16 hours ago
Age: 999.3 ± 1,307.8; CI=95% (Behar et al., 2012b) Less than 2,300 years ago. Migration out of Finland to north Poland likely a reduction in age.
21 hours ago
442 Viking skeletons from outside Scandinavia were sequenced by Eske Willerslev’s lab, producing whole genome sequences for both men and women from sites in Scotland, Ukraine, Poland, Russia, the Baltic, Iceland, Greenland and elsewhere in continental Europe. They were then compared to known Viking samples from Scandinavia. 442 Ancient Viking Skeletons Hold DNA Surprises – Does Your Y or Mitochondrial DNA Match? Daily Updates Here! | DNAeXplained – Genetic Genealogy https://dna-explained.com/2020/09/18/442-ancient-viking-skeletons-hold-dna-surprises-does-your-y-or-mitochondrial-dna-match-daily-updates-here/?fbclid=IwAR3063sPYEKHqlQUULQBy0S8AXZSBJIvYZPJqagLtK3OPGiT9-v2XrKpwq0
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Mark Elliott
16 hours ago
Noted they found a H27f, were my H27a is also found in Sweden, https://www.familytreedna.com/public/mt-dna-haplotree/H;name=H27a Though mainly of Finland. Also found in Poland. The H27f is listed for me as a ‘Murphy’, from Ireland. From Finland to East Anglia, England likely traveled through, north Poland, and Hamburg region of north Germany.
18 hours ago
click right for enlarged image Balaš https://forebears.io/surnames/bala%C5%A1 Moravian. First wife brought up Moravian, from Winston-Salem, NC. They produce cigarettes there.
September 11 @ 1:44pm
Hammer FTDNA 2016 Michael Hammer’s presentation https://www.slideshare.net/FamilyTreeDNA/hammer-ft-dna2016 Cousin Hammer seems to have stopped me in Poland.
Like Stanley Waryck likes this
Mark Elliott
19 hours ago
https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/%C5%81o%C5%9B Łoś https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Elliott Figure the ‘moose’ in Polish ‘Łoś’, and Elliott are from nearby Kraków, Poland, with their R1b-U106. Where there are ‘moose’ there are ‘wolfs’. https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wilk Kraków, Poland seem to have their share of the wolf (wilk). http://www.jewish-guide.pl/images/articles/history_of_galicia_map.jpg https://cdn3.f-cdn.com//files/download/71355133/clade%20central.jpg https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Armstrong-Fairy-Bear-story-11.png https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Elliott-Fairbairn-I-M253-Anglo-Danish-match-up.jpg
Jordi Mestres
September 14 @ 7:19am
Hi all, apologies to insist: still very much interested to identify the polish man who ordered a BigY at FTDNA and got his Y-DNA classified as R1a-KMS45.
Mark Elliott
September 14 @ 7:53am
In reference to; FGC10232 and Y5992 parent SNPs. “In addition, even though this is not reflexted in Ytree, I got recently a subclade match (Y5992+) with a sample from Poland and we are now both classified in FamilyTreeDNA as subclade KMS45. So, we have now two samples from Poland and Spain connected under subclade KMS45, providing further evidence for a possible Alan descend.” http://www.rodstvo.ru/forum/lofiversion/index.php?t9458.html From Catalonia, Spain region? ‘Mestres’, Catalan similar to the Spanish ‘maestro’ for teaching. Am a retired math-science (secondary physics/chmistry) -computer (ForTran/BASIC) teacher secondary and professor University of New Mexico, USA – Gallup, with an engineering background. Degree University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec 1972 in mining engineering, where the Family History Library FHL is pre to https://www.familysearch.org/. (correction; BS in mining engineering U of UT Dec 1979, BS in economics U of Wyoming Aug 1972, 9/19/2020) Also have been doing genealogy, my families history for awhile previous to the building of the Family History Library FHL; https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Genealogicall-Library-Mark-S.-Elliott-Dec-1972.jpg Church Office Building 50 E. North Temple Street (1972–1985) then Family History Library 35 N. West Temple Street (1985–Present) Salt Lake City, Utah. Dad, Loren Spencer Elliott after thirty years retired as an engineer. “walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone”, George Fox (Quaker), which in Philadelphia, a town founded by Wm Penn and Quakers influenced the framers of the US Constitution, to put ‘freedom of speech and religion’ into it. Resent admins kicking me out of feeds. There is this Polish guy which played with computers and jokes; A Steve Woźniak (Stefana Woźniaka) https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wo%C5%BAniak At first he did not have a PC so he engineered one. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Wo%C5%BAniak,1890:Wozniak Name origins may be given it’s Polish distribution pattern; ‘woź niaka’ occupational means ‘janitor’.
