13 hours ago
Ask Ronnie at his folks house for a meal in Gallup, NM, whether he considered himself the youngest at MIT, which he said yes. He told me that he felt FORTRAN which I was his UNM-Gallup instructor, when he was still in high school. Course prerequisite was listed in engineering as calculus. When folks were living in Mesa, Arizona they were invited to eat at Deb and Rachel, Ronnie’s parent’s home in Scottsdale. Guess I purposely deceive people by accurately saying that I instructed the youngest at MIT. If one is accurate, then another thinks they lied they it is they which live with a falsehood. Ronnie felt the course was useful, so I felt I may be able to create ‘.com’s so feed the internet with images with text imbedded in them, so text search in a browser search would not pick it up. Share family genealogy like dad intended, but get the the images off of the created ‘.com’s, to be securely shared on the internet. Was helping for a Wikipedia ‘Clan Crozier’, was kicked off, so created clancrozier.com which by a web search of ‘clan crozier’, you will see the success of that also.
Yesterday at 12:30pm
Yesterday at 12:12pm
From Armagh, Ulster, Ireland, but attended a girls Quaker boarding school in York.
Yesterday at 12:01pm
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Yesterday at 11:56am
ballads of the Border Reivers.(Kinmont Willie) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BydA73Isw_U
Yesterday at 11:19am
click right to enlarge in new tab https://nvk.genealogy.net/map https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Fox surname is concentrated in southern Poland, which is a branch for Elwald/Elliott Y-DNA R1b-U-106 and mom’s maiden Barna. https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Fox Quakers about 1650 started in the Yorkshire region.
April 4 @ 3:22pm
That Redflex of Melbourne, Australia, photo radar is no longer in Star Valley, AZ.
April 4 @ 1:41pm
Note; When I was young the concept was ‘we were all once Jews’, today it seems to be with DNA ‘we were all once Black’. The point because there are many religions, all be Jews would not be so, but there is a migration/evolution for my religious line which seems to from Jewish goes Christian (Catholic) then Anglican-Episcopalian-Methodist, not of the Religious Society of Friends. If asked if Christian, I may say like a Jewish individual ‘no’, being tribal ‘Armstrong and Elliott’. The point is that religion changes over time, even among Quakers which believe in ‘leading the leadings’, with pastor or people which feel they are religious leader, or the old conservative way of being ‘lead by the leadings’, “Walk cheerfully over the earth answering to that of God in everyone.” — George Fox As far as the family history genealogy is concern which is better by DNA, or Adam and Eve. It is felt that a combo of both are need. As names progress they are of a single personal name, coming out of the Middle East then two, names, going to three. A Mormon-Later Day Saint may say the traced their family back to Adam and Eve, with genealogy of the First Testament this can be so. In the case of tracing names to Adam and Eve Y-DNA as given by Family Tree DNA can be are great tool for Anglo-Europeans which surnames evolve through time but over given individual Y-DNA. It is felt that the one which carries the Y-DNA like the elk (moose) of the forest has the likelihood to have a knowledge of the history of his family and a history of that which is within the Y-DNA. Is Steve Rush from Suffolk (south folk of East Anglia, where Elliot Clan chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh was raised), but is in Queensland Australia, does he have a better knowledge of his Y-DNA then maybe corporate people out of Melbourne, Australia. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Melbourne,+York,+UK/@53.8870366,-0.8601251 York is Anglo-Danish https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/mell_n mel (male) bãr/bear bourne björn/bjørn It is Melbourne of Danish York, not Milburn so it does not mean a ‘mill in a burn’, but a male bear. AZ photo radar of Reflex of Melbourne; gave me a ticket the only time I received a ticket from photo radar, but took offense when dad received them.
April 4 @ 1:18pm
click right to enlarge in new tab Those which censor, are not family historians, genealogists, or DNA scientists. The genealogists and scientists will circumvent the situation.
April 4 @ 1:01pm
April 4 @ 1:00pm
April 4 @ 11:30am
J Lane “Even Covid is an identity issue in the north, I live in Tyrone.” A lot of Ell(i)ott on 1610 Tyrone Muster. http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3536702?dpr=2&fit=max&h=764&w=590 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Crownpoint-School-near-Mt-Ayr-IA-1933.jpg Alice Glendenning Miller Teacher. Twins dad Loren, and aunt Lois, with uncle Jack are listed. Granddad Mark Elliott pictured as student with younger brother Rees Elliot of Crownpoint, School http://iagenweb.org/ringgold/schools/misc/sch-crownpoint.html LOREN SPENCER ELLIOT By Editor | January 27, 2016 “….sons were born: Mark Stephen Elliott, Robert Loren Elliott, and James Reese Elliott.” https://www.mtayrnews.com/2016/01/27/loren-spencer-elliot/ REECE W. ELLIOTT (proper spelling is Rees) By Editor | March 19, 1919 https://www.mtayrnews.com/1919/03/19/reece-w-elliott/ HE LEAVES THE WIFE, A SON FRANK ALBERT, AGED 16 MONTHS, FATHER AND MOTHER, ONE BROTHER, MARK ELLIOTT, FOUR SISTERS, MRS. FLOSSIE SACKETT, MRS. GLEN MOORE, GLADYS AND ALICE ELLIOTT, AND HIS AGED GRANDFATHER, REV. S. A. ELLIOTT, TO MOURN HIS UNTIMELY DEATH. Father is Mark Elliott, my grandfather lost his younger brother Rees W. Elliott as a result of the flue pandemic of 1918. Stayed with grandparents on farm about 3miles/5km south of Mt. Ayr (after Ayr of Robert Burns, Scotland) Iowa, USA. Went to town with him one time so he could sell his eggs, out of the chicken coup. (‘ayr’ Scottish, ‘air’ English’)
April 3 @ 1:04pm
click right to enlarge image in new tab https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms This shows the relation of Armstrong, Elwald/Elliott, and Nixon Video result for neil armstrong richard nixon moon video PREVIEW 3:08 President Nixon talks to Apollo 11 astronauts on the moon YouTube · CBS News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLyJ9FHDO-c
April 3 @ 12:12pm
Bennett Greenspan, We certainly know who the captain is in my family. My brother Bob who make fun of my thinning hair. He was born in the next decade though we were a year an three days apart in age. Need Jews, not pseudo Jews which ones the old Santa Fe line which goes through Gallup, NM, by belonging to Highlands Country Club, a Jewish Country Club in Omaha. Is that not where you are from? Imagine he rates better then Bill Gates, which with his BASIC, started his company Microsoft in New Mexico, USA. Taught BASIC at Zuni High, plus oversaw for the high school successful use of a BASIC grading program, in the 80s. Santa Fe line, Route 66, and I-40 seem to travel close to each other to Oklahoma City. There is also a Texas City. If one puts ‘Disaster’, after their names you are talking ANFO; fertilizer and diesel fuel. Unlike the Swede Alfred Nobel, making dynamite safer to use then nitro, ANFO needs a primer and is not cap sensitive. Jewish Scientist like American Robert Oppenheimer, who headed the Manhattan Program (atomic bomb) program, which suggested scientists should be located in Los Alamos. Did oversea at Trinity, NM a fission reaction with the man-made element plutonium, named after Pluto as discovered by someone in New Mexico. Edward Teller a Hungarian Jewish refugee, used plutonium as a detonator for a sun-like fusion reaction which creates helium from hydrogen. Oppenheimer lost his security clearance, where Teller was supported for creating a bigger bomb. This is when a lot of Jewish writers were being ‘Black Listed’. Many great Daniel Elliott, after his testimony Rev. Samuel Parris, and Judge John Hathorne faded away. American writer Nathaniel Hawthorn, writing about this period changed the spelling of his surname. Arthur Miller, Galicia Jew wrote “The Crucible’. in concerning of free speech in reference to many Jewish writers as being ‘communists’. This border which divides Galicia between Poland, and the Ukraine, I feel can be broken down by Jewish families finding each other on both sides of this border. But ANFO is used to extract gypsum of National Gypsum which I did the ground exploration in the Texas Hill Country, near Harper, Texas. When someone purchases data, like the USA, Harrison Hagan (mother-in-law name and related) Schmitt, of New Mexico, with a core tube of a single helix, that information is to be shared, as the Y-DNA I have purchase, and yet someone which nation fly the ‘Union Jack’, as part of their flag, determines what I can present on FTDNA sites, Elliot(t), Border Reivers, and many others. It may be like someone flying the ‘swastika’, determining for FTDNA Jewish blog. To take the use of data paid for by the customer in mining would be a form of ‘claim jumping’. https://www.seattlebusinessmag.com/article/warren-buffett-buys-burlington-northern#:~:text=Warren%20Buffett’s%20Berkshire%20Hathaway%20has,Burlington%20Northern%20Santa%20Fe%20Corp.&text=Priced%20at%20%24100%20per%20share,deal%20in%20Berkshire%20Hathaway’s%20history. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Neil-Armstrong-visits-Langholm.jpg
April 1 @ 7:10pm
click right to enlarge in new tab The Ewald/Elwald (ie Elliott) like the elk (moose) of the forest are coming out of Poland towards Berlin. Grünberg (ie Green mountain) is a place name in Germany, which surname I match exactly at twelve markers. When you travel back in time over a 1,000 years, the match has meaning.
March 31 @ 2:57pm
https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/n8/mode/2up?q=e My Rb1-U106 Proto-Germanic has gone to the origins of my name. The J-M267 with Hebrew names travels back further in the written surnames. Certain surname in Hebrew are carried over into my U106 Anglo-English language, and makes it with the surname Graham to the English side of the Scottish border to Ulster-north Ireland then onto America. If these surnames can be travel to America through England, then a branch point wit Arabic-Hebrew speakers may be found. It should be noted was communicating with an Arabic, J-M172 which the Mont(gomer)y are of ‘Gomer’, a Hebrew name. Felt Iran may be the place where the lines departed in migration. The Gomer-Montgomery seems to travel through France to the Scottish border then onto America. Something to think about, but it is felt that the J-M267 on both sides of the border which now divides Galicia needs to communicate about family so a history which may have been silenced can be now spoken. For the information to break a brick wall those of Polish west Galicia, need to speak with those of Ukrainian east Galicia. How many of you j-M267 like borders. If you do not then break it down by speaking to each other. After all a Ukrainian lady moved to Gallup, New Mexico, USA, another math teacher of Gallup High School, and the University of New Mexico-Gallup, a colleague, then married the other Elliott I know of in Gallup. How bad can it be for family to speak across the border others put in?
March 28 @ 11:49am
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March 28 @ 11:48am
March 25 @ 1:27pm
Bennett Greenspan, Know it has been many years since this blog was set-up. It seems to have the finger print of a first gen family historian, and help from Blog people Max Blankfeld, and Roberta Estes and a little of your son in there. It seems like many of the Jewish names are shared by border people, though Daniel came from the Irish, though also Jewish. Religions evolve life Jewish-Christian (Catholic)-Protestant, like with my family. Jewish-Catholic-Anglican-Episcopalian-Methodist. If someone was to asked now if I was Christian, may likely say we are Armstrong and Elliott, we married across border Graham which is indicated about a quarter J-M267, likely some came up with Roman Hadrian’s Wall. The Graham still own land on the English side of the Border. For Max Blankfeld, the Maxwell, and the Johnstone (Johnston in Co Fermanagh, Ulster Ireland where the Armstrong and Elliott surnames are prevalent) feuded and almost killed themselves off. Noted; that some of the names are common, carried along migration ways of religious-ballads-stories, as other religions do seem to show accuracy in the migration of certain DNAs which seem to travel with language and an evolution of religion. László Varsányi, does not seem to have an English-Scottish border name like many of the Hungarian Jewish refugees have. May be can help get form Polish Galicia into Ukrainian Galicia. Daniel Elliott gave testimony, to Harvard educated, given the Scottish concept of uniformitarianism applied to human behavior, what has happened in the past is happening today. Though Daniel had many sons born in Salem End (1700 west Framington, MA) the people doing the accusations did not fair as well. These people were silencing people by hanging them as witches. Arthur Miller which wrote a play about ‘The Crucible’, was Galicia Polish Jew, where my ancestry of was Galicia Polish Greek Catholic, where I get my middle name Stephen. Though I notice a silencing technique is offered to admins, as far as Nation State History is accepted, but if one is kicked off the site, the admin is not longer a family historian, a genealogists. Those which can not recognize in TIP calculation of one significant digit for 30 years per generation, returning four significant digits do not know math. Anyone which calls a family member giving a family history a liar is not a genealogist. FTDNA feeds I would recommend; https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/irwin/activity-feed https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/mag-uidhir/activity-feed Mag-Uidhir is Gaelic for Maguire Though I was able to stay on granddad’s Mark Elliott’s farm south of Mt. Ayr, Iowa, is wished Max would have had a similar opportunity with his grandfather namesake. Sincerely, Mark Elliott
March 21 @ 9:02am
March 18 @ 11:52am
March 12 @ 5:38pm
Note; Daniel Elliott of 1610 Tullikelter, Fermanagh, Ireland, likely lost his older brother Robert Elliott, of the Sir John Hamilton Estate, Armagh, in the 1641 Irish Rebellion, which Cromwell, and the London Press published the atrocities of beyond in their extremities. The Anglicans in 1650 at the time of the Cromwellian Civil War fought on the side of the Rebellious Irish. The Gaelic speaking Irish were basically exterminated, the Anglican Scots, speaking a dialect of English were imprisoned sold as indenture slaves in 1650 to the American Colonies. Though a lot it is felt Alexander Hamilton family was sold indentured to Nevis, West Indies, which has a Charlestown on the island, My family was indentured to Puritans of Massachusetts, Puritan Stone family to build a mill at Otter Neck (Saxonville, north Framingham, MA), and his older brother Robert to Boiling Rock Point, just north of Strawberry Bank, now of Portsmouth, NH, to the Puritan Cutt family to build housing. Anglican Church is still quite prevalent in previous English Colonial Plantation Isles. Do not recall the Catholic Church being significant in West Indies previous English Colonies though. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4?_=2 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/BARBADOED.mp4?_=3 https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/guy-hewitt-barbados-remembers-scots-heritage-st-andrews-day-1461307 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Border-genocide-filtered-out-of-the-FTDNA-Y-DNA-12-marker-match-map..jpg
March 9 @ 4:36pm
Did see; Sputnik in Oct 1957 (now a Covid vaccine), reflecting of sun light, moving against background of stars Nixon 1960, Sept. 17. Sioux City, Iowa Noted his ‘black hair’ Nixon lost to Kennedy which proposed going to the moon by end of decade. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/John-F.-Kennedy-Landing-a-man-on-the-Moon-Address-to-Congress-May-25-1961.mp4?_=35 Nixon talks to Armstrong on moon by the end of the decade. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4?_=3 Like in space and genealogy people need to work together. For family history to find family. The family knows their family. DNA is not space rocket science, and is best done by the family.
March 5 @ 9:42am
The Martindale live around Martindale, UK https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Martindale,+Penrith+CA10+2NF,+UK/@54.2187063,-1.9228527,7.12z/
March 1 @ 11:03am
Bennett Greenspan, Everyone has biases. When doing genetics it is difficult not to have. May make the Jews look bad. May myself have picked up some of that Graham J-M267. Craig Venter and Elliott Greenspan are into full mapping of the genome. Craig is a Scottish name for the rocks /craigs on top of rounded hills. Venter out lived his father who likely drunk and smoke which not all but a lot of ‘jack Mormons’ do. He leans Arabic, the Mormons have prophets like the Moslems, and he may like them coming from a drinking family because they do not for most part do not drink and needs to be around non drinkers. He is said to be German, and I also Y-DNA German from about a thousand years ago, through England in which at localities the Venter name shows ‘hotspots’. U106 but not L48, grandma Spencer’s father was L48. Like in my father’s name of Loren Spencer Elliott. Watson is Scottish, and name of a girl friend at the U of Wyoming, then the name of my first wife, raised Moravian, in northern North Carolina, then converted Mormon at U of Utah. See we contain biases. Some people rate biases good and or bad, but knowledge of having them helps you in a scientific manner of family history research to reach out to other for knowledge on family history. The way blog is set up with admins kicking people out is like a political scientist, the mechanics shows you likely have help from son, but a son which wanted to help. Genealogy is listening, and puzzling things together which is quite difficult for a first generation genealogists, like Elliott’s and my father, what is needed is someone that has a background to listen with a wide variety of genetic analytical genealogical knowledge to puzzle it together. The internet is showing that I am not the only one to think this. This is for a firm which can offer a needed genealogical tool of Y-DNA lineage to the Mormons then beyond. https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://forebears.io/surnames/venter https://www.eupedia.com/genetics/famous_y-dna_by_haplogroup.shtml
February 27 @ 6:04pm
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February 27 @ 5:28pm
It is felt that admin Bennett Greenspan, and I would likely be a weighed bias on information, which is needed from west of Polish Galicia. Would be best to get information that people can build on from Ukrainian Galicia or that of Russia.
February 11 @ 10:40am
click right to enlarge in new tab. László Varsányi, Seem not to be able to stay on FTDNA Germany. Took a class where Wade Kotter instructs, during time of British Petroleum, and the Shah, when Iranians want to sit behind me. Did have an Iranian friend major in mechanical engineer at the University of Wyoming. Did his master’s at University of Utah in a year. Married a lady which was raised Mormon. Family own a company of Turkish/Persian towels and he could speak Persian. The word Turquoise is the stone of the Turks. His brother spoke five Arabic languages. Was on blog FTDNA J-M172 (Montgomery/Scott have this Y-DNA also, of a civil engineer from Chicago, but of Iranian descent. He felt that for J-M172 that Iran was a branch point. Really I would like not to be kicked off of these FTDNA blogs, such as Reivers, and so on. When you silence people looking for family lines, these blogs as far as Nation State History are extremely accurate, but as far as genetic genealogy are useless, unless they retain people and do not kick them off. Did exploration through the permeable Edwards limestone in the Hill Country above Harper, Texas. Firm National Gypsum bought the deposit, and the which gypsum piles show on the horizon. When you pull core you buy data, and the company which you buy it from does not ‘jump claim’, nor would they allow others to. When blog across borders this in time will help break up the nation state. Blogging between Galicia, West of Poland, and East of Ukraine will help to break the ‘brick wall’ in between, especially for the Jewish J-M267. Though granddad dropped his middle name ‘Hammer’, Alexander Bell adopted the middle name ‘Graham’. The Bell are on the Scottish side of the border and the Graham are on the English side of the border. This is what breaks down borders
Like László Varsányi likes this
February 10 @ 1:50pm
Related to Benjamin Rush, dad recorded VA, others NC. At first I thought NC, but after looking at dad’s records now think VA. May be interested in some of dad’s research I put online; https://elwald.com/rush-va-1635-dna/He did a lot of research on the Rush family, and knew great grandma Emma O. Rush when she was alive. Died at 96, as I can recall, and was at the funeral. https://www.elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Rush-Virginia-Kentucky-Iowa.pdf https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Loren-S-Elliott-Rush-Family-Research-documents.pdf https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/misc-Rush-family_1-30.pdf https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/misc-Rush-family_31-60.pdf Feel that Rusch, being so much in East Anglia, is of Rusch in Germany; http://worldnames.publicprofiler.org I have saved a lot of this and I thankyou for it the bit where You make out everyone from East Anglia is a bloody Saxon I think is a Load of B/S not everyone from East Anglia is an anglo saxon read Celt and Saxon Peter Beresford Ellis I think my DNA proves that my Rush family were there a long time before all the German tribes attacked and gave us the dark ages. is there anyone in this project interested in starting a sub branch of Celts of East Anglia Please contact me with your haplogroup. Regards Steve Rush Queensland Australia stevenali@optusnet.com.au GEDmatch T949599 Haplogroup R-A241 R- Steve Rush, The genetic Anglo-Saxon part comes from an Oxford University study. https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/population-genetics of which surname analysis is not used. The part added, is a surname analysis given census distribution which I have contributed, which is not seemly agrees with the Oxford University study of Peoples of the British Isles. That words from the Germanic language, such as the word wolf and many others travel through the UK from Germany. With surname, when they travel between unfriendly nations sometimes the retention of the spelling of the former is not retains. For instance in north Germany where the Saxons migrated from there is a concentration of the name Rusch, and in the UK where the Saxons landed there is a concentration of the name Rush. Relations between England and Germany have always not be the best so the surname Rusch coming to England to indicate that it is not German would be changed in spelling to Rush. This surname analysis does not incorporate DNA. In a similar fashion the Oxford University DNA study People of the British Isles does not contain surnames. Note a communication with Steve Rush of Queensland, Australia. Was on East Anglia FTDNA.
Like László Varsányi likes this
February 10 @ 1:25pm
The evolution of my name from Elwald to Elliott. Elwald is and Anglo-Saxon with ‘wald’ forest Proto-Germanic found as Ewald around Berlin. Said to be ‘elk of the forest’ Oxford’s ‘elk’, is Webster’s ‘moose’. These elk/moose are returning to Berlin these days. https://abcnews.go.com/International/elks-make-dangerous-comeback-germany/story?id=17173306 About the time of the Reformation in Liddesdale the name Elwald became Ellot, this is felt some demonizing of it in the stories of King Arthur. The name Ellot came down for the drainage area of the Ellot Water, named after lands which were four sided surveyed with a fall, the length of a pike of six ‘el’ a standard Edinburgh length a hair off of 37 imperial inches of the English Kingdom. The Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland had there own standard of measurements like France with the metre. So and el-lot is a lot with side measure in Scottish ‘el’, as opposed to feet, or metres. An Arbirlot, is a lot with trees, which can be seen on the given map. In ir the seventeenth century after the Union of the Crowns, the ‘el’ was no longer the standard of measurement in Scotland, so the ‘i’ was inserted. About 1650 with Sir John Eliot of the Breton French Eliot, as of Eliot Hall Harvard, William Ellot of Stobs added an ‘i’ in favor of this Parliamentarian, then siding with the Royalists as the Armstrong and Gorrenberry Ellot were it was change to Eliott. Note; William Eliott of Stobs, after siding with Royalists, could have his Stobs estate taken from him as a war tax. It is felt this gave reason for him to commit suicide. Basically my family’s name left Ulster without the ‘i’, spelled Elet/Elot, variations on doubling the ‘l’ and ‘t’, to the Scottish spelling ‘Elliot’. At about the time of the American Revolution it became today’s spelling of ‘Elliott’. So basically, Ellot (an el-lot of Angus, Scots) + Eliot (of Aliot place name south France to Eliot of Breton, France) = Elliot of Scotland. Christopher Wilkens born in the 40’s like Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, and I, a graduate electric engineer, with links to MI6. It is felt he can measure like the elwand on the Shield of Redheugh.
February 5 @ 10:39am
There’s my hero standing in front of the Wyoming Capitol, Alma Barna Elliott. Since I get my mtDNA from her, she said we look alike. One time someone thought I was her brother, but mom would not let me get away with agreeing with the lady. Mom’s eyes are bluer than mine. Wyoming is the first government in the world in which women can vote. Those Wyoming ladies seem to go there own way. graduating from the University of Wyoming in 1972. Now I am living in New Mexico, USA, a place where the snow gets to melt and does not have to blow around to wear out. Those Wyoming ladies can be quite independent. Ask Liz Cheney Wyoming’s only Congressional Representative. Esther instead of throwing tea into Boston Harbor had a tea party in South Pass City where Mormons second flight of wagon pullers were rescued from Salt Lake City, Utah from in a blizzard, and where Mark Twain traveled through on the Overland Stage, suggested women should have the right to vote. Those Wyoming men know not to be denning the ladies let the other party do it, which knew better not to, so women got the right to vote. Look at all the difficulty they had in those eastern states with it. First states in which women voted are Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, and Colorado; where ‘The Mormons’ Latter Day Saints lived, so those ladies were the first to have voting. Barna like my mom’s maiden name in Hungarian means ‘Brown’, like in James Brown. Family History genealogy is based on genetics with mtDNA passed from mother to child.
February 5 @ 9:56am
click right to enlarge in new tab The grave slab according to Alan Armstrong historian, is that of Kinmont Willie’s (Armstrong) grandfather, who was a Royalist, because James V of Scotland hung Kinmont Willie’s grandson at Carlinrig (‘old lady’s ridge), Gilnockie and his gallant company of Armstrong and Elliot, he showed loyalty towards England. Daniel was a Royalist, sent to the English Colonies as a slaves, according to today’s Union Jack flying Tory’s https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4?_=1 Hope I am not in trouble with Chief Margaret, her line of Lariston-Redheugh feuded with the Armstrong; Border Spirit / Lock the Door Lariston / Jackie Latin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYvFQvv4yPE Lock the Door, Lariston https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lock_the_Door,_Lariston …./ The Armstrongs are flying, the widows are crying…”). (“Mangerton, Gornberry, Raeburn, and Netherby…”) Gornberry-Gorrenberry The Armstrong went flying. Lori Watson – Johnnie Armstrang https://youtu.be/MHwgujRbroA Johnnie Armstrong https://mainlynorfolk.info/steeleye.span/songs/johnniearmstrong.html If this family history gets cut, it will be not by someone which flies the Stars And Stripes but by someone which flies the Union Jack. Those which fly the Stars And Stripes especially believe in free speech when it comes to genealogy, finding their family history. Reference; The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1 page 120 https://books.google.com/books?id=DuU9AQAAMAAJ&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&dq=Robert+Bruce+Armstrong+Liddesdale+History&source=gbs_navlinks_s Blaeu 1654 Liddesdale map; https://maps.nls.uk/view/00000398
January 25 @ 9:25am
click right to open enlarged view in new tab The ELLOT CLAN About 40 years of research by Dora Flournoy Hopkins, wife of the 10th Baronet of Stobs, and with the help of her son produced in this monumental genealogy of the Ellot Clan. I put this on the web as a tribute to them and in the believe that it is in her spirit that this genealogy is public to ‘all Elliots and Elliots’ bairns, and them that lie in the Elliots’arms’. http://home.kpn.nl/pu6qs9/ellot_clan.htm It should be noted that chief Margaret Eliott and myself both have excellent father’s and their mothers generations of Elliot genealogical background and we are within a year of age like in my family genealogical history she comes in first. Dad, Loren Spencer Elliot, was born like his dad Mark Elliot, on a farm about three miles/two kilometres south of Mt. Ayr, Iowa, USA. Ayr after the Scottish writer Robert Burns of Ayr, Scotland. He came out of his mother Ilah Spencer, first, but did not cry out, so they stuck him in a cold closest, then his sister Lois was born, after that Loren cried out. Though he came out first on his birth certificate he is the second born. Everyone knows even is the man comes out first, it is the lady which is first born.
January 22 @ 8:43am
Popular example of R-U106>…>S16361 Using dating and surname correlating location. It is felt that it is the genealogical-genetic integration in the mechanics which is important. The how to apply Y-DNA as a useful tool in finding family.
December 9 @ 10:54am
Testimony of Daniel Elliott for Elizabeth Proctor http://salem.lib.virginia.edu/n106.html Name Mark Stephen Elliott; Stephen from mother’s father, and Mark from dad’s father from a surname line Mark. Date 28 (not 30) MAR 1692. Genealogy and Y-DNA done to first son Daniel and my grandad sixth son Jonathon of Daniel Elliott. “During the McCarthy era, German-Jewish novelist and playwright Lion Feuchtwanger became the target of suspicion as a left-wing intellectual during his exile in the US. In 1947 Feuchtwanger wrote a play about the Salem witch trials, Wahn oder der Teufel in Boston (Delusion, or The Devil in Boston), as an allegory for the persecution of communists, thus anticipating the theme of The Crucible by Arthur Miller; Wahn premiered in Germany in 1949. It was translated by June Barrows Mussey and performed in Los Angeles in 1953 under the title The Devil in Boston.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Crucible Arthur Miller – Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Arthur_Miller Arthur Asher Miller (October 17, 1915 – February 10, 2005) was an American playwright and … His father was born in Radomyśl Wielki, Galicia (then part of Austria-Hungary, now Poland), and his mother was a native of New York whose … Though am descended from Greek-Catholic Galicia, of Stephanus/Stephen, my ancestor in many great grand father was descended from Daniel Elliott, a refugee of testimony in defense of Elizibeth Proctor of the play “The Crucible”. Just because you may be Jewish, they are not the only ones which have been refugees.
Mark Elliott
January 17 @ 11:36am
Salem Witch Trials The Confessions of Mercy Lewis Daniel Elliott: Deposition for Elizabeth Proctor Samuel Barton and John Houghton: for Elizabeth Proctor https://famous-trials.com/salem/2030-lewisconfssion https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/The-Confessions-of-Mercy-Lewis.jpg Daniel Elliot likely did not mention the name Mercy Lewis, because his father-in-law Peter Cloyse half brother of seaman’s John Cloyse next wife brother Thomas’s niece was Mercy Lewis. She would have been considered family. Peter Cloyse’s (various spellings) second wife Sarah a Town sister went through some troubles during this period of time; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Cloyce
January 17 @ 11:04am
Declaration of Arbroath, determined the lands of Liddesdale for the Douglas; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Douglas,_Lord_of_Liddesdale who is burried with ‘brave heart’ the heart of Robert the Bruce at Melrose Abbey. The heart of James Douglas is next to the heart ❤️ of Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sir_James_Douglas_heart_casket.JPG which passed the lands of Liddesdale to our 10th chief Robert Elwald, lands which our 29th chief Margaret Eliott now lives. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg The Navajo hold the sheep raising grandmothers in high esteem, and Margaret Eliott is a sheep raising grandmother. Note the spiral for travel, horse🐎 , and cross of Jerusalem ☩ on back side of King Did you Ælfwald coin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86lfwald_I_of_Northumbria ‘Brave Heart’ hasn’t made it to Jerusalem. The Ellot (el-lot; sides of a lot measure in the Scottish standard of an ‘el’, a hair over 37 inches, a bit under a metre) pre-1650 now Elliot, came down to service the Douglas of Angus, by soldiering The Hermitage Castle. It should be noted; Eliot (Breton, France) + Ellot (Angus, Scotland) = Elliot Elliot, Angus, is near Arbroath Abbey, https://www.google.com/maps/place/Elliot,+Arbroath+DD11+2PE,+UK/@56.545793,-2.6321918,15z in the region of Arbirlot (arbor; orchard-lot) visited by St. Ninian, an Elwald (Ellot-Elliot) first-forename. It should be noted, the my Proto R-U106 mutated from Y-DNA coming out of the Middle East. DNA travels with language, even though that language may be Hebrew. Religions also evolve, some out of Judaism, to present forms of Christianity. If you ask a Jew if Christian, what would be said? It was said they knocked on a door in the time of the Reivers, on the Scottish Borders, the basic answer they got “No, we are Elliott and Armstrong”. Armystrand 1376 meaning the army strand along the banks of the Liddel. Armestrang 1400’s during the time of the Douglas meaning the army strong, After border pacification Armstrong, showing a strong right arm. The Armstrong were the army which kept Scotland as a separate kingdom, and the Ellot soldiered the Scottish outpost The Hermitage Castle. The English outpost was Carlisle Castle. During the sixteenth century the monarchies of Scotland and England were related. The men seem to side with each other against the border people especially the Armstrong and Elliott. With the ladies protestant Elizabeth I of England beheaded Catholic Marie Stuart from France, Queen of Scots. Her third husband James Hepburn (Northumberland place name), Bothwell (estate near Glasgow acquired from the Douglas), was of the Hepburn which also acquire the Hermitage Castle during the sixteenth century, the third husband of Marie Stuart Queen of Scots, which she visited at The Hermitage Castle c1569. Wee Jock (Little John), lived in Park across the stream from Redheugh, where 29th chief Margaret Eliott now resides. Scottish Poetry Selection – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm
January 8 @ 11:45am
Ring of late brother James R. Elliott who worked at Minute Maid baseball stadium when Houston Astros won series. Lived for decades in the MacGregor Park area, within the loop.
