Though we have Breton (Norman) DNA representing 43% of Elliott, at standard behavior science it needs to be 95%. This is indicative the type of math being used.
My R-U106 is of Germanic Anglo-Scottish Border onto Irish Border DNA though there as People of British Isles in utilizing proper autosomal DNA with proper mathematical sharing not authoritarian analysis this shows a branching of migration towards the Scottish border and southwest England with the Norman Alyot-Eliot of the Bretons out of France. MSE.
Duke of Buccleuch is cousin to the Prince of Wales who attended Saint Andrews University.
Those Gaelic Scots-Irish, wonder if Donald Trump’s mother liked the harp;
The Irish and Highland Harps – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books
Where’s the French banner of the French descendant Marie Stuart Queen of Scots??

The Will of Robert Elliott | Maine Genealogy
Addition to Robert Ellot-Ellet-Elliot;
Land Kittery and Scarbough of Robert Elliot and In-laws
Robert and Humphrey Elliot ME&SC
Robert Elliot fam 3-25-2012 add
Margery Batson and Sarah Saunders
are drafts of the past.
WEST DNA Family Project – FG#5: Connections to the Salem Witch Trials (
Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Elwald
Cave, Gresham, Scarborough, surname, location, history, Y-DNA
Robert-and-Humphrey-Elliot-MESC.pdf (
Our Research – aqwn447 – Generated by Ancestral Quest (
Kittery, Maine Baptists to South Carolina of Champernoun Elliot
Addition to Robert Ellot-Ellet-Elliot;
Land Kittery and Scarbough of Robert Elliot and In-laws
Robert and Humphrey Elliot ME&SC
Robert Elliot fam 3-25-2012 add
Margery Batson and Sarah Saunders
are drafts of the past.
Marriage records of Robert Sr, and 2nd son to Robert Jr, Nathaniel.
It is felt that Robert Elliot is the older brother to Daniel Elliot both born in Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, oldest son is felt to take the name of the father which is felt to be Robert, and his father is felt to be Andrew but called Dand then Daniel Elliott, shows up in Tullykelter in 1610. A Dan Ellot was banish from both kingdoms Scotland and England at time of Border Pacification. Since indentures Robert Elliot of NH-ME, elder to Daniel Elliot of Otter Neck on Sudbury then Stones End then north Framingham, MA (Saxonville) they would have the same Y-DNA. Pete Horton informing me he is a descendant of the Kittery Baptists fits in to him being a descendant of old brother Robert Elliot of NH-ME (Great Island). Pete and I, Mark Elliott do not carry the mutation of the first son of Daniel which is Daniel born at Otter Neck, MA at falls on Sudbury River.
FTDNA Greenspan – Elwald
Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch

append-Rowell-Carroll-others Loren Spencer Elliott

The Aug 4, 1682 Boston deed: Daniel Elliot Sr, father of Daniel Elliot Jr of the Salem Testimony, was a document discovered by Melanie Hollett of the Daniel Elliot group.
Daniel Elliot 1637-1704 Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland to Boston, MA,
Crosser-Crozier 1587 Middlemarch
Have some West African (Nigeria), Indies (Barbados) DNA in me;
POW Charles II Royalists, Cromwellian POWs.

For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott
Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757
Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information
Though they kicked me off site;
Uploads from Mark Stephen Elliott on Wikitree
ancestors Daniel Elliot 1637-1704?
note; About security, dad Loren Spencer Elliott would us a dot-matric, to print copies then share this information at key spots. Was with him likely partnering him in duplicate bridge in Tempe, AZ, then dropped off copies at the Family History Library, Tempe, AZ. This text information was taken and not put online by the familysearch people.
Search; “Mark Stephen Elliott” you will see what a father-genealogist will say about his oldest son.
