A Hawick Word Book by Douglas Scott PDF




 Brigham DNA Gorrenberry google images



Robert Elwald 1484 receiving Redheugh-Larriston land from ‘Bell the…

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the …

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; : Armstrong, James Lewis

..the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell,History Ireland

Ellots of Redheugh

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the … – Robert Bruce Armstrong – Google Books

In Pennsylvania, Catholics hold a majority in the US Government, as State based on the concept of religious freedoms. In Des Moines, Iowa that Catholics south of Grand on the east side of 42nd Street, park in the parking lot of the Quakers on the west side. Though Charles II became Catholic on his death bed, my brother married to a Doyle refused to. Wife’s family were Catholic, she was raised Methodist. My family as Anglican fought against Cromwell on the side of the Catholics. The Catholics and Anglicans intermarried in Co Fermanagh, Ireland, but urbanized Catholics and Presbyterians, which I refer to as the Mc-Mac have brought their battlefield to the Irish Border and could very easily do so in the future. Am of the Middle March Clans, Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier, we were the ones which stood up for Queen Marie Stuart, The Queen of Scots, who was behead by Elizabeth I to keep England Protestant, plus her child James was taken by the Scottish Protestants which may make the EU-UK border another battlefield. Of the Border Reiver Pagans who are after extermination off the English-Scottish Border or exiled to Maguire-Fermanagh Co, Ireland though wants peace it still can become a UK battlefield.

Could the Catholic Church ask Rev William Nolan Archbishop of Glasgow, to extend his curse upon use Reivers of the Middle March, they Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon, and Crozier (the staff St. Patrick used to chase snakes out of Ireland). Since President Richard M. Nixon (raised Quaker), was noted to be the biggest liar, I am trying to top him since he pulled the troops out of Vietnam and opened trade to China, and many other things towards peace. It would be with great honor if I can top him among the Catholics of today as being a greater liar. May be as quarter of the world listen when Nixon talk to an Amstrong on the moon about peace on earth, maybe instead of calling us liars, they may want to believe in the Armstrong, Elliott, Nixon and Crozier, which support peace on the border, a on the border which they intermarried the Catholics, the EU-UK border. Sincerely, Mark Stephen Elliott

DNA Migrates With Language

Share some DNA with this crazy guy, which flew a kite in a rain storm to catch lightining in a jar. They named the State of Franklin after him. Became Washington County, TN, were wife with middle name Roberta is from. Guess those East Tennessee people must like the name Roberta.

Feel likely related to this John Hammer from from there. Not granddad Mark (no middle name) Elliott, his son my father Loren Spencer Elliott said he rejected the name on his birth certificate. Do not want to offend someone who worked with Family Tree, so will not disclose that name.

State of Franklin Era Documents Haws, Jacob vs. John Hammer


Rich Rucker, Clan Armstrong DNA, Question

MAY 9, 2022
5 Things You Should Know Before Buying FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA)
If you want to investigate your family tree DNA,

DNA tests can have life-altering consequences, say consumers
By Sydnee Gonzalez -January 14, 2020

Steve Wozniak i ja dzielimy niespełna rok różnicy wieku, ale urodziłem się dekadę przed nim. Steve pochodzi z Berkeley, a ja z Uniwersytetu Wyoming. Norweski przyjaciel z Uniwersytetu Wyoming, po tym, jak jego ojciec obserwował protesty przeciwko wojnie w Wietnamie w Berkeley, uznał, że Wyoming jest na lepsze.

Sam ukończyłem inżynierię górniczą w grudniu 1972 roku na Uniwersytecie Utah, gdzie znajduje się Biblioteka Historii Rodziny, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Steve to prawdopodobnie Steven, moje drugie imię to Stephen of Stephan, inżynier, który lubi grać. Niektóre z moich hobby to komputery i genealogia, które mogę studiować w genetyce biologicznej, jeśli jest matematycznie analityczna.

