ELLIOTs of England and Scotland




Though we have Breton (Norman) DNA representing 43% of Elliott, at standard behavior science it needs to be 95%. This is indicative the type of math being used.

My R-U106 is of Germanic Anglo-Scottish Border onto Irish Border DNA though there as People of British Isles in utilizing proper autosomal DNA with proper mathematical sharing not authoritarian analysis this shows a branching of migration towards the Scottish border and southwest England with the Norman Alyot-Eliot of the Bretons out of France. MSE.

Buccleuch Elliott Hermitage Castle Crozier Nixon – Google Search

“The introduction of an ‘i’ into the name ‘Ellot’ was, without doubt, unfortunate. It immediately confused th Clan with the weL-known English Norman family of St. Germains, settled in the West County of Wales and in no way related, whose name was derived from ‘Alyot’. And it confused still further the already indeterminate origin of those whose name was spelt with tow ‘Ls” and two ‘Ts’.”

28th chief Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs, father of present 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh.


History Ireland – Sheep stealers from the north of England: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

For about 1630 Ulster muster of R. J. Hunter Collection: for Johnson, use Johnston, Scott use Scot, Elliot use Ellot, Irvine use Irwin.

May consider other spellings for Crozier.
First Name        Surname    Barony/Lands       Landlord/Estate County
John                    Croser        Magherboy            G. Hume Fermanagh
George                Courser      Magherbuy            Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William               Grocer        Magherbuy           Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William               Grocer        Dungannon          Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone





Been and applied behavior, and engineering scientist, and over a half century followed in dad’s footsteps as a genealogists.

Though it took about two decades, dad as a watershed planning engineer, and I working as a mining engineer plans could easily be a couple of decades or more. Noted, that similar to the Salem Witch Trials symbolic in the hangings, and the black listing of Jewish play writes when I was young that silence was used. Noted, that people could be kicked off of blogs, so I changed the model.

Created at first elwald.com, then gorrenberry.com, and was helping on clan crozier, it being dismissed from Wikipedia created clancrozier.com. Felt if I owned and operated dotcoms, I would not be silenced from them. Noted that image sharing was incorporated into many blogs, and decide to create images with embedded text to be shared.

Being kicked off of Wikitree, and Wikipedia for lying, I felt the need to share documentation a standard for scientists and genealogists, which people could share. Noted, that those which hung witches, and silenced Jewish play writes did not leave much documentation, but felt their position took care of it.

Genealogy, the person of the family knows the most about the family. Someone of ‘position’, referring to someone as lying about their family is as anti-to genetic science as those judges which hung witches in Salem, and those of the government which black listed Jewish play writes as communists.

Since the internet has been fed with documentation on my families genealogy with supportive DNA, it is only a matter of time for the witch hangers to realize that they a speaking against viable documentation integrating various from of measurements with correlation, and family genealogical sharing to establish an enlarge family tree, which shows that nation-state ideologies though in macro-grouping may have some application, but in the micro grouping of individualizing individuals in the family tree to be relative useless accepting maybe for corporate profits, but not for family finding.

Though try to do my best like the engineering scientist which study the material of O-rings, for the Challenger Shuttle. This time utilizing the science of an engineer can use recommendation, but no one will die. Hopefully the people of the family and from their respective families will be the ones which are highly credited, and the ones which refer to these as liars will be discredited. Especially if they hold a doctorate degree.

FTDNA Elliot Google Bing images 9/2022 – Gorrenberry

These MOMS Mothers Of Mormon Sons, are causing me a bit of difficulties, n the family tree one must have this line of ladies, where a mother has a daughter, that brought on the BYU DNA GUIDE TEAM, They say YOU CAN DO DNA. This is bringing on a next generation of mtDNA line, without the ‘Y’ in them at B’Y’U. If they do not have the ‘Y’ in them at BYU especially at BYU they can be a bunch of troublemakers.