Mark Elliott
January 8 @ 12:09pm
Mark Elliott 1 hour ago Guess Donald Trump is being censored. His mother has red hair like my younger brother Jim. https://www.scotsman.com/arts-and-culture/film-and-tv/donald-trumps-mother-story-mary-anne-macleod-trump-bbc-documentary-uncovers-us-presidents-scottish-roots-1407481 Us Elliott and some referred to as black at first hair now skin have been in US before the nation started. The MacLeod, and Trump are more of immigration, then the people of New Spain previous to the US in my region of New Mexico, US. If in New Mexico we call someone a Tejano; “Tejanos – Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tejanos Tejanos are the Hispanic residents of the state of Texas who are culturally descended from the original Spanish-speaking settlers of Tejas, Coahuila, and other …” You are not insulting them because they are Hispanic, you are insulting the because they are Texan. They seem to have that right. It should be noted; Chief Malcolm MacGregor has red-hair, and the surname like that of Armstrong were surnames to be exterminated/geocide. He is married to a Fiona Armstrong, local reporter of the Lockerbie, Scotland plane crash in the Scottish Borderlands. The name Houston, ending with ‘ton’, (town/farmstead) is a Scottish place name just west of Glasgow; https://www.google.com/maps/place/Houston,+UK/@55.8050202,-4.6497537,10.83z/ Even a Johnstone (in Co Femanagh, Ulster; Johnston) History Museum there.
January 8 @ 11:41am
December 28 @ 10:34am
László Varsányi If I am taken off of Ulster Heritage DNA, could you please share with them? Tullykelter Castle is a castle located in Northern Ireland. In 1616 Archbishop Malcolm Hamilton of Monea Castle granted land for the castle to James Somerville https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle The Elliotts in Ulster 1609 http://www.sneydobone.com/webtree/elliott/elliotts.htm Mag-Uidhir Chiefs, Princes, and Kings to Fermanagh https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/mag-uidhir/activity-feed R-L193 Ellot/Elliott, Little/Liddell, Glendinning-Glendonwyn https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Little-of-Elliott-and-Glendinning-migration-to-County-Fermanagh.jpg Muster Roll for Tullyhogue (Tullaghoge) 1610 Transcribed by Teena http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html
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László Varsányi
December 28 @ 10:56am
I saw you posted. They must leave your post outside.
Unlike You like this
December 27 @ 9:12am
Elliott Daniel Greenspan, Co-Founder of Facebook. “Eduardo Luiz Saverin was born in the city of São Paulo to a wealthy Jewish Brazilian family,..” “Elaine Andriejanssen-Spouse” Wikipedia, the ‘-ssen’, is a Swedish spelling. Do you know why in genealogy I became a genealogy. That is the year we were in Salem, MA, when father presented “Daniel Elliott”, as testifying in the Witch Trials, he was not paid attention to. A lot of people have vested in you, especially your dad. Know dad is of Nebraska a this guy of Harvard which started MicroSoft in NM, listens to do his management, his bridge partner has a line of the Santa Fe going through Gallup, an is from Nebraska, the key which you have is you know how to listen, the puzzle the pieces together like these so call bridge players which do not play bridge as good as my dad did. It take a broad based knowledge from others to enhance your your gaining knowledge to properly manage as these folks have done, and being a second gen genetic genealogist really helps.
December 17 @ 10:35am
“Bennett Greenspan, FTDNA has created an excellent product, where history can be corrected to the history based on DNA. No more Hitlers, or Harvard graduated having the capability to silence people when they share among family their family histories, which is popular with Face Book these days.” It should be noted, I stay off of Face Book, where Bennett Greenspan, likely stays off of this blog, for the best answer does not come from us which has started their family search genealogy in 1965, but from those closer to their families searching how we have done for years among family. Something I was able to share with dad, and Bennett Greenspan shared with his family, and hopefully others will find history sharing with their families and utilize DNA as a valuable added new tool to today’s researchers.
December 13 @ 5:47pm
click right to open enlarged image in new tab 29th chiefs Margaret Eliott’s (Stobs spelling), Father Sir Arthur, noted that Gilbert, Gib of the Golden Garters, because of the large dowry he received by marrying into the Scots of Harden, the grandson of Sir Gilbert was in on the rescue along with the Bauld (Scots, in English ‘Bold’) Buccleuch. In 1657 George Fox convinced a Scot of Harden to be a Quaker, and they had him in prison in Edinburgh. People of the Puritan of the School of Harvard, which silenced people speaking out for the witches practice like Jewish scientists especially Leo Szilard refugee from Hungry, to silence people for historic truth. Quaker, Mary Dyer 1660 was hung in Boston Commons for speaking out. Family history, that which is of your family is more accurate then history of nation states. So please share your family histories. With DNA support coming from both the Jews and Mormons, they themselves believing their tribes of Israel, they with their J-M267/J-172 and others can be taken back to the family branch point of the Middle East where other religious beliefs branched from. DNA travels with language. The word ‘tsunami’ is an English from Japanese, where Tséhootsooí, AZ, is Fort Defiance, AZ where ‘Tsé’ is rock in Navajo. It has been said to me by Navajo which have been to Japan, that there are similarities. The Navajo language was coded and used in WWII by the US Marines. Not coded it is felt that the Japanese because of phonetic characteristics that decoders which spoke Japanese could have learned the Navajo because of similarities because people of Asia where Navajo C-based Y-DNA came from also spoke it, with-in their migration of less than 5,000 Years. The Pueblo town builders which their are people of the Acoma, Sky City, and Old Oraibi, of the Hopi still on localities, and were their before the Europeans came to the Americas. They carried their Q-based Y-DNA down into South America. Sometimes I have noticed since this Y-DNA came through where today’s US is located they with their Q-based Y-DNA are referred to as Native North Americans. The Anglo-Saxons did not spread their history, they were silenced like the Jews of Germany, but since they did not spread their DNA by fighting, they spread it by marrying. Exiled Armstrong and Elliott to formally Maguire Co, now Ireland, from the in-between Scotland and England state of the Borderlands, which many US presidents are from, and even Brigham Young is an Anglo-Border name, married the Irish. It is believed that even my first grand-father immigrant Daniel Elliott to the colonies to work on a mill on the bend of the Sudbury river, as and indentured slave, married a local American, give there were not many Anglo-American ladies in the region at the time. Shows in the Y-DNA matching markers I have at those claiming to be Native Americans. That would be twelve generations ago, beyond the reach of autosomal DNA. Year about 1660, when Mary Dyer was hung by Harvard Puritan types in Boston Commons. The close obtainment of truth is never done through silencing.
December 13 @ 5:32pm
László Varsányi, Genealogist, and scientist, like high level Jewish scientist, and conservative Friends (Quakers) have a tendency to search and seek. Feel that the Jewish scientists in west Galicia Poland, and East Galicia Ukrainian are considering an exchange of concepts and ideologies to neutralize the atomic creations. My question is on the Ukrainian side of Galicia, did the scientists work on a bomb program for parity with the US? Is this why the DNA does not seem to go between the two sides of Galicia?
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December 9 @ 11:10am
November 23 @ 11:36am
László Varsányi, Uranus (Uranium U 92 natural) was mined near Gallup, NM, USA, Neptune (Neptunium Np 93 man made), and Pluto (Plutonium Pu 94 man made first in California) In New Mexico, USA, by state law, Pluto is a planet. Last three planets, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, named elements, 93.U, 94.Np, and 95.Pu. Jewish scientist Robert Oppenheimer, place name Oppenheim, Germany, https://www.google.com/maps/place/55276+Oppenheim,+Germany/@49.2887022,8.6833428,6z/ headed program which imploded near critical mass Plutonium, at a place call Trinity, NM. Light was reported hundreds or miles/km away in my home town of Gallup, NM. A fission gadget which can detonate hydrogen, and fuses it like the sun to become helium. Like the Armstrong difficult to detect, the Jewish scientists it is felt are in on this project.
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Mark Elliott
December 6 @ 10:00am
László Varsányi, In mining a Swede concerned about the safety of miners put a sensitive explosive into sticks now called dynamite. Concern about other uses a prize for peace named after this developer of a much safer explosive in mining and contrition after this developer and named after him called the Nobel Peace Prize. Am a lead individual, and do not like to be lead by Jews, but as a Quaker am lead by that of god in all. During WWII there were many Hungarian Jewish refugees, Leo Szilard, and Edward Teller, are a couple of them, who worked on the Manhattan Project. Szilard moved on to German, England (New Zealand border name Rutherford meaning cattle crossing) did not think much of his concept of atomic bombs, a German born Jew named Einstein wrote President Roosevelt a letter to get the project going. An American born Jew, Robert (an Elliott chieftain name) Oppenheimer headed the program in New Mexico. Herbert Hoover is an Iowa Born Mine Engineer, he and his wife graduated from Stanford. His wife the first female geologists from that school, and together they translated from the Latin a book on mining printed in 1550. He did oversee the US feeding programs after WWI&II for Europe. When president his vice-president was an American Indian from Kansas. He was from West Branch, Iowa, an the Quakers had a school near their called Scattergood, which housed Jewish refugees during WWII. Quakers do not fight so many of these Iowa Quakers volunteered for a starvation program, do to the level of Jewish Holocaust victims. Robert Oppenheimer lost his security clearness. A Galicia (Polish) Jew play writer Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible, a play written about an era of ‘Black Listing’, writers many Jews, and era of a witch hunt. Armstrong and Elliott are known as terrible people from an in-between state between the Kingdoms of England and Scotland, which has been genocide. We mainly moved onto Ireland, and married the Irish like we would marry the as Scots the English Grahams, we were of a state to be genocide in-between England and Scotland. In ‘The Crucible’, Elizabeth Proctor accused as a witch survived because she was with child though her husband John was hung as a witch. Using Y-DNA it with two lines of genealogy, it has been shown that my many great a Daniel Elliott, defended Elizabeth Proctor 30 Mar 1692. The son of the admin, is Elliott Daniel Greenspan, Bennett is the founder of Family Tree DNA. It is information not from oneself that is important to solve genealogical problems but from others. A Ukrainian lady taught math along side me in Gallup, New Mexico, then married an Elliott. Do Elliott, need to migrated to Ukrainian Galicia, marry Jewish girls to make Elliotts for this Ukrainians on this site to speak-up? The bomb a fusion on which Szilard and Teller help to create could have genocide the state in the borderlands between England and Scotland. A ‘gadget’ like that could destroy any small state such as Rhode Island, USA. If a state has a concentration of a people which people do not care for such as Border Reivers, these people could be destroyed by such a ‘gadget’.
November 30 @ 11:57am
click right to enlarge in new tab By Y-DNA race is not black and white; Steel Bonnets In Debatatable Lands with George Macdonald Fraser and Eric Robson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkDCQiLr3Zc&t=62s Armstrong, Ellot, Nixon are of the Middle March family, neither Scottish or English, but lived in between them. Ellot (Elliott), would marry Graham (Grame) even before 1500, though Ellot where thought by monarchs as being of Scotlland, and Graham of England. They and other reivers create an independent state between the two monarchies, and after being removed to America, help create an independent state in America, neither Scottish or English. https://gorrenberry.com/graham-grantham-ancient-roman-j-m267-dna/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg
November 6 @ 9:09am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3460027?dpr=2&fit=max&h=362&w=590 This one is for the Bennetts, Lee ______ , and ______ Greenspan. Hint; just web search ‘Brigham DNA’. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/FTDNA-UofU-1.jpg
October 8 @ 10:11am
Click right to enlarge in new tab. László Varsányi, On his mother’s side Rudy is part Zuñi. The village of Hawikuh in Cibola (gold), was attacked by Coronado in 1540. Estevan (Latin based for Steven/Stephen) a black Moor proceeded Coronado. Coronado’s helmet, his steel bonnet which saved his life during battle. About all the Zuñi could do is shoot arrows and throw rocks. An arrow hit Coronado in the foot. The Spanish were looking for gold. At the time my ancestors wore steel bonnets to protect their heads on the Scottish-English border. Banish from both kingdoms of Scotland and England, it is the families and the borderland between England and Scotland which is claimed as my Elliott homeland. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkDCQiLr3Zc We the Scottish Middle March Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, believe today and in the past for ‘peace on earth’, as shown in more than a half century old film; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4
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October 5 @ 10:28am
László Varsányi, The surname ‘August’, does not seem to be Hungarian; https://forebears.io/surnames/august https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/August https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:August https://s.meyersgaz.org/search?search=August https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/August/hustota/ An old friend named Augustine Rudy Bob; Navajo a quarter Hopi, indigenous American. Likely of C&Q. The DNA C came later with the Athabaskan based languages. As with the Athabaskan based languages through North America, and into my region of Gallup, New Mexico, also the DNA traveled also with the Latin based languages.
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October 3 @ 1:37am
@Mark Elliott Dear Mark Elliott! I would like to ask you for some information or help. Ancient tombs have been excavated in the mausoleum of Emperor Augustus in Rome. One sample: R33 Their genetic analysis is ready in principle. So I am interested in R33 samples. Do you know who was he? A citizen, a ruler, an emperor, or perhaps just a simple soldier? How old or simply any useful information. I have already found a page, but to my sorrow, there is no usable data on it. Thank you in advance for your help. Regards: László
Mark Elliott
October 3 @ 1:40pm
https://gw.geneanet.org/lexmark?lang=en&n=caesar&oc=0&p=gaius+octavius+augustus Individual Note Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus Augustus (63 BC to 14 AD) the firstRoman emperor, the son of Gaius Octavius, senator and praetor, and Atia, Julius Caesar’s niece. He became Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus through adoption by Caesar in his will (44 BC), and later received the name Augustus, meaning sacred or venerable, in recognition of his services and position (27 BC). At the time of Caesar’s assassination (March 44 BC), Augustus was a student at Apollonia in Illyricum, but returned at once to Italy to claim his inheritance. Marcus Antonius refused at first to surrender Caesar’s property, but Augustus out-maneuvered him in the campaign of Mutina, gained the consulship, and carried out Caesar’s will (43 BC). When Antony returned from Gaul with Lepidus, Augustus changed sides and joined them in forming a triumvirate. He obtained Africa, Sardinia and Sicily; Antony, Gaul; and Lepidus, Spain. Their power was soon made absolute by the massacre of their opponents in Italy, and by the victory at Philippi over the republicans under Brutus and Cassius (42 BC). Difficulties between Augustus and Antony, caused by Antony’s wife Fulvia, were removed by her death and Antony’s marriage to Octavia, sister of Augustus. The Roman world was divided again, Augustus taking the western half and Antony the eastern, while Lepidus had to be content with Africa. Augustus gradually built up his position in Italy and the west, eliminating the treat of Pompey’s son, Sextus, in Sicily, and forcing Lepidus to retire from public life (36 BC). He ingratiated himself with the Roman people and misrepresented the actions of Antony in the east. At length, war was declared against Cleopatra, whom had joined in 37 BC, and by the naval victory in Actium (31 BC) Augustus became the sole ruler of the Roman world. Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide; Antony’s son by Fulvia, and Caesarion (allegedly the son of Caesar and Cleopatra), were put to death. In 29 BC, after regulating affairs in Egypt, Greece, Syria, and Asia Minor, Augustus returned to Rome in triumph, and closing the temple in Janus, proclaimed universal peace. Henceforward, Augustus was in all but name the sole ruler of the Roman empire, though his rule had to be disguised in republican forms, and the search for an acceptable constitutional formula to clothe his autocracy took nearly a decade and several settlements (27, 23, 19 BC). At home and abroad his declared policy was one of national revival and restoration of traditional Roman values. He legislated to mould the fabric of Roman society and beautified the city of Rome; it was his proud boast that he had found the city built of brick and left it built of marble. Abroad, he pursued a policy of calculated imperial conquest, and vastly enlarged the territory of the Roman empire in central and northern Europe, though his policy had to be brought to a halt when disaster struck in his later years, with the revolt of Pannonia (6 AD) and the loss of three entire legions in Germany under Varus. His domestic life was clouded with setbacks and disasters, though he eventually achieved an acceptable succession with his stepson Tiberius, whom he adopted in 4 AD. A statesman of exceptional skill, he brought about the difficult transition from republic to empire and provided the Roman world with viable institutions and a lasting period of peace. Though not a charismatic figure, he had a gift for using the talents of others, both in public life and in the cultural sphere. Horace, Virgil, Ovid, Propertius, Tibullus, and Livy were the glories the Augustan Age, a name given in France to the reign of Louis XIV, in England to that of Queen Anne. Augustus’ Autobiography is lost, but a record of his public achievements written by himself and originally inscribed on bronze pillars, in front of his Mausoleum in Rome–the Res Gestae Divi Augusti– is extant in several copies in Greek and Latin from Asia Minor. Family Tree Preview Ancestry Chart Descendancy Chart _____| 16_ sosa X Living _____| 8_ sosa X Living / ¯¯¯¯¯| 17_ sosa ? ? _____| 4_ sosa Gaius Octavius † / \ / ¯¯¯¯¯| 9_ sosa ? ? / |2_ sosa Gaius Octavius | \ | ¯¯¯¯¯| 5_ sosa Ancaria N.. † |–1_ sosa Gaius Octavius Augustus Caesar † | _____| 12_ sosa X Living | / | _____| 6_ sosa Julia Caesia Caesonia | / \ | / ¯¯¯¯¯| 13_ sosa X Living |3_ sosa Atia Balba Caesonia \ \ _____| 14_ sosa Gaius Julias Ii Caesar † \ / ¯¯¯¯¯| 7_ sosa Julia Minor \ ¯¯¯¯¯| 15_ sosa X Living https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/months/august.html The Month of August By Vigdis Hocken “August is the eighth month of the year, has 31 days, and is named after Augustus Caesar.” But in Colonial America, August use to be the eight month. The “-us”, basically makes the name Latin. Like in strings of carbon with numbers subscripted; C7H16 Heptane (September), C8H18 Octane (October), C9H20 Nonane (Novermber), and C10H22 Decane (December), the 12th and last month of the year in Colonial America, would start in the Spring of the year. It was changed when a nation became The United States of America. The US 12th month is named in Latin, is called the 10th month. Thanks for the question. Hope this helps. Question the R33, is may be a number of the sample but not its DNA.
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Mark Elliott
October 5 @ 10:22am
The surname ‘August’, does not seem to be Hungarian; https://forebears.io/surnames/august https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/August https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:August https://s.meyersgaz.org/search?search=August https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/August/hustota/ An old friend named Augustine Rudy Bob; Navajo, indigenous American.
Like László Varsányi likes this
September 27 @ 10:50am
September 27 @ 10:44am
September 24 @ 10:31am
Click right to enlarge in new tab. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Wolf-distribution-and-populations-in-and-around-central-Europe-Dark-cells-permanent_fig1_275654871 https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Wilk https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wolf https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wilk https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/German-wolves.gif Sagas of the Fairy Bear; (Chronicles of the Armstrong ed James Lewis Armstrong MD) https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/13/mode/2up?q=Fairy+Bear Children; wolf (dog), elk (moose), and bear. Names of wild animals in some tribes are among the oldest, and are felt to be utilized by the Anglo-Saxons. Predators of the elk (moose), man and wolf (dog) would likely migrate with their food supply, like in some tribes of indigenous Americans migrated with the American Buffalo. People of some American tribes have taken on with Anglicizing of the surname from wildlife. Know a ‘Young Bear’ family of Iowa’s (USA) Mesquakie Settlement.
September 24 @ 8:02am
Mark Elliott granddad to Mark Stephen Elliott, with dad Loren, twin aunt Lois and older sister aunt Zoe. Though granddad Mark Elliott was born on and purchase the farm dad Loren was born on. When dad, was born they did not know whether he was alive, so they stuck him in a cold closet, because they had another coming, Lois, then he started crying. Mark Elliott had no middle name he was given one at birth, and understand from dad it was on his birth certificate. Since Mark Elliott was born on the same farm in southern Iowa, south of Mt Ayr (Ayr after place of Scottish poet Robert Burns), it is likely no record of it accept what dad had told me. On his birth certificate he was given the name of a family of our relations that of ‘Hammer’. No wonder he turned it down. If I wasn’t able to find documentation accept what dad told me, people can believe me on it, because I feel that is all they have, accept a middle initial oh ‘H.’, which someone referred to as ‘Henry’.
September 24 @ 7:36am
It should be noted that ‘Ben’, is short for Benjamin, like in Franklin, but some have been known to abuse the use of ‘Ben’, for another forename.
September 20 @ 3:21pm
https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Crozier?iframe=ymap https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Guess the Jews being tribal would pick a name such as Elliott for a son. Guess it has two sets of double letters like Bennett, and ends with two ‘t’s. They say the extra ‘t’ is adding a cross. Do Jews have crosses, or are they like Mormons and Quakers without a cross? Built clancrozier.com, because Wikipedia kicked me out for helping the Crozier, create a page refer to as ‘Clan Crozier’. Web search ‘Clan Crozier’, is it Wiki or clancrozier.com? Uploaded to Electric Scotland. The admin of site knew of my father Loren Spencer Elliott, and the chief’s father Sir Arthur Eliott 28th Clan Elliot Chief, he with help from his mother, and my father with help from his mother. The chief Margaret and I are less than a year apart in age. Will not tell you who’s the oldest because I want to keep my head. Like Loren and his twin Lois. Guess people know what twins can be like. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/twins-Loren-and-Lois-Elliott.jpg Grandma Ilah Spencer Elliott to photo with a Brownie Camera, if you remember them.
September 20 @ 12:21pm
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg Note; on eighth century coin, is the ‘Jerusalem ☩ Cross’. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86lfwald_I_of_Northumbria Though Scattergood where I have attended Iowa Conservative Friends Yearly Meeting, during WWII a refugee for Jews, the Friends built a school on the West Bank previous to the existence of Israel. In the above land deed, Angus ‘Bell the Cat’ Archibald Douglas V Earl of Angus, is passing lands including Redheugh and Larriston onto Robert Elwald chief 10. Our present day chief Margaret Eliott, is the 29th chief and she is also of these lands. Note; the John Grame (Graham, gray homes, likely of limestone with a lime mortar, making the homes gray), may carry the J-M267 Y-DNA, are of the English side of the border, and likely of Ancient Roman heritage, descended from soldiers of Hadrian’s Roman Wall. The heart ❤ of Angus; Archibald Douglas, Description English: Lead encased hearts of Sir James Douglas & Archibald (Bell the Cat) Douglas, St Bride’s Church, Douglas, South Lanarkshire, Scotland. Date 10 June 2018 Source Own work Author Rosser1954 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Encased_hearts_of_Sir_James_Douglas_%26_Archibald_Douglas,_St_Bride%27s_Church,_Douglas,_South_Lanarkshire.jpg On today’s Douglas shield is ‘Brave ❤ Heart’, the heart of King ‘Robert the Bruce’, of Scotland, where Sir James Douglas died carrying by horse to Jerusalem ☩. If the heart buried Melrose Abbey can be shown historically and/or by DNA be the heart of Robert the Bruce, would like to take it to Jerusalem, in a much more peaceful manner then the Sir James Douglas. https://blog.historicenvironment.scot/2018/06/melrose-casket-robert-bruce/
September 19 @ 12:36pm
September 19 @ 12:24pm
September 19 @ 11:54am
https://www.slideshare.net/FamilyTreeDNA/hammer-ft-dna2016 3 Step Match mtDNA H27a Earliest Known Ancestor: Ksenia Chertovsky, 1850, Velsk, Russia Marker Location: Russian Federation, Province of Arkhangelsk, Velsk https://www.google.com/maps/place/Velsk,+Arkhangelsk+Oblast,+Russia/ Does not that beat all. It looks like previous to Finland, my mtDNA H27a came out of Russia.
September 19 @ 11:53am
September 18 @ 4:49pm
click right for enlarged image Balaš https://forebears.io/surnames/bala%C5%A1 Moravian. As first wife from Winston-Salem, NC, USA.
September 18 @ 3:16pm
https://s.meyersgaz.org/search?search=Nitz https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Nitz https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/%C5%81o%C5%9B Łoś https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Elliott Figure the ‘moose’ in Polish ‘Łoś’, and Elliott are from nearby Kraków, Poland, with their R1b-U106. http://www.jewish-guide.pl/images/articles/history_of_galicia_map.jpg
September 13 @ 9:55pm
Data manipulation?
Mark Elliott
September 14 @ 6:17am
They the Harvard ‘witch hanging’ types with ‘status quo’ science of the ‘superior race’, which do data corruption, and control the downstream testing of SNPs, by using science of ‘lab-rat’ testing, and tell you because they thing they know better then family to take the ‘lab-rat’ Big Y test. For you info until FTDNA can correct this problem by not allowing genealogical censorship of family sharing to find family history at this time as they have in the FTDNA R-U106 grouping I would suggest anyone else accept FTDNA for downstream testing and not to take the ‘lab rat’ Big Y test, since the have family history sharing censoring by FTDNA admins. Noted this site does not have an admin, am finding co-admins can not censor. Science and genealogy, is info sharing once censor it becomes a ‘status quo’, ‘superior race’ science. Admins once they kick someone off their site, is cyberbully kicking someone out of the Family History Library FHL in Salt Lake City, Utah for trying to help someone on their family history, and telling that individual who their mother is for example because they are an ‘expert’ and feel they best know who mom is.
Mark Elliott
September 14 @ 6:33am
Do you change the science of DNA for a ‘status quo, superior race’, or do you correct the history to match the DNA science? Do you have scientific genealogical sharing of ideas among family, or do you have suppression by think alike pseudo genetic-scientists?
September 13 @ 1:52pm
https://forebears.io/surnames/ellwand ellwand noun ell·wand | \ ˈelwən(d) \ Definition of ellwand Scottish : a measuring rod one ell long https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ellwand#:~:text=Scottish,measuring%20rod%20one%20ell%20long
September 12 @ 7:42pm
For the witch hanging Harvard ‘status quo’, along the lines of Hitler’s ‘superior race’, when the input is missed with, the output ends up being this type of science. Bennett Greenspan if you know some Jewish scientists have them look at it. There is a mutation between Daniel Elliot of Salem Trial testimony, and his first son Daniel born at Otter Neck, Saxoville, north Framingham, before moving to Salem Village. The control is FTDNA not testing the downstream from R-16361 SNPs, in which A6719 is found and Hoover son of Robert has A6722, and I the son of the sixth son has A6722, where those of the first son have A6724 showing a mutation is being made between Daniel Sr and Daniel Jr. Someone is screening the testing, for their likely Harvard ‘status quo’ type science. Let cousin Micheal Hammer, he has some Harvard experience take a look at it.
September 12 @ 4:37pm
Do not tell Gail about this one. Match first twelve markers with most of the Scarborough. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/scarborough?iframe=yresults been even kicked off of the Scarborough feed.
September 12 @ 3:45pm
Though R-A6719 is found in FTDNA R-U106 group statistics, how can it be a result of FTDNA if FTDNA does not offer it?
September 12 @ 3:32pm
click right for enlarging in new tab Admin check this out; The A6719 is Yseq, because FTDNA does not test S16361. Wonder how come? https://www.familytreedna.com/public/U106?iframe=ycolorized https://www.familytreedna.com/public/east_anglia?iframe=yresults Wonder if the results are being controlled. May be that Jews do not like an Adolph Hitler style of superior race science. It would sure discourage feedback.
September 11 @ 1:42pm
Hammer FTDNA 2016 Michael Hammer’s presentation https://www.slideshare.net/FamilyTreeDNA/hammer-ft-dna2016 Cousin Hammer seems to have stopped me in Poland.
September 11 @ 12:45pm
Am stuck which being called and elkwald; elk of the forest. Which really in America means moose of the woods, and is based first on the name elk (moose). In Czech; Los, Polish; Łoś, English Elks and German; Elke, in America Moose. It seems Poland likes the surname the best. https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/%C5%81o%C5%9B https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/Los/hustota/ https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Elke https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Guess man and beast (wolf/wilk) like eating elk (moose), and migrate with it.
September 11 @ 12:44pm
One of the earliest base surnames are based on wildlife. The most popular of which is the Czech; Vik, Polish; Wilk, and German Wolf. Hunted for the raising of livestock, sheep and cattle in America, and the UK. Though because of urbanization the wolf, or lobo was re-introduced in America, and the Navajo grandma’s have to shoot them to protect their sheep. Haven’t reintroduced them in Scotland known for their wool tartans. One can see the migration of the Polish surname Wilk becoming the German-English surname Wolf. Since the Y-DNA travels in Anglon-Society, it seems with the Wilk-Wolf surname the Anglo-Saxon, inclusive of my R-U106 travels with this name. https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wilk https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Wolf,1890:Wilk https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/Vlk/hustota/ https://named.publicprofiler.org/
September 8 @ 10:11am
click right for enlarged image If the sampling is controled then the results are irrelavant. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/U106?iframe=ycolorized https://www.familytreedna.com/public/east_anglia?iframe=yresults
September 7 @ 8:40pm
Kuta R-FT41761 Big-Y, FTDNA Polish, seemed to get stopped at this brick wall by SNPs in Ukraine, also, but as you can see a Bennett Greenspan seemed to get into the Ukraine. One would think he would help others to break through this ‘brick wall’. Is it the sampling of the Ukrainians causing the difficulties?