Monika Wrzesinska
22 hours ago
Wozniak does not have occupational means “janitor” – if derived from verb – wozic- – driver, carrier; if derived from occupation – usher
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Marc Olivier
Yesterday at 3:09pm
Hello, here is the new distribution map of MtDNA H2a1 (septembre 2020). Archaeogenetics. It is important to better understand the history of Poland. https://www.academia.edu/44110081/MtDNA_H2A1_DISTRIBUTIONS_MAP_ANCIENTS_AND_MODERN_CARRIERS
Sergey Sadowski has a question!
Yesterday at 10:57am
“Dear administrators! Why kit B592117 is ungrouped? ”
September 17 @ 2:10am
https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/703405v1.full I recommend it to everyone. One of the best summaries I’ve ever read. A remarkable study. Interesting research material, for example, mentions buried individuals who were buried 300-400 km apart. Buried siblings have also been identified in England and Denmark, for example. Good source material on population flow. “In fact, we found many Viking Age individuals with high levels of foreign ancestry, both within and outside Scandinavia, suggesting ongoing gene flow with different peoples across Europe. Indeed, it appears that some foreign peoples contributed more genetic ancestry to Scandinavia during this period than the Vikings contributed to them which could partially be due to smaller effective population size of the VA Scandinavians…”
Like Marek Ussorowski likes this
September 14 @ 10:02am
Grandma, Ilah Spencer Elliott, took photo with Kodak Brownie (Barna-ie) Kodak box camera (remember those), of dad Loren, his twin Lois, and younger brother Jack. It had a large negative, with lighting behind it photographed it with smart camera, then used https://www.irfanview.com/ freeware on computers at Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah. Use the image negative feature to digitize to a positive, and inserted text to add names. Dad and twin Lois born in 1923.
Like Stanley Waryck likes this
September 11 @ 12:38pm
Am stuck which being called and elkwald; elk of the forest. Which really in America means moose of the woods, and is based first on the name elk (moose). In Czech; Los, Polish; Łoś, English Elks and German; Elke, in America Moose. It seem Poland likes the surname the best. https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/%C5%81o%C5%9B https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/Los/hustota/ https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Elke https://named.publicprofiler.org/ Guess man and beast (wolf/wilk) like eating elk (moose), and migrate with it.
September 11 @ 12:19pm
One of the earliest base surnames are based on wildlife. The most popular of which is the Czech; Vik, Polish; Wilk, and German Wolf. Hunted for the raising of livestock, sheep and cattle in America, and the UK. Though because of urbanization the wolf, or lobo was re-introduced in America, and the Navajo grandma’s have to shoot them to protect their sheep. Haven’t reintroduced them in Scotland known for their wool tartans. One can see the migration of the Polish surname Wilk becoming the German-English surname Wolf. Since the Y-DNA travels in Anglon-Society, it seems with the Wilk-Wolf surname the Anglo-Saxon, inclusive of my R-U106 travels with this name. https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wilk https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Wolf,1890:Wilk https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/Vlk/hustota/ https://named.publicprofiler.org/
September 11 @ 10:40am
Like David Dzivi likes this
May 13 @ 10:21pm
Hi, In another group who no longer has a activity feed I am listed as Z280+ Z92+ cts456+ YP350+ (rule out y42738, y42831, ft196931), my question are there test for those rule out SNPS or is Y700 the only answer at this time?