Having my RUSSIAN put into a Vietnamese Love Story is going about far enough. These people really need the ‘Y’ in them. Do not know why they are accepted a BYU, but they are needed I guess to form a family tree.

If I am around any longer these MOMS, from Great, they become Great and Grand, then I will be in big trouble. These people without the ‘Y’ in them one cannot keep secrets from them. Should know had a mom myself, and am married.

DNA Migrates With Language

FTDNA Elliot Google Bing images 9/2022 – Gorrenberry

BYU Brigham DNA – Gorrenberry (2022) MSE – Gorrenberry

Я не в возрасте DAD (папы и дочери), а в возрасте GRAND. Знаете ли вы, что это значит, я могу помочь вам с вашим вьетнамским языком из русской истории любви.

Когда я был в юности, у них не было никакого тестового оркестра на открытом воздухе ядерных взрывов, казалось, что это так.

Эрнест Йоахим Стернгласс (; 24 сентября 1923 — 12 февраля 2015) — почетный профессор Питтсбургского университета и директор проекта «Радиация и общественное здравоохранение». Он является американским физиком и автором, наиболее известным своими противоречивыми исследованиями о рисках для здоровья низкоуровневой радиации от атмосферных испытаний ядерного оружия и от атомных электростанций. Эрнест Стернгласс» из Википедии

понравилось, что он повлиял на мою щитовидную железу через изотоп йода открытого воздуха, и SAT для мормонов в Сент-Джордже, штат Юта, от близкого взрыва из Лас-Вагаса, штат Невада, так сильно, что президент Церкви Святых последних дней держал ракетную систему MX подальше от Юты, она досталась старой кавалерийской лошади по имени Уоррен, в Шайенне, Вайоминг. При регистрации на военную службу США, был на дополнительном от Armour, у которого был упаковочный завод, где я жил в Су-Сити, штат Айова. Хотя они нерешительно относились к войне во Вьетнаме, у них был вопрос при регистрации призыва, принимаете ли вы какие-либо лекарства. Честно говоря, написал «препараты для щитовидной железы». Во время Нама дали 4F, который встретил меня недостаточно здоровым, чтобы быть призванным в то время, что означало отсутствие войны во Вьетнаме.

In Pennsylvania, Catholics hold a majority in the US Government, as State based on the concept of religious freedoms. In Des Moines, Iowa that Catholics south of Grand on the east side of 42nd Street, park in the parking lot of the Quakers on the west side. Though Charles II became Catholic on his death bed, my brother married to a Doyle refused to. Wife’s family were Catholic, she was raised Methodist. My family as Anglican fought against Cromwell on the side of the Catholics. The Catholics and Anglicans intermarried in Co Fermanagh, Ireland, but urbanized Catholics and Presbyterians, which I refer to as the Mc-Mac have brought their battlefield to the Irish Border and could very easily do so in the future. Am of the Middle March Clans, Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, we were the ones which stood up for Queen Marie Stuart, The Queen of Scots, who was behead by Elizabeth I to keep England Protestant, plus her child James was taken by the Scottish Protestants which may make the EU-UK border another battlefield. Of the Border Reiver Pagans who are after extermination off the English-Scottish Border or exiled to Maguire-Fermanagh Co, Ireland though wants peace it still can become a UK battlefield.

Could the Catholic Church ask Rev William Nolan Archbishop of Glasgow, to extend his curse upon use Reivers of the Middle March, they Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier (the staff St. Patrick used to chase snakes out of Ireland). Since President Richard M. Nixon (raised Quaker), was noted to be the biggest liar, I am trying to top him since he pulled the troops out of Vietnam and opened trade to China, and many other things towards peace. It would be with great honor if I can top him among the Catholics of today as being a greater liar. May be as quarter of the world listen when Nixon talk to an Amstrong on the moon about peace on earth, maybe instead of calling us liars, they may want to believe in the Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier, which support peace on the border, a on the border which they intermarried the Catholics, the EU-UK border. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott

DNA Migrates With Language

Заговор был сформирован Эллиотом из Редхью и другими, чтобы убить Баклюха.

