The Scottish Borders Council sent me this by email;
Scottish Border Council, meeting on Infinis, Windy Edge
Not able to attend, since I live in Gallup, New Mexico, USA, could someone attend for me and just say they are representing Cowie.
In my hometown of Gallup, New Mexico, we seem to know like you do Buck, the importance of sacred homeland sites, and the necessity to save them from the corporate world is said to be in the destruction of sacred homeland sites destroying the world.
It is noted Buck;
that the United Kingdom does not have an Antiquities Act, which protects there ancestral antiquities, like the people of the United States have for their peoples.
There are a people which live south of Gallup, New Mexico, which are referred to as Zuñi, and speak Zuñi. These Zuñi where attacked by Europeans from Spain in 1540. Though Coronado was shot in the foot with an arrow, the Scottish Reivers may like to know his steel bonnet protected him and kept him alive.
Zuñi came from Chaco Cañon (Canyon), unlike in the United Kingdom in which corporations control the media, and can be destructively in support for power, in old Scottish feuds to industrialize sacred lands the land which the Zuñi migrated from is protected from this by our laws;
Being from the Four Corners Region where for states, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona come together, of the Religious Society of Friends a Quaker, and a retired school teacher, for the children’s children historical antiquities need to be preserved from corporate destruction, such as the Hermitage Castle which is being imposed upon by Northern British Windpower, and Infinis, Windy Edge.
I know these people in the above passage, when Robert Elwald was to become, Robert of Lariston, Over and Nether (Under) as shown on;
Bleau 1654 map of Liddesdale.
Walter Scot of Edshaw is the son of David Scot of Buccleuch. Your family Buck.
Buck, your family has been looking after The Hermitage Castle since 1470.
Who is Redheugh today?
Redheugh today represents a corporation wanting to destroy The Hermitage Castle referred to as Northern British Windpower (NBW), now Northern British Wind Power (NBWP).
Who are?; Radulpho Ker, fratri Wateri Ker de Cesfurd
Ferniehirst Castle was built in 1470, so Rudolph/Ralph Ker/Kerr the brother (fratri) of Walter Ker of Cessford. Rudolph/Ralph Ker/Kerr today is Ferniehirst, the Clan Kerr Chief and Cessford is -Kerr, the Duke of Roxburghe.
Buck believe in the past haven’t you at times feuded with these Kers? Figure you guys are still, feuding though granddad Dand Ellot was banished from both Kingdoms in 1607/8, feel you guys are still feuding.
Duke of Northumberland: an unlikely hero in the fight … › … › Energy › Wind Power
Aug 20, 2011 – Ralph Percy, the 12th Duke of Northumberland, has emerged as the unlikely … The Duke and Duchess of Roxburghe stand to gain from turbines on their …now the Marquis of Lothian and chief of the Scottish Kerr Clan, is a …
A spokesman for the Duke of Roxburghe refused to say how much the duke would make from the deal – and that it was impossible to calculate because it was dependent on the performance of the 48 turbines over the next 25 years.
According to experts, the turbines should provide an income for its owners North British Windpower (NBW, NBWP) of about £875 million over its lifetime.
NBW, NBWP has its own aristocratic pedigree. The former Tory party chairman Michael Ancram, now the Marquis of Lothian and chief of the Scottish Kerr Clan, is a shareholder as is Stella Tennant, the model and granddaughter of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire.
The duke’s spokesman said the wind farm will provide electricity for 90,000 homes and save 300,000 tons of carbon emissions, helping Scotland to meet its renewable energy targets and make the country “less dependent on imports”.
The spokesman said the wind farm was ideally located, in a windy spot about five miles from the nearest village.
It would provide a number of jobs while the Roxburghe estates and NBW had agreed to pay £240,000 a year to a local environmental and educational fund.
Brorderers and say they are loyal to Scotland, and as part of Northern British Windpower, stand up against Northumberland and put mills on the Scottish side of the border, but this time the families of Ferniehirst (today’s Clan Kerr Chief), Cessford (today’s Roxburghe -Ker), and Redheugh (today’s Clan Elliot chief), are all of Northern British Windpower (NBW) now Northern British Wind Power (NBWP), and are all in support of Infinis, Windy Edge of England. The Clan chiefs Kerr, and Elliot, and Roxburghe (Cessford) though last time with Northumberland supported the Scottish, this time are in typical border format supporting the English, and the Scottish Border Council is at their command.

How much money is it worth to sell off the family history to be passed to you children and your children’s children to Corporations of Northern British Windpower, a lined with Infinis, and to sell off the sacred homelands of people once of English Plantation throughout the world?
Buck’s line began in Scotland with the English Civil War being a descendant of an illegitimate child of Charles II. Cowie’s lined ended from Dand Ellot son of Clementis Hob being banish from both Kingdoms, in 1607/8.
Between 1608, and the English Civil War. Redheugh and Buck did not get along. This was a time of a great displacement of border people referred to as The Union of the Crowns.
Since the widow wife of Redheugh, married to Gavin baillie to Bothwell, and Ellot also, but of Gorrenberry/Horsleyhill family. She was sister to Buck. Redheugh wanted to kill Buck, and Gavin want to mistreat a Marion Hamilton, mother of decease Robert of Redheugh. This Robert had a Robert of Redheugh, living in Lariston, had a Robert by Buck’s sister, by his next children were of a Meg Kidd his mistress which he build a tower at Hartsgarth for.
So the first one a William of Lariston, near Meg Kidd’s home of Slaughtree, became William of/in Hartsgarth. The next son of Meg Kidd was a Gilbert. Like William of/in Hartsgarth he was considered born of Robert and Buck’s sister, though he was illegitimate.
Though no on seem to like this Gilbert, Buck hid the first Cowie away on land named after Gavin’s occupation that of Baillillie, and it is felt that this is Dandis Gib, which was raise by Dand which Gavin raise though was Gavin’s nephew like Gavinis Will, and Hob, which were Dand (Andrew) older brother.
Gib (Gilbert) named his first son after his older brother William, though normally would be named after himself. This was supported by the William O Goranberry line also, and Gavin was obtaining the land for this William which was well tutored by the family. This land was the land of Stobs.
During the English Civil War, William of Stobs, supported the Parliamentarians of Cromwell, and their name was changed from Ellot to Elliot, but after what Cromwell did in invading Scotland, and with the Hamilton/Douglas families William supported like Buck’s family and hate to admit it my family of Ulster, Episcopalisn King married to a Catholic, that of King Charles II.
Buck and Cowie placed William of Stobs instead of Robert of Redheugh as clan chief. William in supporting King Charles II would have lost his lands. To keep from loosing his lands William committed suicide, and the family to show non support of the Cromwellian Parliamentarians took on the name Eliot. His son Sir Gilbert took over the line.
Buck in placing someone beside a Robert of Redheugh, and this of William Eliott of Stobs, Buck in a way we have to face “the sins of our fathers”, though my line had ended and yours had yet to began.
As one can see by the location of Braidlie not placed between Gorrenberry and The Hermitage Castle on the Clan Elliot map by what is now The Scottish Borders Council, and they not willing to change to it’s proper locality shows The Scottish Borders Council has been working with Redheugh for a long time.
Mark Elliott 6/24/2015