Like David Dzivi and László Varsányi like this

Stanley Waryck
September 1 @ 7:58pm
Eugeniusz Wysomlek I took a Y37 originally and then added a Z280 SNP pack.
David Dzivi
September 4 @ 8:51pm
Stanley, one could tap-dance around the question of “what is my terminal SNP” forever unless BigY is completed. Even then as new people test, new subclades are discovered and your placement on the haplotree could change reflecting those new discoveries. Save up for a holiday offering later this year.
Like Stanley Waryck likes this
Mark Elliott
September 5 @ 2:16pm
Stanley, sounds Polish like Elliott, may consider; https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wadrzyk https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wawrzyk https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wawryk https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Stanley Family is from Cracow; https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Elliott
Like Stanley Waryck likes this
Stanley Waryck
September 8 @ 7:33pm
@Mark Elliot true Stanley seems Polish, family history says that the surname should be spelled Warych and there about a thousand with such surname in Poland. Found some evidence that my ggrandfather came from Zdunek in Masovia. Still trying to determine if that is true, its hard finding information as it appears many of the records from this area were destroyed between the partitions and two world wars.
Like David Dzivi likes this
September 7 @ 7:25pm
T. Steven Monkevich, is this the one you had reference to? “Ok, was Maria not Stephanie born 1895 in Zahoczewie Nowosiolka Poland. Of course the record perhaps reads Bernasiewicz so that may be an issue as well. ” Need all the help I can get. Monkevich, am finding likely is a Belarus name. (Russia, US, then Ukraine). https://forebears.io/surnames/monkevich The ‘Barna’ (Brown) name of Poland, is Hungarian in origins.
T. Steven Monkevich
September 8 @ 5:35am
OK 1896. My mom’s mother was born a Barnasevitch. Was just wondering what you have seen in your studies regarding similar Barna- names in lower Poland and surrounding.
T. Steven Monkevich
September 8 @ 5:50am
Ok, this is the area they generally came from and they meaning Barnasevitch identified as being “Ukrainian”. Our Monkevich came from Lithuania. I have most of those noble records stored. That’s the only record I could find above with similar names, the other dates are not available for the Nowosiolka area. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowosi%C3%B3%C5%82ki,_Podkarpackie_Voivodeship
Mark Elliott
September 8 @ 8:31am
Have some Hungarian, Barna DNA. ‘Barna’, is ‘Brown’ in Hungarian, and ‘Braun’, in German. Where is that Hungarian, László Varsányi, when you need him? So, Barnasevitch, could reference the color ‘brown’-‘sevitch’. Question is what does ‘sevitch’ mean. Family from Galicia-Spis- Kraków, region, now Poland- some Slovakia. East part Ukraine, west part Poland. Likely if Ukrainian-Polish, of Galicia http://www.jewish-guide.pl/galicia/history-of-galicia
September 4 @ 7:31pm