A plot was formed by Elliot of Redheugh and others to assassinate Buccleuch.

Занимался генеалогией, когда отец вождей сэр Артур Элиотт из Стобса и его мать из Алантика, штат Джорджия, США занимались генеалогией семьи Редхью. Маргарет, единственный ребенок, является первой женщиной-вождем из длинной линии из 28 мужчин-вождей.

Итак, ее отец и я, наши предки Y-ДНК, вероятно, были свидетелями, Роберт Элвальд 10, который пришел Эллиот из региона Хавик, переход земли от Арчибальда «Белла Кота» Дугласа к десятому вождю Роберту Эльвальду из Редхью, вместе с землями Ларристона. Buccleuch, который имеет генетический разрыв в линии Скотта во времена Карла II. Принц Уэльский и герцог Баклюх, у них не было сыновей, чтобы пройти по линии, как у Эллиотта с Маргарет.

Вождь – это семья, Маргарет – лучшее, что я могу считать, что мой двадцать седьмой двоюродный брат дважды удален. Как вы можете видеть, Баклюх до Пограничного умиротворения пытается сказать, что Эллиоты не претендуют на Редхью, вместе с шотландским правительством, пытающимся построить ветряную электростанцию рядом с замком Эрмитаж, родиной клана Эллиот.

«К югу от замка находится поместье Лангхольм, часть поместья Баклюх, которое выдвигает возражения. Загрязнять ландшафтный фон замка со всей его силой, чтобы вызвать историю и наследие шотландских границ, было бы не чем иным, как вандализмом», — подчеркивает герцог Баклюх.

Битва ветряных электростанций над шотландским замком – Country Life

Когда Нил Олден Армстронг приехал в Шотландию в 1972 году, он признал Лангхольм своим родным городом.

A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott – The Douglas Archives (ning.com)

Rich Rucker, Clan Armstrong DNA, Question

MAY 9, 2022
5 Things You Should Know Before Buying FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA)
If you want to investigate your family tree DNA,

DNA tests can have life-altering consequences, say consumers
By Sydnee Gonzalez -January 14, 2020


Steve Wozniak i ja dzielimy niespełna rok różnicy wieku, ale urodziłem się dekadę przed nim. Steve pochodzi z Berkeley, a ja z Uniwersytetu Wyoming. Norweski przyjaciel z Uniwersytetu Wyoming, po tym, jak jego ojciec obserwował protesty przeciwko wojnie w Wietnamie w Berkeley, uznał, że Wyoming jest na lepsze.

Sam ukończyłem inżynierię górniczą w grudniu 1972 roku na Uniwersytecie Utah, gdzie znajduje się Biblioteka Historii Rodziny, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Steve to prawdopodobnie Steven, moje drugie imię to Stephen of Stephan, inżynier, który lubi grać. Niektóre z moich hobby to komputery i genealogia, które mogę studiować w genetyce biologicznej, jeśli jest matematycznie analityczna.

Mówiąc to po polsku, bo Steve Wozniak jest Polakiem.

Dla Steve’a i dla mnie nie ma znaczenia, jakiego języka polskiego lub angielskiego używam, ponieważ przekazują analityczne aspekty uczenia się.
Ci, którzy uciszają dzielenie się informacjami, uciszają tych, którzy dzielą się informacjami rodzinnymi, tak jak naukowcy dzielą się informacjami, aby zdobyć wiedzę.

Rosjanie lub ktokolwiek inny, zwłaszcza Brazylijczycy mówiący po portugalsku, kiedy przechodzą na inny język, taki jak angielski, są genealogami genetycznymi.

Bill (William) Gates umieścił Microsoft BASIC w komputerze Altair 8800 zbudowanym w Albuquerque w Nowym Meksyku, USA, a Steve jako inżynier, jako hobby mógłby umieścić go na ekranie telewizora. Nigdy więcej kart dziurkowanych.

