts in 1650, he was put in Edinburgh Prison. Not always family get along. Though the Duke of Buccleuch and myself agree there should be no wind farm near the Hermitage Castle.

The surname Brigance has been, extremely well researched. In genealogy, sometimes a different angle of looking at something is needed, in which a small bit of the information, is useful for new leads.

Strongly showing Pennsylvania and Barbados-Jamacia. Pre-American Revolution showing England for Brigance. Brigade seems to be proper word paring. Brigance could though have influence out of England, seems to have French American Revolution of Brigade. Brigance took part in the American Revolution and War of 1812. Would be because of military influence and tendency for new surname adoption, would be on the lookout for it. I-M253 has Viking influence, there is a Brigham surname which is of the family grouping of Brigance. It is felt this could be a Brigance which took the Brigham surname. The previous is not for me to determine, but to give other viewpoints, and if just one helps to search the surname Brigham through a different perspective, since the amount of research already done is alot, the gain has been made.


20181107, Wednesday, November 7, 2018, Boston, MA, USA, Brigham Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham Research Institute held their annual Discover Brigham campus-wide research day on Wednesday November 7, 2018.



Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757

Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information

Accepting my standards, are Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, FamilyTree.com, familysearch.org, and gedmatch.com [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data
M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme Gedcom#4997456] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing https://elwald.com/, and https://gorrenberry.com/, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot

In silencing by hanging Salem Witches, or in McCarthyism, blacklisting Jewish playwrights for being communists. In the behavior of science and long-term planning, it is felt I am being kicked out for ‘intentionally adding false information’, the concept of witch hanging and blacklisting was silencing. Owning and operating, elwald.com, gorrenberry.com and clancrozier.com, it is the owner operator which does the silencing.  Don’t think I have been silenced. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott 2-19-2023

Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell

append-Rowell-Carroll-others Loren Spencer Elliott


East Anglia FTDNA activity Rush then Hammer

Brigham DNA

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