Use to using a different format, but the above is and example of lands, including an insert-map showing Braidlee, from Anglo-Saxon Broadlee, meaning a valley broad on the leeward side. Wolflee also Anglo-Saxon, meaning the valley of the wolf. Yes, there were wolfs in the region. They introduced them around here and the Navajo grandmas shoot them for going after their sheep. Put chief Margaret Eliott raised in Stobs, but of Redheugh, in the same category if Scotland decides to reintroduce wolfs. Her husband seems to have a Polish wolfish type surname.
Though I may observe him, do not want to make any distinctive moves. Past British Army MI6 you know, but on the same family side.
May have bumped elbows on an Armstrong in the Aberdeenshire region. Finding that Eliott-Elliot may have land connection with Douglas-In-graham in region. Those Graham they are English an seem to not want to claim Armstrong-Elliot as family. Maybe the Nixon and Crozier seem to have English connections they find more acceptable.
Kind of like staying in the Forest with the Fosters, they are English and seem to be not offended to be related to Armstrong and Elliot, from the English side like those Grahams. It is the Hunter and wolf, for they are predators of the elk-moose, I must watch out for.
The Crozier seem to be Saxon along with the Thorleehope (valley of Thor, god of lightning Thunder Valley). A couple of Crozier seem to match their Y-DNA and are not R-L193. It seem like if you are not R-L192 and are R-U106, Anglo-Saxon they like to silence and exterminate you. Mark Stephen Elliott
Daniel as a forename is not popular in Scotland. Many great in accordance with Douglas Scott of BC, Canada, Dand Ellot was banished from both Kingdoms in 1607, then shows up as Daniel Elliott, in Tullykelter, Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, as part of the Somerville Estate in-law to the Monea Hamilton. Names Somerville, and Ellott show up in 1610 Tyrone Muster, and a generation later in the Co. Fermanagh, Muster. James Somerville shows up in bother musters. 1610 James Somerville had son 1630 Somerville. Scots alias nickname for Andrew is Dand, Irish English it becomes Daniel from surname of Daniel-M’Daniel it may be obtained. Ellot family of Tullykelter were Anglican but nomally Catholic, from forenames show this, even the name in 1610 Ulster Muster of Co. Fermanagh, Marke Ellot shows this. Before 1650 the Scots used Ellot not Elliot with the Norman ‘i’. Daniel Elliott name in 1692 Salem Trials was spelled Elot, the ‘i’ was added likely because of a John Eliot (Eliot Hall Harvard) which came over on the Mayflower. Had a relative to a George Soul who’s ancestor those Armstrong may have melted in lead at Ninestanerig, 9 stone ridge. Did not seem to care much for this Soulis either. The Douglas and Armstrong seem to like, and this Douglas Scott who is from BC, Canada is active with the Hoik-Hawick Archaeological Society, and has this younger brother who is active also, and sings Scottish Ballads with this group called Scocha (Scott-Chapman), do not know being an elk-moose if I care for his middle name of Hunter, though I think he also is weary of the hunter.
A Hawick Word Book Douglas Scott.pdf (
“The introduction of an ‘i’ into the name ‘Ellot’ was, without doubt, unfortunate. It immediately confused th Clan with the weL-known English Norman family of St. Germains, settled in the West County of Wales and in no way related, whose name was derived from ‘Alyot’. And it confused still further the already indeterminate origin of those whose name was spelt with tow ‘Ls” and two ‘Ts’.”
28th chief Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs, father of present 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh.
Our Elliot Ancestors of New England by Loren Spencer Elliott
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family
by Marshall E. Lignian
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family Marshall E. Lignian to jpg×647.jpg×428.jpg
Been and applied behavior, and engineering scientist, and over a half century followed in dad’s footsteps as a genealogists.
Though it took about two decades, dad as a watershed planning engineer, and I working as a mining engineer plans could easily be a couple of decades or more. Noted, that similar to the Salem Witch Trials symbolic in the hangings, and the black listing of Jewish play writes when I was young that silence was used. Noted, that people could be kicked off of blogs, so I changed the model.
