Appeal lodged over wind farm near Langholm
17 November 2018
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by planning officials.
A Scottish government reporter will now look at the case before delivering a verdict on the plans.
Just like Fallago Rig, and Windy Edge, now Hopsrig A Scottish government reporter; A pawn of the Nicola Sturgeon Government that will surpass the will of the Scottish Border Community to desecrate the birth place of Kinmount/Kinmont Willie Armstrong;
Yes, they are building it next to KINMOUNT.
Appeal lodged over wind farm near Langholm-17 November 2018
The Scottish Government along with their fine wind farm company Muirhall Energy, wants you Buccluech, stuck in the same situation they are in. If you want to fall on your own spear, like it is felt Cessford may have in the sixteenth century, and blame it on an Elwald (ie Elliott), it is all right because I have no control if you choose to do so.
In a Google Image search; “Buccleuch Hopsrig”, images from elwald.com and gorrenberry.com, are beginning to show.
An appeal has been lodged against the refusal of a wind farm described as “overly prominent and overwhelming” by planning officials. Dumfries and Galloway Council rejected the 12-turbine Hopsrig project near Langholm. It concluded that the impact on the setting in the Eskdale valley meant the scheme should not proceed. However, developers argue that the project could go ahead with “appropriate conditions”. Buccleuch Energy has teamed up with wind farm developer Muirhall Energy to take the scheme forward.
Against wind farms which utilizes a system of industrial dictatorship to overturn decisions previously made by a democratic system. That is why my family rebelled against the government of the United Kingdom in 1776.
When my family was genocide by the making of a Middle Shires by James VI of Scotland becoming also James I of England, with the concept that the Middle Shires were to be protected, and free from development. The sanctity of these lands which can be past down through the generations of ancestors will only be desecration by industrialization to those who would want to at some future date return to their ancestral homelands.
With our families being in on the rescue of Willie from Carlisle Castle, the English army and tower destroyed completely, in the heart of Armstrong Country, Bauld Buccluech you know better;
Wm Armstrong, but from residence or property, Kinmont Willie.
The original name is more likely spelled Kynmont. Research has indicated that this family of Kynmount, which had a fort at this locality moved to the east bank at the branching of the Liddel Water, and the mouth of the Esk. That tower would be referred to as Kynmont Tower of a William, known as Willie or Kinmont Willie. Not on a mont/mount, but at the mouth of the Esk, the Kinmount peoples name would sometimes be referred to as Kinmouth. They acquire the surname, of Armystrand, at this locality, being a part of the army strand along the Liddel Water. The name Armystrand, as it grew became Armestrang meaning army strong, the strong army on the Liddel guarding Scotland, with support of Robert the Bruce and the Douglas families. Though in the 1630 County, Fermanagh, muster it does show the name Armestrang as one of the family’s variant names, because they the Armestrang were no longer the strong army of Scotland they took on a name which other of their family took on is that of Armstrong.
Kinmont Willie’s Morton Tower, after the Morton Parish Church was moved to Thornhill, UK, and it seems the Morton moved there also the tower received the name of the River it was on the Sark Tower.
The name Armistrang for army strong, became Armestrang.
I though the Gorrenberry Ellot, did well with the Buccleuch Scott in rescuing Kinmount Willie from Carlisle Castle, and now you are beginning to insult me by placing a Buccleuch-Muirhall Hopsrig wind farm next to Kinmount.
Willie’s tower is on the 1576 Saxon map.
Buccleuch, why would you place a wind farm next to Willie’s place?
During Border Pacification Kinmount Willie living on Sark River (1576 and 1590 maps), but received the name Kinmount, from near Hopsrig.
“But since nae war’s between the lands,
And there is peace, and peace should be;
I’ll neither harm English lad or lass,
And yet the Kinmont freed shall be!”
He has call’d him forty marchmen bauld,
I trow they were of his ain name,
Except Sir Gilbert Elliot, call’d
The laird of Stobs, I mean the same.