Citation Information Transcript Stephanus born on 29 May 1857 House #42, Birth of Stephanus Barna, son of Michael Barna, son of Thomas Barna, rusticus and Anna Kowalak, rusticus in Czyrcz; and Maria Chomiak, daughter of Elias Chomiak, rusticus from Milik, and Theodosia Pytel from Szczawnik, on 29 May 1857, with baptism on 30 May 1857. Detail Book of Births (1784-1889), Leluchów 1857 (May) #858c Source Information Title St. Joseph’s Church Archives – Muszyna, Poland, Liber Copulatorium (1785-1888); Natorum (1784-1889); et Mortuorium (1784-1875), graeco-catholic unit, Leluchoviensium, T.I Repository Information Detail Source Citation for St. Joseph’s Church Archives – Muszyna, Poland, Liber Copulatorium (1785-1888); Natorum (1784-1889); et Mortuorium (1784-1875), graeco-catholic unit, Leluchoviensium, T.I Other information son of Thomas Barna, rusticus and Anna Kowalak, rusticus in Czyrcz; and Maria Chomiak, daughter of Elias Chomiak, rusticus from Milik, and Theodosia Pytel from Szczawnik, on 29 May 1857, with baptism on 30 May 1857 provided by Sven Pavlik 5th–8th Cousin Shared DNA: 11 cM across 1 segment
Mark Elliott
September 5 @ 3:37pm
“I downloaded every page of the church records of leluchow, and read through every one the best I could, then clipped the images for the people i found on my tree and put them there.. it was tedious!” Svea Pavik link; https://www.szukajwarchiwach.pl
T. Steven Monkevich
September 7 @ 9:26am
Mark I’m looking for a group of records with similar surname Barnasiewicz or similar from area Nowosiolka Poland. My Great Grandfather was John Barnasiewicz. His Father was always listed as Michael or Thomas on Church documents but I have yet to find his actual birth record as those records from the Greek Catholic Church in that area are missing. That land area is pretty close I believe to where you are searching ? I found the birth of one daughter named Stephanie that I can remember of course that was a long time ago. I’ll see if I can find it in my mess. Maybe there is a link to your search but maybe not. He (John) ended up in Beaver Brooke Pennsylvania working in the coal mines. I think he was born in 1882 in Nowosiolka and served in the Austrian Army before coming to the U.S. I’ve unfortunately forgotten how I originally found those records and will have to go backwards in order to remember the general search parameters.
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T. Steven Monkevich
September 7 @ 9:48am
Ok, was Maria not Stephanie born 1895 in Zahoczewie Nowosiolka Poland. Of course the record perhaps reads Bernasiewicz so that may be an issue as well. https://szukajwarchiwach.pl/60/531/0/-/1/str/1/1/15#tabSkany (Image #12)
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September 6 @ 2:13pm
Ray Kuta R-FT41761 Look as though you are from my neck of the woods. About 65km (40miles) west of Kraków, and NNE of Nowy Sacz. Looks like Galicia, Poland where great granddad Stephan Barna was born. Looks like that is where in Poland the Kuta are from; https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Kuta https://forebears.io/surnames?q=Kuta https://www.google.com/maps/place/33-100+Tarnow,+Poland/@50.0261227,20.906866,12z/ R1a-Y1392 and subclades – familytreedna.com 177693, Mateusz Janik, b.1655, Poland, R-Y35240, 13, 25, 16, 10, 11-14, 12, 12 … MI49895, Lukyan Veklich, 1903 – 1943, Unknown Origin, R-FT41810, 13, 25 .. Janik likely Polish. https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Janik Veklich likely Ukrainian. https://forebears.io/surnames/veklich Above migration shows likely from Ukraine. Looks like they got caught in the eastern Ukrainian half of Galicia-Austria of the old Hungarian Empire. A major brick wall am trying to cross. All your near downstream SNP seem to be just across the the Polish border in Ukraine. Like to get some response from over there. A past colleague from Ukraine, but they do not seem to do any speaking these days, what I call a brick wall which needs crossing.
September 5 @ 9:39am
Hi My name is Maciej Hryniewicz I have DNA R-1a BY27373 Is there anyone who has the same DNA?