Created at first, then, and was helping on clan crozier, it being dismissed from Wikipedia created Felt if I owned and operated dotcoms, I would not be silenced from them. Noted that image sharing was incorporated into many blogs, and decide to create images with embedded text to be shared.
Being kicked off of Wikitree, and Wikipedia for lying, I felt the need to share documentation a standard for scientists and genealogists, which people could share. Noted, that those which hung witches, and silenced Jewish play writes did not leave much documentation, but felt their position took care of it.
Genealogy, the person of the family knows the most about the family. Someone of ‘position’, referring to someone as lying about their family is as anti-to genetic science as those judges which hung witches in Salem, and those of the government which black listed Jewish play writes as communists.
Since the internet has been fed with documentation on my families genealogy with supportive DNA, it is only a matter of time for the witch hangers to realize that they a speaking against viable documentation integrating various from of measurements with correlation, and family genealogical sharing to establish an enlarge family tree, which shows that nation-state ideologies though in macro-grouping may have some application, but in the micro grouping of individualizing individuals in the family tree to be relative useless accepting maybe for corporate profits, but not for family finding.
Though try to do my best like the engineering scientist which study the material of O-rings, for the Challenger Shuttle. This time utilizing the science of an engineer can use recommendation, but no one will die. Hopefully the people of the family and from their respective families will be the ones which are highly credited, and the ones which refer to these as liars will be discredited. Especially if they hold a doctorate degree.
For making corrections to site;
by Mark Stephen Elliott son of Loren Spencer Elliott
Your user name or IP address has been blocked by a WikiTree Leader.
Start of block: 21:01, 14 May 2018
Intended for: Elliott-11757
Suspected violation: Intentionally adding false information
Accepting my standards, are,,,, and [DNA# A269034(lawismarkellot) data
M904357(markellott) data] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.] Gedcom#4997456 (over 4,000 in Data base). With FTDNA sites active in Germany, East Anglia, and Norfolk, assist on NC Argyll Colony.
Both Wikitree and Wikipedia utilize this link which is outright form of digital censorship; where this one is not without the “2”
Professional research genealogists not of Wikitree utilizing, and, are readily capable to find documentation on anything I have presented on researching my Y-DNA, of Clan Elliot.
Both the Wikitree and Wikipedia site the manner of which they are written are indicative of being strongly influenced to the point of control by historian, not of the Elliott surname.
When I wrote and was not censor for writing for Wikipedia readership on Clan Elliot Wikipedia went up over ten times.
Wikipedia, and Wikitree, by using data being censored, as the first son of Loren Spencer Elliott; Mark Stephen Elliott, does not meet my standards. Hopefully, any individual utilizing Wikipedia, or Wikitree, data, will have it highly documented, otherwise, it is not of use to me., of the Church of Later Day Saints, in there documents, has exceeded my standards, and has been a much more viable research, to high quality genealogical researchers world wide, a resource, in non-internet form, I have been utilizing since 1792, having lived in Salt Lake City, Utah at the time.
Wikitree, or anyone claiming to be a Wikitree genealogist, or anyone referencing Wikitree, the information because of standards passes from father who was a top US Elliot genealogist, to his son which I would disagree with him he thought was a better genealogist, anyone referencing, or claiming to be a Wikitree genealogist because of the statement made about generations of Elliot research, their information is consider irrelevant unless like I have done proper documentation is supplied to support it.
A269034(lawismarkellot) data
M904357(markellott) data corrective Genesis NM6772478 23andme
Also on,, with DNA, and a 4,000+tree. Loren S. Elliott family tree
Royalist supported the Royals, of Charles I & II Anglican-Episcopalian, like the Hamilton family of Ulster. American Colonies had remained attached to the royalist cause.. That is why for Charles their is a Charleston, Massachusetts, and South Carolina.
Note; 1641 likely typo, should be 1651.