He has call’d him forty marchmen bauld,
Were kinsmen to the bauld Buccleuch;
With spur on heel, and splent on spauld,
And gleuves of green, and feathers blue.
Bauld Buccleuch, as you know Sir Gilbert Elliot laird of Stobs did not exist at the time of the rescue of Kinmont Willie from Carlisle Castle, it was my family Willie O-Goranberry (Gorrenberry) which was in on the rescue. The difference; my family unlike Sir Gilbert Elliot we are not your kinsmen (don’t look so pleased Buccleuch).
A least with the Armstrong we know each other exists. Do not feel so vanquished among the unvanquished.
Will Ellot goodman of Gorrenberry, rode in the rescue of Kinmont Willie from Carlisle Castle.
Kinmont died peacefully in his own bed in around 1610, at the age of 60.
Though; Born William Armstrong, of Kinmont in around 1550, but better known as Kinmont Willie
Could easily be correct, with likely towers of Kinmont and Morton Rigg taken out by English army of James VI of Scotland which became James I of England, during this period.
Kinmont Tower;

The Ballad of Kinmont Willie
O have ye na heard o’ the fause Sakelde?
O have ye na heard o’ the keen Lord Scrope
How they hae ta’en bauld Kinmont William
On Hairbee to hang him up? Hairbee – Harraby
Had Willie had but twenty men,
But twenty men as stout as he,
Fause Salkelde had never the Kinmont ta’en,
Wi’ eight score in his companie.
They band his legs beneath the steed,
They tied his hands behind his back;
Kinmont Willie by John Faed 1820-1902
They guarded him fivesome on each side
And brought him ower the Liddle-rack.
They led him through the Liddle-rack
And also thro’ the Carlisle sands;
They brought him to Carlisle castell
To be at my Lord Scrope’s commands.
My hands are tied, but my tongue is free,
Ands whae will dare this deed avow?
Or answer by the Border law?
Or answer to the bauld Buccleuch?
“Now haud thy tongue, thou rank reiver!
There’s never a Scot shall set ye free;
Before ye cross my castle-yett, castle gate
I trow ye shall take farewell o’ me.
“’Fear na ye that,” quo Willie
“By thy faith o’ my bodie, Lord Scrope,” he said,
‘I never yet lodged in a hostelrie
But I paid my lawing before I daed.’ Lawing – reckoning
Now word is gane to the bauld Keeper,
In Branksome Ha’ where that he lay,
That Lord Scrope has ta’en the Kinmont Willie,
Between the hours of night and day.
“He has ta’en the table wi’ his hand,
He garr’d the red wind spring on hie;
Now Christ’s curse on my head,’ he said,
‘But avenge of Lord Scrope I’ll be!
“Is my basnet a widow’s curch? basnet – helmut
Or my lance a wand of the willow-tree?
Or my arm a lady’s lilye hand?
That an English lord should lightly me.
“And have they ta’en him Kinmont Willie,
Against the truce of Border tide
And forgotten that the bauld Buccleuch
Is keeper here on the Scottish Side?
“And have they e’en ta’en Kinmont Willie,
Withouten either dread or fear,
And forgotten that the bauld Buccleuch
Can back a steed, or shake a spear?
“Oh were there war between the lands,
As well I wot there is none,
I would slight Carlisle castell high,
Though it were builded of marble-stone.
I would set that castell in a lowe, lowe – flame
And sloken it with English blood;
There’s nevir a man in Cumberland
Should ken where Carlisle castell stood.
“But since nae war between the lands,
And there is peace, and peace should be,
I’ll neither harm English lad of lass
And yet the Kinmont freed shall be!
“He has call’d him forty marchmen,
I trow they were of his ain name,
(the line above related to Sir Gilbert Elliot, is that of Gavin of Horeleyhill/Stobs, married to Jean Scott sister to Buccleuch, their son Gilbert was born of Redheugh)
Except Sir Gilbert Elliot, call’d
The laird of Stobs, I mean the same.