Mark Elliott
September 8 @ 9:12am
Spis, and Kraków of Galicia for my family. http://www.jewish-guide.pl/galicia/history-of-galicia
September 7 @ 10:35pm
click right to enlarge in new tab A Southwell, of the FTDNA East Anglia site and I are downstream R-S16361. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/east_anglia?iframe=yresults
September 6 @ 12:50pm
Wolf (ancestor to dog) migration, besides man they eat elk (moose). https://g8fip1kplyr33r3krz5b97d1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/German-wolves.gif Wolf is a popular surname; https://forebears.io/surnames/wolf Especially in Germany; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Wolf And Wolf is used in Poland https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wolf wolf is Wilk in Polish https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wilk (note numbers near Krakow) Lets here it for the elk (moose) in Polish Łoś https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/%C5%81o%C5%9B (note numbers near Krakow) Showing migratory evolution of the surname Wilk to Wilken https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Wilk,1890:Wilken In UK Wiken becomes Wilkenson. Some people like the Ewald/Elwald likely like the wolf and some nations of the American Indian hunting buffalo, likely migrated with the food they ate. https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html My ancestors may have migrated into the Berlin region from Poland the last time the elk (moose) were in the region, because the likely hunted the elk (moose). The chased down cows on the Scottish-English borders, not likely the wild ones near Chillingham, those like the ones from Angus Scotland would be likely to difficult to heard. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Chillingham,+Alnwick+NE66+5NP,+UK/
September 4 @ 8:05pm
Citation Information Transcript Stephanus born on 29 May 1857 House #42, Birth of Stephanus Barna, son of Michael Barna, son of Thomas Barna, rusticus and Anna Kowalak, rusticus in Czyrcz; and Maria Chomiak, daughter of Elias Chomiak, rusticus from Milik, and Theodosia Pytel from Szczawnik, on 29 May 1857, with baptism on 30 May 1857. Detail Book of Births (1784-1889), Leluchów 1857 (May) #858c Source Information Title St. Joseph’s Church Archives – Muszyna, Poland, Liber Copulatorium (1785-1888); Natorum (1784-1889); et Mortuorium (1784-1875), graeco-catholic unit, Leluchoviensium, T.I Repository Information Detail Source Citation for St. Joseph’s Church Archives – Muszyna, Poland, Liber Copulatorium (1785-1888); Natorum (1784-1889); et Mortuorium (1784-1875), graeco-catholic unit, Leluchoviensium, T.I Other information son of Thomas Barna, rusticus and Anna Kowalak, rusticus in Czyrcz; and Maria Chomiak, daughter of Elias Chomiak, rusticus from Milik, and Theodosia Pytel from Szczawnik, on 29 May 1857, with baptism on 30 May 1857 provided by Sven Pavlik 5th–8th Cousin Shared DNA: 11 cM across 1 segment
Mark Elliott
September 5 @ 3:35pm
“I downloaded every page of the church records of leluchow, and read through every one the best I could, then clipped the images for the people i found on my tree and put them there.. it was tedious!” Svea Pavik link; https://www.szukajwarchiwach.pl
September 4 @ 10:08pm
click right to enlarge in new tab Kuklinski (Poland) https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Kukli%C5%84ski Rowedder (Germany) https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Rowedder
August 31 @ 12:28pm
click right to enlarge in new tab The admin likely needs assistance with his J-M267 Y-DNA, and I certainly need help with my R-U106 Y-DNA, but guess the Jews, Russians and those Ukrainians do not know how to speak out. We could use your help to get across this brick wall which divides the old Austria nation of Galicia, of the old Hungarian Empire. Guess you are not speaking out because you do not like us Greek Catholic types.
August 31 @ 10:54am
click right to receive enlarged image in new tab Though traveling back in time from the Four Corners where the states of Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico (New Mexico, USA would not allow Texas, ‘a whole other country’ to incorporate them) come together in four corners the Colorado corner is Ute, the others Navajo, to southern Poland. There has most likely been what folks call a mutation of the R-U106. S18632 (U106>Z2265>BY30097>S18632) Mark Stephen Elliott Kit No. 101829 S12025 (U106>Z2265>BY30097>S12025) Those elk (moose) traveling from Poland towards to Berlin ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’, figure for them to go back to the same locality there must be those with ‘Y’ and without ‘Y’, for the bull (headed one) and the cow to produce a calf.
August 31 @ 12:36am
August 30 @ 5:46pm
August 30 @ 1:16pm
August 29 @ 10:43pm
https://forebears.io/surnames/croak Have mtDNA H27a which shows up in South Yorkshire. Genealogy is fun.
August 29 @ 3:35pm
https://forebears.io/surnames/atkinson For census numbers with much higher frequency, England ranks second to Atkinson, and Yorkshire in England ranks first for the surname, which the surname Atkinson ranks twenty-one in Yorkshire. The FTDNA Y-DNA matches three Atkinsons at one marker distance in twenty-five markers. Hopefully you may see that this applied to the Yorkshire Atkinson, and FTDNA Y-DNA which I carry in accordance if the testing done properly by FTDNA. County Lancashire use to be a part of County Yorkshire. It is felt that the Elwald and Atkinson, likely of Yorkshire, at time of surname adoption, given six-centuries, adopt there name from the same Y-DNA parentage, and that is why at the 95% level at 600 plus years, the two lines that of Atkinson and Elwald are mapped out to be at the locality of Yorkshire. Though the adoption could have taken place in Norfolk. At 12 marker matches my locality surnames are Gresham of Norfolk, North and South Cave of Yorkshire and Scarborough.
August 29 @ 11:20am
Knew I would test positive for R-S16361, because FTDNA lowest downstream for the Daniel Cluster was R-16361. Did not know at the time 23andME established R-S13631 as my paternal haplogroup. When I tried to test downstream, the downstream SNPs were not offered, so I tested by YSEQ 2020-01-26 positive for R-A6722 downstream of R-S13631>A6719>A6722, not offered by FTDNA through their SNP testing. Now ask yourself who’s using DNA to find family? To me the “Big-Y” is the big “Lab Rat” test by Harvard US “status quo” pseudo scientists which silence people for their truths and their math is represented in their TIP calculation which inputs 30 gens/year at one significant number and outputs at four sig figs which a genetic genealogists with the most remediation in math would correct, but are not doing so. So with the symbolic TIP calculation allows me great freedom not with speech but the application of applied genetic DNA to find my relatives.
August 29 @ 9:21am
click right to enlarge image in new tab. Daniel Elliott of; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle All I know is I am just trying to do some genealogy by applying DNA. Guess if one gets kicked off, you just get back on again.
August 29 @ 3:40am
It is in my Y-DNA of Daniel Elliot, which has been researched to up the first and six son, who’s father Daniel came to America as a Cromwellian Civil War POW Hamiltonian Royalist slave, on a boat which Rev Thomas Allen took to England, with the widow of John Harvard which left half his estate to a school in Cambridge, his son Daniel my many Y-DNA great told Harvard Cotton Mather type witch hunting judges which silenced people of my believes those of the witches and Quakers by hanging them. It is this type of silencing which is the antithesis to what was the beliefs of proper genealogical knowledge and in the constitution of the nation is applied if free speech still exists. That my ancestors in accordance to proper applied science, are from East Anglia to the Borders onto County Fermanagh, Ulster Plantation then America, which now has on it’s lands the Nation of the United States, as given by properly applying as a tool genetics to genealogy, or does the the Harvard Witch hanging Judge types with there anti-freedom of religion types get to suppress this one so a Harvard style ‘status quo’ of Hitler’s ‘superior race’ pseudo genetics gets to suppress the freedom’s people of the US.
August 29 @ 3:39am
Have many matches with the Yorkshire surname place names of Cave and Scarborough, for the first 12 markers.
August 29 @ 3:38am
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Atkinson are strong in Yorkshire. Matching 1 out of 25 on Atkinson, at the 95% level, the Elwold/Ellwood (Elliott), would easily make those 20 generations. The Atkinson are strong with the Ellot (Elliott) in the Ulster Plantation in Scotland four centuries ago.
August 28 @ 11:21pm
Fivecoat and Fivecoats are found in the US previous to 1880, where after 2014 one will find Finrock which means five coats. The one county Fivecoat and Fivecoats is found in Bartholomew County, IN. Since the surnames seem to be showing matches would check Bartholomew County, IN if I had one of those surnames Bartholomew County, IN for ancestors. https://forebears.io/surnames/fivecoat
August 28 @ 2:52pm
Was displayed is for his wife Maria. Mechanics. How can the husband by full cousins and the wife half cousins? Are not the children the product of both their mother and father? In the mechanics of doing genealogy, which one to I go by to find family? Compared another half relation, and guess Ancestry is taking out the (half). So as the genetics is concerned the (half) relation is taken to be the correct one. Łącko, Poland is a place name.
August 24 @ 12:55am
An example of the use of auto-somal along with documentation DNA. Record of birth in Poland (Galicia, Austrian-Hungarian) on 29 May 1857, of the birth of great grandfather English; Stephan, Polish; Stefan, and Greek Catholic Latin Stephanus Barna, which passes his name Stephen to son Stephan Peter Barna, of Boonton, Morris County, New Jersey, which passes it to me for my middle name making it, Mark Stephen Elliott.
Mark Elliott
August 28 @ 2:22pm
Brigham ‘This is the Place’ genealogy with DNA applied – Elwaldelwald.com › brigham-this-is-the-place-genealogy-with… Purpose of the Brigham surname UK migration, is to put the Y-DNA into the hands of family researchers. YOU CAN DO DNA, as The DNA Guide Team says. https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about https://www.rootstech.org/video/you-can-do-dna?lang=eng They cover the autosomal DNA quite well and make comparisons on it. In the video they give praise to Ancestry’s pedigree viewer, which presents both people of parentage. MyHeritage in their pedigree viewer has the married couple at the top of the tree, where I am not finding that Ancestry now has a single individual at the top of the tree, chosen by Ancestry, which added a software bias in a family searching there own family history. Because this couple at top like Ancestry us to have without adding a bias it is felt that today MyHeritage has the better pedigree viewer.
August 24 @ 1:05pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ewald click right to enlarge in new tab. With Rb-U106 know that the Ra may be wondering to I belong in group. Well I had this crazy idea, that many years in the past my ancestors along with the wolf ate elk (moose), and were known as elk of the forest. Where the elk (moose) and wolf are returning felt that is where my Y-DNA came from. Later on we instead of elk (moose) we chased down cows in the borderlands between Scotland and England. The elk (moose) are entering Germany from Poland; https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html Figured there are bull and cow elk (moose) for reproducing, so figured if I trace my R-U106 back in time would likely end up in the region where mom’s dad a Barna came from. This is on the Polish-Slovakian border basically where Galicia of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire once was. Surname distribution which could be a Polish-Slovakian (Loš) name for elk (moose) seems to be from the region. https://forebears.io/surnames/lo%C5%A1 Maybe family relations base on the irrational term of ‘love’ may have some rationality.
August 24 @ 9:57am
An example of the use of auto-somal along with documentation DNA. Am sure thankful for those Jews.
August 24 @ 9:57am
An example of the use of auto-somal along with documentation DNA.
August 22 @ 3:41pm
https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Vance?iframe=ycolorized click right, open in new tab for enlarged image https://forebears.io/surnames/vance https://named.publicprofiler.org/ The Vance R-L193 the matches of Elliot, Little, and Glendinning https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Old+Schoolhouse+-+Glendinning+Farm+Cottages/@55.2530267,-3.1060402,17z/ borders place name, carry also like the Vance the R-L193, and many if not exterminated through James VI/I border extermination ended up exiled to the Ulster Plantation of Northern Ireland. ‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ (short history) https://gorrenberry.com/elliot-glendinning-r-l193-sub-l513/ With Jame V. Elliott an admin to FTDNA Border Reivers input; For R-L193 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A1-Clade-Report.pdf Jan 31, 2015 – Sinclair DNA Our R-L193 SNP study and STR matches are connecting surnames from records in Medieval England. Steve St. Clair; admin FTDNA Sinclair Study. http://www.stclairresearch.com/
August 21 @ 9:30am
click right to enlarge in new tab https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Using FTDNA mtDNA H27a, autosomal DNAs of 23andME and Ancestry with ‘Croak’ surname distribution. https://forebears.io/surnames/croak. It shows a ‘Smith’ cross over between Lancashire, UK of the ‘Croak’, and Dublin, Ireland of the ‘Murphy’. For Gaelic names to be Anglicized to the surname Smith, it is likely to be part of a surname bridge between Dublin, Ireland, and Lancashire, England. The mtDNA follow’s the mom’s mom’s line or the line of clan ship among the indigenous peoples of America. Like
August 18 @ 3:49pm
click right to enlarge in new tab László Varsányi, Borders are meant to cross. Now for trying to cross into the Ukraine. Guess great granddad and grandma, came from both sides of the Polish-Slovakian Border. Stephen Peter Barna is my granddad which died when I turned two, but first and middle names are from granddad passed down to them. Stephen is my middle name. Anna (Barna) and Stephen were the youngest of the children to migrate to the US. DNA has verified they are full brother and sister. It is Anna (Barna) Kromka in 1965 which provided the family genealogy. A sibling knows as best the family history of their parents.
Like László Varsányi likes this
August 11 @ 3:46pm
Can see where my R-U106 is coming from;
August 9 @ 11:00pm
August 9 @ 4:09pm
August 9 @ 3:23pm
click right to enlarge in new tab László Varsányi , Found this Polish surname distribution program. Useful for a name like Majkut, which I am autosomally linked to; https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/ Those ‘Maykut’ relatives thoughin the Ukraine. One would think we could ignore the border which divides old Galacia between Poland and the Ukraine to find family.
Like László Varsányi likes this
August 9 @ 1:37pm
Showing how my Y-DNA crossed from Germany to East Anglia. Gresham, N&S Cave and Scarborough are localities names along the North Sea which predominately share with the Daniel Elliot Cluster of the Salem, MA Trials the first twelve markers; 14,24,14,11,11-14,12,12,11,13,13,29 Scarborough Y-DNA Project – Y-DNA Classic Chart https://www.familytreedna.com/public/scarborough?iframe=yresults https://www.google.com/maps/place/Scarborough,+UK/@54.2755329,-0.4828121,12z CAVE FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY DNA PROJECT – Y-DNA Classic Chart https://www.familytreedna.com/public/CaveFamilyHistorySocietyDNA?iframe=yresults https://www.google.com/maps/place/South+Cave,+Brough,+UK/@53.768061,-0.6247626,14z/ Gresham/Grissom/Grisham (and variants) Surname Project – Y-DNA Classic Chart https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Gresham_Grissom?iframe=yresults https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gresham,+Norwich,+UK/@52.9003164,1.203002,14z/ FTDNA shows at 29 generations, at time of surname development for Gresham, Scarborough, and Cave that exact markers for 12, 25, and 37 graphically are shown to rank the same. https://www.familytreedna.com/faq-markers.aspx FTDNA Why do I match men with different surnames? “There are two reasons ……. The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.” https://learn.familytreedna.com/user-guide/y-dna-myftdna/y-matches-page/ https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/fathers-father-Elwald-Elliott-Germany-Denmark-East-Anglia.jpg Google Maps of locations of Gresham, N&S Cave, and Scarborough, are utilized for showing they are locality surnames along the North Sea. Migration into this region by Anglo-Saxons for auto-somal genetics is shown by an Oxford University genetic study of the People of the British Isles; https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/population-genetics https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=people+of+the+british+isles
August 9 @ 11:17am
Who is this Bennett Greenspan, FTDNA, and why does he get top billing. Those Armstrong which were exiled to County Fermanagh with us Elliott, and now have this EU/Brexit border wrapped around us should get top billing. Besides those Armstrong are of the Scottish Middle March like us Elliott. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map-.png They should be getting rid of borders and not making them. Like the one they put through old Galacia, and I have Maykut family just on the other side. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Could not tell my ancestors not to steal those dang sheep. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Die-Riding-Clans-in-Ulster-von-Robert-Bell.pdf
August 8 @ 8:24pm
for enlarged image, click right and open in new tab https://forebears.io/surnames/maykut László Varsányi , Figured out what is happening, it is that umlaut the Dutch carry over their y, those Germans use to have it over the y also as; ‘ÿ’. For a name such as Maÿkut it creates variant names of Maikut, Majkut, and Maykut, but with Maijkut, where the ‘ÿ’ in the Dutch will become ‘ij’. Likely since am matching DNA with Maikut and Majkut, the illegitimate father is listed in the Barna genealogy as ‘Maykut’. Would you not know it they cut Galicia in Half and those ‘Maykut’ are living in the Ukraine just across the border. Do those Ukrainians think I after them or something because they got my great grandma in trouble. Just looking for family.
Like László Varsányi likes this
Mark Elliott
August 9 @ 12:56am
Want to add some data. Do not want those Ukrainians to say I do not have family in the Galicia, Old West Ukrainian Republic. https://forebears.io/surnames/majkut Poland 1,684 United States 388 https://forebears.io/surnames/maykut Ukraine 445 United States 138 Census https://www.ancestry.com/ Maikut 5th–8th Cousin Shared DNA: 18 cM across 1 segments Majkut 5th–8th Cousin Shared DNA: 7.4 cM across 1 segments
August 8 @ 9:42am
click right, and open in new tab for enlarged image László Varsányi , Rains, Rain, Raines, https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/rainsoftheworld/activity-feed Was able to go into this site when the did not have an admin, or a co admin. Kent, in my research at the time though with Norfolk showing strong. At least a seed of thought was placed in for people to respond to and now the feed is getting response. Family history is families sharing and ignoring the borders. Yes, my family made off comments, like. Comment may be made on my brother’s Bob’s grey hair, and he may respond back ‘at least I have hair’. Bet those ladies excepting my chief, she raises sheep, https://elwald.com/amynta-g-eliott-sheep-neglected/ (Greek αμύντα-amynta) (shepherd’s crook symbolized by a bishop’s crozier. Descended from Clementis Hobs mid-16th century; ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott) like the Navajo ‘shimá’ , grandma, she’s a grandma also. The main portraits, excepting chief the ladies likely known each other, they were all at Rootstech this year. The model changes when it comes to religion, and border reivers, because we are spread through out. One time on the news I heard the Russian mafia (it’s us reivers not the mafia which has the claim to the word ‘blackmail’), kidnapped some Mormon missionaries. Felt sorry for the Russian mafia. Never heard of any more Mormon missionaries being kidnapped. Could use a genealogist on board, had enough of the ladies and engineers. May be if the admin knows those people in the photo in the upper right, he could have one as admin, and the other as co-admin, but they would likely kick him out before he would open his mouth.
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August 7 @ 3:30pm
Mom’s dad, and dad Y-DNA line seems to be from Galicia, Poland.
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August 7 @ 1:43pm
Can see a cluster of my Y-DNA where the auto-somal Barna DNA is.
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August 7 @ 1:09pm
May want to ask my ‘Hammer’ relative about this one. FTDNA has many more sample points then YSEQ for SNP R-S16361 downstream of R-U106.
August 7 @ 12:48pm
August 7 @ 12:22pm
My mother’s father, Galician which of the Ukraine, and my father’s father’s…. ‘hot spot’ of the Ukraine also. Know there are Ukrainians on this feed. Why do you not speak up? https://phylogeographer.com/scripts/heatmap.php There likely were Jews of that J-M267 which traveled with us into the borderlands first of ancient Rome, ‘Hadrians Wall’, because they were of a ‘grey home’ they obtained the name ‘grey home’, (Graham). Even though my Jews became Greek Catholics, you Ukrainian Jews can not hold that against me, at least speak up.
August 3 @ 3:28pm
for enlarged image click right to open in new tab. Genetic Ancestry and the People of the British Isles Apr 27, 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8k9LMaFe With use of FTDNA Y-DNA with extends beyond eight generations, am able to equate my first twelve markers of an Anglo-Saxon early surname Elwald, now Ewald of Germany, with locality of Elwald de Schinkel, with Ewald and Ewaldsen still living in region; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ewald,1890:Ewaldsen have been able to migrate the Y-DNA of my first twelve markers into Yorkshire region of locality surnames Cave, and Scarborough, which excellent have excellent feeds of Scarborough, Gresham, and Cave, showing the major part of their participants match my first 12 markers with all locality names of Gresham (ham home) of Norfolk, Cave, and Scarborough (borough/burgh castle on hill) of Yorkshire. Strong evidence of this migration has been already established by the Oxford People of the Brittish Isles, where my information adds genetic and genealogical support to the correctness of the study. https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/population-genetics The above is a very almost insignificant part of the data, and genealogy developed by many people, including Sir Arthur Eliott of Redheugh, along with his mother, the past Elliot Clan chief to chief 29 of Redheugh, and my dad with help of his mom. It is great that FTDNA can recognize the significance of integrating there data with locality names, census density, and such and excellent study as put out by The People of the British Isles study, which that genealogy of generations coming out of Redheugh and the US on Clan Elliott has supported for the Elliot line with inclusion of it’s chieftain line.
August 2 @ 1:20pm
Mormons and Jews are in Mormon doctrine highly compatible, and as far as DNA products are concerned highly compatible products. For a Y-DNA male to travel research beyond about eight generations of the surname the Y-DNA is a most useful tool to reach back in time. One religion which contains historical history going back in time with the Y-DNA is the Jewish faith, from Europe. Though testing may be for whether a person is a Jew or not by the Y-DNA, for migration a part of history correlated with the Y-DNA helps. Two DNAs found among Jews which I have found in the borderlands are J-M267, protected the English side of the Scottish-English border, and feel their descendants as ‘Ancient Romans’ protect the English side of the Roman Hardrian’s Wall. Feel the Montgomery where Gomer is Hebrew came up from France to across the Scottish-English border then over into Ulster with their J-M172, and the Scott, came through East Anglia with a different J-M172 DNA, then the east border where the Elliot reside. To trace them further towards the east, a history of a people can help, which could easily be Hebrew. The Mormons, and I feel we need Jews. Jews along with Native Americans (Mormons like Roberta Estes), are considered tribes of Israel. The Mormon church second president which took his people to the desert of the land of Zion, Brigham Young, has a good Anglo Border Reiving name. They must have dunked him a number of times for him to come out so good, like you would do to an Elliott. Compatibility such as a tribe of Israel, with the Y-DNA, and mtDNA with the Mormon approach in genetic genealogy. They are tops and born into it is felt would do well with the Later Day Saints.
August 1 @ 2:19pm
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Leluch%C3%B3w,+Poland/@49.2983916,20.9281429,15z/ Does the church look Greek Catholic?
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László Varsányi
August 2 @ 12:02pm
I think it could be. The shape of the cross, the interior of the church is similar. There are also separate shrines in Greek Catholic churches. Too bad there are no more photos of it.
Mark Elliott
August 2 @ 12:15pm
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Leluchow_POL_Greek_Catholic_Church.JPG Family is Greek Catholic. It is felt it says; Leluchow, Galicia, Austria 1857 birth, for Stephen (Greek Catholic Latin; Stephanus, and Galicia name Stefan), was born. https://www.ancestry.com/imageviewer/collections/6061/images/4313361-00077?treeid=118532157&personid=410175917152&rc=&usePUB=true&_phsrc=CCj3120&_phstart=successSource&pId=65894373 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Stefan-likely-a-twin-of-great-granddad-Stephen-Barna..jpg The stone for Stephen (Stefan), and Mary (Maria) Barna is not in Leluchow, but Booton, New Jersey, USA. Do not think a twin, but with no documentation of death, the documentation of US Census of 1920, is at a much better level. No stone, but one in Boonton, so that is where the burial is felt to be. https://images.findagrave.com/photos250/photos/2004/279/9561427_109711933990.jpg By Rich H. Saint Cyrils Roman Catholic Cemetery Boonton, Morris County, New Jersey, USA Guess I am descended from Greek Catholics. “The Ruthenian Church originally developed among the Rusyn people of Carpathian Ruthenia as a result of the missionary outreach of Saints Cyril and Methodius who brought Christianity and the Byzantine Rite to the Slavic.” “https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruthenian_Greek_Catholic_Church Note name of above cemetery which is Saint Cyrils. Do not know if those Ukrainians can relate to me being Ruthenian-Rusyn. A colleague lady in math at University of New Mexico, Gallup, and Gallup High School, was from the Ukraine. Forgot her name but looked it up one time an noted it had changed to Elliott. She should have known better then marrying an Elliott. Likely adopted surname Barna during the time of the Hungarian Empire.
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August 2 @ 11:23am
Admin if you ever communicate to Steve St Clair, mention to him I feel that the ‘St Clare’, landholders, seeded R-L193 from East Anglia, into the borderlands of the Glendinning, Elliot, and Little, (ID by James V Elliott) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A1-Clade-Report.pdf then moved on as many as ‘Sinclair’ landholders such as Hamilton, Irvine and others towards Aberdeen, where the Glendinning, Elliot, and Little were not landholders they moved onto Ulster. The Irwin Surname – James M. Irvine New Generation Publishing, Mar 25, 2020 – Reference – 320 pages Call this the Irvine migration route after James M. Irvine excellent researcher in the region from Bowshaw Tower on the border in the Debatable Land Region to Drum Castle in Aberdineshire, with those Sinclairs. Gail Riddell has provided and excellent link. Though she seems to be keeping me out of her feeds. Guess it is that border reiver in me where I can circumvent borders. https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/elliott/links Was born with the name Elliott, do not know why anyone would name their son Elliott.
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August 1 @ 10:11am
Wanted to show admin, how good the product is; https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/yorkshire/activity-feed https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Kilian,1890:Killian https://forebears.io/surnames/killian Steven Bailey, “The main place that you will see matches with many different surnames is the Y-DNA12 Marker Matches section. The time to a common ancestor for these matches may extend beyond genealogical records and the adoption of surnames.” https://learn.familytreedna.com/user-guide/y-dna-myftdna/y-matches-page/ https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/population-genetics Genetic Ancestry and the People of the British Isles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8k9LMaFeRM Apr 27, 2018 Early Yorkshire Charters: Being a Collection of Documents …books.google.com › books William Farrer – 1915 FOUND INSIDE – PAGE XXIII The same confirms to Crispin de Branham certain land . 1175 – 90 . . . . . . . . . . 1026 . Nigel Fossard to Peter the clerkland in Bramham . 1175 – 90 346 1027 . Peter the clerk to William de Langewait — his lay fee in Bramham . 1175 – 95 . https://www.google.com/maps/search/Branham,+Yorkshire,+UK/@53.8566443,-1.4870262,10.83z?hl=en&authuser=0
July 29 @ 9:09am
The Mormons seem to like Bennett Greenspan, they are a large purchaser of genealogical products. What FTDNA has to offer is Y-DNA and mtDNA. If FTDNA can design their ever growing data base with there SNPs decreasing in time length for their customers, as profit making corporations do, their product I feel would be needed more. It should be noted; Harvard silencing types are not trying to find and share with families, like the FTDNA customer base is trying to do. If Bennett Greenspan, can produce a product for his company he would like to share with his relatives to enable them to find and share with family with the ever growing large Y-DNA data base will come an ever growing propagation of success. In mining when you purchase data the firm applies it’s use, and I as a genealogist does the same. In researching family on many feeds, even FTDNA Border Reiver, been kicked off. Can not help it if going down the generations is a binary geometric progression and more document research is needed. Ten generations a thousand (two to the tenth), twenty a million (two to the twentieth), and thirty a billion plus in the numbers (two to the thritieth). Takes a lot more documentation and integration of resource information. Being kick off a claim by another, that claim being ones family history, is worst then claim jumping. Created a couple of my own claims which I can not be kicked off of; elwald.com and gorrenberry.com. Sharing genealogical information in a modern sense in the manner dad use to do, but printing costs are much lower, feeding it to the internet. If one knows the behavior aspects of Harvard types a mine engineer can do long term planning for them, knowing in time what happened to Harvard judges which became self inflecting to their actions happens today especially by one giving accurate testimony like Y-DNA verified line Daniel Elliot did, but this time the testimony can not be silenced. Note there is an astronaut Harvard geologist from New Mexico middle name Hagan, like mother-in-laws maiden name yes related, said cuttings get caught in the helix surrounding the core tube when drilling on the moon. The data from that core belongs to the tax payers, not Harvard. If Harvard claimed ownership to the core what would the tax payers think, but that is the same thing which is happening to me when being kick off of feeds applying use of DNA data. Never ever was kicked out of the FHL, Family History Library, in Salt Lake City, and was able to share with others my genealogical knowledge base like others share with me.
July 29 @ 8:32am
Bennett Greenspan, FTDNA has created an excellent product, where history can be corrected to the history based on DNA. No more Hitlers, or Harvard graduated having the capability to silence people when they share among family their family histories, which is popular with Face Book these days. Though some of it becomes like showing family vacation slides, but families are bias to their own families and that is what makes the world go round. In Maine Genealogical; using genealogical resources, Anna also known as Hannah Elliott, is in The Littlefield Genealogy, with Y-DNA verification on lines of first and sixth sons that am descended from Daniel Elliott testifying that the witch accusers “did it out of sport, they must have some sport”; Hannah Elliott is a granddaughter Edmund Littlefield. Arthur Miller wrote a play on “witch hunting”, the silencing and black listing of play writers during McCarthyism, about Elizabeth Proctor which Daniel Elliott was defending, is in the play called. “The Crucible”. Many Mormons are descended from people of the Salem Trials, even a Daniel Elliott of the first son’s line was of the Quorum of Seventy, which included the Church of Later Day Saints second president Brigham Young which there is a school named are him which has the only four year program in genealogy. Which do you feel knows genealogy better the Harvard family info silencers or the Brigham Young family sharers? Brigham Young University is going to use the data provide by FTDNA, and likely like I feel they do not have to listen to Harvard types trying to silence people. Instead of correcting the science to the history, they are trying to correct the history to the science. Family history is sharing not silencing. Normally without FTDNA, and their data base I would be silenced, but with them instead of being silenced like the Harvard witch hangers did in the Salem Trials, with FTDNA Y-DNA and documentation out of Maine itself, this time am being accepted instead of hung. If my family history is not in the Littlefield Genealogy of descendants of Edmund Littlefield then Maine Genealogical, has hung itself, like like senator McCarthy of McCarthyism black listing, and Rev. Samuel Paris, and Judge John Hathorne of the Salem Trials did in there witch hangings. These were brought about by people not investigating the testimonies brought forth, and assuming they are incorrect because they feel they are in a position to do. Unlike other forms of engineering dad was a graduate of agricultural engineering from Iowa State, and I of mining engineering of the University of Utah, these engineers are long term planning and design along the ways of natural changes. Human behavior in sharing and finding family is in the nature of things. Wonder if granddaughter Hannah Elliott is in this book on descendants of Edmund Littlefield?