Mark Elliott
September 5 @ 11:13am
370784 Anthony Ritter 1730-1789 R-BY27373 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/R1a-L1280Project?iframe=ycolorized 444803 Mixa Jiri Mixa (Miksa) 1590-1640 Sousedovice, Cz R-BY27373 https://www.familytreedna.com/public/mayflowersociety?iframe=ycolorized https://www.mycuz.us/wiki/Slavic+DNA Kosak R1a-BY33421 (BigY) R1a-BY27373 (yFull) Anton Košak, b1830 Gabrovka, Zagradec, Ivančna Gorica, Slovenia Haplo R1a BY33421 Kosak yFull Apr2018 Feb2018 Z280 -> CTS1211 -> Y35 -> CTS3402 -> Y2613 -> Y2609 -> Y2608 -> BY27373 yFull has not added new terminal BY33421 below branch BY27373 that FTDNA has. yFull entry here here from VCF file submission before BAM available and does not depict BY27373 that the current tree does. Anthony Ritter 1730-1789 Unknown Origin R-BY27373 https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/public/volga-germans/default.aspx?section=yresults https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ritter https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Ritter https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Hryniewicz https://forebears.io/surnames/hryniewicz https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Ko%C5%82ak https://forebears.io/surnames/Ko%C5%82ak https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/Mixa/hustota/ https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Mixa https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/Miksa/hustota/ https://www.kdejsme.cz/prijmeni/Ritter/hustota/ https://s.meyersgaz.org/search?search=Ritter
Like Maciej Hryniewicz likes this
Mark Elliott
September 6 @ 8:44am
Like Maciej Hryniewicz likes this
Maciej Hryniewicz
September 6 @ 1:22pm
Thank very much
September 6 @ 12:58pm
My yDNA Haplogroup was updated in May to R-FT41761. Besides myself, their is one more person who took the Big-Y and both of us show ancestry in Poland. Was hoping that the other person was on this project. The new SNP age is approximately 250 to 800 yrs old. SNP Tracker shows SNP location in Southeast Poland and my father’s side came from Tarnow, Poland.
September 6 @ 12:56pm
My yDNA Haplogroup was updated in May to R-FT41761. Besides myself, their is one more person who took the Big-Y and both of us show ancestry in Poland. Was hoping that the other person was on this project. The new SNP age is approximately 250 to 800 yrs old. SNP Tracker shows SNP location in Southeast Poland and my father’s side came from Tarnow, Poland.
September 6 @ 12:22pm
Wolf (ancestor to dog) migration, besides man they eat elk (moose). https://g8fip1kplyr33r3krz5b97d1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/German-wolves.gif Wolf is a popular surname; https://forebears.io/surnames/wolf Especially in Germany; https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Wolf And Wolf is used in Poland https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wolf wolf is Wilk in Polish https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wilk (note numbers near Krakow) Lets here it for the elk (moose) in Polish Łoś https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/%C5%81o%C5%9B (note numbers near Krakow) Showing migratory evolution of the surname Wilk to Wilken https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Wilk,1890:Wilken In UK Wiken becomes Wilkenson. Some people like the Ewald/Elwald likely like the wolf and some nations of the American Indian hunting buffalo, likely migrated with the food they ate. https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html My ancestors may have migrated into the Berlin region from Poland the last time the elk (moose) were in the region, because the likely hunted the elk (moose). The chased down cows on the Scottish-English borders, not likely the wild ones near Chillingham, those like the ones from Angus Scotland would be likely to difficult to heard. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Chillingham,+Alnwick+NE66+5NP,+UK/