Nie możesz powstrzymać ludzi przed dzieleniem się informacjami o swoich rodzinach i znajdowaniem historii rodzinnych z innymi, nie możesz też powstrzymać ludzi od dzielenia się nauką w celu poprawy życia rodzinnego.

Z poważaniem, Mark Stephen Elliott


Who is going believe that a person born in the forties, of Border Reiving descent owns and operates a dot com? My actions as one time a behavioral scientist was meant to do that. Was able to sort out the admins.  THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST, is how genealogy is done. The first person to put their foot on the moon, was and Armstrong an engineer, then towards the end of the American moon landings, a geologist of Harvard from New Mexico, with a middle name the same as my mothers-in-law’s maiden name core drilled the moon.

With the challenger a social studies teacher was sent into space, with an engineer saying the O-rings were bad.

If an FTDNA admin has kicked someone off their blog then I am saying having worked as a second generation engineer ‘Your O-rings are bad’.

Changed the model. Own and operate three dot coms. Utilize behavioral separation. The scientists-mathematicians-geneticists-genealogists, by their behavior of being seekers and searchers, the top ones have already done so, will go to Microsoft Bing, (that young man Bill Gates started Microsoft in New Mexico, can’t understand why he moved to Seattle).  Knew silences do not check what is a necessary for proper science and genealogy, that is documentation.

That is the worst situation a engineer can be in, especially having a standard of studies in ‘strenghs and materials’.

Since people without base principals like sig figs, are trying to superimpose their concepts on people as the judges of the Salem Witch Trials, and Senator McCarthy in ‘blacklisting’ Jewish authors as being ‘communists’, feel these immigrants which came to American after the Apache and Navajo, and my relative on the Mayflower, for us it is standard. Freedom of speech and religion.

The best way for a deception is to be as accurate as an engineer, and have people think you are a liar.


Mark Stephen Elliott







Do not have acess to SEYDN FTDNA 101829 my own data through FTDNA so am obtaining it elsewhere.


Forebears Elliott forename distribution.

Forebears Elliott surname distribution with meanings.

BORDER MEMORIES; OR, SKETCHES OF PROMINENT MEN AND WOMEN OF THE BORDER, by the late Walter Riddell Carre, Esq. of Cavers Clark
Edited by James Tait of the “KELSO CHRONICLE”

Edinburgh: James Thin, South Bridge.
London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1876

Covering Elliots of England and Scotland.


The house which Walter Riddell Carre, Esq. of Cavers Clark lived in is Cavers Castle.

A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 2
Sir Bernard Burke

Correction; Cavers and Cavers Carre, are two different localities 2/24/2018

canmore.org.uk Cavers Carre

map shows locality of Scott of Buckcleuch, and Branxholm, Ker(r) of Ferniehirst and Roxburgh, Douglas of Cavers, and Ellot of Minto,  along with where the name Buccleuch (Buck-Cleuch) was derived;


Ellwood, a name of the English and Irish, is also of Scottish Liddesdale.



The family of Redheugh, moved onto there there land in Larriston, and became known as the Larriston Ellots (ie Elliots).

James Elwald (ie Ellot-Elliot), hung for being a “traitor” to James V, and afterwards because he could not speak for himself was likely blamed for the killing of Andrew Ker.


The Larriston Ellots feuded with the Armstrongs; “The Armstrongs are flying”

There were towers at Mangerton of the Armstrong chiefton, at Gorranberry of the Gorrenberry Ellots, and at Netherby of the Graham. Breaken Tower is Prickenhaugh Tower, of the Martin Ellot of Braidley family, across from and closely related to the Redheugh-Larriston family.

Though with support of Gorrenberry (William) which was at the first infeftment (receiving of land), and Prickinghaugh (Martin), who acted as Clan chief, Buccleuch questioned land ownership of Redheugh-Larriston, and it is likely Redheugh lost their land rights. Today’s Redheugh, was reacquired by the Redheugh-Stobbs Eliott family.

