Crowland-Croyland, possible localities of Alfwold Elwald Ellot Elliot origins.,+Brough,+UK/@53.7798374,-0.6608486,15z/,+Brough,+UK/@53.7680493,-0.6160078,15z/,1890:Ewald

Wold de (of) Croyland (Crowland).

Aldano filio Alfwald (Alden/Alan son of Alfwald/Elfwald/Elwald).


C. (C has a variant Elward Alanus Elfwold Nf (Northfolk) a 1248 Bec (Google map), (Wikipedia).

Father  Alan father of Robert Elwald 1, has a name variant Elward.


Elwood, Ellwood, Edwards, Gorrenberry Elwald-Ellot, of Horselyhill, share the same shield which pre-dates the Redhuegh-Larriston-Stobs shield with an elwand on the bend, of 1566. The name base for these Elwood-Ellwood, and Edwards stem from the father of Robert Elwald I, Alanus Elfwold.

Among the Edwards which is found in the border clans of Elliot, Armstrong and Farbairn, is I-M253 Y-DNA;


Crowland (Croyland) with Boune;

Are Danish isles in the Fens, previous to land drainage.

As one can see they are about 10km (6 miles) apart, and north of Peterborough, Lincolnshire.

The surname Crowland, which is a place name originally of the above Crowland is to the east;

It should be noted that both Bec and Gresham, Northfolk, have medieval moats at their respective localities, showing people living in the regions at the times surnames were adopted.

Crowland from Crowland today by census distribution concentration, is found around Bec, where Alanus Elfwold is of.  This is representative of my many great grandfather, and is of a locality which the surname by Y-DNA surname locality analysis was adopted;

Gresham_Grissom DNA Project – Y-DNA Classic Chart

101829 Elfwold to Elwald to Ellot to Elliot to Elliott present surname is my FTDNA kit number.

In the thirteenth century, the 12/12, 25/25 and 37/37 lines converge at twenty-eight generations.

So having 12 markers out of 12 markers, going back to the thirteenth century, is the same as having 37 markers out of 37 markers, for place localities of Gresham, Norfolk, East Anglia, England, and Cave of North and South Caves, of East Riding, Yorkshire, England. It is only not definite to those who can not comprehend what to some is basic surname distribution, generational mathematics.


Though migration of the name to Devonshire;

As indicated by the name Elfwold of Devonshire also.

Should be noted, as Elfwold is a previous form of Elwald, and Osbern is a previous form of Osbourne.

The German bär, is the Scandinavian bjørn/björn, which is the English bear pronounce as the German bär.


Siward Biornsson, Earl of Northumbria (c.1020 – 1055) – Genealogy

Jul 13, 2018 – Siward Biornsson, Earl of Northumbria. Also Known As: “Sigurd the /Dane/”, “The Saxon”, “Digera”, “Sigurd Björnsson; In Old English: …

With Osbourne, and Fairbairn, the bourne/bairn is a form of Bourne/Bjorn/Bear.

They stem from the Danish family of Bjorn.

Bourne or Bourne Lincolnshire distribution;

They are first found around Bourne, Lincolnshire.

The Fairbairn migrated as the Burns northward;

Fairbairn (fair Dane, of bear family) along with some Elliott carry I-M253.

DNA Project for the FAIRBAIRN FAIRBURN FREEBAIRN etc Surnames – Y-DNA Classic Chart

31. Manifestations of NPEs • Egressions from a genetic family (“e-NPEs”): same DNA, but different surname e.g. Irwin DNA, but Elliot surname (possibly an Elliot step-father) • Introgressions into a genetic family (“i-NPEs”): same surname, but different DNA e.g. Elliot DNA, but Irwin surname (possibly an Irwin step-father) “One project’s e-NPE is another project’s i-NPE”. 31
32. Examples of Irwin / Elliot e- NPEs 32 ………..Elliott ………..Elliott ………..Elliott ………..Elliott ………..Irving ………..Erwin ………..Elliott ………..Erwin ………..Nipper ………..Irvine ………..McDonald ………..Armstrong …………Irwin …………Snowdon
33. Examples of Elliot / Irwin i- NPEs 33 ………. Elliott …………Fairbairn …………Fairbairn …………Elliott …………Elliott …………Elliott …………Elliott …………Farms …………Fairbairn …………Fairbairn …………Fairbairn …………Fairbairn …………Fairbairn …………Fairbairn

James M. Irvine, administrator;
Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study – Y-DNA Classic Chart


The I-M253 is a key part of my Viking Danish admix of the Elwald de Schinkel.

It is felt that this migration may have taking place later with a Viking-Danish admix of I-M223, I-M253, and R-U106, all prominent;

East Anglia DNA Project – Y-DNA Classic Chart

Though I-M253 seems to travel well the numbers for I-M223, and R-U106 seem to decrease beyond.


The ‘People of the British Isles’ project and Viking settlement in England PDF
Jane Kershaw & Ellen C. Røyrvik
Indicated that the I-M223, I-M253, and R-U106, would have a likelihood of being part of a Viking-Danish admix of the eleventh century.

11/4/2018 MSE

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