September 5 @ 12:32pm
https://named.publicprofiler.org/ https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Laren Elizabeth Mclaren August 31 @ 4:48pm “Dude, are you ok? This is very confusing…” Mac ‘son of’, MacLaren, the son of a Polish name Laren. Poland has a lot of Catholic, my Barna line was Greek Catholic, the English; ‘Brown’, is the German; ‘Braun’, is the Hungarian; ‘Barna’. Have auto-somal DNA in Hungaria also. The surname ‘Barna’ was likely adopted when Galicia, now of southeast Poland, and western Ukraine of the Austria-Hungarian nation in the Hungarian Empire of Galicia. The name ‘Mclaren/McLaren is an evolved names, and show not Gaelic origins like Donald Trump’s ‘red-haired’ mother a MacLeod, which was also Scottish Gaelic speaking. Am neither Scotish or English, my many great a Dand (Andrew) Ellot (Elliott) was banished from both kingdoms in 1607. Though I voted McGovern in 1972, the family of border reivers, which lived on the Scottish side of the borders of the Scottish Middle Marches, where we were self-governing where the Armstrong, Nixon, Elliott, and Crozier. The first to step on the moon was an Armstrong, and over a half century ago he spoke from the moon to a Nixon, about peace on the earth. Am of this family but of County Fermanagh where the ‘Mac-‘ Catholic, became ‘Mc-‘ Presbyterian, and came from the cities of (London)Derry, and Belfast, and made a battlefield called ‘The Troubles’ out of a border in Ireland. The border people exiled to Ireland, married the Irish, fought as Hamiltonian Anglican Royalists on the side of the Irish, and as Cromwellian POW ‘slaves’, worked the Plantation, and married into the black population which came from Africa as a replacement. Elliott soldiered the Hermitage Castle, and supported French Catholic Mary Queen of Scots. The Hermitage Castle was the estate of her third husband Boswell. Her son was stolen from her by the Presbyterian Scots, then she was beheaded by Protestant, Queen Elizabeth I (Elizabeth II is now queen). These families of farm people migrated to Germany which no longer has a border, https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3547735?dpr=2&fit=max&h=408&w=590 when they can be safe from the Mc-/Mac- of the nearby cities bringing their battlefield to the County Fermanagh border the EU/Brexit border which now made they say because of Polish migrants in to England. The Poles have been migrating to England since the Anglo-Saxons. Not Scots or English since my mtDNA, Y-DNA, and auto-somal DNA seems to be in Poland. I’m Polish. https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1996:Maguire,1996:Johnston,1996:Armstrong,1996:McManus,1996:Elliott Gorrenberry Mag-Uidhir McGruire Maguire Fermanagh Ulster… https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3259687?dpr=2&fit=max&h=521&w=590 Note; the MacManus (Catholic Latin ‘manus’; means ‘hands’) of Dublin became McManus of County Fermanagh likely Anglican Hamiltonian Royalists like my Ellot of Tullykelter, County Fermanagh, Ulster, Plantation; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tullykelter_Castle Elizabeth Mclaren, Though the DNA Guide Team does not carry the Y-DNA, they are excellent on the types of auto-somal DNA, and make it quite understandable. https://www.rootstech.org/video/you-can-do-dna?lang=eng Though I taught special ed students, math, also taught at Window Rock High School, Fort Defiance, on the Arizona side of the New Mexico, Arizona border, in year 2000, most the class where young ladies, but they where not from an Anglo Y-DNA oriented society, their Navajo Clan-ships went mtDNA. Can unknowingly to some be quite confusing especially to Anglo-ladies supporting the Y-DNA lineage, and the ‘status quo’ through falsified genealogy, and genetics, which is the science of Hitler’s ‘superior race’.