Though some DNA people consider themselves genealogists; as a genealogist I still go by the above Framingham Vitals on Births, instead of what Robert P. Elliott has listed below. The first son Daniel, born in Otter Neck, family moved to Salem Village, had and lost son in 1690, then to Salem End, had four more sons. Otter Neck and Salem End became incorporated into Framingham in 1700, named after the birth place of Framinglham, Suffolk, East Anglia where Thomas Danforth was born, which supplied land at Salem End to refugees of the Salem Trails, a part of Danforth Farms. Last two sons were born in newly incorporated Framingham, Massachusetts. The first six entries were at the same time upon incorporation of the town of Framingham, Massachusetts in 1700, and that is why the consistency in the spelling of “Eliot”. The last son Peter named after grandfather, on mother’s side [Am named after my both my grandfathers, as Mark (dad’s dad) Stephen (mom’s dad) Elliott. Daniel, already had first son Daniel, named after him and his father] also is spelled “Eleut”, same hand writing showing likely how correct the spelling for “Eliot” is. This is likely recorded by an Englishman and not one of Scots heritage, where the spelling would be “Ellot”. The spelling on the testimony Mar 28, 1692 is “Elet”. Just because an individual is an Y-DNA expert, it does not make that individual a genealogist.
Note; During this time period, Daniel Ellot/Ellet/Elliot, father of Daniel of Salem Testimony was living in Boston, Massachusetts, not far from his son, Daniel.
The father of Daniel Elliot of Salem, was living in Boston 1704.
Daniel Elliot of Boston 1682;
Daniel Elliot innkeeper of Boston 1704;
(noted; in The History of Danvers, there is a Daniel Elliot of the Danver’s Militia which died in 1690, this is a mis-transcription of Rev Samuel Paris records on Church of Salem deaths, where Daniel and Hannah (Anna) Elliot lost a child no name soon after birth records in Salem vitals). It should be noted that Daniel and Hannah’s first son born in Otter Neck (then Sudbury, now north Framingham), then after leaving Salem the other children born at Salem End, now west Framingham, and today except for the second son which died early in Salem vitals birth and death all the other children are recorded today in Framingham vitals.
Some conclusions where corrections were made;
Daniel Elliot of SE England of the family of Andrew Elliot Cordwinde of Beverly, son of William and Emma Elliot. Daniel Elliot is not the son of Andrew Elliot, and Andrew Elliot is the son of Andrew, and wife previous to Joan Patch of Somersetshire.
Daniel Elliot the son of Daniel Elliot of Tullykelter, Fermanagh, Ulster is correct.
Been assisting dad in his research at least since 1972;
Daniel Elliot immigrant lived in Maine, and Salem Village, and died in Casco Bay as part of the Salem Village Militia, in 1690.
Though it is likely he may have traveled to Maine to visit brother Robert, Daniel Elliot first settled as an indenture to John Stone building a mill Outter Neck then south Sudbury, now north Framingham, and a house for himself. The Daniel moved onto Boston and is found in a deed in 1682, and as an innholder in 1704.
Daniel’s son moved into the Outter Neck, Sudbury (Framingham in 1700) house, and moved to be with his in-laws from Sudbury-Marlborough about 1687. This would be his wife’s Hannah (Anna) father son to seaman John Cloyse; Peter, and step mother Sarah Town Bridges Cloyse, who lost two of Town sisters in the witch situation at Salem.
Daniel and Hannah in Salem vitals had son no name born about 1689, and died about a year later, and a spector of Willard (hung) was accuse of the early death of Anna Elliot’s child.
So this gets record in 1690 in Rev Samuel Paris records as one of the deaths, along with the militia which had deaths in Casco in 1690, and is felt that a Daniel Elliot died in Casco in 1690, from this mistranscription, where in 1704 he was alive and well as an innholder in Boston.
