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*Little Jock Elliot

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The book of Scots-Irish family names – FamilySearch

The book of Scots-Irish family names. Title Also Known As: Book of Ulster surnames|Ulster surnames|Scots-Irish family names. Statement of Responsibility: Robert Bell. Authors: Bell, Robert, 1953- (Main Author) Format: Books/Monographs.


https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › File:Sasine_deed_148…
redheugh sasine from en.wikipedia.org
This has landholders Ker, Scot, Elwald, Gladstanis, which helped with ownership of the land Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth, and others to be transfer to Robert …

Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day | The Scotsman

named – Map your surname across the UK (publicprofiler.org)

Search the Muster Rolls

Gates Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)

Результаты ДНК MyHeritage – русский. + GedMatch + FTDNA Иван Ветлугин

Correction, it was 2020 left the card at Rootstech table. She has the background of a genetic genealogist, like members of the DNA Guide Team. Salt Palace Salt Lake City is utilized for presentation, and this is one of their rooms.


Though I utilize; LivingDNA, MyHeritage, Ancestry, 23andMe, GedMatch, in the past have utilized WikiTree and FTDNA. Was kicked off WikiTree, they feel that a retired math-science-computer instructor second generation genealogists of and established known genealogist, is not truthful. Family Tree DNA has taken me off also. Unlike WikiTree which is free and does not do DNA testing, not able to utilize my date in comparison to others; LivingDNA, MyHeritage, Ancestry, 23andMe. Been utilizing YSEQ, for DNA testing, as verification of Family Tree DNA, for mtDNA, and Y-DNA. For SNP, FTDNA went down as far as R-S16361, 23andMe obtained the same results, but with YSEQ I was able to go down the R-S16361 two more steps. R1b-U106>….>S16361>A6719>A6722.

Family Tree DNA though the product is purchased by you, it should be noted that they do take the product away from their buyers and consumers, and for some Y-DNA SNP they may not have advanced their test levels below what 23andMe are able to obtain.

Though autosomally, it is a sports-bracket family-tree, with just the Y-DNA it is a single line a path one which carries that particular Y-DNA travels on. The social-studies, people utilize silencing like Puritan Harvard on witches, the scientists-genealogists share and puzzle together information. Scientists can today communicate in math and diagrams, with translators any language can be used. The nonscientists are dependent on language and will correct the spelling, and not the sig figs first.

Was pitching in a help on a Clan Crozier link for Wiki, but was kicked off. Descended from a Clementis Hobs (Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott), so created clancrozier.com.

A engineer with long term planning in the decades, can as a mine engineer, and as dad and agricultural civil engineer, set parameters, feed the the text, and images within graphic, and allow the image sharing of people on the internet take place. The ones which silence do not check links, the family genealogists-scientists will share those important to their particular families. Genetic-genealogical-science will be in the hands of the families, and by their action they know now YOU CAN DO DNA.

Scottish Poetry Selection
– Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me?

The royal coat of arms in Scotland has the Latin motto “Nemo me impune lacessit”. The English translation of this is “Nobody interferes with me with impunity” and this is often defiantly expressed in broad Scots as “Wha daur meddle wi’ me?” which is the title of this anonymous poem. But on this occasion it is being aggressively repeated by a member of the Elliot family, one of the Border families who not only fought their neighbours but were part of the first line of defence against marauding English invaders – and could sometimes defy the Scottish monarch as well!

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