September 4 @ 10:16pm
click right to enlarge in new tab Kuklinski (Poland) https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Kukli%C5%84ski Rowedder (Germany) https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Rowedder
August 30 @ 9:31am
Living DNA feels has a strong UK influence in their divisions, but basically shows Ireland in which mom’s mom a Ryan then mother a Murphy, Irish names then Smith crossing likely from the Irish Gaelic into the English, as crossing from Ireland in descendant into England with the mtDNA of H27a then through East Angia though north Germany, north Poland onto Finland. Mom’s dad a Stephen (Stefan; Polish, Stephanus; Galicia Greek Catholic), but the DNA is showing like I felt the biggest brick wall this Y-DNA descendant of Clementis Hobs ie Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott, has to try to get through ca1540. Though over a half century ago a Nixon talked to and Armstrong on the moon about ‘peace on earth’ . During “The Troubles” in Ireland we moved to Germany; https://d3tije9h5o4l4c.cloudfront.net/social-photos/3547747?dpr=2&fit=max&h=408&w=590 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clan_Elliot Have 29th chief in Redheugh of region family of Middle March, Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier are from; https://gorrenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Reiver-Trail-Magaret-Eliott-chief.mp4 Were on the side of Catholic Queen Marie of Scotland guarding The Hermitage Castle, but exiled to Ireland. Most people silence me but the UK and the EU have a border wrapped around us in County Fermanagh, Ireland. The Presbyterian ‘Mc-‘ fight their old Catholic ‘Mac- ‘ used this region of Irish and Border Exiled as a battle ground. Borders make for battle lines even today. Still trying to exile us as they did in creating the UK flying their flag the Union Jack, similar. James VI of Scotland becoming James I of England took the English army and exiled and killed us of. Hitler lost his war, what would happen if he won it? https://www.historyireland.com/early-modern-history-1500-1700/sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-england-the-riding-clans-in-ulster-by-robert-bell/ Would have short bits of Jewish history like given which people would refuse to read thinking what Hitler gave them is the truth about the Jews. DON’T GET TO CHOOSE THE ANCESTORS. ARE BORN WITH THEM IN THE DNA.
Elizabeth Mclaren
August 31 @ 4:48pm
Dude, are you ok? This is very confusing…
Like Stanley Waryck and Wilhelm Gadow like this
August 31 @ 10:43am
click right to receive enlarged image in new tab Though traveling back in time from the Four Corners where the states of Arizona, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico (New Mexico, USA would not allow Texas, ‘a whole other country’ to incorporate them) come together in four corners the Colorado corner is Ute, the others Navajo, to southern Poland. There has most likely been what folks call a mutation of the R-U106. S18632 (U106>Z2265>BY30097>S18632) Mark Stephen Elliott Kit No. 101829 S12025 (U106>Z2265>BY30097>S12025) Those elk (moose) traveling from Poland towards to Berlin ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’, figure for them to go back to the same locality there must be those with ‘Y’ and without ‘Y’, for the bull (headed one) and the cow to produce a calf.
David Dzivi
August 31 @ 2:21pm
What Is it you’re trying to convey? Your posts have been increasingly difficult to comprehend.
Like Beirne Konarski likes this
August 30 @ 12:42pm
Eugeniusz Wysmołek, Będąc prawdopodobnie z północy Krakowa, naprawdę doceniam twoją odpowiedź. https://forebears.io/surnames/wysmo%C5%82ek https://forebears.io/surnames/(tu nazwisko) https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Wysmo%C5%82ek https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/(tu nazwisko) Mógłbym też mieć w sobie trochę polskiego mtDNA. https://elwald.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Haplogroup-H27a-Nicolaus-Copernicus.jpg Proszę nie mów nikomu. Przykład; https://forebears.io/surnames/Martyka https://nazwiska-polskie.pl/Martyka
August 24 @ 9:31am
An example of the use of auto-somal along with documentation DNA.
Mark Elliott
August 28 @ 8:10pm
Though it seems my line of Barna, mom’s maiden name is Polish the name Barna is Hungarian for Brown, and I like brown hats.
August 28 @ 7:54pm
click right to open enlarged image in new tab
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August 25 @ 6:37am
I am noticed that some PLE14, persons there are not regrouped under PLE07, especially #B259139, #B300524, #N13230. See https://www.yfull.com/tree/I-PLE07/ and https://www.familytreedna.com/public/y-dna-haplotree/I;name=I-PLE07
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Mark Elliott
August 28 @ 3:14pm
It should be noted, in the software sometimes it is better to be grouped in an upstream SNP these PLE14 should then be able to re cluster themselves when color is utilized within their own grouping.
