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Billhope, Braidlie, Gorrenberry, Billhope, 1376, 1541, & 2013
‘This is the Place’ genealogy; Elliott, Rush, Spencer, Franklin, with DNA applied.
“Schafdieb aus dem Norden Englands”: Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
* Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear-Fair Beorn)
* Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear-Fair Beorn)
*Jock o’ the Side-Mangerton
*The Ballad of Kinmont Willie
*The Death of Parcy Reed (Crozier)
*The Reprisal-1549 Ker Kerr Carr Clan
Alan Alani Allen Surname Migration
Alexander Gordon & Daniel Elliot, Ulster to Maine c.1650
Aliot to Eliot
Allot Ellot
Ander Anders Andersen Anderson Andersson, autosomal DNA, yDNA, family tree genetic genealogy
Anglo-Proto-Germanic, I-M223, I-M253, & R-U106 Elliott Y-DNA
Archie Elwald to Ellot to Elliot Gorrenberry
Argyll Colony uploads
Armstrong Fairbairn
Armstrong Fairbairn (Fairy Bear)
Armstrong Fairbairn Elliot Y-DNA link
Armstrong letter; 1/1/2015
Armstrong, Elliot, Crozier, Nixon, Johnson, Graham; Ulster-Scot.
Arthur Eliott; the inserted “i” in Ellot
Ælfwald Aelfwald Alfwald Elfwald
Barbados POW Schotten 1650
Barbados-POW Scots 1650
Barton DNA Polish origins ?
Barton; Lancashire to America
Bear-Fairbairn, Elk-Elwald, & Wolf-Louman
Bearing the Cross of Milnholm
Boston Irish DNA FTDNA
Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied
BRIGHAM This is the Place; DNA
Brigham; this is the place for applying DNA to genealogy.
Buccleuch and Redheugh; Buck & Maggie
Buccleuch on Windy Edge (Hermitage Castle) wind farm UK
Buccleuch R-L21 Y-DNA into Scotland
Buie of Jura Y-DNA SNP BY13651 uploads
BYU Brigham DNA – Gorrenberry (2022) MSE
Cessford, Ferniehirst, Redheugh and Scot Gov playing the border.
Chasing my Y-DNA part 30
Chronicles of Armstrong; A Collective.
Clan Crozier
Clan Johnson Johnston Johnstone Johansen Johansson info
Clement’s Hob, ie Robert Elliott, Clement Crozier’s sister’s son.
Clementis Hobs of Stobs
Cockburn, Dunbar, Coker, Haddington, Longton, FTDNA DNA
Crowland-Croyland, possible localities of Alfwold Elwald Ellot Elliot origins.
Crozier Censored
Cumbria; Elwold,Elwould,Elwood,Ellwood,Ellot
Daniel Elliott 1610 Ulster likely Catholic then Anglican
David Westfield, Greenville, SC, Turnpike Road GA, Polk Co, TN
DNA Migrates With Language.
Douglas, Douglass, Elliot, Elliott applied DNA family history.
Dunbar & Cockburn Y-DNA U106 to S5750 near Scottish localities.
Dunbar and Cockburn R-U106 & S5750 Y-DNA SNP
Elliot-Gordon fought in Battle of Worcester 1651
Elliot, Glendinning, & Little; R-L193 sub of L513
ELLIOTs of England and Scotland
Elwood Ellwood
For Our Fathers of Stobs
Freedom of Speech
Frieden an der Grenze
FTDNA Ireland yDNA
FTDNA Border Reivers
FTDNA Boston Irish
FTDNA East Anglia
FTDNA Germany
FTDNA Glendinning
FTDNA Greenspan Blankfeld Behar Hammer Estes Walsh
FTDNA Irvine Irwin
FTDNA Irwin March 2020
FTDNA R-L513 and Subclades
FTDNA Ryedale Yorkshire to Roxburghshire
FTDNA Wilson
FTDNA Yorkshire
Genealogically locating Young Brigham
Genealogie Geographischer Name DNA Elliot
Genealogy by dad; Loren S. Elliott
Genealogy Geographic Surname DNA Elliot
George Lawerence 1638 & Elizabeth Crispe 1636
Gorrenberry Crest, Coat-of-Arms
Gorrenberry Elliot, Elwood, Ellwood, and Edwards arms
Gorrenberry Elwald Ellot Family Tree
Gorrenberry lands
Graham Grantham “Ancient Roman” J-M267 DNA
Hambleton Buckinghamshire, Hamilton Cadzow, Hammelton Ulster, DNA
Hermitage Action Group INFORMATION
Hermitage Chronicles; Armstrong (Fairbairn) Elwald
Irwin FTDNA January 2020
John Elwald 1418 Rector of St Andrews; Conn, McConnell, McCall DNA Kirkinner Carnesmole
John Johns Johnsen Johnson Johnsson Johnston Johnstone, autosomal DNA, yDNA, family tree genetic genealogy
Kettlewell-Howden Linclonshire to Lothian
Kirkpatrick Humphrey Calhoun FTDNA
Liddel Water Armystrand to Armstrong
Liddel, Liddell, Little, Lyttle, Lyddell
locus 1376 is locality
MacManus Belfast Co Down & Antrim to McManus Co Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland
MacNeill McNeil Argyll Cape Fear North Carolina
Mag-Uidhir McGruire Maguire Fermanagh Ulster FTDNA DNA uploads.
Maine, Wells, Littlefield Cloyes genealogy.
Migrating with “Fairy Bear” (Fairbairn)
Muirhall Castle Hermitage wind farm
Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm
Northumberland FTDNA
on Elliots; Bretons+ Keith Elliot Hunter
Peace is No Border
Peace On The Border · Steeleye Span
Pre UK Surname Genealogy Liddesdale 1376
Proto-Germanische R-U106 Haplogroup DNA Elwald-Elliot
Reiver Surnames to Northumbria
Reiver, Surname Adopted on Location.
Rev Wm F & Jemima Signor Mark 50th 1892
Rich Rucker, Clan Armstrong DNA, Frage
Robert Elwald migration 1305-1367
Robert Elwald; Clan Elliot Chief #1
Rutherford surname origins the Scottish Borders.
Saga av febjörn; Elioth, Ellioth, Elliot, Ewald
St. Andrews (Andreas), Protogermanische Sprachentwicklung
Support the Clan Armstrong Trust
Surname, via forename, by adding “s”&”son”
The Border Blue Tartans
Thompson Thomson Clan genealogy info
Today, I’m Clan Armstrong
UK Armstrong, with Buccleuch, Kinmont & Gorrenberry what more?
Ulster for FTDNA uploads.
Vaus, Vause, Vance, R-L193, from Anglican to the Borders
What’s an Elliott of Clan Elliot?
Billhope, Braidlie, Gorrenberry, Billhope, 1376, 1541, & 2013
Billhope, Braidlie, Gorrenberry, Billhope, 1376, 1541, & 2013
Posted on
October 30, 2015
1376 Forests;
1541 Elwald (Ellot)
2013 Hamlet-Hermitage..
Mark Elliot 1/29/2015
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Elwauld Elwald Ellot, Shelkirk 1531-1541 Ulster Muster 1630
Pre UK Surname Genealogy Liddesdale 1376 +DNA link
Gorrenberry Tree
UK Armstrong, with Buccleuch, Kinmont & Gorrenberry what more?
Elliott > Elliot > Eliot statistics
Genealogy; Y-DNA or Surname? Genealogie; Y-DNA oder Nachname?
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