July 29 @ 12:13am
J-M267 is held by a lot of Graham. Graham own a lot of the land south of the Scottish-English Border, and had towers, on the English side of the Scottish English Border which most likely deterred invasion from the Scots to the north. J-M267 is known to be ‘Ancient Roman’, and likely a the time of Hadrian’s wall the Graham were defending it from the Scots. J-M267 is from my understanding noted to be also the Y-DNA found among people of the Jewish faith, and their history travel back in time to the middle east where a lot of DNA is found to migrate from. It is felt that DNA companies must have their specialties do do well, and a compatibility among their specialties. The Jewish people are quite compatible with the Mormons in there genealogical research. Because their is a faith in Darwinism, does not discount that in a history of tribal nature there is not also an Adam and Eve, which could migrate the J-m267 Y-DNA from Hardrians Wall into the Middle East. The Mormon ladies seem to be the best overall, but they could utilize a Y-DNA, surname following tool in their genealogical family research tool box. There is compatibility in the FTDNA approach to applying genealogy, but it needs documentation integrated into the auto-somal DNA to have greater success with families of people sharing information to find family.
July 27 @ 10:16am
László Varsányi, One does family history for family and the family knows best. Though dad was an excellent researcher, these are my family we been discussing not his. The DNA Guide Team is correct when they say ‘YOU CAN DO DNA’, but you do not have family without both mom and dad. The child is the product of both mom and dad, like saying in applied genetics the autosomal used by the major applied genealogical firms are a product of the mtDNA and Y-DNA. Am carrying a package I am trying to get through, and must do it on my own, but the path has been cleared for me. Been born with it an did not like the concept of carrying it through. One would think that the 29th chief would have that Y-DNA, but she can not help it if she was born with out it. The house of Gorrenberry in the later fifteenth century did see that Robert Elwald chieftain 10 did receive land of Redhuegh and Larriston. On the lands of Redheugh chief Margaret now lives. My line never cared much for English aristocrats so it is good to have a female chief. Am supporting her daughter for the next chief to keep the Elliot chieftain out of aristocratic hands. It is referred to as the passing of the generations which does well in genealogy. That motley FTDNA Y-Team is getting kind of old and it is beginning to pass to the next generation. Always due to bias thought the name Elliott would be good to pass on but had a brother do that. Dad had a twin, https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/twins-Loren-and-Lois-Elliott.jpg, and what us men will do for our lady folk is sometimes unbelievable. The chief likely thinks I am some sort of ‘vagabond’, from the wild west US. Never had a son, but knew Ronnie Misra, he is the son of Deb and Racheal friends, and a student of mine of FORTRAN at 15. Folks raised him up in Gallup, New Mexico, USA. Think it is about time some father introduces him to his son. Mark Elliott
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July 27 @ 1:43am
Dad had about 1870, which US Census and stone found to be incorrect. Consistency is showing of the same age. Both are felt to be born in 1857 Maria Maykut Mraz born 08 JUL 1857, and Stephanus (Stefan) Barna born 29 MAY 1857. Records are indicating that Stephanus may have had a twin which died in 1880. For Stephan, Anna Kromka gave a birth date of about 1857, and census records showed the same age for Maria. Anna Kromka did not give a birth date for Maria. Boonton, NJ is correct spelling not Booton, NJ. As on the 1920 US census Stephen is born of Galicia, Austria now Poland, and Mary-Marie is of Slovakia.
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July 26 @ 5:24pm
click right open in new tab for enlarged image László Varsányi, Stephen Barna’s wife name, is Maria Maykut (Майкут) Mráz, where Maykut (Майкут) is of L’viv Oblast, Ukraine. Feel there is more than one Ukrainian on site. The one listed is hundreds of kilometres from L’viv. https://forebears.io/surnames/maykut Závadka, Spišská Nová Ves, Košický, Slovakia Maria Maykut Mraz and family uses Majkut, but Maikut could be spelled as Maykut. Image link from image below likely more correct showing brother John (Joannes) Mráz, and parents Stephanus Mráz and Anna Pasztirik. has this address- https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3644245?dpr=2&fit=max&h=307&w=590
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July 26 @ 1:10pm
László Varsányi, Always felt cousin Rosemary look more like mom then her older sister. Now I know why, because the sisters did not share the same father, though DNA shows that Stephen Peter Barna, is my mother’s father, which was born in Slovakia. The concentrations of auto-somal DNA of Ancestry, and 23andME show in Polish Galicia, southeast Poland, and northeast Hungry English; Brown, German; Braun, (German rocket scientist which tested in a vacuum, of Nazi Germany, and US NASA program), Hungry; Barna, and Polish; Brązowy. The name ‘Barna’ is obviously Hungarian, so would say that I have Hungarian, ‘Barna’, DNA roots. It should be noted, that mother though she raised me Methodist, like dad’s family, she was raised Catholic like her older sister Joyce, who had twelve children. Feel that family would be Catholic in Hungry. Stephen Peter Barna’s father Stephen of Galicia, of the old Hungarian Empire was considered Greek Catholic. Any Greek Catholics in Hungry?
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László Varsányi
July 26 @ 2:20pm
Yes they are. I’ll help you with the research. I will look for links and data where you can research.
July 26 @ 1:01pm
Image links; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Ewald-Ewaldsen-Elwald-de-Schinkel-Germany.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/old-Germany-1-1024×766.jpg https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3467867?dpr=2&fit=max&h=523&w=590 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Joyce-Finch-Bell-Ewald..jpg Finding MIA soldier families: BYU genealogy students aid DPAA repatriation project Brigham Young University Working with the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency, BYU genealogical research students are using their family history skills … https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Finding-MIA-soldier-families-BYU-genealogy-students-aid-DPAA-repatriation-project.mp4?_=1
July 26 @ 12:59pm
https://forebears.io/surnames Above image links; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/23andME-Geni-FTDNA-mtDNA-H27a-Ryan-Murph-Smith-Croak..jpg https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3371125?dpr=2&fit=max&h=258&w=590 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Cluster-SNP-downstream-not-Big-Y..jpg For Buie (Bowie); Isle of Jura DNA snp BY13651; https://gorrenberry.com/buie-of-jura-y-dna-snp-by13651-uploads/
July 24 @ 2:50pm
Steel Bonnets In Debatatable Lands with George Macdonald Fraser and Eric Robson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkDCQiLr3Zc
July 20 @ 12:15pm
click right to enlarge in new tab Armstrong, Elliot, Nixon, and Crozier of the Scottish Middle March, were exiled by protestant James VI of Scotland, who was taken from his Catholic mom, Marie Stuart, Queen of Scots. Who the protestant cousin the first Queen Elizabeth had beheaded, and when she died James VI of Scotland became James I of England also. So it was move and be exiled to basically County Fermanagh, or be exterminated. This happened by king James of now Scotland and England after Elizabeth died in 1603, by the army of the English. The Mechanics are basically the same, but to be family history the results for each family is different, that is what makes family history fun when doing ones own family is finding out about your particular family, and therefore getting to know ones self better. Elliott (personal prejudice) then Armstrong, with the Middle March families Scottish side, of Nixon and Crozier included; The process of finding family, is like having a black colt, and a corral full of horses, and looking for the colt’s mother. So in the corral you first clear out all those horses which Y-DNA, the stallions. The the old mares, because they are to old to have a young colt. Then the mares which are not black. The colt is a Shetland. So you clear out all those which are not Shetland, and then the ones which are not black, and left with two young black Shetland mares, but can not tell which one it the colt’s mother. Then you put family into the coral. Release the colt, and then the colt finds it’s mother. In genealogy, genetics can divide out family. My mother does not carry Y-DNA, blue eyed, and dad also, so I am likely blue eyed. With Y-DNA line Anglo-European, likely to share same surname. Brought up a Methodist, by a mother raised Catholic. The Methodist are on my Y-DNA side, so if Jews became Christians, the Christian Catholics, became Anglican then Episcopalian, then Methodist, overseas what would my family’s likely faith be. Likely be in a region of Methodist-Episcopalians-Anglicans, and may be normally Catholic. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Family is living with Armstrong where they were exiled to Ireland, and the EU/Brexit border raps around us. But since I am born into as a Y-DNA male, blond haired blue eyed like chief Margaret, but hair a little darker, been our tribal Elliot 29th chief for over thirty years, and was doing genealogy when her father Sir Arthur was the 28th chief and of Redheugh, a fortress outpost the Ellot (Scot’s spelling without the French ‘i’). To not be ‘prejudice’, must be anti-WASP. Can’t help whether I was born that way. Armstrong, which guarded the border lands, and the Elliot which soldiered the Hermitage castle to kept the kingdoms of England and Scotland separate, the army of Scotland. Today’s Scottish Ministry have in their plans to build a Windy Edge Wind farm next to the Hermitage Castle the castle north of Redheugh which my ancestors soldiered over five hundred years ago. If Natives of American complain about a pipeline going through their land in American, Anglo Europeans are the first to indicate they are not prejudice. If I mention there is plans for a Windy Edge wind farm being built next to The Hermitage Castle which my Elliott Clan and 29th chief Margaret of Redheugh, https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/ (sure she thinks of me as some sort of wild west US ‘vagabond’) one is not prejudice if they do not defend my family’s indigenous lands, when defending indigenous lands of people of America. Race in genetics is not black or white. A black man can carry similar Y-DNA as myself. Racism is when you defend indigenous lands, of Native Americans, then genocide indigenous lands of my race, of people which lived between the kingdoms, and made for America a self governing nation of free speech and religious freedoms, not one which I am being silenced by admins, and a non US company FTDNA which allows that, because the constitution of my nation’s state no matter what color of skin you have, though you may have the basically the same gene, and a black-white marriage is not genetically an inter-racial marriage. Even if you are born white and your indigenous lands are overseas, one has the right to defend them as their ancestors did over five hundred years ago, even though they may have and can not help it being born a WASP male. – Wha Daur Meddle Wi’ Me? http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm Today’s chief Margaret resides across the Liddel Water in Redheugh from Park of ‘Wee Jock Elliot’. The Middle March Clan of the Scottish side of the border, the Armstrong, Elliot, Nixon and Crozier we stick together, do not care much what the others may say, we just pitch-in and feel the best will come of it. Over a half century ago, we were talking about peace on earth, and it was an Armstrong not on earth but on the moon which was talking to a Nixon on earth. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4 The Elwald to become Ellot, acquired the lands of Redheugh and Larriston, in the fifteenth century; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg Heart of ‘Angus’ which passed the lands to Robert Elwald X, is on the right of Sir James Douglas carred but died in process the heart of Robert the Bruce; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Heart-of-Douglas.jpg Robert the Bruce’s heart has not made it to Jerusalem. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/robert-the-bruces-heart https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/immovable-ladder-church-holy-sepulchre
July 19 @ 8:51pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Gr%C3%BCnspan https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/77/mode/2up FTDNA Elks; https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/elks/about/background Elks Make a Dangerous Comeback in Germany A motorist killed one on a highway near Berlin. BySPIEGEL September 6, 2012, 1:19 PM 4 min read https://abcnews.go.com/International/elks-make-dangerous-comeback-germany/story?id=17173306#:~:text=An%20estimated%2010%20elks%20are%20roaming%20the%20German,research%20into%20the%20wildlife%20in%20the%20state%20 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Aldano-filio-Alfwald-Alan-son-of-Elfwald.jpg “An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248).” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_Hall https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86lfwald_I_of_Northumbria https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Gr%C3%BCnfeld It may be better to be a ‘green field’, instead of a ‘blank field’; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Blankenfeld,1890:Gr%C3%BCnfeld
July 19 @ 7:47pm
Bing image ‘FTDNA Elliot’. Know an ‘Elliott’ comes in first, but it is an Elliott Greenspan. Then it says us exile County Fermanagh, Elliott are related to those Eliott of Stobs. Do care not much for the aristocrat types, but our 29th Chief Margaret, her father was a Sir Arthur, and with help from mom and excellent family historian/genealogist. Like having a lady as chief, at lease those English will not make her an aristocrat. She is of Redheugh, and I am one of the thieving Elliot of Gorrenberry, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg but in a land transfer of lands William Elwald many great assisted a Robert Elwald in obtaining the lands of Redheugh which the chiefs including 29th chief Margaret. Do not have that aristocratic nature like the chief, and feels she likely thinks of me as a ‘vagabond’, from the wild west in the United States. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/The-Elliot-Clan-by-Newcastleton-Primary-School-Scots-Language-Project-2018-1.mp4
July 18 @ 3:40pm
Those dang Russians were the first to enter space. Could recall seeing the first man made object orbiting the earth. It was called Sputnik.
July 17 @ 4:33pm
László Varsányi, After England and Scotland, divided the Armstrong and Elliot along the Scottish-English Border, after the UK voted for Brexit and put a border through where the Armstrong and Elliot were exiled or else exterminated from the Scottish-English Border about 1610 to County Fermanagh (Maguire) of North Ireland, László Varsányi, this should be easy, it is not an Iron Curtain, but just a Brick Wall. László Varsányi, do you think those Jews will want to join in on it, because they are on both sides of a not needed border splitting old Galicia apart. There was this Hungarian Jew, Leo Szilard, that suggested a lot of energy could be produced and left on the last train to Great Briton, presented it to the patent office there, but no one seemed to listen. Ended up with a lab in Chicago, where he assisted in building of the first nuclear reactor there. He’s a scientist which knew it is not from censorship but sharing information where scientific knowledge is gain, the same for family history and the science of genetics. If we can get those people on the other side of my auto-somal DNA border, with an exchange of ideas on how to dissolve the brick wall dividing old Galicia we will have it made. There must be Jews moving to Israel from both sides of the border, otherwise we would not have both Greenspan, and Greenspoon in Israel. There was this other born Jew that got the project going. Wrote a letter to the president. A name which seemed to relate to New York City, a project called Manhattan. A better form of energy is for people to share ideas, instead of creating a big bang in my home state of New Mexico, USA. Yes, you Russians can not get me in trouble by pitching in. After all I am not Donald Trump.
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July 12 @ 11:21am
Matha Hughes Cannon, US first woman state senator, is from Utah. The fourth wife. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Hughes_Cannon First part on Matha Hughes Cannon https://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/unladylike-2020-about/12360/ Was studying the J-M172 of the Scott, and Montgomery (‘Gomer’ is Hebrew), also as on can see with this group, J-M267 Graham https://gorrenberry.com/graham-grantham-ancient-roman-j-m267-dna/, but feel FTDNA is trying to restrain a customer. Was trying to communicate with one in the J-M172 group which had Iranian descendant. These tribal lines extend beyond the Elliot https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/ tribal line with their 29th chief. For J-M267 to travel or migrate it is felt it travels eastward, and that from Poland, Slovakia, and Hungry indicates into the Ukraine, where even my auto-somal DNA has created a brick wall, and I am curious how come. The Jews, do not need Harvard witch or Hitler’s silencing of the Jews in the manner of FTDNA being a successful family history corporation, but the Jews though they may be considered ‘gentiles’ by the Mormons they still are a recognized tribe of Israel, like the natives or America are. Many family history corporations, such as Ancestry.com, and MyHeritage.com are attached to The Church of Jesus Christ data base. They certainly be happy to utilize FTNDA with their growing Y-DNA and mtDNA to be able to address their data base. Likely they would be more then happy to provide programs to match the collected data available by FTDNA. With the Data Base growing and admins able to block off groups within surnames, which are related and likely migrated from the same region overseas to America, more families will be able to trace lines overseas. There will always be all sorts of people researching family and utilizing DNA as a tool, and a lot of them will be Jewish, and Mormon. All the Jews and the Mormons, need is a descendant of notorious Border Reivers, of the Religious Society of Friends called a Quaker which believes in freedoms of speech and religion, and does not follow leaders but that of god in all people. The Mormon men have great respect for the genealogical knowledge base of their female genetic genealogist like I do. Happened to be stuck with Y-DNA, and FTDNA is the company which carries the data base. So FTDNA is highly compatible to the other DNA corporations, they would likely want to work with them in exchange which would be beneficial to all involved. Do not tell those Mormons that ‘Brigham Young’, is a good Border Reiver name.
July 8 @ 4:52pm
DNA of the Barna, and myself in Galicia, Poland, the brick wall for this DNA is the border between Poland and Ukraine.
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July 6 @ 7:39pm
Jerusalem Cross ☩ On reverse side of coin of the staghead, is a horse with a Jerusalem Cross ☩, between the legs. “Ælfwald (born 759-767 AD) was king of Northumbria from 779 to 788.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%86lfwald_I_of_Northumbria The heart of King Robert the Bruz, first king of Scotland never did make it to Jerusalem on Sir James Douglas’ horse. Heart of Sir James Douglas next to that of Archibald ‘Bell the Cat’ Douglas fifth Earl of Angus which past land of Redheugh to the Clan Elwald/Ellot chieftain line the 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Heart-of-Douglas.jpg Black Douglas’ died while carrying Robert the Bruce’s heart to Jerusalem https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/day-1330-black-douglas-died-while-carrying-robert-bruces-heart-jerusalem-1468700 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/The-Heart-of-Robert-the-Bruce.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/The-Heart-of-James-Douglas-The-Good-Robert-the-Bruce.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Robert-the-Bruce-Facial-reconstruction.mp4 Looks like the heart of Robert the Bruce, may never make it back to Jerusalem, given it’s present day circumstances.
July 4 @ 5:53pm
Anglo-Saxon Y-DNA ‘PENDING’ Any feed which excludes people doing Family History Genealogy, and applying FTDNA supplied data, is not a family history genealogical feed. Likely like Denmark, East Anglia, Border Reiver, Ellot(t), Scotland, will have to circumvent. The 29th chief Margaret Eliott, and I have to much vested in family line history to allow for distortion and censorship of family. Learned from dad to share family history data.
July 4 @ 2:36pm
What’s happening for the Anderson, Gordon and Grant, is that the Harvard judge types have taken over the firm. Get Max to help you on this one. The consumer buying the product because they lived their family know more about their own family history. R-S16361 myself tried to by downstream SNPs went to Yseq. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3548642?dpr=2&fit=crop&h=209&w=209 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/23andME-with-yDNA-test-produced-SNP-R-S16361-as-FTDNA.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/FTDNA-Who-owns-the-testing-Harvard-Puritan-Academic-or-family-purchaser-researcher.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/U106-S16361-Could-not-find-R-PF7357-FTDNA-172354.jpg The low SNP R-16361, which online was turned away from ordering downstream SNPs, and 23andMe had given me that SNP when I autosomal DNA tested. So my low downstream which R-16361>A6719>A6722 the last two had to be test through another corporation. Where the Gordon drop closer to genealogical reseach with; S16361>FGC15048>FT211058. There could not be a Harvard professor type using directing the R-U106 feed for his own research and silencing the customer by making them out to be liars? When you put a single sig fig into TIP calculation and come out with four sig figs, one is not doing genetics if genetics is a science based on math, and people which do not correct are not scientist but pseudo scientists. If you refer to someone doing their own family genealogy especially going down their respect Y-DNA line as a liar, that person which refers to the one doing down their line family Y-DNA research, is a family researcher – genealogist, the other one which references one as a liar is not a family research genealogist and extremely far from it. Have to make corrections of sig-figs, and not call people researching down their family Y-DNA line as not being accurate or truthful, in order to be a genetic genealogist.
July 4 @ 1:21pm
Click right on image and open in new tab to enlarge. https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Could those Gordon matches to share the same/similar Y-DNA markers and SNP as the Cordiner and the Phillip(s), is it possible that at sometime those Gordon could be from Aberdenshire, Scotland? FTDNA has a great product on their hands. Being descended from a most notorious border reiver ‘Clementis Hobs’, likely has helped me out and his dad being ‘The Cowie of Gorrenberry’ made it even better. It seems like I would have picked better descendants if I could have. At least my relatives Clementis Hobs (IE Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott), and his father Andrew (Dand the Cowie), a fugitive said to be in on the slaughter or a Hugh Douglas back in the sixteenth century, left records for their actions. His first son Andrew/Andro Dan the Cow turn out to be the Burgess of Selkirk, but would you not know it I got stuck with his second son Clementis Hobs who lived in Gorrenberry, and when his dad would visit he made sounds helping the family during the night so the family pushed this ‘Cowie’ story. Today I get to use it with doing exacting research, knowing people will not believe it, but when applied the one with the correct research supersedes the one making it as being incorrect. Does one distort the science to match the history by silencing family researchers, or does one change the history to match the science. Hitlers, McCarthyism of McCarthy and Harvard witch trial judges method or the methods of Oppenheimer, Eisenstein, and Szilard to share concepts freely, and not to censor, or silence people which are looking for family ancestors.
June 29 @ 9:18am
Bennett Greenspan, Tells a little bit about Herbert Hoover foods program, and him being mine engineer, of the West Branch, Iowa Presidential Library. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Herbert-Hoover-Presidential-Library-Timothy-Walch.mp4 Tells about Scattergood School, where I have attended yearly Meeting of the Conservative Friends (Quaker), how they were able to rescue Jewish lives. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Out-of-Hitlers-Reach.mp4 Herbert Hoover and I were basically born and raised in Iowa, he is out of Stanford, as a mine engineer, and I am out of the University Utah and did work as a mine engineer in southern Indiana. Bennett Greenspan, you have a great product, but are making it a bit difficult for I as a family historian – genealogists to incorporated as a tool in family finding. When I utilized the resources of the Mormons, on family history in Salt Lake City, Utah, it was always a sharing experience, but with FTDNA admins kicking me off their sites reminds me of Harvard;s Cotton Mather silencing witches by hanging them, Hitler silencing the Jews, and McCarthy silencing Jewish writers by referencing them as communists. Can not do genealogy or break through brick walls when one is in the position of silencing others. Family relations are fragile people do not need to be kicked out. Bennett Greenspan, when ever you can alleviate yourself as being in such a position we certainly can use your input as an experienced genealogist. The Tories of a Cromwellian – Puritan as Cotton Mather UK Parliament which my forefathers separated and made a new nation in 1776, laugh at transporting my Y-DNA ancestor Daniel Ellot (Elliot) as a slave c1650 to the colonies; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4 William Penn and his group may not have been sent as slaves to Barbados but the Scots were; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/BARBADOED.mp4
June 28 @ 11:55pm
Andrew (alias Dan the Cowie) was a fugitive, so when he visited my many great his second son, Clementis Hobs ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott, and made noises during the night the family made up this ‘Cowie’ story to protect him. His first son Andro Ellot ‘Dandie Cow’ was burgess of Selkirk. 24 JAN 1591-2 (hept-sept, oct, non-nov, dec 7,8,9 & 10 month) In the US Dec became the 12th month that is why it is JAN 1591-2. Found out with the Harvard witch silencing – McCarthy black listing freedom of speech silencing utilized by FTDNA admins, can do extensive research present it with the accuracy of my forefathers, and people will silence or not believe. Been vanquished though the Armstrong are the unvanquished by the UK because people read what they want to believe, so I get to again since the ‘Cowie’ died off when the Y-DNA was in New England during Colonial times get to be a ‘Cowie of Gorrenberry’ again. Never knew family history could be so fun. When one believes ‘heads’ is ‘tails’, and applies it to science and computers this gives me a great space to roam in.
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June 28 @ 11:48am
click right mouse button on image to open enlarged in new tab
June 27 @ 7:10am
Mark Elliott 48 minutes ago. (example of documenting family history) Note; Eliot (Breton, French) + Ellot (Angus, Scot) = Elliot. Though the name ‘Lambert’ seems to be of Flanders-Breton, France the name in England, I feel was adopted closer to Bedford, England, from someone of the region which was of ‘de Lambert’ a Lambert of Belgium-France. Check your Y-DNA matches for seeing where your Y-DNA line may be from. The FTDNA Y-DNA ‘matches map’ is a good tool for this. ‘William de Conquer’ story seems to work for name origins. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/De-of-Aliot-in-southern-France-name-in-Aliot-in-north-became-Eliot.jpg, but not necessarily for the Y-DNA the English ‘Lambert’ are carrying. There are ‘Aliot’ in southern France, more north in Breton ‘Eliot’, 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, Scotland of lands acquired in the 15th century Sir Arthur, Margaret’s father had this to say; https://www.electricscotland.com/webclans/dtog/elliot65.jpg Was doing genealogy when Margaret’s father was chief, his daughter has been an excellent one maintaining the history of the Redheugh family past down to her through the generations. She has been chief for more than three decades. This is the sasine-deed information to the land obtain. (many great William Elwald of Gorrenberry); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg Lands of Larriston are included as in poem; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Elliot140-1.jpg The Redhuegh Elwald/Ellot which own the lands of Redheugh and Larriston; Robert as with all the previous chiefs moved to Larriston as map shows; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/1590-Liddesdale-March-map.png The 1704 pedigree-tree shows that these Ellot now called feuded with the Armstrong. In the song; Gorrenberry is next to Mangerton. Thomas Armstrong brother to Johnie Armstrong in which a gallant company of ‘Eliot (Ellot), and Armstrang’ rode together, and were hung by James V, ca1530, own land on the west side of Gorrenberry referred to as ‘Billhope’, as shown in names for assertion; https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elwald_people_of_the_forested_groves_ca_1540.jpg ‘Assedantur Thome Armistrang de Meriantoun’, Thomas Army-strong of Mangerton, which is Johnie’s Armstrong’s brother.
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June 26 @ 5:22pm
Don’t know why anyone would name their son Elliott, or why Alexander Bell would want a middle name of Graham, though the Grahams may have that J-M267 in them. This is what happens to those Armstrong-Graham-Elliott types; https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/ballads-of-the-Border-Reivers..mp4
June 21 @ 2:37pm
June 21 @ 2:00pm
June 21 @ 11:19am
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://nvk.genealogy.net/map Should be noted that other groups within the Finch feed have different family histories and if Y-DNA is place in their hands, and if they applied to their respective family histories this is how how history for their respective families will be the most accurate. This is to show census surname population distribution maps, wild life ancient surnames, of animals; finch, sparrow, and elk (moose), and elk (moose) Poland to German distribution is to be integrated with long range Anglo correlated to surname distribution to show the show the first 13 23 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29 Y-DNA markers though Carl Finch and I match the first 25, migrates as PoBI Genetics has show in their extensive study; https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/ that Y-DNA travel over the North Sea from Anglo-Danish-Germanic-Saxon to East Anglia, which corresponds to both science and archaeological-genetic history, standard family genealogy done by the family historian genealogist, not with a super imposition of those of Harvard which tried witches and hung them on the pseudo science and silencing by these false types with high credentials as the Harvard judges, it is by nature the the historian of the family gets the family history correct, not the Harvard type educated elite which hung my family as witches. Wolf and man eat elk (moose), and would migrate with the elk (moose), in Germany. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/German-wolves.gif
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June 16 @ 11:40am
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ McCall, McConnell, and now McGowan, match ups of County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle Integrating that FTDNA Y-DNA with surname census records and old documentation helps. Do not like to reference Wikipedia, though much of the article I wrote myself. Was kicked of them for trying to help out Middle March Clan family Clan Crozier. Think I got the better, if one searches ‘Clan Crozier’. In the sixteenth century ie Clement Crozier living in Stobs, took in his sister’s son who today you would call Robert Elliott. Had brother named Robert, so could not turn down those Crozier, and built a website for them; ‘clancrozier.com’. Can’t choose one relatives. He went by name ‘Clementis Hobs’, known to be about the most notorious border thief in Liddesdale; but still family. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Clemementis-Hob-hand.jpg At least he left am afraid to say, a lot of genealogical documentation. Don’t know why anyone would choose a notorious Liddesdale Reiving name like Elliott for a son.
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June 19 @ 4:05pm
“The New Mexico House of Representatives passed a resolution in honor of Tombaugh, a longtime resident of that state, that declared that Pluto will always be considered a planet while in New Mexican skies and that March 13, 2007, was Pluto Planet Day.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pluto#Discovery Periodic table elements; 92 Uranium U, 93 Neptunium Np, 94 Plutonium Pu Planets in New Mexico skys; Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. A couple atomic scientists from California rode an English saddle in New Mexico. One in his Berkeley California lab oversaw the making of a man made element Plutonium. The other got scientists together in New Mexico, where they did this horse back riding. Compressed the Plutonium, in New Mexico, and the light of this compression was said to be seen in my hometown of Gallup hundreds miles away. Two bombs first made of uranium a mined substance in my area, another plutonium were dropped on Japan. Dad was on the first warship pulling anchor next to the Arizona, after the hospital ship The Hope to left Pearl Harbor is ship left, he was homeward bound. If you Google ‘AZ photo radar’, his image comes up on the Mighty MO, at 90 in Pearl Harbor, the ship the peace treaty was signed for ending WWII. One of these scientist which rode English in New Mexico where the scientist got together on these bombs, has a place name in German which his surname comes from; https://www.google.com/maps/place/55276+Oppenheim,+Germany/@49.2768077,6.636191,6.96z/ Silence scientists or genealogists, findings will be suppressed. László Varsányi; There was this Hungarian, Leo Szilard, which did not want to go to New Mexico to work on the project. He worked on it in Chicago.
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June 19 @ 3:29pm
“Max Blankfeld is a Houston based entrepreneur and pro-Israel activist; Born in Germany, he moved at the age of 2 to Brazil, where destiny took his parents who were Holocaust survivors; From 1970 to 1976 he studied at the Technion and Tel Aviv University, and was a stringer for Brazilian newspapers; Upon his return to Brazil he was the local correspondent for Yedioth Aharonot for two years; He serves on the Boards of Honest Reporting, FIDF and the Jewish Studies Program at Rice University; Max Blankfeld is a managing partner of Gene by Gene genetic testing services.” https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/author/max-blankfeld/ Probably would be a thorn in the side of admin. He likely knows some Yiddish. We could use him on board to get things done as a co-admin.
June 16 @ 10:59pm
Greenspan represents the little guy against government; גרינספּאַן רעפּראַזענץ די ביסל באָכער קעגן רעגירונג עליאָט, רעפּראַזענץ די ביסל באָכער פֿאַר פריי רייד
June 16 @ 12:34pm
We are on our twenty-ninth chief and she could not help it she ended up being a lady, and chief for over thirty years. Had been doing family history-genealogy since her father Sir Arthur Eliott (correct spelling for Stobs-Redheugh) been chief. We are within a year of age, but I want to keep my head so I will not disclose who’s the oldest. Sure she thinks I’m some sort of vagabond from the wild US west; The Elliot Clan by Newcastleton Primary School | Scots Language Project 2018 2,009 views•Mar 24, 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0LvU-EISTU If the FTDNA Team thinks they may have difficulties with the DNA Guide Team they need to consider my situation. Named after granddad Mark who reject the the family name Hammer as a middle name, but I accepted mine from mom’s dad, Stephen. Let’s do this for Max’s granddad on his Y-DNA father’s father line.