August 28 @ 3:11pm
Was displayed is for his wife Maria. Mechanics. How can the husband by full cousins and the wife half cousins? Are not the children the product of both their mother and father? In the mechanics of doing genealogy, which one is to I go by to find family? Compared another half relation, and guess Ancestry is taking out the (half). So as the genetics is concerned the (half) relation is taken to be the correct one. Łącko, Poland is a place name. https://www.google.com/maps/place/33-390+%C5%81%C4%85cko,+Poland/@49.5240611,20.2959742,10.25z/
August 24 @ 12:48pm
https://nvk.genealogy.net/map/1890:Ewald click right to enlarge in new tab. With Rb-U106 know that the Ra may be wondering to I belong in group. Well I had this crazy idea, that many years in the past my ancestors along with the wolf ate elk (moose), and were known as elk of the forest. Where the elk (moose) and wolf are returning felt that is where my Y-DNA came from. Later on we instead of elk (moose) we chased down cows in the borderlands between Scotland and England. The elk (moose) are entering Germany from Poland; https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/wild-elks-return-to-germany-a-853581.html Figured there are bull and cow elk (moose) for reproducing, so figured if I trace my R-U106 back in time would likely end up in the region where mom’s dad a Barna came from. This is on the Polish-Slovakian border basically where Galicia of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire once was. Surname distribution which could be a Polish-Slovakian (Loš) name for elk (moose) seems to be from the region. https://forebears.io/surnames/lo%C5%A1 Maybe family relations base on the irrational term of ‘love’ may have some rationality.
August 24 @ 9:30am
An example of the use of auto-somal along with documentation DNA.
Jordi Mestres
August 24 @ 9:09am
Dear All, just in case the person in question sees this post in this group, I’m still looking for the man from Poland whose Y-DNA belongs to haplogroup R1a-KMS45, a branch down from Z2123>Y934>Y7094>Y5992. Thanks!
August 24 @ 12:46am
An example of the use of auto-somal along with documentation DNA. Record of birth in Poland (Galicia, Austrian-Hungarian) on 29 May 1857, of the birth of great grandfather English; Stephan, Polish; Stefan, and Greek Catholic Latin Stephanus Barna, which passes his name Stephen to son Stephan Peter Barna, of Boonton, Morris County, New Jersey, which passes it to me for my middle name making it, Mark Stephen Elliott.
August 23 @ 9:59pm
The auto-somal, and my Y-DNA seems to be of the border region between Poland, and Slovakia. Sort of like the Elliot having been of the border region between Scotland and England. N59802 George Ferleyko (Yurko Ferleijko), 1867-1946 Ukraine R-FGC35805 There was a Galicia, Austria, of the Hungarian empire in the nineteenth century, which is now in southeast Poland, and western Ukraine. When the nation split may be that is when the R-FGC35805 family were split by a border.
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August 23 @ 8:43pm
click right to enlarge in new tab. The genealogy is of Anna (Barna) Kromka in 1965 about three years before she died, she was my grandfather’s Peter Stephen Barna of Kežmarok, Slovakia, sister. Would like to know how to obtain this resource in digital image; There is some question on date of birth. Transcript Stephanus (Stephen) Barna b. 29 May 1857 Leluchów, Malopolskie, Poland House #42, Birth of Stephanus Barna, son of Michael Barna, son of Thomas Barna, rusticus and Anna Kowalak, rusticus in Czyrcz; and Maria Chomiak, daughter of Elias Chomiak, rusticus from Milik, and Theodosia Pytel from Szczawnik, on 29 May 1857, with baptism on 30 May 1857. Translation; House # 42, Birth of Stephanus Barna, son of Michael Barna, son of Thomas Barna, rural, and Anna Kowalak, in rural Czyrcz; and Maria Chomiak, daughter of Elias Chomiak, from rural Milik, and Theodosia Pytel from Szczawnik, on May 29, 1857, with baptism on May 30, 1857. Leluchów, Malopolskie, Poland is just on the border but they moved to Slovakia, and came to the US from there.
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The book of Scots-Irish family names – FamilySearch
You Can Do DNA – Christi Lynn Jacobsen, Dana Leeds, Diahan Southard