FTDNA Greenspan – Elwald
Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch
“The introduction of an ‘i’ into the name ‘Ellot’ was, without doubt, unfortunate. It immediately confused th Clan with the weL-known English Norman family of St. Germains, settled in the West County of Wales and in no way related, whose name was derived from ‘Alyot’. And it confused still further the already indeterminate origin of those whose name was spelt with tow ‘Ls” and two ‘Ts’.”
28th chief Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs, father of present 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh.
Been and applied behavior, and engineering scientist, and over a half century followed in dad’s footsteps as a genealogists.
Though it took about two decades, dad as a watershed planning engineer, and I working as a mining engineer plans could easily be a couple of decades or more. Noted, that similar to the Salem Witch Trials symbolic in the hangings, and the black listing of Jewish play writes when I was young that silence was used. Noted, that people could be kicked off of blogs, so I changed the model.
Created at first elwald.com, then gorrenberry.com, and was helping on clan crozier, it being dismissed from Wikipedia created clancrozier.com. Felt if I owned and operated dotcoms, I would not be silenced from them. Noted that image sharing was incorporated into many blogs, and decide to create images with embedded text to be shared.
Being kicked off of Wikitree, and Wikipedia for lying, I felt the need to share documentation a standard for scientists and genealogists, which people could share. Noted, that those which hung witches, and silenced Jewish play writes did not leave much documentation, but felt their position took care of it.
Genealogy, the person of the family knows the most about the family. Someone of ‘position’, referring to someone as lying about their family is as anti-to genetic science as those judges which hung witches in Salem, and those of the government which black listed Jewish play writes as communists.
Since the internet has been fed with documentation on my families genealogy with supportive DNA, it is only a matter of time for the witch hangers to realize that they a speaking against viable documentation integrating various from of measurements with correlation, and family genealogical sharing to establish an enlarge family tree, which shows that nation-state ideologies though in macro-grouping may have some application, but in the micro grouping of individualizing individuals in the family tree to be relative useless accepting maybe for corporate profits, but not for family finding.
Though try to do my best like the engineering scientist which study the material of O-rings, for the Challenger Shuttle. This time utilizing the science of an engineer can use recommendation, but no one will die. Hopefully the people of the family and from their respective families will be the ones which are highly credited, and the ones which refer to these as liars will be discredited. Especially if they hold a doctorate degree.
For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott
Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757
Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information
Accepting my standards, are Ancestry.com, 23andMe.com, FamilyTree.com, familysearch.org, and gedmatch.com [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data
M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.
Both Wikitree and Wikipedia utilize this link which is outright form of digital censorship;
http://www.electricscotland.com/webclans/dtog/elliot.html where this one is not without the “2”
Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing http://elwald.com/, and https://gorrenberry.com/, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot
Both the Wikitree and Wikipedia sites in the manner of which they are written are indicative of being strongly influenced to the point of control by historian, not of the Elliott surname.
When I wrote and was not censor for writing for Wikipedia readership on Clan Elliot Wikipedia went up over ten times.
With my fathers standards which were passed on to me, I would not make this clam of anyone doing this;
Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information, yet Wikitree had made this claim about Clan Elliott, the Elliott and I myself, without using the recognizable standard, which I use exstensively and that is documentation.
Please I do not want anyone to use the following which is made available from decades of research it they believe in Wikitree that I am Intentionally adding false information. Would much rather have you use information off of Wikitree if you believe in them.
A269034(lawismarkellot) Ancestry.com data
M904357(markellott) 23andMe.com data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme
Also on Ancestry.com, MyHeritage.com, Familytree.com with DNA, and a 4,000+tree.
Ancestry.com Loren S. Elliott family tree
Farmingham becomes a town in 1700.
Daniel born in Otter Neck, (next son born and died in Salem Village), Ebeneezer, John, James and Nathniel born in Salem End, Jonnathan and Peter born in Framingham, (note; in 1700, Otter Neck, and Salem End are incorporated into Framingham, and at time Jonnathan’s record was recorded, the incorporated records of those sons born in Otter Neck and Salem End where added to Framingham Vitals for births, the one son born and dying in Salem Village is in the Salem Village Vitals of Massachusetts.
Otter Neck;
Daniel Sr moves to Boston, Daniel Jr and Hannah (Anna) Elliot remain in house indentured Daniel Sr built at Otter Neck and attended the Sudbury Church;
Plan of Framingham Plantation 1699
Interactive Map and Download
Author: Temple, J. H., (Josiah Howard)
Publisher: Town of Framingham, Mass.
Date: 1699
Location: Framingham (Mass.)
Dimensions: 62 x 65 cm.
Scale: Scale not given
Call Number: G3764.F7 1699 .T4x
The unnamed houses in the Salem End Region are felt to be of the Elliot and Town families, which moved onto Oxford, MA.
1770 – Framingham, MA – 657 Salem End Road – Sarah Clayes House
Framington, Salem End region;
Peter and Sarah Cloyse house;
free pages ancestory.com
Otter Neck is a neck of land on John Stone’s land near were he built a mill.
People of Otter Neck attended Sudbury Church.
Otter Neck which becomes Framingham in the vitals it shows Daniel and Hannah has son Daniel.
Salem Village Danvers
Daniel and Hannah move on to Salem Village to be with Hannah’s father Peter Cloyse and stepmother Sarah Town Bridges Cloyse.
They have one child born;
And, dies in 1690, recorded among those who died at Casco Bay, by Rev Samuel Parris;
But Danvers/Salem Village history;
Daniel Elliot inserted in error likely from incorrect transcription of Rev Samuel Parris’ records on deaths.
Hobbs spector is blame for the death of Hannah-Anna Elliot’s child in Salem Village;
Salem End
Hannah and Daniel move on with families refugees of the Salem Trials, on to land supplied by Thomas Danforth, Salem End.
In Salem End they attended the Church of Marborough;
Other children born before the forming of Farmingham, were born in Salem End where family attended the Church of Marborough;
Recorded today in Framington Births.
Mark Elliott 4/1/2015
Noted; Peter Cloyse son of seaman John Cloyse, first wife was Hannah “Anna” Littlefield Cloyse, daughter became Daniel’s wife was Hannah “Anna” Cloyse Elliot.
Daniel likely a miller, and Peter obtained land near a mill, once owned by deceased father-in-law by first wife Edmund Littlefield of Wells, Maine;
February 6, 1673;
Know all men by these Presents, that I Fran: Littlefield of Wells Junior in New England, In Consideration of a valewable sume offiveteen pounds to mee in hand payd before the Insealeing & delivery hereof, the reciept, wrof, I doe acknowledg my selfe there with to beefully contented & satisfyd, by my brother in law Peter Cloyce living & resident in the same Town, have & hereby doe sell give grant Assign Enfeoff& Confirme unto ye said Peter Cloyse his heyres executors Administrators & Assignes, a Certain Tract & Prcell of upland liing & being on the westernmost side of that River Called by the name of Webhannet River, at the Falls w’ron the sayd Fran: Littlefield hath built a Saw Mill neare untohis dwelling house, weh formerly was the Interest of his father Edmund Littlefield deceased,…
12/30/2017 MSE
Whoever wrote what is on this website, please contact me. I am a descendant of Peter Cloys and his first wife, Hannah Littlefield, and would love to know more about information you have about the Cloys (Cloyce, Clayes, Cloise) family. Thanks.