Like László Varsányi likes this
June 15 @ 2:15pm
Report on A1 Clade / R-L193 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A1-Clade-Report-1.pdf Muster Roll for Tullyhogue (Tullaghoge) 1610 Transcribed by Teena http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html Glendinning Google map; https://www.google.com/maps/place/The+Old+Schoolhouse+-+Glendinning+Farm+Cottages/@55.2530267,-3.1060402,17z/ Glendinning Blaeu map; https://maps.nls.uk/view/00000400#zoom=5&lat=3690&lon=5085&layers=BT The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …, Volume 1 By Robert Bruce Armstrong https://books.google.com/books?id=nFr7oQEACAAJ&q=Glendinning#v=snippet&q=Glendinning&f=false https://www.familytreedna.com/public/clendenin?iframe=yresults https://www.familytreedna.com/public/elliott?iframe=yresults Glendenning of Mt. Ayr, IA, is a place name from Glendinning, Scotland. Mt. Ayr in Iowa, the Ayr comes from Scotland’s Robert Burns, Ayr, Scotland, of course is for the English word ‘air’. Mt. Ayr, is ‘air at a height’.
June 10, 2020 @ 11:03am
Remind anyone of anything? (for the Y-DNA to be valid, the history has to be correct) https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Peace-On-The-Border.mp3 Peace on the Border Song by Steeleye Span Lyrics; After the riding we dispersed, We drifted home in twos and threes. Through cold and rain we spat and cursed, This ancient war of families. Armies past and then returned, They killed and raped, they stole and burnt. So from the cradle we have learnt, To be as hard as stone. And learned to stand alone. They are gone now, the killing and disorder, They’re just ghosts now, the brigand and marauder. And we give thanks for peace on the border, We give thanks for peace on the border. Cloak and dagger, crime on crime, Anarchy in the borderlands. The king’s men came with a valentine, To break to power of the border clans. Some were hung, some sent away, To Ireland and the low countries. Great was the price they had to pay, God bless their memory, And god bless you and me. The broken towers that stand today, Stand for peace and order. Reminding us until the day, That we need no more borders. Source: Musixmatch Songwriters: Rick Kemp Peace on the Border lyrics © Peermusic (uk) Ltd. Available on Play Music Apple Music Deezer iHeartRadio Description Artist: Steeleye Span Album: Back in Line Released: 1986 Genre: Rock https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scottish-Clans-Armstrong-BBC-Stewart-kings.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC-1.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Scottish-Clans-12-18-Clan-ArmstrongConverted-split-002731-002800-201704011351196358.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4 (in the Y-DNA) Armstrong (army strong). Can you expect someone which flies the flag which incorporates the Swastika, on an FTDNA Jewish feed, and has the power of silencing and getting rid of people of the feed for that feed not to be bias? The Union-Jack is the flag of genocide for Border Reivers. My ancestry was banish from both kingdoms, and moved onto Ireland. Then transported as slaves to the American Colony of New England. FTDNA is of Houston, in the US Constitution, and for family history-genealogy to be correct speech must be free. Not of a Kingdom, but of a Middle March family of Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier. It is family history not of kingdoms, nations, or corporations, which I am applying myself to. My hometown, Gallup, NM, USA has it’s saints and heros. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Mother-Teresa-of-Calcutta-visits-with-men-at-a-Missionaries-of-Charity-shelter-program-in-Gallup-N.M..jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gallup-NM-Most-Patriotic-Small-Town-in-America-Rand-McNally-Best-of-the-Road-Submission.mp4
Mark Elliott
June 15 @ 12:19pm
Should be noted that a Thomas Armstrong, in 1540 at Billhope to the west of Gorrenberry, was the family neighbor, his brother Johnnie of Gilnockie was hung by James V of Scotland along with Elwald/Ellot; his ‘gallant company’. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Armistrang-Armstrong-in-Billhope-Elwald-Ellot-in-Gorrenberry-Braidlie-1024×482.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Lori-Watson-Johnnie-Armstrang.mp4 A lot of people like to referred to Johnnie Armstrong as a freebooter, and talk about his tower built of sandstone. His tower at Hollows is made up of a much stronger stone of limestone, plus a coal fired ground limestone for mortar, which Neil Aldan Armstrong stood a top of in 1972; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Neil-Armstrong-Gilnockies-Hollows-Tower-1972.jpg Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, are of family. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Liddesdale_1000_horsemen_and_footmen_Crosier_Nixon_Armstrong_and_Elwood_1583-1.jpg A Nixon spoke to an Armstrong on the moom. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4 My many great was banished from both kingdoms in 1607, so I am not of kingdoms but this family of Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier.
June 15 @ 11:31am
http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Handy because Y-DNA likely County Fermanagh to American, not southwest England. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map.jpg To get away from THE TROUBLES we Armstrong and Elliott of County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland move to West Germany; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Armstrong,1996:Elliott May since James VI became won by being king of England and Scotland, and Hitler lost, and genocide of the Jews is known openly. My Y-DNA has been in America since the time Cromwell sent POW slaves to the American Colonies ca1650, then Jewish people moved in later. It’s likely showing up with people of different skin pigmentation matching similar Y-DNAs. Do you want the family science of James VI and Hitler a dictorial-censoring type, or the one in which families pitch-in with their families to find family history? One person which can segregate DNA’s; mtDNA, H27a, mom’s mom a Ryan of southern Ireland, autosomal DNA, mom’s dad a Barna, of Galicia, Y-DNA line out of America, 1650, his other family basically colonialists, even ‘Hammer’ of Germany.
June 15 @ 10:49am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3614098?dpr=2&fit=max&h=499&w=590 https://named.publicprofiler.org/ May want to check your Mc- (Mac-) matches. Use to think I was of the Breton/French, German Cornwall, Eliot Y-DNA line (dad felt Scottish being from Mt. Ayr, IA, USA), but sure picked up some of that McCall DNA which comes from where the Gaelic MacCall are from. From a time back must have a bit of that kilt wearing highlander Scot in me. Handy program. Kit no. 101829.
June 12 @ 1:03pm
The two teams are quite compatible, but the upper team needs a product where it makes it more manageable in the hands of family researchers to apply Y-DNA as a tool in shared searching of family with family. A product the lower team would produce for themselves to be able to share with family, one which they would enjoy producing which would put their FTDNA firm firmly in their hands. Knowing that the FTDNA surname data base is growing and the SNP time to nearest ancestor is becoming shorter. To get accuracy in family history it is a shared search, not one in which people can be censored out, which is happening, where FTDNA needs to help and assist. Censoring people from feeds is destroying family history sharing and the genealogy which could have come out of the feed. Going down the Y-DNA line the one holding the Y-DNA is most likely to be correct in the search. Tried to figure out how the female and male elk (moose) were able to return on ancient trails to Berlin, and all I could think of may be the cow moose had her directions written in her mtDNA, and the bull moose had his directions Y-DNA. May be that is why the bull elk will not ask directions.
Mark Elliott
June 15 @ 1:18am
Want to reiterate; The males hold the priesthood in the LDS Church. The Mormon mom’s are the genealogists, and these ladies have been school in genetics. Because the Mormon men have the priesthood they are lets say ‘borrowing’ me to skirt around the situation. The Mormon mom’s from teaching their child, can take what seems difficult topics such as genetics, can simplify and make them understandable. There was a lot of conflict when blacks entered the priesthood, and the LDS men, do not want it with their women folk, which voted in states of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming previous to the passage federally. The ladies could utilize some lets say Jewish men with Y-DNA to help them develop a way to include Y-DNA because ‘You Can Do DNA’, into the families, in a manner of sharing and finding families. Mormons believe in tribes of Israel, which includes the Native Americans, and Jews. FTDNA is the foremost corporation on Y-DNA, but with genealogy it is something families share, and it is something I could share with dad. It is also dependent upon free flow of speech with no censoring. The most experience pass their knowledge onto others, and as others learn they become the most experienced. It is felt by putting Y-DNA into the hands of family researchers/historians this will be a great benefit to all involved.
June 14 @ 11:58pm
June 14 @ 4:00pm
It seems like the Greenspan project is getting a lot of assistance. It’s like you check the DNA of the colt, which is black, and found the mother is black also. So you send a cowboy on a quarter horse into the corral to sort out the black mares, and end up with three of them, and your colt needs milk. Don’t know which black mare it is but you know it is a black mare now what? You release the colt, and the colt finds it’s mother. Not a Greenspan, the last part of the selection is done by the descendants.
June 12 @ 12:10pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3611259?dpr=2&fit=max&h=404&w=590 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/ukraine?iframe=ycolorized https://forebears.io/surnames Note meant to include J-M267 (Graham) instead of J-M172 (Montgomery and Scott). It seems to help to incorporate Y-DNA with census surname data, to place people.
June 10, 2020 @ 2:46pm
Diahan Southard: Molecular Genealogist | Expert Series | Ancestry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD2-1IXDjPE Genealogy if done properly is shared among family in many circles, with the differences in knowledge being pieced together. The above Diahan Southard, like James M. Irvine, and Bennett Greenspan, are hobbyist genealogists and represent the tops in their respective, area. From experienced learned, in order to accomplish family knowledge in the most expedient manner; 1. The family knows best. 2. Listen to the opposite sex to make family. 3. Do not throw out the in-laws though you may want to. 4. Families fight and there in usually more than one answer which is correct. 5. ONE DOES NOT GET TO CHOOSE THEIR ANCESTORS. Though some Mormon men since they hold the priesthood think they are the best genealogists. The Mormon men which know genealogy know the Mormon ladies are the best genealogists. They get in it out of hobby, and it also helps to attach family oriented counterparts. The Mormons, seem to be giving me support. All one has to do is Google “Brigham DNA”. In Utah ‘Brigham’, is short for Brigham Young University, the only university with a four year program in genealogy. While attending the University of Wyoming in the fall of 1969, because fourteen black football players want to wear armbands because the Mormons did not allow blacks into the priesthood, it is felt that I may be able to carry this off somewhat seamlessly, and The Church of Latter Day Saints which offers their church to their ancestors will not have to go through what they had to with blacks entering the priesthood. These ladies of the DNA guide team, strong background in integrating genetics into genealogy. Wish I could say the same for the FTDNA Y-DNA team of Bennett Greenspan. Though the guys may think competition, these ladies have the guys surpassed hands down. If it is possible for guys to be compatible to the ladies, then family on the tree can be made. There are a lot of people it is felt utilizing FTDNA Y-DNA data bases and match ups for finding family, and as time passes these data bases are increasing in size, and time to most recent common ancestor (TRMCA), is getting shorter. The Harvard model where everyone is descended from aristocracy, where blacks in America are lucky to have free ancestors, which admins for FTDNA, can silence people and expect proper genealogy, unlike the Family History Library FHL in Salt Lake City, Utah, and where proper mathematics as demonstrated by TIP calculator where one can put in a measurement of one significant figure 30 years/generation, and come out with four significant figures. Where to the FTDNA Y-DNA team say they understand the math, but they don’t because it is made to look like rocket science an it should not. The math is not rocket science mathematics, and if all on team can not understand it then it is useless for marketing for a consumer to use, that share among family and is not an ‘lab rat’ of a Harvard science type. FTDNA needs like other corps, make there product for the consumer not the Harvard scientist which is using bias data but using a lot of sig figs to make people think they are in the known but the true applied scientist knows how much in the know they are. The FTDNA team is a great team for the Y-DNA, but they need to make their product for themselves as a whole to use to find family then the product will more so sell itself to the consumer. The guy team has to be compatible with the gal team in order to be as successful in family finding as the ladies. Jews have tribal heritage which goes into Y-DNA time period, and this knowledge of extended time, and the Mormons use it also for tribes of Israel, though in Mormon doctrine the Jews are gentiles also. Both teams the ladies and gentlemen have a complimentary compatibility, but if they compete do not expect much.
June 9, 2020 @ 8:46pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3608484?dpr=2&fit=max&h=424&w=590 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/ukraine?iframe=yresults NAFTALY HIRSCH GRUN 1823–1879 BIRTH 1823 • TARNOPOL, AUSTRIA DEATH MARCH 1879 • 270 Tarnopol, L’viv, Ukraine View Comments2 Ancestry roystar20 “DERIVATION OF GRUN.: Everyone in our Grun tree was spelt the same way, but with two dots over the ‘U’. Going further back, Grun might have been abbreviated from a longer name, but we don’t have confirmation that they belong to our Grun’s. After emigrating to the UK some anglicised the name to Green. There is a separate Grun tree, where they are also from Tarnopol, but cannot yet be linked-up with our tree. The oldest name on that tree is KSIEL GRUN c1850. GRUN is a common name throughout Galicia. It is German with the alternatives of GRUNN, GRUNER, GRUNNER, GRUNINGER, GRUNENGER, GRUNMANN. Also GRUEN.” 7 years ago Galicia, Ukraine, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1789-1905 BIRTH, BAPTISM & CHRISTENING Record information. Name Ita Grun Birth 1854 Obertyn, L’viv, Ukraine Galicia, Ukraine, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1789-1905 BIRTH, BAPTISM & CHRISTENING Record information. Name Ester Grün (like in Grünspan) Birth 1854 Obertyn, L’viv, Ukraine No question in my mine Galicia, (now Ukraine) 1850-1860 this is the region Izak & Uszer Grünspan, with their similar J-M267 Y-DNA are from. Need to put a plug in for those J-M267 Graham, even though us Ellot, did marry those Graham from the other side of the border; https://gorrenberry.com/graham-grantham-ancient-roman-j-m267-dna/
June 6, 2020 @ 11:24pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3605345?dpr=2&fit=max&h=305&w=590 Looks like us Greek Catholic Barna (mom raised us Methodist, she was raised Catholic was not very church active), moved to Des Moines, Iowa, where dad had two Methodist sisters and mom worked at Iowa Methodist Hospital as dietitian on Sundays, we seem to attend church to eat with mom. Mom’s sister Catholic, had twelve children. Barna family may have lived in Galicia which became the Ukraine with those Jewish Grünspan. Tracing dad’s family to the region likely then Jewish; reivers go with whatever religion seems to come along; Guess from Judaism, to Catholicism, then Anglican to Episcopalian, then Methodist . They moved those Galicia/Ukraine borders around in Europe (not surprised). A group of engineers split away, they wanted to be civilians, then everyone split away from them, and the ones which were left were called civil engineers. Guess they are like the Jews of the engineering profession. http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/pic%5CJ%5CE%5CJews_Map.jpg Southeast of; Ternopil (Тернопіль) Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine.
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Mark Elliott
June 8, 2020 @ 11:14am
László Varsányi, We in genealogy, call this a brick wall, trying to extend the family history into the Ukraine, because the family is always right and the family of Greenspan extends into the Ukraine. My DNA seems to stop in Poland/Slovakia/Hungry at the Ukrainian border. In Ukrainian genealogy of a family line one can not go previous to WWII, without going through the happenings of Jewish families during WWII. Jews are distributed from the Ukraine to many places in the world. Nations are made up of diverse populations where family lines extend across them. It is the line of the family, not the dividing line of the nation which is important to families. The Ukrainian Jews in sharing family history will help to repair the family line which has been broken in the past.
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László Varsányi
June 8, 2020 @ 11:30pm
I understand what you are saying and I agree with you.
Mark Elliott
June 9, 2020 @ 12:17am
The Jewish are more tolerant, because they known what happen in Europe (example; Riga 1941). In my Y-DNA it shows what happened to my family line what was call border pacification in 1610 to make the UK; this shows up in my Y-DNA https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Border-genocide-filtered-out-of-the-FTDNA-Y-DNA-12-marker-match-map..jpg, and PoBI https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/3465588-1024×933.jpg, the English of the UK fly the Union-Jack to my family it is like flying the Swastika before the Jews. The Union-Jack is on the flag of New Zealand, which is used by a FTDNA Border Reiver admin. Still have a 29th chief, been chief for thirty years, was doing genealogy when her dad Sir Arthur was chief. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Reiver-Trail-Magaret-Eliott-chief.mp4 Unless one gets the history correct of many Americans, including the one which first stepped on the moon, and the president (Nixon) that talked to him, the DNA of these people will correlate well with their family histories. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC-1.mp4 Displacement of Armstrong and Elliott can be seen in County Fermanagh map; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map.jpg , and their migration to Germany during THE TROUBLES; http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/If-you-do-not-like-an-EU-Border-around-County-Fermanagh-the-solution-is-to-move-to-Germany..jpg Do get silenced, and admin can kick me out of blogs. People have a tendency to censor out genocide, and allowing admins to do this is like silencing the Jews on their recent genocide, which I am trying to get to speak out.
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June 8, 2020 @ 9:57pm
Names are not likely to evolve from the Ukrainian language, but from the Austria-Galicia Ukrainian language into Usher and Issac Greenspan.
June 7, 2020 @ 10:42pm
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June 7, 2020 @ 8:20pm
László Varsányi, Hungry, Slovak, Poland, and Ukraine are pieces of Galicia, which today seems a locality region for Jews to be concentrated. Though the administration did good in setting up site, he’s an American. Needed is previous to WWII, research, in remembrance of family from this era. Hopefully these families will find the basis of who they are today. Anything from an Ukrainian, would help our knowledge base on Greenspan family research.
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June 7, 2020 @ 2:03pm
Galicia, Ukraine, Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1789-1905 Text-only collection; Name: Isak Grünspan Event Type: Marriage Marriage Year: 1868 Marriage City: Husiatyn Name: Uszer Grünspan Event Type: Death Death Year: 1892 Death City: Czortkow http://www.encyclopediaofukraine.com/pic%5CJ%5CE%5CJews_Map.jpg South to southeast of; Ternopil (Тернопіль) Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine. That FTDNA Y-DNA data is a great tool for the family history genealogist.
June 7, 2020 @ 11:57am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3605904?dpr=2&fit=max&h=318&w=590 For firm and family, for family history is it the science of Harvard Cotton Mather, or the mill building engineering type of science of Daniel Elliott to be used in combination of not silencing the family like Harvard still does, but the family history science of genetics that is religiously of Brigham (Young University) DNA entwine compatible and very much supportive of the history entwined by the Jews, which writes a history of some of the tribes which migrated out of the middle east along with their respective DNA. Do you use the science of measuring in one significant figure coming out to four significant figures or the science of; ‘God does not play dice’ https://cosmosmagazine.com/physics/what-einstein-meant-by-god-does-not-play-dice with DNA it is not a formula like E=mc² but based on probability. With probability, DNA becomes a tool of the genealogists to narrow the numbers, like putting a quarter horse in the coral and dividing out those which are not black mares, and find you have three left, then you throw the black colt in to find it’s mother. Jews and reivers may do great things, but when they speak they get silenced. It is time for the Jews and reivers to speak out. Note article references David Hume, of the eastern Scottish-English borderlands, which moved in a region of Co Fermanagh; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle, with the Armstrong and Elliott; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map.jpg “Einstein learned about mathematics and science. He consumed . . . . from which he migrated to the philosophy of David Hume. ” http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/If-you-do-not-like-an-EU-Border-around-County-Fermanagh-the-solution-is-to-move-to-Germany..jpg
June 6, 2020 @ 6:48pm
June 6, 2020 @ 6:07pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3605222?dpr=2&fit=max&h=314&w=590 The chief and I have generations of family history supporting our lines. Spirituality I have and the constitution of my nation form in a town founded by a person of my faith has religious freedoms and speech as a part of it. If censored when I as a customer has purchased a product in hopes through the corporation which sold me such product, I would get the usefulness of the data being shared with likely relations of mine being stolen in a mining claim jumping type of manner, and if a firm in there feeds do not allow for freedom of speech then they are not to be considered genealogical family history or a US firm. They follow the pattern of Adolph Hitler when he silence a people which should be speaking out. Elliot research done by dad with help of his mother, and the chief’s father with help of his mother. Looks like it has been successfully done, as I said the terraces are set, and the natural flow of things, like in the soils and geology of the earth is taking place in the finding of family history. People are using FTDNA products, but in censorship of the feeds, it makes these feeds relatively useless for family history. May want to make a product for the customers, not for those which are silencing them.
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June 6, 2020 @ 8:36am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3604741?dpr=2&fit=max&h=296&w=590 With an admin which can hatchet people and topics from the FTDNA Yorkshire feed, just curious to see what is going to happen. Genealogy is sharing, and family history includes the ladies. Met Jocelyn Bell Burnell, at Freinds (Quaker) General Conference in 2,000, she is born in Armagh, Ulster, Quaker girls boarding school, York, Yorkshire, besides being a Quaker she is a Bell, which like Gorrenberry, Elwald/Ellot were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle Prison.
June 5, 2020 @ 11:13pm
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June 5, 2020 @ 4:38pm
June 5, 2020 @ 3:32pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3604107?dpr=2&fit=max&h=468&w=590 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/BrownDNAStudy/default.aspx?section=ycolorized https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Braun Y-DNA comparison is a great tool, to compare surnames in different languages which mean the English word ‘brown’ such as Barna, Braun, and Brown, this would give indication to migration from for instance Hungry as ‘Barna’, to Germany as ‘Braun’, and to England as ‘Brown’. Did the names travel from Germany to America, or through the UK to get to America?
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June 5, 2020 @ 1:26pm
Lee BennettAdmin June 2 @ 2:59pm “Greetings to Yorkshire Group members! I’m very pleased to have been offered the opportunity to Administer this regional site. ” https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ipswich,+UK/@52.0098833,1.1802583,9.02z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Ipswich,+MA/@42.6817582,-71.1179346,10.38z/ https://www.familytreedna.com/public/bennett?iframe=ycolorized https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Benedict https://forebears.io/surnames/benedict https://ipswichbennett.com/ The previous individual was a co-admin, without the power to extract someone from the feed. Genealogists-family historians, utilize key-words, if placed elsewhere they search it out. Y-DNA, distribution, and surname localities plus arrival into the American Colonies, is indicative, of lets wait and see, policy. Yorkshire is a place of surname place name origins, and the people on that feed have a strong knowledge of family history genealogy. Plus the Brigham, like in ‘Brigham’, as one would say in Utah, represents the only school which provides a four year program in the US in genealogy. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Brigham,+Driffield+YO25+8JW,+UK/@53.9687882,-0.3667608,15z/ https://forebears.io/surnames?q=Brigham (Anglo-Scottish for bridge-home) https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/1881-Brigham-forebears.jpg https://borderbrighams.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/4/6/3846776/brighams-distribution-cluster-1672-hearth-tax_1_orig.jpg OBSERVE
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June 5, 2020 @ 11:34am
https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about https://www.rootstech.org/video/you-can-do-dna For you Jewish ‘Gentiles’, genealogy is a part of the Mormon beliefs. To the admin, and myself it is a hobby. For me educated like myself the 29th Clan Elliot chief, like the ‘Guide Team’, do not carry ‘Y-DNA’, so I ended up with the ‘Y-DNA’ baggage, which am trying to put it through. Dad said engineers, design bridges not for themselves to travel over but for other to do so. In the belief of the Mormons, the Jews are a tribe of Israel, and the Native American is another tribe of Israel. Some Mormons said they have traced their lines to Adam and Eve; https://forebears.io/surnames/adam https://forebears.io/surnames/eve One can not properly say that there is not an Adam and Eve, as genealogy says bionically, because a lot of DNA seems to travel for Europeans along these tribal lines.. Though I like the above better, this is what I get stuck with having ‘Y-DNA’. https://www.familytreedna.com/about At least there is one lady in the group to keep the ‘Y-DNA’, in-line. Asked dad why granddad did not have a middle name. He told me after granddad Mark Elliott that he had a middle name on his birth certificate he reject, the name was ‘Hammer’. Related to a ‘Hammer’, https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/2481503?dpr=2&fit=max&h=359&w=590 from Germany, married a ‘Mc-‘ Scottish Highlander during Colonial times. Of Washington County, TN, where wife was born and raised. This ‘Hammer’ on the ‘Y-DNA’, seems to have some of that ‘Harvard’, which hung witches to silence them education in him. Of Arizona where, I use to visit folks in Mesa; Left some of dad’s records in Mesa; https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/2346147?availability=Mesa%20Arizona%20FamilySearch%20Library Being stuck with this dang ‘Y-DNA’, not on the ladies’ team. When someone reaches back into time, the farther back in time they go one has to reach into all sorts of writings which are passed religiously down through family lines. In order to have family there has to be both female and male, where female or mtDNA, and male of Y-DNA, and auto-somal a combination; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Y-DNA-autosomal-mtDNA-1024×826.jpg The ‘Y-DNA’, is a great product, and is being shared by family groups, and integrated sometimes with the Y-DNA, as in the case of the Rush surname out of Suffolk (southern fold of East Anglia), England arriving into the Virginia Colony above 1635, brought to attention by a Steven Rush first of Suffolk (south folk of East Anglia), now a mate from Australia. Families are sharing this high valid tool provided by FTDNA, and not listening to Harvard style ‘rocket scientist’, which want to use them as ‘lab rats’. They know they are the customers, and the data is met for ‘family sharing’. It is difficult to see that males may be compatible to females, but to have family history on has to have the two. Have to kind of grit my teeth when I say it, but the DNA Guide Team and the FTDNA Y-DNA Guide Team for Family History are highly compatible to each other, though those ladies likely are a step ahead of the Y-DNA carriers, as those Mormon male family history genealogists know. Feel if the Y-DNA people realize ones which carry the Y-DNA are most likely the ones which are correct for their father’s father line.
June 5, 2020 @ 11:07am
László Varsányi, We are kind of stuck, but there is a genealogist which is part of the family which I feel has the skill set to reach into the Jews of the Ukraine, but it has to be of certain conditions. First of all this individual can not be in a position to get rid of the in-laws, or relatives if he does not like what they say. Dad, did not fight in the Pacific for these Jews of Germany/Ukraine not to be herd. There was a college graduate Jew on his carrier board electronics crew which did not obtain the ranking he should of. If the Jews are silent then Hitler won the war, he knew how to silence those Jews. There are a good number of Ukrainians, obviously have gone the extra step, where they are communicating in the English language. Genealogy is that which is shared among family, for the Ukrainian answer between what made it into the English language of Greenspan/Greenspoon, a reversal in the family translation and it looks like it needs to be made by the multicultural Ukrainians which have more the origins of the name Greenspan.
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June 2, 2020 @ 12:54pm
June 2, 2020 @ 12:09pm
@Mark Elliott What I promised. Name changes in Hungary. I have already found the surname “Barna” in this. The list is longer, but I just inserted it as a sample. I haven’t found the last name “Greenspan” for you yet. Grünspann, on the other hand, is already in it. In this order you see: changed name, (original name), first name, job, city, registration number 07431.pdf https://mek.oszk.hu/07400/07431/07431.pdf
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Mark Elliott
June 2, 2020 @ 12:54pm
Think we all could use some insight for the Ukraine of Russia, on the name. Would like to know if there is a ‘green spoon’, which shows up in Israel relation coming from further east. Braun as in Barna, comes up the color ‘brown’. Grün comes up the color ‘green’, and; fled as ‘field’, so Grünfled would mean; Greenfield. Putting out a graphic on it, but it sounds like kind of a crossed up name to me. In publication found two Grünspan, and one Grünnspan. Letter doubling occurs sometimes like in Bennett and Elliott. 100 Years of Songs – The Mix Yiddish, Hebrew and German songs preserved for history by a Holocaust Survivor- Lotte Grünfeld Heimann https://collections.ushmm.org/oh_findingaids/RG-50.928.0006_sup_en.pdf
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June 2, 2020 @ 11:18am
June 2, 2020 @ 10:07am
Like Langholm/Stockholm and Hamburg/Edinburgh.
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June 1, 2020 @ 11:15pm
https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/31/mode/2up Little (Liddel), Glendenning (of Scotland), and Elwald/Ellot/Elliot of R-L193 Elwald/Ellot/Elliot Fairbairn (Fairy Bear) I-M253 https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fairbairn-I-M253-Elliott-Viking-add-mix-James-Irvine-Irwin-FTDNA.png https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Surnames Gresham-Grisham-Grissom, Cave, Scarborough, and Elwald added surnames to relation carrying the same 12 given markers, likely from across the North Sea. Gresham (Castle), Norfolk, North and South Cave of East Riding Yorkshire, and Scarborough (Castle), North Yorkshire, giving location place surnames of Gresham-Grisham-Grissom, Cave, and Scarborough. https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3600586?dpr=2&fit=max&h=351&w=590 https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3516762?dpr=2&fit=max&h=445&w=590 An early resident of Bec was Alanus Elfwold (1248). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beck_Hall
Mark Elliott
June 1, 2020 @ 11:41pm
In genealogy and science it is sharing a passing back and forth, like László Varsányi, and I can do, because the best answers are from others. It is not putting a single sig fig into a TIP calculator and coming out with four, with refusal to correction. Always a lot of corrections, if one does not do them then they are not a scientist. If geneticists does not do them then they can not claim genetics is a science. Been kicked off of the Germany and East Anglia FTDNA activity feeds for doing family genealogy. Long term planning dad was an engineer at that, and for awhile I worked in mining engineering as one. Measure like an ‘elwand’, and seem to be regulating like a ‘rücker’. Before they came along with the machine, in the decade of my birth a computer was a person. These machines seem to come in handy, if I choose not to be a computer myself. Images which I uploaded seem to show up for FTDNA Germany, FTDNA Denmark, FTDNA East Anglia, FTDNA Border Reivers, and FTDNA Elliot(t), ones I been kicked off of. Wikipedia even kick me of when helping to write one about Clan Crozier. Created a domain for Clan Crozier, they took in my Y-DNA many great ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott, they just called him Clementis Hobs. Now no one check out ‘FTDNA Greenspan’, look the other way on it. Put in over a half century, plus dad and his mom, plus the chief’s father and his mother on this project, one would think I would have a method of being shut off of FTDNA feeds and a way to circumvent them. Put family first, and if FTDNA does not and they falter because of it that is their doing. Once info put online it gets shared, for those who know how to do the research, and in family history that is a genealogist. A lot of space in cyber-space, but key elements attract researchers to your site. One who silences is likely one who is not learning, and is not a genealogist. In genealogy if two disagree it is the one that checks the information of the other which gains the knowledge. Never kick out the in-laws, the FTDNA feeds which kicked me off no manner what their education or certification they are not genetic genealogy sites. Sincerely, Mark Elliott
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June 1, 2020 @ 11:42am
Armstrong, not ‘strong-arm’, but Armestrang, which meant ‘army-strong’. When the monarchies became related, the Armestrang; strong army of Scotland, became known as the strong arms instead. The Armstrong was the army of Robert the Bruce, and the Douglas, along with the Stuart/Stewart kings, but the army to be genecide with James VI of Scotand, became James I of England and got his hands on the English army to kill off and genocide the Armestrang name into Armstrong. The were a self-governing army in the fashion in which proper family history is done by self-governing, and what a democracy is with free speech and religion. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Armestrang-Ulster-1630-muster.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Ellwoodes-Elwald-Ellot-Elliot-Liddesdale-1547.png http://clancrozier.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Irwin-Irvine-NPE-James-M.-Irvine-1-1024×549.png https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scottish-Clans-Armstrong-BBC-Stewart-kings.mp4 Can not lead the Armstrong, but Elwald/Ellot/Elliot(t) can be lead by them, sometimes with great troubles, as in 1530. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Lori-Watson-Johnnie-Armstrang.mp4 My family of Gorenberry where neighboring Thomas Armestrang of Mangerton, land at Billhope. Descended from Gilnockie, killed by James V, of Scotland, Gorrenberry was in on rescue of Kinmont Willie. His grandson buried at Sark where Kinmont had a toward were Charles II Royalist, fighting on the side of the Hamiltons, like Alexander from Nevis Isle in the West Indies, which has a Charlestown. The family of Alexander were most likely transported to West Indies as slaves/indentures, but historians know what people want to read so like Hitler there silence free searching for family history, and distort the science, desecrating the Jews like Armstrong and Elliott of the Scottish-English Border, and silencing the Jews, but unlike the Armstrong and Elliott, the Jews get to be heard. Read the DNA, not the history, and it will be found that we of the border people married into the people where we were sent. Showing about 1% Native American on my Y-DNA. Immigrant Daniel likely married into the native population, of the region of the mill dam he and other indentures were building in today’s Saxonville, but on a neck of the Sudburry River, MA referred to as Otter Neck. His oldest Daniel moved on to Salem, MA the others likely stayed with their native mother’s family. Twelve generations is beyond the reach of autosomal DNA, so it is showing up with those who were considered entirely native and do not know where this Anglo Y-DNA is from. His son Daniel of the testimony had many sons. Know of a ‘Greenspan’ which gave his son a name derived from the Jewish name ‘Ewald’, that of ‘Elliott’.
