My family chased the Tories the Freedom of Speech silencers out of America. Daniel Elot (Elliott) was a Harvard Cromwellian Puritan slave of the Tory type. These people schooled at Harvard would never think of stopping a shuttle from going into space, when Utah engineers say it was not safe. Measure that silencing of my free speech is still held by Harvard types, and knew they silence an thought they hung me like a witch. Harvard if you know what the top of the queue means then you will know what applied engineering mathematics from Utah can do, and how you been relegated on an American standard to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s ancestors, as Salem judges, which story was utilized in The Crucible. Have the Y-DNA of Daniel Elliott which testified in defense of Elizabeth Proctor.
The above are not my people. My people are POW Scot sent to the British Colonies. These are my people.
The Highlanders of Scotland, Their Origin, History, and … – Volume 1
The Highlanders of Scotland, Their Origin, History, and … – Volume 2
Above maps from A History of the American People by Woodrow Wilson,0.324,0.814,0.326,0
I (Rebecca McNeal) extracted the following information from the microfilm copy of a manuscript deposited in National Library Dublin ma 5456. Seamus O’Cassidy manuscripts
Copy of the religious Census of Cary Baarony 1734. On checking further I discovered
that this was an extract from a Trinity College manuscript ms 1059: Bishop Reaves
Papers. This was not available for photocopying so the O’Casside manuscript had to
The parishes covered are: Parish of Ballintoy; Part of the Parish of Billy, Parish of
Culfeightrin; Parish of Ramoan, Parish of Armoy, Part of Parish of Derrykeighan.
Above from Mesa, Arizona, Church of Latter Day Saints Family History Center.
Argyll Colony – Cape Fear Clans
The Mapping of Ulster-Scots
WTF!? Irish language (Gaelic) surnames EXPLAINED! 7:32 long
Understanding Your Relationship to DNA Matches After Autosomal Testing 4:28 long
Irish genealogical and history book links
Irish pedigrees; or, The origin and stem of the Irish nation
Argyll region 1654 Blaeu maps
Linen Hall Library
Our southern highlanders; a narrative of adventure in the southern Appalachians and a study of the life among the mountaineers

Co Antrim, Ulster, Ireland 1885 large map

Loch Lomond & The Trossachs
National Park Authority Carrochan Carrochan Road Balloch G83 8EG
2/17/2019 MSE
2/9/2020 MSE