It is felt because at time story was written, that (Sir) Gilbert Scott, line not the William of Gorrenberry line which they thought extinct, was being promoted, for there livelihood as the Stobs Chieftain line, of Redheugh-Scott Buccleuch blood. William of Gorrenberry line according to Scottish not Ulster history was extinct.
Note; Gilbert Ellot of Stobs, nor his grandson Sir Gilbert Elliot were of age to be in on rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong.
not Gilbert or Sir Gilbert.
It was Goodman William Ellot of Gorrenberry, likely hung, and Gorrenberry tower destroyed by the English army of James VI of Scotland, also James I of England during border pacification.
1590 of localities of John of Copshawes, and William Ellot goodman of Gorrenberry.
(escape been known to be through door, not over the wall)
“He has call’d him forty marchmen bauld,
Were kinsmen to the bauld Buccleuch
In rescue of Kinmont Willie;
With spur on heel, and splent on spauld, spauld – shoulderarmour
And Gleuves of green, and feathers blue.
“There were five and five before them a’
Wi’ hunting-horns and bugles bright
And five and five came wi’ Buccleuch
Like warden’s men, arrayed for fight.
And five and five like a mason gang,
That carried the ladders lang and hie;
And five and five, like broken men;
And so they reached the Woodhouselee.
And as we cross’d the Bateable Land, Debatable Land
When to the English side we held,
The first o’ men that we met wi’
Whae sould it be bu fause Salk elde!
“Where be ye gaun, ye hunters keen?”
Quo fause Salkelde, ”come tell to me!”
“We go to hunt an English stag,
Has trespass’d on the Scots countrie.”
“Where be ye gaun, ye marshall-men?”
Quo fause Salkede, “come tell me true!”
‘We go to catch a rank reiver,
Has broken faith wi’ the bauld Buccleuch.”
“Where are ye gaun, ye mason-lads,
Wi a’ your ladders lang and hie?”
“We gang to herry a corbie’s nest,
That wons not far frae Woodhouselee.’
“Where be ye gaun, ye broken men?”
Quo fause Sakelde, “come tell me!”
Now Dickie of Dryhope led that band,
And nevir a word of lear had he. Lear – lore
“Why trespass ye on the English side?
Row-footed outlaws, stand!” quo he;
The nevir a word Dickie to say,
Sae he thrust the lance thro’ his fause bodie.
The on we held for Carlisle toun,
And at Staneshawbank the Eden we crossed;
The water was great, and mickle of spait, in flood
But the nevir a horse no man we lost.
And when we reached the Staeshawbank,
The wind was rising loud and hie;
And there the laird garr’d leave our steeds,
For fear that they should stamp and nie.
And when we left the Staneshawbank
The wind began full loud to blaw,
But ‘twas wind and weet, and fire and sleet,
When we came beneath the castell-wa’.
We crept on knees, and held our breath,
Till we placed the ladders against the wa’
And sae ready was Buccleuch himself
To mount the first before us a’.
He has ta’en the watchman by the throat
He flung him down upon the lead;
Had there not peace between our lands,
Upon the other side thou hast gaed!
“Now sound out, trumpets!’ quo Buccleuch;
‘Let’s waken Lord Scrope right merrily!”
Then loud the Warden’s trumpet blew
“O whae dare meddle wi’ me?”
Then speedilie to wark we gaed
And raised the slogan ane and a’
And cut a hole thro’ a sheet of lead
And so we wan to the castle-ha’.
They thought King James and a’ his men
Had won the house wi’ bow and speir
It was but twenty Scots and ten
That put a thousand in sic a stead. stear – stir
“Wi’ coulters and wi’ forehammers,
We garr’d the bars bang merrilie,
Until we came to the inner prison,
Where Willie Kinmont he did lie.
And when they came to the lower prison
Where Willie o’ Kinmont he did lie.
‘O sleep ye, wake ye, Kinmont Willie,
Upon the morn that thou’s to die?’
