Though we have Breton (Norman) DNA representing 43% of Elliott, at standard behavior science it needs to be 95%. This is indicative the type of math being used.
My R-U106 is of Germanic Anglo-Scottish Border onto Irish Border DNA though there as People of British Isles in utilizing proper autosomal DNA with proper mathematical sharing not authoritarian analysis this shows a branching of migration towards the Scottish border and southwest England with the Norman Alyot-Eliot of the Bretons out of France. MSE.
Note: Prince of Wales (attended St. Andrews), and the Duke of Buccleuch are cousins.
What ever happened to the French (Marie Stuart’s, Queen of Scots) banner?
The Will of Robert Elliott | Maine Genealogy
Addition to Robert Ellot-Ellet-Elliot;
Land Kittery and Scarbough of Robert Elliot and In-laws
Robert and Humphrey Elliot ME&SC
Robert Elliot fam 3-25-2012 add
Margery Batson and Sarah Saunders
are drafts of the past.
Pascatway_River_New_England.jpg (3440×2448) (wikimedia.org)
1770 – Framingham, MA – 657 Salem End Road – Sarah Clayes House
Lands of Horseliehill and Stobs, Relations of William of Horsliehill, Gavin of Stobs MSE 2013

A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PDF
Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell
Brigham DNA Gorrenberry google images
“The introduction of an ‘i’ into the name ‘Ellot’ was, without doubt, unfortunate. It immediately confused th Clan with the weL-known English Norman family of St. Germains, settled in the West County of Wales and in no way related, whose name was derived from ‘Alyot’. And it confused still further the already indeterminate origin of those whose name was spelt with tow ‘Ls” and two ‘Ts’.”
28th chief Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs, father of present 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh.
It is felt that Alexander Gordon and Daniel Elliot came to Massachusetts, c.1650 on a ship Captained by John Alan, with seaman John Cloyse (Cloice, Cloyes, Clayes), who was the father of Daniel’s son Daniel, father-in-law Peter Cloyse.
Alexander and Daniel both boatswains to seaman John Cloyse, like originated from near the same locality.
Gives indication that the surnames Alexander, and Gordon were used in Co. Tyrone, in the 1630 Ulster muster. Near Daniel Elliot of Tullykelter, County Fermanagh.
Shows a Colonel Gordon O’Neill, is the son of Felix O’Neil, and Joannn Gordon, of the Huntly, Gordon family of Aberdeen.
page 2422 APPENDIX, 1589-1616. Appendix [pedigrees and histories of famous Irish families
John O’Donovan
Hodges, Smith and Company, 1856 – Ireland
PEDIGREE OF O NEILL IT has been pretty clearly ascertained that the race of Shane an diomais or John the Proud O Neill as well as that of Hugh Earl of Tyrone has been for a long time extinct Colonel Gordon O Neill Lord Lieutenant of the county of Tyrone in 1687-88 and so celebrated in Ireland during the civil war of the Revolution was descended from Con Bacagh first Earl of Tyrone in the female line and by the father’s side he was descended from John O Neill the brother of the said Earl He was living in 1704 when his pedigree was certified by James Tyrry Athlone Herald and Custos Rotulorum under James II and the Pretender According to this herald he was the son of Colonel Felix O Neill by Joanna Gordon filia Georgii Gordon Dynastis primi marchionis de Huntly et Henrietta filias Ducis de Lenox Dynastis d Aubigny et Catharina de Belzac de familia d Entragnes in Gallia His father Colonel Felix ..
“The Alexander Gordon line is the earliest Gordon family in the New World according to the Gordon Genealogy DNA Project, and descends from Adam de Gordoun through Sir William Gordon 1265 Laird of Strathbogie (now Huntly).”??? Wikipedia
7/28/2018 MSE