Mówiąc to po polsku, bo Steve Wozniak jest Polakiem.

Dla Steve’a i dla mnie nie ma znaczenia, jakiego języka polskiego lub angielskiego używam, ponieważ przekazują analityczne aspekty uczenia się.
Ci, którzy uciszają dzielenie się informacjami, uciszają tych, którzy dzielą się informacjami rodzinnymi, tak jak naukowcy dzielą się informacjami, aby zdobyć wiedzę.

Rosjanie lub ktokolwiek inny, zwłaszcza Brazylijczycy mówiący po portugalsku, kiedy przechodzą na inny język, taki jak angielski, są genealogami genetycznymi.

Bill (William) Gates umieścił Microsoft BASIC w komputerze Altair 8800 zbudowanym w Albuquerque w Nowym Meksyku, USA, a Steve jako inżynier, jako hobby mógłby umieścić go na ekranie telewizora. Nigdy więcej kart dziurkowanych.

Nie możesz powstrzymać ludzi przed dzieleniem się informacjami o swoich rodzinach i znajdowaniem historii rodzinnych z innymi, nie możesz też powstrzymać ludzi od dzielenia się nauką w celu poprawy życia rodzinnego.

Z poważaniem, Mark Stephen Elliott


Who is going believe that a person born in the forties, of Border Reiving descent owns and operates a dot com? My actions as one time a behavioral scientist was meant to do that. Was able to sort out the admins.  THE FAMILY KNOWS BEST, is how genealogy is done. The first person to put their foot on the moon, was and Armstrong an engineer, then towards the end of the American moon landings, a geologist of Harvard from New Mexico, with a middle name the same as my mothers-in-law’s maiden name core drilled the moon.

With the challenger a social studies teacher was sent into space, with an engineer saying the O-rings were bad.

If an FTDNA admin has kicked someone off their blog then I am saying having worked as a second generation engineer ‘Your O-rings are bad’.

Changed the model. Own and operate three dot coms. Utilize behavioral separation. The scientists-mathematicians-geneticists-genealogists, by their behavior of being seekers and searchers, the top ones have already done so, will go to Microsoft Bing, (that young man Bill Gates started Microsoft in New Mexico, can’t understand why he moved to Seattle).  Knew silences do not check what is a necessary for proper science and genealogy, that is documentation.

That is the worst situation a engineer can be in, especially having a standard of studies in ‘strenghs and materials’.

Since people without base principals like sig figs, are trying to superimpose their concepts on people as the judges of the Salem Witch Trials, and Senator McCarthy in ‘blacklisting’ Jewish authors as being ‘communists’, feel these immigrants which came to American after the Apache and Navajo, and my relative on the Mayflower, for us it is standard. Freedom of speech and religion.

The best way for a deception is to be as accurate as an engineer, and have people think you are a liar.


Mark Stephen Elliott

Do not have acess to SEYDN FTDNA 101829 my own data through FTDNA so am obtaining it elsewhere.




The Cowie is originally from Germany.

The Cowie’s DNA indicates Germany;

The cowie is a stag, of the forest, and surname ends with the suffix “wald” which means;


As one can see wald means forest where the cowie lives.

The Cowie strongly matches a Y-DNA from a forest near Berlin.


U106 explored: its relationships, geography and history
The 2015 report to the U106 group (September update)
Principal investigator: Iain McDonald


This is a region in which a lot of Cowies today are heading back to their ancient homeland;


In the ancient homeland the Cowie made friends with a bear.


In the forest (wald) of Saxony.

The map shows the region of these wald;

Sch- -heide -wald Berlin Germany map

around Berlin.

The Cowie and the Fairbear are friends and the Fair Bear Story included them;

The elk (moose) and bear, are two of the three children, which the third includes the wolf. The elk does not care for the wolf so the elk (Cowie) migrated with Fair Bear.

Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis


The Fair Bear, and the Elk moved up to Denmark, then onto Northumbria;


The Elwald elk of the forest took on the stag head as a symbol at the top of their crest after leaving Germany. In Germany the name Ewald in Northumbria the name Elwald.

German Ewald and Robert Elwald crest comparisons.


Elk-head and antlers stood for the names;

elk head and antlers Elwald Hunters and Foresters hunting-horn

Ælfwald I of Northumbria wiki

sceat of Elfwald

Sceat/coin minted with staghead on the head side, and a full horse on the tail side of the coin ca eight century.

(previous shield to Redheugh elwand on bend shield, used by family names Elwood, Ellwood, Elioth, Ellioth, some Edwards, and the Gorrenberry Elliott)

Elwood from Elwald/Elwold of Elwood living in the region of York.



The Cowie had 12-marker matches with a number of people from Scarborough, N&S Cave, and Gresham, which gave and approximate locality of entering Northumbria near where and at the time the Fair Bear also entered;

Northumbria DNA Danish map

In the migration for Germany to Denmark to Yorkshire to the Borders the name basically evolve from the German  elk(moose) to the Danish elg(moose) and in Yorkshire where there were not any moose the name became elf(elf) then the “f” was dropped an is became a measured piece of land an el/ell (el Edinburgh standard in length similar to an Imperial yard or French metre). Though in those days spelling varied, but this is the conceptual change for the spelling, and the names Elgwald/Elfwald/Elwald referred to king and is a saint with bones buried in Hexam Abbey, Northumberland.

Bjørn Elg Bear Elg

In Norway, you can get away with being called a bear—Bjørn–or even an elk (moose)—Elg.

bear elk rock art

The People of the British Isles Project and Viking settlement in England PDF
Jane Kershaw and Ellen C. Røyrvik


Then the Cowie proceeded towards his home in the region of the Armytage (Hermitage Castle), in the area down the Hermitage of trees called Shawis, and the region north of the castle where there is a hill referred to as Lawis.

Cowie moved up the Hermitage from the Castle to a place just called THE HORN;

Gorrenberry horn fort

Gorrenberry at the Horn

or Gorrenberry.


Cowie had been familiar to Gorrenberry for generations.



The topographical location name Gorrenberry,  like Cowie is of Germanic orgins;

Germanic Toponymicon Southern Scotland Gorrenberry

Nearby Braidley/Broadlee (Anglicized form) is;


When they United both kingdoms of England and Scotland about 1607 they took Gorrenberry away from Cowie, banished him from both kingdoms, and the only place Cowie had left to go was the Ulster Plantation.

Pre Union land Elwald Ellot

Above, and below show the Gorrenberry Elwald/Ellot lands.



It should be noted that the Elwald (elk/moose) did not care for the Loumaine (wolf), though latter on because of the being no elk/moose and bear in Fermanagh the story went that the bear was eating the elk (moose), though some bear do eat elk/moose it is felt most do not. So in Liddesdale it is known that the Loumaine (wolf) ate the Elwald (elk/moose), and the Elwald wanted to do something about it. The Elwald knew that no one knew much about the Elwald (elk/moose), and Fairbairn (bear) in the Liddesdale region because they were still today considered extinct species.

So, they wanted to approach an old Scandinavian god, where Scandinavia still  has bear and elk(moose), so they went to where this god stayed in the valley out of the wind. They went to Thorleehope; the valley in which Thor stayed out of the wind, an old home of the Elwald (elk/moose), across the Liddel from Slaughtree (willow trees), and near where the Martin Elwald/Ellot family would live until it was banished at the time of the Union, at Hueghhouse (house on slope) in this region.