More information on pdf download; (on
It is felt that Daniel Elliot Sr was familiar with Boston, arriving with Alexander Gordon, as seaman John Cloyse father to Peter father-in-law to Daniel Elliot Jr, and Daniel Stone financed second son of Dea Gregory Stone, of Cambride, where he is buried next to his oldest son John Stone which build a gristmill at Otter Neck, and Daniel Sr indentured an built a house. Daniel Jr refugee, of the Salem Witch trials built a house at Salem End on Danforth Farms on the west side of a town named after Thomas Danforth English town of birth of Framlingham, spelled Framingham, MA, incorporated 1700.
Sons of Robert Ellot, Robert and Daniel of Tullykelter/Tullikelter, and Daniel could be as young as thirteen, given that the deviation of a name back in 1640 is easily plus and minus 5 years utilizing standard math, and age of 13 is very viable.
Seaman John Cloyse, Granddaughter Hannah (Anna) Elliot, married Daniel the son of indentured Daniel, of Otter Neck (Stone’s End, Saxonville, North Framingham). Son Daniel and Hannah (granddaughter of John Cloyse, daughter of Peter and Hannah Littlefield, Wells, Maine) with first son Daniel born in Otter Neck-Stone End at the time referred to as Sudbury to be incorporated into Framingham, removed themselves from Sudbury to Salem Village-Danvers.
Do know my father Loren S. Elliott did the genealogy to Daniel Elliot which left testimony in which he reference many people, and a response the many people today would say and the most educated of the day said was not enough to show the Elizabeth Proctor, was not a which, that a girl said the accused “out of sport”, that my answer like my father’s work and like Daniel’s testimony, is that Daniel Elliot was an indenture to John Stone by money supplied by his brother Dr Daniel Stone of Boston, and came over as boatswain to seaman John Cloyse who’s granddaughter Hannah (Anna) married the son of indenture Daniel, son named Daniel who testified.
Given in testimony the name of the Daniel Elet is 27 there abouts, it is felt the accuracy of the age of the father is a estimate.
Mark Elliott 3/22/2015
“Historical Examples In 1674 he was allowed by the town to sell beer and give entertainment, and in 1682 he was licensed as an innholder. Old Boston Taverns and Tavern Clubs Samuel Adams Drake” Son and grandson by same name Daniel, in Oxford, MA;
History of the Town of Oxford, Massachusetts: With Genealogies and …, Volume 2 By George Fisher Daniels
“Taverns (page 233). The first licensed public house in Oxford was kept by Daniel Elliott in 1714 for one year only, at the extreme north end of the village. H. 132.”
“ELLIOT DANIEL (bottom page 496) father and son of the same name two of the 30 original settlers Daniel senior had lived at Sudbury or Marlboro and came here from Framingham He m 1686 Hannah Cloyes of Framingham and had seven sons He took up the mill lot near H 185 and in 1716 by…” The seven sons are; Daniel, Ebeneezer, John, James, Nathaniel, Jonathan, and Peter. “James” is missing in above graphic. Daniel was born Otter Neck, MA, in attendance of the Sudbury Church, (son no name born and died 1690 in Salem Village/Danvers), Ebeneezer, John, James, Nathaniel, Jonathan, and Peter, born in Salem End, attended Marlborough, MA church. In 1700, Otter Neck (Saxonville), and Salem End (Rd), where incorporated into Farmingham, MA, and the records of the sons with name are now of the Farmingham, MA records.
5/7/2017 MSE
Noted; Peter Cloyse son of seaman John Cloyse, first wife was Hannah “Anna” Littlefield Cloyse, daughter became Daniel’s wife was Hannah “Anna” Cloyse Elliot.