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June 1, 2020 @ 10:16am
BAER, BEER, BEHR: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/2325-baer-beer-behr https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Baer,1890:Beer,1890:Behr By: Richard Gottheil, Isaac Broydé “Jewish prænomen and family name, derived from the German “Bär” (bear). The Jews of Germany, like those of other countries, borrowed their names from their non-Jewish fellow-citizens; chiefly when equivalents of these names could be found in the Bible. Because the patriarch Jacob (Gen. xlix. passim) compared the qualities of some of his children to those of certain animals, the Jews eagerly adopted as proper names the German designations for these animals, such as “Baer,” “Wolf,” “Löwe.” The older forms “Bera,” “Bero” https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Bera,1890:Bero occur in the Memorbuchs (compare the old High German “Bero”).” Among the Polish and Russian Jews, the name “Baer” assumed various diminutive forms, such as “Baeril,” “Baerush,” and “Baerke.” All these are rendered in Hebrew by “Dob” or “Issachar”; and as such the name is used for synagogal and literary purposes. Later “Baer” became a family name, which, however, did not always retain its original spelling, the German “ä” being variously rendered in non-German countries. Bibliography: Zunz, Namen der Juden, p. 26; Salfeld, Martyrologium des Nürnberger Memorbuches, p. 388. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Chronicles-of-the-Armstrong.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Albert-Bird-Armstrong-genealogists.png https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Elliott-Fairbairn-I-M253-Anglo-Danish-match-up.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fairbairn-I-M253-Elliott-Viking-add-mix-James-Irvine-Irwin-FTDNA.png https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html Both man and wolf (dog), migrate together as predators of the elk (moose). https://g8fip1kplyr33r3krz5b97d1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/German-wolves.gif These ancient pathways are in the wolf and elk (moose), and possibly in the Y-DNA and mtDNA of the animal world and likely the humans. That would give good reason to state the one carrying the Y-DNA is most likely the correct one traveling down that Y-DNA line. Feel my ancestors had to eat to stay alive. Casing down an elk (moose), may be like the American Indian casing down buffalo, or border reivers chasing down cattle. There are wild cattle in the borderlands. Granddad raised the black ones called ‘angus’, and ‘Angus’, of the Douglas Earl of Angus is where a lot of Ellot (el-lot; a lot measured on it’s side by the Edinburgh, sixteenth century standard of length called the ‘el’. Being called an ‘ellot’ meant you farmed ‘ellot’ in Angus), brought them to Liddesdale to soldier The Hermitage Castle. On the Redheugh shield of 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Reheugh, is an ‘el’, and length between that of the imperial English ‘yard’, and the French ‘metre’. http://home.kpn.nl/pu6qs9/ellot_clan.htm https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Stobs-Redheugh-shield.jpg
May 31, 2020 @ 11:28pm
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ “Greenspan” and “Green” Grünspan>Greenspan>Green>Greene Elwald>Ellwood>Elliot>Elliott Green>Greene (Ulster) Clark>Clarke (Ulster) Military: FERMANAGH 1630 Index to Muster Roll Ireland Genealogy Project Archives Contributed to Ireland Genealogy Projects by Vynette Sage https://www.igp-web.com/IGPArchives/ire/fermanagh/military/1630-muster-roll-index.txt GRESIRE Godfrey GREENE Michael GREENE Thomas GREERE Gilbert https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle GREENE https://forebears.io/surnames/greene Approximately 203,431 people bear this surname MOST PREVALENT IN: United States HIGHEST DENSITY IN: Barbados https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/
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Mark Elliott
June 1, 2020 @ 8:49am
László Varsányi My mother’s father spoke German, and ‘Barna’ is Hungarian for the English ‘Brown’, where ‘Braun’ is showing to be German, for ‘Brown’, an English surname. The word ‘barna’, in Danish means ‘the children’. Language is a tricky in multi-linguistic environments. Where Stephen Peter Barna, had two daughters, mom and older sister, is German speaking of the Austria-Czech-Slovak nature north of Hungry. Though names change in migration this name Barna could easily be of the Y-DNA line. ‘Brown’, could refer to skin or hair, such has been utilized in naming. Such as ‘Grau’ for Gray hair, or ‘Red’ hair. If skin color, then it is contrast with the grouping of people this individual is from. The ‘Black’ Douglas, would likely have Black hair for instance. When the Armstrong in County Fermanagh, (previously County Maguire, Ulster, Ireland 1650) they started to have dark hair. https://archive.org/details/chroniclesofarms00arms/page/327/mode/2up (last paragraph) https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Stephen-Peter-Barna-WWII-draft-card-place-of-birth-Kesmark-Slovakia.jpg Name locality for seems to be western Slovakia, and Hungry, eastern Romania, and Ukraine. Taught math at Gallup High, and UNM-Gallup, with a Ukrainian colleague (hope the Ukrainians will not get offended, but the Math Dept head at the University was from Hungry). The Ukrainians on this feed do not seem to want to respond to ‘Greenspoon’, meaning how can I expect them to respond to the surname ‘Barna’? BARNA Approximately 34,990 people bear this surname https://forebears.io/surnames/barna MOST PREVALENT IN: Hungary HIGHEST DENSITY IN: Hungary
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May 31, 2020 @ 11:06am
Kind of got away. Want to thank László Varsányi for his assistance, though still need assistance out of east of Hungry, from Russia and the Ukraine, to try to find in family history the origins of the name Green-Spoon, in out of the languages of Ukraine/Russia to figure out the family history which some call genealogy. Did remember my Republican father Loren Spencer Elliott, taking me to the civic center in Sioux City, Iowa, and their was a black hair individual speaking, and memory showed he looked like Nixon, which he did speak at this civic center, and he was running for president against a Catholic named Kennedy. Nixon raised Quaker, Hoover, raised Quaker of Iowa ran against a Catholic named Smith, but he won, his vice-president Curtis of Shawnee Co, Kansas was part Native America, and his nationality is listed as American.
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László Varsányi
June 1, 2020 @ 12:02am
You’re very welcome and I will continue to help at any time if you need my help.
May 31, 2020 @ 7:27pm
Sam Clark of West Branch, Iowa, now living in Gallup, New Mexico, USA, is a friend of mine and planning on assiting him in a move next weekend. Out of Hitler’s Reach.avi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQP8CReO5x4 The role of a Quaker Boarding School, Scattergood, located in West Branch, Iowa practiced the art of hospitality and outreach for Jewish immigrants during WWII. Outside of West Branch, Iowa, where Herbert Hoover 31st U.S. President; Charles Curtis Vice President nationality American. Born: August 10, 1874, West Branch, IA https://hoover.archives.gov/exhibits/years-compassion-1914-1923. A lot of Iowa Quakers we’re conscientious objectors during WWII and volunteered for a starvation experiment. Both Hoover and I worked as mine engineers, my degree is out or the University of Utah in mining engineering. Worked out of Helper, Utah, Spring Canyon #5, of the UMWA, as a buggy operator to put myself through school. U of UT, is where the FHL of the Family History Library of the Church of Later Days Saints is at. Largest data base of genealogical word wide information previous to the internet. Those Mormon men and I will not challenge the Mormon ladies. Before ladies of the US and UK where voting the Mormon ladies of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming were already voting. The ladies do not carry the Y-DNA, so a team https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about of them out of the Border Reiving University, as Genetic Genealogist, Brigham Young University can not be challenged by the ones carrying Y-DNA on autosomal DNA. When the men learn, the one which carries the Y-DNA has a near 100% likelihood on being correct on their Y-DNA line then someone which does not carry it, then the men have something to offer with their Y-DNA to the family’s history. Barbados; https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/guy-hewitt-barbados-remembers-scots-heritage-st-andrews-day-1461307 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4?_=2 Race is genetics base, not skin pigment based. Like
May 31, 2020 @ 12:56pm
May 30, 2020 @ 10:57pm
May 30, 2020 @ 9:38pm
Seems like they moved onto Ulster, North Ireland from Elginton Castle, Scotland, as indicated by surname distribution pattern, and 1630 Ulster muster. Approximately 188,048 people bear Montgomery surname. https://forebears.io/surnames/montgomery MOST PREVALENT IN: United States HIGHEST DENSITY IN: Northern Ireland
May 30, 2020 @ 9:33pm
https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Montgomery?iframe=ycolorized https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Hermitage-DNA-match-comparison..jpg Figure someone may know that Michael Hammer likely a relative, though granddad Mark Elliott rejected the family name ‘Hammer’ as a middle name. Seems like he may need assistance on that J-M172 DNA of the Mont(Gomer)y.
May 30, 2020 @ 8:43pm
Yeshayahu or Eisy Greenspoon b. 1868 and d. 1933 Ukraine E-M35 Approximately 1,077 people bear this surname Yeshayahu https://forebears.io/surnames/yeshayahu MOST PREVALENT IN: Israel HIGHEST DENSITY IN: Israel We could use your help. It is felt that the name Greenspoon. It is felt that it came out of the Ukraine in the Ukrainian language as ‘green spoon’, then changed as migrated west. Became Greenspoon in Israel. Not familiar with the Ukrainian language evolved and migrated to Israel. It helps to know the evolution and spelling of a name to see where the different variants of the surname may be from, and this group it seems to indicate that names may be variants of the Ukrainian ‘Greenspoon’. Do you match any Calhoun? https://www.familytreedna.com/public/calhoun?iframe=ycolorized Or any Kirkpatrick? https://www.familytreedna.com/public/kirkpatrick?iframe=ycolorized Feel the (H)unmphrey brought that E-M35 into the borderlands of Scotland. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Humphrey?iframe=ycolorized With your E-M35?
May 30, 2020 @ 3:26pm
Harvard is worship especially by gentiles to the Jews. The Jews are a tribe of Israel, but the Mormons, consider themselves even though made up of a bunch of border reivers and refugees of the Salem Witch Trials of the chosen tribe. Who is really of the chosen tribe. My twenty ninth chief still exists, and most likely thinks of me as a ‘vagabond’ of the wild west. Sure has one of those bonnets which Coronado wore of steel to protect himself from the Zuni in 1540. It kept him alive. Do not want to get in the chief’s way; https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/ if you click on link you will understand why. She lives across way from where ‘wee Jock’ http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm lived at the time of Marie Stuart Queen of Scots. Did you know we supported here be she was beheaded by the first Queen Elizabeth, her cousin, and her son taken by the Protestants inherited ‘virgin’ Queen Elizabeth’s English army and went after the Armstrong, next on list were Ellot. Chieftain line at chief 29 for our tribe still survives on land family acquire in the fifteenth century. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/43/Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29%2C_Redheugh%2C_Larriston%2C_Hartsgarth.jpg Taught by dad to share family information to the internet. Harvard has put the hobbles on restricting written publication to be reference, when I feed the references to the internet for anyone even of Harvard to use to write articles reference to the internet, in image form, and noted a lot of researchers including genealogists are taking advantage of them. For Harvard silencing, Cotton Mather types to be self dislodged from accurate information they love to put down as lies in a format of silencing it takes a while after information has been feed to the web for it to come back out. Once feed it can not be retracted because the internet allows for sharing of information which applies to the genealogy, and it can not be silenced for a Harvard Cotton Mather type of science showing who are witches. FTDNA can allow their Harvard admin types to silence free speech, which in my case is intrinsic to beliefs of the indigenous population of the Gallup region myself included. Figure what happen in the era of Daniel Elliot, will apply today; such as Nathaniel Hathorn changing the spelling of his surname to Hawthorn because he did not care for what ancestor judge John Hathorn did during this era of time. Genealogy is religion to the Mormons, if one wants to believe in Harvard one may, but this time I want no part of the silencing, when family history is family sharing not silencing.
May 30, 2020 @ 2:00pm
Sam Clark of West Branch, Iowa, now living in Gallup, New Mexico, USA, is a friend of mine and planning on assiting him in a move next weekend. Out of Hitler’s Reach.avi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQP8CReO5x4 The role of a Quaker Boarding School, Scattergood, located in West Branch, Iowa practiced the art of hospitality and outreach for Jewish immigrants during WWII. Outside of West Branch, Iowa, where Herbert Hoover 31st U.S. President; Charles Curtis Vice President nationality American. Born: August 10, 1874, West Branch, IA https://hoover.archives.gov/exhibits/years-compassion-1914-1923. A lot of Iowa Quakers we’re conscientious objectors during WWII and volunteered for a starvation experiment. Both Hoover and I worked as mine engineers, my degree is out or the Universiy of Utah in mining engineering. Worked out of Helper, Utah, Spring Canyon #5, of the UMWA, as a buggy operator to put myself through school. U of UT, is where the FHL of the Family History Library of the Church of Later Days Saints is at. Largest data base of genealogical word wide information previous to the internet. Those Mormon men and I will not challenge the Mormon ladies. Before ladies of the US and UK where voting the Mormon ladies of Utah, Idaho, Colorado, and Wyoming were already voting. The ladies do not carry the Y-DNA, so a team https://www.yourdnaguide.com/about of them out of the Border Reiving University, as Genetic Genealogist, Brigham Young University can not be challenged by the ones carrying Y-DNA on autosomal DNA. When the men learn, the one which carries the Y-DNA has a near 100% likelihood on being correct on their Y-DNA line then someone which does not carry it, then the men have something to offer with their Y-DNA to the family’s history. Barbados; https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/guy-hewitt-barbados-remembers-scots-heritage-st-andrews-day-1461307 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4?_=2 Race is genetics base, not skin pigment based.
May 29, 2020 @ 9:29pm
May 27, 2020 @ 10:14am
László Varsányi Need your help on this one. Have familiarity with languages of the southwest US; Navajo (base Y-CDNA), Zuñi (base Y-QDNA), Spanish (base Y-mixed European), and English, but not a familiarity with European languages granddad Stephen Peter Barna died when I was 2 years old, would like you opinion. Can variant names of Greenspan, be from not ‘Being born with a silver spoon in ones month’. Therefore your spoon has copper in it which becomes green. Grünspan; in German means, verdigris in English. Which means; the bluish green patina color found on copper, when it oxidized. Copper roofing turns this color as found from the copper in turquoise. Which does not make sense in the definition of a surname. Copper is an element in the same grouping on the periodic table as silver and gold, all elements used in the making of jewelry. Derived out of the Ukrainian, is Greenspoon, as surname found in strength in Israel. Now we’re getting it is felt closer to the meaning of the name. A Greenspoon would be a spoon with a verdigris platina. Like of copper is an alloy of brass, which spoons are made of when plated with silver. If some of the plate wears off, and with exposure to atmospheric oxygen O2 and humidity H2O, then the spoon would oxidize into a ‘green spoon’. To translate from language to language sometimes can become difficult, when sayings are used, like; ‘Being born with as silver spoon in ones month’. A ‘Greenspoon’, would be someone NOT ‘Being born with a silver spoon in ones month’. Example. A ‘Greenback’, is a paper dollar, green on one side, as opposed to a silver dollar. The key is; ‘as oppose to silver’. Mom’s father name; ‘Stephen Peter Barna’; his father was ‘Stephen Barna’, Austria, but now of German Slovak. Name ‘Stephen’ is far more Scottish then Slovak. The surname ‘Peter’ is most likely German, and ‘Barna’ is most likely of Hungry. https://forebears.io/surnames PoBI, had an international staff, follow procedures, and proper statistical sampling for marked off regions of the British Isles, maintaining the use of autosomal DNA, but the study did not use surnames, and came you with proper scientific genetic DNA answers, with the genealogy to be applied. Y-DNA being applied to Anglo-European surnames, then how these surname evolved, individual localities used surnames, and when they were adopted including the linguistics, are needed in order to understand the integration of Y-DNA into the surname migration. https://learnalittleeveryday.wordpress.com/2015/04/17/people-of-the-british-isles-pobi-project-a-short-genetic-summary/ It should be noted that if people do not migrate over a language boundary, the surname spelling is most likely to remain, as spelled in that region, like ‘Grünspan’ for in and around Berlin, including part of today’s Poland. The Astro’s ring is ‘sterling silver’; 92.5% silver, and does not turn green. Silver when it oxidizes tarnishes black. Oxidation is a standard method of telling whether the jewelry is made of silver or not. For Bennett Greenspan, Löss soils, in Iowa, near Omaha, the genealogical terraces have been set for families to find their histories.
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László Varsányi
May 27, 2020 @ 2:00pm
I understood what you wanted to say. I would like a day of reflection. I will help you research and give you my ideas.
László Varsányi
May 28, 2020 @ 3:00am
In Hungary, we use this saying, as you wrote, for a given idea. ‘Being born with a silver spoon in ones month’. Meaning: It means the man who was born noble. You don’t have to work for a depositor, as your family owns a “silver spoon,” so it’s a descendant of a rich family. The opposite is poor people. The rich man owns land. In our country, poor people have no land. There is a name that points to “Földnélküli”. Look: “Landless.” We also have a similar surname for machining metals: “Ötvös” or “Eötvös”. Look: “Goldsmith” We also have a surname for copper processing: “Rézműves”. Look: “Copperworker” We have many such newcomer words. The sow name “Barna” is also present in the form “Braun”. At the same time, the decrees of II. József and Mária Terézia must also be taken into account. Many Jews changed their original surname under the law. It had to be Hungarianized. As later on many times. The compulsion to choose a name, of course, hid many loopholes. However, many Jews sought to have their new name refer in some form to their origin, or even their old name. Unfortunately, the link is only in Hungarian. culture – from Kohn Kovács: a little history of Hungarian Jewish names http://magyarzsido.hu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=18:zsido-nevek-toertenete-nevmagyarositasok&catid=3:kultura&Itemid=3 Jewish surname – Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_surname There is a page listing all the Hungarianizations. I’ll find you. If I found it, I’ll paste the link. (I hope I wrote well in English and you understand what I wrote).
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Mark Elliott
May 29, 2020 @ 8:58pm
It seems they saying of being born with a silver spoon, as carried as distance. The ‘spoon’ part like in Greenspoon of Israel seem to have come from Ukraine or Russia, further towards the east. It would be good to get a response out of that part of the world.
Like László Varsányi likes this
Mark Elliott
May 29, 2020 @ 8:59pm
Zuni, and Gallup, my hometown having Covid 19 virus difficulties. Zuni Pueblo deals with increase in COVID-19 cases May 26, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpQ8wGLVnbA Note in New Mexico Jewish history; Solomon Bibo: Jewish Chief of the Acoma Indian Tribe of New Mexico http://www.jmaw.org/bibo-jewish-new-mexico/
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May 27, 2020 @ 1:11pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3370626?dpr=2&fit=max&h=258&w=590 Shows by locality and Y-DNA that the Fairbairn (Fair Bear), and Elliot (Elk of the Woods), of the Fair Bear Germanic-Danish story as being related; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Elliot-Fairbairn-R-M253-1024×532.jpg FTDNA does not know what genocide is if they allow admins, to kick people off their feeds. This parallels the silencing of Nazis on Jews, but it goes further, because Germany did not win the war, yet the United Kingdom, united by the genocide of Armstrong and Elliott, and many other border families, showed up until FTDNA filtered it out in my Y-DNA. Supervised core drilling, the data belonged to the customer not the admins. It is data extortion when allowed to kick people off of feeds. Mining one would call it ‘claim jumping’. Imbalance where a part of the family gets to kick the other part out with the Harvard witch silencing mentality, then they get to write their own truths, like Hitler’s his. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Maguire,1996:Johnston,1996:Armstrong,1996:McManus,1996:Elliott https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Armstrong https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Elliot https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC.mp4 21st July 2019 Signs blackening the Armstrong name should be removed “WHILST the world’s media celebrates Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon, his “giant leap forward for mankind”, it seems a tartan eclipse is still awaited before deepest state-imposed prejudice against the Armstrong – and Elliot – name is finally lifted. In the heart of Liddesdale, adjoining the English border with Scotland, formerly the stronghold of Clans Armstrong and Elliot, a cruel and sinister prejudice against his family names from centuries past still stands prominent on official government quango, EU-promoted noticeboards. Highlighted centrally in red on a large “ReiverTrail” tourist notice in Liddesdale, with clear association to the “infamous Armstrong clan’”, is stated: “If Jesus Christ were amongst them, they would deceave him”. On another notice of the trail, Armstrongs are again referred to repeatedly in most negative terms, with an emphasised text on “the thieves of Liddesdale”, and mention of them being hanged and banished abroad. Yet another “Reiver Trail” notice centres on the Elliots, with the highlighted central text: “The Elliots are grown so to seek blood they will make quarrel for the death of their grandfather and kill any of the name”. It has to be noted that there were the most extreme reactions and strongest possible objections from local councillors and activists when the wording of the notices was proposed, but the local voice was overruled and despite local outrage dismay and embarrassment, the signs were imposed on them – and decades later still remain. The Armstrongs and Elliots were very far from alone in infamous exploits at the time of border reiving times, and it has been argued over centuries by local scholars, including a local minister of more than 50 years, that they were subjected to very unjust persecution of the most extreme kind. In fact the word Holocaust was used by the Liddesdale Bard John Byers to describe events in this land – a term which does not seem inappropriate when one reads and sees evidence of the Clearances which happened here. Armstrongs lost virtually everything, their lands and goods taken from them and those left alive mostly banished. The Elliots did little better, whilst other major reiving families made substantial gains and great wealth by carrying out merciless acts at King James VI’s command. It is surely time the Scottish Government takes a small step to remove these signs, which broadcast rank discrimination, and which surely have no place in a country that declares it has made giant leaps forward in equality. The wording and emphasis would surely not be allowed for any other ethnic group. The quotes stem from Sir Walter Scott, whose extreme prejudice towards the people of the area only arose after he and his companion had spent seven summers touring Liddesdale, given free board and lodgings, feted as a dignitary by people living in comparative poverty to himself, and being recited and taught of the border ballads, which he later used in his writings. Scott’s son-in-law Lockhart wrote that Scott boasted of never having to spend any money whatsoever over these seven summers, for himself or his companion. A move to help return the local Langholm Moor, adjoining Liddesdale, to the community for ecotourism would seem an apt first step as a degree of compensation.” Caroline McManus (note surname) Edinburgh
May 26, 2020 @ 1:47pm
“Delivered by Alexander as his act and deed in the presence of us underwritten to his master Goodman Stratton. Richard Norcross, John Cloys Wee consent to the turning over of this Servant to Samuel Stratton the 19th of the 8 mo: 1652 Increase Nowell, William Hibbins. Recorded 25:4: 1653 By me Tho Danforth Recorder” https://scottishprisonersofwar.com/alexander-gordon-individual-contract-with-master-john-cloise/ To censor and deny on the use of documentation integrated with DNA, what’s the difference then the Nazis censoring the Jews in Germany? Thomas Danforth of Danforth Farms, Framingham, MA, where family built mill in on Otter Neck, and after Salem Trials were refugees in Salem End on land provided by a Salem Witch Trial Judge Thomas Danforth, the above recorder.
May 26, 2020 @ 12:57pm
Correlating mtDNA, Y-DNA, and autosomal DNA to the Gordon surname. Only match is felt useful for genealogical mtDNA purposes is the genetic distance of ‘0’ for mtDNA, which does seemly as maiden name is ‘Gordon’. 2nd-4th cousin on autosomal DNA, and match downstream SNP of R-U106 at R-S16361, which shows strength in Scotland, but in mapping localities the Dalvggus is questioned if it does not present a map reference, the Gordonstown two and Huntley Castle of a majority of the census of Gordons is more if felt properly mapped in the region of Aberdeenshire.
May 26, 2020 @ 11:32am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3594128?dpr=2&fit=max&h=538&w=590 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/ScottDNAproject?iframe=ycolorized The J-M172 Scott differs from the J-M172 Montgomery. Both Ancient Roman, but the Scott Y-DNA would be in the non-Gaelic Scottish region, eastern Scottish Borderlands, and the Montgomery would be in the Gaelic speaking Scottish western Borderlands, both group migrating into Ulster Ireland onto America.
May 26, 2020 @ 10:23am
My Y-DNA is so rare among Elliott is has been vanquished with the ‘Cowie’ of Gorrenberry. https://elwald.com/cowie-of-goranberry/ Also quite rare among any surname group that admins use it’s rarity as a way to dismiss me, though the first two individuals to have their genomes fully mapped carried R-U106 Y-DNA also. Have been doing genealogy for over a half century, am a second generation genealogist, worked as a mine engineer, retired from teaching computer programming, science, and mathematics to mainly Navajo. My colleges and department heads at the level taught UNM-Gallup, and secondary were international, and the students indigenous Americans. My community of Gallup, NM is quite patriotic, https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gallup-NM-Most-Patriotic-Small-Town-in-America-Rand-McNally-Best-of-the-Road-Submission.mp4 We in Gallup, and I religiously as written in my nation’s constitution the of speech, and necessity to any FTDNA feed to be searching family history and a part of my Quaker spirituality, of one being lead not leading or suppressing information given. Not on the Elliot(t) FTDNA site though I carry an Elliott FTDNA Y-DNA, be excluded by someone of a nation my ancestors separated from in 1776, which nation flies the flag of Border Family genocide, https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC.mp4 and of this family grouping; Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier. Like Armstrong and Nixon, believe in world peace; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4 Though my home has been at time quarantined from the Navajo Nation; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gallup-NM-Most-Patriotic-Small-Town-in-America-Rand-McNally-Best-of-the-Road-Submission.mp4 Though wife is a veteran she works at Gallup Indian Medical Center, retired from Indian Health Service she is working as a civilian dietitian. To do genealogy, one has to accept the other is right about their family. Censoring supplied family information not manner how annoyed one may be at it make one an anti-genealogists. Ladies seem to make the best family genealogists. They seem to extract information, which pertains to there family, and do not get so offended by context. With Y-DNA carrying genealogists, given two the one which censors information is not a genealogists, but the one which extracts the family information is. Only when families speak freely about their families do people get accurate family history. Any censoring of family information provided except by the receiver which can close this page, makes the feed useless to the genealogists, but useful to the Harvard Profs, having people to paid for the data to become ‘lab rats’ they are utilizing in their studies, this in the same manner Cotton Mather’s science to hang witches. If you like me know your SNP upstream and downstream, plus which group of Elliott you are matching, though their are extreme non-genealogists like an admin on the FTDNA which has censored me a number of times, which will say that I a second generation genealogist, retired computer-science-math instructor, should be silenced in the manner Hitler silenced Jews, if you will allow a modern day family genealogists, and amateur like golf Bobby Jones give you and answer I would be most honored if my freedoms which my nation so prizes of speech which is one of them is not censored by one of these so called genetic genealogists. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ He is referenced by the German Wiki which does not like the English Wiki censor him, or me; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Elliot Census data shows many of County Fermanagh likely because of THE TROUBLES migrated to West Germany; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Maguire,1996:Johnston,1996:Armstrong,1996:McManus,1996:Elliott On Daniel Elliot Y-DNA Cluster https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Daniel-Elliot-cluster.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/DNA-analysis-verses-the-genealogy-of-Framingham-MA-vitals-1024×434.jpg Great Grandfather Daniel Elliot, Tullykelter, Co Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map.jpg Self explanatory something a non-genealogical geneticists may not know; ONE DOES NOT GET TO CHOOSE THEIR ANCESTORS Good to have some Jewish ancestry, those are the ones which I would have chosen. If someone chooses to censor because I am doing ancestral family history on the ancestors I was born with in accordance to genetic science, and not the genetics of Hitler’s Superior Race, Harvard or Cotton Mather Puritan ‘status quo’, making family historians using their Y-DNA being LAB RATS and you do not allow this then you are not genetic or genealogists.
May 25, 2020 @ 7:07pm
https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/guy-hewitt-barbados-remembers-scots-heritage-st-andrews-day-1461307 https://www.peopleofthebritishisles.org/ Free speech and free religion; Lead, not leading, by ‘that of god in all’. Did family history through the Salem Witch Trials. How Harvard judges silenced witches; Film clip of what happen, to Daniel Elliot’s step-mother-in-laws oldest sister Rebecca Nurse in Salem; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/The-Hanging-Tree-of-Sarah-Good-and-Rebecca-Nurse.mp4 Clip of what the Tory’s the party in power thought of transporting Scots as slaves to the Colonies; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/SELLING-SCOTS-AS-SLAVES-IS-FUNNY-TO-THE-TORIES-2.mp4 Clip of what happened to some of them. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Scottish-Barbados-Indentures.mp4 Clip of what happen to the Armstrong during Border Pacification; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Armstrong-Border-Pacification-Genocide-BBC-1.mp4 Family being exiled to Ireland, and others left behind genocide by James VI of Scotland becoming James I of England, with his acquired English Army, which created a United Kingdom and flies the flag of Armstrong and Elliott genocide the Union-Jack. https://www.thenational.scot/news/17785062.signs-blackening-armstrong-name-removed/ and still the Armstrong and Elliott are having after 500 years there surnames blackened. The Jews of Germany if Hitler won may being going through much the same with the Swastika flag a flying. To what I may say about Armstrong-Elliot border genocide is happening with FTDNA admin censorship, like the US did with Jewish Play writes when Blacklisting what they had to say during the Cold War. In the passed one someone of high authority in the search of family history denounced someone, and as accurate as putting in a measurement to one ‘sig fig’, and coming out to four ‘sig figs’, they ended up in self disintegration as during the Salem Witch Trials based on there regimentation, without scientific error correction on their own words. Family history to be genealogy by definition does not have censorship on those which are searching for family, or helping others to do so. This information would offend people on FTDNA activity feeds therefore being censored from the feed. If one can not get their family history right, because of a Hitler type of censoring producing a status quo on history but not a history of individual families, then all the testing by DNA becomes irrelevant if the family histories are not allowed to be made correct for a person’s individual family. The Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah realizes that family history is personal to respective families and with experience do not get offended by the history, but support it. It is the Harvard logic which believes if one is certified then they can supersede the family history, when they do then it needs to be corrected back to what the family originally said to have a high degree of accuracy and to be able to proceed in extending the family history which can only be done when the history is corrected back to the family said, not to the Genetics Expert which superseded the families history in the first place. Anyone which supersedes the history of ones family is not a genealogists. Anyone one which does not look for error corrections, is not a scientist. Anyone who comes out with an answer with more significant figures then the measurement is based on like FTDNA TIP calculator, is neither a mathematician or a scientist. If one bases race on skin color and not genetics then the have there race prejudices. One can apply DNA in a pseudo Superior Race – Status Quo sense, or rewrite the history to match the results coming from the DNA, not rewriting the DNA to match the history.