Gavin of Horsleyhill Stobs, purchased the land for the son of his stepson, not a “Sir”, but for William Ellot to Elliot to Eliott son of Gilbert of “the golden garters”, of Redheugh then Stobbs;

Gorrenberry Elliot, Elwood, Ellwood, and Edwards arms

Clementis Hobs of Stobs

Though the wife’s name was Jean sister to Buccleuch, note above in surviving previous to Stobs fire pedigree, the last child which is a daughter, named after mother, not Helen, but Margaret (Maggie/Meg) Kidd. William born in Larriston, moved with his mother, to Hartsgarth Tower, apart of Redheugh-Larristan lands, and became William of Hartsgarth, then Dinlabyre, downstream from Larriston.

Thorlieshope is across Liddell from Slaughtree.  Location correspond with the given names.


First sons are most likely named after their father, though an uncle may take on his brother’s sons as their own.

It is felt that William, was the son of Robert Ellot, and Jean Scot, and his sons William and maybe James were taken in by his brother Gilbert of “Golden Garters”, who was the son of Robert Ellot and Margaret Kidd. Buccleuch wanted the descendants, to have Buccleuch  in them so Gilbert received a sizable dowry for marrying a Margaret “Fendy” Scot of Hardin, and took in the children William and James of his older brother William. Since

Though, the name is different from Margaret Kidd, a Gilbert brother to Robert Ellot of Redheugh/Larriston, is mention. Likely the line of Robert of the Redheugh family now in Larriston, William in Larriston, moves to Hartsgarth Tower built for Margaret Kidd, then as male becomes “of Hartsgarth”, Gilbert (likely Golden Garters) ‘bastard brother of Robert Ellot of Redheugh (Larristion)’ is third brother, first son is William, of Stobs, grandson Sir Gilbert of Stobs.

“Gibbie with the gowden garters”, who married commonly called Maggie Fendy daughter of Auld Wat of Harden the celebrated freebooter and by her six sons the fourth being Gavin who acquired in the early part of the seventeenth century and of the Minto Elliots.

Minto Tower is fully restored.

(Turnbull’s Fat Lips Castle)

The funding for the project was received from Historic Scotland, Scottish Borders Council, Landfill Community Fund and the Elliots of Minto.

We are delighted to say that the extensive consolidation and restoration works to the castle are now finished. This is the culmination of many years of work to build a funding package and appoint a team to carry out the restoration. None of this would have been possible without the support of the Elliots of Minto, Historic Scotland, Scottish Borders Council and the Landfill Community Fund.



Added 2-14-2018; Gilbert Eliott, of Stobs, descended from Gilbert “of the golden garters”, was knighted by instated king Charles II, which the Scots fought for in the Cromwellian Civil War.

Though father William at first was for the Parliamentarian Sir John Eliot, and changed name from William Ellot to Elliot, inserting the “i”, he became on the side of reinstatement of Charles II, to show a difference the name went to Eliott for Stobs. His son Gilbert was fighting for Cromwell, and later received a Baronetcy.  William likely knew if he lived and as a supporter of Charles II, his estate would be taken away as a war tax, but his son Gilbert was fighting for Cromwell, and he would obtain the estate, where it would stay in the Stobbs family. So William Eliott of Redheugh-Stobbs, committed suicide to save the family estate.  A lot of Elliott today aboard were “sold as slaves, to the American Colonies”;

The descendants of the present day chieftain; Margaret Eliott the 29th chief,

will not have this parliamentary baronetcy which will be most positive for the clan, since many fought for Charles II, and ended up being sold as “slaves to The Colonies”.

2/1/2018 MSE

The Elwalds and Armstrangs did convene;
They were a gallant companie—
“We‘ll ride and meit our lawful king,
And bring him safe to Gilnockie.”

Hermitage Castle

Buccleuch on Windy Edge (Hermitage Castle) wind farm UK

Added; 2/24/2018 MSE

2/28/2018 MSE

3/1/2018 MSW

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