Daniel likely a miller, and Peter obtained land near a mill, once owned by deceased father-in-law by first wife Edmund Littlefield of Wells, Maine;
February 6, 1673;
Know all men by these Presents, that I Fran: Littlefield of Wells Junior in New England, In Consideration of a valewable sume offiveteen pounds to mee in hand payd before the Insealeing & delivery hereof, the reciept, wrof, I doe acknowledg my selfe there with to beefully contented & satisfyd, by my brother in law Peter Cloyce living & resident in the same Town, have & hereby doe sell give grant Assign Enfeoff& Confirme unto ye said Peter Cloyse his heyres executors Administrators & Assignes, a Certain Tract & Prcell of upland liing & being on the westernmost side of that River Called by the name of Webhannet River, at the Falls w’ron the sayd Fran: Littlefield hath built a Saw Mill neare untohis dwelling house, weh formerly was the Interest of his father Edmund Littlefield deceased,…
12/29/2017 MSE
Tituba, a Carib Indian woman, slave to Rev Samuel Parris of Danvers, MA, was likely from Barbados like plantation family of Parris.
1/24/2018 MSE
On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 9:22 PM, Mark Elliott <> wrote:
Introduction, I am Mark Stephen Elliott, son of Loren Spencer Elliott, my Gedmatch numbers for GED file; Loren Spencer Elliott is 4997456,
and for autosomal DNA is A269034.
Research which dad did on our family., folk ashes buried April 2, 2018 together on what would have been there seventieth aniversity.
It should be noted that and are website owned and built by me containing a lot of genealogical graphical information, which includes the attached.
Mark Stephen Elliott oldest son of Loren Spencer Elliott
Add 10/19/2018 MSE hopefully for some clarification.
Immigrant Daniel POW of the Cromwellian Civil War was offered an indenture contract by seaman John Cloyse, along with Alexander Gordon, and his older brother Robert, both sons of Robert of Tullykelter, fighting with the Hamilton, Anglican, in support of Anglican king Charles II.
He took contract, which money to support was by a Daniel Stone younger to oldest brother John Stone, first two sons of Rev. Gregory Stone of Cambridge.
John Stone own land in the neck of the Sudbury (ie today at Saxonville, north Framingham), river where he utilized Scottish indentures to build housing for themselves, and a dam, and mill. Daniel had son Daniel, which he arranged a marriage, to Peter Cloyse’s son of seaman Cloyse, oldest daughter stepdaughter to Sarah Town Bridges Cloyse his wife. Likely he wanted to get her out of the house.
Immigrant Daniel moved onto Boston, where most Scottish indentures moved to an started in 1657 at the end of their indenture ships a Scottish Charitable Society, but immigrant Daniel moved on to Boston about by 1682 where named appeared on deed, his son still lived in Otter Neck marrying before 1687, Hannah granddaughter to seaman Cloyse which accepted the indenture contract, from England. Daniel moved onto Salem Village, said to be from Marlboro-Sudbury, and which Hannah, bringing their young son Daniel with them, to live in the area of his father-in-law. 1693 move as refugees of the Salem Trials, to Salem End. In Otter Neck now north Framingham, they attended the church of Sudbury, at Salem End now west Framingham they attended the Marlboro church. When Framingham became incorporated with Otter Neck (Stones End), and Salem End the records of those two communities became the records of Framingham, which had a new church which the Cloyse family attended, but Daniel, and family moved on to Oxford, with some of the Town family.
10/19/2018 MSE
I too am a ancester to daniel elliott and have tried to find his father. Have u ever come across the name Daniel steelsmith elliott sr. Born 1640 as daniels father. Thank you shawna elliott
Daniel steelsmith elliott sr, Unless aristocracy, “steelsmith” would likely not be a middle name but could be an occupation indicator.
‘Schmitt’ in German seems to indicate ‘Steelsmith’, likely as in Germany found where steel is milled. Could be such an occupational name. Rare in English though. In U.S. maybe a name change from German migrates of ‘steel smith’ occupation to distinguish from the much more common ‘Smith’ name. Family locality likely at one time where steel smithing took place. ‘Steelsmith’ seems to be a form of ‘Schmitt’. 3-2-2024 MSE
May be interested in;