May 25, 2020 @ 3:31pm
Have matches with Grant and Graham, and feel they are more Anglo-Saxon in Y-DNA nature, but groups migrate heterogeneously along similar routes by in different times, but are basically a lot of times among the same DNA groupings like the J-M267 Grahams likely migrated with Border Armstrong and Elliott. The name Daniel Elliott was found of Tullykelter Castle in 1610, grandson Daniel Elliot of migrated to Massachusetts, and his son Daniel of the Salem Testimony where to lines of Y-DNA converge.
May 25, 2020 @ 2:14pm
NOT ROCKET SCIENCE https://i.pinimg.com/originals/54/d8/a6/54d8a6400a74d882588ac19806c1bec0.gif https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Graham?iframe=https://www.libraryireland.com/gregg/mapping-ulster-scots.php https://forebears.io/surnames/graham https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Border People were exiled and genocide, and today are still denigrated for their ancestral actions. Can one be sure that the J-M267 Graham are not Jewish? It is all right to degrade a white Anglo-Saxon Border Protestant, but to degrade a Jew or a Native American, people get offended. Especially around Gallup, NM we do not want to degrade those Jews, because we are kind of short and do not have enough of them. There are plenty of Native Americans here. We miss them though because of the Covid Curfew.
May 25, 2020 @ 8:12am
Zöldkanál, Magyarország, J-M267 DNS, egyezik-e Graham-kel? Anya leánykori neve “Barna”, többnyire magyar. Egy másik magyar az FTDNA blogban, talán a csoporthoz való csatlakozás segíthet.
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László Varsányi
May 25, 2020 @ 11:18am
Üdvözlöm a csoport tagjait! Mr. Mark Elliott úr kért meg engem, hogy csatlakozzam a csoporthoz, mivel segítségre lenne szüksége családfája kutatásához. Annyi információt kaptam, hogy Önök közül beszélnek magyarul, és megkért engem arra, hogy írjam meg ezt a posztot. Mr. Mark Elliott családja kutatása miatt keresi azt a rokont Önök közül, aki J-M267 haplocsoportú és Graham családdal van kapcsolata. Édesanyja leánykori neve Barna vezetéknévvel van anyakönyvezve. Köszönöm a segítségüket Mr. Mark Elliott nevében.
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May 24, 2020 @ 1:54pm
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ If anyone can name his son Elliott Daniel Greenspan, then Mark Stephen Elliott of the Ewald/Elwald Elliott of the Daniel Elliot Y-DNA cluster should be able to be part of this group. Note; name origins could be from the Ukrainian for Grinshpun meaning ‘green spoon’. A lot of spoons with a silver plate are made of brass which turns green as a patina, in this case on the plated spoon. In 1881 London had 8 ‘Greenspoon’ Now with Israel; 2014 Population for name ‘Greenspoon’ Place Number Frequency Rank in Area Israel 1,499 1:1:5,709 861 Canada 339 1:1:108,689 11,657 US 228 1:1:1,589,958 106,904 https://forebears.io/surnames/greenspoon Now with Israel; 2014 Population for name ‘Greenspan’ US 4,648 1:77,993 8,867 Canada 265 1:139,040 14,305 England 97 1:574,413 35,035 Israel 33 1:259,322 23,461 https://forebears.io/surnames/greenspan Гриньшпун Ложка зелена, швидше за все, мідь у латуні зі своєї платини стає зеленою.
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Mark Elliott
May 25, 2020 @ 11:17am
That’s my favorite of the group. It shows the J-M267 surname migrating from the Ukraine as Grinsnpun, migrating into Poland with option of name Grynspan, and onto Germany as Grünspan with an umlaut option, then onto English as Greenspan, where the original showing strength in Israel, may have come out of the Ukraine to become Greenspoon. Likely of the origins. Still with help of group, could use a Ukrainian translated into English; what would it mean to be called ‘Greenspoon’, in the Ukraine, because it is the Ukraine or may be eastward like Russia (Зеленаяложка) where it is felt the original meaning of ‘Greenspoon’ originated. To have ‘Greenspoon’ strong in Israel, it seems like the Ukraine since it’s meaning seems to sustain itself there, may know what it means to be called a ‘green spoon’.
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May 25, 2020 @ 10:26am
Üdvözlöm a csoport tagjait! Köszönöm, hogy beléphettem! Mr. Mark Elliott úr kért meg engem, hogy csatlakozzam a csoporthoz, mivel segítségre lenne szüksége családfája kutatásához. Annyi információt kaptam, hogy Önök közül beszélnek magyarul, és megkért engem arra, hogy írjam meg ezt a posztot. Mr. Mark Elliott családja kutatása miatt keresi azt a rokont Önök közül, aki J-M267 haplocsoportú és Graham családdal van kapcsolata. Köszönöm a segítségüket, tisztelettel, Varsányi László
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May 25, 2020 @ 9:15am
The monarchies of England and Scotland did not like Scots and English to inter married, but the Armstrang and Ellot on the Scottish side of The Border did marry the Graham on the English side of The Border. Are any of you Greenspan willing to admit you are related to those J-M267 Graham? https://gorrenberry.com/graham-grantham-ancient-roman-j-m267-dna/
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May 25, 2020 @ 8:51am
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Rosenzweig,1890:Rosenwald,1890:Ewald Rosenzweig, haben Sie jemals von einem Rosenwald gehört?
May 24, 2020 @ 8:12pm
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/2489074?dpr=2&fit=max&h=384&w=590 https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Rush,1890:Rusch https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://www.hebrewsurnames.com/RUSCH https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/2489985?dpr=2&fit=max&h=244&w=590 German; rüsch https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:R%C3%BCsch English; frilly Synonyms & Antonyms of frilly; examples; extravagant, flamboyant
May 24, 2020 @ 9:35am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3591988?dpr=2&fit=max&h=203&w=590 Family Tree DNA founder Bennett Greenspan to speak at Jewish Genealogical Society of Illinois meeting in Northbrook https://www.dailyherald.com/article/20170318/submitted/170318800/ “Greenspan’s attempts to prove a genealogical theory prompted him to contact Michael Hammer at the University of Arizona. Greenspan persuaded Hammer to use a Y-DNA test for genealogy. When the test proved Greenspan’s theory, he decided to start a company to take DNA testing directly to consumers, giving birth to both Family Tree DNA and a new industry.” ‘Hammer’ that was the middle name granddad Mark (No Middle Name) Elliott was given at birth on his certificate. A family line of mine, came in from Germany before the American Revolution married some Scottish Highlander https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Hammer-McDough-pre-revolution-line-German.jpg and moved to Washington County, TN were wife was born and grew up. Besides him being a Hammer, he being from Arizona, can he be truly trusted? Sure glad in the Salem Trials that family did not go along with those Harvard Judges, it is good though I have some Jewish in me, we could use more people of Jewish background in Gallup. http://www.jmaw.org/danoff-gallup-new-mexico/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Gallup-NM-Most-Patriotic-Small-Town-in-America-Rand-McNally-Best-of-the-Road-Submission.mp4 Wife dietitian (Vietnam era Air Force vet) retired from Indian Health Service is now working as civilian at Gallup Indian Medical Center, and receiving hazard pay. FTDNA has a great Y-DNA product which goes beyond other autosomal DNA companies. All they have to do is not cater to the Harvard experts but to their customers. Genealogy family history is families freely sharing their histories as with truly genealogical firms, and the utilization of the FHL SLC, UT, of not being kicked out for sharing family information or trying to help others with theirs. Any activity feed which can do this is not a genealogical family search feed. Religion is a part of family and the search for family. Tracing a families migration knowing their religion on arrival, is likely the religion they left with, is a key piece of genealogical information.
May 23, 2020 @ 4:44pm
Guess I supporting the Bauld Buccleuch (Duke of Buccleuch) https://www.countrylife.co.uk/news/wind-farm-battle-over-scottish-castle-6273 must crazier then those New Mexican Jews, must be one; http://www.jmaw.org/new-mexico-exhibition-hall/ Though land was meant for protection as THE MIDDLE SHIRES after the removable of the Border people to Ireland or their extermination. Since the Swastika lost the war, and the Union Jack won the Pacification (genocide of border people) guess the Jews get museums, and Clan Elliot home place THE HERMITAGE CASTLE gets to be industrially desecrated by Windy Edge Wind Farm of the Scottish Government which James VI of Scotland with his acquired English army of James I of England was able to exterminate and execute. Ancestors of mine did not in 1776 support the Union Jack or dad during WWII in the pacific did not support the Swastika flag, and they do not fly over my nation. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/Wha_daur_meddle_wi%27_me%5E_-_geograph.org.uk_-_739618.jpg http://www.rampantscotland.com/poetry/blpoems_daur.htm Wee Jack, was across the Hermitage Water in Park, from today’s 29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh. Margaret refers to him as a thug of sorts.
May 23, 2020 @ 4:29pm
May 23, 2020 @ 12:01pm
May 22, 2020 @ 8:26pm
Though Peter Paul Ewald a quarter Jewish, was John Steward Bell’s math prof; know the Jews will not accept the Bell and the E(l)wald/Ellot, from what they got themselves into with the Bauld Buccleuch Scot in 1596. Even Wm Ellot, goodman of Gorrenberry, to rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle Prison. Scope took Kinmont on a ‘truth day’. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/HISTORY-HUNTERS-Kinmont-Willie-Armstrong.mp4 Paul Peter Ewald B. 23 JAN 1888, Berlin, Germany D. 22 AUG 1985, Ithaca, NY Parent: Paul Ewald Child: Rose Ewald rosen wald (rose forest) https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Rosenwald
May 22, 2020 @ 1:07pm
Click right and open in new tab for larger image. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/U106?iframe=yresults https://named.publicprofiler.org/ SNPs are getting into the reach of research genealogists. Above shows the importance of integrated, already established tools of the family in finding history and incorporating them into the mapping, or else you may get result in error of Sutherland for the grouping, when it should be north Aberdeenshire, around in this example Gordonstown. Two Gordonstown of region; https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gordonstown,+Banff+AB45+2HB,+UK/@57.488676,-2.7746371,9.85z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Gordonstown,+Inverurie+AB51+8XL,+UK/@57.2505594,-2.4683934,8.71z/ https://canmore.org.uk/site/334103/auchterblair https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Gordon Bennett Greenspan, When you do your family history down your Y-DNA family line, do you like to be referred to as a liar? When Scotland Was Jewish: DNA Evidence, Archeology, Analysis of Migrations … By Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman, Donald N. Yates https://books.google.com/books?id=Op3cC6_UNnQC&pg=PA33&dq=Gordon+surname&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiG59iiocjpAhVRpZ4KHcWvAskQ6AEwAHoECAMQAg#v=onepage&q=Gordon%20&f=false John GUERDON http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html https://gorrenberry.com/alexander-gordon-daniel-elliot-ulster-to-maine-c-1650/ Maybe that is what happens when a nation state is allowed through their Union-Jack not Swastika to genocide Borderers, which may have been considered at one time Jewish. Our Israel is near or in County Femanagh, Ulster, Ireland, bordered on three sides by the EU. https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Note; the T.S. Eliot line came from France, separate from my E(lf)wald line coming from near Berlin, like the Grünspan. My tribe has a 29th chief; https://elwald.com/clan-elliot-29th-chief-margaret-eliott-of-redhuegh-stobs/
May 21, 2020 @ 7:56pm
Rich Rucker and I were kicked out of FTDNA Armstrong feed. Granddad Mark (no middle name) Elliott, had a middle name on his birth certificate, of a family line I am related to called ‘Hammer’. Guess one can not trust those people in states either side of my home state of New Mexico.
May 21, 2020 @ 6:30pm
James Watson, and J. Craig Venter are the first two individuals to have their genome fully mapped and have in common with me R-U106. FTDNA utilize admins which have the power to kick you off sites such as J-M172 – J2 Y-DNA, where I can not make commit to American Civil Engineer. His mistake he utilized English instead of Arabic to communicate to me. Where with the Brazilian he is a speaker of Portuguese, which out of Dunbar his Y-DNA ended up in Brazil, mine out of the same Cromwellian War was not so lucky and ended up in Massachusetts. Using a translator to communicate, but it is felt since the Q-DNA traveled through America Brazilians are taken as US Native Americans. His mannerisms are much like mine which I am culturally immersed in Q-Zuni, and C-Athabaskan (Navajo) environment. Many people on these blogs do not express themselves; their freedom of speech has be taken away, similar as playwrights being blacklisted as communists. Millions are being spent on genome mapping which is useless unless one gets the history correct, and the way to get the history correct is not to have censoring, by kicking off of activity feeds and allow all which want to be in given activity feeds to be on them. J. Venter is three years older than me at 73, his father a ‘jack’ Mormon lived to 59. Most ‘jack’ Mormons extensively drink and smoke, as a rebellion against the Mormon Church. Two firms in the area of genomes. Though people are already information sharing with FTDNA Y-DNA, FTDNA needs to assist, not restrict. In order to have proper family history; THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST.
May 17, 2020 @ 1:41am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3584869?dpr=2&fit=max&h=270&w=590 https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Armstrong-Elliott-Johnston-Fermanagh-surname-distribution-map.jpg Border People pitch-in like genealogists do, they are not lead by Cromwellian Harvard Puritan, censor silencing authority, but pitch-in to help others and by helping others providing information for free sharing of family history they also find their own family history. List of Border Reiver Surnames A list of Border Reiver surnames from both sides of the border include: https://englandsnortheast.co.uk/border-reivers/ Anderson, Armstrong, Beattie, Bell, Blackadder, Bromfield, Burns, Carlisle, Carnaby, Carr, Carruthers, Charlton, Collingwood, Cranston, Craw, Croser, Crozier, Curwen, Dacre, Davison, Dixon, Dodd, Douglas, Dunn, Elliot, Fenwick, Forster, Gilchrist, Glendenning, Graham, Gray, Hall, Harden, Hedley, Henderson, Heron, Hetherington, Hodgson, Hume, Hunter, Irvine, Jamieson, Jardine, Johnstone, Kerr, Laidlaw, Latimer, Little, Lowther, Maxwell, Medford, Middlemass, Milburn, Mitford, Moffat, Musgrave, Nixon, Noble, Ogle, Oliver, Potts, Pringle, Radcliffe, Reed, Ridley, Robson, Routledge, Rowell, Rutherford, Salkeld, Scott, Selby, Shaftoe, Simpson, Stamper, Stapleton, Stokoe, Storey, Tailor, Tait, Thompson, Thomson, Trotter, Turnbull, Turner, Wake, Wilkinson, Wilson, Witherington, Yarrow, Young. Yes, Young as in Brigham Young. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/3465588-1024×933.jpg
Mark Elliott
May 18, 2020 @ 1:14pm
Something to contemplate; Armstrong and Nixon are names of County Fermanagh-Tyrone. Did Nixon in 1959, he lost to Kennedy of Massachusetts. Voted for McGovern in 72. Both McGovern and Nixon are names found in County Fermanagh, Ulster, Ireland. McGovern (peace candidate) in 1972 the only state he took was Massachusetts. Family may not agree, but they still are, family. https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Richard-Milhous-Nixon-1913-1994.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Nixon-Milhous-Milhausen-relation-1630.jpg The Irish, and place name of Scotland, likely traveled from Germany. Like the name Grünspan becoming Greenspan, Mülhaus became Milhous. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Milhausen,1890:M%C3%BClhausen,1890:M%C3%BClhaus https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Richard-Milhous-Nixon-geneology-Wikitree.jpg https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/County-Fermanagh-EU-Brexit-Armstrong-and-Elliott-map-Neil-Nixon-McGovern.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/President-Nixon-speaking-with-astronauts-Armstrong-and-Aldrin-on-the-Moon.mp4 Nixon x 2, and Ellott x 7 http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~cotyroneireland/genealogy/muster/tullyhogue1610.html
May 18, 2020 @ 11:48am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3586422?dpr=2&fit=max&h=293&w=590 FAMILY History Genealogy; we do it for family. Not particularly for that Dallas cowboy named David (US&UK David not preferred as a surname) Dunbar, or those Brazilians Lecio Gomes (helped find first image to left), and Max Blankfled. By now you may because you likely consider him family. Lost my brother a year ago March he worked at MinuteMaid, it is his ring which is displayed. Lived in this region of Houston; https://www.google.com/maps/place/MacGregor,+Houston,+TX/@29.7129836,-95.3764546,14z/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Thanks-to-Hermitage-Action-Group-Rob-Roy-MacGregor-Buffalo-Tartan-300×300.png https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/The-Heart-of-Robert-the-Bruce.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Robert-the-Bruce-Facial-reconstruction.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/The-Heart-of-James-Douglas-The-Good-Robert-the-Bruce.mp4 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Finding-MIA-soldier-families-BYU-genealogy-students-aid-DPAA-repatriation-project.mp4 It will take DNA to get the heart of De Bruce to visit the Promise Land. Note the heart of the ‘Black Douglas’,’Knight of Liddesdale’ is in Douglas, Scotland next to Achibald ‘Bell the Cat’ 5th earl and referred to in sasine-deed as ‘Angus’ Douglas, who passed lands to Robert Elwald 10 of Redheugh, Scotland, and my 29th Chief are of these lands also. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sasine_deed_1484_for_Robert_Elwald_%28Elliot%29,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg “On this day in 1330: ‘˜Black Douglas’ died while carrying Robert the Bruce’s heart to Jerusalem It was the last request of Robert the Bruce that his heart be carried to Jerusalem by his most esteemed companion following his death.” Thursday, 25th August 2016 https://www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/day-1330-black-douglas-died-while-carrying-robert-bruces-heart-jerusalem-1468700 We do genealogy for family.
May 17, 2020 @ 7:24pm
Something to think about; (a part of the FTDNA Montgomery activity feed), https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Mongomery-of-Scotland-then-Ulster-J-M172.jpg https://cache.eupedia.com/images/content/Haplogroup-J2.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Montgomery.jpg https://www.google.com/maps/place/Montgomery+Castle/@52.5634601,-3.1520563,17z/ https://www.google.com/maps/place/Eglinton+Castle/@55.6444694,-4.6664241,15z/ https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Mountgomery-Montgomery-Ulster-Muster-1630.jpg https://www.familytreedna.com/public/Montgomery?iframe=yresults https://named.publicprofiler.org/ From New Mexico, USA; not Texas; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Montgomery-Fermanagh-Ireland-family-finding-Estes-and-Southard.jpg
May 16, 2020 @ 9:22am
God of Israel “because I was found blameless before him” (Daniel 6:22) Allegorically speaking, Miller’s most potent work was 1953’s “The Crucible.” Literally about the New England Puritans’ witchcraft trials, the oft-performed play was also Miller’s metaphor for the Communist hysteria in which he and artist friends were blacklisted as “Un-American.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-arthur-millers-100th-to-jew-or-not-to-jew/ What did my Daniel say in a den of lions, in the defense of Elizabeth Proctor of Arther Miller’s “The Crucible”, about the accusers; SALEM POSSESSED – Page 9 – Google Books Result books.google.com › books Daniel Elliot, for example, testified that late in March one of the girls had boasted to him that “she did it for sport; they) must have some sport.” And after the … Paul Boyer – 1976 – History https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Daniel-Elliot-Salem-1692-testimony.jpg Y-DNA verifies he is my many great; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/A6724.jpg Reference; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ECS-Daniel-group-history-1.png In the summer of 1965, dad presented it to a tour guide in Salem, MA, but this individual showed disinterest in what he had to say, in the same fashion disinterest in way Daniel Elliot made testimony, March 28, 1692, to those based on the science of Cotton Mather. With 30 yrs/gen with one significant figure, putting out the answer in four significant figures FTDNA is using Harvard Cotton Mather, type of science to hang and silence people. Genealogy, is not based on the silencing of Jews which have in some cases been mostly completely genocide, it is the sharing of free family information. When it comes to family history it is the family which knows best, not the Harvard Puritan certified genetic genealogists of 2005. Herbert Hoover, as US Secretary of State received the following; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Cotton-Mather-Wm-Penn-2.jpg he was raised a Quaker in Iowa, and worked as a mining engineer, in China, but was overseeing like he did for WWII food distribution in Europe after WWI. His vice-president Charles Curtis was known to be Native American from Kansas. For nation as for genealogy people pitch-in from their family values, when speech and religion are free, that makes for accurate genealogy, and a good nation. Certainly welcomed by the Mormons as a tribe of Israel, of a body of Middle Eastern tribes, with an obtainable family history applying DNA as one of the many tools genealogists, will be able to extend the world’s family.
May 10, 2020 @ 5:06pm
Bennett Greenspan, Think Elliott, and Ronnie would hit it off. Ronnie was a student of mine at the age of 15, was his instructor of FORTRAN, for engineers and scientists, at Gallup-UNM. Feel your firm needs an improvement in their software capabilities. In the area of Y-DNA FTDNA seems to be taking a lead, but genealogy is dependent on the sharing of information among family, and all one can do is try to assist. Ronnie was raised in Gallup, NM, his dad Deb is a friend now lives in Scottsdale, AZ, was minerals and mining engineer for the Navajo Nation. He taught FORTRAN on Apple 2es, when he left to insure his son could get into an eastern Massachusetts school, was hired to teach the class but I put it on IBM XTs. Ronnie told me FORTRAN was a useful class, so I thought maybe I could figure out how to buy build and admin genealogical family sharing web domains. Do not know much about linkedIN but figure that is for the next generation been retired and doing hobbies; computers and genealogy, for a dozen years. Folks were alive made trips to the Mesa, AZ valley region to visit them. Deb, had met my folks. Feel your company could use some software engineering out of California, that in the pass where the pro-genealogist would serve pre-web California Mormons with the library of material out of Salt Lake. Jame M. Irvine, and myself are amateur genealogists, but Bobby Jones out of Atlantic, Georgia was nothing but an amateur golfer. Sincerely, Mark If FTDNA is a firm supplying a product for the consumer, and making it easier, improvements in software would be essential.
May 9, 2020 @ 11:01pm
May be of interest; Would have tested downstream SNP A6722 through FTDNA, but it was not made available, so testing was made through YSEQ, on 1/26/2020. Been tested through 23andME, their downstream SNP on me is R-S16361. FTDNA S16361 Completed 07/23/2018 871 paid to be classified by FTDNA as R-S15361 For corporate sake there may be good reason not to allow Harvard types to dismiss people from the feed. Do not know of anyone which would allow their customers to be kicked out of the feeds for using the product data information sold, to help others find family, given and unequal censorship to others, in the search of family history which is dependent in itself to be at it’s greatest success families sharing information not a part of a family dominating another part because being administrators of a family history feed.
May 9, 2020 @ 11:43am
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3577153?dpr=2&fit=max&h=317&w=590 1. The family knows best. 2. Listen to others, especially of the opposite sex, to make family. 3. Do not in a family search, get rid of the in-laws, though you may want to. 4. Families fight, and likely not just one answer is correct, in the history. ONE DOES NOT GET TO CHOOSE THEIR ANCESTORS A genealogist follows the above. James M. Irvine, administrator and author is a genealogist. Those which have dismissed or excluded an individual from an FTDNA site are not genealogists, and the feed is not in any way a genealogical feed. The Family History Library FHL, Salt Lake City, UT, all are welcome and they do not dismiss people from doing family history. They have genealogists in that library. Families in that library are sharing in their family history, on the level of free speech equality. The buyer buys your data to share not to be taken away. Supervised core drilling. Once the core is pulled from the ground it belongs to the buyer, not another company. In mining that would be a form of ‘claim jumping’. To be dismissed from feeds, automatically makes the feed bias towards the ‘claim jumper’, which in this case the one which does the dismissing. If one has over a half century plus generations vested in the claim, they do not care what happens to the corporation which puts their support into the ‘claim jumper’. One needs to compare the management and family of those feeds which people have been dismissed from, and those feeds which only have co-admins and people can not be dismissed from. The best managed feeds would likely be those of the co-admins where there is no dismissal on how much and what is said on the feed. Once FTDNA realizes they have a product which sells itself, and it is not the job of admins to sell it on the feed, the feeds are for family history sharing, which happens when people are free to come and go and put what ever they want to on them. Co-admin a feed myself been trying to get people on the feed to riot, but haven’t been to successfull at it. These feeds are better managed by the people on them. The only reason one has a family tree is because they can not kick people off it when they want to. One especially understands the previous if they are married.
May 8, 2020 @ 11:34pm
http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~gallgaedhil/genealogy/haplo_elliotts.htm Just a note, that it has been indicated that in accordance with FTDNA I have some Ashkenazi Jew in me. This can be shown in my 12 marker exact match of (Greenberg), of Grünberg, Germany in me.For Roberta Estes, the surname Elke, which means ‘elk’ in German, and ‘elk’ in Oxford England, but Webster American English it means ‘moose’, of Algonquian. Bennett Greenspan, evolved back in time, is Germanic-Ashkenazi Jewish; Benedict Grünspan, near Berlin and eastward, in regions of Ashkenazi Jews. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Benedict,1890:Gr%C3%BCnspan,1890:Elke Robert Estes, Rootstech 2020 left printed bothsides at FTDNA table; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Google-Brigham-DNA.png
May 5, 2020 @ 1:46pm
May 4, 2020 @ 7:02pm
It’s Elliott’s turn on this one.
May 4, 2020 @ 6:09pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Gr%C3%BCnspan https://forebears.io/surnames/gr%C3%BCnspan https://forebears.io/surnames/grunspan Elwald [elk (moose) of the wald (woods/forest)] coming from Poland in towards Berlin; https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html
May 4, 2020 @ 6:06pm
February 24, 2020 @ 4:26pm
no more posts to display
FTDNA Greenspan – Elwald
Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) • FamilySearch
The book of Scots-Irish family names – FamilySearch
Daniel Elliot (1637–1704) FamilySearch
Brigham Young’s on the Trail of DNA Tales – Los Angeles Times
Family Tree DNA BRIGANCE Surname DNA Project – Y-DNA Classic Chart
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Teviothead, headwater of Teviot River of drainage region referred to as Teviotdale, where the James V invited the Armstrang (Armstrong) and Ellot (Elliott) for a rendezvous, then hung the bunch.
https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3471798?dpr=2&fit=max&h=479&w=590 https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Daniel-Elliot-Boston-deed-1682.jpg https://www.wikitree.com/photo.php/5/5a/Elliot-1211-1.jpg https://www.elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Alexander-Gordon-John-and-Daniel-Stone-Thomas-Kemble-and-Daniel-Elliot.jpg Daniel Stone provided the money to bring many great Daniel Elliot, as an indenture to build housing and mill at Otterneck, now Saxonville, north end of Framingham, MA. After that he moved to Boston, likely at first operated an intertidle mill on the northside, and may helped with the windmill at time was there. It should be noted that my family spoke an Anglo-Scottish English, it is felt that Cromwell sent besides Scots, many Gaelic Irish, and Scottish Highlanders into the West Indies. Also felt Alexander Hamilton family of Nevis Island with a Charlestown on it, like Charlestown, MA, was indentured there from the Cromwellian Civil War.
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection.com)
Paul Peter Ewald
1921-1933 Physik Technische Hochschule Stuttgart
1939-1949 Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, Nordirland, Vereinigtes Königreich
1949-1949 Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York, Vereinigte Staaten
Im April 1933 trat Paul Peter Ewald von diesem Amt zurück, da unter den Nationalsozialisten keine ordnungsgemäße Durchführung seiner Aufgaben als Rektor möglich war. Im Jahre 1938 verließ er Deutschland, ebenso seine Mutter, die aufgrund der jüdischen Abstammung ihres Vaters den Restriktionen der Nürnberger Gesetze unterworfen war.
Die Armstrong, Bell, Elliott und Scott – Buccleuch waren 1596 an der Rettung von Kinmont Willie Armstrong aus Carlisle Castle beteiligt, einschließlich Gib von den Golden Guarders, wegen einer großen Mitgift, die er für die Heirat in die Scott of Harden-Familie erhielt. Wie der nächste König in der Reihe wird Prinz Will, der Herzog von Buccleuch, von einem Stewart, Charles II., abstammen.
Obwohl die Graham uns bei der Rettung unterstützen, behaupten sie nicht gerne, dass wir schottischen Heiden sie geheiratet haben, weil sie Engländer sind, aber ein Viertel von ihnen hat J-M267 jüdische DNA. Wir Elliott haben Glück, dass ein Jude Bennett Greenspan, der J-M267 DNA trägt, Gründer von Family Tree DNA, seinen Sohn Elliott nannte.
Чтобы заниматься генеалогией, нужно найти людей, которые смотрят на мышление под другим углом, чтобы преодолеть предрассудки. Монархи Англии и Шотландии повесили бы Армстронга и Эллиотта, если бы сами выглядели как монархи. Именно это случилось с Джонни Армстронгом, которого звали Гилноки, и Эллиоттом, который ехал с ним, шотландский король пригласил их встретиться, и он повесил связку.