A good friend of the Elwald meant with them who came up from the borders and managed woodlands he was a forester; Forst/Frost/Forster/Forstar/Forest/Forester, and he had good friends from the other side of the border which were hunters (Hunter), and could kill off the Loumaines and send them into extinction. The Elwald (elk/moose), Fairbairn (bear), and Crosar (Crozier; cross bearers to show that the bear and the elk were not followers of Thor) asked the Forstar, woudn’t the Hunter kill them. The Forstar said, “The Hunter thinks Elwald are extinct and will not go after them”.


Wolfs (Loumaine) eat Cowies (Elwald; elk/elg (moose).

So the Elwald thought they could draw the Loumaine into a valley which the Loumaine (wolf) like to be  in, near Wolflee (land acquired by David Hume with John Elwald, and Jacob Crosar, witnessing ca1425)  and nearby Wolfhopelee, in southern Teviotdale, near  Liddesdale where this was successfully done.  After that the Loumaine (wolf) became extinct, and the Elwald hid under another name that of Ellot so the Hunter could not any longer find them. The Hunter could never figure out how the Elwald became Ellot, though the Ellot lived as the Elwald did and the Elliot today do around the Hermitage Castle. So they were then forever safe from the Hunter.

At least the Fair Bear traveled with Cowie.



Fair Bear is part of the unvanquished ;


And Cowie is also hoping to be Unvanquished but for now;

I remain vanquished


Though Cowie misses his Gorrenberry home, Cowie has made a freind in New Mexico, which likes to protect his forest (wald) from fires.

Elk (moose) are rare in New Mexico, USA;
moose in New Mexico

but they are found there.



12/15/2014 MSE

Daniel Elliot of Salem line was at Tullykelter Castle;

Don’t tell anyone “Cowie”, has survived.

9/15/2018 MSE

10/8/2018 MSE



Windy-Edge-Cowie of Gorrenberry


Was Infinis, now it is Muirhall.

Cowie’s man from “La Mancha”

Muirhall Hermitage Castle wind farm


Liddesdale Redheugh Gorrenberry



One can see a William Elwald of Gorrenberry is associated to Walter Scot of Edschaw (Branxholm/Buccleuch), and Rudolph Ker and his brother Walter of Cessford (Duke of Roxburghe -Ker);




As with Mangerton previous to the above when Robert of Redheugh was infeft (received) lands, and that is why no Armistrang-Armstrong in above, Buccleuch (Edschaw/Branxholm) received at the direction of Archibald (Bell the Cat) Douglas the lands of Mangerton, the estate of my family of Gorrenberry was lost to the Buccleuch Scot family, feel this was at the time of The Union of the Crowns, when granddad Dand Ellot (Daniel Elliott in Ulster) was banish from both kingdoms in 1607-8,


Braidley, MacPatrikhope, and the Gorrenberry, Elwald are of the Gorrenberry Estate and lived in the region of the Proposed, Infinis, Windy Edge wind farm, the Braidlie proportion which is still being proposed.






Proposed Braidlie Array;


One should note; Though the page is changed, the plan turbines are still for the region Martin Ellot/Elwood; acting Elwald/Ellot/Elliot clan chief of the Redheugh family lived as a tenant on Bothwell land in what was reference in 1376   Robert Bruce Armstrong “History of Liddesdale…” as being of the Foresta of Braidlie and known today as the the region of Braidlie.


5-23-2015 Infinis Windy Edge

Mark S. Elliott     5/24/2015

Recent Map of Braidlie Array



Above map does not seem to show towards west Gorrenberry/Bradlie region.

Gorrenberry Farm, Near Newcastleton, Scottish Borders. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. Report No. 1909.

So with Braidlie Array super imposed;

Gorrenberry Farm Archaeology map

Gorrenberry Farm, Near Newcastleton, Scottish Borders. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment. Report No. 1909.

Information pdf;

MSE   5/27/2015

Alma’s-mom’s; mtDNA H27a 16129A; 16316G; 263G; 315.1C

Proto-Germanic R-U106 haplogroup DNA Elwald-Elliot

5/15/2018 MSE

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