1 hour ago
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3466643?dpr=2&fit=max&h=414&w=590 https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Many surname origins, and variations off the same surname, but block of similar Y-DNA seem to carry similair spellings of the same surname. Langton, Yorkshire and Langton, Parish, Scotland, are in the region of old Danish Northumbria. Cock/coke deals with coal. Burn, stream and it’s cut. Farm or town referred to as “-ton”. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Langton,+Malton,+UK/@53.9976107,-1.0037131,11.1z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Langton+Parish+Church/@55.7626722,-2.3752891,17z/
Yesterday at 11:32am
https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/ The Torys, and the EU like Hitler would have done to the Jews are completely ignoring us. Want to put another border of violence between our families in Ireland, like was put between us in Scotland and England in 1320. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 Laugh at sending ancestors as ‘slaves’ to the colonies. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4?_=2 Though a half century ago, of the Scottish Middle March ancestry, one as president, talk to one which first stood on the moon. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4 People of the UK do not want to know that my Y-DNA genetics shows this genocide. They are the people which would refuse to go an extra mile/km not to read this history by and Ulster, of the Debatable Lands a Robert Bell; https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ They are the ones which want a border of violence dividing intermarried Anglican Scottish Protestant from Irish Catholics on both sides of the County Fermanagh, Ulster Ireland, county line. In 1776 my ancestors strung up and tarred an feather Torys, and if they acted anyway back then as they are acting in the UK today it is easy to see why. https://loc.getarchive.net/media/the-torys-day-of-judgment-e-tisdale-del-et-sculpt These county Fermanagh Irish and Scots have been moving to Germany to get away from their again genocidal border situation. http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/If-you-do-not-like-an-EU-Border-around-County-Fermanagh-the-solution-is-to-move-to-Germany..jpg Note; Germany got rid of it’s border between the east and west, yet the EU-UK are wanting to put a border into Ireland. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Maguire,1996:Johnston,1996:Armstrong,1996:McManus,1996:Elliott https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC.mp4
Mark Elliott
11 minutes ago
https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Neil-Armstrong-Langholm-Memories-BBC-Fiona.mp4 Armstrong have been marrying those Maguire for a long time. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/County-Fermanagh-Maguire-marrying-Armstrong-for-centuries..jpg https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/327/mode/2up Since the mid seventeenth century we been marrying those Irish. What would you think when the news says it is and Protestant-Catholic conflict. You would be thinking of stringing up a tar and feathering some Torys, https://loc.getarchive.net/media/the-torys-day-of-judgment-e-tisdale-del-et-sculpt and anyone of the EU, which thinks they need border checks in Ireland. It is Irish Catholic Macs, which became Presbyterian, Northern Ireland Mcs, but us Anglicans we married the Irish and we do not want the that Mc-Mac fight to carry over in our neighborhood, by putting a border dividing our Catholic-Anglican Protestant families. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Maguire-Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map-1.jpg https://named.publicprofiler.org/
Yesterday at 9:15am
https://electricscotland.com/history/scotreg/scotsarmy166116800daltuoft.pdf Family fought on the side of Hermitage, and Dunbar Castles, Marie Stuart Queen of Scots. On side of Cockburn, Hamilton, Irvine, and Anglican Royalist Stewart king Charles II, which Prince Williams is descended from, and this is what those Torys my family for good reason strung up and tarred in feather are laughing at; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 And some of us Scot POWs were sent to Barbados as slaves; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4?_=2
Yesterday at 9:03am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3453303?dpr=2&fit=max&h=572&w=590 Still think the border should have went between Texas and New Mexico, instead of Old and New Mexico. Feel the ‘Bruce’ family may have for some reason been driven out of Annandale. https://forebears.io/surnames/bruce https://named.publicprofiler.org/
Yesterday at 8:59am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3465339?dpr=2&fit=max&h=307&w=590 Had assistance from King Robert de Bruce. https://named.publicprofiler.org/
Yesterday at 8:57am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3465329?dpr=2&fit=max&h=258&w=590 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Dunbar?iframe=ycolorized https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://maps.nls.uk/view/00000393#zoom=4&lat=3346&lon=4720&layers=BT https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Dunbar-Cockburn.jpg Clan Irwin, the Cockburn and Dunbar, are already.acquiring from this blog. Can not keep families from searching out information on their family line, even though am not permitted on some FTDNA blogs.
My family chased the Tories the Freedom of Speech silencers out of America. Daniel Elot (Elliott) was a Harvard Cromwellian Puritan slave of the Tory type. These people schooled at Harvard would never think of stopping a shuttle from going into space, when Utah engineers say it was not safe. Measure that silencing of my free speech is still held by Harvard types, and knew they silence an thought they hung me like a witch. Harvard if you know what the top of the queue means then you will know what applied engineering mathematics from Utah can do, and how you been relegated on an American standard to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ancestors, as Salem judges, which story was utilized in The Crucible. Have the Y-DNA of Daniel Elliott which testified in defense of Elizabeth Proctor.
The above are not my people. My people are POW Scot sent to the British Colonies. These are my people.