Ballad “Johnie Armstrang” Armstrong – Reivers
Айвенго думал, что у вас, русских, русская печать, я не очень большой на аристократов. Семейная линия сэра Вальтера Скотта, из-за поместья Баклюх, которое сегодня является самым большим количеством поместий семьи Скотт. Во время Пограничного умиротворения, тех, кто поддерживал шотландского короля Якова VI, взятого у французской католической матери, Марии Стюарт Французской королевы Шотландии, ее мать была обезглавлена старшей Елизаветой I королевой Англии. Это гарантировало, что новый объединенный король, ни Шотландия, ни Англия не будут иметь католического монарха. Армстронг и Эллиотт поддерживали Мари Стюарт, когда Елизавета I умерла, Яков VI, стал Яковом I Английским и не нуждался в пограничниках, особенно в тех, кого звали Армстронг и Эллиотт. Хотя Соединенное Королевство называет это пограничным умиротворением, это было пограничное истребление и изгнание. Многие переехали в графство Фермана, Ирландия, теперь на границе ЕС и Великобритании. Потомки католического «Мака» и шотландского протестанта «Мак» из (Лондона) Дерри и Белфаста. Если эта граница между ЕС и Великобританией будет укреплена, то эта граница, скорее всего, превратится в поле битвы, где будут жить потомки шотландских пограничных семей, которые вступили в брак с ирландцами.
ДНК-генеалогия Бригама «Это место» › Бригам-это-место-гене…
Я чувствую, что основатель Family Tree DNA может быть одним из тех евреев Айвенго. Ведь он назвал своего сына Эллиот Дэниел, а Скотт вместе с Монтгомери…
Tullykelter Castle – Wikipedia
How King Charles II’s line made it back into the Royal Family – History of Royal Women
A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott – The Douglas Archives (ning.com)
ftdna ulster heritage – Bing images
Ulster for FTDNA uploads. – Gorrenberry
Guy Hewitt: Barbados remembers Scots heritage on St Andrew’s Day | The Scotsman
named – Map your surname across the UK (publicprofiler.org)
Gates Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)
Felt dad Loren Spencer Elliott played better bridge.
Warren Buffett plays bridge 8 hours a week and can beat Bill Gates (cnbc.com)
Connect. Inform. Inspire.
Warren Buffett’s Jewish Connection
Warren Buffett is not a Jew; in fact, he describes himself as an agnostic.
Among the first companies Buffett acquired after launching Berkshire Hathaway, the Omaha-based investment and insurance giant, was The Sun Newspapers of Omaha, then owned by Stan Lipsey, one-time chairman of The Jewish Press, Omaha’s Jewish newspaper.
“At the time, the Omaha Club did not take Jewish members, and the Highland Country Club, a golf club, didn’t have any [non-Jewish] members,” Lipsey recalled. “Warren volunteered to join the Highland” — rather than the Omaha — “to set an example of nondiscrimination.”
Buffett happily recalls the fallout from his application.
“It created this big rhubarb,” he said. “All of the rabbis appeared on my behalf, the [Anti-Defamation League] guy appeared on my behalf. Finally they voted to let me in.”
But that wasn’t the end of the story, Buffett said. The Highland had a rule requiring members to donate a certain amount of money to their synagogues. Buffett, of course, wasn’t a synagogue member, so the club changed its policy: Members now would be expected to give to their synagogues, temples or churches.
But that still didn’t quite work, Buffett recalls with a laugh, because of his agnosticism.
In the end, the rule was amended to ask simply that members make some sort of charitable donation, and the path to Buffet’s membership was clear.
Further, Buffett said his “hero and the man who made me an investment success” was Ben Graham. Graham, along with Newman’s father, Jerry, ran a New York fund called Graham-Newman Corp.
“After besieging Ben for the three years after I received my degree from Columbia, Ben and Jerry finally hired me,” Buffett said. “I was the first gentile ever employed by the firm — including secretaries — in its 18 years of existence. My first son bears the middle name Graham after Ben.”
Buffett “is very much honored in the Jewish community,” Kripke said.
Warren Buffett’s Jewish Connection (jewishjournal.com)
Bill Gates he still chairs MicoSoft, but founder Bennett Greenspan who is Jewish does not own or chairs Family Tree DNA, but he is an excellent genealogist. Did Bill Gates go to Harvard, and was Bennett Greenspan, raised Jewish in Omaha, Nebraska?
Microsoft started in New Mexico.
Buffet I-M253, Gates I-M223, migrated with R-U106.
PHD from Harvard.
Y-DNA gets passed from father to son. From Bennett to Elliott Greenspan.
Search the Muster Rolls (therjhuntercollection)
Note; not likely given distribution Bramham could be for ABraham.
Первой женой была Уотсон, мормонка, поэтому ее бросил хороший друг и сокурсник, вернувшийся миссионер Церкви Святых последних дней. У него было горское имя, поэтому он, возможно, не знал, что я происходил от самого печально известного пограничного рейвера в Лиддесдейле, чья слава распространилась на Ольстерскую Ирландию, Clement’s Hobs (сын сестры Клемента Крозье Роберт Эллиотт). Таким образом, мне нужно было дважды окунуться, чтобы это произошло.
Скотты получили свое название от того, что были гэльскими шотландцами, но жили за пределами этого района. Один из них называется шотландцем, потому что он (фамилии идут по нему) родом из этого гэльского региона. Многие из Scott и Montgomery несут J-M172, а с Грэма с английской стороны границы несут J-M267. Эллиот женился на семьях Скоттов и даже Грэмов.
Завоеватели заставляют замолчать людей, которые не говорят об истории «статус-кво», но беженцы мигрируют ДНК. Отец мамы Барна, был венгерской империей, австрийско-греческим гальцийским католиком, как и евреи проекта «Айвенго». Со стороны матери был брак между католиком из ее семьи и евреем. Моя семья настолько ужасна, что нам нужно как-то улучшить запасы.
Хотя мое второе имя Стивен принадлежит венгерско-австрийскому греко-католическому происхождению в Галиции, мое имя Марк Эллиотт кажется еврейским. Марк Цукерберг (немец куча сахара) с именем Марк еврей, а основателя Генеалогического древа ДНК зовут его сын Эллиотт, и он еврей. Поэтому я полагаю, что Марк Эллиотт должен быть еврейским именем. Всегда задавался вопросом, почему кто-то еврей назвал сына в честь печально известной пограничной семьи, о которой писал сэр Вальтер Скотт? По крайней мере, мой племянник и его жена не использовали пресловутое пограничное имя. Они назвали своего сына Авраамом.
«Горнило» () — пьеса американского драматурга Артура Миллера 1953 года. Это театрализованная и частично беллетризованная история судебных процессов над салемскими ведьмами, которые проходили в колонии Массачусетского залива в 1692-93 годах. Миллер написал пьесу как аллегорию маккартизма, когда правительство Соединенных Штатов преследовало людей, обвиняемых в том, что они коммунисты. Миллер был допрошен Комитетом Палаты представителей по антиамериканской деятельности в 1956 году и осужден за неуважение к Конгрессу за отказ идентифицировать других присутствующих на встречах, на которых он присутствовал.
Биография Ранние годы
Миллер родился 17 октября 1915 года в Гарлеме, в нью-йоркском районе Манхэттен, вторым из трех детей Августы (Барнетт) и Исидора Миллера. Миллер был евреем и польско-еврейского происхождения. Его отец родился в Радомысль-Вельках, Галиция (тогда часть Австро-Венгрии, ныне Польша) ,..
Ваше имя пользователя или IP-адрес были заблокированы лидером WikiTree.
Начало блока: 21:01, 14 мая 2018
Предназначено для: Elliott-11757
Подозрение на нарушение: умышленное добавление ложной информации
Следует отметить, что когда Wikitree исключил семью, а затем использует загрузки, которые я предоставил, они больше не могут рассматриваться специально для расширения моей семьи Elliott Y-DNA действительным генеалогическим сайтом.
Америка, похоже, вернулась в эпоху маккартизма. Когда они обвиняли евреев и заносили их в черный список как коммунистов или пуритан Массачусетса в повешении ведьм, чтобы заставить их замолчать.
Correction; A.W. not W.A. , Clearview, Mt Ayr where folks died is on the land, of dad’s Elliott grandparrents. 8-11-2022.
The nine-turbine Windy Edge project south of Hawick has been given the green light by a Scottish government reporter.
Gates if his Y-DNA is Anglo-European then his line would likely be, Anglican Hamiltonian Scottish Cromwellian Civil War POW, of Armagh, Ireland then of the Bahamas, of the West Indies.
Do not know what Henry Louis Gates Y-DNA is, but from what I am finding, indications as being like my family an indentured Cromwellian Civil War slave, but indentured to the Bahamas, where his family, likely intermarried with slaves brought from Africa. My family was indentured to Cromwellian Puritans of New England, which did not bring many black slaves to the region, but of the same Cromwellian Civil War.
Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. On DNA Testing And Finding His Own Roots
…GATES: I did an episode with Oprah and Quincy Jones and Bishop T.D. Jakes and Chris Tucker. And the DNA tests we were doing at that time – when they analyzed my Y DNA, it went to Ireland. And when they analyzed my mitochondrial DNA, it went to England. I am descended from – on my father’s side – from a white man who impregnated a black woman and, on my mother’s side, from a white woman who was impregnated by a black man.
GATES: So if you were a Martian and came down to look at my DNA results, you’d think I was a white boy, you know?….
Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. On DNA Testing And Finding His Own Roots : NPR
Y-DNA for Genealogists – Paul Dunn BYU Family History Library
Y DNA for Genealogists – Paul Dunn – YouTube
Ich gehöre zu einem Volk, das der schottischen Armee angehörte, die Marie Stuart, die französische Katholikin, Königin von Schottland, unterstützte. Da sie jünger war, hätte sie wahrscheinlich Elisabeth I. überlebt, die sie enthauptet hätte, dann Maria Stuart Königin von England, einem Vereinigten Königreich, werden würde.
Die Liste der Vernichtung und Verbannten durch ihren Sohn Jakob VI. von Schottland-Jakob I. von England, von Mutter übernommen und von schottischen Protestanten aufgezogen, ist von den schottischen Middle March Clans, dem Armstrong, dann Elliott, dann Nixon und dann dem Crozier. Während THE TROUBLES würden die presbyterianischen “Mc-” des ehemaligen katholischen “Mac-” ihr Schlachtfeld bis zur heutigen Grenze zwischen Großbritannien und der EU bringen.
Nun würden dann die Iren Maguire und McManus von der Church of Ireland als Flüchtlinge nach Deutschland auswandern. Ein Ingenieur namens Armstrong sprach mit einem Präsidenten Nixon für Frieden an einem weit entfernten Ort der Erkundung und dieser Suche nach Wissenschaftlern und Ingenieuren, die sie Erde nannten.
Immediate source: https://books.google.com/books?id=7O1HAAAAMAAJ&pg=PP7&lpg=PP7&dq=The+Annals+of+a+Border+Club+(the+Jedforest):+And+Biographical+Notices+of+the+Families&source=bl&ots=Ge0MRcFA8N&sig=igbZeLhTpABMwA0HYajS7VSfXSk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CDQQ6AEwBWoVChMI0aqEuf3AxwIVCVeSCh3BPQaN#v=onepage&q=1484%20elwald&f=false
(Life time: Pub 1899)
Old Genealogy of the Lariston and other Elliots date 1704 to 1707 510514
Ulster journal of archaeology by Ulster Archaeological Society 1894, Daniel Elliot of Tullykelter 1615.
Of Daniel Elliot 1615, granddad to Daniel Elliot of the Salem Trials.
Steve Wozniak i ja dzielimy niespełna rok różnicy wieku, ale urodziłem się dekadę przed nim. Steve pochodzi z Berkeley, a ja z Uniwersytetu Wyoming. Norweski przyjaciel z Uniwersytetu Wyoming, po tym, jak jego ojciec obserwował protesty przeciwko wojnie w Wietnamie w Berkeley, uznał, że Wyoming jest na lepsze.
Sam ukończyłem inżynierię górniczą w grudniu 1972 roku na Uniwersytecie Utah, gdzie znajduje się Biblioteka Historii Rodziny, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Steve to prawdopodobnie Steven, moje drugie imię to Stephen of Stephan, inżynier, który lubi grać. Niektóre z moich hobby to komputery i genealogia, które mogę studiować w genetyce biologicznej, jeśli jest matematycznie analityczna.
Mówiąc to po polsku, bo Steve Wozniak jest Polakiem.
Dla Steve’a i dla mnie nie ma znaczenia, jakiego języka polskiego lub angielskiego używam, ponieważ przekazują analityczne aspekty uczenia się.
Ci, którzy uciszają dzielenie się informacjami, uciszają tych, którzy dzielą się informacjami rodzinnymi, tak jak naukowcy dzielą się informacjami, aby zdobyć wiedzę.
Rosjanie lub ktokolwiek inny, zwłaszcza Brazylijczycy mówiący po portugalsku, kiedy przechodzą na inny język, taki jak angielski, są genealogami genetycznymi.
Bill (William) Gates umieścił Microsoft BASIC w komputerze Altair 8800 zbudowanym w Albuquerque w Nowym Meksyku, USA, a Steve jako inżynier, jako hobby mógłby umieścić go na ekranie telewizora. Nigdy więcej kart dziurkowanych.
Nie możesz powstrzymać ludzi przed dzieleniem się informacjami o swoich rodzinach i znajdowaniem historii rodzinnych z innymi, nie możesz też powstrzymać ludzi od dzielenia się nauką w celu poprawy życia rodzinnego.
Z poważaniem, Mark Stephen Elliott
Who is going believe that a person born in the forties, of Border Reiving descent owns and operates a dot com? My actions as one time a behavioral scientist was meant to do that. Was able to sort out the admins. THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST, is how genealogy is done. The first person to put their foot on the moon, was and Armstrong an engineer, then towards the end of the American moon landings, a geologist of Harvard from New Mexico, with a middle name the same as my mothers-in-law’s maiden name core drilled the moon.
With the challenger a social studies teacher was sent into space, with an engineer saying the O-rings were bad.
If an FTDNA admin has kicked someone off their blog then I am saying having worked as a second generation engineer ‘Your O-rings are bad’.
Changed the model. Own and operate three dot coms. Utilize behavioral separation. The scientists-mathematicians-geneticists-genealogists, by their behavior of being seekers and searchers, the top ones have already done so, will go to Microsoft Bing, (that young man Bill Gates started Microsoft in New Mexico, can’t understand why he moved to Seattle). Knew silences do not check what is a necessary for proper science and genealogy, that is documentation.
That is the worst situation a engineer can be in, especially having a standard of studies in ‘strenghs and materials’.
Since people without base principals like sig figs, are trying to superimpose their concepts on people as the judges of the Salem Witch Trials, and Senator McCarthy in ‘blacklisting’ Jewish authors as being ‘communists’, feel these immigrants which came to American after the Apache and Navajo, and my relative on the Mayflower, for us it is standard. Freedom of speech and religion.
The best way for a deception is to be as accurate as an engineer, and have people think you are a liar.
Mark Stephen Elliott
Olofsen Surname Origin, Meaning & Last Name History (forebears.io)
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (genealogy.net)
Near where I have an off the grid cabin.
Error correction; Mormon Colony Savoia Cemetery is in Cibola County.
Slide 1 (trnews.info)
Error correction: Mormon Colony Savoia Cemetery is in Cibola County.
SMALLPOX by Tim Amsden (Published in the Timberlake Times February 2000
In 1877, before the town of Ramah existed, a group of 100 Mormons fleeing persecution in Arkansas came to the area we know as Timberlake Ranch, and established a settlement they called Savoia. Savoia was one of the first white settlements in Western New Mexico.
Unfortunately, along the way one family took refuge from the cold in an empty adobe house, which was clearly marked with the word, “smallpox.” Either because they couldn’t read or because the weather gave them no choice, this house is where their twin babies were born. It is also where they took on the germs they would carry to the small settlement of Savoia.
During the bitter cold and heavy snows of the winter of 1877-78, smallpox ravaged Savoia, taking one person after another. Mothers and babies, fathers and children, died.
Some of the bodies may have been buried in a hand-dug well close to Timberlake – Paul Merrill is trying to verify that story. We do know that at least thirteen smallpox victims are buried in a small cemetery just below the upper ranch house. It is a well-tended area enclosed by a black wrought-iron fence, eerie with the tragedy of the deaths of young parents and children buried there, all struck down within four months by a terrible disease.
The settlement survived for a time – in 1880k, there were ten families living in Savoia. But eventually most of the people left to form Ramah and other communities, and the area, which is now Timberlake Ranch, became the Hamblin Ranch (the Hamblins were part of the original Savoia group).
In addition to the graves of those who died in the smallpox tragedy of 1877-78, the cemetery contains the grave of Polly Ann Hamblin, who lived from 1900 to 1918. Some people say that Polly’s ghost haunts the upper ranch house; but that is another story.
Thanks to two of our landowners, Kathryn Walling and Paul Merrill for their contribution to this article.
The Elliott grandparents of Mt Ayr, Iowa the only grandparents I knew each lost a younger brother in the 1908 flue epidemic. Took my vacinne in my left arm, where I had my small pox vaccination taken.
Polly Ann Hamblin
25 April 1900–22 March 1918 (Age 17)
The Life Summary of Polly Ann
When Polly Ann Hamblin was born on 25 April 1900, in Eagar, Apache, Arizona, United States, her father, Duane Hamblin, was 36 and her mother, Susan Virginia Greer, was 30. She lived in St Johns Precinct, Apache, Arizona, United States in 1900. She died on 22 March 1918, in Gallup, McKinley, New Mexico, United States, at the age of 17, and was buried in Valencia, New Mexico, United States.
and was buried in Valencia, New Mexico, United States.
Find-A-Grave has the error, of saying buried in McKinley County. Looks like FamilySearch Home — FamilySearch.org is correct saying buried in Valencia, New Mexico, United States.
Do not have acess to SEYDN FTDNA 101829 my own data through FTDNA so am obtaining it elsewhere.
Mary Agnes Lucas (born Haines) Relation to you: 3rd cousin (daughter of Dorothy Maria Mooris 72% link).
Family history of Miles & Maria (Purnell) Mark : by Loren S. Elliott
For Family History, the surname-YDNA migration needs to be in the hands of family researchers of all the family inter-linked nations. The strongest nations are not lead, but follow the needs of families. The one without the YDNA is at the center of the family.
The ladies are the genetic genealogists, the men have a tendency of being historian genealogists, which is not fine enough as the ladies are doing diligently enough to pick out individuals of families. A lot of men use history; all right for the ‘status quo’ of nations states but not fine enough to pick out family which is needed for family history.
Let’s hear it for the ladies. (Alma, who I call mom)
Let’s here it for the ladies.
Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, 29th Elliot chief.
The Annals of a Border Club By George Tancred REDHUEGH DEED
Ewald meyersgaz.org
Born; Susan Jocelyn Bell 15JUL1943 Lurgan, Northern Ireland Wikipedia.
Bells, Armstrongs, Elliotts, and Scotts, in 1596 Rescue Kinmont Willie from Carlisle Castle.
Wm of Kinmont-Kinmouth in Chronicles of the Armstrong.
To young to vote when I saw him in Sioux City, Iowa running against Kennedy for 1960. Voted along with Massachusetts for McGovern in 1972.
Richard Milhous (Milhaus, Scotland) Nixon
Muster Roll for Tullyhogue (Tullaghoge) 1610 Transcribed by Teena NIXON-ELLOTT
Scots-Irish Links, 1575-1725 David Dobson · 2009 · III.83] MCDILSHENDER, ANDREW, in Tullyhogue, County Tyrone, 1610. [Tullyhogue Muster Roll]
Note; the spellings M’DILSHENDER and ELLOTT are the correct spellings in the 1610 Ulster muster. The ‘i’ in Ellott was not added to about 1650, the time of the Cromwellian Civil War.
Mr. Gates says his concerns date back to 2000, when a company told him his maternal ancestry could most likely be traced back to Egypt, probably to the Nubian ethnic group. Five years later, however, a test by a second company startled him. It concluded that his maternal ancestors were not Nubian or even African, but most likely European.
Why the completely different results? Mr. Gates said the first company never told him he had multiple genetic matches, most of them in Europe. “They told me what they thought I wanted to hear,” Mr. Gates said.
Henry Lewis Gates, your European family may have been sent as Cromwellian Civil War POW to America as Slaves.
The Alexander Hamilton family of Nevis Island which has a Charlestown on it were likely sent to the West Indies as Anglican Charles II, Royalist indenture slaves could be from the battle of Dunbar;
European side could have been from the Cromwellian Civil, The Battle of Dunbar.
Barbado’ed: Scotland’s Sugar Slaves
Though consider this the next royal monarch the Prince of Wales is descented from Charles II.
Probably Henry Gates what you do not want to hear that your European line was slaves.
Look on the bright side your African line may not have been slaves.
Если взять лося-самца с ваших земель, а затем поместить этого лося в юго-западном углу Колорадо, в районе Четырех Углов, где я видел коровьего лося, произведет ли лось теленка?
In 1593 the Armstrong, Elliott, and Scott (Buccleuch), sided with the Johnston(e), (Scots spelling Johnstone, Ulster spelling Johnston), in a feud against the Maxwell. The surnames Johnston, Armstrong, and Elliott are in the top 5 surnames of Maguire, now Fermanagh County, which is Anglican, not Presbyterian, Ireland.
Chronicles of the Armstrong 1593 Johnston-Maxwell feud. p.259
In 1596 the Armstrong, Elliott, Scott (Buccleuch), and Bell, were in on the rescue of Kinmont Willie Armstrong from Carlisle Castle.
Chronicles of the Armstrong 1596 Rescue of Kinmont Wille. p.261
Lady friend of wife, has a Mitochondrial DNA, of Nigeria, and a R1a as recalled from uncle surname, McKissic, of the UK McKissick, the “k” was dropped.
Scottish Prisoners of the Civil Wars (Dunbar and Worcester) – Y-DNA Classic Chart https://www.familytreedna.com/public/ScottishPoWs/default.aspx?section=yresults
N121928 McKusick John McKissick b.1719 and d.1745 Scotland R-Y22972
A lot of Scots-Irish from Ulster fought against Cromwell, in the Cromwellian Civil War then were sent about 1650 as indentured-slaves to the plantations of the West Indies. Likely intermarried with people from Africa, which were sent as slaves to the West Indies.
With a surname of Gates, this is something which needs to be looked at.
Россия — это большая территория, на которой проживает множество людей разных культур. Люди мигрировали. Переселились не те, которые воюют, а те, которые переселились в поисках лучших условий. Ветвление идет из Африки на Ближний Восток.
Арабский и иврит идут слева направо, поэтому они разветвлены и, вероятно, религиозно разветвлены.
Русский идет справа налево, а все языки, мигрирующие на запад из России, идут слева направо. Математика арабов более универсальна как язык.
Люди, медведи, волки и лоси встречаются в Азии и Америке, а имена используются в Азии и Америке для мигрирующих людей.
Англо-саксы мигрировали, что не значит, что они были завоевателями. Моя семья была шотландским военнопленным во время Кромвельской гражданской войны, продана в качестве залога кромвельским пуританам, и все же мы те, кто в Америке и Австралии, где сейчас находится FTDNA.
Кузены, вступившие в смешанные браки с ирландцем, Ко Фермана, переехали в Западную Германию во время Смуты, конфликтов между пресвитерианами и католиками, из городов далеко на севере Ирландии, чтобы превратить наши земли в поле битвы, поэтому мы переехали в Германию. Если на этой границе снова возникнет насилие, ожидайте, что Армстронг и Эллиот снова мигрируют в Германию с обеих сторон ирландской границы между ЕС и Брекситом.
ДНК путешествует вместе с языком. Если бы Рим завоевал этот язык, то Англия говорила бы на латыни. Если бы норманны завоевали этот язык, в Англии говорили бы по-французски. Победители демонизируют историю проигравших, чей язык и ДНК унаследованы.
Моя семья англо-саксонская русская, из Украины, откуда родом ваша семья. Сначала язык был бесписьменным, но фонетически нас называли лосями. Когда к фонетике были добавлены иероглифы, для лося появились разные варианты написания, хотя на диалекте они произносились в основном одинаково. Это было в районе обитания лосей в Евро-Азии.
Как только лоси вышли за пределы своей среды обитания, как это часто бывает при переходе в район Берлина из Польши, название изменилось на лось (elk), которое также используется в Англии.
Англо-европейцы мигрировали из западной Англии-Европы, где лоси не жили, поэтому они переняли американское слово, обозначающее лося (moose)…
Эллиотов называли Элвольдами, Элевальдами, Эльводами, Альводами, Эльярдами, Хелвалами и многими другими формами имени, означавшими Лось-лес (англо-датское Эльгвальт, имя выражено на многих их щитах). chroniclesofarms00arms/page/ 29/mode/2up?q=elk&view=theater 1890:Elg,1890:Elges,1890:Elke, 1890:Elkes,1890:Los 1890:Ewald
лось в лесу
Хотя те русские, говорящие на атбаскском диалекте русского языка навахо, пришли из Азии и выглядят как азиаты, за тысячу лет до того, как моя основная генетика пришла из англо-саксонского русского в Америку.
На языке навахо не было письменности.
Иврит был письменным языком Ближнего Востока, но, вероятно, ответвлением от арабского языка, который шел справа налево.
Направление было изменено слева направо с использованием отдельных символов, таких как иврит, в отличие от прикрепленных символов арабского языка.
Хотя слово, обозначающее лося, сначала было написано на многих языках, где обитали лоси, которые сегодня в целом можно назвать русскими, все они были фонетически основаны на слове Лось (Los’).
По мере того как язык продвигался в сторону Западной Европы на Британские острова, языковая основа германских языков имела многие из одних и тех же символов, сохраняя ранее установленное форматирование слева направо.
Для моего R-U106, который у немногих Эллиотов есть для их Y-ДНК, мое имя изменилось с русского лося на лесного лося E (lk)wald, на английский Ellwood или шотландский Ellot, затем примерно в 1650 году на Ellit, в 1750 году Америка на Elliott.
шотландских и английских приграничных семей. Некоторые щиты эллиотов, называемых также элводами, эльярдами и эльвальдами, алфордов, пришедших из-под Кройленда на границу, луманов, лиддалов, армстронгов и других пограничных семей, несомненно, изображали эту традицию. Теперь эти семьи Лиддесдейлов были названы в честь их щитов, как и Форрестеры и другие. Легенда о волшебном медведе встречается сначала в «Эдде», затем в древнедатском («История Хрольфе Крака» Торфея) и в южногерманском («Die Missgeburt»). Он путешествовал через многие века; оно, несомненно, было известно в одиннадцатом столетии и относилось к варварскому предку Сиварда. Эта легенда была перенесена из Дании в Нортумберленд и с границы в Фермана. Его кажущаяся грубость в те времена, естественно, удержала его от печати и от утонченного и морального, но он был известен некоторым из потомков пограничников в Ферманахе. Я слышал ирландскую версию, когда был ребёнком у Джонстонов, в Ирвинстауне, Фермана, который приехал из старого поместья. Я также слышал другую версию от интеллигентного фермера и дальнего родственника из близ Ирвинстауна. Эта история упоминается на старой каменной двери в Agahvea. Ухищрения Маленьких давали овцу или медведя, держащего «суорд»
‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell HISTORY_IRELAND_Winter1994_pgs.25-29 PDF
Children of A.W. ‘Al’, and Emma Ona Rush Elliott
Granddad Mark Elliott, with his younger brother Rees (proper spelling).
Had one set of grandparents which I knew Mark and Ilah Spencer Elliott, which both lost a brother of the flu epidemic of 1918. At age of 26 years.
Obituaries – Mount Ayr (IA) Record News
March 19, 1919
Grandma wife of Mark Elliott, Ilah Spencer Elliott, lost her brother also in the flu epidemic.
Obituaries – Lloyd Whitley Spencer, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Spencer, was born August 10, 1892 and died October 26, 1918, aged twenty-six years, two months and …
Does the buyer own their Y-DNA or is it the large corporation which does?
Having difficulties extending my SNPs, from the results 23andME has given me, which is equivalent at the time of purchase to the lowest downstream SNP from Family Tree DNA. Though have purchase downstream with support of Robert ‘Bob’ Elliott of the Daniel Cluster R-S16361>A6719>A6722, which I have tested positive for through YSEQ.
Through YSEQ# 3281 Robert ‘Bob’ Elliott has tested positive for R-S16361>A6719>A6722 & A6726+, A6728+. he is also showing that he test positive FTDNA# 172354 R-S16361>PF7357.
The Confessions of Mercy Lewis
Testimony of Daniel Elliot for Elizabeth Procter
Difficult to Transcribe plus Confusion and a Result with Clarification
Immigrant Daniel’s wife was not Dorcus Pope, or Mary Lambert. Pocahontas is not the only American which would marry an Anglo-European. For Harvard Puritan oriented John Hathorne, an ancestor of Nathanial Hawthorn who wrote American Literature of the day; I which carry the Y-DNA of immigrant Daniel Elliot, can say, that he married a true American, and raised his first son Daniel, so he could pass on to him. He migrated with his wife family as culturally traditional with native Americans, to Salem End, MA then onto Oxford, MA. Because he was half native of America, trial Judge John Hathorne, would want him to testify, to validate the testimony of Reverend Rev. Parris, Caribbean Indian slaves, he brought with him from Barbados. Daniel Elliott unlike a brother to him Samuel Barton did not mention the girl’s name to be Mercy Lewis, which was his father-in-law’s half brother’s niece who died in Casco Bay 1690.
The oldest daughter of Peter Cloyse, Hannah ‘Anna’ Cloyse Elliott, was step daughter to second wife Sarah Town Bridges Cloyse. Peter Cloyse was son of seaman John Cloyse, and son-in-law to Edmund Littlefield of Wells, Maine, by Hannah ‘Anna’ Littlefield Cloyse, so the marriage was likely arranged to get Hannah ‘Anna’ Cloyse out away from her step-mother. After all immigrant Daniel Ell(i)ot, is referred to by today’s Tories, my ancestors chase the Tories out of the making of a new nation in 1776; they laugh in their Parliament, about sending Scots as slaves to The Colonies;
Of a family of Scottish Middle March which were exiled and exterminated called Border Pacification when Presbyterian Protestant James VI of Scotland became James I of England, we moved Ireland to marry the Irish of Co Maguire now Co Femanagh. Fought on the side of the Irish against Cromwell, who exterminated the Irish, and sold the Scots as slaves to The Colonies. During The Troubles the urbanized north far North Ireland the Presbyterian ‘Mc-‘, would fight the urbanized Catholic ‘Mac-‘, on what is now the Brexit/EU border of Co Fermanagh. During The Troubles the Maguire, Armstrong, and Elliott moved to West Germany. Germany with East and West combined is the strongest nation in the EU, because of today’s refugee-immigration policy.
It should be noted that a Nixon made a long distance out of this world phone call to an Armstrong on the moon, for peace on earth.
FTDNA does not accept transfers from YSEQ. If the numbers are being controlled by administrators or corporations then any results acquired from any study is highly nation state historical, but not valid to scientists or genealogists, especially valid genetic genealogists.