WEST DNA Family Project – FG#5: Connections to the Salem Witch Trials (westproj.blogspot.com)
Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Elwald
Fathers-Father-3.pdf (gorrenberry.com)
Fathers-Father-51.pdf (gorrenberry.com)
Fathers-Father-4.pdf (elwald.com)
Clement’s Hob, ie Robert Elliott, Clement Crozier’s sister’s son.
Robert-and-Humphrey-Elliot-MESC.pdf (gorrenberry.com)
Our Research – aqwn447 – Generated by Ancestral Quest (rootsweb.com)
Kittery, Maine Baptists to South Carolina of Champernoun Elliot
Addition to Robert Ellot-Ellet-Elliot;
Land Kittery and Scarbough of Robert Elliot and In-laws
Robert and Humphrey Elliot ME&SC
Robert Elliot fam 3-25-2012 add
Margery Batson and Sarah Saunders
are drafts of the past.
Marriage records of Robert Sr, and 2nd son to Robert Jr, Nathaniel.
It is felt that Robert Elliot is the older brother to Daniel Elliot both born in Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, oldest son is felt to take the name of the father which is felt to be Robert, and his father is felt to be Andrew but called Dand then Daniel Elliott, shows up in Tullykelter in 1610. A Dan Ellot was banish from both kingdoms Scotland and England at time of Border Pacification. Since indentures Robert Elliot of NH-ME, elder to Daniel Elliot of Otter Neck on Sudbury then Stones End then north Framingham, MA (Saxonville) they would have the same Y-DNA. Pete Horton informing me he is a descendant of the Kittery Baptists fits in to him being a descendant of old brother Robert Elliot of NH-ME (Great Island). Pete and I, Mark Elliott do not carry the mutation of the first son of Daniel which is Daniel born at Otter Neck, MA at falls on Sudbury River.
Castillo de Tullykelter , Fermanagh and Omagh Podcast – Loquis

append-Rowell-Carroll-others Loren Spencer Elliott
Academic Study with maps of Ulster Scots
Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott
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Uploads from Mark Stephen Elliott on Wikitree
ancestors familysearch.org Daniel Elliot 1637-1704?

Mungo Ellot Magheraboy Mrs Hammelton Fermanagh son of Daniel
Robert Ellot Magheraboy Mrs Hammelton Fermanagh son of Daniel
William Ellot Magheraboy Mrs Hammelton Fermanagh son of Daniel
Marke Ellot Magheraboy Mrs Hammelton Fermanagh son of Daniel
Downloadable PDF;

Scot then Scott;
The Scot family of the borders is estimated three times the Armstrongs which is four times the border Elliot, which is three times the Nixon or (3×4)x3, the Scot/Scott family is roughly estimated twelve times larger than the border Elliot, and thirty-six times larger than the Nixon. The Scot family is so large it is families within families. Previous to surname adoption the group of people called the Scots were likely the largest group of people in the region now called Scotland. Gentry took stewardship of the borderland, and today’s gentry protecting the borderland is the Buccleuch family.
The Armstrong and Elliot would be bailed out by the Scot, and Ker, which were of this land, and the land, the Armstrong and Elliot acquired would go to the Scot and Ker, to secure the stewardship of this land for their respective Clans. The land ownership base of Buccleuch and Cessford (Roxburghe) would grow in this fashion. It is felt that the Ker up from Normandy would have strong Norman ownership values to the land and like the Clan Elliot chief with Sir Gilbert, Kerr of Ferniehirst began to acquire smaller amounts, Gorrenberry lost their land and likely because of their association of the grain of Martin Ellot of Braidley from Liddesdale and minor brother to Redheugh and built a peel tower at Prickenhaugh when Redheugh was living at Lariston and having and affair with a Megg Kidd, up stream at Slaugther Tree, across the Liddel Water from the ancient lands of the Elwald that of Thorsleehope (valley of Thor), a newer community of Heughhouse (house on a slope) was built. For the mistress a tower at Hartsgarth, south of the Hermitage was built. here first son was William, in Lariston where Robert of Redheugh which did not exist at the time lived, then William became of Hartsgarth, the next son of Megg Kidd was Gilbert, who lived with Gavin of Horseleyhill, Stobs, and Baillille (after being a baillie to Boshwell) and widow to Redheugh a Buccleuch mother, but not biological to Gilbert, who named his first son after his brother William, a name of the Gorrenberry/Horsleyhill family, in which Gavin baillee to Bothwell acquired Stobs for because this was the son of Gilbert, and first cousin to Buccleuch, a popular Maggie Scot referred to as Maggie Fendy, wise and efficient.
Braidley which Martin Ellot lived and leased from Bothwell was acquired by Buccleuch ca 1593, then after The Union, Gorrenberry was acquired by Buccleuch, and combined with Braidley to make the Gorrenberry estate of John Scot 1630. A Martin Ellot was executed, but a Dand Ellot was abolished from both kingdoms 1608. It is felt Martin may have had a son Martin which acquired a lease on nearby the Dand Ellot (Ulster; Daniel Elliot), family, in the region of the Archbishop Malcolm Hamilton, inclusive that land of James Somerville, which Dand/Daniel had lease to in Tullykelter, the Martin Ellot moved onto nearby land of knight; John Hume.
After The Union,Gorrenberry was acquired by Buccleuch, and combined with Braidley to make the Gorrenberry estate of John Scot 1630.
Because the Scott family is so large in Scotland one does not expect it to be in Ulster, but if one looks under Scot and not Scott, (it is like looking under Ellot and not Elliot) one will find;
You will find many of the name Scot of the 1630ca Ulster Muster Rolls.
Mark S Elliott 8/1/2015
Name likely MacDaniel at time became McDaniel, and for Dan Ellot of Scotland the name became Daniel Elliott (Dublin spelling), reverted back for awhile to the Scottish, Ellot, and today back to Elliott in Ulster.
11/16/2018 MSE
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