“O I sleep saft, and I wake aft
It’s lang since sleeping was fley’d frae me; frightened
Gie my service back to my wife and bairns,
And a’ guide fellows that speir for me.’ speir – enquire
“Then Red Rowan has hent him up,
The starkest man in Teviotdale:
Abide, abide now, Red Rowan,
Till of my Lord Scrope I take farewell.
“Farewell, farewell, my good Lord Scrope!
My gude Lord Scrope, farewell!’ he cried
‘I’ll pay for my lodging maill maill – rent
When first we meet on the border-side.”
Then shoulder high, with shout and cry,
We bore him down the ladder lang;
At every stride Red Rowan made,
I wot the Kinmont’s airns play’d clang.
“O mony a time, “quo Kinmont Willie,
“I have ridden horse baith wild and wud;
But a rougher beast the Red Rown
I ween my legs have ne’er bestrode.
“And mony a time, ”quo Kinmont Willie,
‘I’ve prick’d a horse out oure the furs; furs – furrows
But since the day I backed a steed,
I nevir wore sic cumbrous spurs!”
We scarce had won the Staneshawbank,
When a’ the Carlisle bells were rung,
And a thousand men, in horse and foot,
Cam wi’ the keen Lord Scrope along.
“Buccleuch has turn’d to Eden water,
Even where it flowed frae bank to brim,
And he has plunged in wi’ a’ his band,
And safely swam then thro’ the stream.
He turn’d him on the other side,
And at Lord Scrope his glove flung he;
“If ye like na my visit in merry England,
In fair Scotland come visit me!”
All sore astonish’d stood Lord Scrope
He stood as still as rock of stane;
He scarcely dared to trew his eyes trew – believe
When through the water they had gane.
“He is either himself a devil frae hell,
Or else his mother a witch maun be maun – must
I wadna have ridden that wan water
For a’ the gowd in Chistentie.” gowd – gold
Harraby is Carlisle’s hanging place.
Woodhouselee Lee passed by Willie on his way home.
Can be found map ref: 73 37 74
For more about the Debatable Land, see Border Features.
Buccleuch was Keeper of Liddesdale. Pronounced Buck-loo with the
emphasis on the loo.
Lord Scrope was the English Warden of the West March, based at Carlisle Castle.
Salkeld was his deputy.
Dickie of Dryhope was another notorious reiver.
As one can see that Willie O Gorrenberry, Will Ellot/Elliot of Gorrenberry, supported Willie Armstrong of Kinmont. The land of Gorrenberry ended up in the hands of the Buccleuch family.
John Scott is listed as the first Laird of Gorrenberry, after The Union.
Showing Gorrenberry went from the William of Gorrenberry to the Scott of Buccleuch.
The genealogy shows the Redheugh Eliott, and Gorenberry Ellot family has been separated for centuries where Redheugh rode with Buccleuch, and Gorrenberry rode with the Armstrong. Family separation, not who owns what land is the greatest tragedy.
Mark Elliott 11/17/2014
SCOCHA-Reivers Are Riding;
SCOCHA-And We Ride;
Song endorsed by;
Clementis Hob and his father The Cowie of Gorrenberry.
From song; This poor land was yours and mine long before they ever drew the (border) line.
Note; line divided the border families, but the borderlands was a self governing nation, and not of the kingdoms.
Mark Elliott 5/28/2016
100th Anniversary of the US National Park Service, an Chaco Canyon historical park is protected from wind farms;
Mark S. Elliott 5/29/2016
MSE 6/2/2016
10/16/2018 MSE
Kinmont is rare as a surname, but surname density shows it of Scotland
1/27/2019 MSE
11/15/2019 MSE
Hello, I found your page on Kinmont Willie very interesting. I’m writing a blog about our Armstrong family history and I would like to include the image of “The Capture of Kinmont Willie Armstrong by the English”. Could you please tell me where you sourced this image so that I can apply attribution?
Kinmont Willie by John Faed 1820-1902, do not need to attribute; text added by MSE Mark S. Elliott.
I never ever want any wind farms on my Great Grand Mother Bertha Armstrong’s ancestors land in Scotland ..from her great grandson and the rest of the family that’s been looking up our ancestors